A Behind the Scenes Look at Area 51 with George Knapp

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[Music] this is a distinguished lecture series I don't know how distinguished I am but I'll tell you the more trips you make to that bar the better this is going to be you know I was talking with Alan and Karen and Brian as they were planning on putting together the area51 exhibit downstairs hope you've all seen it by now it's it's a lot of fun and as they were going through we were going through my boxes of old stuff and I'm telling him stories they're asking questions about how I got started down this path I would tell him what it was like back in those days and how I got hooked on the story and how I met bob lazar and they seemed fascinated with those behind-the-scenes stories of how those things went down back in those days why I would essentially put my career and my credibility at risk J something seemingly so crazy and ridiculous how I could still be looking at this subject so many years later and so I shared with him some of the backstory and the details on how I became interested what was going on behind the scenes the price that everyone associated with this has paid over the years and how my views on some of the larger issues involved have evolved over the years and they seem to think some of those stories were interesting so they asked me to share them with you tonight in some sort of a public forum and you know and I have spoken many times in public about area 51 and about Bob Lazar and some of the crazy stuff that's happened the general topic of UFOs at least some of these tales here tonight have not been told in any detail at all and I'm gonna reveal the existence of a witness who was whispering in my ear back then we call this in the news business burying the lede but somewhere along the line there tonight I'm gonna tell you the name of a guy who was who was interested in this topic and who helped me along the way and I think it could qualify maybe as a headline somewhere I will say at the outset that that although you know I will never be allowed to set foot on that base I'll never get any closer to it than the warning signs that say use of deadly force is authorized and I've been out there maybe a hundred times over the years you know dodging around in the desert and keep from from being intercepted by the camo dudes and and dodging dirt clods and dust devils and and all kinds of things like that and coyotes I'll never get any closer to it than the signs at which of course the signs are many miles from most of the interesting stuff that goes on out there still area 51 is to me is as much a part of my life as it is for the people who worked out there I mean it's been 24 years the people who worked out there people like my friend TD Barnes who's here in the audience tonight the road runners they toiled in obscurity couldn't even tell their spouses what they were doing for a living they basically protected all of us Hey and we didn't know about it not even their own families could know about it they basically won the Cold War out there I mean they were really there so for them it's a real part of their life but I'm telling you it's as much a part of my life and it has been for 24 years now as it is for theirs I suspect that you know years from now when I die there'll be something about UFOs and area 51 on a tombstone assuming that I ever am buried somewhere they find the body arrey 51 I would say is as much linked to my name as is as if it's like tattooed on my butt for better or worse I guess you could say those stories we told long ago back in 1989 to begin with those stories have I think paved the way for the rest of the people who really did work out there and toiled and obscurity as I mentioned who did all that work to protect all of us who work for the CIA in the military for them to come forward and tell their story I'm back when we started talking about flying saucers you'll recall the government did not acknowledge that the base even existed there was a time back when they first set up the facility that the government put out a little little notice have sent to channel 8 and other media people says we're going to build this little facility out here in the desert as a place called water town don't worry it's a temporary thing it'll go away and don't pay any attention to it kind of a thing and that's what they acknowledged and then some years later you know you can look at a map of the Nevada Test Site and there's area 15 there's area 12 and there's this box over here outside the test site itself but it's called area 51 and it was on the maps and all of a sudden it disappeared it went away and in the years when I first started working out of the story the government would not acknowledge that it existed now I've got Russian satellite photos that I obtained I can see pictures of it I had guy named John Lear who walked right up to the gate and years past who showed me close-up photos of it I talked to people who worked out there you could climb up a hill and look at the damn thing and yet our government would say it didn't exist well naturally that kind of a situation is going to get you curious about that or about a place like that back in those days though outside of Nevada other than people who had worked there or were in the military few people anywhere had heard of the place you didn't know the name area 51 it was spoken about in whispers you know and I think that you know the fact that the CIA guys who worked out there the fact that military people worked out there who have reasons to be proud of the work that they did have been allowed in the last couple of years to come forward and talk about it I a lot of that has to do with these crazy flying saucers stories that we told because it sort of blew the lid off the idea that there really isn't a base out there acknowledge that there really is legitimate national security programs going on and sort of paved the way and made it acceptable for them to come forward and talk about the great work that they did as I said you know it's hard to believe that there was a time not that long ago when when the base really didn't exist and so few people knew about it or those who did know about it had to use a nickname or a code name for the place now however it is known in every corner of the world it's known everywhere in fact I'm going to show you a little clip here in a second and it wouldn't have happened without these stories that we did about Bob Lazar and area 51 I think you know I've been a journalist as Alan mentioned the introduction at channel 8 since 1981 and I've covered just about every kind of story you can imagine organized crime drug dealers Gun Runners corrupt officials scams ripoffs campaign hijack hijinks sex scandals political convention buried treasure polluters murders fires bikers stickups pot farmers crack peddlers scumbags boneheads and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and yet wherever I go whoever I talk to on the UFO report doesn't matter what those other stories some of them were pretty good stories some of them made a difference in the lives of the people who are here in this room doesn't matter about those other stories the thing that people want to talk to me about is UFOs I don't care if I'm in a grocery store or a restaurant having a meal and they come up and take up a seat in the men's room in front of the urinal sitting in traffic people yelling out at the wind the car window to talk to me about UFOs and most of times it's to ask me hey what do you what do you think about UFOs you really believe that stuff the reality of it is they don't want to ask me what my opinion is they want to tell me their story because so many people have stories and I'll bet there are people in here most people here if you don't have a story of your own or a sighting or an incident you know somebody in your family who does because that's how ubiquitous this phenomena is and it certainly is ubiquitous in my life I mean I will be forever Brandon I mean now hardly a day goes by when I don't get a phone call or an email from Ecuador or Iceland or Australia or China or somewhere else that somebody has just seen one of my bootleg reports or something on the internet who want to talk to me about UFOs 1989 the year that we did the Lazar stories is the year that I officially went crazy though off my rocker out to lunch that's that's what we broke the story about Bob Lazar the ridiculous notion that there could be recovered alien craft out at area 51 I know how ridiculous it sounds now I know how ridiculous it sounded then but I'm here to tell you tonight about the circumstances of why we decided to pursue it as a story because as a result of that as I mentioned that's when the world beat a path to area 51 s door and it has created a legend a legend was born a mythology and ever-evolving mythology one that has at times been co-opted by people for various reasons exploited for their own reasons by these hopelessly gullible Saucer nuts by people who think that the the milk carton children are all kidnapped and taken out there to be mixed up in a giant