A "Totally Accurate" Hat Tier List | Casual's Guide to Tarkov

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all right this is probably going to be the first tier list that i actually feel like i am qualified to do solely because when making the helmet tier list and the weapon tier list i don't really have the patience nor time to sit down and analyze a bunch of graphs and charts and weapon statistics in order to find out what is technically the best weapon or helmet however i am a person who has spent far too much time within the land of team fortress 2 so i know a damn good cosmetic when i see one to get a few things out of the way i'm not going to go very in-depth for a lot of these i'm just going to say i think they look nice and leave it there because otherwise this video is going to drag on for quite some time and they haven't been very entertaining in the other nine takes i've done of this some hats have color variants and i'm just going to be ranking what is in my opinion the best color variant however there are a few exceptions most notably the one we're going to be starting off with which is the army cap with the ucp color i absolutely despise this hat solely because i hate the universal camouflage pattern so much not only did the united states military spend four to five billion dollars to make said pattern but the only thing universal about it is that it universally sucks at blending in with stuff and it is universally hated by pretty much anyone who has ever worn it adding to that that i don't really like the design of the army cap and you have the perfect definition of a garbage f-tier hat similarly to the army cap we have the emercon hat i don't like the color because it's bright blue and that reminds me of the un helmet so need i say anymore and i don't like the boxy design of the hat so i believe that it is also deserving of f tier basically because i would never pick it up even if i wasn't already wearing something uh and then finishing off f tier we have the deadly skull mask the shattered face mask just makes this completely unnecessary and the shattered face mask offers protection and looks really good whereas this thing doesn't offer any protection and makes you look like an edgy air softer so i feel like f tier is a perfectly fair place for this thing to be all right and then starting up with e-tier these are hats that i mean you might wear if you weren't already wearing something and you just found them but you also just might not wear them uh we're gonna start off with the baseball hat that has the superman logo on it i mean i guess if you're a scav you'd probably wear this but if you're a pmc you already have access to the you second bear baseball hats which are vastly superior in every way so this thing's kind of like oh you're a scav and you found one and you don't have anything on okay you can put that on but otherwise it's just meh uh the army cap once again just not a fan of the shape of the hat it's kind of boring i just don't like it and that's the only explanation as to why it is down here in each ear then we have the ghoul mask this is one of the ugliest freaking things i've ever seen in my entire life and the only reason that it is not f'd here is because when it is on a cultist and they are sprinting at you without making a damn noise it is the most terrifying thing to get jump scared by but since you can't really do that as a pmc and you can't wear a helmet or a headset when you are wearing this thing it's just not at all worth using as a pmc so on cultists eights here on pmcs it is shattering through the floor it it wouldn't even be f2 this thing is like z tier uh then we have the jason mask it's just really unremarkable i i don't have anything else to say about it it's just unremarkable i honestly whenever i name all the cultists headgears of the halloween headgears i keep forgetting this one's in the game and i think that says all it needs to in that you just really don't think about this one much it doesn't leave much of an impression uh then the respirator if i'm being honest it doesn't look that great it's not bad but it's not great and i would never use this over literally any other type of face covering a half mask or a ball clava is better than this thing and then um finishing up each here we have every single one of these sunglasses the existence of another four pair of goggles and glasses makes all of these completely obsolete many of you already know which ones i'm talking about but i'm gonna leave it ambiguous for the sake of i don't know viewer retention or something like that but yeah also the twitch rivals one they're stupidly expensive on the flea market you would never wear them they're just a collector's item to say you have a pair otherwise nobody would ever use them so that's why they're all in e-tier coming up to d-tier we have the this one's a little controversial probably but the ball clava if i'm being honest the only reason it is in d-tier is because there are options that are just better that are at higher tiers and for the sake of them falling down into each of their natural places this is been put in deter however if you were just to wear it i would consider it a c or b tier