Donald Trump Speech LIVE: Former US President Trump makes a speech in New Hampshire | WION LIVE

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pride in every American Heart it is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause there ain't no doubt [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you can't [Music] remember [Applause] [Music] next to you [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much wow thank you very much thank you this is an honor I just knocked over a fan on purpose here was blowing the hell out of my hair it's sore I said I got to do a good job in front of New Hampshire I can't have fans we don't need anything artificial up here right we don't need to go so I just want to say hello New Hampshire a special place a great place with many great friends and great people I'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful state with thousands of proud and I mean proud I mean seriously proud look at this American Patriots who believe in that Timeless motto Live Free or Die I want to thank all of the people so many people you know we're killing everybody in polls you do know that right I mean just not by like a little bit like by 40 and 50 points we're beating beating them black but I want to thank my New Hampshire co-chairs Lou gargiolo and Windham selectman Bruce Breton Bruce is here and a friend of mine a great guy U.S senator Bob Smith Bob thank you very much and your beautiful wife when the police chief Mike Karen thank you Mike thank you very much representative Tim Cahill and some of our fantastic supporters Chris Stevens David andrakis and Dave a bear where is David somebody that's been with me from the beginning I don't mean like I don't mean like six months in I mean like from the beginning I guess we're talking like in the 2015s we don't even go back we go back to 15s now but he came he said you're going to win sir you're going to win so big I said really you think so really he's a total Pro by the way so I don't know if he really believed that when he said that but he said you're going to win you run you're going to win sir and he started with me six months before the campaign and that's all I heard sir it's unbelievable you're doing phenomenally in the polls I don't even know if they had any polls but he got me all psyched up I will tell you that and he's also a fantastic person who loves absolutely loves New Hampshire with his Incredible family and wife is here the wife is she's been with him and she loves him and he loves her they have a fantastic family Corey Lewandowski Corey where is Corey where is he well there he is always likes to be a little bit in the background thank you Corey great job he's doing a great job and somebody else who's really been fantastic right from the beginning I saw on television this weekend and I didn't even recognize her she looks so phenomenal she was so Dynamic and then I got the television a little bit fixed up also put on my glasses and I saw how good she was Caroline Levitt she's been fantastic [Music] where's Caroline you great job this weekend for you much better having her on your side believe me I said we better get her in my side and she's been there for a long time now thank you very much Carolyn thank you very much thank you everybody this afternoon I'm also delighted to announce the launch of our new Coalition Veterans for Trump led by true American warrior do you know who that Warrior is he's a tough guy and he's a great guy and you just met him Congressman Brian mess Brian thank you very much thank you great guy and today I'm especially grateful to receive the endorsement of over 100 Veterans from the granite state including New Hampshire Veterans Coalition co-chairs Hillsborough County Attorney John Coughlin John thank you very much John wherever you may be thank you John and state representative Joe Petri thank you very much Joe thanks Joe good tough guys I also want to thank my senior advisor somebody's been here almost as long as Corey he's been with us Steve stepanak thieves thank you see you thank you Steve and state director Trevor nudleary Trevor thank you Trevor great job thank you very much and and really we are doing fantastically up here so that group I felt we should introduce and you know it's nice if we were doing lousy I would not have introduced of my promise I wouldn't have even thought of it but they're doing an unbelievable job and the level is we're so far above everybody else in the polls they're all saying is he going to go into the debate and I say I don't know if you're leading by 50 and 60 and 70 points do you do that or not I don't know should I okay you ready Paul we take a free poll should I do the debate well maybe we'll do something else you know see some people say yes but they hate to say it because it doesn't make sense to do it if you're leading by so much but they like it for entertainment value because they're selfish they're selfish uh to every veteran in this room we salute you and we really do we worked hard with the veterans and we've had a fantastic relationship and this is a very big and important veteran State I probably learned more about the veterans from dealing in New Hampshire than any other state please stand and receive our thanks all veterans do you mind please stand and receive our thoughts all right that's a lot of veterans thank you thank you very much wow that's a beautiful a lot of times they'll say whatever group it may be please stand and you know you have like two people stand up I say that's not too much let's change our speech right but when I came into office in 2017 our government had a disgracefully horrible situation going on they betrayed it solemn pledge to America's veterans you know that better than anybody I learned a lot about it from Yoli the VA was plagued by one horrific scandal after another remember you turn on the news and you just see these horrible scandals having to do with the veterans you didn't hear any of it for four years you literally heard that very little and we did things that were really amazing and I'm proud of thousands of veterans were put on secret medical wait lists and many of them left to die without receiving any care or any Aid under Obama some very bad people were abusing veterans in VA hospitals including sadists yet sadists they were hitting the veterans when the veterans weren't in prime time okay they wouldn't have touched them in Prime Time believe me but they were hitting them when they were in trouble and a lot of say this we got them all out the VA employees were even caught stealing drugs intended for the treatment of our sick and Wounded Warriors and they were stealing them and using them for themselves and selling them but all of that changed when we arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue we went from the absolutely worst Brian you know that we went from the absolutely worse to uh I mean that was the worst presidency for the veterans the previous presidency wonderful people you're not allowed to even say that it's not politically correct I'll say it to the greatest champion the veterans ever had in the White House and it was very much promises made Promises Kept and a couple of the really big ones just as I promised I proudly signed the VA accountability act allowing us to quickly terminate VA bureaucrats and bad people who mistreated our vets we told more than 10 000 bad corrupt incompetent VA workers people that were sadists and they couldn't get rid you couldn't get rid of them you had no right they could steal they could beat people up you couldn't do a damn thing and we got it so you could fire him and I said you're fired get out out out out of here ten thousand sounds like a lot but it's a big system and uh we got ten thousand really uh really bad people out very very evil people they knew who they were they couldn't do a thing about it it was amazing so we got that passed in Congress if you can believe it they were trying for 30 years to get it passed I also signed veterans choice and made that permanent we got that passed in Congress also which was really a a big deal that was a big deal you have choice you could go out if you're not getting the trip and you go out but thanks to this Landmark we formed three million veterans have been able to get care as needed and when they wanted it you know they'd wait in line sometime for weeks and months and you know they have some great doctors in the VA they have really good doctors but you couldn't get to them you couldn't get to them people would wait for many months they'd become terminally ill waiting something that could have been fixed easily they'd become terminally ill and I got it so that you go outside you get a doctor we pay the bill and you get taken care of immediately if you had to wait more than a short period of time so it was a great thing that was a great thing that's very important they've been trying to get that by the way that one 52 years right they were trying to get it for 52 years they couldn't get it done I you know it just made so much sense right from the first time I heard it and I heard it first up here from your people under the Trump Administration we secured record funding for the VA we slashed VA waiting times by more than 33 percent and even now there's a new chart that came out from our last period that it was a 57 percent that's a lot and almost all veterans reported major improvements at their local VA facility once I became president in fact we hit an all-time record high of va satisfaction of 92 percent nobody has even come close and I got angry at my people they say he's not a nice guy some people didn't like me too much as you probably heard because we were tough we were tough but they said why why is it 92 why isn't it a hundred and they left their own they said this guy's very difficult but we really mean it but we hit the highest approval rating we've ever had and I have to tell you that approval rating now is not doing so well you know that you know that a lot of bad things are happening over there they've what they've what they're doing to dismantle that system that was so good but to help combat veteran suicide we delivered same day Mental Health Care at every VA facility in America and made great strides until Biden came along Philly came along in a few short years we turned the VA from a national embarrassment into a national example of devotion and service and loyalty to the American Veteran who's amazing an amazing thing and an amazing success so we got it done pretty quickly once we got the legislation passed I would say it moved along very quickly sadly crooked Joe Biden and that's what he is he's a stone called Thief crooked Joe Biden has been a disaster for American Veterans as one of his first accident office Biden gutted