human alien vats to make body parts you name it people have assigned different stories to it there was a guy after I first did these stories about Lazar who would taking people on tours charging him 99 bucks a head and telling them that aliens from the planet Kron DAC were in charge of the base down there at like the 35 levels below the surface of the earth so story has changed it has evolved but there's no doubt that as a result of those tales it began with Bob Lazar it's known all over the world it began with an interview with Bob Lazar that that was in silhouette you saw a piece of that that was in May of 1989 and then we sort of started working on it and it just took off from there and it drove my journalism colleagues crazy they hated it and and I've sort of paid the price for that I don't mind I mean radio DJs back in those days whenever they would run out of belch barf and fart jokes in the morning would tee off on me I remember I'm writing a song about the boob on the tube to the tune of the fool on the hill it was pretty funny stuff my friends at the review journal my friends and colleagues over there I've really had fun at my expense over the years this is one of a couple of columns that John L Smith has written about the UFO reporter having a close encounter with skepticism and he ends it with besides I think I saw Elvis milling around in the lobby uh-huh because nobody ever is a co see any UFOs with Elvis or mp4 this is a column written by their media columnist Ken white who said get the Nets is the title of the article says Las Vegas are rushing home from work these days in sheer fits of excitement over George Knapp's series on UFOs not that they're excited over the reports themselves they want to be there if George does the big crack up on-screen Willie Goldman Willie go bull goose Looney right there in front of thousands as eyes suddenly gone buggy and rolling free in their sockets his tongue wagging side to side funny stuff this is an editorial cartoon I have it in at home by the way on my wall the original it's called the marshmallow head chronicles extraterrestrial hitmen who have come to earth looking for me and they're looking at a couple of gasoline pumps and the line says of course they are men that's obvious but which one is George Knapp maybe and then this is one I did a series about allegations about alien abductions and the certain medical procedures than probes that happen according to the people who go through this and the r.j. wrote this they were kidnapped by aliens it gets better they dubbed me a grande mola in the Church of stratospheric proctology but I thought it was a damn fine line it might be the best thing the rj has ever written i don't know you know it comes with the territory i have a public job I understand that I'm in a public position I do a story like that you're gonna catch some grief I understand that I have thick skin and I can deal with it what sort of bothered me over all the years though is how few of these kind of reporters who live here and who could cover the story and go out there interview the witnesses go track it down never did it's easier to bang out some wisecracks do an Elvis joke maybe pull in Loch Ness monster and make fun of this stuff then to go talk to somebody like a TD Barnes or Bob Lazar or back in those days he was much more accessible or some of the other folks who worked at the base or to sit out there in the desert night after night as we did and see whatever it is that might be flying around but they didn't they prefer just to take potshots at it and that's easier to do I guess then to do the actual work and I think the assumption for people for a long time both regarding RA 51 and more importantly for the larger UFO story is that anybody who's seriously introd interested in this stuff is nuts is crazy is is bull goose loony and I'll have to tell you then in about 90% of the cases that that assumption is right because people who are in this field are crazy I would just share with you a couple of the experiences that I have had that caused me a great concern in the early days when I was chasing this stuff there was a woman who showed up at the TV station after the first series of reports she's wearing the skimpy halter top and holding a kid that I later learned soon learned was a an alien hybrid she told me and within five minutes of me meeting her she had to tell me this story had to meet me had to talk to me she's telling me the story within five minutes of me meeting her I knew the most intimate details of her sex life because she said it was while performing a certain sex act outdoors on her porch that she heard a noise and looked up and saw her first UFO and then eventually and I'm not making up one word to this eventually these these beings beamed her up one board on their ship and they told her to in there up to put on a bathing suit and they told her in their opinion that she needed breast implants and I'm not making this up she's telling me all this stuff I go huh yeah I'm writing this stuff down really yeah and she says she got him and I'll tell you that's the one part of the story I could believe because because there was ample physical evidence staring me in the face I received letters from this lady she was 75 years old at the time and she lived on a ranch outside Sacramento California and she would tell me that every time her husband would leave the ranch these aliens would come and have their way with her and she drew me pictures of alien genitalia and and with little diagrams pointing at little arrows pointing to it it wasn't very impressive I'll just put it that way I have been pestered by a millionare transsexual alien abductee a guy who says he's the twin brother of Jesus Christ and that aliens are coming back and to get him and boy they're really mad I had a guy fly to see me it was this is a sad story flew to see me from Australia used what he said we're his last dollars to come to see me because he said he was he wanted me to use my contacts at area 51 that's a laugh twos to talk to the aliens to stop coming and getting him because they come every night to grab him he was he was trouble he was disturbed and I've had a heck of a lot of people like that who've come forward with those kinds of stories I've had people claiming to be aliens waiting for me outside the station who had followed me home I've had people send me songs that aliens have written and poems I've had people who accused me of being alien of being a government agent and a government plant a government operative reluctantly you know I've appeared on a couple of TV shows that I wish I could take back the Jesse Ventura show to be one and and as a result of that I've met all kinds of people I've been to a UFO conferences all over the place I remember meeting onek the 400 year old Venusian woman and because I guess the UFO topic is weird anything weird that's mine come and get it your PA possessed by Beelzebub call me up I can probably do an exorcism yeah you had an out-of-body experience camping it get back in call Georgia he'll know what to do with it so you have to ask yourself I mean why would I stick with this stuff how did it ever get this way and I'll tell you my connection to the area 51 story basically started the day I was hired at channel 8 back in 1981 the guy who hired me is the name Bob Stowe tall he's a good friend of mine he was the news director became a mentor to me and he had at the time been collecting little bits and pieces of at area 51 anything don't appear in an aviation magazine sometimes there would be a message a little story about groom lake in the newspaper and he had that file and he showed it to me I thought that's kind of interesting and then I didn't think about it for a couple of more years in 1984 the Air Force illegally seized 89 thousand acres around area 51 they just took it yes one day it's public lamb the next day you try to drive on that land and there's guys with guns there and you're turned back and they later two years later asked for permission to do it and I've got a little clip I'll show you in a minute a couple of minutes about them appearing to before Congress to talk about it in which they're asked well what authority did you do this under well I'll have to tell you in a closed-door briefing and so that caught my attention I did some stories about that back then but I didn't do anything again for a while however my friend mr. snow tall and his friend netday who became a mentor to me were very busy with the story of their own they broke the story about the existence of the stealth fighter being tested and test flown out their air 51 that was a big story f-117a they broke it everybody else picked it up as a result of that story going public Ned day was picked up by the FBI they picked him up off a street corner put him in a room was just like a scene out of a movie with a real hot light in his face saying how dare you endanger the lives of 220 million Americans by letting this story out don't you know the Russians can find this out and Ned was pretty scared for a while until he remembered a lesson from journalism school and he said look man