Dr. Steven Greer - Talks UFOs | PRETTY INTENSE PODCAST EP. 82

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an aspect of all of this is your safety oh i don't care about that they want to kill me kill me the head of army intelligence in 1992 when he found out what we were doing he was so angry and he says who hell do you think you are i said well i'm a free citizen of the earth and of the cosmos and we're making contact he says you're not cleared i said i don't need your clearance or permission so we went mano amano and i'm a nice guy until you challenge me and i'm gonna lay you out and then i turned to him i said look when i was 17 i died i know there is no death i know that what is within me and within all of us goes on forever and is infinite and eternal and therefore if you want to kill me go ahead but i'll be more trouble to you on the other side and he knows them he knew he knew i was right he knew i was right those people understand that i believe that each and every one of us has the power within ourselves to create the life that we really want and i want to help give you the tools to make that happen i'm danica patrick and i'm pretty intense today you guys are in for a real treat if you're ready to have your mind blown just keep listening because on the show is dr steven greer he has two documentaries out called unacknowledged which came out a few years ago and then one that just recently came out close encounters of the fifth kind he also has an app called ce5 that he talks about and refers to he is a retired trauma surgeon he was an er doctor and he has dedicated his life to exposing this aspect of reality that we have been you know had the veil pulled over our eyes on and has been hidden which is extraterrestrials he has such an awareness through his experiences and curiosity of consciousness um but then there's this other side which extra which is extraterrestrial and the thing is is that it's actually what it connects all of us and that we are all connected to a cosmic consciousness like have you ever heard of like the collective consciousness that's what it is like we are all connected not only are we connected on this earth plane here which is why you know a mother can sense their child or when you think of someone all of a sudden they call we're connected to esther extraterrestrial in the same way so his life work is to bring this into mainstream and to save our planet right because we're on a crash course right now in a lot of ways and we have suppressed had had the information and technology suppressed for what can be brought and offered to us from other forms of reality in in the universe because look we're like five years five years old i mean look what we can do in ten years or a hundred years and there are civilizations out there that are hundreds of thousands millions of years older than us so we have a lot to learn and we need to get humble and i really hope that you'll stay tuned all the way to the end of this fascinating conversation with dr greer you know i was remembering for some reason i had forgotten but when i was watching i watched close encounters of the fifth kind when it first came out last year and i was watching it again the other night and i was remembering the story i'm like that's right when i was in fifth grade i did a book report on close encounters of the first second and third kind oh really yeah i mean this i mean so i'm 38 years old so i was you know this is a long time ago but that's how long i have been interested in reality and what's real you get the time frame of fifth grade that's a long time being very interested in this world and i remember being kid and also thinking of space and thinking of you know infinity and what's at the end of infinity there's there's got to be but if there's an end then there's what's the end look like and it would just give me a headache so how in the world so i'm rambling on but because i'm so interested but also then it brings me to where i want you to help me out it was like when i when i think of what i want to ask someone it tends to have a flow and what really struck me is just there's really two different concepts that feel like they exist for you which or at least two different thoughts thought processes thought lines and one has to do with consciousness and our sovereign divinity within the unity of unity consciousness and the collective consciousness right but then the other is extraterrestrial activity and the information underneath that so instead of me trying to figure it out would you please help bridge the gap of how they connect for you well the way it connects for me and a bit by people who haven't seen um close encounters of the fifth kind it's it's on amazon prime and a bunch of and 2b in other places now so you can see it for free if you have those um that's sort of like a summary of what happened from when i was about eight or nine where i had a sighting i was very young like yourself got interested but i had a daytime sighting and uh with some my twin sister and some people in the neighborhood and i went wow and it was broad daylight crystal clear this would have been 1963 or four and um i was really amazed of course my parents saw we were nuts and i but i knew what i'd seen and so um and then my uncle you know the lunar module landed on the moon with neil armstrong that was my uncle was the senior project engineer designing the lunar module so i had this real interest in space anyway and um i'm a medical doctor emergency trauma shootings stabbings car wrecks all the fun stuff but i was like this is really interesting and then i sort of kind of forgot about it um when i became more adolescent but i was fascinated from age eight or nine till maybe 12 13. read everything i could and then when i was 17 i died i had i was very sick and had a near-death experience um and we were raised very left-brained scientific reductionist not religious uh not spiritual we just you know if it didn't fit in a test tube didn't exist full stop so when i had this happen i realized well my conscious being is actually infinite and goes on forever and i was because i loved space instead of you know seeing some religious themed event i went into outer space that's where i was in my near-death experience and i actually saw it experienced it uh out of body as it were and it was a beautiful experience i mean i just like literally went into this state of sort of cosmic consciousness and and i didn't know what that was because i was not raised with any understanding of the soul or the spirit or consciousness or infinity so i said you know i really need to learn how to meditate i survived obviously because here i am and what i decided was that i really need to learn how to get to that state of samadhi or consciousness or higher consciousness without dropping dead right and so i learned meditation and then uh went off to college i was 17 when i had the near-death experience so i'm 18 in the fall of 1973 and i'm meditating up on a mountain in the blue ridge mountains and right before sunset that same e.t craft that i had seen when i was eight or nine reappeared exactly and just before sunset i went holy crap this is amazing and then it just vanished i said oh well they're gone so i sat and meditated and at the i had this amazing meditation and it was way you know an hour or two it got dark and at the end of it i sort of came out of the deep meditative state and looked around and i saw the milky way above my head we're up at over 5000 feet i was by myself and i sort of realized you know what a beautiful universe that's been made and created that's conscious all of it is conscious and i saw the stars and everything as pure consciousness becoming those things is beautiful and at that moment a little e.t well little compared to me i'm 6'4 and 230 pounds but an athlete so he appeared right beside me and touched me on my right shoulder and i had this amazing story uh event that happened and that's how we created the close encounters of the fifth kind uh protocol what we call ce5 contact and there's an app that people can get called ce5 contact that trains people to do the meditation and make the contact and i've written now i was too young at age 18 i was just turned 18 to understand why that worked but then i became a meditation teacher back in the day louise hay was a student of mine and then subsequently jim carrey and deepak chopra all these people got involved but it was before i went to medical school and i thought and i studied really scientifically meditation brainwave activity as well as the sort of what people call metaphysical part but what i realized was that the physics of consciousness was very well known even back then in the in the early mid 70s and that the consciousness field is actually unbounded and is embedded within every point in space and time and there have been experiments that had proven that even back then now there's