a BRUTALLY HONEST biased Genshin Impact tier list 3.5 (pls dont cancel me lol)

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today I've compiled a tier list before we get started though honestly like Gidget and pack is not a hard game so play whoever you want if you're a waifu husband a player be the wife of a husband a player if you like a character play them enjoy them love them second thing some of your absolutely not worth it characters could be my absolute must worth it characters and some of my absolutely not worth the character could be your absolutely worth it characters so and that's all cool if you have a different opinion than I do leave a compelling argument in the comment section down below I would love to know and hey you might change my mind Sino ah Sino man okay so I know I did pull for Sino and I did pull for the the staff thingy and I'm gonna be really honest with you guys Sino is one of the characters that I really regret pulling I will put him oh this is such a terrible start of the video Let Me Explain he he's got the looks you know like he really Charmed me with the locks and the and the design and everything I love this design I think his design was amazing man like and I was so excited for Sino because Sino was like in one of the very first Kenshin impact trailers and everybody when everybody was like speculating and everything I was so excited for him man first of all the Scarab thing collecting Scarab for his Ascension is just very painful second of all the few times that I did play Sino really awkward to play I think the whole timing your e thing is really cool his first duration is just too long man just too long I wish it was shorter and then on top of that you have to put in with Nikita like regardless I feel like he really really needs to play with nahida um because nahida is like the only Dental character with a long enough dendro application for him to you know do his thing but at the same time it's like if I play him with Nikita I could play Nikita with anybody else you know what I'm saying oh another thing he's not the easiest character to build in my opinion you gotta build his em you gotta build his crit ratio you gotta build some attack into him like he's got a lot of stat that he needs to be built into and trying to find these perfect artifacts it's very hard I'm quite harsh with the characters but at the same time I just want to be honest with you guys and if it takes a lot of effort for me to like make a character work I just don't want to play the character you know what I'm saying and I feel like sido's one of the characters that takes a lot of effort for me to like make it work Dai Luke I think that Luke is like okay Worth or maybe meh in my opinion I feel like early game die look was much better because we didn't really have a better option and also like I have to valuate these characters based on how much value they bring to my account right and I value supports higher than main TPS characters I feel like me uh support just covers more faces in my opinion I think actually you know what I think like Dai Luke is okay worth it I think he's very easy to play I think that's one of the biggest advantage of that look is he the most efficient character no but he's easy to play uh some of his best teammates is like what shincho Bennett you could play him with four star characters and I think he does very great his playstyle kind of work against him in my opinion because his all pushes the enemy so far away and it's such a pain to chase after them so if you're playing that Luke in the Overworld I think that's great but like playing that Luke and Sparrow best is like lokia struggle you know I think he's okay like if you've got him by losing a 50 50. it's not the end of the world like I think I still think he's a great character and he's hot so um Albedo I actually really like playing Albedo one of his best weapon is a three-star weapon harbinger of dawn relatively easy to build because he's a defense scaling character he is a very easy character to play so I think that's gonna like up at rank I think I'm gonna put him like higher than daluk but still in the okay worth it category because in terms of Team Synergy right like you could really Chuck Albedo into any team but because he's a Geo character he doesn't particularly synergize well with any character his best team composition in my opinion is putau shincho double Geo and so when your best team is like three five star characters that does get a little bit expensive in my opinion so there are pros and cons to Albedo kaching oh man kaching went through like character development for sure kachin wasn't really like a great DPS in the early game of against an impact but like the release of dentral really just you know give coaching some life I think kaching is pretty worth it considering that she's a standard Banner character so if you end up losing your 50 50 I do think she is better than day Luke I really love her play style honestly uh synergize very well with dendro um even if you don't have Nikita you just play her with General traveler I think she's great with dental traveler and I just think that like kaching in terms of value-wise she's relatively easy to play cuts out really good damage with aggravate one of her best