my historic VA reforms he gutted them out making it easier to remove bad VA employees from the job and in a shocking Act of betrayal of America's Veterans as well as the tens of thousands of dedicated professionals and you do have great professionals at the VA crooked Joe Biden is in the process of not removing people but reinstating 5 000 of the ten thousand people that we fired who were fired for good reason including sadism and this who were fired for very good reasons and they want to give them back their full pay they want to give them their jobs back and we were very careful about that we didn't get rid of people haphazardly we got rid of people that were not doing their job some really in bad cases and some they just weren't doing their job they didn't care they didn't show up to work and he wants to put at least half of them back the same people and it'll cost over 200 million dollars to do that I'd they give the money to you directly it's a lot better it's amazing I mean it's amazing it breaks your heart it breaks your heart that was such a big thing and now they want to put a lot of those people back Joe Biden puts bureaucrats first I put veterans first and I put America first thank you very much thank you thank you very much that's why today I'm announcing a number of specific actions I'll take to fulfill our sacred duty to our Great American veterans on day one of my new Administration I will fully restore the use of va accountability we're going to bring it back in full force full force and we already have the legislation passed so I don't have to go through Congress which really that's why it took 52 years because they couldn't get it passed but we have it passed all we have to do is make it work so we have the the hardest part is done and direct my secretary Veterans Affairs to fire every corrupt VA bureaucrat who Joe Biden is outrageously refused to remove from the job or put or put back in the job then instead of providing more than 200 million dollars in back pay to VA workers like Biden is doing I will ask Congress to take every penny of those funds to finally build a brand new state-of-the-art VA Hospital right here in the great state of New Hampshire because I don't know if you know this but we can say that no longer will New Hampshire be the only state in America without a full-service VA facility you'll have it and you'll have it done quickly we have a great we have a great group did you know you're the only one that doesn't have one all right that's what you get with the that's what you get with those Democrats that's what happens at the same time so you're going to have a brand new now you're going to have a brand new VA Hospital beautiful state-of-the-art top of the line top of the line the only state that doesn't have one I was waiting for that actually thank you who said that by the way stand up okay you know I was going to say that but then I thought I'd be politically correct thank you take good care of her that's right yeah true selfish selfish guy at the same time well he ran for president and he got two points he ran without running you know he didn't want to announce he wanted to run but so it's a shame we could win this state so easy if we had help from the governor but we never got help from the government we helped him but he never he never helped us so but I'm glad you said it because this way I could say I was so nice up in New Hampshire nah he's not the same man now he's not the same he took a big beating he took a big beating knocking the hell out of everybody and he took a big beating and then he he gets the first bowl and he sees in his own State he was in seventh place out of a group at the same time we were fully maintained the VA clinics and the rest of the state and addressed the severe shortage of nurses and other health care workers at the home for the retired veterans in Tilton anybody know that home in Tilton I will once again make stopping veteran suicide a top priority of my Administration terrible situation I will ban the Department of Veterans Affairs from wasting a single Cent to fund transgender surgeries or sex change procedures spend a lot of money there's a very very you know they are very very expensive operations and you also know you have to go through tremendous drug therapy after that and I was always sold in the military if you take much more than an aspirin you can't do it but the tremendous drug therapy it's a lot of a lot of problems you know we had it stopped and then he came in one of the first things he did is he started that up again those precious taxpayer dollars should be going to care for our veterans in need not to refund radical gender experiments for the Communists left I'll also restore the Trump ban on transgender in the military we're going to end up you know we had it banned we hadn't been you know I went to generals I said General off the Record what do you think of transgender sir uh your city by listening sir what do you think I don't like it sir and then I'd say to another one you know they were all afraid to talk about it but you know I have to do what's right you have to do what's right and and we have to help everybody you have to help transgender you have to help everybody but this was just not something that was working out and uh as soon as they came back as soon as they came back by a rigged election by the way as soon as they as soon as they came back they approved that that was one of the first things on their list they approved it so now they're they're doing a lot of now they're doing a lot of things that shouldn't be done shouldn't be done if you if you talk if you talk to the real generals not the television generals the real generals we've got some hey look I knocked out Isis in a few weeks with real generals we have we have a great military but we're not going to let our military go woke that I can tell you but the real Generals in the military down a little bit those guys are incredible the way they did that the way they took out a lot of bad people but they took out Isis the Isis caliphate 100 and it was surgical it was incredible we will get critical race Theory and all other woke lunacy out of the United States armed forces and we will abolish every Biden covet mandate and rehire every patriot who was fired from our military with an apology and with back pain and in addition I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate veterans homelessness I mean you have a situation in America it's a scandal it's a disgrace what's happening now is nobody's ever seen and it is a national tragedy that Joe Biden crooked Joe he's more interested in where's the money coming from to him he's interested to him how about all these things with the 30 corporations and this and that the money flowing in everybody getting money coming in from China how can you how can you be tough in China when they're paying you a lot of money and see they know too much you know we have a compromise we have a Manchurian Candidate they they know too much so he can't be tough in China that's why he's so that's why he allows blimps flying over the country right over our nuclear sites let them come in let them take pictures or don't do anything about it they'll tell they'll tell everybody who's giving me all that money he's a compromised candidate and I'll tell you something out of respect for the office of President I didn't talk this way five weeks ago six weeks ago I knew I felt very badly about what was going on but out of respect for the Office of the President I wouldn't have said the way I talk he's a crooked person he's a totally dishonest guy so we'd say things but but we now I even changed his name I took it away from Hillary we call him crooked Joe instead of sleepy Joe we call him crooked Joe I retired it that was a great day for Hillary I said of crooked Hillary I said we're removing the name from crooked Hillary now we call her beautiful beautiful Hillary it's a beautiful woman and we're giving it to Biden because he's a crooked person but out of respect for the office I would never have said that to this extent and I never did but now they indicted your president your former president who is very popular 75 million people so now they ripped off the top they took the gloves off and we can say whatever we want and I'll tell you what and I'll tell you what what he's done is a scandal the likes of which this country has never seen and the fake news hates to talk about it [Applause] horrible thing that crooked Joe Biden has spent nearly one billion dollars to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants who are pouring into our country it's an invasion of our country we had the safest Border in history now we have the worst border probably in the world but to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants at expensive luxury hotels the best hotels in the country in many cases while more than 33 000 Americans who have served this nation in uniform are homeless on our streets okay on day one I will sign an executive order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens which our country can't handle and I will redirect that money to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American veterans they'll be treated properly [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much furthermore I will finally hold accountable all of the failed leaders and television generals who gave us Joe Biden's catastrophe in Afghanistan two years ago this month in my opinion you know I watched a lot of the parents I spoke to many of those parents I called them when it happened what a horrible what a horrible thing and what what they've gone through there was no way that was going to happen you know I wanted we were going out but we're going to get out with strength with dignity what they did when they took the soldiers out first don't you take the soldiers out less you take them out less we went 18 months without one soldier being killed I spoke to the head of the Taliban I said don't you rap though don't do it Abdul same man who's still running it but when you think of that horrible horrible event leaving Untold numbers of Americans behind 13 dead worries 35 horrifically wounded nobody talks about them but horrifically Wounded Warriors and 85 billion dollars worth of the finest military equipment on the planet bought by me you know I rebuilt the military I rebuilt the entire U.S military a lot of that equipment was brand new bought by me it was the single most embarrassing day in the history of our country in my opinion I think it was and I think it probably was what led Putin to say this is the time that country has had it because I guarantee you one thing Putin was not going in with me and neither was neither was she going in in China into Taiwan but Putin was