A Closer Look: What it was Like to Travel First Class on the Titanic | Cultured Elegance

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today we'll be taking a look at what it was  like to travel first class on the Titanic   on April 10 1912 passengers would board the ship  from Southampton England they would arrive in   carriages or in cars and have copious amounts  of luggage and also be accompanied by staff   and servants such as ladies maids and valettes  that evening passengers would also be coming   from Cherbourg France such as Molly Brown John  Jacob Aster and his new wife Madeline and Lady   Duff Gordon and her husband Titanic was too large  to accommodate the port so a ferry brought the   passengers to and from once you had entered the  ship you would either be on B deck or on D deck   passengers coming from cherbor all entered  on D deck once aboard the ship you would be   in the reception room this room would be your  first impression of the Interiors of Titanic   the reception room was not only a room where  passengers boarded the ship but it was used for   talking and conversation before meals as it was  adjacent to the Dining Saloon once on board you   would be met by the chief steward and his staff  they would help bring your luggage to your room   first classrooms began on a deck and ended on  e-deck Titanic contained 371 first-class rooms   in total there were four parlor Suites 39 private  Suites and the rest were single or double birth   staterooms prices ranged from forty five hundred  dollars to 135 thousand dollars in today's money   the most expensive of these would have been the  private Promenade Suites located on B deck like   the name suggests these Suites contained a private  50-foot Promenade complete with half Timber Tudor   style paneling sofas tables potted plants and  wicker deck chairs in this space you could have   your own breakfast the sweets contained two large  bedrooms two walk-in wardrobes a private bathroom   a laboratory and a spacious sitting room the  sitting rooms allowed you to receive small parties   of guests they featured a fake fireplace large  card table plush sofas and chairs sideboards and   writing desks the single birth state rooms on a  deck were decorated more modestly than the lavish   period Suites located on B and C decks every room  contained a horsehair sofa wardrobe dressing table   and marble topped wash basin as well as a call  button that could summon a steward a reading lamp   and a wire mesh basket for storing small items  although the Titanic was centrally heated the   first class cabins all contained electric heaters  Titanic featured an impressive ratio of private   bathrooms to passengers more than any other ship  in 1912. virtually every Suite on B and C deck   featured ensuite bathrooms it was standard at  the time for the bulk of first-class bathrooms   to be shared and this indeed was the case for  the majority of the first class the first class   Suites on B and C decks were richly appointed in  11 different period Styles such as neoclassical   Louis XIV 15th 16th Empire Georgian and Italian  Renaissance to name a few the Dutch design firm of   HP Mudders and Zune fitted out 12 of the special  Suites according to their chosen period style they   supplied everything from the paneling and Doors  Down to the soft pillows and down bed quilts   wealthy passengers also had the option to  book multiple adjacent rooms to each other   they could then open the interconnecting doors  and create a private Suite of their own liking   now that we have spoken of the accommodations  let's discuss what it would have been like to   have a full day on the Titanic from morning  until night time you could choose to wake up   whenever you'd like you would bathe dress and  get ready if you are a wealthier passenger and   a woman you would put on your breakfast  dress but if you were a more modest means   you would go ahead and put on your day dress  and men would wear their three-piece Day suits   you could choose to have a light breakfast  in your stateroom you could then proceed to   Second breakfast either in the Dining Saloon a  la carte restaurant Cafe Parisian or The Veranda   Cafe although The Veranda Cafe only served light  refreshments and light fare of cakes pastries   and other small Temptations the Dining Saloon  was open between 8 AM and 10 AM for breakfast   while other restaurants and cafes were open  throughout the day until 11 pm the Dining Saloon   was only open during select times for lunch dinner  and breakfast and not the entirety of the day and   here is a real menu of a First-Class breakfast in  the Dining Saloon there was great Variety in the   options you could have oats Meats fish eggs fruits  and vegetables after breakfast you might choose   to walk the Promenade deck taking in the fresh  air and the Beautiful side of the sea there were   also many amenities available on board such as a  gymnasium Turkish bath steam room private massage   room swimming pool and squash court the gymnasium  was open between 9am and 12 p.m for ladies only 1   pm and 3 P.M for children only and 2 p.m and 6  p.m for gentlemen only the gymnasium contained   a weightlifting machine mechanical bicycles  punching bag and very interestingly rowing   machines electric courses and electric camels you  might also choose to go to the Turkish baths there   was a temperate room cool room hot room steam room  electric bath and two shampoo rooms where massages   were performed the baths were segregated by women  and men women between 9 am and 12 p.m and to men   between 2 p.m and 6 PM there was a charge of four  Shillings or one dollar per person for admission   this money being back in 1912. today costing  roughly 35 dollars the architecture of the   Turkish bathing rooms was absolutely gorgeous the  cool room was the central feature of the Turkish   baths and was decorated in the Arabic and Moorish  Styles the walls were fit with glossy blue-green   tiles richly carved antique furniture and bronze  lamps there was also one marble drinking fountain   the ceilings were very deeply recessed and painted  in a deep Crimson with gilded beams and beautiful   hanging lanterns they were supported by pillars  encased in teak the swimming pool was located   near the Turkish baths it was a heated pool  measuring 