more experimental evidence for that is from dr john at princeton you know we've referred to these in the documentary close encounters of the fifth kind but i didn't understand that from a left brain point of view intellectual point of view when i had the experience but then i discovered that and then i understood why and how the ets had made contact because those civilizations you know we have these things called cell phones and it's really rubbish isn't it i mean it's like from 1844 the electromagnetic signals are 170 years old it's rubbish i'm so fascinated by uh the story and wish i hope you can share more on like what exactly happened and what information came through when you had that meditative experience where you had an encounter and when you were present with an et what else can you share well one thing i learned which was i didn't understand scientifically we understand it now we touch on in the documentary close encounters of the fifth kind is that these civilizations which are hundreds of thousands to millions of years more advanced than we are have pretty much perfected what elon musk is trying to do with neural link where he has a company trying to figure out how you can think to your computer and it does things without wires now as you know dr john at princeton had experimental electronic devices that people could think to and they would react uh to the thought and this has been very well reproduced all over the world what these civilizations have are extremely accurate interfaces with consciousness and directed thought that pick up the thought as clearly as you and i are talking on this electromagnetic signal so that's how that whole event happened it was all based in consciousness and thought now that sounds like something way out there except when you start talking to people at the cia like dr dr russell targ who's a laser physicist for lockheed who for 20 years was at the cia doing consciousness studies using consciousness to spy on the soviet union so everyone thinks that this is very fringe it isn't it's only fringe because the mainstream media ridicules it but in reality everyone at a senior level of the intelligence community knows this is real so i stumbled across it and then i realized that these guys these et civilizations have that ability but i didn't understand how it worked it was all kind of a mystery to me at age 18. subsequently though i realized that the reason they were wanting me to understand it was i guess they figured because i had had some kind of siding and contact and interest in them but i was also experiencing these higher states of consciousness that maybe they could you know develop something with me as a young man 18 year old guy where i could use it to set up and educate the public about making contact now that was in 1973 i didn't do anything with it for a long time because i didn't know what to do with it until 1990 and we started the ce5 contact protocols which now of course we have hundreds of thousands of people around the world doing it but um it was quite a journey for me as a young boy you know doing that and as you know like um last summer demi lovato and her friends on her birthday had the ce5 contact app and they were practicing it and they had this amazing e.t craft come over they all saw it was very exciting and they put it on instagram so what i'm trying to do is have people understand that you don't have to be some kind of you know yuri geller or mystic or cie remote viewer to do this every single person who's conscious and awake can connect to that quiet state of mind and do this because these civilizations if you're doing this with the right attitude let's say in philosophy and you're not you know afraid and all that kind of silly things they're going to pick that up and something will happen not every time but they're very interested in humans going into this sort of new understanding of the cosmos where we realize we and the cosmos are awake and we're all sort of part of this conscious hologram known as reality and that's really what they want us to understand because that's the foundation of becoming interstellar and and our civilization is at the brink of going from a tribalistic warring civilization to an interplanetary one but to do that you have to have some foundation in uh understanding what is the point where we have something common well it's not our own humanity that's humanism because these are not humans it has to be something more transcendent deeper and that's this conscious field that's universal this is you call universal consciousness or cosmic consciousness and that they understand very well it's not just a philosophy it's actually an operating system like your computer as an operating system this understanding of cosmic consciousness and the fact that the universe is a conscious hologram where everything's connected to each other and like in physics in a hologram that they understand but they also know that we have to only understand it and it'll actually begin to actually you know walk that talk what is our role in the in the universe what is our what is why are extraterrestrial interested in us well i think there's been an interest in this planet for millions of years okay i don't think this is new i think what became very much where we became a planet of concern like our state department has nations of concern is that in the 40s when we detonated the first atomic bomb that sent up a big red flag over this planet going warning this civilization can only be at a point now where they can destroy all life on this planet but shortly thereafter we started going into space with sputnik we could become an existential threat to other peaceful planets some of whom do not even have a concept of war and conflict we've learned so i think that we were viewed i mean it's funny because in the media and hollywood and and the internet and the whole ufo subculture it's always you know why are the aliens here and the dangerous aliens and fear fear fear i'm going no you got it upside down dude it's the other way around we're the scary ones we're the ones who killed hundreds of millions of people in the last century in war we're the ones who have thousands of thermonuclear weapons and we're the ones going into space with weapon systems that are classified that i know about and been briefed on that are a thousand times worse than a thermonuclear weapon so this is the problem the problem is that they know we have great potential and beauty within humanity but they also know that some of the very powerful interests in the planet you know what eisenhower president eisenhower called the military industrial complex um have this sort of addiction to viewing everything as a threat they view anything they don't understand as a threat and as one naval intelligence guy told me i asked him i said why are we targeting these et spacecraft and not in killing them occasionally he says because we view this as our planet if they don't act as our military's permission we're going to kill them and shoot them down so that is how primitive and stupid the thinking is on that people make it very complicated when i've been at the pentagon briefing three-star generals and people like this um that that is quite simply the mindset so the general public doesn't understand that you know as as danny sheehan who's this famous civil rights and constitutional attorney said if you're if you're a hammer the whole world's a nail so in this case if you know if you're a military and you're oriented towards everything being a threat that you don't understand then they're a threat in reality it's the other way around the reason these you see in the media coming out through the senate intelligence committee that they're trying to posit this as a national security threat because the ets have been seen doing surveillance over our nuclear facilities and what have you but that's not because they're a threat if they wanted to take us out had been done in 1945 i mean the technologies they have could have terminated our civilization in an instant but they're not they're they have a gandhian like gandhi or christ or some enlightenment they have that level of pacifism simply because they have pulled their punches waiting for us we the people to resolve this problem over the last 60 or 70 years so that's why i left my medical career a few years ago is to resolve this crisis that is unacknowledged by the way the other documentary on amazon prime and other sites is called unacknowledged and it stands for it's the first word in a level of very top-secret projects known as unacknowledged special access projects those are the projects that are very very secret that i found out in the 90s when i was briefing uh bill clinton cia director and other people like that that they were being denied access to those projects and uh so most people don't realize i have a home in washington a home out here in charlottesville