item because when it's all you got it looks pretty decent with pretty much anything so yeah deter solely for the sake of other items being just better than it but on its own c or b tier i think is a very fair place for that to be uh the boss cap this thing is worn by the scariest bastard in tarkov in my opinion taguila is absolutely terrifying just to hear running at you especially if you are not at all equipped to kill him but um i would never wear this at all i i think the only reason anyone has ever worn this cap is because it's the only one that fits with tagula's mask other than that it's literally just a backwards ball cap and i'm not a huge fan of that um so yeah i just think it's pretty unremarkable and if it wasn't for the fact that you could wear it with a tequila mask it would be completely unused and irrelevant uh then we have the bushwookie hat um the problem with it is is that it doesn't match the color of like the bird cut and all the other green stuff in tarkov it's kind of like a hay bale uh greenish tan and the problem with that is it's not very aesthetically pleasing which is the whole point of this tier list but also you can't wear a headset with it so practicality is meh and aesthetics is also pretty meh uh once they add full body gillies then ghillie suits then yeah i can see this being brought up a little bit but as of now it is d tier uh the twitch rebels half mask once again it's just a collector's item i'm not a fan of a bright purple mask on my face uh i don't think it looks very good so d tier then we have the gp5 mask this thing is pretty spooky looking in some scenarios but if i'm being honest in the daylight you look like an elephant with a giant trunk dangling in front of you and also that filter is asbestos so i don't know if you're using one of these gas masks you are choosing between a slow and painful death at the hands of whatever chemical gas you are preventing yourself from inhaling versus a slow and painful death from asbestos-related diseases way down the road so either way you're still gonna die from something killing your lungs so yeah probably not with this one all right seat here the stuff that is perfectly fine um we're gonna put the regular beanie the cotton beanie and the half mask in this tier solely because i think the cotton beanie and the regular beanie they look pretty similar there's not too huge of a difference between the two so i think putting them in the same tier is fair and when you wear those with a half mask you can kind of get a pseudo face covering it does look very good as a scav or as a pmc and i like it a lot so i think it is perfectly fine to put all three of these in c tier and then we have the bandana i'm gonna be completely honest when it is all alone and is the only cosmetic you are putting on it is perhaps one of the ugliest cosmetic items in the game however when you put on the aviators and the mustache and you put one of these things on damn it you look like an american gi in vietnam and you look really really cool um maybe if they added face paint i could rank this one higher but because it completely relies on the aviator mustache combo which from now on i'm just going to reply or i'm just going to refer to as the aviator combo um it's not that great so i think because it's completely carried by that i think ct is a good place to put it then we have the flaming mask it's really just a slightly different half mask i think they are very similar um i prefer the half mask a little bit more but this one can also look pretty decent with a lot of different cosmetics so i think c-tier's fine and the police cap is just a slightly better colored uh hat it's not quite as good as the yousek and bear hats but you know it it it looks alright so seatier and this next one might be a little controversial i'm gonna have to put the cowboy hat and seat here solely because we do not have any revolvers in tarkavia once we have a revolver and escape from tarkov i'm going to slap this thing on and sprint around the northern screen trying to take out as many people i can with the big iron on my hip until then we're gonna leave it at sea it's got potential to be skyrocketing through ester but for now it doesn't fit with anything and it doesn't look that great so c tier is where it shall reside for the time being all right moving into the land of beats here the lux pro i believe is what it is called the green beanie whatever and the fleece beanie as well as any of the bearer you sec baseball hats they are very very nice when you wear these as well as like comm tacks or m32s you start to look like the guys from the raid episodes and those guys look very very nice so because of that and because they don't need the aviator mustache combo i'm gonna put them in beats here and when you do put the aviator mustache combo they go even higher probably up to eight here but on their own i think they stand at a very nice and solid uh beats here uh the panama hat when coupled with the aviator combo and the press vest is the quintessential uniform of any tarkov geographic cameraman and for that reason we're just gonna we're gonna put it at a nice solid beats here then we have the uh the bush ewok hat this is gonna be