I'm just her little reporter in Las Vegas if I can find this doubt don't you think that the Russians can find it out too and so they let him go that was a big story and the reason allowed them we were able to get it is because of a guy named John Lear and John Lear is a as a friend of mine I now I've met him in first in 87 I think he showed up at the TV station he had been the source to alert Ned and them to the existence is this playing out there at area 51 so he had a certain amount of credibility at channel 8 and he had also he had run for the state Senate his family of course is well known in Nevada the learjet developed that John had been pilot for the CIA had flown just about every plane you can imagine very accomplished guy and a lot of ways distinguished and smart and in the view of a lot of people completely crazy because he became interested in UFOs and I mean when he became interested he went all the way so he shows up at the station one day not long after helping Ned to break that story about area 50 or the f-117 and he's got a great big stack of UFO documents and he drops him on Ned's desk and he says you got to read this stuff this is really interesting it's a biggest story in history and what do you think and Ned says I'm not having any part of this people will think I'm crazy I don't have time to deal with UFOs forget it well I'm eavesdropping at the time and so I as usual and so I said hey let me take a look at that stuff and I first met John Lear I took that stuff home and started reading it some of it was obviously manufactured by someone but a lot of it was legitimate documents obtained from our government secret studies conducted by military agencies and authorities about the UFO issue in which these matters were taken very seriously I thought that's that's pretty interesting I had never at the time given any kind of thought to UFOs I had had some discussions within my own family about things that had happened long ago but as far as I know I had never seen one I had I had one UFO book that somebody had given me as a gift something I read and put aside no abiding interest at all it certainly was not a religion for me or any cause in my life but I looked at it I thought I'm gonna put John Lear on this little show I have called on the record it was a one of those 30-minute talk shows political discussions you'd have a City Councilman on or something to talk about things that nobody cared about it aired at 6 o'clock in the morning on a Sunday and nobody watched it but I put Lear on he started doing this UFO manifesto aliens abductions all this stuff and I just kind of sat there with my my jaw agog and and listened to it and then the phone that the program ended it aired and the phone started ringing and as people wanted to tell me stories about UFOs this is pretty interesting it had obviously touched the pulse of the public in a way that I did not understand and did not appreciate I had Lear on again and the response was even bigger and then that second appearance he hinted that he knew somebody who might be getting hired at area 51 that person turned out to be Bob Lazar and then I had him on a third time with another crazy guy named Bill Cooper who really went off the deep end and the response was even bigger and I realized you know what I'm gonna have to look into this stuff I'm gonna have to start taking this seriously and read on it read about it so I started sort of my own little learning curve and the learning curve as you probably know if you're into the topic is considerable then came the day the next significant event was in May of 1989 I was co-anchoring there five o'clock news we had a little interview segment we did every day entertainers politicians whoever was interesting in town he just wanted him to be a kind of a fun to interview and at the last minute our interview cancelled so I called up Lear and I said hey do you think yet UFO guy you were hinting about would he come on I'll even black out of space if you have to and sure enough he did and we put Bob Lazar on and did it like a five-minute interview and in which he told this story this crazy story about working at a place called s4 Papoose Lake south of groom Lake within the area 51 complex nine flying saucers out there in in hangars built in to be disguised like the side of a mountain alien and origin they all look different as if we got the variety pack holy cow what to believe about this but again the response from the audience was absolutely overwhelming so when it finished I went and talked to the news director we said well let's figure out what to do here because if this guy's telling the truth obviously this is a pretty damn big story and and as crazy as it might sound let's do some work and find out if there's anything to it and we'll do some reporting on it so about a week later we went to Lear's house to meet with bob leer was playing games with us then and wouldn't even still wouldn't tell us it's lazarre's real name what he didn't know is that Lazar had signed the guestbook at the entrance to Bob to John's house so when I walked in i saw the name there and figured out what it was we talked to Bob Lazar we put him through paces stowed all and I asking him questions about his background and he seemed like a humble intelligent sincere guy we left the meeting and said you know what let's give this a go here we recognize there are risks to our credit professional credibility in standing we decided we would be careful maybe do a couple of parts a couple of minutes at night that instead of a couple of parts over a couple of nights it became 10 minutes a night over two weeks and it was the highest-rated series we ever aired but that didn't happen till November and then between May and November I did this intense crash course in UFOs and which I tried to learn everything I could not only about UFOs in general what the government might or might not know what about Lazar and as I said it was a it's a huge learning curve ninety ninety five percent of everything in the field I figure is complete nonsense it's made up its conspiracy stuff it's lunatic theories it's crap put out by people who either want an attention or they're nuts or they want to sell something but there's this kernel of truth in the middle of all that of proof and you have to wade through a lot of chaff to get to the wheat but it's there and I think that any reasonable person who does the work and Wade's through it all to find the kernel of truth inside would believe likewise that is unless as it is for some a religion just as you have people on one side who believe everything they hear everything in the sky is a flying saucer you have other people on the other side the skeptics they call themselves but really they're debunkers and it wouldn't matter if a saucer landed on the White House lawn they wouldn't believe it and you couldn't convince him because it would upset their worldview it's a religion for them as strongly as it's a religion for the people on the other side and no amount of evidence would change their minds that's at least what I came to believe and for me I guess I'll talk a little bit of in general about the concept of proof because what is proof it's it's what should be able to convince a reasonable person that something is true I happen to think that in the area of UFOs there's more than enough and what I learned in the course of those next few months and have learned in the 24 years since is that there's a heck of a lot of proof if people are willing to look at it the first one being in the area of eyewitness testimony now I know that eyewitness testimony can be inherently unreliable but you got people 3040 million Americans who will admit seeing UFOs probably as many who won't admit it but have seen them and it's true that 90% or more of all UFO sightings can be explained away as prosaic objects misidentifications and balloons and planes and things like that but it's also true that 9 out of 10 UFOs are not reported at all because there's no one will take the reports not except for civil civilian organizations you call McCarran or Nellis today and tell them you've seen a UFO they'll keep you on the phone or the police they'll keep on the phone long enough to find out if you're dangerous to somebody but they don't care about a UFO or at least they won't admit it Oh our interest in that stuff stop so people like you and me somebody who see something strange in the sky there's nowhere to report it but millions of people have reported it millions of people all over the world have seen these things dating back thousands of years and every culture on every in every civilization in human history have seen them they had different names for them and they have different descriptions but they've seen them that counts for something that that counts for something second type of proof is photographic evidence today with what is done online with with computer software it's hard to believe anything you see anymore but in the years before we all had computers with this kind of power in our homes there are photos and videos that are reliable that have been tested even by the military