near the university of virginia and most people don't realize that most of these politicians and even senior military are not briefed at that level of clearance and and that has created its own problems because in the vacuum of that secrecy all kinds of nutty crazy dangerous things are going on and there's nobody mining the store there's nobody watching this so that's that's why you know one of the components of what i'm doing is what we call the disclosure project this year is the 20-year anniversary of the big national press club event we did in may of 2001 where i had the first 22 of what is now 950 whistleblowers military intelligence corporate people who are giving us information documents what have you come forward in front of the whole world about 800 900 million people saw that but in the in the years since unfortunately it's now gone in a good way it's called mainstream the whole this whole subject you see it in the new york times cnn washington post but it's always got this narrative attached to it that it's a threat you know the whole hoax of an alien what what what i mean there's two parts to it which is like why is it hidden and why are they trying to perpetuate a fear-based uh association with extraterrestrial and put propaganda out there through stories or movies or whatever why first off why are they trying to promote extraterrestrial in a negative way that's a threat well the main reason for that is they it's money and power so if you understand how demagogues and uh big governmental systems work to control the public they do it mainly through fear and by the way organized religion has done this as well this sort of demagoguery i grew up in north carolina in the south in charlotte by the way great nascar city as you know oh yeah i lived in uh i lived in mooresville when i was there oh you're kidding me yeah oh i've never been to i didn't car race because when i was young we were too poor and when i got older i got too busy you need to take me to a nascar race no problem i'll drive you there oh that'd be awesome i'd be in good hands um so yeah i love cars by the way but so um it's such a boy that way but i like girls that like it too you know my daughters by the way i really really when i found out you know that you wanted to do this interview i was so excited because i have these four daughters who are very accomplished but have had to go through a lot of glass ceilings and stuff because they're female and um being the father of four daughters i go yeah you go girl don't listen to these people say you can't do it because you're a female i mean i just think all that prejudice is such rubbish and good for you for doing what you have done but honestly you're doing the exact same thing in just a different arena yeah you know while they're women in the world and that's a dynamic this is also a dynamic in the world that's been repressed and so i just don't understand why it's it's well look you know we learned as you know from uh werner von braun who invented the rocket tradeoff hitler he got brought into united states after world war ii and became the foundation of our aerospace program his spokeswoman a woman one of the first women in aerospace carol rosen she's now in her late 70s she on on his deathbed bernavon brown begged her to stop what they had a long-term plan to do and that is to enrich the military-industrial complex and to accumulate power around uniting the world around quote an alien threat that's a hoax and that's been a 70-year project that we're trying to divert the other reason which is kind of related is that you know you and i are using cars and jets and rockets and our electricity is mostly coming from fossil fuels or gas or coal or what have you and we haven't needed those technologies since before i was born i was born in june of 1955 my senior naval intelligence advisor who was the head of the naval research labs in washington as as the chief scientist not the administrator but the scientist was in a vault where he saw the documents that stated explicitly that we mastered anti-gravity gravity control in october of 1954 and that means that the energy system that's running these ufos is being pulled from the fabric of space called zero point and the propulsion isn't rockets or jets it's uh electromagnetic vortices i'm not going to get to the physics of it because your audience will go to sleep but we know it very well down to the equations i have people on my team who have this worked out to the equations mathematically and so we haven't needed any of this stuff that's destroying the biosphere carbon-based technologies but that is hundreds of trillions of dollars so it between the power of controlling the narrative through fear and the money and power that goes along with oil and the petro dollar and the banking system based on the dollar which is based on petroleum etc and so on it's a very big deal you know when i was at lawrence rockefeller's ranch he was the scion of the rockefeller family who ironically was standard oil right that became exxonmobil and all those he told me you know he said look dr greer this is a big deal because if this comes out no aspect of life on earth will be unaffected by it i said yes i know it's why it has to happen our civilization is stuck in the late 1800s paradigm of oil and gas and linear electricity lines so we have a hundred years of lost social progress anti-poverty the environment is being very strange because of this and we're headed into a deep dive as you know i mean an extinction level event is possible all because of greed and stupidity of men so i think that we have to realize that these extraterrestrial civilizations to pivot back to your question earlier they're very knowledgeable that most humans are not corrupt that way but they're also not informed so i've sort of felt like somebody needed to do something to get the information out to the public and then the other part of what i do which doesn't get talked about much is that i provide briefings to the president and ci director and members of congress even still i mean i was i have a member of my team that was running this information to president trump and and pence until they left office up until a couple days before we found out that that president trump and pence had been brainwashed that the aliens were a national security threat that gave us the space force uh we now have a new administration that i'm doing some things with but you know i had briefed president biden when he was senate a senator and was chairman of the senate foreign relations committee because let's face it these are intelligent life forms that's the ultimate foreign relations right it's not between us and russia it's between earth and these other civilizations but that relationship has been totally mismanaged through the secrecy because most people in government know and very few people at the united nations almost no one at the state department knows anything about this so the whole subject has been mismanaged and so that's why i tell i tell people the reason ce5 contact is so important is so that we become sort of citizen ambassadors to those civilizations and let them know that not everyone on this planet is a sociopath who wants to shoot them down yeah well it's a direct i mean it's it's because of the experience i was just having a conversation with a girl last night who's doing some really progressive things when it comes to um consciousness alignment with goddesses and genome and all kinds of things it's again we're working into the quantum into different fields to access what's really available to us and that's that the real transformation is the experience and so ce5 which i did get the app and i'm like wow there's a lot of people around here in scottsdale that are that have this app and are on the program um is that it's it's in that direct experience that then you can start to believe for yourself right um what's going on what happens for the world too yeah well what i've always been curious about too and maybe you can maybe you know i would imagine you have some insight is that i'm curious if some of the activity that we've seen in the sky sometimes is actually us recreating from our from crash sit from from from from a from a from a craft that's crashed and we harvest the information from that and reverse engineer it for our own is is sometimes what we see in the sky us trying things out oh yes absolutely remember what i just said since october 1954 the technologies were figured out of how to move and create objects that look like a ufo um or an et craft and so one of the things we want to do between now and june when the director of national intelligence has been ordered to issue a report on this is to do an expose of only this agenda of falsely um portraying the ets as a threat for for greedy purposes but also uh to show what my researchers have we have 200 000 pages of documents and blueprints and