Viewing & Editing Attribute table in ArcGIS Pro | Tutorial 5

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so hi hello everyone welcome to the channel and today I will show you how to view and edit attribute table in rgis Pro so in our previous video I have shown you how to create and edit a feature class in rgis Pro so in this video I will show you how to view and edit an attribute table in arcgis Pro so let's get started so in our previous video we have created different features in the study area called Chennai so you can clearly able to visualize you created many features in this study region so this is one of the feature called This is a river called Kum River in Chennai so we have we have digitized the this kuam River in the study region Chennai we have drawn a polygon over this comb River and similarly we have digitized several different uh buildings for example this is a chepak stadium in Chennai so have we have drawn a polygon around the stadium so now similarly let me show you other other buildings so here this is another building so it's a mall called Express Avenue so it's a mall and let me show you other buildings other features in the study region so here so you can visualize here so this particular feature that is located in ganapathi Colony so it is called it is a playground and we have three other features in the study region so that is close to our Marina Beach so here there is a we have a drawn a polygon around a triplicane railway station and we have drawn a polygon around a playground and similarly we have drawn a polygon around a swimming pool close to Marina Beach so now to view these different features we have a good option called our layer there is demo features right like this feature and go to the option called attribute table so now we can visualize the different features in our study region so we have a total of round at 25 different features in our study region so here it is represented that is we have around 15 different polygons so there is 15 different features in our study region so now let me close this so now we have a variety of different features so we have variety of different features starting from here we have a vacuum River so here there is another building called a mall and let me show you another building that is this is a stadium checkpath Stadium so suppose if you want to Mark a vegetation so for that go to the option called edit section go to the edit section click this option called create so now go to the option called create features now click this layer called demo features so now click this option called create a polygon feature so now let me draw a polling around this vegetation so I will draw a polygon around this so to complete this poll again double click this to save the change we have made so go to the option called this particular option so here save so now the changes you have made are added any we have created a new feature so in order to save this particular feature click this option called save so now let us view this particular feature in our attribute table so for that click this option called demo features right click and click this option called attribute table so now we can visualize our 16th polygon so here the 16th polygon let me click this so it is now it will be highlighted here so suppose we want to highlight a different feature click this option so it will highlight that particular feature so now you can visualize this particular feature it is highlighted in this blue color so here it is highlighted here so it is one of the building so now let me close this so you can see here different features we now we have created a different features in this study region called Chennai so you can highlight these different features in different colors so let me show you that so for before that let us uh so first let us look up what is an attribute table is so go to the option called demo features so right click go to the option called attribute table so the attribute table looks like a spreadsheet it contains a rows and rows and columns and it got the information about of every single shapes so basically it got the information of every single features we have digitized uh here in the study region so it got information about this River river called kuam so similarly this uh Jay Park Stadium let me select this particular feature that is our chipak stadium so go to the map section and click the select option now let me click this shape file so the ball again is here highlighted so we got information about this particular polygon about the shape length and shape area so this particular right has information about this features so you can click any of this particular any of this particular row so let me click this so it is getting highlighted here in blue color so now let me click another row called number six so now it is highlighted that is our feature called Chrome River so now you can also select the particular feature from this uh from our features so you can select this particular feature it gets highlighted in our attribute table so for that click this option called select so let me select this click this option called select now let me click this particular building so it gets highlighted in our attribute table let me get down so here the number 12 polygon it has been highlighted so you can select the features here and it gets highlighted in our attribute table and you can view the different information about it for example the shape length and the shape area and this attribute table is really an important because it holds the information about this particular feature so you can also give a different information about this particular feature for example this is a mall so you can add a new field called area you can enter the area and also you can give the different you can give a different fields regarding the number of car or number of car parking that is available in this particular Mark you can create a field called number of number of car and you can get there are information regarding the number of car that can be parked and path in this particular mall so you can view those information just by clicking those uh just by selecting this features so object ID is a unique identifier in the attribute table for your features so for example the 21 here the 21 the object ID it shows the this particular feature called Mall so basically the information about the different features in our study area are called as a geospatial information because this each of the feature provides a different information