Titanic (1997) : All Deleted Scenes + Alternate Ending - HD

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foreign [Music] smells so brand new like they built it all just for us I mean just to think that tonight when I crawl Between the Sheets I'll be the first nice when I crawl Between the Sheets I'll still be the first the first and only forever [Music] foreign Trudy Trudy Trudy [Music] [Music] it was a Cold Stone a heart of ice after all these years I can still feel it closing around my throat like color melt it not just seen it that is the general idea here Rose a second I want to get something straight you were going to kill yourself by jumping off the Titanic all you had to do was wait two days tell us more about the diamond what did Hockley do with it after that oh I'm afraid I'm feeling a little tired Mr Lovett would you like some more coffee she's tired wait wait wait before you go to bed can you give us something to go on here like who else had access to the safe what about this Lovejoy guy the valley did he have the combination I need time just just buy me more time more time Brock we're six days over as it is at thirty thousand dollars a day that's right I won't be able to raise 25 cents for a phone call the partners are pissed Rock are you hearing this I'm telling you what they told me the hand is on the plug it's starting to Bow if you tell the hand I need another two days Bobby Mommy I smell it don't smell it I smell like she had the diamond on that night I just got a worker a bit more okay all right we'll uh develop satellite trouble or something you got two days Brock two two go get him okay for a second don't you mean work me okay I'm running out of time here I need your help I'm not going to help you probably my 101 year old grandma came down here to tell you to back off please she kind of understands something I mean look at all this I got guys diving Around the Clock it's a three-ring circus my partner and I we got all our doe sunk in this thing three years of my life going down the drain here about everything to find the heart of the ocean you see this right here that's the shape my hand's going to be when I hold it I'm not leaving here without it I I can't leave here without it I need to unlock what's inside your grandma's memory she's gonna do this her way on her own time don't forget she contacted me she's out here for her own reasons God knows what they are maybe she wants to make peace with the past I really think she was there oh yeah I'm a Believer she was here [Music] the next day I remember thinking how the sunlight felt as if I hadn't felt the sun in years [Music] English [Music] [Applause] um noise thank you [Music] very good very very good we have to go now say goodbye to Uncle Jack bye Cora [Music] thank you hello Mr Dawson hello again may I speak with you private yes of course [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] just had no heart to it I like some of it really yes well pears for me it was more about living on the streets and and trying to put it on the paper you know what I mean you know my dream has always been to just run away and become an artist living in a Garrett poor but free through the last two days there's no hot water and hardly ever any caviar we're having to hate caviar and I hate people telling me what dreams I should and shouldn't have I'm sorry you're right well all right everybody expect them to be this delicate Little Flower which I'm not I'm sturdy I'm strong as a horse I'm here to do something not just sit around and be decorative you see these hands they were made for work yeah for something missed we'd like some tea or some bullion no there's something in me Jack like a Dynamo I feel it I don't know what it is whether I should be an artist or a sculptor I don't know a a dancer like like Isadora Duncan a wild Pagan Spirit or moving picture actress [Music] [Music] she goes where there she goes up up a little bit higher oh nice food is on fire [Music] here we are right I don't want to go back beautiful yeah so vast and endless oh small my crowd I think they're Giants they're not even Dust In God's eye and there's been a mistake you're not one of them you got mailed to the wrong address [Laughter] I did didn't I look shooting star that's a long one you know my pops he said tell me every time you saw one it was a soul going to heaven I like that are we supposed to wish on it why would you wish for something I can't have [Music] and here we have the stationary bicycle it's a very effective looking fit and over here the electric horse this of course is also extremely popular and we even have the electric camel reminds me of my holidays and this is our new rowing machine uh care to try your hand madam don't be absurd can't imagine a skill I should likely need less the next stop on our tour will be the bridge this way please foreign [Music] foreign [Music] father hired him to keep his little boy out of trouble to make sure he got back to the hotel with his wallet after his Crawl Through the less reputable parts of town kind of like we're doing right now huh [Music] like hell I tell you I have 50 bucks as we make it into New York Tuesday night 100 says Wednesday A.M [Music] [Music] [Music] look at this one he wants his private train to meet him we'll be up all bloody night on this lot they'll be up all bloody night on that lot oh yeah sorry your joke bloody hell it's that idiot on the Californian tell him to sod off I'll do more than that [Music] keep out shut up I'm working thanks race Arrogant Bastard I try and warn him about the ice and he tells me to shut up and listen to that spark you must be right on top of it what's he sending now poker business good ow well that's it for me I'm shutting down [Music] hey sunny how about a little ice yes [Music] well it looks all right I don't see anything damaged the ship seemed like much of a bump I think we're all right all right all right that's it you're going over [Music] board maybe we should try that new distress call SOS it may be our only chance to use it [Music] foreign foreign [Music] together we've got to get away from the ship trolling you're on the service charge you're not pulling anything sorry sir oh look like a duck with a broken wing should have wrote a boat before Sonny no man give me that ore I'll show you how it's done now whoa oh [Music] Stay Together sir open this up search flooding down here can anybody hear me cheers [Music] [Music] no no please Ida get into the boat no we've been together for 40 years and where you go I go don't argue with me Isador you know it does no good [Music] let's go this way right now come on Jack yes everyone out you come with me we go the books hey you come with me now I'm lucky it's my destiny to go to America please [Music] come come on come on I will never forget you [Music] put your backs into it Paul Paul come on put your backs into it oh all right come on oh there come back stop we have to go back no the suction will pull us down if we don't keep going we've lots more room I say we go back no it's our lives now I know this and I'm in charge of this boat madam narrow [Applause] this is the captain come back to the ship [Music] the fools [Music] Slow Me Down impede my stroke read your Mr McCauley it is 700 miles for sure so you wouldn't want to do anything to impede your stroke foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] beat me please you have to go thank you if uh you're saved would you please get this to my wife in Des Moines Iowa she just celebrated her 50th birthday you're not gonna believe that of course you're gonna think she's 35 everybody does they say is that your daughter I say no [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] thank you foreign matter of time foreign oh my God you little [ __ ] compliment to the Triple Falls [Music] [Music] all right all right come on [Music] my damn dog Madeline asked me to look for the dog foreign come on let's clear out we've done our duty come on we're gonna be inside for breakfast we're not going good man foreign [Music] [Applause] we'll die sooner if you come any closer [Applause] yes yes good luck to you then God bless keep moving on us keep moving [Applause] we should do something it's out of the question foreign [Music] how dare you get in there will you now come on this way madam I see him I see him put your back's anyway a cold water bring him in help him out bring him in quickly with those flat kits keep him warm there's some blankets up here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign but the crash of 29 hit his interest hard and he put a pistol in his mouth that year his children fought over the scraps of his estate like hyenas or so I read can you exchange one life for another a caterpillar turns into a butterfly [Music] if a Mindless insect can do it why couldn't I was it any more unimaginable than the sinking of the Titanic [Music] just forgetting off this dodge forsaken stretch ocean and going home [Music] things just got worse hey come to the party if I get drunk enough I've been known to dance oh my God Jesus [Music] don't come any closer I'll drop it [Music] you had it the entire time [Music] hardest partner about being so poor was being so rich but every time I thought about selling it I thought of Cal and somehow I made it without his help look Rose I don't know what to say to a woman who tries to jump off the Titanic when it's not sinking and then jumps back on when it is [Music] dealing with logic here I know that but please think about this for a second Oh I thought about this for years and I've come all the way here to put it back where it belongs wait just let me hold it in my hand please just once you look for treasure in the wrong place Mr Lovett only life is priceless and making each day count [Music] Jesus no thank you [Music] that really sucks lady [Music] [Music] foreign that's just great meanwhile I'm gonna call my wife [Music] she like to dance [Music]
Channel: ᑎOOᑎEᔕᑭEᖇᖴEᑕT
Views: 3,831,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Titanic Deleted Scenes, Titanic Deleted, Titanic deleted scene, Titanic, James Cameron, Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Titanic deleted, titanic scene, titanic alternate, jack and rose, Titanic 25th Anniversary, Titanic ending
Id: Her4vPFFSE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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