A Complete Beginner's Guide to Google Earth Studio

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everyone welcome to the channel and today I'm gonna introduce to Google Earth Studio so Google at Studio is a web-based animation tool developed by Google that allows the users to create a high quality animation and videos using Google Earth's 3D imagery it is primarily designed for artists designers and content creators who wish to incorporate the Google Earth's satellite image terrain data and 3D model into their projects the tool provides a user-friendly interface that enables the users to navigate and explore the different location on Earth in 3D the users can set up the camera moments add frame keys and adjust the camera angles and customize the various parameters to create a smooth and Visually appealing animations the Google Earth Studio supports a various output resolution making it suitable for projects ranging from an online content to high resolution video production some key features of Google Earth Studio includes the first key features Earth's 3D imagery to access the Google Earth's extensive database of high resolution satellite imagery and 3D terrain data the camera controls the user can control the camera movements in orientation allowing them to create a dynamic and cinematic flyovers of locations the key frame animation the ability to add a keyframe and create a smooth camera moments between different positions and angle the customization options user can adjust animation speed camera angle field of view and other settings to fine tune the animation and last the expert option animation can be exported in various format including video files in MP4 or image sequence so let's get started so in this video I'm going to show you the steps to create an animation using Google Earth Studio so first thing how to get access to Google Earth studio and the process is simply easy all you have to do is just create a Google account and sign up into into your Google account and start using Google Earth studio so now let me show you that so to go to access the Google Earth Studio let me open a new tab so now let me type as a Google Earth studio now click enter to search so now you can able to visualize the first result called Google Earth studio so click this so click this option called try Earth Studio so now you can able to visualize here sooner I have signed up using my Google account that is Terrace patient A2 and similarly you have to use your one of your Google account to sign up into Google Earth Studio so now if you're trying to access the Google Earth studio for the very first time you can notice this particular page so you can able to notice you the preview version of Earth Studios currently granted by case-by-case basis so we had to complete this particular form below so here you have to interview first and La your last name and your mail ID and Company of the organization and you have to enter your country and the industry you are currently in so you can choose the industry of your of your choice and later you have to write few things about how will you use the Earth Studio and after that you have to click this option called submit so once you have submitted this form you can receive the access to Google Earth Studio within 48 Hours of your submission of this form so you can via view your mail ID in order to access your Google Earth Studio so once you have received your mail you uh you will now have an access to Google Earth Studio so now let me show you that so now you can able to visualize here welcome to Google Earth Studio have received a mail from Google Earth Studios so so stated that you have been invited to preview the Earth studio so by clicking this option you can able to access your Google Earth Studio make sure that you use Chrome as your browser to an order to access the Google ads Studio and please make sure that you update your Google Chrome to the latest version we are using to this using this tool so now click this option to access your Google Earth studio so the moment you click those click that link it gets introduced to this particular page so where you can able to access the Google Earth studio so now let's start preparing of Animation using Google Earth Studio so to get started with the Google Earth Studio you can visualize two different options being available here one of the option is blank project and second option is the open open project so the open project is particularly useful for to open the existing project currently we don't have any existing project so now click this option called a down arrow in blank projects click this option so click this option called Quick Start so here in the quick start project section you can visualize there is four options being provided one is zoom two the second option is orbit and the third option is point to point and the fourth option is the spiral and our last option is that is a fly to and orbit so now let us get back so let us start a create a blank project click this option called black blank project now select your name enter your name the name of your project so my animation is going to be for Paris so we're going to enter the name of the projects to be Paris animation enter the name of my project as Paris animations so in this section you can visualize in the world section you have a three different options starting from you can select Earth Moon and Mars so there is a possibility you can select three different uh three different planetary objects like Earth Moon and Mars so in this video we're gonna stick to Earth so now we can able to visualize there is a few other options available that you can select your dimension of your animation So currently this Dimension is good