not going into Ukraine and we talked about it too when I got along with him great they hate to hear you got along with them yeah it's always nice to get and you know nobody was rougher look I ended the pipeline nobody ever heard of Nordstrom too right Brian nobody heard of Nordstrom too I said Nordstrom too nobody knew that's a pipeline going to Germany and taking care of all of Europe I ended it it was dead and then Biden approved at his first week so what's going on there under my leadership we were leaving Afghanistan with dignity and strength and we would not under any circumstances what that was was surrender and humiliation that's what it was I was I think it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country and we had it so solid they were they weren't shooting at us they knew better because they knew they were going to get absolutely decimated if they did when I returned to the White House we will restore peace through strength that's what we had we had peace through strength I'm the only president in many many decades like eight decades like many many years that didn't have any wars we got out of wars and we won Wars we beat Isis we won Wars but we got out of wars and everybody respected us you know we were three years ago we were very respected we were very respected they didn't play games nobody played games including trade where we get screwed by everybody we didn't we made great trade deals even with China they buy 50 billion dollars a year because of what I did for our farmers and everybody else and we were respected and they didn't play games we took in hundreds of billions of dollars through tariffs on China no other president took in 10 cents hundreds of billions of dollars they were not too fond of me but I got along with President XI also we gave ask you know I just looked at that just said look it up I was in the plane coming up I say look it up what do we give Afghanistan does anybody have that note I think I gave it to Corey we give Afghanistan now billions of dollars I said I didn't know that billions of dollars in Aid a number that is so astronomical and this goes on a yearly basis and they need it for humanitarian and all of that that's good but let him give us back our equipment they ought to give us back some of our equipment you know we're giving them 2.7 billion and 3 billion and 2 billion I thought would say maybe nothing or maybe a hundred million dollars or maybe something little but the numbers are astronomical what we give to Afghanistan so that should be a condition of the continued Aid I mean I don't want to hurt people but they took 85 billion dollars worth they didn't take we left because we were fools we were stupid we were stupid I remember a certain General saying sir it's cheaper to leave the equipment behind sir because we were going to get out but I would have kept Bagram because Bagram it's one of the biggest air bases in the world bugger of course there's billions of dollars to build many years ago and Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear we forget Afghanistan where China makes their nuclear weapons it's in Afghanistan and they left Bagram late at night they left the lights on they left billions and billions of dollars one hour away from what and now China will soon be occupying that incredible base that we built many many years ago it's so sad I mean these people are just horrible they're horrible you know I told somebody on the way up today I told Brian I told a few of the guys so we did great in 2016. we actually did much better as you know we got millions more votes in 2020 the election was rigged but but there is more enthusiasm today than we ever had in 2016 or 2020 and the reason is because these people are so corrupt and they're so horrible they're so incompetent the reason is because they're watching when you look at that border and you see millions of people pouring through our border totally unchecked nobody knows where they come from they come from mental institutions and prisons and they come from all over the place 147 different countries last week people coming in but when you look at the the Border just as an example or when you look at high interest rates that they've set High interest rates when you look at the fact that oil was an all-time high and they say let's stop drilling no when oil is an all-time high you start drilling you know you make a fortune we would have supplied all of Europe everything we would have supplied oil and gas to Europe we would have made a fortune we're to start paying off that big debt that we have 35 trillion dollars we would have been paying it off we would have made a fortune and this guy stopped it and now we're getting our oil from Venezuela how about that one and it's not even I should say we're getting our tar because they have very bad you know they have very heavy it's like tar you have to refine it and for the environmentalists in the group you know where we find it in Houston it has to be brought there's only one plant that can refine it it's like tar and it's Houston so all of that spews up into the air of Texas we get it from there we have the best stuff where I call it Liquid Gold under our feet we don't use it this is a crazy Administration this is like April Fool's Day they they want open borders they want no voter ID they want no paper ballots they want High interest rates they want your taxes are going to go up four times they say four times they haven't been able to break you know I got you the greatest tax cut in the history of this country and they have tried but they haven't been able to break it yet but at some point you know it expires in another fairly short period of time so get ready for that one these people want you to pay much higher taxes it's crazy and we could do it so much easier everyone can see the stunning contrast between our incredible success and Joe Biden's horrendous failures and that's one reason why we're leading so big in the polls that's really the reason I think it's a more enthusiasm now than 2016 or 2020 because you've seen how incompetent these people are it's it's horrible in the recent Rasmussen poll we're up 44 points with trumpet 57 Rhonda sanctimonious at 13. and the rest of them down in single digits and really love and in the morning consult that just came out I wanted to see because you know every time you get indicted I like to check the polls because one more indictment that I think this election's over one more no it's horrible you get indicted for nothing can you imagine a guy let's indict my opponent this uh this is a sick this is a third this becomes a third world country the latest morning console poll has as far ahead with 59 and the others are at like 12. one is it 12. I think that's the sanctimonious but he's rapidly being caught by rameshwami who's good no no Christy's he's eating right now he can't be bothered [Applause] sir please do not call him a fat pig that's very disres don't call him see I'm I'm trying to be nice Don't Call Him a fat pig you can't do it you can't do that so now because you're not allowed to do that and therefore we're not going to do it okay we want to be very civil right so the latest coefficient poll which is a big deal have us almost at 60 to 13 with our lead over to Sanctus growing by nine points just since a few weeks ago and even the recent New York Times poll has us up by 37 points and that was older you know now uh and Rhonda sanctimonious the reason I don't like him is that I got him elected you know when you get somebody I don't want to go through the whole story because most of you know but he came to me he needed help he was getting demolished in the primary stupidly I said all right I'll do it because I didn't know the guy was running against his name was Adam Putnam I said I'll do it because you know he he was one of the 200 people that were on television he was no better than anybody else he was no Jim Jordan that I can tell you and he was on television and fighting a little bit on impeachment hoax number one and impeachment hooks number two so I said you know what uh if I actually told him if I were Abraham Lincoln if we brought him back from the dead and if we brought George Washington back from the dead and they gave you the greatest endorsement and they hugged you and kissed you just like you did to Obama just look you know he did and Christy did who hugged and kissed Obama harder to Sanctus or Chris Christie I think Chris Crystal remember that he grabbed him Obama said get this guy off of me and that was the end of Romney when that happened that could have been a good thing but but we are in New Hampshire area that's all right no but he asked me so I said you know what Ron let's do it go ahead let's do it so I gave him a very strong endorsement and the next day he went like a rocket right through the thing and he blew the I mean people that worked for Adam Putnam couldn't believe it they never called me but I didn't know Adam he was the secretary of agriculture he should have called me I would have endorsed him sometimes it's the first one to call sometimes you don't do it at all but he did and then I had to get him through Gillum remember Gillum he turned out to be a pothead crackhead but everybody thought he was the hottest one in politics and Ron said I won't be able to beat him I said well he's the hottest man in politics I said you can beat him then he he comes he calls me could you do a rally then he actually said could you do three I think I did three rallies we had massive crowds you know those rallies was we're doing a lot of them we're doing again they're hotter now than anything because of what's happening because of how bad it is but I did there and he ends up winning the election then four years later would you run against the president you know these Maniacs are screaming would you run against the president would you run will you run and he goes I have no comment I said what what did he say that I heard this I'm watching on newscast I'm watching a fake newscast and they say would you run against the president I have no comment now to me that means he's running so I said that son of a [ __ ] is running can you believe it I just got him elected so that's why I've been particularly hard at him unfortunately it's worked because he's crashing he's he's like he doesn't know what happened he goes home he says what happened where what did I do wrong what you know what he did wrong he ran what he did wrong is he should have waited till 28 but I don't know if that would have held water because eventually they would have figured out you know you do need some personality if you're going to be a politician just a little some of them don't have too much like your Governor you know like your government in the new Emerson poll a