WOW! Upgrade Your Outdoor Patio + Deck with these Budget DIY Decor Ideas!

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hey crap buddy it's a beautiful 75° and sunny  here in Illinois today and what better excuse   to get outside and Tackle my to-do list  for my patio and pool area come along   today I'm going to be sharing everything  from DIY furniture to storage solutions   and I'm going to help you get set so you  can enjoy your outdoor space All Summer Long you're watching whiskey and wehi my name is  Whitney and a huge thank you and welcome back to   my whiskey craft buddies who are here each and  every week to DIY with me if you're not already a   craft buddy but you love today's video be sure to  hit subscribe so you don't miss a future whiskey   and whip video now I've got a lot to tackle  today so let's get started up first we're going   to tackle the need for hidden outdoor storage  I always need to store stuff but I don't want   it out visible so I'm grabbing a planter from  Walmart as well as this 24in wood round from   Menards now you can use whatever planter you want  and if you have scrap wood you could use that for   the top but the first thing I'm doing is taking  some one by two scrap and measuring how much I'm   going to need to inset it onto this wood so that  it's gonna act like an actual lid I'm going to get   my pot set on the bottom where I want it trace it  on the wood and then I'm going to use that initial   measurement to lay out my scraps these were from  my recent fence picket video so I just had these   laying around you could also use scrap from the  value wood section or just check around if you've   got pallets or extra wood or you can buy a 1 by  two as well I am going through and using my 2 and   78 measurement that I did for my container I am  using a mark on there and the key here is you're   going to use wood glue and some nails now if you  don't have a nail gun no worries all you need to   do is get some finished nails with a hammer and  you can add those in there the nails going to   hold it now the glue is going to hold it forever  and I'm working my way around the outside of the   container now for two sides I could easily use the  11in measurement but then for the sides I had to   cut them down because I needed to make sure that  I had 1in clearance around the inside of the pot   because if you look there's a one lip around my  planter so you're going to have to a lot for that   when you're measuring but 2 and 7/8 got me in from  the outside and made sure that my wood was going   to fit then I did a dry fit and here you can hear  it it actually sits in and it's not going to go anywhere that's exactly what I was looking for  you can do this for square pots as well but I   like that it's going to sit in there and not move  especially if people have drinks on it cuz I'm   going to use it as a side table I'm giving this a  really good sand especially on the edges cuz these   pine EDG glued things usually can be a little  rough once I got it all smooth I wiped off the   sawdust and then it's time to finish it I decided  to use this early American stain because this is   what I have all around my house and once I'm done  in the summer I'm going to bring this inside for   the winter and use it for storage in our house  so I'm all for using stuff longer than just as   intended use Al highly recommend that you seal the  wood especially if it's going to get rained on or   you're we're going to be putting drinks on there  now I know that my triple thick from veranee says   interior but I promise you I've done it outside  it does not yellow I just make sure to do three   coats of that and it is going to be protected I  just like that it goes on really well and like I   said I know it says interior but I've done it  before and it works well if you want to use an   exterior one that's fine too now there are so  many different ways you can use this I'm going   to use it for beach towels next to these chairs  out by our pool but because this pot has a stopper   in the bottom you could easily add ice and have  it be a little cooler next to the pool you could   also have it house shoes toys anything you need  to keep corraled and hidden and the best part is   this could be used indoor all year round so if  you don't have an outdoor space or don't need   this outside you could easily make it for inside  your house just the same this area of Our Deck   is always where our guests sit or grandparents  when they're watching fin swim but it can get   really hot so I headed to Home Depot and Walmart  to get my supplies to make this a shaded Oasis I   grabbed the same pot that I got from Walmart as  well as a Walmart 5G bucket I did that just cuz   it was white but you can get them at Home Depot  wherever couple bucks and then you're also going   to want a 2ft section of 1 and 1/2 in PVC that  was like 350 from my hardware store I'm going to   start by putting that piece of PVC in the center  of my bucket and just using some painters tape to   keep it centered you're not going to need this  to be super heavy duty but we are going to add   some quickrete quick setting concrete mix and with  the painters tape it's just just making it so my   piece of PVC stays in the center now I had this  left over in my garage from when I made pumpkins   out of cement a few years ago so I only had a  little over half a bag I would recommend you do   a whole bag if you're buying it but I didn't want  to have another half a bag sitting in my garage I   took it out back added some water and I started  to stir with some scrap wood that was a fail so   I grabbed my little pick shovel from the garden  and that helped so much better I got it all mixed   you want to make sure