higher than the other ghillie suit hat solely because you can actually wear a headset with this and it actually matches up with the colors of all the other green stuff in escape from tarkov so it just looks so much better when you are rocking a full green loadout with this thing on it's one of my favorite hats to use when i'm just not using a helmet the beret i think is i think it's slightly better than the bandana hat however i think it is also kind of carried by the aviator mustache combo but it's better than the uh the bandana is so so yeah i think it's a very solid beats here and if you wear a green one of these i feel like you have kind of a historical obligation to sabotage some of your own magazines with bad ammo or ammo that doesn't fit in your gun that way if anyone ever tries to pick up and use those magazines they get hosed um but yeah historical uh references aside i think that um the beret is a nice solid beat here then we have the anti-fragmentation goggles these just look really good when you're doing sets with helmets they look better than a lot of glasses in my opinion when you are using a helmet but if you're not using a helmet then they they can look pretty goofy and then we're just going to speed through these face covers the momex it just looks better than the half mask and the beanie and it's also better than the bulk lava so beats here uh the smoke i prefer the momex over the smoke i don't like the little plasticky bit in the front right there but it vendors for a lot so i brought it up a little twitch rivals mask it's literally just a cold fear but with twitch rivals on it collector's item i don't really like it that much then we have the shroud half mask which is literally just a direct upgrade to the regular half mask so we're just gonna bump it up a tier and this one never have i seen a bigger split in opinion the gp7 i like a lot i think it's an a to an s tier item but a lot of people in my i all these items were ranked as a democracy in my discord server and when i asked what people thought of this one and i gave my input of an a a lot of people also said a to s but then the other half of them also just went f-tier i guess some people really just don't like the gas masks but because of that huge split i'm just going to put it at b tier but i i do like it a lot i think it works well with a lot of sets all right and then we're just going to get to the face covering so they're kind of boring uh the cold fur infrared it just looks really really nice and i think it looks better than the moments and since the moments was b tier this one naturally falls into eights here and then the two shmegs the green shmeg and the tan schmeger however the heck you pronounce it uh they look really really good when you are completing either a green man slash bush monster set or if you are completing a tan man set they look phenomenal that's like ester but unless you if you are not doing that then they can look very out of place and somewhat goofy which is why i think that they belong in a tier and then the the pom-pom hat i don't know there's just something about this hat that makes everyone like it i don't know why i also just like the hat i can't even describe it's just a feeling man it's just a feeling and it's a nice hat so i think a tier is a very fine place to put it uh then we have what is easily one of the best scav heads you can spawn with the leather cap i like it a lot a lot of people like it a lot and i think when you're going as a pmc i don't think there's too much you can do with this hat that looks good but as a scav if you are wearing this thing then you are wearing a holy grail of a hat my friends so because on pmc's it's not as good i didn't want to put it in this tier but on scabs it is definitely a nest here item so we're just going to leave it into a tier i love using this thing especially if i'm doing a loadout with like one of the quad nod night vision goggles it is so nice to just have that beak protruding outwards in the four eyes it looks really really cool i really really like this thing but i think i don't think it's quite an s so we're just gonna put an a tier phenomenal item um this one might be a bit of a shocker the mustache is an a tier item and the reason it is not asked here is because there is one item that does a better job than the mustache and you will see it very very shortly but you know boosts a lot of sets to make them better um it also does kind of rely on the aviators to really sell it it can look good on its own but i think without the aviators it pitters out a little so i think a tier is fine uh the dead moroes and the santa hats they are just souped up beanies so they belong in a tier in my opinion the condor glasses are gonna be here i don't know what adamantium these things are constructed from that they are able to deflect armor-piercing rounds as they are made of you know very very tiny pieces of plastic but you know space magic so a tier feels justified and then the ray-bans which are the runner-up to the aviators they're very nice looking and they can be subbed out with aviators not all the time but most of the time so i think a tier is a very respectable place to put them starting off as tier