Chef Brutally Reviews Kitchen Gadgets!

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- We have an entertaining lineup for you today, Ebbers. Lift the cloche. And there you go. - [Ben] It's a pocket friendly, battery operated smoothie maker. - Let's go home, he's got it. He's nailed it. - He's got it. - Oh, actually it says it on the bottom. The original portable blender. - Absolutely correct Ebbers. This is the blend jet 2, which serves up big blender power on the go. We created the blend jet two, portable blender. So you can make anything you want, anywhere in the world. From mountain top to your kitchen countertop. - Trying to work out where you would need to take a smoothie, that you couldn't just blend it at home and put it into a thing to go with. - Blend Jet, make a lot of claims. We're gonna test these claims, and we're gonna put you in some scenarios. - Role playing - Role play smoothie making you saw it here first. (upbeat funk music) - Blend Jet say it's portable. Perfect for jetting around town. Powerful, can blend almost anything in 20 seconds. Ice, frozen fruit, leafy greens, and more. And it is USB rechargeable. - Excellent, plug and play. - And they claim it will do 15 20 second pulses on that battery life. - That's quite a lot of smoothie drinking. One a day, got a good couple of weeks worth outta that. - So you're in your kitchen, you're about to go to work, grab your milk and your ice from your fridge. Fill it up. And then you're gonna go on a little walk around the studio picking up your fresh fruit your nuts, before blending it up sitting down on your bus to work, sipping away, whilst reading the financial times. - The problem with role play is it only works if both parties are fully invested, so let's do this. Oh, it's warm outside. Need plenty of ice. - Why is that ice in his fridge? - Little glug of milk. - He's out the door. - [Ben] Off he goes. I could be walking 10 minutes down the road to my allotment, where I often find fresh berries. - Okay. - And if I'm feeling cheeky I could nick some berries from next door. - Right off the bat he dismissed the scenario that genuine people are using it for, and has created a scenario that one person in the whole world is going use it for - A few nuts. On he goes - Just walks around. now it's time to blend, Ebbers. (laughing) - Nope. Turns out it doesn't like ice. - I think we've instantly found a flaw. (blender working) - Doesn't sound like it's blending up all the ice. - There's 20 seconds but let's see how it's done off of one zhuzh. - Now on the bus I would probably have with me a portable reusable straw. I imagine most people do. But in this instance, some glasses here, shall we try to - Well, you can drink it straight out. I mean, again, it's, it's a, it's a portable device as well, Ebbers. - Yeah. It's not, it's not blended everything but there's even berry in there I want most of the nuts at the bottom. - Well maybe, maybe we'll give it a few more passes. - It failed on nuts, which are quite hard, but it also failed on water. - The frozen water - Frozen water. - [Ben] Well I mean. - Ebbers. - [Ben] H2O - Give it another go. Let's be fair. - [Jamie] In fairness that looks pretty smooth. - That's - Yeah. And then to be perfectly honest with you it's all up to what you put in it. - Scenario one, your summary. - It has made a cold fruity drink. I wouldn't call it a smoothie, but it's done a much better job than I could with a glass and a fork. - Just sat on a bus. - [Ben] Yeah. Muddling it. Not on a bus. Well maybe not on a bus. - Next let's test its power. - [Mike] Blend Jet say this has big blender performance. So we thought in order to test that, I mean we've got the most powerful blender you can get. Now. We're not saying that it's going to get close but it will give us a good reference point. - Does this have big blender energy? - That that's what we're looking for. So you have some oatmeal, some kale and some banana - Leafy bits. - [Mike] All right. Why don't you give the blend jet a go first - One button push. (laughing) - [Jamie] So to be fair, we always knew that the big blender is going to do a much better job. The question is, has the Blend Jet done an acceptable job? - Yeah. - It's not meant to do that, but it is supposed to give you an option when you are out of home. - Okay. So we put it through the power test. Claims to be able to make hummus, guacamole. So let's put it through the versatility test. - Oh, now you