Battleground States in Arizona we're leading Biden by a lot and very importantly at that same poll and other polls were leading Biden by seven eight nine 11 points but you know what when I hear we're leading by two or three or four points you know you gotta understand that's actually a lot for a republic because they have a built-in vote that no matter who you are even if you can't put two sentences together you get like 40. we don't have that we have to win the entire East Coast like we did in 2016 and like we did in 2020 too by the way but they're watching closely air watching in that same poll we're leading in the primary by 47 think of that 40s that's a lot but we will not play prevent defense you ever see in the NFL they don't allow a point on the other team not a point their defense is brutal they can't get now they just have to hold the other team one more series they have to Hope just please hold them let's go prevent defense ping ping the end of the game touchdown touchdown we will not play is that okay we will not play prevent right but everyone else is in single digits here's one you'll like in the New Hampshire new brand new coefficient poll respected highly the New Hampshire Journal has us leading by 43 points we're leading by leading by and the Sanctus Rhonda sanctimonious he said uh nine points he's at nine he's time to go back to Florida Ron and you know work on your insurance that's costing everybody a fortune and now we're dominating Biden in the general election Harvard Harris has us up by five points and we're up 18 points among Independents remember you know they like to go around well Will trump get the independence Will trump get the women you know what the women want the women want safety they want to have a border they want to have low taxes low interest rates foreign they don't want in their beautiful suburbs you know they talk about oh the Suburban women I think the Suburban women like me you know what I did you know what I did we have a lot of super no no they don't want to have a low-income housing job built right next to their house that's what the Democrats want so I give them strong borders I give them good safety I give them a powerful military education so important by the way speaking of Education because this is largely about veterans uh we are going to bring education back to the States so that each state will run a hundred percent will keep we'll keep approximately three people in Washington just to make sure that you're teaching English Okay as opposed to another language okay you know you need a little coordination like everybody has to teach English if you don't mind but we'll keep a little bit of uh like two or three people but but you know we have building after building after building and here's the problem no matter what poll you look at of of Education in the world we're at the bottom of the polls and we spend more money than anybody else we spend double and triple what number two is like Norway Denmark Believe It or Not China very high ranking uh Japan but Norway and Denmark they said we're following New York City they said we are going to follow the Norwegian system I said that didn't work out you know how long that lasted about 15 minutes you know that didn't work out too well for New York I'll tell you New Yorkers said did you see what's happening in New York with the okay how about how about you know we all when I left New York New York was a proud City and now it's so sad to see what's happened to that City and then the big new premise poll we're beating Biden by a lot while the Sanctus is losing to Biden by a lot so that's enough of that stuff but you know the polls are phenomenal people want us back they remember what we had we built the economy twice we built the greatest economy in the world and then we did it a second time after cover but these incredible numbers are the primary reason that crooked Joe Biden is weaponized law enforcement he has weapon he's done something that nobody thought they talked about it but nobody ever did it and never to this extent and ordered his top political opponent me arrested they were they actually arrest arrested right in the middle of a presidential election that Biden is losing badly you know he says I'm down in the polls to Trump let's arrest him let's arrest him let's indict him and arrest him please indict him and arrest him he's killing me in the polls what they didn't know is that I was going to go up because the good thing is we have a voice somebody gets indicted you go down usually right I would say Corey uh almost always you go down but they know me and these charges are so presidential records act that's just exactly for that case they don't want me to speak about a rigged election they don't want me to speak about it whereas that's I have freedom of speech First Amendment how can my corrupt political opponent crooked Joe Biden put me on trial during an election campaign that I'm winning by a lot but forcing me nevertheless to spend time and money away from the campaign Trail in order to fight bogus made up accusations and charges that's what they're doing I'm sorry I won't be able to go to Iowa today I won't be able to go to New Hampshire today because I'm sitting in a courtroom on [ __ ] because his attorney general charged me with something terrible thank you very much yeah it is it's a think of it they say charge him now you know they've miscalculated a little bit you know the other good line no no actually we want to run against Trump no no if they didn't want to run you have to they'd say oh we would much prefer running against Trump that's because they had such an easy time when Hillary ran against me and last time we did much better than that you know somebody said we sold hundreds of millions of hats somebody said the other day many polls you know counties we had like almost 3 000 they have 200 so many different uh metrics but hats the Red Hats the white hats all the hats we sold even the farmer hats which are green right make Farmers great again did I make Farmers great again I got them 28 I got him 28 billion from China that's why I said no way I lose Iowa why is that why are you so confident because I got the farmers 28 billion dollars nobody else did but but think of this somebody said it the other day I never thought of it there were Red Hats all over South Carolina we had almost 80 000 people you saw about you saw we were in this gorgeous area this gorgeous town I don't want to say the name of the town because if I do they'll try and change the name back to you know something else but it was beautiful beautiful place and the sheriff was great everybody was we had 80 000 people and it was a sea of red Red Hats mostly but white also green and everything but I'll tell you you were there right 80 000 people and you took a look at that and I said has anybody ever seen a Biden hat [Applause] so think of it we have hundreds of millions over the six seven years eight years we have hundreds of millions of hats sold and I'm I'm asking has anybody ever seen a hat saying Biden well we did have hats because we made them that said where's Hunter where is Hunter but is this going to be where they go and indict your opponent is this going to be the next president's going to say Hey listen my opponent is doing really well all over the place look at the crowds we have I mean outside you got a lot of people and yeah and by the way I want to say officially for the Press it's about 110 degrees of this room nice job with the air conditioning whoever but but you know what the Press will say you know they'll say Trump didn't look well he was extremely wet it's a hundred and four or five degrees in this room but we're okay with it right sure but is this going to be the future of elections in America where a sitting president tells his tells his attorney general to indict the opponent to try and knock the opponent down this is what's happening and then you ask the simple question so this has been going on for a long time the same so why didn't they do it two and a half years ago you know why because then it wouldn't have mattered so much you know they want to take away your freedom of speech everything else would have mattered a lot less but and it would have been terrible because it's all bogus but why if they were going to do it why didn't they do it two and a half years ago before the election right they waited till the election they waited and I probably have another one they say there's a young woman a young racist in Atlanta she racist and they say I guess they say that she was after a certain gang and she ended up having an affair with the head of the gang or a gang member and this is a person that wants to indict me she's got a lot of problems but she wants to indict me to try and run for some other office uh what's going on in this country is and by the way wants to indict me for a perfect phone call this was even better than my perfect call with Ukraine remember that call that was a perfect call this one's better this one is more perfect I challenge the election in Georgia which I have every right to do which I was right about Franklin [Applause] and they want to indict me because I challenge the election so does that mean that Hillary Clinton Who challenged the election does that mean that Stacy Abrams and all of the other virtually every Democrat challenges the election does that mean or they do the Slate of electors this has been going on since Thomas Jefferson who wanted to say but they don't call they use my word they took it and they said fake because I came up with the name fake news a long time ago worked out good but it's no longer good enough because it's not tough enough because it's really corrupt news it's beyond faith they don't even write they don't even write all the money that Biden is stealing you don't see one store years ago that win Pulitzer prizes today even Pulitzer prizes of very little value because you know we're suing the Pulitzer Foundation because they gave Pulitzer prizes to people that wrote about the Russia Russia Russia hoax for their wonderful writing their Brilliance they were wrong they were totally wrong and everybody admits they were wrong so why does it pull it to just give back the awards because they're radical left lunatics but we're suing we'll see what happens we're doing quite well never happened in the USA this has never happened where and attorney general is told to take the justice department and the FBI and sue somebody think of it who's running for president and leading not only the Republicans by 50 points but leading the Democrat by a lot so he says sue him and that will bring him down but they sued and I have a guy they call him deranged Jack Smith he's deranged and you know Biden on the box of stuff Biden is almost 2 