we have the ghost ball clava i don't think i need to explain why this thing is asked here it's just a really really nice mask and pretty much any self-proclaimed chad will be using this thing as soon as they can get their hands on it unless they have like a gas mask or a pestly mask or something like that but it's just a really good looking ball claw that's that's all there is to be said then we have the item that is better than the fake mustache and that is the fake white beard i think it's so much better solely because you can use this without the aviators and it will make any cosmetic item look good so bonus points for that but also unfortunately i cannot grow facial hair despite my nordic heritage which hurts quite a lot so i have to strap one of these onto every single one of my pmcs whenever i can to make myself feel slightly better about that um so yeah absolute esteer for you know making me feel less sad about my own inability to grow a beard and for just making every cosmetic item look infinitely better then we have the michael myers mask i'm gonna be honest i hate the look of this thing i was gonna drop it all the way into f-tier but then the absolute genius bien baku showed me the video he did where he and a bunch of his friends use these to disguise themselves as interchange mannequins and just completely bamboozle players and i am a big supporter of that that is beautiful to me automatic s tier i will be putting a link to his video in the description go watch it it is phenomenal and then we have the spirited away mask and the reason i l this is zest here is because when i was stomping through factory using the saiga 12 and i was wearing one of these it really felt like this picture right here and this picture is one of my favorite on the internet it is too beautiful automatic s tier then the bomber beanie which i really do believe should just be a skin for the killer helmet i mean they're basically the same thing but very nice cosmetic um the captain price hat looks phenomenal with pretty much anything this mixed with a fake white beard and aviators or even without the aviators is one of my favorite things to do which is why i'm so sad i'm not finding fake white beards that often anymore oh man is this just a phenomenal cosmetic and i absolutely love it the reason this is an s tier is because of the very hidden stat in the code of the video game that is whenever this is being worn by a scav that is using a toss or an mp133 they automatically increase their accuracy by nine hundred percent as well as their range by twelve hundred percent because holy hell the amount of times i've been head eyes by buck shot by a scav wearing one of these things is way too damn high they are terrifying me and i will bait out my teammates if i see a breekie wearing this and using a shotgun morality be damned my teammate is gonna be the bait and if they die i'm staying the hell away from this scaff uh then we have the slender mask there's not too much to say here other than it looks really funny if you're wearing a tan u-lock as well and it's a very nice addition to the tan man gear set and it's it's a little spooky so i think s tier for spooky is perfectly fair then we have the shattered mask which is just a i don't think i need to explain why this is zest here good protection and it looks decent and it's really cheap um absolute s tier a lot of people recognize it from you know watching the mandalorian but as somebody who grew up with the star wars the clone wars tv series and just being able to dress up as a clone is absolutely awesome and i love that a lot so s tier for myself and for a lot of other people then we have the round frame glasses these look very nice if you are going for a either either your cosplaying as leon the professional or the bad guy from indiana jones and the uh raiders of the lost ark so s tier the aviators don't even need to explain why these things arrest here you all already know and that is why they are asked here and finally we have the welding goggles now when you put these things on alone they look kind of goofy they don't look that great but if you mix these with a ski mask with holes for eyes or a tan shmeg you then look like one of the sand people from star wars and honestly just thinking about getting a group of guys together all dressing up like that and then all taking double barrel shotguns into tarkov and just running at people while screeching like a sand person that's a beautiful thought and for that reason that is an absolute s tier well that'll about do it for all the cosmetic items in tarkov thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of the video that really means a lot to me um let me know if you would be interested in another tier list um like armor or maybe the clothing that ragman offers for your pmc let me know if you guys would like to see that but you know once again thank you so much for watching all the way to the end and i hope you have a good day and i don't have a way to close this video so
Channel: Leviticus
Views: 147,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hTfwMUebmKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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