for me so you can also select the duration of your animation so you can select the duration either by using frames or using the time code so now let me show you the time codes so using time code you can select the duration of an animation So currently it is set to 15 seconds so let me set uh to 30 seconds right now you can able to visualize that I set the duration to about 30 seconds and you can also select your frame rate of your choice so there is a five different options you can select the frame rate option that you can select starting from 24 fps to 60 FPS I'm gonna stick to 30 FPS so after that you all you have to do is click this option called start so here you can able to visualize this is how the editor section will look like in Google Earth Studio so now let's start exploring the Google Earth Studio so in the top left corner in the top left corner you can visualize there is around six different options being available starting from Phi so there is an option called new open save save as import export and project City and the second option is being available is the edit so we can undo redo cut copy paste and delete and the third option is view so there's the multi-view options preview the quality toggle full screen and the fourth option is overlay that is you can import KML file and show the overlay panels and the animation section here render Cloud render and last we have our help section so below that you can enable the visualize there is a search option here available so here you can enter the location of your choice for example you can search by Golden Gate Bridge since in the search section you can just enter the location of your choice so here you can able to visualize there are some of uh playback control options available in this part of the section it's like you can play so you can go to the next frame so go to the previous frame and toggle full screen so it is a kind of small video editing options like to pass and go forward and backward and it is kind of useful in making the animations using the Google Earth studio and here there is an option called Loop playback playback is available where you can play your animation repeatedly and you can also there is another another option click these options to for the single playback option so this is where your interactive area will be so basically you can just drag the entire Loop and you can use your scroll button to zoom in and zoom out let me zoom in here and let me zoom out let me show you once again so we can use the scroll button to scroll into any part of the glue and similarly you can just drag to change your location and let me reduce this and the interactive option is kind of very smooth to access so you can also press and hold your left key to move your glue so now let me uh zoom into some part of the study region so uh you can click and hold the left key to drag and move your interface to any location of your choice so you can use your scroll button to zoom into any part of the study area so now let me zoom into the certain part certain location here so here you can able to do which visualize the the agricultural lands so we can visualize that there is an uh it's an agricultural area So currently we're visualizing our the globe surface in 2D so we can also visualize in 3D So currently are we visualizing our globe surface in the top of your so kind of we are visualizing over Earth line top view and you can also tilt your image just by holding your screw and press scroll or scroll button and hold it and drag this scroll button so in this way can you visualize an image so for the tilt view you have to just hold your scroll button and just move upwards so in order to visualize the the globe surface in a tilted View now let me zoom into this particular area so now to radiate your view all you had to do is the similar option you have to press and hold your scroll button and you can just track to the location of your choice just by view the view of your choice just like the arrows moving the screen so to change the view option you all you have to do is to click and hold the scroll button and view your view according to your choice so in my case I'm just uh holding my scroll button and moving my arrow towards the left side and similarly to view uh in the right side you have to press and hold scroll button and move towards your right side so you can also Zoom to this particular region just by using a scroll button and scroll to that particular area so now you can visualize that to scroll out that is to zoom out you have to do is scroll in the backward so suppose if you want to change the view of your current uh so that is we are currently in the Tilted view so you can just go back to your top view just by holding your scroll button and just moving down your scroll button so now you can able to visualize it we are currently in top view so just I'm gonna zoom out visualize in the camera position where you can able to visualize the lack longitude latitude and altitude for example when you zoom into the current position of the study region so you can visualize the latitude and longitude and also the altitude so you can also notice here the altitude the current altitude is also given here there is around 2809 kilometers and similarly let me show you to the ground level so here it gets changed to around so the altitude the altitude gets keeps on changing here so now it reaches around 317 meters now let me zoom out so in the lower part you can able to visualize there is an option there is an editing screen with the timelines visible so we have selected around the the timeline to be varying from 0 to 30 seconds we have started or we selected in during our project selection we have set the time to be around