A Complete Nicktoons Timeline (Nicktoons 101)

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in the beginning there existed nothing but a vast empty void of Darkness then SpongeBob said and the Nick Tunes Universe was created decades later who hold on there that that's not how it happened what kind of documentary is this wait what that's not how it happened no that's not how it happened at all did you guys do any research when making this movie oh no we did I swear I just maybe some streams just got crossed by mistake let's give this another try hang on in a world filled with strife and struggle one kid would be bold enough to rise from the bottom and come out on top reaching highs never thought achievable okay well that's a little better but it's still not how the story went isn't this supposed to be a documentary about how Nick Tunes came to be Nick Tunes documentary I thought this was Spanish class this is why I hate going to the boovies I always end up leaving so disappointed oh well I guess I'll just go home now I mean I guess I could watch that Nickelodean documentary on Hulu that I've been meaning to watch for a few years now but you know what they say if you want something done right you have to do it yourself h Hello everybody and welcome welcome to Dr giraffe Shan's unofficial intro to Nick Tunes 101 course today on our nostalgic walk down memory lane we'll be taking a brief jump through our Nickelodeon textbooks to learn about how one television network skyrocketed to become a massive cultural icon beloved around the world to this very day the only fair warning that I want to give you before we dive into class is that this lesson will be heavily focusing on Nick Tunes specifically not Nick Jr or liveaction nickel Ian shows our story starts out in Cleveland Ohio in December of 1977 with the launch of a new product that would change the way Americans would look at television forever Cube was an experimental two-way multiprogrammed cable television system that was a massive revolutionary advancement in technology and the communications industry as a whole to put it as easily as possible the launch of cube marked the birth of what we now call the cable box this new device would change the inter entainment landscape in a massive way through its invention we would later on down the line see the emerging of pay-per-view special order cable networks and Interactive Services when they first launched out the cube box featured 30 channels including 10 pay-per-view movie channels 10 broadcast channels and 10 local channels the first ever Cube box was actually issued as a test for a few months to the Kesler family of hilard Ohio the family would watch the broadcasts that were meant for a way big bigger audience and their viewing habits would actually influence how cable shows were formatted and constructed before the product went out to the general public the kesler's two children are regarded to be the first product of the cable generation as they were the first kids who consumed TV in a way even remotely similar to how we do nowadays this invention would change the world nowadays everyone detests cable boxes because traditional cable companies charge you an arm and a leg for them each month and of course you can't watch watch TV without them like you used to be able to back then though this was a huge deal now families had 30 channels at their fingertips and with a burning desire to consume TV at an all-time high this was definitely seen as a recipe for Success one of the biggest successes from Cube though would come in the form of Channel C3 which was dubbed as the first ever cable channel intended strictly for preschool-aged kids this network would play one show and one show only from the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and this was an educational children's show called pin wheel pin wheel the show was structured in short segments geared towards the short attention span of preschool-aged kids these segments would consist of educational skits songs and animations however the show was mostly puppet driven the show had been created by Dr Vivien Herer who had earlier in her career as an educator spent time at the Children's television Workshop who you may know as the company behind Sesame Street during the operation of pin wheel on C3 viven would serve as the captain of the ship conceiving an idea that would Skyrocket operations at C3 into something a lot bigger By 1979 she would end up expanding C3 to a national broadcast network and rebranding it completely thus Nickelodeon was born with viven at the helm in a role that wasn't defined as such but essentially akin to president of Nickelodeon pin wheel would continue to run on the network all the way through 1990 past Vivian leaving the company and on top of that her strategy of constructing shows in a way that would appeal to the short attention span of young kids would end up influencing an entire programming block called Nick Jr that would end up premiering in 1988 and eventually would become its own cable network though viven ended up leaving Nickelodeon in 1983 the effect that she had on the work as a whole is one that would change the landscape of Children's Entertainment from that point on unfortunately viven passed away at the age of 88 in 2022 due to complications related to COPD the network would end up paying tribute to her in the form of dedicating an episode of Spongebob Squarepants to her memory back to where we were in the story though on April 1st 1979 which was Vivian's birthday Nickelodeon was officially launched as a cable network originally when the network launched they had programming from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and sometimes to midnight and the network as a whole was completely commercial free this idea ended up coming to be as a result of the network being broadcasted specifically under Warner Cable Warner thought that by having a commercial free children's channel they would get an advantage over Rivals such as HBO which at the time was owned by time life but little did they know time life would eventually merge with Warner to form the company now known as Time Warner regardless of that though Nickelodeon actually struggled a lot at first as you'd imagine in the early 80s they picked up a show called you can't do that on television and it would quickly become their highest rated show this show is also credited with implementing the consistent use of green slime which would become a staple in all things Nickelodeon later on down the line despite the show's success however the network was still a massive Financial loss and ratings really weren't that great as a result it was decided in 1983 that the network would yet again Rebrand itself instead of being portrayed as an early childhood friendly educational Network Nickelodeon looked to Dawn a new persona as one that was more in tune with what kids were interested in instead of educating the network wanted to begin to focus on entertaining by 1984 the network was possibly at its lowest point yet operating at a loss of somewhere between1 to4 million with a lullin programming that resulted in stagnated viewership things hit rock bottom when the network would end up finishing dead last in the ratings report when it stacked up against the other networks who were on air at the time at this point the decision was made to fire those in charge of management at Nickelodeon and new help was brought in to reinvigorate the network this came in the form of Alan Goodman and Fred cybert who were responsible for the iconic style and identifiers used by MTV at the time they would be the ones responsible for starting the domino effect that would build up to the Golden Age of Nickelodeon in October of 1984 they would launch the Rebrand including the new iconic orange logo that would end up being used for 25 years and would become the most popular logo ever used by Nickelodeon the network began promotion as the first kids network due to it being the first American TV network directly aimed at a strictly young audience along with this came with that feeling that it was a network