that show anomalous objects allow novelist's solid objects solid craft that perform maneuvers that our best technology can't do not even the stuff at area 51 the Third Kind of proof is physical evidence now I get this all the time well well you know why don't we have a cigarette lighter from a UFO or something like that where's the Roswell crash stuff if I do I'd tell you but we don't have that however there is physical evidence scientists will say there's nothing to analyze with UFOs they're here one minute and they're gone the next that is not true all over the world as witnesses have reported these things happening there are what we call landing site trace cases witnesses say this UFO land in my backyard ah come on get out of here but if you go out in the backyard and you look you find a number of physical types of evidence burned or baked soil impressions imprints on the ground trees that are affected by things that fly up and down animals have been affected people have been affected burned things of that sort it is physical evidence for anybody who has the guts to go ahead and look at it J Allen Hynek I remember him saying yeah arguing with some scientists there's no physical evidence he says you know what airplanes fly over the Australian outback every single day and don't crash and people look up and see them it doesn't mean that they don't exist that they the fact that they don't have the Aborigines down below don't have a piece of one the fourth type of proof that I want to talk about very briefly is government documents I hinted about this before it's what got me hooked I told you that John Lear had helped me in the beginning with those great big stack of documents will he continue to give me piles of documents things that have been squeezed out of our government the most impressive evidence of all I think are these reports and studies written by our government by our military about UFOs long before the Freedom of Information Act existed these were reports were written for military people only to see evaluations for the president for the CIA for the Joint Chiefs and we were never supposed to know about it now you asked about that kind of stuff before the FOIA existed and these agencies denied that they had anything in fact the the FBI was asked a bunch of times what do you got on UFOs we don't have anything nothing four years passed in the mid-70s FBI was forced to release 2,000 pages of documents about UFOs same thing with the CIA I've written to him a bunch of times when I first started hey what do you got in UFOs nothing we never studied it never had any interest well bull I mean there are documents that were squeezed out of them through FOIA in the in even in the 70s with that referred to the CIA's UFO experts CIA UFO panels CIA UFO studies that one study that they had in particular I want to mention is something called the Robertson panel this is in the 1950s they convened this panel it had a whole bunch of UFO sightings this great big flat what are we gonna do about this stuff well let's look at the evidence they gathered evidence from about eight or nine ten cases and looked at it for a grand total of six hours over two days they said you know what we don't think that UFOs are a threat to national security but the reporting of UFOs is a potential threat to national security so we need to institute some changes we need to strip UFOs of their aura of mystery stripped them of their respectability make it lack less than respectable to report them so they instituted formerly a ridicule factor a laughter curtain a policy of making fun of people that see this stuff belittling the whole subject embarrassing scientists who take it seriously and it's worked it's worked now those documents exist I'll show you some other ones I gave a pile of stuff to the museum here I'm not sure if it's on display or not this is a report compiled by the US Air for in the Office of Naval Intelligence in 1948 December 1948 and it was there was something called Project sign there was a secret study of UFOs and the guys came back there look at all these case they said this stuff is real we think it's entirely possible that these things are from other planets a Hoyt Vandenberg who is the head of that Air Force I think back then said I can't allow that to go forward forget it burn that copy and come up with something new so project sign became project grudge and they came up with a much different conclusion but later project Bluebook which was nothing more than a public relations exercise collected 19,000 or so cases and even though they tried to explain them away they couldn't now in this document one copy continued to exist even though we're supposed to be destroyed it says it must be accepted that some type of flying objects have been observed their identification and origin are not discernible since the Air Force is responsible for control of the air and the defense of the US it's imperative that all agencies cooperate in confirming or denying the possibility that these objects have a domestic origin I'll tell you about something else it's not really a document this is a chapter from an Air Force physics textbook and our best and brightest pilots our future Joint Chiefs of Staff members go to the Air Force Academy for training and education and this chapter it's called a introductory space science department of physics US Air Force Academy was what they taught the cadets at the Air Force Academy let me quote you from it conclusion from available information the UFO phenomenon appears to have been global in nature for almost 50,000 years the majority of known witnesses have been reliable people who've seen easily explained natural phenomena and there appears to be no overall positive correlation with population density psychological factors probably do not enter the data picture as noise it it goes on to say that in the course of your career as a pilot you're probably going to encounter one of these things as far as we can tell there may be four different races visiting the planet that's been going on for thousands of years this is what they're teaching their best and brightest pilots now after you up ho people got a hold of this chapter and put it it out hey you guys been lying to us they pulled it they yanked it which has sort of been the reaction all the way along and I don't really completely understand it but that's what they did so I think you know when you look at the trail the paper trail of government documents it's more than persuasive the kinds of stuff that is squeezed out of the our government a report after report incident after incident more than enough evidence to convince a reasonable person that something really weird has been flying around in these skies and I'll tell you it's not only documents from this country as a result of me being interested in this crazy subject I've been allowed to travel all over the world and one of the trips two of the trips took me to Russia we had a window of opportunity in the 1990s in which we went to Russia this company I work for I left channel 8 for a couple years hired this Russian physicist we met him through congressman Bilbray who was a friend of ours and he was the physicist had worked at the highest levels of the Russian government he's a science national national security adviser to Boris Yeltsin also to the Russian parliament he had trained Soviet cosmonauts how to spot American nuclear submarines from space the guy was dialed in so I met him as he was getting ready to go back to Russia and I asked him you know anything about UFOs got any friends in the KGB ever heard anything about it not really not they could think about it we had another beer you know that you mentioned I do have a friend at the KGB who told me that he had heard about read some UFO studies that they had documents over there and then he thought there's a guy I know at the Academy of Sciences who studied this stuff before we know it we got to cut a list of a couple of people who had never talked about UFOs publicly before I made a deal with the guy we sent him back to Russia sent him up in an office I said here's what I want you to do find people who were in a position to know about UFOs but have never tried to peddle this story anywhere and he did and for seven or so seven almost eight months he searched out people like that and then I went over to Russia to meet him and we had to pay a little money here and there but I brought back several thousand pages of what was then classified information from Russia mid their ministry defense conducted the largest UFO study in the history of the world and it lasted for ten years and the order basically went out that every unit in the vast Soviet military empire had to report and fully investigate any anomalous aircraft ball of light weird thing in the sky anything that we would classify as a UFO so all these reports thousands and thousands of reports over a ten year period rolled in and they all went to the desk of this Colonel Boris Sokolov that I met and we got the documents from him and some of these reports were incredibly dramatic Sokolov admitted to me your government studies