a 30 second animation for our project and it is the most important part of our our Earth studio so we have set our duration of our animation to be around starting from 0 to 30 seconds so you can observe that so we have created uh a Time duration during our project duration that is from 0 to 30 seconds so in the lower part of the section you have we already seen the camera position that indicates the longitude latitude and altitude and similarly the camera rotation gives us the pan and tilt so in the lower part of section you can visualize this particular option called add attributes so click this so here you can able to visual there is a number of options that are available in this section starting from a camera Target lock your camera to the point on the globe and field of view adjust the camera as view field of view and time of the day change the position of the sun and clouds show or hide clouds and ocean overlay show or hide ocean topography and 3D building the newest Airline imagery may be available when 3D buildings are hidden and last we have the roll option adjust the cameras roll so now let me uh so in the side of the here you can enable the visualize there is an option called a keyframe all attributes so this keyframe keyframe all attribute this particular button is going to Define where each and every effect and the attribute that are we going to apply to our animation is supposed to be along the timeline so which is by adding this keyframes and this is the buttons gonna add the keyframes and I will show you how to use this particular keyframe button so once you have completed your animation so you can just go to this option called render so you can click this option called render so where you can convert your work into an animation and it can be downloaded in the mp4 file format so now let us start preparing our animation using our Earth studio so before that let us uh take you to my study region called Paris France so now let me go to the search option click this and let me enter Paris so here you can visualize is enter the name called Paris so so now let me zoom into the study region so here you can able to visualize let me show you I think now we can able to recognize this structure so it is one of the most famous structure that is Eiffel Tower so you can visualize it in the 3D so now we can able to visualize the beauty of Eiffel Tower in the incline view so we can clearly able to view this let's zoom into this so now we can able to visualize here have place my camera and this part of the a in this part of the static region and the background you can able to visualize the Eiffel Tower so if you would like to set your starting seat to scene to be a certain location so make sure that you set your set the slider to uh zero so starting this to the starting point so once we have set our camera position we're gonna use this care the keyframe option so we're gonna use this game from keyframe button to learn in order to lock attributes so in which in this case this happens to be uh the camera position now the camera position in the camera rotation so like I can I visualize that because uh I'll change this particular scene the camera position and the camera rotation appears to be changed so in order to set to uh or to lock this block those attributes we're going to use this uh the keyframe button so if I could like to sort of enter to the Eiffel Tower from a point like this for example let me show you that from a point like this to uh towards the Eiffel Tower so once you are happy with your starting point you can just lock this camera position and Camera rotation just by clicking this option call so once you get happy with your current starting scene you can just head to the camera positions and Camera rotation where there is an option called add a keyframe so you can set the camera position in the camera rotation just by clicking this option called add a keyframe so the position the camera position is going to be set constant to this particular position and similarly you can set the camera rotation to be constant for this particular starting point you can just click this option and click this option so we are basically locking this setting by just clicking this option called add a keyframe and you don't have to do this one by one you can just use this option called keyframe for all attributes just by clicking this option all the attributes going to get locked and going to remind in the constant position for example the camera position and Camera rotation so from now onwards we're gonna lock this attributes that is the camera we're going to lock the settings of this camera position and Camera rotation we're going to use this particular option called keyframe for Allah all attributes in order to lock this position of camera and its rotation so this is going to be our starting scene so by the time the camera area the camera duration that is our animation duration going to reach 15 seconds uh we're gonna reach our Eiffel Tower so now we're gonna set it uh the 15 second Mark to reach our Eiffel Tower for example let me go to the specific uh location so basically we're going to create an animation just by getting towards the Eiffel Tower and take a look around the Eiffel Tower and we can position the camera in such a way that so once you're happy with your camera position so if you're happy with your camera position so now let me place over 15 second mark from here I'm gonna place a 15 second mark so now we can visualize our Blazer 15 second Mark here so now let me zoom into this particular area so now I'm gonna fix my camera position just by clicking this option called keyframe all attributes so the both the points it gets connected now so you can visualize