run by kids for kids this Rebrand was a massive hit within 6 months Nickelodeon was dominating the children's cable entertainment space they were seeing a massive success however at this time they weren't actually a 24-hour Network yet during this era it was actually pretty common for networks to share their Channel with other networks at this point the network would see Nickelodeon by day and oddly enough A&E by night however A&E was slated to become its own full-time 24-hour Network in January of 1985 leaving Nickelodeon in kind of a weird position their core audience is definitely not one who's up watching TV in the middle of the night night so they were in a spot where a decision was needed to be made as to what they were going to do with all that extra Network space yet again Alan Goodman and Fred cybert were enlisted to help solve the problem and their answer was more or less a greatest hits Network for the older generation of viewers this idea would culminate in the launch of Nick at night in July of 1985 for the first time Nickelodeon was stepping outside of being just a children's Network and the results were phenomenal they ended up taking off in a massive way and the turnaround was incredible they went from a network that was rapidly going under and not generating nearly any Revenue to one that would see insane profits as it morphed into a 24-hour Network Laden with commercials from there it was nothing but growth and the sky was the limit Warner Cable would end up selling Nickelodeon MTV and VH1 to popular media conglomerate Viacom in 1986 for a whopping $685 million which is a move that would result in even further growth for the network 2 years later in 1988 the network would hold their inaugural Kids Choice Awards and we would also see the launch of Nick Jr both of which were met with a massive success on top of that in 1990 we would see the opening of the iconic Nickelodeon Studios at Universal Studios in Florida this would serve as not only a flagship attraction to visitors at the park but it would also serve as a Production Studio for many of the sitcoms and game shows that they had been making since the early 8s that had helped establish them as a whole familyfriendly network notably double dare guts and of course Legends of the Hidden Temple at this point it seemed like Nickelodeon was on top of the world they were capturing the audience of kids who were getting ready for school with TV in the background every morning starting at 6:00 a.m. then by 9:00 a.m. those kids were all off to school and their preschool-aged siblings would be tuned into to Nick Jr then come 2 p.m. we'd switch back over to the shows geared towards the older kids up until 8:00 p.m. where Nick at night would take full effect all night at this point the network was doing a great job of keeping themselves on family TVs nearly 24 hours a day however there was one massive Market that they were leaving untapped at this point the network was recording a ton of their own liveaction shows which was a very profitable Venture for them they had the studio they had the cameras they had the crews all they needed was a live studio audience and some contestants or actors and they were good to keep basking in the spotlight meanwhile in the animation Department they were relying solely on externally developed cartoons since the Network's Inception we would see Looney Tunes Inspector Gadget Dennis the Menace and so many other syndicated cartoons airing on Nickelodeon over the years but they still had yet to dive into the idea of making their own cartoons for the simple fact that producing an original animation was a very expensive Endeavor in comparison to recording liveaction TV going the direction of hiring animators and the entire slew of creative and Technical f folk that come along with producing a cartoon was something that was seen as very risky to them at the time as is the case with many worthwhile things in life though you're taking just as big of a risk by not taking that chance if Nickelodeon hadn't explored the idea of making original cartoons who knows how long their reign is the number one Children's Network would have lasted their foray into original cartoons would be another big turning point for the network as a whole Nickelodeon would end up taking the plunge and risking it all the network went on the hunt for animators to produce original Nickelodeon cartoons for the very first time then in 1991 we would see the premiere of the three first original Nick Tunes Doug Rugrats and the renan Stimpy show much to the Network's surprise these shows performed very well not only was the risk of spending so much on producing these shows worth the reward it would end up changing the trajectory of the network forever due to the success of their new Nick Tunes lineup the network decided that they needed to capitalize on this energy and expand the niik tun's roster we would see the fourth nict tune Rocko's Modern Life premere in 1993 and it would rise to success rather quickly as fans welcomed the new cast of colorful characters with open arms this would open the door for Nickelodeon to mix up their lineup very vastly first of all they decided to expand their Saturday schedule by a few hours with a prime time lineup that they dubbed Snick it would end up being home to shows such as Clarissa explained at all The Amanda Show and Keenan and Kell later on Snick would morph into a different angle and became more teenager oriented as they would change the name to Teen Nick but that's a story for a different lesson meanwhile The Ren and Stimpy Show and Doug would both end up ceasing production in 1994 and 1995 whereas Rugrats would essentially become the crown jewel of Nick tunes for the time being and continue airing its original run all the way up through 2004 though seeing those shows end their original run was was sad they both would end up getting revived in different ways so it wasn't the end for either of them for Nickelodeon though this was a really cool thing because they were in a position where they were generating so much revenue that they could afford to introduce new shows and everyone had so much faith in them that they were able to consistently make pretty good Returns on nearly every show that they gave the green light to in 1994 they would introduce their fifth original ni tune a real monsters which was made by the same Animation Studio behind rugra this show would also become a big hit and would gain a lot of attention for the network the early 9s were a really interesting and great time for Nickelodeon and the Nick Tunes landscape while their hit shows were taking off they also started a partner with Paramount to produce the iconic Orange vs tapes which would feature compilations from their shows from 1994 through 1998 we would see a wide variety of Nick Tunes join the roster and a few would depart as well in 1996 Rocco's Modern Life Would air its final episode however we would see the premiere of Hey Arnold that year as well as Kabam which was an animated sketch comedy Anthology series then one year later in 1997 all real monsters would air their final episode and we were blessed with the Angry Beavers then we reached 1998 which was a huge year for Nick tunes no Nick Tunes went off of the air that year and we would see the arrival of shows such as cat dog the Wild Thornberries and oh yeah cartoons the wild thorn berries would Mark the third Nick tune made by the same animators who were behind Rugrats meanwhile oh yeah cartoons was a programming block that would be Nickelodeon's response to Cartoon Networks what a cartoon ironically both shows were actually made by Fred cybert and they were known as what's called a cartoon incubator giving new Talent the opportunity to showcase their skills by having their cartoon short shown to the public both of these cartoon incubators were huge for the cartoon industry and they would lead to the birth of many icon iic shows in the future that same year we would also see the premiere of The Rugrats Movie which would gross more than100 million in the United States and become the first non- Disney animated movie