him we're studying him and for the same reasons we want to be able to do what the UFO craft do and beat you in stealth he said these craft do things that we can't do if we can master them and figure out how they do it we can match you in stealth capability so it was a very practical reason for the study and it went on for a long time he told me that they had had 45 incidents in which the Russian military planes encountered UFOs they had a standing order you see a UFO flying over Moscow go get it and in three of those encounters the planes were shot down and two of the pilots died this is not this is not funny stuff and he said after the two pilots died the order went out it was changed that if you see a UFO leave it alone and the second time I'm going back to Russia I interviewed a guy named Igor Maltsev who was there basically their secretary the Air Force he's the guy that issued that order and he said I did it because these UFOs whatever they are may have incredible capacities for retaliation I will tell you this how I smuggled some of these documents back what happens is in in Russia is there they're classified documents they stamp them on the top page and then the rest of it are not stamped classified at least the documents we got so you remove that top page just throw the rest of that stuff in your suitcases what we did it's carrying these top pages got tricky well I got him out and if I hadn't I'd be in a gulag somewhere still I just divert to that story only to tell you that governments other governments around the world like our government has studied this stuff of course they would there was an incident in Russia similar to something that happened here at which the UFOs appeared over a UN ICBM base a base where these nuclear tipped missiles are aimed at the United States and these things popped up over a four hour period now all the witnesses who made these reports are military officers and I got all and so they described different things these UFOs did they were there were two some that were huge that split apart into smaller craft and then fused back together some of them just sat there some of them zipped around they made incredible maneuvers and then right after of being there for about four hours the launch control panels that controls these ICBMs aimed at the United States lit up something entered the codes that enabled these missiles and they were ready to go and a countdown had begun and the Russians couldn't stop it and they were freaking and then the UFOs over the base go poof gone control panel goes back to normal Russians are shaking their head and wiping their brow they called my friend the Ministry of Defense guy Sokolov to send a team in to study it he took apart they were the equipment they couldn't find anything wrong they couldn't find anything wrong it had never happened before and it never happened since and they concluded that these UFOs were somehow sending a message this may be your most powerful technology and weapons but it doesn't really impress us all that much we had a similar set of incidents here at five nuclear bases along the u.s. Canadian border in the mid-1970s it was kept secret for a long time but after the FOIA was became law they forced these documents out UFOs visited these bases one right after another over a two-week period encountered our warplanes we tried chase them couldn't do it they entered some codes they disabled some missiles scary stuff so when you tell me that UFOs are not in a turn F of national security you're full of crap and and that is the official version of our government and they are full of crap about this so anyway I think there's more than enough proof to consider that this subject should be taken seriously back to the story of area 51 why don't we play this other tape here I'll just give you a little introduction to Bob Lazar the key for me was I'm never gonna prove that Bob Lazar worked at area 51 so I tried to settle on did he work at Los Alamos which he claimed where he worked there and classified projects and so we played a little game with Los Alamos National Lab for a couple of years and here's sort of how it goes there are problems with Bob's story here and there and and I'll talk about a couple of them but as I mentioned for me he was did he did he work at los alamos in sensitive positions because if he had been there then it at least plausible he could get hired to work out out somewhere else in sensitive positions and I think he was there I mean I interviewed people that worked with him and I'll tell you this I haven't talked about this very often but I went to Los Alamos we trespassed into the National Lab on a Sunday and Bob took me in we went to he he still had a a contract with the lab to produce radiation probes that were placed outside the laboratory so he took me there on a Sunday we flew to Los Alamos and he met us at the gate and we got in a car and drove in and he took us through these buildings the place where he never worked like a rabbit going through an underground maze I mean we were going all through people are waving at us and they showed us where he had worked we talked to people he had worked with and yet everybody's telling us he wasn't there we went in and got video of this one of the world's biggest particle accelerators at the Mason facility where he worked and they still said he wasn't there eventually I got something out of Los Alamos lab in which they said all right we found the number for him he was here but he worked only for a subcontractor and they gave me the name of the subcontractor which was a headhunting company that had recruited him there so I began a process with them and I first contacted him look this guy Lazar says you recruited him you got him a job there at Los Alamos do you have any records yeah we've got records well can I get them sure we'll send them to you a couple weeks ago buy records don't arrive I call back again yeah well can't really find those records so I start a series of writing letters I got a stack of letters this thick eventually they just stopped dealing with me at all they stopped responding period something changed you know and that was enough to really piqued my curiosity especially after talking to people who said that they work with him there and I know it's a leap to make that to area 51 I know it's a leap but some things that Bob had said on the that you saw that newspaper headline excuse me on the day that that story appeared in the Los Alamos monitor Edward Teller was at Los Alamos given a lecture and he was sitting outside reading that newspaper article about Bob and his jet interest in jet cars and Bob walked by and he struck up a conversation this is the story that Bob tells and that is how he later when he was here in Las Vegas looking for something else to do besides processing photos which he was doing for a period that he got he says he got an interview and EG&G that Edward Teller was the guy who arranged it years later after my stories came out Edward Teller was asked about it on camera and he gets really weird about it yeah maybe I knew him and maybe I don't what about kind of a thing and you know you'll never be able to prove it people that I know and trust you say that they have checked the records that Lazar was never at area 51 I'll take their word for it I certainly have trouble with Bob's claimed credentials at schools he had claimed to have degree sort of MIT and Caltech now I've talked to people who saw him at Caltech but there's no no records there I think it is entirely possible that he would exaggerate his educational background in order to get a great job he wouldn't be the first person to do that he wouldn't be the first person to jut to lie about his background in education in order to get a good job and you have to wonder well wouldn't the people who hired him know that and yeah they would they would have to they do a background check they'd have to know that but I think in was some way that Bob could have been the perfect person for that that position if you wanted to example test some theory run something up a flagpole see how the public would react about a story about flying saucers he might be the guy to do it he's technically proficient he's an amazing guy you walk in a room I don't care who's in the room he's the smartest guy there whether he has degrees from MIT or Caltech or not he just knows amazing stuff and can do anything with electronics or computers he's a really smart guy and I got to know him pretty well I got to know him through a guy named gene Huff who I hope was going to invite him here tonight gene was a real estate appraiser who worked with Bob and who also knew John Lear and that's how that coalesced a lot of people think it was Lear the Svengali who sucked Bob in and and got him to tell all these crazy stories and in order I don't know what in order to do what but that's not the way it went down those guys were friends Bob was out there for a period of a couple of months from late 1988 until about April 1989 he had some personal issues that were going on his phones were being tapped as part of the security background is a story that he