000 bucks is somewhere held in Chinatown not a good place for him and you don't ever hear anything about him and I came under a thing called the presidential records act won't go into it but it's beautiful but we have this deranged lunatic looking at us and he's got a very nice man very gentle man our guy leaks he does things that are just terrible and because of that we're leading by a lot because frankly I think it's had a huge impact because it shows how sick and how evil these people are in addition to not knowing anything about the Border about the economy about the military or about dealing with other nations so this is all about election interference but that isn't quite good enough crooked Joe now wants the thug prosecutor this deranged guy to file a court order taking away My First Amendment right so that I can't speak so listen to this we don't want you to speak about the case the case the case is is a ridiculous case it's the first amendment case but we don't want Trump to speak so they want me they take away your rights on First Amendment now they sue because so now I have one of these lunatic reporters back there saying sir would like to talk to you about your case or I'm sorry I'm not allowed to talk about it somehow that's not good for votes do you agree when we say I can't talk I'd love to I will talk about it I will they're not taking away my first amendment so based on yet another radical left hoax you know I've gone through many hoaxes as the people in this room know very well but it's another one radical left hooks like Russia Russia Russia the no collusion Mueller report how about that after three years we find no collusion I was supposed to be like working for Russia they go went through millions of phone calls not one call made to Russia they have no collusion after almost three years then they created a fake dossier it was made by how bad are people when they make up a story about Russia they put it in the fake dossier like it was legit and even the guy that wrote it who were also suing by the way but the guy that wrote it Christopher Steele they offered him a million dollars the FBI if he would a firm they would beg you please play committee the way they give money man the FBI they give away a lot of money don't they yeah so they offered him a million dollars to affirm it he couldn't do it he wouldn't do it it turned out to be a total fake but here's Adam Schiff Shifty shift and he comes out and he says he says to the reporters gathered click click click they're all going crazy Donald Trump Jr the son of the president of the United States will go to jail over Russia Russia Russia now think of it he made it up with Hillary and all these people they made it up and they're saying that my son will go to jail now how bad you have to be to do that so they know it's a phony story they know it's a phony story they say he's going to go to jail these are not these are not Mrs Lewandowski you hear that can you imagine of that with these kids can you imagine what look what your husband got me into I could have been relaxing at Mar-A-Lago or in the south of France which I would prefer being in this country frankly but they got involved with fisa the fraudulent fisa applications remember they sent in applications to the courts and they were all fraud the judges never did anything about it they knew they were frauds it was written about they never did anything about it the 51 intelligence agents that said Hunter's laptop from hell was all Russia disinformation do not use it you know they say that made like from a 10 to a 17 point difference in the in the polls the FBI Twitter files a doj Facebook and all of the rest all of the rest uh look at uh 2 000 mules look at what they did with that thousands and thousands and thousands of votes on tape on camera all of this will come up during this trial that's uh all of this will come out because we won the election by Allah then they have this crap going on I never even thought of this one Trump didn't really believe he won the election let me tell you people that know me say that's one thing I tell you there was never a second of any day that I didn't believe that that election was rigged it was a rigged election it was a rigged election and it was a stolen disgusting election and this country should be ashamed and they go after the people that want to prove that it was rigged and stolen so it never happens that they go after them they don't go after the people that rigged it okay and we'll see how it all turns out you know we've been we've been right about a lot of things right you ever see Trump was right about everything ultimately let's see how that all works out so in other words I'll be the only politician in American history not allowed to speak because of our corrupt system sir you're not allowed to speak on the jaw in other words I'll come here and I'll say hi everybody listen uh not allowed to speak please vote for me New Hampshire if you would bye and all I can say is the never-ending Witch Hunt continues and we have exposed so much nobody's ever thought I have exposed so much it's been incredible but do not fear we will win bigger and better than ever before they rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024 we're not going to allow it to happen we're not going to allow it to happen New Hampshire and you're such an important state you know you're relatively small you're so important politically and you know I kept Iowa and you in those first positions please remember that because I thought there was a great beautiful tradition to it they want to move you way back in the line and I said nope we're not doing that we're not doing that you are in the position you'll always be there as long as I have anything to say about it Joe Biden is the most incompetent and corrupt president in U.S history the Biden crime family was taking in money from China Ukraine Russia all these places yesterday within so many others and now whenever more Biden corruption is exposed as henchmen charged me with a crime you know when they get something on Biden oh let's indict let's add on another indictment to that stupid indictment that we filed let's add on another one because that takes the news cycle unfortunately I get disproportionate publicity so they indict me he's right great balls but so they end up so when they want to keep something they say oh man they got Hunter again you know at some point Joe is going to have to say you know this sun thing just isn't working out do you agree the sun thing the sun thing's not working out too good it's all he had to do is pick up the laptop didn't the guy call him like 11 to pick up your laptop pick up your laptop I I wonder where that cocaine came from what happened that was the quickest investigation I've ever seen you know somebody told me it could be wrong I always say that that way you could never get sued you know somebody told me could be wrong I'm sure but in that little cubicle where it was there would be normally thousands of fingerprints you know people made it there were none it was cleaned it was so clean it's the kind of place I'd like to be actually clean I like cleanliness but it's called a cover-up every time the radical left Democrats marxists communist fascists indict me I considered a great great great badge of honor I do I do because I'm being indicted for you I am being indicted for you thanks a lot thanks a lot but never forget our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who are going to stop them it takes great people to stop these radical lunatics it takes great people they're sick they're sick people they want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom that's what's Happening Here they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the end they're not after me they're after you I'm just standing in their way and I always will stand in the way I promise and if you put me back in the White House there rain will be over and America will be a free Nation once again because we do not have a free Nation and from my first day in office I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every one of the many claims being brought forth by Congress and they're doing a good job Jamie Comer Jim Jordan all of them concerning all of the Crooked Acts including bribes from China and many other countries all these foreign countries sending money into the coffers of the Biden crime family we will have a special prosecutor and now they'll come after me even a little harder but I don't know how many more how much harder can they do it I should have four by sometime next week I never heard you know I went to the Wharton School of Finance we never studied indictment we never studied arrest we never studied prison these are sick people we're dealing with it's often said that Republicans don't fight hard enough and I happen to agree but they never said that about Trump and you have some Republicans that are fighting very hard now I have to tell you and but you're going to see that on my first day in the presidency the Deep state is destroying our nation but the tables will turn very quickly and we will destroy the Deep state and we got rid of a lot it didn't look like it but we got rid of a lot but we're also fighting like hell and also doing a great job and holding back China holding back North Korea Kim Jong-un all of a sudden that problem stopped Russia would have never gone in China would not be talking about Taiwan right now we did a great job I mean when you think about it we did a job that very few people have done on top of the greatest economy ever strongest border ever all of these things and we had this stuff hanging over our head all the time that's all they do they're the party of misinformation and disinformation and just four short years we already achieved more than any Administration probably in the history of our country we delivered the largest tax cuts and Regulatory cuts by far in history and likewise we built the greatest economy in history we achieved energy Independence and would have shortly gained energy down we were going to be dominant energy dominance for the first time ever we had gas prices at 1.87 Ellen after years of bitter betrayals do you really have high prices here your electric course are about the highest in the country good luck with your electric cars everybody how how dumb is that and they're sitting all over the place nobody wants to how crazy let somebody if you want an electric car you buy an electric car but you gotta have choice choice just like you're gonna have school choice after years of bitter betrayals of New Hampshire workers I ended the disaster known as NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made replace it with the usmca the best trade deal ever made in fact it's such