weapon is what is it called lion's roar um am I getting the name right I don't remember if I'm getting the name right but you could deal some like insane damage with ching and also kaching's got an awesome looking bird so I think like that's it if you lost your 50 50 Kuching I wouldn't be salty about him okay next character the uh man I'm gonna be honest with you I didn't pull for Dia because I don't think she's worth it is she a take is she supposed to be like a take character because she does give like stagger resistance which that's fine the Stagger resistance doesn't last all the way through her e so I'm kind of confused about that and second of all um I can't tell if Diaz first is like a glitch situation because if you jump during her burst she just dies and then also a her multiplier is um not not the best maybe in the future like a hoya will come out with another character or like a state of the game changes and Dia got like so incredibly good um that can 100 happen it's just I would never recommend someone pulling a character for their future value Clee I would say Clee is meh worth it I did not pull for Clee but I do think that Clee has a lot of wasted potential in my opinion because I think if cley's first doesn't cancel when she gets swapped out I think that Cleveland been an amazing sub DPS I just felt like I found like play Styles a little clunky and if I were to recommend a pyro DPS I wouldn't necessarily recommend Glee Mona I love playing Mona man I think Mona is like pretty worth it I think Mona is probably the best 5050 to lose to she's a very flexible character to play like you could play her as an amp you could play her main TPS Vape bubble she doesn't have amazing team Synergy with a lot of the characters but I do think that Morgana is one of the best teams out there granted a little expensive to play because it's like benty gone you you know but I think like Mona is a very flexible character and she covers a lot of bases her best weapon is a witches which is a four-star weapon so you got that and then she's also relatively easy to build in my opinion um slap her like four and Bloom if you play moana's support and not as a sub DPS I think you could even give um her the only Tales of Dragon Slayers I think that's a great weapon on her aiato see the thing is I think ayato is more worth it than Mona while ayato is truly like for the most part a main DPS he does work as a sub DPS so he's got a little flexibility on top of that he is a hydro unit I think ayato's biggest strength is that he's very consistent if you give him four piece harder death he has a very very consistent DPS very easy to play so for beginners I think ayatos is a great DPS to invest into yoy Mia I didn't pull for your Mia and I didn't pull for your Mia not because I don't want her and every time your Mia banners come back around I just don't have the extra Primo gems to spend but if I have to rank your Mia I think your Mia is you know pretty worth it like if you play your Mia double Hydro with John Lee She's a great unit she's she's also very fun character to play I like her play style I like the fact that she's just you know fast basic attacks and and one of her best weapon is Rusk which is a four star weapon and on top of that her artifact farming situation I believe her bis slot is shimanawa which when you farm for an emblem you're gonna get shimanawa anyway so in terms of artifacts she's also efficient so I think like if you're looking for a DPS to play I think Romeo is really really solid okay we get to our first absolutely worth it you you know riding is absolutely worth it Ryden Shogun is like one of the most busted characters I mean like there is a whole conversation about writings only really good at C2 and you have to get the engulfing lining I don't think that's true because I think like riding in terms of value-wise she brings a lot to the table you can play her in support positions you can put triple em on her and just play her hyperbloom I think she's still really really great one of her best weapon is a free to play weapon which is the catch for people who have like R5 to catch I don't have that dedication oh another thing one of her best teams is right in Nationals Ryden really is a good bang for your buck okay I'm gonna say who tau is to me okay who tau is more worth it than wow this is actually really hard because I think your meal has an easier play style than hotel but Hotel deal more damage you pick hutau and uh you and Mia in my opinion is really up to uh first of all how much money you want to spend and second of all um their play style with hutau C1 may or may not be necessary so when it comes to like hutao she's really a player preference type of thing you may or may not need her C1 you definitely need her staff of Houma because the staff of Houma would do a lot for her Jean how do I feel about Gene honestly I think Jean is just okay I think she's better than daluk for sure I would probably rank her higher than Albedo um I will say though I do like I do like the fact that like Jean covers a good amount of bases like she's a Healer she deals decent damage she has a little little bit of crowd control she can't swirl she can get iridescent so she does cover a lot of faces but she doesn't particularly excel at