told and the guys who were listening in on the phones and checking his background found that that his wife was having an affair and they told him and sort of things just kind of fell apart fertilizer after that he didn't like the work he was doing out there he said the security was ridiculous that they hadn't made much progress but he told some really interesting stories about seeing these flying saucers out there in the hangars I know a lot of people have trouble believing that but there's some other things that Bob knew that you have to ask yourself how did he know if he wasn't there so we got a win another guy a former police officer who done polygraph exams in fact he did it for he still does it for a major casino corporation a corporation but by the way is represented here tonight and he's very credible guy he took his time he went through the all the material with Lazar talked to about flying saucers antimatter reactors which is what the power source was the element 115 which was the fuel all that stuff gave him the test four times and he passed and it's not he'd barely passed he passed funny questioned passed wasn't even close that polygraph examiner his name is Terry Tabb Burnett II he gave the results to his friend who's a another examiner who looked at it who said yeah no question about it a third guy looked at the results and said he passed a fourth guy said well you know I'd like to see him ask some more questions but he thought he passed as well he passed it not no question about it I guess it's possible to do it but Bob had never taken a polygraph before before I asked him to do it as far as I know still even with all that I'm not sure that I would have gone forward with the story except the fact that after we aired that silhouette interview people started calling me with more information people who said that they'd worked out there and I won't give you all of them but I'll tell you that there are more than two dozen of them who had claimed to have some kind of knowledge little bits and pieces of the story out there six of those people who called me and offered to give me information were visited after they called and told to keep their mouths shut this is a kind of thing it really ticks me off because somebody was listening to my phone it wasn't theirs it was mine there's a lady who works even now in the Clark County Court system in the court system she's been there a long time but before she was there she worked as a secretary for a defense contractor called Holmes annarbor which has worked at the test site for a number of years unclassified stuff and she says she sat in on meetings at which the Roswell wreckage was discussed she took took notes on a typewriter the after it was done the meeting was done they took the ribbon out of this thing and destroyed it she says they talked about the Roswell stuff coming to area 51 she told this to a cop who's a friend of mine he set up a meeting we talked about it on the phone we're gonna get together the next day she gets visited by these two guys who say you know you're still under your security oath is still in effect you can't talk about anything it happened back then we know that you and your daughter travel back and forth between Los Angeles there's a lot of desert out there we'd hate for something to happen to either one of you this lady was scared scared to death that's 20 years later I tried to get her to talk about it she still wouldn't I had a guy who worked at channel 8 as an electrical engineer who had been at air 851 for a while says he saw what looked like a flying saucer under a tarp and was going to tell me about it he had moved to another city I called him up he's a living in Seattle and I called him up said hey would you tell me that story I'll black out your face he says sure just so long as you don't give my identity next morning there's two guys sitting in a car outside his house military haircuts sunglasses look like men and black or something talking into a radio making themselves very obvious they follow him to work they're waiting when he comes out of work and follow him home of course he calls me and says the interview is off I'm not gonna do it I had a guy named Roy Byram who does tax returns and he did tax returns for a lot of high-ranking guys at Nellis Air Force Base and after the Lazar interview called me up he said hey I got some information for you because these guys I got to know him really well and they told me some stories about these disks these alien disks that are out there swear to god he says that they told me the story I said great I'll come in to interview you next day very next day two guys from they said the Secret Service show up they said we hear you've been making threats against the life of the president and we're just telling you that's a prosecutable offense you could go to prison for this he wrote back to me said I think it's an attempt to to stifle tight for me from talking to you he was still wouldn't he go forward with it but I didn't know if it was a good idea six people right in a row that happened to that that makes a big impression on me back in those days and that would now and it made me really angry a lot of other people came forward with information that I met with people who had varying degrees of experience out there at 51 but is some of whom's background I could convince I could confirm some of them I could not there was a guy there was a story a guy named Michael hunt who surfaced in 1980 Wood said he had worked for the AEC at Groom Lake in the 60s claimed he saw an alien disc in flight had a lot of really detailed information that who came forward and told his story there was a Wackenhut security guard who had a queue clearance at the test site from 1984 to 88 said he was pulling a shift that the internal entrance area 51 they were buzzed by this glowing object at night there was a a Las Vegas attorney who served in the military in the 70s says he witnessed a disc-shaped craft land outside of area 51 seemed to have be in some kind of mechanical difficulty he was subjected to several days of tough questioning after seeing this thing and told that he didn't in fact see it there was a golf pro from Nellis Air Force Base who liked the tax guy had struck up conversations and friendships with these Nellis Air Force guys and went on these outer outer road trips he said they were out of town watching a TV space about Roswell and these guys farad tell him this story now maybe they were pulling his leg but they seem very serious he thought they were serious and they told him that the wreckage some of that stuff and eventually made its way to Nevada and not necessarily just area 51 the stories I heard about it whether they had gone to a place called Indian Springs which existed as a base before area 51 was opened in 1955 and then it was a guy I'll tell you about two more one of them if you heard about this this book on area 51 by a lady named Annie Jacobson I know it's a really bestseller it popped up and and has made a bunch of I've got a lot of attention it's a really excellent history of the Roadrunners and the base and the really great stuff that went on and then it goes off the deep end at the end of this book it says that that based on the testimony of one EG&G senior engineer that yeah there were saucers out there at area 51 they came from Roswell but they weren't alien the Russians had built them they had taken these Nazi scientists and some spindly prisoners of war who'd been subjected to experiments by Josef Mengele they built this flying saucer based on Nazi designs but these prisoners of war in as the pilots flew it over to across the ocean to Roswell and crashed it to scare the hell out of the American public that we were being invaded by aliens that sounds pretty much ridiculous except that the person who told that story to Annie and it's been widely ridiculed and dismissed because of how ridiculous it is it is ridiculous except for the fact that the guy who told her that I know it is because twenty years ago I basically stalked him there were members of his family who hinted to me that he knew something about area 51 this is not a Bob Lazar this is not guy whose credentials can be questioned he really was in the places where he said he worked he really was in a position to know with high clearances I am NOT saying that the person identified as Annie source is my source I'm just saying that that the same person by confirming that the name that's been made public in reference to her book is the right one does that that would be wrong because I made a promise for one thing I made a promise that I wouldn't talk about it anyway this guy's family tells me he knows something about it so I start showing up in places where he is and I just ingratiate myself I'm stalking him basically until I got to know him and he invited me home to see his scrapbooks from the atomic energy program nuclear bomb photos and photos of the old days working for EG&G and I'm there one day and he he's looking at it and he's shown me stuff and he closes the book and he goes you're not here to ask me about that are you ice no not really this is not