to surpass that amount to revenue though this wasn't their first foray into the movie industry at this point it was the first Nick tune to get the spotlight on the big screen which was a big deal it would open the door for other Nick Tunes to get the same treatment later on down the line in 1998 it seemed like the world was there oyster Nickelodeon was on on top of the Children's Entertainment World they had multiple different programming blocks that were widely successful movies on the big screen and they even started a whole new network in the form of Noggin which was a commercial free educational channel for kids aged 6 through 12 that was formed in collaboration with Sesame Workshop not to mention Nickelodeon Studios which was also a huge success despite all of those foray they were still missing out on a huge Market though one thing that wasn't all too common back then was Nickelodeon merchandise the network was portraying itself in a way that felt like again it was a network made by kids for kids and as a result they didn't really have all too many mass-produced pieces of merchandise however that would all change in 1999 with the debut of a show that would change history SpongeBob SquarePants would Premiere right after the Kids Choice Awards in 1999 and very rapidly the show would surpass Rugrats in popularity and it would become the most popular Nick tune in Nickelodeon history to this very day the show's popularity is still through the roof and it's drawing in a massive amount of viewers the show was so wildly popular that even adults enjoyed it as they would make up about a third of the audience this would also be the first Nick tune to really pop off in licensing and have merch mass produced they made everything with SpongeBob on it toys toothbrushes socks pencils backpacks you name it odds are they made it with SpongeBob on it at some point previous to this it was actually not all too easy to find Nick tun's toys in merch like even when you did stumble across the few Rugrats plushes that they made back then they honestly looked like something out of the PS1 game with peace and love a lot of the Nickelodeon toys from before 1999 are considered collectible and some of them fetch a decent price compared to how much they costed Once Upon a Time as we would approach the turn of the century the network would see not all too many changes the release of Rocket Power would see the Network's 13th original Nick tune and the fourth created yet again by the same Production Studio behind Rugrats at this point they had seen so much success with their original Nick Tunes coming to the end of a decade where they saw their highest Financial growth the network would reflect on the past to influence where they would go in the future previously the network had seen success in the form of a programming block called Nick in the afternoon this block ran on weekday afternoons during the summer of 1995 through 199 98 it would be a segment between shows hosted by the Beloved popsicle stick stick Stickley who due to his spot of Hosting this afternoon block was kind of dubbed the mascot of Nickelodeon at the time Nick in the afternoon would tap into one specific aspect and do one very specific thing that would see itself truly beneficial that would be making their audience feel included during Nick in the afternoon it was mostly a pre-arranged lineup of cartoons but every once in a while they would include segments such as you pick where viewers got to pick what show and episode that they wanted to see or UD dip where viewers get to pick which substance stick stickly was dipped in back then the internet wasn't as widely available as it is now so viewers were encouraged to write to stick stickly at his po. box so they could send in their requests toward the end of Nick in the afternoon they started to include the option to email stick stickly as well considering more and more households were getting access to the internet come 1999 the network had retired Nick in the afternoon and they would decide to try out another format which really emphasized the upick segment and thus upick Friday was born it was a programming block that premiered in November of 1999 and it was hosted by Henry and June from Kabam the show would invite viewers to call a800 number to cast their Vote or vote online at nick.com this gave the viewers the opportunity to participate in what was happening on TV it made all of these kids feel included which in turn made ratings climb even higher than before unfortunately that block would end up ending in September of 2000 this is important because I feel like this was right about the point that Nickelodeon started to lose that childlike feel that it previously had the turn of the century was kind of the start of the point where Nickelodeon as a network would drop that made by kids for kids kind of appearance that it once had in exchange for one that still kind of played off of its original orange and green slimy gimmick yet with more of what they felt was kind of a sleek and Polished finish this change would kind of take place over the course of a few years Nickelodeon would attempt to go in a different direction in a post Y2K World they really kicked it into high gear as far as production of shows is concerned in the year 200000 we wouldn't see all too much movement as Kabam would end up being retired that year meanwhile As Told by Ginger would make its debut marking the fifth Nick tune being produced by the same animators who started with just Rugrats then in 2001 we would see the upward Trend continue further of course SpongeBob's popularity would just keep growing and growing during this time but that same year we would see the birth of two more original Nick Tunes in the form of Invader Zim and the Fairly Odd Parents at this point it really felt like they were ready to try completely new things both Invader Zim and the Fairly Odd Parents were extremely different from anything else that the network had been doing the former was given the green light by Nickelodeon Executives after the artist had been scouted by one of their higher-ups at Nickelodeon meanwhile the latter was a show that had skyrocketed to fame due to its popularity during its tenure as a short in oh yeah cartoons which unfortunately speak of the devil was canceled in 2001 other than that though there were no other ni tunes that got canceled this year all the meanwhile Nickelodeon would take a rather unorthodox approach to a new show by instead starting out with a featurelength film in the form of Jimmy Neutron boy Genius the movie would release to relatively positive reviews many of which highlighted how charming and clever it was things were going fantastic for the network they were ranking in millions of dollars in revenue and all eyes were on them after this is the point where I really feel like things kind of started to get messy and the network really just had a ton of things going on I don't necessarily mean that in a bad way but this is the point where we're approaching a lot of changes for Nickelodeon as a whole that would highly influence the Nick Tunes landscape in 2002 it was announced that SpongeBob SquarePants would be getting his own movie on the big screen which was huge for Nickelodeon whereas all of its other shows were still doing insanely well SpongeBob was the Network's Cash Cow they would squeeze the sponge and money would just ooze out that same year though they would dive even heavier into the movie industry as both Hey Arnold and the Wild Thornberries got their own featurelength films meanwhile their original Nick Tunes roster was still chugging full steam ahead they would Trend in a positive direction as only one Nick tune would get canceled that year in Vader Zim sadly it was the Network's newest Cartoon but it was also one that Nickelodeon just wasn't willing to give enough love to compared to every other Nick tune on the air at the time even Fairly Odd Parents it really was the black sheep in 2002 we would also see the network add two brand new Nick Tunes to the lineup chalk Zone and the adventures of Jimmy Neutron boy gen genius chock Zone