it so now here it has uh linked the record at zero second then and record at 15 seconds so now the cool thing is that so all these attributes we have specified that is at 0 seconds and then 15 seconds gonna change linearly so as we grow from zero seconds to 15 seconds for example let me turn the slide back to zero so now let me start this slider from 0 to 15 seconds you can visualize it now so now we can able to visualize that the position of the camera is changing from 0 to 15 seconds from our starting point to to the place of our interest to the area of Interest so we can also make this animation much more better let me show you that so for that we're going to use a multiple views so here you can able to visualize this particular option call change viewport in the camera section you can click this down arrow button so you can visualize there are the different options have been available starting from Top not north south east and west so basically you can view this particular 3D structure in any view of your choice so we can till this tilt this View and basically we can view from the top now let us select the first option called the top view click this option so now let us take a look of this top view so here you can able to visualize this part of this region so this particular marker represents of a starting point and uh so this particular position is going to be the Eiffel Tower so we can just change the view by just dragging on that point you can place that and this is the this particular triangle the orange color triangle here represents over the camera's uh the camera position so we can visualize it so starting from this particular point the camera is going to move in the linear fashion towards our place of interest that is our Eiffel Tower so the camera position is going to move in the linear fashion and gonna reach this particular area of Interest so in the top section we have our turning points we have two points one is of starting point and one is of our area of Interest so the camera positions can also be moved and there's moving in the linear fashion so you can also change the position of this camera camera so uh currently the camera is facing towards so towards this part of the study region so you can visualize this particular this represents the camera view so there are several different options being provided by Google Earth studio so one of the option is you can able to change the viewport of the layout for example let me click this so you can select two viewports let me click this so now one side you're going to view this top top view of the top view of this camera this particular section from our starting point to over Eiffel Tower and similarly you can take another view that reserve a camera view so let me show you that so we can drag this slider back to the zero seconds so you can visualize in both the top view and the camera view so this house you can visualize how it scare it's getting changed in the both the ports so basically we are having multiple views so you can view in this part of the section in the top view section so I'm going to view a change this camera position so you can visualize that so I'm gonna change the camera position so so I get instantly been seen in the cab in the camera views part so we're gonna change this when I'm going I'm gonna do in the top view section is clearly is shown in the camera view section so here so you can change the position of this camera position so you can all just changes uh the camera port or the top view boards just by clicking this option I'm going to select this part I'm going to select the camera so another camera positions can be viewed in the right side and the top view can be viewed in the left side so you can also use this camera position between a bit in a creative way so rather than we are just applying it in a linear fashion so you can use a variety of modes or you can just move the cameras according to your choice in a creative way so right now we're gonna stick with the linear fashion so now we have plays with a camera in the starting point you know starting point so now let me play this video let me place the slider back to zero seconds I place a slider back to zero seconds now let me play this animation so now you can visualize both in camera view and top view the position of camera and you can be able to view that so it's kind of moving in a linear fashion towards our area of Interest now let me play this slider back to zero seconds now let us visualize the position of our camera so the camera is currently we're viewing towards the North West part of the region so you can visualize the camera as well as is more towards the north the West Direction lies of a camera being positioned towards Northeast so let me move the slider towards server area of interest that is the Eiffel Tower you can able to visualize the camera is mainly focused towards server Eiffel Tower so you can visualize that right from the starting this position the camera is being positioned towards the Eiffel Tower the camera is currently moving in a linear fashion and just focusing on only on our Eiffel Tower so suppose if you want to place your camera positioned always towards Target you can do one thing so now let me uh change the set my timer to go off towards 15 seconds so here I want to set my camera position towards always towards my Target that is the Eiffel Tower so click this particular Target and right click and set the camera Target so you can place your target so now we have placed with Target on our Eiffel Tower so now let me move the timer back to the the slider back to zero seconds so now we can able to visualize the camera is always stick to the the particular uh the target we have fixed there