that it's all combined with  the water and then let it sit at least overnight   I let it sit two nights then I brought it up on  the deck put it into the planter and it was time   to make it look a lot prettier than a bucket  with some concrete in it I added some of this   paper that we recently got in a package just to  help fill up the concrete and also before I put   the bucket in the planter I removed the stoppers  in the bottom just so then that way I will have   drainage for my plants I added a bag of Miracle  Grow and I actually need just touch more but I   was able to add some impatience which do find in  the shade and I also grabbed a cap for the PVC   just so in case it rains then that way my little  tube is not going to get filled with water my last   step was I grabbed this umbrella because we needed  more shade this was a $50 one at Home Depot you   can find them inexpensively a lot of other places  and I love that even though it's windy this heavy   base is pretty and it's not going anywhere now  whenever we have guests that are sitting not   swimming but wanting to watch Finn swim they will  be right near the action but in the shade I also   am thinking about potentially moving this down  near Finn's sandbox because we also need some   shade there and I won't have to worry about this  falling over on him because the bottom is that stury did you happen to see this concrete top  side table in the beginning of the video well   I'm going to show you how I made this for under 15  bucks you're going to need two 2 by tws I ended up   getting the weather treated ones and when you're  grabbing them at the store make sure that you're   looking down the woods so they aren't bowed as  in all my wood videos I'm going to be using my 7   and 1/4 in RI miter saw to cut my 2 by tws but  don't worry if you don't have a big socks you   definitely don't need one you can easily do this  project with a miter box and saw you can get this   at your local hardware store or even on Amazon  they're really inexpensive they're all usually   under 30 bucks sometimes you can get it under 20  and the great thing is you can do straight cuts as   well as 45 degree cuts and you just use your arm  strength to get it done so I use this for years   before we upgraded to a saw so don't worry if you  don't have a miter saw you don't need one oh and   real quick before we get cutting also make sure  that you are always wearing eye protection if you   are in a situation where you are doing a lot of  cutting and you're going to have a lot of sawdust   in the air also think about a respiratory mask  I want to keep all the craft buddies safe while   we're wood building now as always let me give you  the cut list this is actually a plan from Craig's   website they shared some plans on social media  I got scrolling through their website and found   this you're going to want four pieces of your 2x  two cut to 23 in and then eight pieces of your   2x two cut to 8 and 1/2 in now speaking of Craig  the plan calls for pocket holes but you don't have   to use pocket holes I'm just going to show you  what I do and then I'll show you how you could   do it without pocket holes at the end so we are  going to do 1 and 1/2 in pocket holes that we're   going to need to drill so this is my normal Craig  jig and all I need to do is take this little tool   that will come with the set and adjust my drill  bit to 1 and 1/2 inches so then that way it can   go deep enough into the wood this little tool  comes with the small kit so you don't have to   worry about needing something else and you can  get this for about 40 bucks so not super super   cheap but also nice to have on hand if you build  a lot as far as installing both of the bits into   your drill it's just like a normal drill bit which  makes it really nice and easy and then my brother   actually got a new Craig jig from us for Christmas  so he gave me this one to use I have never had one   of these before I've always used this smaller  one but I was really excited to have this and   try it out on this project thanks Reed this one's  really nice cuz you clamp it in and you are able   to just drill and go you don't have to do a lot  more of the clamping but this is considerably   more expensive so if you're looking into getting  a way to make pocket holes leave comments down   below I'm happy to give you my opinion but that is  really quick and easy but honestly you can also do   it with the smaller one you just pop it apart  clamp it to your table and it'll take a couple   extra minutes but you will save a ton of money so  there are a couple different options I will link   them down below if you want to look into that I  haven't really went into detail on the Craig jigs   before so if you have more questions on it leave  it down below I'm definitely not an expert but I   like learning and I like sharing what I'm learning  with you guys now we are going to use a clamp and   some counter pressure to start to build this I'm  just following the plans so I'm taking my 2 and   1/2 in pocket hole screws these are the exterior  ones notice they're blue so because this is going   to be outside I want to make sure they're exterior  screws and I'm using the lamp as well as counter   pressure to drive these screws in we're going  to start by making kind of a rectangle attaching   them all and then it's going to be kind of this  big rectangular Cube thing which is kind of an   oxymoron but you'll see in just a second this  is also a great time if you don't have a clamp   or you're new to this get a friend it's always  nice to have counter pressure and somebody else   holding it to kind of help keep it straight now  also as you're making this you may have to push   a piece over to get