to the to us so for example this particular mall has a around 300 parking spots so it gives us information so for so in this way you can create a number of fields uh you can input variety of information about this mall and just by clicking but just by selecting this particular feature you can view all the information about the small so this information also called as a geospatial information and suppose if you want to clear the selection we have selected this particular polygon suppose we want to clear this selection you can just click this option here clear selection or you can click this option here clear so let me click this option so the selection has been removed so the object ID shape shape length and shape area and this each of the shells these are also called as a field in the attribute table so object ID is a field shape is a field and shape length is a field and shape area is also a field so now I could like to create a field called feature type so feature type here indicates the type of feature for example we have a feature called a river so we have a feature called there is a building that is Jay Park Stadium is a building and similarly we have a mall called a building and we have a visitations being drawn around this particular area that is the vegetation so this feature type is vegetation so I could like to name this the different features a name so let me create a field called a feature type so before you add uh before you add a field into our attribute table make sure that you go to the option called edit and save click this option called save save edits and after that the app symbol will be highlighted so now click this option called add so add field so now you can create your field let me type a name called feature type so we entered the field name as feature type so make sure that you select the data type so here where I have I'm going to name the different features in our in our study region so for that I'm going to select this particular data type that is text so we're going to use only the text suppose we want to use the numbers you have to click to make sure that you click int there is short or long suppose if your number has a decimal place you can click float or double so in this condition in this case I am going to click this data type called text so we're going to enter only the name so for that the data type will be text so the length is here indicated in 255 so now click this option called save so the new field will be created which will be indicated in this attribute table we can visualize it now so now you can visualize the feature types is indicated so now let me close this so you can visualize the different features I have created that is indicated in this in white color so I'll let me show you this so here this particular feature is uh so this particular feature is a vegetation now let me click this so it gets highlighted in our attribute table so you can just view the selected item you can click this option called show the selected records so it shows only the selected records so now you can type the feature type let me name as a vegetation so you now have named the this particular feature as vegetation so now let me select this particular option so we have a total of 16 different features in this particular study region we have created so next let me select this particular feature let me click this it gets highlighted in our attribute table so click this option called show the selected records so it shows this particular feature is a mall so now let me enter as a building so it is a building the feature type it is a building so similarly let me get back to other features too so let me click this particular feature so it gets highlighted here so it is highlighted here so it is a j Park Stadium this is highlighted here so now let me enter the name here let me enter that building so likewise let me select another feature so here we have our river called kuam River in Chennai let me click this so the particular feature will be highlighted so yeah so we have selected this particular feature that is Guam River so now let me select this option show the seller show the selected records so let me enter the name as a river so now I have entered the feature type as the river so let me get back to this and similarly you can click click the different features in your study region you can name in in this way so here we have another feature it is a swimming pool so let me click this particular feature it gets highlighted here yeah it is highlighted in this section object id80 so let me enter as a building so now we can visualize that we have named all the different polygons with the respective feature type feature names so here the polygon one there is a this particular polygon one here represents building one and here this polygon 15 that is object id50 represents a river so which is highlighted here so now let me clear this so suppose we want to give a color for a different color to your features go to the option go to your layer right click go to the option call click this option called symbology so here the symbology section has been displayed so now when here the primary symbology is indicated here click this option and choose the unique values so each of the different features can be given a different colors so now let me select the field one that is the power field so let me select the field called feature types so we have three different colors so one is building here represented in green color and the river it is represented in this color and similarly the vegetation is here representatives in this color you can change the color let me click this so you can select the color for the vegetation is green and for the river you can select the color as blue and similarly you can select the colorful building in red so all the buildings will be highlighted in red color and the water will be highlighted there is a river will be highlighted in blue and the vegetation will be highlighted in green color so you can now give a different colors to your different features in your study region so in this video I have shown you how to view and edit attribute table in arcgis Pro so thanks for watching and please subscribe to our Channel and give us a like
Channel: Terra Spatial
Views: 1,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcgis pro, view, edit, attribute table, edit attribute in arcgis pro, arcgis pro tutorial, ArcGIS ProTips, GIS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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