was yet another show that came to be from the springboard of Oya cartoons meanwhile Jimmy Neutron was a continuation of the movie that they had just released a year prior though their approach to the franchise was the exact opposite of everything else that they had done prior Jimmy Neutron would still see great success over the years one other huge thing happened in 2002 however this was the birth of a new programming block that was seen as a spiritual successor to upic Fridays we're talking about upic live this was a quirky liveaction segment hosted by Candace and Brent featuring a colorful cast of characters including pboy and Antonio this block would give fans yet again the opportunity to vote online for what shows would air on Nickelodeon they would throw in all sorts of sketches and gags as well as celebrity interviews and musical guests upic live was a fun time and as a viewer I enjoyed watching it however it really solidified the fact that the old Nickelodeon was gone this was that crisp new Sleek Nickelodeon that left behind the old feel and embraced a modern design gone were the days of it feeling like a network made by kids for kids and now it was just this entering 2003 we came to a point where Nickelodeon continued to upkeep their trend of ending one show and introducing two more unfortunately we would see the final episodes of The Angry Beavers air this year however the work would continue to try new things first of all we would see them give the green light to yet another oh yeah cartoon in the form of My Life as a Teenage Robot then that same year we would see the Rugrats getting their first spin-off in the form of a series that had a tie-in episode with the original Show the episode would see the Rugrats basically going into a time machine as we get a glimpse of what their life looks like with them all as pre-teens about 10 years in the future after this tie-in episode Rugrats all grownup was born which just in case you're counting is the sixth nict tune made by the creators of Rugrats and considering that a real monsters was no longer in production this would Mark the point where this production company was juggling five shows actively at once on top of that this would be the same year that two of that company's Creations would also get a crossover movie in the form of Rugrats gone wild the crossover between Rugrats and the Wild Thornberries featuring Bruce Willis as Spike the dog this right here is the point where I kind of wish I could just pressed pause things were at a point where everything still felt great as a kid however come 2004 the landscape of Nick Tunes would change drastically that year we would see the theatrical release of the SpongeBob SquarePants movie which had been announced 2 years prior and it was a box office hit predictably however that same year we would also see an entire slew of classic nict Tunes get the boot throughout the summer of 2004 we would see the final episodes of Rocket Power the Wild Thornberries Hey Arnold and even Rugrats this was huge this right here was Nickelodeon officially saying goodbye to their original Flagship series that had helped them grow the dedicated core audience that they had however the thing is that same audience was growing up now between the premiere of the show and its final episode date was a massive 133-year time span the kids who remember watching the premiere of Rugrats were all adults by this point the show just wasn't what it used to be and it honestly didn't have the same feel as it did during the early Seasons with it coming to an end however this would Mark the point where that same Animation Studio who was previously in charge of five Nick Tunes at once was now only providing Nickelodeon with As Told by Ginger and all grown up at that point both of which were fantastic shows but they were hardly top performers when compared to the likes of SpongeBob SquarePants or the The Fairly Odd Parents this was the first year where they had actually cut more Nick Tunes than they had added for the sad blow of four iconic Nick Tunes ending we were in exchange given one new show from Fairly Odd Parents Creator Butch Hartman this show was Danny Phantom Danny Phantom was a show that I look back on very fondly and I truly enjoy it but it's also Bittersweet in the sense that it's the last Nick tune that I really remember going out of my way to watch consistently that part had to do with not only a decline in quality of shows but it was also majorly because of my age at that point I had far more interest in playing video games or watching wrestling than I did in enjoying cartoons regardless though the show was welcomed with open arms and gained a cult following rather quickly from there we get into 2005 and honestly this is where things get pretty rough on the bright side 2005 would see the launch of avatar The Last Airbender which is a phenomenal show meanwhile we would see the series finale of cat dog bringing the show to a Bittersweet end where we still never learned how they go to the bathroom at nearly the same time we would see the end of upick live which came about when one of the hosts Candice decided that she didn't want to renew her contract any further her co-host Brent still had time in his contract but unfortunately the network had no interest in continuing without Candice and as a result they just paid off the rest of his contract that same year however the par company behind Nickelodeon and MTV Viacom would split itself into two separate companies in an act of desperation as a result of declining stocks and a changing of Industry landscape interestingly enough both companies would be controlled by an overseeing parent company the new Viacom would be made up of Nickelodeon MTV networks Paramount Pictures bet networks and a few others meanwhile the original Viacom would be renamed to CBS Corporation it retained a few broadcasting labels including Paramount Television as well as showtime and some other firms and assets on the heels of declining stock performance the iconic Nickelodeon Studios in Florida was closed this was a really sad day for fans to say the least this attraction served as the fan direct contact with Nick Tunes as well as a cultural icon the pattern on the building the Slime Fountain out front and not to mention the famous Nickelodeon Time Capsule that was buried in that spot in 1992 deemed not to be open until 2042 50 years later due to the closure of this studio the Time Capsule was dug up and reburied at the Nickelodeon SES Resort aka the Nick hotel which would end up ultimately going down in infamy due to its poor execution moving on from here I definitely want to do so with full transparency this is the point where we kind of start to approach on Uncharted Territory for me it was really easy to stay up to date with the happenings at Nickelodeon back in the day as I was there experiencing ing it in real time with that being said I was in tune with what was going on because I was part of their active audience however after this point in the timeline I know very little about the shows that I'm about to cover and we're pretty quickly approaching to the point where I have no idea what shows I'm even talking about so for the sake of transparency the rest of this lesson is going to be really matter of factual and less opinionated writing out the rest of 2005 we would see cat scratch Premiere and to be honest I actually remember this one pretty fond I didn't watch it a ton but I did see a pretty decent amount of the episodes considering that I was still watching cartoons here there back then it was a good show from what I remember later on that year though we would see the premiere of the ex's and like this was officially the first Nick tune that I didn't watch at all whatsoever I literally don't know the first thing about this show apparently it wasn't all that great though considering that its final episode was actually one year apart from its Premiere 2006 would also o see the finale of a few other great shows unfortunately the final episode of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron boy Genius would air in November and