any of them Ito oh I really like Ito but I have to be objective about this and I think Ito is okay I think Ito is better than Albedo in terms of worth but lower than Jean and here's my reasoning he's a very expensive character to play in my opinion so in terms of like building him he is not too hard of a character to build you can use the white blind on him which is a free to play craftable weapon the reason why I think Ito is a little expensive to play is that his best team Synergy is played with mono Geo or triple Gio plus Bennett and mono Geo teams you know if you play mono Geo there's only like there's only one team you can play with and there's no flexibility in the team because he's a Geo unit he's got good multiplier so he does deal really great damage I think Ito is so fun to play with I love ushi I think just like in terms of aesthetic wise like I just love the way he looks man even his skinny arms ciao I think Xiao is probably around the same as Ito his best teammates is a C6 farzan tenari tenari I think tanari is above Gene I think tenari is still an okay worth character like she doesn't really invoke an emotion with him he's just fine in my mind dendro is more of a support element the thing is that he's a main DPS character with a supportive element to be fair like I think that every element needs a main DPS character you know just for player variety I'm on top of that he's like a bow character and I don't love playing bow characters that's why for me he's an okay worth character like if I lost my 50 50 I'm not gonna be mad about it well okay in that case do I think he's better than Gene oh I think he's not better than Gene wow this is actually so hard now that I think about it um Jung Li is absolutely worth it I think he's account changing you'll never have to dodge a guy he's so easy to build to like give him triple HP tenacity and black tassel you don't have to dodge for life and on top of that Jon Lee does give a shred so I think like in terms of value like jungling is just really really good I mean I didn't pull for Johnny because I wrote for someone else you will see who it is later God knew that's hard okay I think ganyu is above kaching but below Mona oh actually is she above mono or is she below mono probably above Mona I mean personally I don't really love gonna use play style because I don't like playing bow characters but she is very flexible in my opinion like you could play her main DPS point and shoot Style or you could play her as a sub DPS or a burst support so I think I think in terms of that she's really great as well uh you can play her freeze you can play her melt she's got a great craftable free to play option I mean I think like if you like her play style and you're looking for a really solid DPS character gaino is a really great pull Yola man um I'm gonna be honest this might change when the new character when the new um physical support comes out I believe Rika when Mika comes out but as of right now physical DPS doesn't really have a place in The Meta kokomi kokomi is absolutely worth it for me I skipped strongly for kokomio kokomi went through Peak character development first of all she is very easy to build if you have kokomi she is a comfort pick she deals a little bit of damage not that great I think she's more worth it than John Lee considering the fact oh man oh this might this feels so Blasphemous right now unless surely she has access to Elemental reactions she's great in permafreeze if you like playing her and freeze you can play her In Bloom you can play her in Super Bloom you can play her in hyperbloom like because she's a hydro unit she covers a lot of like reactions beautiful aesthetically pleasing I picked kokomi over Zhong Lee in patch 3.0 so you know not saying something then T benty is my first five star character and I think he's pretty worth it he's Niche that's the thing he's really good but he's very Niche honestly if you could find a use case for it and the situation calls for it I think venti's Loki overpowered but when it comes to enemies that are not small like big enemies he's kind of useless so kind of just depends on the situations he's pretty worth it but he's not applicable in every use cases I do think that she is worth the Primal gem if you decide to pull for her she is a very flexible character you could play her main TPS if you want you could play herself DPS I think she is the best at sub DPS pretty easy to build if you play her like some DPS then just slap energy recharge on her and then on top of that one of her best weapon is favonis if you have shincho do you have to pull for Yolanda are you going to be very happy with having a yellow in your account yes shinho I'm gonna put her like somewhere here in the okay worth it category I think Shin house is a really good unit but she's Niche there's only one use case for her and is if you play her with like a cryo team she's Bonkers if you have a cryo team with shinha then yeah go for her but if you don't and like shinha is your first cryo unit I would not recommend pulling for shin Haas Wanderer wander and wonder I think wonder is pretty worth it and I think he's maybe I'll put him above hutau oh well no I'm gonna put him in between you and meow I think he's like pretty worth it mainly because she