what you're interested at all I said no not really I know what you're interested in yeah that's right and his wife walks in she goes oh don't tell him that stuff but he did eventually he did over the next two years he and I had a series of meetings at different places having coffee and it was like pulling teeth to get him to come out with this stuff but the story he told me is much different from the one that ended up in this book no Nazis no Joseph Stalin no prisoners of war it was straight-up alien stuff and and I would have to ask him questions to get this stuff out I would ask him well gosh weren't you scared this thing was gonna crash or something or it would it would get out he said we were more concerned about it getting out it and they told me they had a live alien out there now I know how ridiculous it sounds we're sitting here it sounds ridiculous but given who this guy was where he had worked I took it pretty seriously eventually after a period of two years of him telling me this stuff and I wasn't allowed to take notes I wouldn't write it all down as much as I could remember after we had these meetings but he promised me he said that he'd been told to shut up that he was no longer supposed to talk to me now what happened was there was a congressional investigator with high security clearances who was sent out here to check this stuff out some members of Congress the Senate had an interest in these topics the stories had come out flying saucers Aurora secret program that weren't on the book get out there and find out what's going on since guy came and saw me I told him the story about the other guy he got clearances to talk to him and to talk to his boss and once once the that word was out he stopped talking to me altogether but he did make a promise that he was gonna make a videotape that would be released to me after he's his death he's still alive but I the last time I saw him he said he did make the tape final witness I'll tell you is this that helped convince me that this was a legitimate topic and that I haven't said this before in public and it's senator Howard cannon who was a senator from Nevada before he was a US senator here he was a brigadier general he was a decorated war hero world war 2 he flew everything when Howard cannon was defeated in his last race he was such a good friend of the military had done so much to build Nellis had such a good relationship with the guys in charge of area 51 the guys from Lockheed that they allowed him to fly the sr-71 sort of a going-away present so he was dialed his best friend in the United States Senate was Senator Barry Goldwater Barry Goldwater even though he's a Republican they're good buddies they work together back then that could happen back in those days I know it seems alien now but Democrats the Republicans talk to each other had had drinks together anyway Barry Goldwater was his best friend and cannon would started telling stuff to me through his family members who I knew pretty well and I finally had a face-to-face meeting with him toward the end of his life and did probably what was the last interview I ever did and we touched on some of this stuff but I asked him about Barry Goldwater had tried it was this chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and he had heard these stories about wright-patterson Air Force Base and and the Blue Room our pride that the hangar 18 and so he called up his friend general Curtis LeMay said I want to get in there I want to see it and the maid told him basically you know not only is the answer no but he'll know and don't you ever ask again and Goldwater is like whoa you know I'm uh I'm decorated war hero myself he says he was a general I believe he is the Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman has all the security clearances he needs what do you mean no I mean no and don't ask again so Goldwater late later wrote letters about it so I asked Howard cannon about this stuff and it was clear to me that he and Goldwater had talked about it not only about hangar 18 but about area 51 flying saucers he told me basically look what would have been the point I Heilmann he came close to saying I think I could have got into hangar 18 but he said what would have been the point of either of us getting in there or going area 51 to see this stuff we couldn't tell anybody about what we had seen and if we did tell him what we know is out there they think we're crazy Howard cannon is is know Bob Lazar I like Bob and everything but there's no disputing his credentials Howard candidates credentials he was there in positions of power he did have friends in the highest places in the government and in military and intelligence circles so when he intimates to me that the saucers were real that they were somewhere in wright-patterson or somewhere out in the desert I believed him 1992 things took a bad turn for me and bob lazar bob comes to me i was out of channel 8 working on some private projects bob comes to me and says hey by the way i'm i'm involved in this little brothel operation it's a legal brothel it's operating in a couple of apartment buildings i got to know the lady run to running and I'm trying to help her right put in some security cameras and computer codes and stuff like gotta go are you kidding me I know he says oh yeah by the way it's on the same street where you live my professional life flashes before my eyes I I don't know I don't know what to do I said I don't believe you show it to me and he took me to it and sure enough there it is I I told him look you you've got to shut this down people want you to crash and burn you're you're probably being followed come to find out he was being followed by a team from another TV station they hadn't got onto that yet but it was only a matter of time the hooker he was involved with had two vice cops who were boyfriend's of hers it was a matter of time I said you got to shut this down get out of this I'm gonna call the cops and tell him about it and and hopefully you got a past I was a bad decision was a bad decision on my part because we did tell it Bob did shut it down did get out of it we did tell the cops but they didn't let it pass they were afraid we were maybe tested him or something so they came and arrested him I mean you know what not a whole lot of people get arrested for pandering in Nevada and Bob was facing multiple felony counts and and this is kind of a key insight I think into his character is that parole and probation did this big background check on Bob and if you were a con man and they were mad at him they recommended he should do hard time because he's lying to us about his background if you were a con man telling a story that you made up about flying saucers and being recruited by the Navy and EG&G and all this stuff that was the time to come clean but he didn't he stuck to his guns in that story and he and he told the same story to them as he told to me in the course of that trial proceedings we got a letter from congressman Bilbray who had tried to help me get records on Lazar and he his office said you know it frankly we have never seen anything like it we write to the FBI and say do you know something about this guy who wants to know is basically the response not they didn't tell him we don't have any information on the guy they said you have no right to know about it it's a congressman so you know you could say what you want about Bob and and the weakness isn't a story or what school he went to or what he really did or didn't do but in a lot of ways he might have been the perfect guy for a program like this if you wanted to run it up the flagpole and see how the public reacted and then pull the rug out from under it he was a perfect guy scientifically proficient very knowledgeable but if you needed his credit him you could I mean he flew up a pirate flag on us on his on his house he loved machine guns he loved hookers he liked jet cars he was a really interesting guy who'd had troubles in his personal life and if you wanted to discredit him you could and I think in that way he might have been the most qualified person for that job which is why I still believe it's possible that he could have really been there you know I don't know if there were flying saucers from other planets at area 51 I'm never gonna know but I do know that there is more than a few people who say that they saw something that looks very much like it out there and who have bits and pieces of the same story that bob has told me the pursuit of the UFO story as I mentioned taken me all over the world to it to Russia and China and South America and Europe and and and has taught me a lot of a lot of things but my views have certainly changed from those days when we started there's a guy named know Jacques Jacques Vallee dr. Jacques PLA if you've seen the movie Close Encounters Francois Truffaut plays the character based on Jacques Vallee and he told me some years ago I'm gonna be really disappointed if it turns out that the answer that the UFO mystery is merely aliens from other planets coming here because I don't think that's what it is and neither do I anymore one of these days I'll