a good deal that Mexico and Canada are now trying to renegotiate it with the Biden Administration I say don't let them do it we suffered with that crazy NAFTA for years everyone said I'd never be able to terminate it because I had to terminated through Congress we got it terminated through Congress and after we got the US embassy it's the best trade deal ever made it's unbelievable much better for us than it is for Mexico and Canada as you can tell I stood up to China like no Administration has ever done before bringing in billions and billions and billions of dollars pouring into our treasury when no other president had gotten literally 10 cents not one penny they got from China China had us figured out really well I gave our farmers in great New England lobsterman 28 billion dollars from the massive tariffs I received from China and to Sanctus oppose the deal by the way he opposed it just to put it out there quickly he also opposed Social Security I don't know if you know he went to decimate Social Security Medicare and Social Security he wanted to bring the minimum age up to 70. so I don't know if you know that but and remember one thing about a politician when that's his original thought that's where they go back to they may come up here and talk to you uh oh I love social security no he voted three times to turn to terminate and decimate it we appointed over 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices [Applause] and how about the ruling last week where they say that if you get great marks you go to college first there's no more crazy discrimination and other things nobody thought that was going to happen and last year those justices ruled to end Roe v Wade they rule to end Roe v way now I have to tell you we have to talk about it because it you know energizes the other side a little bit and it's not good but just so you understand just so you understand it how to talk about it now pro-lifers have a tremendous power to negotiate you had no power whatsoever they could kill the baby at any time they wanted they could kill the baby whenever they wanted this moves the issue back also to the states where all legal Scholars want it back in the stage but you have tremendous power to negotiate like Ronald Reagan before me I support the three exceptions you have to go with your heart but I support for rape incest and for the life of the mother I do that and a lot of people do big portion there and remember there's the Democrats though win at the radicals they're the radicals because they're willing to kill babies in their fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth month and even after birth so if you remember that if you remember that and the exceptions in my opinion are important in my opinion but you have to go with your heart but we did something that was amazing for 50 years they've tried to get it out they wanted it back in the States all legal Scholars on both sides wanted it back in the States but you now have a tremendous power to negotiate something that's going to be good and going to be lasting and it was a tremendous achievement a tremendous achievement but just remember they were the radicals they try and make you into radicals and uh monsters they were the radicals because they were killing babies in fifth sixth seventh and nobody nobody on either side wants that to happen they did a poll of Democrats the ninth month they had like nobody would nobody so you have to remember so you're in a very uh good position you have the power now of negotiation we gave you something that was uh really a fantastic thing that most people thought couldn't be done and now you have to use it wisely they're the extremists not us and we created the most secure Border in U.S history we built nearly 500 miles of border well we got Mexico to give us 28 000 soldiers free of charge remember when they said oh Mexico didn't pay Mexico gave us 28 000 soldiers free of charge that's a lot more than a little bit for the wall and a lot less complicated I said to the president you know a lot of people are coming in from Mexico the cartels are bringing in really bad people you have to give us soldiers no no no no no no no I will not do that I said no you have to how many do you need 28 000. what's a lot that's a lot of soldiers Pancho Villa you know with the bullets going on panchoville these soldiers aren't politically correct either ours have to be politically correct if if our soldier speaks up to a person a little bit rough they put them in the brig for the rest of his life okay it's not good what they do to our soldiers I tell you they don't get it but we had 28 000 soldiers so people say well what about Mexico did Mexico but no I said much better but they said we're not going to do it I said that's okay don't do it but you're going to suffer big consequences because what I'm going to do is I'm going to sign legislation which is a my desk that for every car you know they took 32 percent of our business out of the United States over a period of 22 years 30 not during my Administration nothing because I don't people you go there you're going to put a big tariff if you sell it back in that's all you had to do and you would have kept everybody but they took 32 I said here's what you do if you don't give us 28 000 soldiers I am going to put a 25 tariff on everything that Mexico sells into the United States meaning you're not going to sell anything because nobody's going to want it no no no you should not do that I said that's what I'm going to do and they said you know in thinking about it we would be honored to give you 28 000 soldiers so we had 28 000 soldiers uh remain in Mexico that was another one I got remain in Mexico when these people come in they come into our country and they stay and they never leave that's it and they're criminals and they come in from many many times many jails they've been emptied out and what I did is I got it remain in Mexico now the people have to remember the problem is that Biden is giving it all up he's giving everything up our medical stay he gave up even the judge said you don't want to give that up our country is going to be overrun so they gave it up but all of that was just the beginning years some of the agenda that I will immediately Implement when we become the when we that's you and me we're all going to become the president of the United States 47th president of the United States and before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after I win the presidency we will have that horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled it'll be settled I know them both very well get it done very quickly maybe in 24 hours and I'm the only candidate who can make you this promise I will prevent World War III I'll prevent it it's not going to happen we have a man right now who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating on our behalf with nuclear weapons he's lost every country now we're enemies with Russia with China with North Korea with Iran I terminated the Iran deal I got Jerusalem the capital of Israel and built and built actually built our beautiful uh building out of Jerusalem Stone right our beautiful Old Jerusalem you can't put two words together he said I want to no but we have a man who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating with people that like President XI of China he's negotiating with people that are at the top of their game there's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of some of these people these are smart tough killers macron of France and you heard the story maybe quickly because I'm sweating like a dog up here does anybody want me to stop or should we go forward macrona France macron of France he put a big tax he wanted to put a big tax on our companies doing business in France I said you can't do that I gave it to my people to do they weren't able to do anything about it two weeks they come back sir he's uh very strong on that he wants to do it I think it was like a 25 tax some ridiculous tax for American companies I called him I said Emmanuel I like you very much you're my friend but you can't put the tax on if you do here's what's going to happen I'm going to put a 100 tariff on all of your wines and Champagnes that I don't even like I'm going to put a 100 tariff on wines and Champagnes coming out of France and coming into no no no Donald you cannot do that I said oh I can't do that you have 10 minutes to tell me he said I give up and he took off the tax that's what happened I gave it to my Geniuses they couldn't sir he's there's no way we could stop it it was passed by his legislature to stop Biden's inflation catastrophe bring down the cost of energy and become energy independent and even energy dominant we are just three years ago we were energy dominant we were energy independent but we will drill baby drill we are going to be drilling and bringing it way down to bring ten thousands yeah it's going to bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to New Hampshire we already did it we made this place very successful you know anything that's good that's happening with the economy it's only because they're running on the fumes of what we built you understand that they're running on the fumes but those fumes can't last much longer and they're just pouring money out you know all these crazy deals is uh inflation reduction act you know 1.7 trillion dollars and it increases inflation but they're running on the fumes of what we did and uh we did an incredible job I will impose a border tariff on All Foreign made Goods coming into this country and I will pass the Trump reciprocal trade act very quickly that is if India China France anybody Germany they charge us we don't judge them because we had stupid people and I started changing that a lot but then we had covered we had to fix that mess but all a gift from China but reciprocal trade if they're charging us a hundred percent for a motorcycle when we do a motorcycle we charge them a hundred percent right now they charge 157 percent for a motorcycle Harley would have to send so what does Harley do they have to go and build a plant in India or they have to go and build no no more no more we're all set to do this too it was all set we had a couple of stupid Senators that didn't like it one of them coming from Pennsylvania said to me sir this is not free trade they say wait a minute this country I won't tell you which is charging us 200 percent we charge them nothing would it be okay if I charged them half a hundred percent no sir that's not free trade how about 50 how about 25 how about 10 percent he said no sir it's not free trade I said you're either corrupt or you're stupid as hell because it's crazy so we're going to pass it so if they charge us if they charge us very simple we charge