models 3d models of man-made ufos that have come out of the lockheed skunk works my uncle's company northrop grumman boeing and other other classified contractors with the us government in these unacknowledged special access projects ones that are deep black super black and so yes what you're saying is a very important point and that is when you see something you have to ask a question is it ours and it's classified and they want you to think it's et or is it extraterrestrial now that's a deeper discussion on what the distinctive qualities of that are but i know people i've personally because for 30 years i've led a team a research team that's gone all over the world to make contact and we have hundreds of hours of videos and photographs uh some of which appear in this close encounters of the fifth year yeah there's a lot of footage in there that's very very obvious and mind-blowing yeah yeah including pictures of ets that have been right next to us in these circles we do which is another whole discussion of the way contact happens but um one of the things that i i warn people of is that the reason the biggest secret that they are not talking about the new york times and cnn and the mainstream media isn't the fact that the ufos are real everybody knows that uh they're they're slow to the party right they're not telling the public that our classified projects have that capability and in fact they are overtly lying to the president these covert programs and to senators at on the senate intelligence committee i found be call about that because they don't want them to know these exist because they want to use those to sort of hoax or fake alien attacks or alien events uh which they've been doing for decades for example a lot of people have heard of these alien abductions and mutilations i personally have more than a dozen people on my team who have been tactical members of military and corporate groups that have been doing the abductions they're using man-made ufos chemicals and electronic warfare to do this so everyone think oh that was an alien encounter i said no it wasn't they stage it very well they're extremely good at staging this and you know one of the things you'll see in close encounters of the fifth kind if you look at that documentary it's a very fast moving documentary but there's an air force intelligence official in there that i asked this question to when i interviewed him he had been for a decade or two in in the air force office of special investigations and he says oh yes we've been doing that he just flat out admits it but then he realizes he says something he's showing he says but that's very secret that's still very classified and he backs out of it the interview is fat the whole interview is fascinating but we just have a little clip in this documentary so you can imagine in the 90s early 90s when i had people who were in these tactical teams who were engaged in that kind of deception i went oh boy this is what's going on so a lot of people say you know kind of false flags kind of hooks when is that going to happen i said it started in the 50s so whatever people google if you google this subject about 90 plus percent of it frankly i'm a big skeptic is nonsense that's been embedded in the pop culture because it scares people and if it scares people that is what they want they want to brainwash the population through fear prior to what's happening this year and that's why i'm about to do an expose we may between now and june i'm trying to put some cosmonauts together and people from other countries in the us as well as carol rosin who worked with vernavon brown and do another event where we get this out to the public so they're not it's like the who after the vietnam war we won't be fooled again you know that song well we were fold again guess what the iraq war was all based on false intelligence that was host that dick cheney and his people got to colin powell colin powell was a victim he goes to the united nations presents all this afterwards he admitted that he was played like a fiddle by these intelligence folks and that saddam hussein didn't have any of those weapons but a million dead people later and two trillion dollars later and a horrible war that's busted up the middle east and syria later so that is what they're planning to do on the ufo and et subject that we have to avert we have to stop it's a house of cards because that's what's happening is that as we start to realize if one thing if they've lied about one thing what else are they lying about so if they're doing false flags for as ufos or extraterrestrial interaction that's a that's a false flag and that's that's a lie what else have they done that is in that same vein and so it's in this time that we are bursting the bubble on all the stiff stuff and but what i can not for the life of me figure out is how i mean look it is dissolving the veil is getting thinner between reality and the um movie they've been playing for us right the truman show the truman show oh my god i was watching the truman show a few weeks back and i was like i'm watching a documentary called the truman show and then i watched him in the matrix which is also another documentary um but i just don't get how they can keep it hidden well they hide it in plain sight back in the early 90s after i'd briefed the cia director i had a guy who was on the committee dealing with the secrecy that had been lying to president clinton uh and he said look we just hide this in plain sight we put this out there in a way that is the public is aware of it i mean i think after pornography the number one search thing on the internet or ufos but the problem is is that they attach the false narrative to it so it's sort of like the way counter intelligence works and false information works you put a little bit of truth at the center of it like those tic tac those craft that our navy jets chased off the coast of california it's been on all the news for the last two or three years the pentagon has affirmed that those are real ufos but they attach in every article this statement that it's a national security threat so they're they're now gone from pop culture and movies in hollywood and the ufo subculture sort of fringe to the mainstream media and now from the director of national intelligence due in june is this report that was ordered in the covid bill signed in december 27th they have 180 180 days to get that out so i'm trying to get more of this information out including showing the models and the aircraft that were developed through my uncle's company and lockheed skunk works back in the 50s 60s 70s and they continue to be developed that have been kind of hoaxing events so that's that's really really important and in the meanwhile what the average person can do is form a a little ce5 contact team one of the interesting things about this app we just released is that it has a um a networking feature so you can see who's around you like in scottsdale or la or london or whatever and you can kind of it's kind of like a dating app for cosmos but where you can meet other people and do these these protocols so you're not by yourself um and even you can do it remotely through to zoom and things but we're having people all over the world have amazing contact experiences we had a truck driver from croatia who wrote into the website and my wife monitors it the website we don't have any staff by the way don't get grandiose my wife and i have a little corner of our living room and volunteers we have no offices no staff everything we crowdfunded these documentaries through donations um nobody's ever helped us we just put the information out it's just a labor of love but she'll get these emails from people and there's this truck driver in croatia who pulled over late at night in the mountains and he had the app the ce5 contact app and was doing the the techniques and the meditation suddenly this et craft pops right beside his truck on the left and comes and floats over the front of it and then vanishes sort of letting them know him know we got your signal and we're here thank you know there's just an acknowledgment and this was a truck driver i mean it wasn't like it was like guru swami shivananda or something you know this is like a dude driving a truck all right through the mountains so i tell people that these this capability that we have within us the light of consciousness is the birthright of every single human but it's also the birthright and present in every e.t because they're conscious and sentient and since they have technologies that we haven't yet developed at least not in the covert world i mean not the overt world you know they exist in classified projects that interface with consciousness and thought that's why these protocols work as sort of far out as it sounds it sounds really far out until you take a a few hours and do a deep dive into the science behind what has been already done