only 10 days before that we would see the final episode of As Told by Ginger this would leave the creators of Rugrats in a really weird spot where once upon a time they were on top of the Nick Tunes world and now they're essentially at the bottom with the only show that they were producing being all grown up though that show wasn't the greatest Nickelodeon wasn't ready to get off that Rugrats gravy train yet all the meanwhile Nickelodeon would strike a deal with DreamWorks to make Nick Tunes based off of their hit movies which would come to fruition just 2 years later interestingly enough this would be the first year where we would see multiple Nick Tunes disappear while none were added to the roster however we were treated to another show that would take the Jimmy Neutron route in the form of Barnyard Barnyard the movie would Premiere in 2006 to nothing but absolutely trash reviews then in 2007 Nickelodeon thought it would be a great idea to give the Barnyard franchise its own original Nick tune with Back at the Barnyard that same year we would also see the premiere of L T The Adventures of Manny Rivera as well as Tac and the power of Juju which was a show that took an almost Jimmy neutrones approach but instead of a movie Tack and the power of ju guu was originally a video game the game ended up being backed and produced by Nickelodeon which was completely unprecedented due to the fact that game had nothing to do with any Nick tun's characters Nickelodeon just seemed to believe in the IP so they backed it and eventually pushed it to become a cartoon I remember enjoying the video game but I wasn't the biggest fan of the bits of the cartoon that I actually saw that same year they would end up cancelling Danny Phantom as well as cat scratch at this point things just kind of started to Trend in a weird Direction in the world of Nick Tunes 2007 would turn into 2008 and with the new year we would soon thereafter see the premiere of The Mighty bee this is a show that I actually remember seeing all of like five or six times and it wasn't really bad by any means that same year though the deal that Nickelodeon had struck with DreamWorks had come full circle with the release of The Penguins of Madagascar this show was just something else I never really watched it because I was grown out of cartoons but I wasn't surprised to see the Penguins get capitalized on by someone after the success of the Madagascar films 2008 though was a land mark ear for Nick tunes by all means and not necessarily in a good way we would see the end of chalk Zone avatar The Last Airbender LT gr and surprisingly all grownup this was a really big thing because all grownup being cancelled was officially the end of the partnership between Nickelodeon and the company that had started its biggest Flagship series there's a lot more to be said there but again that's a story for a different Nickelodeon course at the start of 200 9 we would see the network undergo another massive rebranding this huge undertaking came to be as a result of the network wanting to unify their branding across all of their different channels they would throw out the old classic Orange splatter logo in favor of a new Sleek looking rounded logo during this same year we would see the end of TAC in the power of ju guu as well as My Life as a Teenage Robot now this was kind of a sad moment that not a lot of us had realized at this point in time there were only two nict Tunes from the early 2000s left and one lone 9s nict tune left that would be SpongeBob as the 9s nict tune and Fairly Odd Parents and My Life as a Teenage Robot being the last Nick Tunes from the early 2000s with the ladder going off the air it not only marked The Fairly Odd Parents as the last Nick tune from the early 2000s standing but also the last Nick tune Spawn from o yeah cartoons but hey it wasn't all bad right at least we got Fanboy and Chum CH that year I mean come on that one definitely wasn't obnoxious at all was [Music] it okay that's enough of that one kind of cool thing about 2009 though is that this was the year that Viacom bought Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles this would end up ultimately being a really good move as right now in January of 2024 the Ninja Turtles are really popular as we move on into 2010 and we would see some interesting movement in the Nick Tunes landscape as we were blessed with yet another show from Fairly Odd Parents Creator Butch Hartman this would be tough puppy then on that same day we were treated to the lovely Jimmy Neutron spin-off series planet sheen on another positive note no original Nick Tunes were canceled in 2010 unfortunately though it wouldn't be all good news going into 20111 this year would see Nickelodeon's rating success that had led them to the top since the Start begin to fall about halfway into the year they would be knocked down from their position as the highest rated Children's Network by Disney who were able to maintain consistent ratings while Nickelodeon was seeing a sharp decline in ratings that year they had launched Wink's Club as a nict tune after purchasing the franchise the year prior as well as a Kung Fu Panda show as part of their deal with DreamWorks that same year we said farewell to Back at the Barnyard and the mighty be 2011 was a fantastic year for us nostalgic millennials ever however due to the popularity of people buzzing about Classic ntunes on social media sites Nickelodeon would end up launching the '90s or all that programming Block in the summer of 2011 it was a programming block on the Teen Nick channel which would show reruns of classic Nick cartoons from the mid 80s through the mid 2000s from there the years would pass and things would kind of stagnate as far as ni tun's happenings in 2012 we would see three new shows launch in the form of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles robot and monster and the legend of Kora the Ninja Turtles did a great job and ended up having a pretty long-standing series with a 5-year run meanwhile robot and monster would be a brand new show from a whole new Creator then of course the legend of Kora was a spin-off of the Avatar The Last Air vendor which would take place many decades in the future that show may have only lasted 2 years but they were able to tell a very captivating story over that course of time that same year we would sadly say goodbye to Fanboy and Chum Chum but than that there were no other shows that would come to an end 2013 would bring to the table two new Nick Tunes Monsters versus Aliens which was yet another offering to Nick Tunes from Dreamworks as part of their contract and sanj and Craig which was an original cartoon centered around a boy and his pet snake that year we would also see the final episode of Planet Sheen thus ending its three-year run on Nickelodeon the next few years for Nick Tunes would prove to be rather Rocky for a few reasons as we entered into 2014 the network was trying their hardest yet they would still struggle we would see the end of a few different Nick Tunes Monsters versus Aliens would be canceled after less than one year the legend of Kora would come to its end and all the meanwhile we would be introduced to the show Bread Winners things honestly weren't looking too good for Nickelodeon as a whole their viewership was down by about 30% meanwhile Disney who had knocked them down from the top was quickly increasing their ratings steadily as we progress 2015 would see the premiere of both Harvey beaks and pig goat banana Cricket however in the canceled Department we would end up saying goodbye to robot and monster tough puppy and the Penguins of Madagascar also in this same year we would see the classic programming block the '90s or all that get reformatted to a longer time slot and renamed to the Splat as a homage to the original Nickelodeon logo in 2016 the network would begin to capitalize even further on the success of the Splat as they contemplated going in a different direction that focused more on on rebooting older Classics as those plans were set in motion we would also see another new Nick tune that year in the loud housee