it to line up and then screw  it in don't worry that is normal sometimes I get   to the end and I'm like it doesn't line up but you  just have to move it over a little bit it's fine   so if you're not going to use pocket holes which  you want to make sure that are on the top and the   bottom of this build you can just take a screw and  go right through the joint from the outside you'll   see the screw but honestly with the concrete on  top it will be no big deal so you can do that as   well just make sure you get self-tapping screws  or drill a pilot holes so you don't split your   wood then after a quick stand and a stain with  my favorite early American stain I let it sit   outside to make sure it was fully dry and then I  used the veranee triple thick again to seal it now   for the top it is a under $2 Stepping Stone from  Home Depot but you can get these anywhere it's a   12x12 concrete pav so once I grabbed that I used  some liquid nails that I already had you just want   to make sure that they are water and weather  resistant also Gorilla Glue sells something   similar so you can grab whatever you like then if  you've never used a cocking gun before it can be   a little intimidating but I learned last summer so  I'm happy to share you can cut the bottom off with   that little handle there and then pop this little  pin out and you can stick it right in there to   help create an opening if you're having an issue  with them coming out then I'm going to take that   liquid nail and I'm going to run it all the way  around the top here because we're not going to   screw into the concrete so I'm going to put it  there it was Heavy enough to not use clamps but   if you want to use clamps you can too let it  sit for about an hour just to make sure it was   all good to go and then it was time to install  it right next to my DIY sofa that I built last   year I'll talk more about that in just a bit but I  love this it is a great height you could pop this   in anywhere and if you are into the modern organic  style this would also be great to put inside your   house for so long I've wanted one of these PVC  drying racks that you can put for pool clothes   or also use outside for a drying rack Katherine  at do it on a dime did this a couple years ago I   saw that one I've seen a few other tutorials and  I decided to make my own to fit my budget and to   fit my area so I'm using five pieces of three  3/4 in PVC as well as some different pieces and   I went through and just started messing around I  used these pipe cutters which were about 10 bucks   which are so nice you literally put it on the pipe  Mark where you want to cut and then you crank it   it's one-handed super quick and easy I'm so glad  I bought these and they have them on Amazon too   if you don't want to have to go to the hardware  store then I started measuring and kind of messing   around with it to get my own version and the  nice thing is as long as you know the concept   you can make this for how many rungs you want  how tall you want it all the things as long as   you have a little bit of basic math so after  a couple days of messing with it this is what   I came up with so here is how you can recreate  this at home as well so from the store like I   said you're going to buy five 10ft pieces of the  PVC you're going to want 10 cut to 36 in two cut   to 30 in two cut to 12 in four cut to 6 in two cut  to 5 in two cut to 4 in four cut to 3 in and then   two cut to 1 and 1/2 to 2 in also going to want  to pick up some of these attachment pieces which   I will get into all those details in a minute but  you need T brackets 45 in and then the corners so   once you know where everything goes and you have  it all cut you can honestly put it together in   less than 15 minutes so let's break it down slow  and steady so you can figure out where everything   goes 10 pieces at 36 in Long are going to be your  main frame where all the green pieces are now   then you're going to grab your two 30in pieces I  wanted it to be a little bit shorter so that's why   I did 30 instead of 36 in on those two bottom  pieces after that you're going to do your two   12-in pieces down at the bottom and attach the  45s to that and then from the top the order of   the pieces in between the t- slots are 3 in 2 in  6 in 4 in 5 in and then 3 in now here at where all   of they come together you're going to need six of  the three threeway Corner elbows four of the 45°   elbows and then 10 of the tea pieces now that I  have it all together I plan to use some of this   clear cement to create some longer pieces but  then that way I can take it down in the winter   use it in my basement by my laundry room if I  want or we can just store it in our shed this   is going to be so helpful this summer not only  for towels and swim stuff but I'm going to put   some of our clothes out there to dry because we  don't have a clothes line now we're going to hop   into the Vault for this one because I've gotten  so many questions on these planters that I made   last year so I wanted to share it again in case  you missed it cuz these are so inexpensive and   so easy to make I used Anna White's Cedar Planters  plan and I made two of them I will link them down   below I love Anna white plans now let's talk about  what you're going to need to make them so for each   planter I made two but for each individual one  you're going to need four large fence pickets   at 6 fet long we're going to need three 1X 2x8  furring strips and two 1X 3x8 furring strips   with the furring strips it made all of the lumber  under 15 bucks to build one of the Planters so   both of them come in under 30 bucks now for the  cut list you are going to do six pieces of fence   picket at 18 in long six