is this particular Target the camera is going to be get fixed to this particular Target so now we can visualize that so you can also reposition this target just by using this top view section you can just drag this camera towards your target so now I have placed there so now we can visualize it have place the Target on our uh ready of Interest so now let me move my timer from 0 to 15 so you can now visualize that our Target will be a camera Position will be stay on the target there is a Eiffel Tower so here in the top view section you can able to view the position of the camera on the path of the camera so you can also change the path of the camera just by clicking this point of winter cell starting point and just you can drag to somewhere here and similarly you can also make sure that you can click this point and drag to here you can drag this point to here so now let us visualize this so now the path appears to be changed so in this way you can just change the path of your camera just by clicking this starting point and you can drag some some of the to the point of your interest so we can visualize that a moment of your camera is more like in a linear fashion so you can also change this linear fashion to a curvy fashion now let me show you that so to make it in a curved path we're gonna add some control points to it so uh So currently when Linear by kind of in a linear fashion so you can also change it to a code path just by adding a control points to it so to make the path more in a good bar in a curd fashion so you have to add a control point for that let me position my slider to in to the middle of this rounds yeah around in eight seconds I'm gonna place the control Point here so replace the control point you have to click this option called keyframe all attributes so now we can visualize we have added another intersection point so here you can able to visualize we have now added another that is our key frame point so to click this click this particular intersection that is this point you can just drag to drag along across this Eiffel Tower to make the path more curved so now let me move the slider from zero so we can visualize in this in the camera view so now we can able to visualize that so we have made a code path along the Eiffel Tower so you can make it more interesting uh you can try this out so now you can able to visualize suppose you want to delete this part of the section you have introduced to you have made a curved path so if you're new to this particular Google Earth Studio the possibility of making a mistake is high so in this case you want to delete this particular Point all you have to do is click this particular point and then enter the delete button to in order to delete this point so now let me enter my delete button so now you can able to visualize that we have removed the intersection point so here you can able to visualize and Below add attribute table we can visualize the altitude of altitude variation so let me show you that right from the starting point we have the altitude of around 114 meters at the at the end of this we have a altitude of around 1008 meters so you can also add this device duties by placing this uh you can adjust in this way so you can visualize it in the altitude section the altitude get reducing so now let me place it to uh the default part of it so you can you can just make a reducer altitude just by holding the scroll button and uh you can put the arrow in an upward Direction so in this way you can reduce your altitude which can be observed in the camera position altitude section the oxygen is reducing you can able to view that suppose in case you want to reduce the altitude so now let me put back to the default location so now I could like to add another keyboard that is a keyframe keyframe at eight seconds so let me place my slide here slider here now let me add a keyframe here click this option so nuclear keyframe has been added to our studio that is uh now let me make some changes little let me make this path a more curved one I'll click this particular point so now I can visualize it I'm gonna show you that so now I could like to add more keyframes so let me drag this particular the slide to uh 20 seconds so now let me make some changes to it I will use I'm gonna hold the scroll button I'm going to play use gonna place it in uh in this fashion I'm going to reduce the gonna increase the altitude so let me add a keyframe so click this option so we have added a keyframe here so now let me take a look of this right from the start so we're gonna take the visualization of this our area of Interest yeah so it is fine so I just want to make it as a kind of aerial view so let me add another key uh keyframe to it let me uh drag the slider to 22 seconds click this option called create keyframe so now let me start the slider from the start so you can now visualize it so now let me add another keyframe so foreign keyframe so click this option called keyframe so now the new keyframe has been added so now let me drag this slider to 30 seconds now let me add another keyframe now let us take a look of this so now we can able to visualize so this is how we can able to create an animation using Google Earth studio so you can you can add more you can add more ideas of yours and make it more blush can make it more awesome looking video using Google Earth Studio so now let me explain about the few options of this ad attributes so here you can able to visualize there is a variety of options so now in this case you want to select this particular option called time of day so we're gonna change the position of the sun so there is also a variety of other obvious options available so for now we're gonna stick this particular