have my attention. Chips and dips when you're camping. - [Mike] So in front of you, you have the ingredients for a pea pesto. So double tap to set it into pulse mode and then you can press down as usual and it will pulse - Take out of pulse mode, cause I don't need pulse mode. - [Mike] No - For all the mickey take quite convenient in circumstances where you wouldn't have or take a food processor or a blender, it does the job. - [Mike] So with all that in mind, let's talk price. How much would you pay for the Blend Jet 2 - I would pay £35. £34.99. - Would you pay 42 pounds 95 - Not that far off. I'd wait till black Friday. - Okay. Interesting. I didn't see that coming after test one. - You were just, your recipes you put in it based on what it can achieve. So I might not put almonds in my smoothie of choice. I might just stick to banana to thicken it with some fresh fruit, but you don't know until you've tried. I think the thing is you try lots and then you repeat the ones that work. (upbeat digital music) - Next up Ebbers, lift the unnecessary cloche. - Do not remove this lid during the blending process. So it's probably another single use blender. - Yes, Ebbers. This is the Morphy Richard soup maker. It makes fresh, homemade, healthy and nutritious soup in as little as 21 minutes. It has a serrator blade for quick, even slicing and cutting of ingredients. You can make smooth soups. You can make chunky soups and it has a self clean function. - Of course it does. - Okay. Well let's, let's just test it. Cause at the moment I don't feel I need it. - Ebbers what we've given you is all the ingredients to make our creamy broccoli and ginger soup with spicy naans. This is from one of our packs, the faster food pack. It's delicious. Let's see if the soup maker can handle it. - Okay. Finely chop up ginger and garlic, chunks of broccoli a dollar of crème fraîche, herb stock cube, water. It's operating like a kettle. So set it to smooth 21 minutes, go. - And that's it. You just press a button. And then at the end of that, we get soup. - The other part of the recipe from Sidekick is naan croutons. All you need to do is slice up the naans, cover them in a little bit of oil and some chilli flakes. - [Mike] There we go. We are in blend mode. - We joked about the ridiculousness of making us smoothie on the way to work. No one does that, but I could see, however, that throwing a bunch of stuff into this. As soon as you get outta bed in the morning, you've got hot soup. You can pour into a flask and take with you for lunch. That is more practical. - And I'll be honest with you Ebbers. There are thousands of reviews on Amazon, and people have made this a part of their daily or weekly life. They use it very regularly and it solves problems for them. - [Mike] Is it done? - [Jamie] Sounds like it's done. - [Mike] It's been 21 minutes. - I honestly thought this would've been a good, good product. What have we done wrong? That ain't smooth soup. But the herbs got caught around this. Maybe that was our fault. Like with every machine you need to get used to it. - Why don't you use the blend function Ebbers? (upbeat rock music) - Right here right now the first time I've ever used one of these, I don't think I would want to sit here on this stool and say it doesn't work. I would want to do what we always do, which is consumer test more. However, it hasn't blended a soup in the 21 minutes. I could have made you a much better soup with that time in a pan with a stick blender. So I'm a bit confused. - I don't understand why that hasn't worked either - In 21 minutes, the broccoli wasn't as cooked as I would've expected. And secondly, it's not blending. It's vigorously stirring. It's going round. It's going round quick enough to roughly chop, but it's not blending. So either 40 bit of kit. - Or 40 Ebbers - Or 40 Ebbers - Regardless of our results. - [Ben] No, I'm not gonna make a judgement based on other people's success. I do, however, have a stick blender that I'll put all of this hot stuff in and make actual soup. (chilled ukulele) - Okay Ebbers, lift the cloche for your next gadget. Hey, any ideas what this is? - A dumpling maker, cause it could be ravioli pasta, or it could be wonton skin style or gyoza. But I reckon you lay something out, or a turnover like an apple turnover puff pastry dollop in a filling, push and bake. - A hundred percent correct, Ebbers. This is a double dumpling maker. - I'm excited - Make two dumplings