them and it's probably all going to disappear the Biden economic bus will be replaced with the historic Trump economic boom I will immediately terminate every open borders policy of the Biden Administration our country is being invaded following the Eisenhower model we will use all necessary State local Federal and Military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history gotta do it and I will use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning traffic children to their families in their home countries immediately to stop the Marxist prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting Republicans conservatives people of faith and Me by the way I will direct a completely over told doj to investigate every radical D.A and AG in America for their illegal racist and reverse enforcement of the law and we will bring back a thing called stop and frisk in our cities on day one I will sign a new executive order to cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content on our children our beautiful children are beautiful children are being destroyed by these Maniacs I will keep men out of women's sports it's very easy to do and I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states can you imagine can you imagine even having to say that think of this 15 years ago could you imagine I will stop child sexual immutable can you imagine having to that's actually a part of my campaign can you imagine having to say that we're going to stop the mutilation of children just as I did for four years I will fully uphold the Second Amendment it's going to be in good shape and I will fully secure our elections they'll be done the right way our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and voter ID that's what I've always but until then Republicans must compete and we must win 2024 is the most important election we've ever had but this is what we must do to restore our country to Greatness the USA is a mess our economy is crashing inflation is out of control China Russia Iran and North Korea formed together as a menacing and destructive Coalition like we've never seen before our currency is crashing and will no longer in my opinion be the world standard if it keeps going like this which will be the single greatest defeat of our country in 200 years we lose the power of the dollar it won't happen with me not even a little chance just like Russia would have never invaded Ukraine and China would have never even thought about raiding Taiwan they wouldn't have done it I told them you're not going to do it if you took the five worst Presidents in the history of the United States and added them up they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden Administration have done we are a failing Nation I don't like saying that but we are we are a failing Nation we are a nation in Decline and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement the doj and the FBI it's totally corrupt and we're not going to let it happen 2 24 2024 I have no idea how important it is it's our final battle it's our final real big battle with you at my side we will demolish the Deep State we will expel the warmongers from our government we will drive out the globalists we will cast out the Communist marxists and fascists we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country we will route the fake news media we will defeat crooked Joe Biden and we will drain the swamp once and for all [Applause] the great silent majority is rising like never before I mean never before it's never been I don't believe it's ever been like this I said it twice tonight I'll say it again the we have never had anything like it the spirit the love the passion there's never been anything like this and we went through 2016 and we went through 2020 and most people would say they were the most passionate this is blowing it away but we've never had anything like this never before and under our leadership the Forgotten men and women will be forgotten no longer with your help your love and your vote we will put America first we will make America we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to make it great it's hard to believe right now our country is at such a low point we will make America greater than ever before thank you New Hampshire God bless you God bless you New Hampshire God bless you all thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] next to you [Music] but your rain go down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you very much wow thank you very much thank you this is an honor I just knocked over a fan on purpose here was blowing the hell out of my hair it's short I said I got to do a good job in front of New Hampshire I can't have fans we don't need anything artificial up here right now so I just want to say hello New Hampshire a special place a great place with many great friends and great people I'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful state with thousands of proud and I mean proud I mean seriously proud look at this American Patriots who believe in that Timeless motto Live Free or Die I want to thank all of the people so many people you know who are killing everybody in polls you do know that yeah I mean just not by like a little bit like by 40 and 50 points we're beating beating them black but I want to thank my New Hampshire coaches Lou gargiolo and Wyndham selectman Bruce Breton Bruce is here and a friend of mine a great guy U.S senator Bob Smith Bob thank you very much and your beautiful wife when the police chief Mike Karen thank you Mike thank you very much representative Tim Cahill and some of our fantastic supporters Chris Stevens David andrakis and Dave a bear where's Dave Abraham somebody that's been with me from the beginning I don't mean like I don't mean like six months in I mean like from the beginning I guess we're talking like in the 2015s we don't even go back we go back to 15s now but he came he said you're going to win sir you're going to win so big I said really you think so really he's a total Pro by the way so I don't know if he really believed that when he said that but he said you're going to win you run you're going to win sir and he started with me six months before the campaign and that's all I heard sir it's unbelievable you're doing phenomenally in the polls I don't even know if they had any polls but he got me all psyched up I will tell you that and he's also a fantastic person who loves absolutely loves New Hampshire with his Incredible family and wife is here the wife is she's been with him and she loves him and he loves her they have a fantastic family Corey Lewandowski Corey where is Corey where is he well there he is always likes to be a little bit in the background thank you Corey great job he's doing a great job and somebody else who's really been fantastic right from the beginning I saw on television this weekend and I didn't even recognize her she looks so phenomenal she was so Dynamic and then I got the television a little bit fixed up also put on my glasses and I saw how good she was Caroline Levitt she's been fantastic [Music] where's Caroline you great job this weekend for you much better having her on your side believe me I said we better get her on my side and she's been there for a long time now thank you very much Carolyn thank you very much thank you everybody this afternoon I'm also delighted to announce the launch of our new Coalition Veterans for Trump led by true American warrior you know who that Warrior is he's a tough guy and he's a great guy and you just met him Congressman Brian mess Brian thank you very much thank you man great guy and today I'm especially grateful to receive the endorsement of over 100 Veterans from the granite state including New Hampshire Veterans Coalition co-chairs Hillsborough County Attorney John Coughlin John thank you very much John wherever you may be thank you John and state representative Joe Petri thank you very much Joe thanks Joe good tough guys I also want to thank my senior advisor somebody's been here almost as long as Corey he's been with us Steve stepanak thieves thank you see you thank you Steve and state director Trevor nudleary Trevor thank you Trevor great job thank you very much and and really we are doing fantastically up here so that group I felt we should introduce him you know it's nice if we were doing lousy I would not have introduced my promise I wouldn't have even thought of it but they're doing an unbelievable job and the level is we're so far above everybody else in the polls they're all saying is he going to go into the debate and I say I don't know if you're leading by 50 and 60 and 70 points do you do that or not I don't know should I okay you ready Paul we take a free poll should I do the debate well maybe we'll do something else you know see some people say yes but they hate to say it because it doesn't make sense to do it if you're leading by so much but they like it for entertainment value because they're selfish they're selfish uh to every veteran in this room we salute you and we really do we worked hard with the veterans and we've had a fantastic relationship and this is a very big and important veteran State I probably learned more about the veterans from dealing in New Hampshire than any other state please stand and receive our thanks all veterans do you mind please stand and receive our thoughts great [Applause] that's a lot of veterans thank you thank you very much wow that's a beautiful a lot of times they'll say whatever group it may be please stand and you know you have like two people stand up I say that's not too much let's change our speech right but when I came into office in 2017 our government had a disgracefully horrible situation going on they Betrayed at solemn pledge to America's veterans you know that better than anybody I learned a lot about it from Julie the VA was plagued by one horrific scandal after another remember you turn on the news and you just see these horrible scandals having to do with the veterans you didn't hear any of it for four years you literally heard that very little and we did things that were really amazing and I'm proud of thousands of veterans were put on secret medical wait lists and many of them left to die without receiving any care or any Aid under Obama some very bad people were abusing veterans in VA hospitals including sadists yet sadists they were hitting the veterans when the veterans weren't in prime time okay they wouldn't have touched them in Prime Time believe me but they were hitting them when they were in trouble and a lot of say this we got them all out the VA employees were even caught stealing drugs intended for the treatment of our sick and Wounded Warriors and they were stealing them and using them for themselves and selling them but all