option call time of day so we have selected this particular box so you can visualize that in this part of the area is get darker and this part of the area is given in light getting a sunlight so you can visualize that so now I'm going to click this option called done so it's getting added below this uh below here that is environment so the environment section again able to visualize there is an option called time so you can change the time and make it uh an afternoon or night is according to your wish so now let me drag this slider to this particular time frame so now I'm going to drag this slider to the time frame of 20 seconds I'm gonna set the environments so here I'm going to select the time around to be at two o'clock so now we can able to visualize I've set the time to to 246 so now one to make sure you introduce this particular keyframe into this time frame you have to drag your slider to that particular keyframe and click this option so likewise you're gonna drag this slider to 25 seconds so here you can able to visualize it I'm gonna drag the slider to 25 seconds I'm going to change this time to uh I'm going to change as the night time let me add a night time here at 27 or 28 seconds I'm gonna add a place the slider at 28 seconds and now I'm gonna add a night time so I've set the let me set the time so now you can visualize that we are set tonight so now we can now visualize it so I will play the entire video now so now let us visualize this video so now you can enable The View here so our study area is there is a particular study here is the Eiffel Tower so from the 22 seconds the time is gonna get changed yeah now you can able to visualize it the night time is going to come so this is how you can able to create an animation using a Google Earth studio so the last step is gonna be how to render it so click this option called render so now we have named our animation to be Paris animation so now we have to says choose your folder in order to download your the download your animation so we have to choose your folder for it you can also select as a video so in video is going to be a cloud render so for the image sequence it will be like we have to choose your destination you have to choose a folder in your PC for a video we are going to select the cloud render and frames you can leave it as a default so from 0 to 900 so we can all select to zero to thousand eight hundred or two thousand it is your choice so now we're gonna stick to zero to nine hundred and the dimension is going to be the default one and uh attribution so the attribution here refers to this particular here the copyrights of the Google Earth so you can just place this attribution according your choice either by using the top left top Center or right bottom you can so you can also select using custom option so the customer can just drag this to the corner of it so now click this option called submit so here you can able to visualize submitting the Paris animation to Cloud render So currently the render has been now completed it is sent to the Cloud Server so to download it you will receive a mail from the Google from the Google uh so that is to your Gmail account so from there you can able to visualize it so you'll get a notification when the cloud renderer is completed you can download from your from that notification so it will be available in this part of the section called animation so go to the cloud renders so now you can currently able to view our Paris animation is currently running so once it is done we'll get a notification and after that we can download from here and here you can able to visualize the runtime is going to be taking around 37 500 seconds that is almost around 10 hours to render this particular file that is designed Paris animation so it's going to take around 10 hours to complete this rendering so we had to wait for in 10 hours to download this particular Paris animation it's still not let me close this so I just got the notification from our Google Earth Studio where our video is ready to it hasn't rendered and it is ready for the download it took around seven minutes to download it actually I said was around 10 hours but it took only around seven minutes to render and it is available for download so now let me get back to uh Google Earth studio so we are on Google Earth Studio go to the animation section and click this option called Cloud render so now we can able to visualize here the Paris animation it is delivered and it is ready for ready for the download and it took around seven minutes to render the entire Paris so you're gonna download this so here you can able to visualize here the Paris animation is getting downloaded now let us take the look of our animation that is a Paris animation so now we can now able to visualize this this is over Paris animation rendered video so you're gonna play this so we can now able to visualize it in editing part it was uh kind of slow but after rendering it is completed is kind of good it is pretty fast and kind of as it has more quality now so likewise you can use the Google Earth studio for creating more awesome looking uh animations so thanks for watching and please subscribe to our Channel and give us a like
Channel: Terra Spatial
Views: 1,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google Earth Studio, complete beginners, Guide, learn Google Earth Studio, tools in Google Earth Studio, Beginner's Guide to Google Earth Studio, visualize, 2D and 3D Earth data, Earth Studio, Earth Studio is free, absolute basics of Earth Studio
Id: vTDsOQVFka4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 24sec (2484 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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