at princeton and other universities yeah about consciousness and the fact that the conscious field is sort of everywhere omnipresent and can be interfaced with by humans and can be measured so those are early studies but it just means that we're really on to a whole new science here dealing with consciousness and in its application sort of deep spirituality not necessarily organized religion but spirituality on a deep level and where physics where physics and and spirituality come together it's really quite amazing yeah it is and i agree who is really controlling this narrative because it seems like when you dive into enough of this stuff you start to understand that like there's a lot of levels above what we think's in charge and so it feels like it feels like whoever is in control at the tippy top is is the place to go because clearly it's not happening at the level we're at there's a committee i know a number of the members of it called uh it's had various names over the years back in the 40s 50s it was called mj12 um majority 12 a group of men that were in charge of this issue it's one of the names in the 90s i have a document that was given to me that's classified that i published there's a book called unacknowledged that has this document in it um called magic m-a-j-i-c what it stands for is the majority intelligence committee and it's a group of people who deal with this but they have they're sort of permanently in the system and have activities that are above what are usually told to a president or a senator or a member of the congress in fact i mean to give you an idea how secret this is i spent a couple of hours um two or three hours and i brought astronaut uh edgar mitchell with me to the pentagon for this and because he was i was teaching him about this issue back in 97 and the man who was the head of intelligence for the joint chiefs of staff admiral tom wilson we had gotten a document to him that had a lot of the code names that i have for these projects and where they are which facilities which companies i have all this information it's in the book unacknowledged for anyone wants to read it i've updated it since then but that admiral who they have to understand this is the man in charge of doing the intelligence briefings for the joint chiefs of staff the united states pentagon military he had been denied access to those projects and when he started pushing on it he was overtly threatened until they would demote him take a star off of his lapel if he kept pushing so by the time i got to the briefing in person this is a document i sent ahead of time he was furious and scared and it was supposed to be a 45-minute stand-up briefing that i was doing for this admiral and it ended up going up for two or three hours because uh it was so much information and it was so important to him but he was really afraid because he said look i have this responsibility he says who else have you briefed who have been denied access to the projects i said well the president the cia director members of the senate intelligence committee it's members of the foreign relations committee and he was horrified i said yes this is sort of a subterranean highly classified group that does what they damn well wish and the reason i ended up briefing the cia director for mr clinton for president clinton in 93 a few months after he took office was because clinton had ordered the cia director and some people the department of justice that he was friends with webster hubble and others to look into this and they couldn't get anything and they knew they were being lied to so they knew i had collected information but more importantly the people who set up the meeting knew that my team had successfully made direct contact with the et's that we'd figured out the sort of rosetta stone of how to communicate using consciousness and thought and these techniques so i go up there with my wife i'm a young doctor in my 30s rattling around in an emergency department and so i'm doing this sort of shuttle diplomacy as it were up to dc raising four daughters and being an emergency doctor taking care of horrific trauma but i go now i'm into real trauma because i'm now sitting here with the director of the cia and i didn't believe it at first i thought he was lying when i got the letter from his people but it turned out he was denied access and this is a very dangerous thing so later i found out from someone on the committee this so-called magic mhaic group that the president doesn't need to know and we're not going to tell him anything they just this person just flat out told me he he said that those people come every four to eight years we tell them what we want to tell them and the rest we just don't tell them anything so this was something that i realized at that point that we're dealing with an unconstitutional criminal enterprise and that's when i went through the looking class that's when it got really rough um and of course this is a 30-year journey i'm giving you a really quick kind of cliff notes for but it was it was scary frankly i mean to do i don't know if you can imagine being younger than you are being responsible for briefing the cia director and find out gee you know we don't know anything because this group is lying to us so that sort of upended my whole world view of politics government civics all that well definitely an aspect of all of this is your safety oh i don't care about that they want to kill me kill me maybe that's why they haven't right because you just don't let that into your consciousness says i'm not afraid of it you know you know you know it's funny that the head of army intelligence in 1992 when he found out what we were doing he was so angry he threatened me with i took me to a hotel room till late in 2 30 in the morning with the nsa national security agency guy and some other spooks and he says who hell do you think you are i said well i'm a free citizen of the earth and of the cosmos and we're making contact he says you're not cleared i said i don't need your clearance or permission so we went mano amano and i'm a nice guy until you challenge me and i'm going to let you out so here we go so we go mano amano with this guy yeah i am sort of grew up in the south and in a way that was rough and tumble and i said ah you don't you know you're afraid of you i deal with people coming to the er with automatic weapons in my face you think i'm afraid of you so and then i turned to him i said look when i was 17 i died i know there is no death i know that what is within me and within all of us goes on forever and is infinite and eternal and therefore if you want to kill me go ahead but i'll be more trouble to you on the other side and he knows he knew so that happened and then about a month later he came to an event that astronaut brian o'leary uh and i had organized up in uh colorado near uh estes park in the rockies and he came he offered me personally 2 billion with a b billion dollars if i would be quiet and i said no i can't be bought off and you're not going to buy me or scare me so he goes behind my back to my wife who is this wonderful you know sort of a jewish doctor's daughter who is sort of epitomizes no bless oblige very kind in this peace corps they called her saint m because she's so kindly but and and she said oh he's such a nice man i said no he's a devil with fork tongue because my my grandmother was cherokee native american oh yeah a little bit of that too oh cool awesome and so i said no i said we're not gonna we're not getting in bed with these crooks and we're not gonna be scared of them but yeah and that was when a billion dollars was a lot of money now of course everybody in silicon valley makes a billion dollars a week but wow um there are a lot of money but well i'm joking but i just said how corrupt is that now this gets into a big problem uh danica is that there are people when they start getting close to the truth and they think they could be a little too much trouble like i was they are either threatened or they are given a buyout offer be quiet do what we tell you to do and there'll be a fund in some country that you can use maybe not two billion but tens of millions it's corruption on a really large scale and you know i met with a man in phoenix back in 93 who said you know we have provided over 10 million dollars to at least 10 000 people or more to secure their cooperation on the secrecy that was in 93 and this was a member of this committee i'm referring to so between the threats and the corruption and bribes this is i mean you know people think watergate was a scandal or a wrong contra this is the biggest scandal in the history of the united states period and that's why i'm the most hated person in washington and the most hated person in the mainstream media because as you know from seeing close encounters to the fifth kind danny sheehan who represented the new york times against the pentagon and during