pieces at 17 in long we  also need four 1 by tws at 18 1/2 in long and the   same thing for 1x3s at 18 1/2 in Long those are  going to be our legs and then you're also going   to need to keep some of your pickets as scrap and  then one by twos for finishing later on and you'll   see what I mean in a second so once we have all  of those cut we are going to sand them down per   usual and then we're going to assemble our legs I  did this kind of in an interesting order and that   was because I wanted the two-tone look and so  I needed to stain pieces separately so I didn't   have to try to tape and stain and do all of that  so I am taking two of my 1X two pieces along with   my 1x3 using some wood glue and my nailer to  attach them in kind of a bracket L shape the   second 1 by two is just there for support So then  that way the 1x3 isn't flopping around everywhere   once I made all of my legs so it's going to be  eight for two Planters I went through with jet   black stain from veranee and I love this cuz you  can still see the wood grain but it's going to   give it that dark black modern look I also did all  of the fence pickets in early American from Minwax   veranee also has an early American color that I  like let them dry overnight and then we're going   to assemble so we're going to start by putting the  two legs down with the one by3 on the bottom then   we're going to take our 18in pieces of stained  pickets line them up flush them with the top of   those on by3 kind of brackets and then we're going  to use the nails to attach them this is the same   process of the toy box that we made for Finn  a couple years ago and I love the way that she   does and her plans the legs and so this was easy  for me to follow and once you start doing it you   will get the hang of it repeat that step again  and then you're going to put the two sides with   the 1 by tws down like this on the flat ground  and add the 37in piece p on one side nail them   the exact same way and then we'll flip it over  and do these 17-in pieces on the other side to   create our planter box so now that we have this  it's not Super structurally Sound it will kind of   move around so we want to measure the sides with  our 1x3s to figure out what our first piece of   trim's going to be I cut two of those and then I  measured in between and it was about 16 in so then   I cut two more pieces I stained all four of the  pieces for each of the planters that black color   and then once those were dry I was able to attach  them with some brad nails again now I'm going   directly into those leg braces first and then I'm  doing a couple just additional for good measure   into the top of the fence picket on either side  so the last thing we got to think about is how   are we going to keep our planted stuff in there so  I'm adding a little shelf to the bottom with scrap   1 by two so down here I lined up my 1 by tws with  the top edge of the fence picket so there's three   there it's on the top of the bottom one I stuck  those pieces down and then these I can remove but   there's nice drainage and then you can either put  like landscaping fabric over the top or you can   go ahead and put your pot right on top of here so  last year when I made these I chose not to nail   down the scrap and I wish I would have I ended  up doing that this spring so I would recommend   nailing those down so they don't move and also be  sure to drill holes in the bottom of your Planters   so that they drain I forgot to do that last year  and and I learned the hard way I really like the   two-tone look here and I am going to also do a  transparent waterproofing wood finish that you can   use on decks just so everything is sealed because  I live in Illinois and you never know what the   weather is going to be like the great part about  bringing back these whiskey Vault projects is I   can let you know how they stood up so these look  just like this I didn't do any refreshing of the   color after a long Illinois winter this was out in  all the elements snow and everything and then this   year we ended up planing in them with a bunch of  annuals it was something that Finn helped Alex and   I do it was such a great memory and I absolutely  love these Planters would definitely recommend   even if you're in a crazy winter climate like I am  throughout this video you have been seeing my wood   furniture and I built this whole set last year it  is actually a DIY dupe of a Pottery Barn set that   I knew I was never going to be able to afford  and that is one of my most popular videos from   2023 if you are interested in seeing how those  came together I will link the video down below   as well as up in the iard so you can check it out  if you would like to build your own backyard patio   set for a fraction of the cost that it would be  to buy it that's going to do it for today's video   all I have left to do is grab my infused water and  enjoy our outdoor space now if you're interested   in my outdoor furniture build you're going to want  to click on this video and if you're interested in   more outdoor wood builds be sure to click on  this playlist also be sure to hit subscribe   if you're new so you don't miss a future skin  wh video and I'll catch you in the next one bye
Channel: Whiskey & Whit
Views: 54,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whiskey and whit, whiskey and whitney, diy, diy home decor, outdoor decor, diy umbrella stand, diy planter box, diy outdoor hidden storage, diy pvc pipe drying rack, outdoor decorating ideas, outdoor decor diy, patio decor, diy planters, diy outdoor side table, diy with concrete pavers
Id: 1Qhxpk3Pf30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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