How to Create & Edit Feature Classes in ArcGIS Pro

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so hi hello everyone welcome to the channel and today I will show you how to create and edit features in arcgis Pro so let's get started so now let us create a feature class in arcgis Pro so to create feature class in our GIS Pro go to the option called View so now let me tell us click this option called catalog pane so now it has been open here so it has been opened here in catalog so now let us go to the option called folders so now let me click this option so now click this option called my project one so which is indicated here this is about my project one so now here we can able to visualize dot GDB the geodatabase so here where our feature class like point line and polygon will be stored it's not to create a feature class all you have to do is click this option called my project.gdb right click and select new and click this option called feature class so now let us name our feature class so let me name as the demo features so we're going to digitize the different features that is available in this particular study region so this is Chennai so here we can digitize a different features so here you can visualize several features being available in this study region so we have a Lakes we have several lakes in the study region and uh and a lot of settlements so you can observe here there is a huge amount of settlements being observed in this area and also vegetation you can observe the vegetation so we're going to digitize different features in this study region so here we have our River so this particular reward is called as a as a so it is a river here in the in the study region and the second river we have adeya River and we specifically going to digitize a few settlements and vegetation in the study region so for that I'm going to select the feature Class Type will be polygon so we have several different features like line point and in this video I click on select the polygon so now to create a feature class just click this option called finish so now we can able to visualize in the table of content section there is a new feature class called demo features so and your future class files will be available here in this folder so my project.gdb that is geodatabase the demo features so which is indicated here in the table of contents section so we have created a feature class that is available in this folder called my database so it is indicated here so we can create with different feature classes so in this feature we have created polygon so you can also create a feature class point line and polygon suppose if you want to create this particular rotate box so you can see there is a road networks being indicated in this color there is a red color so what we can suppose if you want to digitize this road Network you can use specifically the feature called line and suppose we want to show highlight this vegetation around this study region you can use a polygon and suppose if you wanna so if one if you want to show then show the name of this specific region you can induce the point tool to indicate the name of this specific region so this we have created a polygon feature so let's start start digitizing different features in our study region so to start digitizing go to the option called edit so now click this option called create create features so now a new window has been popped up here so indicating create features so now let us have a look of this so let me click this feature on demo features so we have several different tools being indicated here so here you can visualize the different shapes are being available which will be very useful to draw our features in this study region so here I will select this specific tool called polygon create a polygon features so I'll click this I've click you can see now it is our demo feature uh shape file our demo features has been highlighted here so let's start drawing our so now let us start digitizing this uh stadium called chidambaram Stadium so let me digitize it now let us start digitizing the stadium so now I have I can visualize it I have digitized this stadium called chidambaram so now to finish this polygon you have to double click it so now you can visualize that we have this type the stadium and is highlighted so now let me digitize another feature in this study region so now let me select this particular building so let me just digitize it so to finish the ball again you have to double click it so now let me uh digitize this building here so I'm digitizing it right now so I've digitized the building here and now I'm going to digitize another building which is closer to this building so for that I'm going to use this tool called uh let me click this option called autocomplete polygon so creating an adjoining polygon using an existing polygon in the same layer to complete the coincide edges so let me click this so now let me create now now let me create a polygon here so now let me auto complete this feature so let me Place uh this dies this area around it so now let me double click this so now the autocomplete has been completed so this tool is very essential to avoid overlapping of polygon so for that we are specifically using this tool tool called autocomplete polygon so now let me zoom into the study region so you can see there is a overlapping has been completely boarded in in this study region So to avoid overlapping of a polygon so we had to use this specific tool called autocomplete polygon so now we have our digitized two different buildings in this study region so but you could like to view this as a one building so for suppose to merge this two Building Together We have to use this option called click this option called select so now I have clicked this option called select tool and that as I have specifically selected the rectangle so let me draw a rectangle around this two buildings so now you can clearly visualize it we have selected the building one and building two so now we're going to merge this two buildings together as a one building so now to merge this two polygons together we had to go to the another two called modify so I've clicked modify so it is highlighted here as a modify features so now let me select a tool called merge so because we're going to merge this building one and building 2 together as a one building so for that let me search by merge suno have entered as a merge now let me uh enter so now you can able to visualize it we have our merge tool that is a so let me click this now click this tool called merge so now let me say I have selected the layer so it is our demo features layer so now all you have to do is so click this option called merge so now let me click this option so click the merge so you can now visualize that the two building has been merged together as one building suppose if you created a polygon and you have realized that it should be it should have been a multiple polygons so in that case we can use a tool called split tool so it split the polygons into a different polygons so for that again go to the tool section tool called modify now click this option called split so it divides the so it divides a polyline or a polygon features into two features along a splitting line you create a cross feature click the polyline segment to divide the features without using a splitting line so now let me click this tool so now to chop this polygon into us into a smaller polygons you have to click this option called split so I have selected the split so now let me chop this ball again so now let me double click this so now we have two different polygons the single polygon has been splitted into two different polygon so polyun a and polygon B and suppose if you want to make this uh if you want to undo the changes you have made so you had to go to this option called click this option called undo so now it has been converted to a single polygon so now let me click this under again so now we have two different polygons and if you want to redo this thing you have to click this option called redo so in this video I have shown you how to create feature and edit feature using arcgis Pro and I've shown you how to digitize the different features that is available in the study region and shown you the merge and split tool so in our next video I will show you how to name a different features we have created in this in this study region so thanks for watching and please subscribe to our Channel and give us a like
Channel: Terra Spatial
Views: 672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ArcGIS Pro, create, edit, feature class, create feature class, edit feature class, tutorials, shapefile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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