come back here and talk to you about skinwalker ranch but I think I think this this is not just visitors from other planets coming here than it is part of something much bigger much more wondrous much more mysterious and a lot harder for us to get our heads around but we need another two days to probably go into that thanks thank you very much [Applause] question is have I met an abductee who had some credibility yeah and some of them right here in in Las Vegas couple in rural Nevada you put them through a hypnosis session which is not always reliable but they they come out of it separately describing the same kind of beings the same kind of experiences there is in some of those cases physical evidence Sekai name Budd Hopkins who just died a couple of months ago who wrote missing time and a couple of other classic books in the field you know there are people who who claim to be abducted who want attention who have mental disorders maybe it's epilepsy or some other kind of physical problem but there are other cases it can't be explained that way and if you you're looking for a blanket explanation as some people would like to do to explain that all away you've got to explain all of them there's some of those cases that have multiple witnesses multiple independent witnesses who've seen it from different angles and some physical evidence I met a lady named Betty Betty and Barney Betty Hill which is the first famous abduction case met her at a UFO conference one time that's a pretty good case and then I met a lady named Betty Ann Driessen as well that's a pretty good case I tend to think you need to be careful with those stories because there are people who confabulate things and make them up some of them are just not very easy to explain away though well I'll answer that in a couple of ways one is that in the 1960 the Brookings Institute was tasked with doing a study for our government said what would happen if suddenly was revealed extraterrestrials have been visiting us for all all time and they basically predicted that society would completely collapse that unless there was a conditioning program to get us ready for this that we would collapse it would be like a cargo cult where some primitive tribe we encounter in Borneo or in the Amazon we know how that ends up it's the primitive tribe the more primitive tribe that disintegrates and we would definitely be the more primitive tribe in this in this scenario that was true then since that study in 1960 is there anybody who wasn't prepared for aliens I mean they're everywhere they're in everything every movie and TV show every book everywhere I think we would be ready for the general concept when I did this story back in 1989 I did a little survey of all these different religious faiths all of them said the same thing it's testament to the greater glory of God that there are people out there other people coming here I think they saw us great good more souls to save more more alien ducats in the collection box or something so I don't think we would I don't think we would disintegrate with the general idea that aliens are coming here to visit us because they've been gumming a long time they haven't blown us up yet so what's the threat however what if the ultimate disclosure is not that simple what if they are describing something else entirely by the way yeah the aliens are here they're not really from other planets they are actually interdimensional beings they live here among us all the time separated by a thin psychic membrane of some sort they can see everything you do they can they know when you're in the shower they know when you're cheating on your taxes they can read your mind they can interact with our lot our lives at any time come and go as they please at will you can't see them you can't know it how do you like that you talk about people freaking out now that would I would have you freaking out and I think society would disintegrate yeah well I just like I think I don't think there was going to come a day when disclosure happens but the effects would depend on what it is that they disclosed well Phoenix lights case I think is pretty good case as thousands and thousands of people saw it there's videotape of it it's nothing that our government has in its arsenal that we know of that was ten years ago or so they made a feeble attempt to explain it away as flares coming from parachutes no we had no military craft in the area they were that wasn't us we don't know what the heck it was you guys are imagining it oh oh that's right we had some planes there and we were dropping flares and parachutes and that must be what you saw it wasn't it wasn't planes and parachutes in fact it started here it was seen first over Henderson and then went to Phoenix as for the historian it down no needles it's kind of complicated but some witnesses saw a giant glowing cylinder come flying out of the sky it landed just off the Colorado River nearly hit a guy in a in a in a houseboat within a couple of minutes a whole Armada of helicopters came including a sky crane out of the sky picked this thing up and flew it off toward Nevada and in the days that passed and I've talked to witnesses in various places who saw this this in different stages in the days after that these like men and black type guys start showing up in needles and in that area Bullhead City and and hasslein people who had talked about it on the radio and so we started going down there and found these people said you know you can't believe we've keep seeing these phalanxes of strange vehicles and military looking guys in sunglasses zipping through here and back and forth see them all the time so we kept going down week after week after week to try to catch him and sure enough we did we cut caught up to him this we saw this group we're heading back to town all these cars these strange vehicles just as described and tenon's stuff sticking out so we zipped around and chased after him and I had a little camera in the front we get up close to him guys with sunglasses military cuts I start shooting video they're talking to the radio pretty soon they pull over one pulls over we pull over behind it somebody pulls up behind us guy jumps out civilian clothes he's moving a shirt like this I can see he's packing a weapon underneath of it oh this is this looks bad he comes over you guys get off the side of the road get out of our way who are you who you with what are you doing and we're in an unmarked car we're not we don't have any channel 8 stuff we worked with channel 8 who are you guys know who are you show me your ID I said I'd like to see your ID he flashes a badge real quick I didn't get to see that and then he does it again and it this he says he's working with the Nevada Test Site I said great good I got lots of friends out there we do stuff all the time maybe we can ask her what you're doing because we're working on the story about this crazy thing and needles he says no I'm not gonna tell you what we're doing get off the side of the road stop hassling us or you gonna be taken into custody so we continue shooting video they take off and it turns out they work for an agency another agency I'd never heard of before the OST the office of secure transportation I get back to Las Vegas or somebody a friend of mine Collins had that was a bad move because these guys are badass their job is to transport nuclear weapons and they are trained somebody messes with them on the road to take them out and in fact we learn subsequently their vehicles are capable even if they were killed their vehicles could kill you by themselves so anyway I got the I got to know these guys that nope I've never heard of you let's do a story about it their national director came out they were doing some training at the Nevada Test Site we got up there got to do an exclusive story got to know them there are amazing people that did an amazing job but they had nothing to do with the men in black who are messing around with the folks and needles it was just a coincidence that they're going through the area at the same time that stuff was going on but it was a very cool story to do I would just say in closing this is a fun pursuit and it's a grand story and even if I never get the any answers that you can really point to definitively it's been a grand adventure and a worthwhile pursuit and I think it's something that you should be if you're interested in these topics and you have a curious nature it's nothing to be ashamed of than it is if it came to be true and could be proven it would be the biggest event in human history the confirmation of some other kind of intelligence being among us or visiting us would be the biggest thing ever and it would change everything and that's why I think it is a noble pursuit that is worth your time and I thank you all for coming [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Atomic Museum
Views: 377,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9SiPGq3YbXY
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Length: 75min 32sec (4532 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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