which would go on to become a massive success if there's any newer Nick tune on this list that I'm tempted to check out it would probably be this one because I've actually had a ton of my fans say nothing but fantastic things about it in 2016 we would see the end of bread winners sanj and Craig Kung Fu Panda and Wink's Club the ending of Kung Fu Panda would Mark the end of the contract between DreamWorks and Nick Tunes as that would be the final Nick tune that we would see coming from a DreamWorks IP as we moved into 2017 things would change a lot for Nick Tunes as far as new shows go we would see bunson as a beast Premiere early in the year as well as welcome to Wayne which was about halfway into the year Nick Tunes would face a lot of losses that year though we would see Harvey beaks and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles bite the dust that year but there was also one other loss that really gave me mixed feelings 2017 was the year that Nickelodeon finally retired The Fairly Odd Parents I'm not sure how to process that one because I totally recognized that with them adding all of these other random characters to make the show relevant again it was essentially just beating a dead horse by the end but with that being said that was officially the end of an era with the end of the Fairly Odd Parents there were officially no more Nick Tunes from the early 2000s left and no more Nick tunes that originated as oh yeah cartoons as a matter of fact with the Fairly Odd Parents out of the way this left SpongeBob as the last man standing of original nict Tunes from back in the day he's the only '90s Nick tune left as of 2017 and that's a really hard pill to swallow by all means time passes and nothing can last forever but for those of us that grew up watching these cartoons seeing the end of an era is a very somber moment however though they may have ended the Fairly Odd Parents Nickelodeon softened the blow with a reboot that was more than a decade in the making towards the end of 2017 we would see Hey Arnold the jungle movie released this was huge this was Nickelodeon finally giving Craig Bartlett the creator of Hey Arnold the chance to finish what he had started many years ago when Hey Arnold got its first movie it was under the understanding that there would be another movie that would more or less wrap up the story the series finale the journal would serve as the episode that would set up the movie which was intended to wrap up the entire story however when the original Hey Arnold movie performed terribly Nickelodeon decided to scrap the idea for over a decade this movie was a massive deal it scratched that itch for us Nostalgia crazed Millennials and it answered a lot of questions that fans had about the show they even brought back the original voice actors of Arnold and Gerald to play other roles in the movie this would be a pretty decent turning point for Nickelodeon as they seemed to learn how much value that they were sitting on as their past catalog was gaining interest as Nostalgia junkies were searching for their next fix the jungle movie performed pretty well and would end up inspiring Nickelodeon to give a few other ni tunes that same treatment during 2017 we would also see further changes to the Splat as they were making more of a concentrated effort to be more in line with the rest of the Network's branding the Splat would be dubbed Nick Splat and they would keep chugging onward bringing us the best of nostalgic Nick for a few hours each night on Teen Nick 2018 was kind of of a weird year for Nickelodeon on the other hand there weren't all too many major happenings in the background we would see the president of Nickelodeon step down after 33 years with the company to be replaced by one of the co-creators of all that furthermore there would be a whirlwind of heinous allegations thrown around on the liveaction show side of Nick this year that would result in one weird foot loving Predator getting the boot but yet again that is another story for a different Nickelodeon course as far as the shift in Nick tun's landscape went that year we would see bunson as a beast and pig goat banana Cricket get the boot meanwhile the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would get yet another show in the form of Rise of the TMNT this would also be the same year that fans would experience the weird case of The Adventures of Kid Danger this animated show was supposed to be a spin-off of a liveaction show produced by the weird foot guy who had allegations coming at him at the time the show would Air at the beginning of the year and right at about 6 months later it would air its final episode making it at that point the most short-lived Nick tune in history this thing was such a massive flop that it straight up only lasted a few months moving towards 2019 the network made some interesting changes throughout the year first of all they ended up acquiring the rights to the free streaming platform Pluto TV this gave them the opportunity to make channels for Pluto TV based on some of their popular series since Pluto TV makes all their profits through ads with no subscription needed this gave them the opportunity to profit off of viewers who no longer had traditional cable subscriptions and weren't paying for their streaming services then partway into the year the network also acquired the rights for Garfield with talks of a new animated series being in the making yet no official word about it yet from what I've learned online there's a really high likelihood of a new Garfield series but it's probably going to be after the new Garfield movie that's supposed to come out this year it's a little weird because Sony owns the distribution rights to the movie and it started production before Nickelodeon acquired Fields parent company the movie is still happening Under the Umbrella of Sony but I'd imagine that we'll end up seeing the new animated series sometime after the movie depending on how well the movie performs 2019 was also a really cool year though because after the success of Hey Arnold the jungle movie Nickelodeon decided to give two other Nick tunes that same reboot treatment albeit in a kind of different fashion both Rocko's Modern Life and Invader Zim would see reboot movies premiering within about a week of each other in August of 2019 however instead of premiering on Nickelodeon they would be launched directly to Netflix as Netflix exclusives on top of that earlier that year Nickelodeon had taken to the act of making original Nick Tunes then selling the rights to that show to whichever streaming service was the highest bitter this would result in the first ever Nick tunes that weren't in house that also led to later that year Nickelodeon signing a multi-year contract with Netflix to make movies and shows based off of new and existing Nickelodeon characters unfortunately this wouldn't end up necessarily going the direction that we all hoped on the heels of these classic reboots in the vein of their original show and the success that would come with them instead of doubling down on that and giving the people more from the classic shows that they had loved they decided to take that deal with Netflix in a completely different direction before the Rocko's Modern Life and Invader Zim reboot films Nickelodeon had developed a show called pinky malinky which would end up being sold to Netflix and premiered at the beginning of 2019 thus making it officially the first Nick tune to never actually air on Nickelodeon with that being said though this new pinky minky direction is more of what they would Embrace rather than more the true to form reboots of classic shows now I get it and I'm kind of thankful that they did it because odds are they would have ended up ruining a lot of the classics with new spin-offs but still seeing Hey Arnold Roco and Zim all get the reboot in a tasteful way definitely gave many of us hope at the time regardless this was the point where it was clear that Nickelodeon was in the process of building something different in the Nick tunes on Nickelodeon landscape that year we would see two shows premere the