A Century of Treasure at this Rural Estate Sale

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looks like our estate sales down there where all those cars are at guys right on this Lake now this is what I call in the Sticks this road or this house was last sold in 2007 so it's established this neighborhood has been here for a while but it is not on Google Maps got a little cart action all right lots of little cabins dang this is like a perfect little spot oh geez I don't know if y'all can tell but this is super steep we got a golf cart with flashing lights down here people are serious today okay I'm gonna run up here and pull a number really quick there's already a lot of people standing out here a lot and it is 8 10 right now this day still does not open for 50 more minutes but there's at least 20 or so cars here but it's okay I'm gonna go grab a ticket and see what number we are it can't be as bad as last time okay we are number 78 and I asked some of those people that are in line I don't know if you guys can save on yeah right there and number 63 is the first number or 65. so I'm Number 13 which means I will get in in the first round of people which has me really excited what does not have me excited is that it's 36 degrees right now I'm wearing green I normally like to wear black because it makes me a little bit more incognated like not super obvious that I have a flipping chest harness across my chest with the camera but I also forgot my coat of all things so I'm really happy that I'm not gonna have to stay in the line for forever and wait for them to call like the second or third round of people for those of you guys that are new to the channel I go to places like thrift stores and yard sales and estate sales and look for really cool items to flip on eBay for some profit in case you guys were wondering here is my get up it is um it is not so discreet let's just say that super obvious right on my chest so my eight-year-old's jacket was in the car guys do we think so I can get away with this I think this will make me stick out a little bit less pink furry it doesn't hey the camera would have just enough room to stick out anybody even notice or Draw any more attention oh she's got some gloves I mean it looks like it's a perfect fit I don't know about y'all this dude just caught me he's looking at me like what the heck is this lady doing with this pink baby coat on foreign oh geez well okay that is he's looking at me out of his window right now so um in case we're wondering if it is less noticeable the answer would be no no it is not I'm 78. all right 78. everybody's giving the numbers I don't know why she already got all the Jade okay five years of Mariah um this is amazing 975. this bench was made by artist Robert mouseman Thompson in the mid-1920s he signed all of his pieces with his carved wood mouse this small bench recently sold for over two thousand dollars and even smaller pieces such as these in here continue to sell for hundreds this bench was no doubt worth thousands of dollars and I'm honestly kicking myself for not scooping it up do we have any flowers this set with these etched goldfish splashes last sold for like 75 bucks if I'm bad about that Jade I wanted that picture really bad yeah that makes me nauseous I definitely want this group right here not the others Monograms score I'm about to go after this ladybug too much thank you oh sorry dear oh it's dark in here no you can't it is super dark over there wow that's beautiful okay that was amazing and the bag oh gosh I can barely fit through already you guys too coach excuse me excuse me oh man this house is really small and I'm already squished if you guys are wondering just because it can't fit anywhere look at those little blonde glass flowers I really don't want to put those in my bag Ashley can I get out please thank you dear very squished huh are you coming out yeah okay good luck yes I know I'm holding my elbows like this I'm hoping not to hit something right it's tough in here foreign that one is 40. I think I'm gonna come back down oh man I'll do it okay it's written on bummer they're all written on them otherwise these are pretty decent well obviously bad condition but if you get tall sizes canisters okay [Laughter] I'm gonna go right behind you sir excuse me sorry it does smell a little funny down here funny smells like it's kind of weird I'm sorry no you're fine the basement tomorrow yeah probably it's five though I think so I don't know I saw a sign upstairs that said blankets for eight dollars what does that say oh 75 bucks I just needed to put that in here wow yeah Bass Pro Shop [Applause] okay um [Music] yeah I guess you know that already foreign [Music] oh it's all chipped up it's missing the top and it's missing a lot of little hmm down to town okay maybe none of these are good there were certain things I wanted to look at in here but they were already gone yeah I made it in the door that Jade picture is gonna haunt my dreams platter I saw before like 29 I think great but how much is that actually 10 bucks yeah now here [Music] that guy stuff just that his milk in store will sell for about two grams what's the best offer on the basis you've got so far I cannot tell you that oh yeah I can't tell you that I wish I could but I can't you have to have an auctioneer's license to do that okay you know no I mean like if you make an offer you say oh we have an offer higher than that should we just do sealed sealed bins and we just keep them all we got one we only have one and then uh and so even the highest doesn't mean like you're gonna get it I understand now I understand some people though it's a little bit but this one like it's they're gonna choose you know say someone says a thousand dollars they could still be like no that's gotcha okay that makes total sense now I get it the owner says I'd rather just keep them if I can't get x amount especially cars cars with us yeah I think that's the first time I've seen them make an offer thing so it's new to me very often yeah I get it now though makes total sense oh yeah if they people find out yeah oh somebody bought the bench for a thousand bucks [Music] probably faster 35 bucks over here [Music] you guys think this will be safe like this right here for a minute I think I'm gonna do it I think I'm leaving now look at this strawberry baskets if those aren't so expensive out about this because those do so but they're not worth it all righty yes sir in here it's Thanksgiving creams [Music] oh my God over there that is beautiful I don't know what that's called [Music] these do well too if it's actually vintage this doesn't feel vintage they're just touch it if it isn't it Martha Stewart not what I wanted to say more of the story how about this guy yeah it's going right ahead just trying to hold this one up it's not space it's quite Limited in here yes I love it okay oh Clan yeah oh it is stainless on the inside black on the outside I wonder if this is right unmarked almost two bucks [Music] it doesn't feel cold out what is that [Music] is like is that really too much interesting okay Pyrex Lids I'm