could fly I think in terms of exploration wise wonder is truly game changing in terms of investment I do think that wonder is a pretty high investment character given the fact that like he has team Synergy but he doesn't have particularly strong team Synergy so there's that and the particularly strong team Synergy is like C6 bars in so there's also that you know if you like this play style you like the way he looks pull for him if you don't then it's not really a big deal nilu man I love nulu I love playing nulu but she's kind of if I have to pick she has to she she's like right here the super bloom thing is just very satisfying it's very fun to play but this and she's also easy to build that's the thing about nulu she's so easy to build if you have all the other characters you lose worth it but if nilu is the first character that you're pulling then like no no key not worth it so it kind of just depends on the state of your account is what I would recommend okay but then there's the thing though but like nilu does have a very free to play variation yeah Barbara Dental traveler nivo and I don't know kolei so like that is a free to play variant okay maybe maybe here because of her free to play Team ayaka man I really think ayaka is a must-hole I think like in terms of DPS like she is like the strongest main DPS in terms of stat wise I think out of all the main DPS out there ayaka is the easiest to build put her out four piece blizzard straighter and you play her in like a full freeze team then you don't have to build a lot of grit rate on her because of all the free crit rate you're gonna get so you could really just build a lot and to crit damage you could get away with 40 crit rate and then like Max crit damage I think she could really carry you really far but then the other thing is like you'll only really play ayaka One Way ah Chichi okay I'm not gonna say Chichi is not worth it I'm just gonna say she's very meh okay I'm gonna rank Chichi higher than clay because Chichi is a standard Banner character and Chichi is a 50 50 character she is a good healer and she does do what she is designed to do it's just the game doesn't value healers if you're gonna be a Healer you kinda need to do something else other than healing by kokomi and then on top of that Chichi got long cool down and make no particles so I would totally understand why people would get mad when they lost might be like here like absolutely worth it character for Me Maybe kazuha is like even higher than Ryden just because of his like grouping abilities his buff like he gives an insane buff he gives grouping ability he's such a good exploration character if you could think of the perfect Animo element character it's kazaha my voice is like giving out if like I'm starting to sound a little screechy that is why yai Miko she got the dentro buff so that's great ah okay maybe she's like maybe she's like here she's pretty worth it if you want a sub DPS for hyperbloom I mean listen if you got cookie shinobu I don't really think you need diamico it's just like you know her play style is a very easy to play style you drop her totems and like you swap out I skip yaimiko because of cookie shinobu it's like why do I need yaimiko if I have cookie you know what I'm saying so she's only pretty worth it if you don't have cookie if you want to play hyperboom like that's great but she's definitely less Niche than venti oh hey though I think I'll hate them it's like somewhere near kaching I think I'll hit him it's a really solid main DPS I think I'll hate them as a really well designed character like through and through for that maybe he's even higher than Mona yeah he's probably higher than Mona he's not a bow character see the difference between him and tinari is that tinari is okay worth it because he is a bow character and I just don't like bow characters for the most part uh nahida is like up here if you gotta pull for one character besides kazuha it's nahida you could play her main DPS if you want you can play player support if you want you can play her sub DPS if you want she just gives so much value easy character to play her e is like insane she gives you so much access to like how you could play with other characters do not ask any questions if you don't have any hit on your account absolutely worth the Primal gems child ah I would rank child higher than tenari like he's fine I think child is a really really good character do not get me wrong he's busted with Sean Wang so there's that he deals really good damage certain situations he's definitely better when it comes to mob mob killing than like boss killing there is a niche aspect to him voila I did this this is my my tier list of characters I think from most worth it to absolutely not worth it and um if you enjoyed today's episode I would love to hear what you guys think leave it in the comment section below anyways I hope everybody enjoyed watching today's episode Peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Angienuggie
Views: 192,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, mihoyo, gaming, stream, twitch, angelaass, debbiss, tier list, tierlist, genshin impact tier list, genshin tier list
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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