first of which would be a miniseries known as Middle School Mogul though it was only a miniseries and wasn't really planned to go for a long time this would technically be the shortest lived show under the Nick Tunes Banner it aired in September of 2019 and by the end of the month it was over we need to keep in mind that again this wasn't due to poor ratings it was planned to be this way but for the sake of the Nick Tunes history books this was technically the shortest Nick tune in history the other show that premiered this year was the kasag Grandes which would continue to run for a few more years as far as cancellations go 2019 would end up seeing the end of Welcome to Wayne this year we would see our favorite programming block Nick Splat change its identity yet again and become Nick rewind which would be its final name change later in 2019 though something really strange happened we would see via Tom and CBS merge back together to undo the separation that had been done nearly 15 years prior the result of this was kind of awkward and I feel like this maybe is what led to Nickelodeon taking that Netflix deal in such a lackluster Direction with the remerging of these two massive corporations it was announced that a ton of Nickelodeon content would be available for streaming on CBS all access which was their Flagship streaming service at the time let's set the scene though it's the start of 20 Nickelodeon's Network ratings aren't the best they have a fresh brand new deal with Netflix who is on top of the streaming World meanwhile they got the bright idea to remerge with their original company and put a majority of their eggs in the basket of a streaming service that's technically owned by them at this point which might I add was doing abysmally in comparison to Netflix then at this point the world is plunged into a pandemic which changed literally everything as far as day-to-day operations go for nearly every business on the face of this planet with that being said 2020 was an odd year for a lot of people and the companies that they worked for we would only see one Nick tune retire that year and that would be rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Nickelodeon actually ended up putting out a brand new Nick tune that year in the form of its Pony meanwhile outside of Nickelodeon as a channel they would launch yet another Nick tune on Netflix known as glitch teex now what's weird to me though about these Netflix Nick Tunes is that it almost feels feels like they don't exist in a way I honestly had no idea that these shows were a thing until doing the research for this video like the rest of these weird off-the-wall shows I don't know them but I at least knew that they existed on Nickelodeon as a channel and I had heard a majority of their names at some point meanwhile both Pinky malinky and glitch Tex were a surprise to me if you even go on Nickelodeon's website and look at their list of Nick Tunes they feature nearly every single show that we've talked about spawning all the way back to Rugrats however there isn't any mention of glitch teex or pinky malinky now the latter I totally understand pinky malink only lasted for like 7 months so I totally understand sweeping that one under the rug glitch Texs on the other hand would end up being a weird story between February and August of 2020 two entire seasons of the show were released on Netflix with a total of 19 episodes I feel like this was probably due to the pandemic and the Halton production that came with it instead of going a 19 episode season 1 they could have likely made the decision to split it into two different seasons in an effort to build hype and spread profits maybe a little more for clarity though that is purely speculation and I have no idea if that's what actually happened or not let's keep the show in mind though as we're going to circle back to it just a little bit as we move into 2021 things start to move a ton for Nickelodeon the world was in the beginning phases of recovering from the pandemic during the lockdown I feel like Nickelodeon had a lot of time to analyze viewers habits and interests as their energy would seem to change a lot in 2021 as they would shift focus in another Direction in the beginning of 2021 we would see CBS all access rebranded to become Paramount plus with the launch of their brand new streaming app that would include nearly every single Nickelodeon offering came a spin-off that I don't believe really anybody wanted in the form of Camp Coral the series would feature the cast of the Spongebob crew except it takes place many years in the past while they all very young almost like Muppet Babies but the SpongeBob version this to many people felt like it was in very bad taste as SpongeBob's Creator Steven hillenberg who had passed away a few years before had previously joked that if they ever made a SpongeBob version of Muppet Babies then he was out of there he never seemed like one to want to do spin-offs or anything like that and he didn't really want to continue the show past the movie however with him having passed away this gave Nickelodeon the opportunity to do whatever they wanted with their Cash Cow of a sponge and boy did they that same year we would see the premiere of the Patrick Star show which would more or less revolve around Patrick having a talk show that he runs with his family if that wasn't enough to get you hyped though with the launch of Paramount plus came the announcement that there would be plans for future liveaction reboots of hit shows such as Fairly Odd Parents and I Carly as it specifically pertains to Nick Tunes though we were given the announcement that a CGI version of Rugrats would end up seeing the light of day later that year this was seen as a double-edged sword in a lot of ways many of us nostalgic Millennials were excited to see the Rugrats back in action and going on more zany Adventures however it became quickly apparent that the show wasn't for us older folks this reboot was very aimed at the current generation of kids highlighting the show under a different light than it had been previously given some characters had different ages and mannerisms some were written out complet compl and all were modernized including Stu who of course is a gamer dad now this right here made it clear exactly what Nickelodeon was planning they saw the success in their reboots of Rocco Zim and Hey Arnold but nothing that would prove a sense of longevity considering that most of us nostalgic Millennials watched those movies once and never picked them up again or still have yet to see them however the fact that they existed in the first place had us all buzzing Nickelodeon realized that they could get our attention but they couldn't keep our attention the attention that they could keep though was that of kids by kind of capitalizing on both at the same time they were able to get more advantage to gaining consistent views let's look at it this way adults are not going to watch a Rugrats reboot non-stop however they are likely to recommend that their kids watch it because it's based on a show that they as parents grew up watching then that gives Nickelodeon the chance to suck their kids in and keep feeding them modern twists on the same stuff that they've been doing for years now they realized that they could kind of capitalize on that modern kid audience through reaching the nostalgic Millennials in the process we would see this further exemplified as the years would pass another thing worth mentioning in the year 2021 would be the premiere of the loudhouse movie over on Netflix this was an interesting time because originally that movie was meant to Premiere in theaters but due to their movie deal with Netflix Nickelodeon ended up giving the movie to them instead this presented a really interesting trend on Nickelodeon's behalf they started with a mix of original shows as well as nostalgic reboots on Netflix the latter of which seemed to do pretty well then from there they quickly decided to invest that kind of energy in their own streaming service as a result Netflix would end up getting more or less the unsavory