at a time for quick dumplings. Even if you're a beginner, this press is very easy for you to make beautiful wavy shaped dumplings in a short period of time. It's sturdy, durable easy to clean. Dumpling, mould and cutters can be used to make the dumplings, pies, wontons, ravioli, et cetera. All of those things that you listed. Ebbers you have in front of you, the ingredients required to make vegan pirogi. - [Ben] Excellent. - [Mike] So it's a water and flour based dough that have been pre-cut by our food team. Kush, thank you very much. And then sauerkraut, onion, and mushroom fillings. But could you please make two of these by hand to show us how it's done without the gadget? - Shall I get to timer ready? - Please get to timer ready start making in 3, 2, 1 go. Here we go. There's one. - [Jamie] I was gonna say a bit there's a bit more filling in that one - And stop the clock. What we got - 44 seconds - 44 seconds Ebbers, we're gonna give you 44 seconds to see if you can make any more than two, using the machine, go. - Drapesy drapesy - [Mike] We recommend a teaspoon and filling. Here we go. - No - Oh my god - [Mike] It's rubbish. - Well, well, well like with my first one was rubbish too. - Keep going, keep going you're only halfway through your time. - Okay. Let's learn from the lessons. - [Jamie] That's 44 seconds. - So actually just those two then. - Okay. Keep going. You know, we'll see if we can actually get it to work - [Jamie] But, but plunge it don't punch it. You don't have to do it in slow motion, but. - So slowly doesn't work. - So when you do this by hand you generally have the ability to kind of pull and stretch to make sure that the filling end here. This just kind of pushes it. So whilst they do join the edges quite well they also push a lot of excess out. - So what about the machine? Is that doing it more consistently? - Nope. - So we've got that one's got a whopping great big hole in it. If I was feeling lucky, I might put that in a pan my three completely irregular, but I would put all three in a pan, but they don't look particularly uniform or great. - [Mike] They look tasty. I want to eat them. - [Ben] Like I'm amazed that didn't come open in the pan. If you don't have the patience or the dexterity then I can see how that might be quicker. The mechanism works. Just not particularly well. - All right, Ebbers, let's talk price. How much do you think we paid for that? - I reckon you probably paid £14. - £20.99 - That's a lot. As with everything you test out the box it takes some getting used to. But we have definitely had more gadgets on the channel that have been more surprising and impressed us rather than disappointed us. - I think he's made his position clear (upbeat music) - [Jamie] Right then Ebbers lift the cloche. - [Mike] That's why I came in today. - Yeah. - What on earth is that? Other than it says - This is like the banana yoga station (laughing) except it's called the banana loca - [Jamie] Ebbers. This is the banana loca, banana corer, and filler. Banana loca, registered trademark, is an innovative kitchen gadget that straightens a banana. Cores it while still in the peel and allows you to fill it with a variety of tasty food pairings - Thought you'd never ask. So pull out the little white thing. Now, unscrew the yellow cap at the front. So the white thing just sits in that hole. - [Jamie] You see the yeah the little notch there. - [Mike] So we did. Yes. We've done a banana yum station before. Yep. This actually is a lot more sturdy in the way that it's made. - [Jamie] Excellent. Now insert your tip into the sheath. Nope. The sheath. - We've called it a sheath. I don't think that is his book. There you go. - [Jamie] There you go. At this point, take your long metal corer. - You're gonna core your banana, Ebbers. - [Jamie] Poke it through. - [Mike] And then yeah. - Very satisfying. - Yeah. Give a little twist around. Now put your thumb on the end to create suction, and pull it out. Perfect. Now cah you've perfectly cored your banana but where is your banana core Ebbers? - Core of the banana is in my banana corer. - How do we get it out? - How are we gonna get it out? Oh my goodness. Look at that white piece of plastic there. - I mean that makes perfect sense - [Jamie] You could just. - Ah, look at that Ebbers. - [Ben] Yeah, so far so good. - So if you now lift up your plunger, what you have there is a hopper that you can fill with any filling that you would like to put in the