the pentagon papers the vietnam war he saw a document that listed 42 editors and senior people on media around the world that were on the payroll of the cia but had cover working as an editor here and there so this is another reason why social media platforms and shows like yourself are so important because i am completely blacklisted from most of those outlets because i'm not going to just say gee this is a uap a stupid fake term um we don't know what it is we don't know where they come from and cover up the fact that our classified aerospace programs that my uncle were for northrop grumman the biggest ones one of the biggest that we have these technologies that would save the world's environment you talk about the ultimate green new deal it's bringing these technologies out you don't need a windmill or solar farm if something that is is two feet by two feet would run your entire building with no energy cost day and night well i mean there's of course the whole nikola tesla thing and exactly how did how did he die and why are we not using free energy and you know i mean that's it's been going on forever we wouldn't have to look at stupid power lines along the streets and wreck our view and you know waste a ton of it's just it's just pointless technology it is pointless and even solar and wind which of course at least don't pollute they are don't have the en energy density to run eight billion people on this planet in enough time we have got to bring these new technologies out that's a long-term goal of mine is to put together enough people who begin to understand this so we start an open source research and development lab that brings these technologies out i've got a computer disk with hundreds of pages of confiscated patents related to this that go back a hundred years that was given to me by a cie contact but you've got to have a lab build these things up but you know we have it but that's your talking now not crowdfunding i think we crowdfunded 900 000 for close encounters of the fifth kind and we the distributor won't pay for any of the publicity either so we had to pay for the production and the publicity and so we used up all that money but i don't have enough ability to get tens of millions of dollars put together to start a serious high energy physics research and development program that's going to be way beyond my capability as a retired doctor you know i don't have that there'd be some people out there though that would be an alliance with your mission and truth and i think they're coming out in spades more and more whether they're even because again it's that blending of science and spirituality and so it's like you know whether they're someone like that works more on the bio biofarming bio hacking like you name it there's people that i i i feel that i feel that there be people that be willing to get behind this and so what that leads to is a question of like what's the tipping point like what's that point in time where this becomes mainstream believed and a real thing in this world instead of just speculation curiosity no it should have happened decades ago and i was sitting at senator barry goldwater's house who lived right near you in paradise valley back in the 90 he was the senior senator republican from arizona who ran in 1964 for president when i was at his home he was in his 80s and retired and he told me some amazing stories and he said you know she's my language she said it was a goddamn mistake then and a goddamn mistake now that this was ever kept secret but when he tried to find out about it because he had heard rumors about this subject through air force buddies he was a air force a general in the air force reserves he turned to general curtis lemay who is in charge a chief of staff of the air force back then and he said curtis i'd like to be shown the blue room at wright-patterson air force base where the early et materials that we captured were being stored and lemay i mean this is from barry goldwater's lips to my ears turned to curtis curtis may turn to barry goldwater and said god damn it barry i can't even get into that area anymore and if you ever asked me about this again i will personally see that you are court-martialed out of the air force this to a senior u.s senator now that people hearing what i just said think about who senator goldwater was google him if you don't have don't remember your history books i met with this man he says absolutely he was denied access even though he was head of the republican party ran for president lost at lyndon johnson and was a senior senator in on armed services and all these and was a general in the air force reserves didn't matter and he had a very close relationship with general lemay who unfortunately became famous for recommending that we drop nuclear weapons in vietnam which we didn't thankfully but the my point is is that even general lemay at a certain point got denied access to these projects that is how wrapped up this is you and i have a beautiful letter from senator goldwater wishing hoping that we can succeed in doing this but he was not able to penetrate that system even given his bona fides how do you get access to this information in these people it's just it's sort of the mysterious how it happens but i think part of it is that people know that i'm very serious person about this i have the largest archive in the world i don't trade in internet rumors i only talk about actionable intelligence from direct sources not second hand third and fourth hand um and and i and it's very hard to do that because the rumor mill on this subject is rumors of rumors of rumors and that's what most programming internet and shows are usually and i kind of steer clear of that because i can't afford that uh and that's why you know i've been invited to to meet with a lot of world leaders and ministers of defense and um people and then the the military and intelligence and corporate people who are in these classified projects continue every week or two there's a new one who reaches out to me most of them are terrified to come out publicly but i if you go to my youtube channel you can drop a link i have something like 70 of these top secret people's testimonies on my youtube channel now i don't have that many people i have like 340 000 followers because we don't have a social media team we don't have a publicity publicist we don't we don't have anything i mean we're like pathetic really but we do what we can my wife is 72 now and we just sit in the corner of our living room and try to fight the fight but um you know we have great volunteers but we don't have any institutional support or help and most people don't understand that there's a youtube channel there with dozens of top secret bona fide people i mean they do a really good job with algorithms and controlling and shutting things down that you know your youtube look i watch youtube i just watch information i mean like i could just do i have to show because i i'm already consuming information so sometimes i watch a show like yours and i'm like let's see if he'll talk to me and sometimes we get an interview and then i learn about them but either way i'm assuming information and so um which leads me to a curious question and it kind of like links up a little bit with potential and extraterrestrial of an extraterrestrial but um and it's this idea or that well it's this direction we're going as a as a civilization with a.i and then the sort of and again like i'm not by any means as educated as you are on all this but then there's there's conversations around if there is a sort of if extraterrestrials are here negative thought form extraterrestrials either feeding off of our negative energy and getting getting energy from us as we are some sort of a i mean it's really in the matrix actually where we are we are sourcing energy for them i mean the way that we the amount of energy that we create as a being is is really extremely high um or if you know if there's i mean of course then you can go down even further rabbit holes on shape shifters and inner earth beings and you know reptilians and you know there's a million different directions you could go with this but most of which is most of which is rubbish so let me kind of provide some clarity to all that thank you there are three categories of things people are talking about as if it is one one is actual extraterrestrial biological entities evens from other star systems that have craft etc okay 100 they're not hostile 100 percent they're peaceful 100 percent they're way more advanced than we are socially in every other way then there are the man-made phenomena man-made ufos and man-made electronic systems that simulate et and also things from other dimensions like stranger things montauk then you have actual intelligences and beings that are from another dimension but are not extraterrestrial got it okay now what is happening with i call it cosmological