gonna take both of those too so nice oh these pull out genius Farberware I think I'm gonna go get them on yeah yeah we were excited can it be I'm not in line today hey you're not lying heck yeah that looks super comfortable I know it's amazing eight bucks I think yeah and here out of the utensil thing that does not one pan okay two lids perfect I get as much fishy stuff as I can girl me too I love it [Music] right there then somebody put these back right in front of me yes two dollars for one little set and then I have the rest in here is this whole set of glasses and I think I can't remember I'm gonna have to find a little sticker I think it was 15. I think it was those are cute yeah one of them has a sticker yeah yeah I just don't want to Overture you oh I know oh 18. perfect see I would have underdone it there must have whiskey yeah yeah okay this one's just got two big ones in here okay well right there there it is 24 bucks yes and then I have this ladybug oh it came apart in there oh there it is yeah and you already got these little blown glass flowers okay all right that is all for me dear I have to go to the car to get it you're it's gonna be 78.44 okay I always go like back and forth on showing you guys the actual checkout process at sales and estate sales but it never fails that anytime I do cut that part out you guys are asking like hey how much did you pay for this or that so I understand that some of you guys want to see that as like how to like sum up everything but also don't want to bore you guys so what do you think what I would like to know what the majority of you all think leave the checkout processor just cut it out into a quick recap like I'm about to do right now so I spent like 78 dollars all in eight bucks was for the blanket for myself um Kinsley ended up calling dibs on this ladybug lamp which that would have been a nice resale piece by itself I don't think that the 130 comp was the most realistic I would think it's probably more like 75 to maybe like 90 on that well worth the 16 either way so from my angle it looked like the box was completely full of this Oneida silver when the lady grabbed it which is why I immediately felt nauseous if this would have been a complete set like that whole bin full of this it would have been somewhere in the realm of like two hundred dollars uh the five piece play setting by itself sells for around forty dollars so that's what I have this listed for and these random pieces not being a complete set I just listed them pretty cheap at thirty dollars but you could definitely list these separately you could list the four knives together Etc however you want to do it I just don't want to hold on to this stuff for a long time so I just listed all those together for 30 bucks now these two Pyrex Lids ended up being an amazing pickup this one well this one last sold for 18 to 20 dollars but I did miss a chip on one of these Corners so I'm just gonna list that for like 10 bucks and call it a day as opposed to like you know just donating it and throwing away my two dollar investment now this bad baby already sold for sixty dollars now the actual Pyrex dish that this goes on if you can find the two pieces together sells for somewhere in the realm of like 125 dollars so remember this crazy crazy remember this crazy quilted pattern if you ever come across this Pyrex dish or even the lid clearly there's some big money there now this beautiful burlwood box these I have sold a few burlwood pieces in the past and you kind of just have to guesstimate on the prices as these pieces are all over the place this is a nice large trinket box I don't even know if you would call it a trinket box due to its size but that's how I have it listed smells amazing you can see the cedar two little nice compartments on the inside so I listed this one for 75 dollars then we have this nice all clad I was bummed at first because I thought it was going to be non-stick non-stick does not sell that well especially if there are any scratches but stainless is always for the win now if the whole pot would have been stainless this would have been closer to a hundred dollar pickup but being that it's just less popular with the black on the outside and it does have some wear and also has like a deep scratch on the lid here I only listed this one for like 47 but it will be a quick seller now these little blown glass flowers what you really want are the long stem blown glass flowers because they sell anywhere from like I don't know 18 to 30 dollars per individual flour now this one I have listed at a pretty decent bargain at 32 dollars for the set of all five and the little vase these little etched goldfish glasses are seriously so precious it looks like something that my grandmother would have had and there are great comps for these all day long the last set that had six similar to ours or the exact same six piece set sold for 75 however the ones listed now the price has gone up a bit so I just listed mine a little bit higher at eighty dollars for the six piece set so 75 dollars into over 400 in profit is obviously not my best day but I did Scurry along to two more estate sales and a yard sale immediately following this estate sale so the day was still super profitable and these were some really cool finds and that was a very cool or estate sale I wish I would have picked up that bench as I would have clearly made way more profit than all of these small little items but you know you live and you learn and the initial shock of seeing a thousand dollar item um I don't know I didn't I should have processed ahead of time like what I was willing to pay for that bench next time though I'll probably think it through a little better before I get there now as far as those really cool like bronze vases you all saw me check out I was going to put an offer in on those somewhere around like 150 but I heard a couple talking about it and they put in an offer of 800 bucks so I did not even bother because clearly I was nowhere near 800 and they were going to be keeping those for their own like Personal Collection so all in all some very cool stuff there really cool State sale really cool area and we got some really cool stuff so pretty happy with how this went and you guys will catch the rest of my day in the next video so as always thank you guys so much for watching uh make sure you let me know below do you guys like seeing the checkout process or is that kind of boring and drab like I try to cut it down as much as possible in real time that was like 10 minutes and in the video it was like I don't know it was less than two minutes but that's still a long checkout process and I find that a little bit boring for you guys but I want to make the majority of you all happy so drop a comment below let me know what you think and I'll see you guys next Thursday with another video
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 227,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #workfromhome, #garagesale, Yardsale
Id: VZiTakzs730
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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