30 feet with a depth of seven feet   the water depth was only five foot four inches at  the deep end and four foot six at the shallow end   the pool was indeed heated salt water and the  floors were tiled in blue and white linoleum   descending into the pool were marbled stairs  with teak footholds the pool cost 35 dollars   in today's money to use but the pool was free of  charge to men between the hours of 6 and 8 AM for   morning exercise the squash slash racquet Court  was also available to you located on G deck it   measured 30 feet by 20 feet long and it also had  a Spectators Gallery on F deck overlooking the   court a game would cost roughly fifteen dollars  in today's money now let's talk about lunch you   could enjoy lunch in the cafe Parisian Dining  Saloon or the a la carte restaurant the a la   carte restaurant and the cafe Parisian featured  the same menu but a different environment to sit   in in these restaurants you could choose to have  lunch whenever you liked but if you wanted to eat   in the Dining Saloon which was free with your  ticket price you would need to be there between   the hours of 1 and 2 p.m the menus Change Daily  but here is an example of a real one you had an   option of four different appetizers a variety of  grilled meats and extensive Buffet spread and to   end your meal an extensive display of cheeses if  you had the means as a woman you would change for   luncheon to show off your wealth style and the  Beautiful Fashions you had bought in Europe after   luncheon if you had not used one of the sporting  facilities you might do so or you may explore one   of the gathering places available to you such  as the lounge reading and writing room or you   may visit the Promenade deck again the first class  Lounge was one of the most stylish and beautiful   places aboard the ship modeled in the Louis XV  style after the Palace of Versailles it occupied   a large space midship on the a deck and it offered  views onto the Promenade deck and the ocean Beyond   the lounge was open daily between 8 AM and 11 pm  this room was used primarily for socialization   connecting with other passengers and chatting with  your party tea coffee and light Refreshments were   also available to you there were many nice alcone  spaces allowing for more private conversations   you could also choose to borrow a book from  the lending library where there was a permanent   collection of Classics and the latest releases  that were freshly stocked on every single voyage   you might also choose to spend time in the reading  and writing room this was a leisurely and quiet   space where you could write letters to your family  and friends the room was decorated in the refined   Georgian style featuring painted white and Dove  gray accents the room had plaster work combined   with Sleek paneling and fluted columns there was  also a white fireplace with maroon marble and   white ribboning now it's time for tea individuals  gathered between three and five PM primarily women   you could have tea in a variety of locations on  the ship such as in the lounge cafe Parisian a   la carte restaurant reception room Veranda cafe  or your room in the reception room the Orchestra   played between 4 and 5 PM women were also given  the opportunity to change yet again into a light   tea dress after tea you might choose to walk the  Promenade deck individuals played shuffleboard   dominoes and chess which could all be obtained  from the Quartermaster a bugle call to the tune   of the roast beef of old England was sounded an  hour and a half in advance of lunch or of dinner   this alerted the passengers so they could prepare  for the upcoming event in this case changing and   freshening up before dinner everyone would  change for dinner all of the first class men   and women women in their finest and latest gowns  and men in their white tie for dinner you could   choose to eat in the Dining Saloon or in the a  la carte restaurant the a la carte restaurant   was an extra fee but it was more luxurious and  more quaint than the Dining Saloon dinner in the   Dining Saloon would begin between 6 and 7 30 PM  passengers gathered in the reception room before   dinner were they waited for the rest of their  party they conversed and had drinks beforehand   dinner aboard the Titanic was the main Affair  of the day whether in the Dining Saloon or in   the a la carte restaurant you were treated to  an unbelievable feast of 10 to 13 courses the   Dining Saloon was the largest room on board of any  ship in 1912 and accommodated up to 554 Passengers   The Saloon was decorated in wooden paneling and  painted in a glossy white enamel there were two   aisles the length of the room and created a large  Central dining area in total there were 115 tables   set for 2 to 12 individuals and here's a look at  a real menu from April 14th this menu consisted of   10 courses such as a variety of soups salads Meats  palette cleansers entrees and wonderful desserts   dinner could last well into  the evening about till 11 30 pm   when the meal was finished the ladies and  the gentlemen split the women would remain   in the dining room while the men would go to the  smoking room the room was reserved for gentlemen   only and this was the social convention  at the time here gentlemen played cards   gambled conversed drank and smoked the smoking  room was richly decorated and housed the only   working real fireplace on board the rest of  the fireplaces were electrically heated the   room was fitted with richly carved mahogany wood  in a deep color there was also mother of pearl   inlaid in the wood and also beautiful stained  glass which depicted different ports from all   over the world the smoking room remained open  between 8 30 a.m and 12 am to conclude your   wonderful and eventful day you would head back to  your stateroom as you did you would pass through   the grand staircase this certainly was one of  the most beautiful parts of the ship let me know   in the comments how you would have spent your  day aboard Titanic as a first-class passenger
Channel: Cultured Elegance With Faith
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Id: QLQ6Q34zkU8
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Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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