indigestion it's all getting mixed up is that those all those categories because of a lack of knowledge and discernment and education it's not you know are being all mixed together and conflated as one thing that's very dangerous actually and the intelligence community loves it because they love for people to be confused and deceived and they'd love for people to believe that some of these et's are these malevolent negative energy sucking things like an incubus or something um that we should be terrified of because that justifies the war effort that justifies the weapons in space so this confusion is deliberate it's been fostered through counterintelligence operatives in the society and one of the most difficult things that i encounter all the time is untangling for people this cosmological confusion so now it gets a little more nuanced when you begin to understand that from the late 50s forward the intelligence community had electronic devices that could activate through other dimensions some of these intelligences that are not e.t but are kind of spooky like the series stranger things a lot a lot of these x-files those guys just depict my brain for stuff for sure it all got made into hollywood you know stuff sensational stuff but there's a core of it that's true and i have a member of my team who is a lockheed engineer who is at the cube which is the big underground research facility in the high desert of california for lockheed's skunk works where he says oh yeah we had the electronics well we could put someone in a room and go and with electronic headset go into these other dimensions not extraterrestrial and pull into 3d these spooky creatures now this sounds like something out of stranger things i've been talking about this for about 20 years and most people listen they go wwtf is he serious i am serious this entire subject is unfortunately more nuanced than complex but they like for people to kind of lump it all together because by lumping it all together you can then say see some of these ets are scary and we need a defense system in space so we can make a few trillion more dollars etc and so on so people have to understand how information and disinformation is embedded with a strategic objective i really need to do an entire course on counter intelligence and disinformation which i've just become somewhat of a specialist in unfortunately um just by virtue of being who and kind of what i am do that confuse or help with your oh that's that makes sense i mean i what i'm understanding is part of the negative energies that would come through are are really honestly more spirit they're more sort of they're interdimensional their inner dimension they're dimensional they're from a lower they're from other dimensions that are coming through us and um they come through and from my understanding in lower states of being which are through negativity and fear and lower frequencies that's the only way they can sort of take root is through the liver well you know interesting when i was at the vatican some years ago there was a a senior theologian for pope john paul that i was at his apartments overlooking saint peter's and he he we start we have this conversation i interviewed him we have a big interview with him it's in italian which i can't understand but if we had someone translate it we could put it out but anyway um what's interesting is that when our conversation he wouldn't do the interview in english because his english wasn't proficient enough but in conversation he would speak with me and he said um we started talking about this issue exactly what you brought up and he says yes he says well neither angels nor demons require flying saucers and he started laughing now he was the senior theologian and demonologist for the pope at the vatican so we had this amazing conversation where he clearly understood the difference between these sort of spooky things from other dimensions versus humans versus interstellar planetary civilizations that are extraterrestrial now the reason they're easily confused i want to take it one more little notch i hope i don't lose your your audience no you're not losing me if you're going from one star system to another through vastness of space you cannot do it at the speed of light it would take you millions of years therefore those spacecraft and everyone on it through electronics we understand now very high voltage resonant systems harmonic resonance systems drop out of linear space time and traverse through other dimensions to go from you know a million light years here and here is really right here because of what's called entanglement in physics but they're not doing it on a particle level of physics which you can read about they're doing it with whole spacecraft and everyone on board but because they can go through these other dimensions they can remain in those dimensions while they're outside your back door and all you'll see is a sphere or an orb now there could be things from other dimensions that might look like an orb where do you how do you know the difference if you have to be trained and that's what i train people to do i do these week-long expeditions out in the desert we went out actually to arizona many years are you doing any more can i come well you know since last march when they shut the planet down because of covid we haven't organized any of those i did i did one for several days up in joshua tree national park with with demi lovato and some of her friends and my senior team we had amazing things happen we had craft right above us up here i could probably collect a few people that would be very interested in very interesting people we should do that we should do it with a bunch of influencers who can kind of get the word out oh i could 100 put that together oh that'd be great we should do that be so much fun um because there are beautiful places to do it once it warms up a bit you have to be careful at night we you know one time we were at joshua tree and it was like 18 degrees at night we had no idea and people were freezing because you're out there for like six hours at night oh yeah well that's okay we i think that we could figure out how to stay warm plus actually i just did an interview for wine so it's like sitting here so i'd be like some of that you know that's right there you go we find ways i call that after we do our like formal project at the end we do a babitas and conviviality and have a little party at the end that's fun demi thought it was hilarious because i'm i'm a bit of a wild man party animal more yeah an extremist yeah you do what i do you got to cut loose yeah 100 life is about balance it's it's absolutely about balance um what i mean like what's your hope like what i mean in your lifetime like what what what are you hoping to accomplish because i want to help like i totally believe in this stuff too and you know i i have more examples of the consciousness side of things and connecting energetically uh entanglement wise through consciousness to my higher self but other beings as well and having communication and getting information and so like they all thread into the same sort of thing and i've been meeting some really fascinating people and and you know we basically are like okay so we are ancient uh friends and we come from this star system and um but i i just think that if we're going to take the next step is as a civilization we can't improv we can't try and fix or change what's going on with the old world we just have to make a new one correct and as einstein said no problem was ever solved from the level of consciousness that created it we have to be in a higher level and yes one thing that everyone can do is is to help us get this information out to their social media followers if you can help us with that it's really all networking since you know we really don't have a budget of any consequence or what have you it's all just person-to-person networking and that's how we've reached i mean unacknowledged that documentary was eventually seen by about 650 million people oh i saw it years ago i saw it yeah and so that's how we're doing this just little by little you know to the extent we have but people who can get the word out and i'm going to i'm going to start a um a 10 part they're short 30 minute shows on a sort of a a consciousness based uh tv network called gaia tv i'm gonna start my own program starting in uh we're gonna it should come out this summer i think and um you should interview me you should be the guy the host that interviews me i'd love to it would be so cool yeah it's right there in boulder anyway um i was just talking to the producer last night uh about this so uh and that'll be great because we'll be over 10 30 minutes segments we'll be able to go pretty deeply in a way that will reach you know a fair number of people that way um and so that's what i'm just trying to look for you know how do i i get this information out