middle of your banana. - [Mike] How would you like some caramel? - [Jamie] Ooh - I'm gonna, I'm gonna generously fill my hopper. I like the amount of thought that is gone into something so pointless. - Ah. - Ah. - Why is it pointless? He's got a point, and that's the fill bananas full of delicious things. - Huychaa! - You're gonna want to plunge and - Pull, oh God, the angle. Oh the angle and then slow. Oh. Oh. Do we have a filled banana? - I've got no idea. - Pull it out your sheath. - Whack it out your sheath. Oh. - [Jamie] Oh, let's have a look. Let's have a look at the end. - Look at his grin. - Loves it. - You have to peel from this end. Hang on. - [Mike] No, you peel it from the top. There you go. - Take a bite. See, see how filled it is. Oh, that's it good. That's on the internet forever. - I mean, yep. It's filled. - [Jamie] Yep. - Banana caramel in it. - Yeah. - [Mike] It's done it's job. That is loca. Is it loco? - If de coring a banana and filling it with something is your thing. I can see how it makes kids and adults alike, very happy. - [Jamie] Did it make you happy? - [Mike] It did. He had a smile on his face all the way through - The whole way through. I was trying not to laugh at it and with it and for that reason, I don't hate it. - Kush, bring in the bananas! So whilst we talk about price we thought we'd play a little game. They're not bananaritos there. They are bananas that have been loca'd with different fillings and we thought we'd play banana roulette. - [Mike] Fine. Divvy them out. - Would you like banana one banana two or banana three? - [Jamie] I'll go for banana number one. - I'll go for three - Heftier bananas. - Hold it on the tin foil, peel the top. Cause we're not gonna be able to see what we're what we're getting. - Oh, I see. Clever - And sake Kush Cheers! Three different fillings. All a surprise. - And either way - That's the pea, the pea pesto from earlier. - Pesto and banana goes well right? - Right? Great cheers. - Cheers. Oh that was just banana, I didn't get to my surprise. - Pesto and banana does go well together. Oh no what have you got? - I've got hot sauce - Did you put the core back in mine? - I was like, it just tastes like banana and I realised I've got the banana core inside of my banana. - Oh, Ebbers you've done well outta that. - I think I've got one of your chores. - You can take it home with you. - [Jamie] Yeah. If you can correctly guess the price. - Oh, how much do you think it is? - Is this silly little bit of fun. $29 99. - This sells in the states for $28 99. We were able to get it for £24. - Wow. - [Mike] I think you should be allowed to take that home. - Do you know what? Of all the gadgets today, this one did what it was supposed to, brought a smile to my face, and if it gets more people eating bananas and fresh fruit in general, even if it is cored out and filled with sugar or pesto. - Hot sauce - I don't have a problem with it. In fact, I kind of like it - Well over to you guys. Would you give any of these gadgets a go? Comment down below, let us know. - And continue to suggest gadgets that we should get Ebbers to test next time. These are all your suggestions. So thank you and keep them coming. - So thank you. But also check out sidekick where you'll find all sorts of recipes free for a month including the broccoli and ginger soup - Have your opposable thumbs just stopped working? Why are you dropping everything? - Well the peel was not attached to my tip. - Don't waste the core either cause - [Jamie] Eat it. - Otherwise you end up with fruit waste - [Mike] Eat it, but don't be weird about it. No, he cannot do it. - Can't do it. - [Mike] Cannot do it. - [Jamie] He just can't do it. - [Ben] There are some things I regret - That was one of them.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 985,655
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Keywords: sorted food, taste test, how to cook, chefs review, cooking battle, kitchen gadgets, sortedfood global ingredients, sortedfood review, food trends 2022, ingredients youve never heard of, what to cook, recipe challenge, how to, the fridgecam show, taste testing, midweek meal, food challenge🔥, store cupboard meals for one, best recipe, cheats, professional kitchen, chefs, pro cooks, review, pro tips, reviewing, dishes, hilarious, funny, fail, easy, quick, honest
Id: M2yvVSsPzjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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