Create Contour Lines from DEM using ArcGIS Pro

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everyone welcome to the channel and today I will show you how to generate a contour lines using digital elevation model in rgis Pro so let's get started so the contour line defined as an imaginary line connecting a point of equal elevation so now you can able to visualize here the red color indicates the contour line so it is a imaginary line that connecting the point of equal elevation so the elevation here defines 2750 meters and similarly and this line is also called it is an imaginary line that is a contour line which is connecting the point of equal elevation so in the map the contour line here represents the line connecting the point of equal elevation so basically in the map the Contour represents the it is an imaginal line connecting the point of equal elevation and the contour lines are very useful in understanding the Topography of an area for example to understand the slopness of the surface and also to identify the Hill and Valley of the region for example in this image where you can visualize it is a hilly terrine so using Contour you can identify whether it is a hilly or it is a valley so in this video we're going to use the damn data to generate the contour lines so Dem data here defines digital elevation model so you can download the Dem data from USGS Earth Explorer now let me show you that so this is an official website where you can download your Dem data that is USGS Earth Explorer and Link will be given in the description to how to download adem data from USGS so now you can able to visualize here I have downloaded my downloaded my dim file from USGS Earth Explorer so now let me drag this Dem into arcgis Pro so click this and drag into arcgisflow and place it in the table of contents so now we can able to visualize here our Dem has been imported into arcgis Pro so now let me drag my demo and place it here so now you can visualize my dim so now in the table of contents you can visualize our damn data that is in tip format so the elevation is varying from 61 to 3653 so now let me change the color of my dam so right click the Dem go to the option called symbology so now you can visualize here in the Windows Inc symbology so make sure that you choose a color in color scheme now let me select the color scheme for my dim data so now let me select this particular color so now you can visualize our Dem here so from the Dem here you can enable the visualize the red indicates the highest elevation so that is observed in this in this part of the region and similarly the lowest elevation is observed in in this part of the region that is towards the south of the region has a very lowest elevation and towards the north of the region we have very highest elevation so which is indicated in red color red indicates of highest elevation so now let me zoom into this region so now we can able to visualize here the hill are represented in red color and the valley regions are represented in green color the highest Innovation indicated in red color and the lowest elevation is indicated in in green color so now let us generate our contour lines using our damn data that is go to the option called go to the option call analysis and click this option called tools that is our geoprocessing click this so now a window has been popped up saying geoprocessing so now let me click this option toolbox so now let me search by an option called Contour let me search a tool called Contour so now you can able to visualize here we have our Contour tool called create a feature class of Contour from a raster surface so double click this tool now let me select the input raster that is our Dem now make sure that is choose your output feature class name selected my feature class name as the output feature class name as a conto and make sure that you give account to interval of around thousand for example the elevation is varying from 61 to 3653 and in that case I will give a contour value starting from a thousand because if you are giving a lower Quantum value for this for such a high elevation a lot of contour lines is going to get clogged up here so to in order to avoid that I'm going to select a contour interval of around 1000. so now let me enter as 1000 so my base Contour is 0 and Z factor is set to 1 and the counter type will be of Contours so now let me click this option called run so now let us visualize the contour interval of this damn so now you can visualize here this is a contour lines has been generated so this is a contour line so now you can visualize this contour line let me uh don't turn off this layer let me turn off this dim layer so now we can visualize the contour lines so which is indicated in in purple color so it is the counter for the study region with a contour control of around 1000 meters and suppose if you want to increase your density of your contour lines you can get just get head back to the geoprocessing so we can go to this our Contour tool and in the contour interval make sure that you choose a counter controller 500. so in my case the elevation is varying from 61 to 306 3653 so I will reduce my control interval to 500 to increase the density of the Contours sooner I have entered the control interval as 500 so now let me choose the output feature class so let me enter as one so now let me run this click this option called run so now we can visualize here so we have generated a second Contour that is of a contour interval of around 500 so now I can visualize here we have two distinct Contour has been represented and in the table of content one representing counter interval of 500 and second counter second uh layer indicating a control interval of thousand so now let me turn off this layer to visualize the difference so this is our first Contour with the counter interval of thousand so this is our second Contour with the counter interval of 500. so suppose if you want to label your contour lines so you can head go to the option called map and click this option called labeling now make sure that you select in the Field section you select Contour so now you can view in this layer right click go to the attribute section so in the first Contour layer you can visualize here in the attribute table we do have information about the Contour of this layer so for that we are selecting the specific field from here in this section that is in our in our map section go to the labeling so in that we're going to select the field called Contour so now click this option called label so now you can visualize the Contour number here the Contour all elevation has been indicated in this here so let me Zoom to this contour lines so the Contour elevations are have indicated clearly here so you can also increase your font size by increasing this number and you can also do you can choose your desired player label placement by selecting this options available here so if you want to view the details of this contour lines you have one or another option so go to the option called map and click this option called explore so now I've clicked this option called explore now let me Place uh so now so now we can able to view the details about that particular contour line so there is object ID of 244 245 and the Contour of 2000 so it is a contour elevation of 2000 and the shape length of 6 8 so it has it is a shape length and similarly suppose if you want the details of another contour line let me click this particular line so now you can able to visualize the details about that particular contour line so it is a contour Contour elevation of thousand so this is how we can able to create a contour lines in arcgis Pro using our digital elevation model so the damn data so thanks for watching and please subscribe to our Channel and give us a like
Channel: Terra Spatial
Views: 1,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create, contour lines, DEM, ArcGIS Pro, generate, contour lines using DEM, SRTM, Digital Elevation Model, create contours from dem arcgis pro
Id: UGejitD2Qec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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