offerings as well as the leftovers from Paramount plus the best way to make this clear is to keep moving forward in the timeline and consider what other shows were launched by Nickelodeon in 2012 21 they put out a show called middl most post as well as Star Trek Prodigy middlemost post was a Nick tune made to be traditionally broadcast on Nickelodeon meanwhile Star Trek Prodigy was designed to air on both Nickelodeon as well as Paramount plus as we moved into 2022 the landscape would continue to morph middl most post wouldn't perform all too well and it would end up seeing its end this year alongside the casa Grandes its Pony and seemingly Star Trek prodigy though it had relatively favorable reviews Nickelodeon would end up cancelling Star Trek Prodigy for the time being however this wouldn't be the end of the show alongside all of these cancellations was the phasing out of what I considered to be Nickelodeon's last great offering at the time Nick rewind the block would end at the start of 2022 and after that the network would abandon old school programming and go back to airing traditional Teen Nick 24 hours a day nowadays there's a Nick Rewind YouTube channel that that's pretty active however they more focus on liveaction shows rather than Nick Tunes 2022 would also see the premiere of three brand new Nick Tunes Big Nate Monster High and Transformers Earth spark now this part is going to be a little weird at this point in the timeline we've reached the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 it's currently January of 2024 so with that being said we're not quite like fully caught up to today there's a whole year of Nick Tunes happenings between then and now however the history on all these happenings isn't exactly like written in the history books yet as a lot of it's kind of still actively developing but I'm going to try to do my best to break it down to bring us to current day Nickelodeon throughout 2021 CBS Sports had taken a liking to producing multiple broadcasts of prime time NFL football games one broadcast would be the traditional one that sports fans were used to while the alternative broadcast more leaned into children and family enjoyment it took more time to explain the rules of football and why certain things were happening so that firsttime football viewers could enjoy the game this would continue to grow and become more of a regular thing as CBS saw the value in getting children interested in National Sports at an early age in 2023 came the announcement that for the first time ever there would be an alternative telecast of the Super Bowl in 2024 which would be hosted by Nickelodeon and would be more geared towards getting kids to enjoy the Super Bowl this was a huge announcement and is not only changing the landscape of Nickelodeon as a Channel but also sports broadcasting as a whole also in 2023 Nickelodeon would tease an upcoming rebranding during the Kids Choice Awards this new logo in rebranding would be just a slight spin on their current wordmark logo however it would feature a modernized version of their iconic '90s Splat style this right here was kind of the full circle moment when I realized what Nickelodeon was building up to by bringing back that classical Splat branding they're pandering to those of us that grew up watching Nickelodeon this is something that they thought would catch the eye of the older viewers specifically those of us watching Nickelodeon with our kids seeing that old nostalgic Splat imagery brought back in their eyes kind of gives us nostalgic Millennials the idea that our kids are getting a taste of what our childhood was like if we take it all into consideration the reboots the spin-offs the rebranding it becomes clear that Nickelodeon wants to increase its viewership to what it once was and one tool that they utilize to make that happen is sucking the older viewers back in just a little bit so that we will push our kids to watch it as well this is something that's clearly done strategically and is an interesting marketing technique on their part it makes sense but the problem here is nostalgic Millennials pushing their kids to watch this stuff isn't enough the show itself has to still actually be good to keep kids' attention apart from that though the network would take an interesting approach to where they would play certain Nick Tunes at this point 2023 actually wouldn't see any new traditional Nick Tunes Premiere there were new liveaction shows and new shows on Nick Jr but as far as our traditional regular Nick Tunes go there wasn't any premieres for new shows going on we did have a few announcements though a lot of which has to do with streaming platform changes first of all it's been announced that Star Trek Prodigy will make a return in 2024 however instead of continuing on with Paramount plus as they had been it's being switched over to a Netflix show on the same note of Netflix though it's also been announced that they're getting exclusive rights to a movie called saving Bikini Bottom the Sandy Cheeks movie and it's set to Premiere sometime in 2024 outside of Nick Tunes there's also an avatar The Last Airbender liveaction series coming soon to Netflix as well meanwhile circling back the Oddball Nick tune glitch text which ended back in 20120 has actually had some talks recently in late 2023 the show's Creator stated on Instagram that it was going to be going to Paramount plus with hopes that maybe if they're lucky it would lead to a season 3 however there's no confirmation that season 3 could actually happen it's a little weird to think about that cuz it's like okay Star Trek Prodigy was on Paramount plus it didn't do so good so they ended it now they're giving that to Netflix whereas they're going to take the show glitch text that was on Netflix that people are buzzing about and now turn it into a Paramount Plus show I don't know it just feels like they're being very strategic about where these shows fall on which specific streaming platform of course giving the benefit to the streaming platform that they own regardless though all of this brings us up to today January of 2024 currently the only active and official Nick Tunes running new episodes on Nickelodeon are SpongeBob SquarePants the loudhouse Camp Coral the Patrick Star show Rugrats reboot Big Nate Monster High and Transformers Earth spark who knows what the future holds for their Network and the industry as a whole as the years keep going by cable becomes less and less prevalent as streaming services keep growing more and more every day the future is uncertain but we can all rest assured knowing that deep down inside all of our hearts rests a piece of Nickelodeon history in our stories of enjoyment with that being said it would make me really happy if you could leave me a comment sharing what Nickelodeon history looks like in your heart be it in the form of a cherished memory or just what watching Nick Tunes as a kid meant to you but what do you guys think are you interested in more Nickelodeon 101 lessons let me know in the comments down below I always love seeing your guys' feedback I'm contemplating making more of these videos in the future focusing on the history of specific Animation Studios or shows but only if you guys really want to see them this kind of video takes a ton of research and work for me and I'm only willing to do this if it's something you guys like really want to see with that being said though I have to give a huge shout out with all of the love and thanks in the world to my patrons over on patreon especially those of you in the true 9s kids tier you guys are the absolute best and I cherish you so much if you enjoyed this video be sure to drop a like and give some praise to the YouTube algorithm in hopes that it pushes this video to everyone else and as always thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: DuskTillShawn
Views: 18,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lMSkcxs3jRo
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Length: 62min 51sec (3771 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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