uh in a way that's increasingly deep you know because it's one thing to say well the ufos are real but we don't know what they are is this thing say well once you find out what they are and they're multiple sources man-made and e.t what are you going to do uh now what are we going to do when we grow up well we need to make contact with them but since the government's so dysfunctional i'm i'm just down the road from thomas jefferson's house monticello and i go well it's we the people right so i believe i believe in people power we are the power yes one person cannot change everything it's the collect yeah no i think people increasingly are awakening to that i i did a clubhouse interview um oh cool yeah i've got that app too oh well we should follow each other on it i didn't know anything about it until a couple weeks ago but um i was on a couple days after elon musk and we had like three times as many people in my room as he did and it was so exciting but what i what i was saying in that is you know it you're there's no timeline i think we went until four or five in the morning east coast time and uh it was kind of crazy but um it was that many people maybe 8 000 people but what what what i shared was that you know and i'm dating myself here but when i was in high school in north carolina and charlotte um i had an african-american girlfriend and which not cool in 1972 and 73 this will get you killed um and i was run over i was hit by a car bicycling to school by a bunch of racists who were screaming inward lover at me and all this i was very hated for having an african-american girlfriend who is wonderful but you know and i tell people what is this constant evolution in humanity to go beyond our divisions and our tribalism whether it be homophobia misogyny prejudice against one ethnic or religious group or anti-semitism or racism now what the intelligence community is very good at doing is presenting some of the et's as the next race we have to fight it's like cowboys and indians in space and that's they're playing on human weakness to be afraid of the unknown that's the roots of racism they're different from us they're not part of our tribe therefore we're going to fight them and this this is a deep discussion we're getting into here where in order to transcend that to go beyond that we have to go into an understanding of what is the color of conscious spirit right it's not black it's not white it's not gay it's not straight it's not this is not that it's not human it's not e.t it's universal yeah and see that is at its root the solution to this endless de balkanization and division that sets one group against another and another group against another this gone forever it's been going on for thousands of years on this planet but it can't go on much longer when you start then expanding that racist paradigm to an interstellar one because now you're talking about war of the worlds right you're talking about world war three so that's what we have to wait awaken to and in a way this sounds very philosophical but it's actually very practical we have to have a paradigm commensurate with the time we live in and we're living in an interstellar moment even if it's unacknowledged and and so we have to develop a paradigm that goes beyond just our own human concepts and so it you know if we've got to go beyond just the concepts of one group of humanity oppressing another we have people in the intelligence community trying to set up a new boogie man similar to how adolf hitler set up the jews and gay people and intellectuals and threw them into ovens well that's what these people really are i don't use this word promiscuously uh fascists and and they want everyone to be at each other's throat in endless war and endless war and endless war well the only way we're going to break out of that cycle in my opinion is that we realize what is really deep within us that's profoundly unifying and that is this deeper state of pure consciousness yeah well maybe i'll ask the final question then that um you can give me your perspective on it uh what are we here for i think we're here to carry forward a really ever advancing civilization that becomes peaceful interstellar but is also the womb earth is a female conscious being becomes the womb of the evolution of humanity in higher states of consciousness and enlightenment and that goes on forever and eventually we humans will become extraterrestrials to other worlds educating and advancing that i see this as a as a motif that goes on forever and ever and that's part of the big play and display of creation and the creator of the drop each of us being drops returning to the ocean forever and ever yeah i uh two things one i i have heard that i've heard that um there are extraterrestrial guiding us with certain like i mean look i'm getting out there but why not what we're talking about is pretty out there i have i exist in other and other planetary systems in other dimensions i have i have i have guides that are from other dimensions helping me and that's happening all across the world and that they're here to help guide us into um the continuing to be the next state of consciousness and when we finally become a peaceful planet then just like you said i heard that we become the next group of extraterrestrial that then go into other planetary systems and help guide them through their evolution to um it's beyond enlightenment it's oneness it's it's a unity it's a it's a drop in the ocean right where we return back to consciousness i watched this beautiful um i watched this show called the good place i don't know if you've ever seen it but it's about going to the good place or the bad place and uh sorry if you haven't seen it but want to but at the end of it someone there's there's a couple and he decides that he wants to leave and return back to that field and you now in the good place have this option to leave where they didn't before but anyway that's part of the show and anyway he was describing to his his partner his girlfriend i don't think they were married in the show he was explaining what it was like and he said you imagine the ocean and it's a wave and it's a wave and it comes to the shore and then it crashes and then it just returns to the ocean it's still the wave was there it just looks different now and it's part of the ocean so it never leaves and i thought that was just such like a really beautiful way of thinking about our existence as humans yes um and we are that's what we really are and we can choose to view and we can connect only as that ripple or wave our individuality or we can also simultaneously be aware of the ocean that we actually are part of and that's what this expanded state of consciousness and meditative state delivers you to that's what i experienced when i died that's what i experienced when i go into deep meditation and it's um i still do it i train people in these meditation uh techniques and part of the people don't realize when they go on one of these ce5 contact expeditions everyone thinks they're going out there to watch and see a ufo i said well that happens we connect with those after we've done this other work where we understand how to become the ocean and operate as ourself individually at the same time we're aware of the ocean it's simultaneous and that's cosmic consciousness so that's what you know when i was 17 18 experienced and got introduced to and became your life's work it's beautiful work yeah yeah it became your life's work that's thank you so much for your transparency and your honesty and i know that you you know don't care because you've gone through things but look you're bravery i mean these are things that most people just decide to take the 2 billion or they decide you know what my my safety is more important than this i'll just you know you know we'll just wait until the next life maybe or these are probably people that don't think they have a next life and you know i really appreciate it and your work is changing the world thanks everybody for listening to the pretty intense podcast today i hope you enjoyed it if you like what you heard today and you want to hear more please click on the subscribe button
Channel: Danica Patrick
Views: 1,734,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UFO, UFO Expert, UFO experiences, Close Encouters, Close Encounter of the 5th Kind, Alien sightings, Close Encounters of the 4th Kind, CE5, Unaccknowledged, Extraterestrials communication, Dr. Steven Greer, aliensrock, alien sightings, alien sightings 2021, close encounters of the third kind, ufo sightings 2022, proof of aliens, ancient aliens, extraterrestrial contact, alien contact, steven greer disclosure, Jenny McCarthy aliens, Demi Levato Aliens, Danica Patrick
Id: EhIITMb5pZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 34sec (4834 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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