of that changed when we arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue we went from the absolutely worst Brian you know that we went from the absolutely worse to uh I mean that was the worst presidency for the veterans the previous presidency wonderful people you're not allowed to even say that it's not politically correct I'll say it to the greatest champion the veterans ever had in the White House and it was very much promises made Promises Kept and a couple of the really big ones just as I promised I proudly signed the VA accountability act allowing us to quickly terminate VA bureaucrats and bad people who mistreated our vets we told more than 10 000 bad corrupt incompetent VA workers people that were sadists and they couldn't get rid you couldn't get rid of them you had no right they could steal they could beat people up you couldn't do a damn thing and we got it so you could fire him and I said you're fired get out out out of here ten thousand sounds like a lot but it's a big system and uh we got ten thousand really uh really bad people out very very evil people they knew who they were they couldn't do a thing about it it was amazing so we got that passed in Congress if you can believe it they were trying for 30 years to get it passed I also signed veterans choice and made that permanent we got that passed in Congress also which was really a a big deal that was a big deal you have choice you could go out if you're not getting the trip and you go out but thanks to this Landmark we formed three million veterans have been able to get care as needed and when they wanted it you know they'd wait in line sometime for weeks and months and you know they have some great doctors in the VA that really good doctors but you couldn't get to them you couldn't get to them people would wait for many months they'd become terminally ill waiting something that could have been fixed easily they'd become terminally ill and I got it so that you go outside you get a doctor we pay the bill and you get taken care of immediately if you had to wait more than a short period of time so it was a great thing that was a great thing that's very important they've been trying to get that by the way that one 52 years right they were trying to get it for 52 years they couldn't get it done I you know it just made so much sense right from the first time I heard it and I heard it first up here from your people under the Trump Administration we secured record funding for the VA we slashed VA waiting times by more than 33 percent and even now there's a new chart that came out from our last period that it was a 57 percent that's a lot and almost all veterans reported major improvements at their local VA facility once I became president in fact we hit an all-time record high of va satisfaction of 92 percent nobody has even come close and I got angry at my people they say he's not a nice guy some people didn't like me too much as you probably heard because we were tough we were tough but they said why why is it 92 why isn't it a hundred and they left their room they said this guy's very difficult but we really mean it but we hit the highest approval rating we've ever had and I have to tell you that approval rating now is not doing so well you know that you know that a lot of bad things are happening over there they've what they've what they're doing to dismantle that system that was so good but to help combat veteran suicide we delivered same day Mental Health Care at every VA facility in America and make great strides until Biden came along till he came along in a few short years we turned the VA from a national embarrassment into a national example of devotion and service and loyalty to the American Veteran it was amazing an amazing thing and an amazing success so we got it done pretty quickly once we got the legislation passed I would say it moved along very quickly sadly crooked Joe Biden and that's what he is he's a stone called Thief crooked Joe Biden has been a disaster for American Veterans as one of his first accident office Biden gutted my historic VA reforms he gutted them out making it easier to remove bad VA employees from the job and in a shocking Act of betrayal of America's Veterans as well as the tens of thousands of dedicated professionals and you do have great professionals at the VA crooked Joe Biden is in the process of not removing people but reinstating 5 000 of the ten thousand people that we fired who were fired for good reason including sadism and this who were fired for very good reasons and they want to give them back their full pay they want to give them their jobs back and we were very careful about that we didn't get rid of people haphazardly we got rid of people that were not doing their job some really in bad cases and some they just weren't doing their job they didn't care they didn't show up to work and he wants to put at least half of them back the same people and it'll cost over 200 million dollars to do that I'd rather they give the money to you directly it's a lot better it's amazing I mean it's amazing it breaks your heart it breaks your heart that was such a big thing and now they want to put a lot of those people back Joe Biden puts bureaucrats first I put veterans first and I put America first thank you very much thank you thank you very much that's why today I'm announcing a number of specific actions I'll take to fulfill our sacred duty to our Great American veterans on day one of my new Administration I will fully restore the use of va accountability we're going to bring it back in full force full force and we already have the legislation passed so I don't have to go through Congress which really that's why it took 52 years because they couldn't get it passed but we have it passed all we have to do is make it work so we have the the hardest part is done and direct my secretary Veterans Affairs to fire every corrupt VA bureaucrat who Joe Biden is outrageously refused to remove from the job or put or put back in the job then instead of providing more than 200 million dollars in back pay to VA workers like Biden is doing I will ask Congress to take every penny of those funds to finally build a brand new state-of-the-art VA Hospital right here in the great state of New Hampshire because I don't know if you know this but we can say that no longer will New Hampshire be the only state in America without a full-service VA facility you'll have it and you'll have it done quickly we have a great we have a great group did you know you're the only one that doesn't have one all right that's what you get with the that's what you get with those Democrats that's what happens at the same time so you're going to have a brand new now you're gonna have a brand new VA Hospital beautiful state of the art top of the line top of the line the only state that doesn't have one I was waiting for that actually thank you who said that by the way stand up okay you know I was going to say that but then I thought I'd be politically correct thank you take good care of her that's right yeah true selfish selfish guy at the same time well he ran for president and he got two points he ran without running you know he didn't want to announce he wanted to run but so it's a shame we could win this state so easy if we had help from the governor but we never got help from the governor we helped him but he never he never helped us so but I'm glad you said it because this way I could say I was so nice up in New Hampshire nah he's not the same man now he's not the same he took a big beating he took a big beating knocking the hell out of everybody and he took a big beating and then he he gets the first pole and he sees it his own State he was in seventh place out of a group at the same time we were fully maintained the VA clinics and the rest of the state and addressed the severe shortage of nurses and other health care workers at the home for the retired veterans in Tilton anybody know that home in Tilton I will once again make stopping veteran suicide a top priority of my Administration terrible situation I will ban the Department of Veterans Affairs from wasting a single Cent to fund transgender surgeries or sex change procedures foreign very very you know they are very very expensive operations and you also know you have to go through tremendous drug therapy after that and I was always sold in the military if you take much more than an aspirin you can't do it but the tremendous drug therapy it's a lot of a lot of problems you know we had it stopped and then he came in one of the first things he did is he started that up again those precious taxpayer dollars should be going to care for our veterans in need not to refund radical gender experiments for the Communists left I'll also restore the Trump ban on transgender in the military we're going to end up you know we had it banned we hadn't been you know I went to generals I said General off the Record what do you think of transgender sir uh your city by listening sir what do you think I don't like it sir and then I'd say to another one you know they were all afraid to talk about it but you know I have to do what's right you have to do what's right and and we have to help everybody you have to help transgender you have to help everybody but this was just not something that was working out and uh as soon as they came back as soon as they came back by a rigged election by the way as soon as they as soon as they came back they approved that that was one of the first things on their list they approved it so now they're they're doing a lot of now they're doing a lot of things that shouldn't be done shouldn't be done if you if you talk if you talk to the real generals not the television generals the real generals we've got some hey look I knocked out Isis in a few weeks with real generals we have we have a great military but we're not going to let our military go woke that I can tell you but the real Generals in the military down a little bit those guys are incredible the way they did that the way they took out a lot of bad people but they took out Isis the Isis caliphate 100 and it was surgical it was incredible we will get critical race Theory and all other woke lunacy out of the United States armed forces and we will abolish every Biden covet mandate and rehire every patriot who was fired from our military with an apology and with back pain and in addition I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate veterans homelessness I mean you have a situation in America it's a scandal it's a disgrace what's happening now is nobody's ever seen and it is a national tragedy that Joe Biden crooked Joe he's more interested in where's the money coming from to him he's interested to him how about all these things with the 30 corporations and this and that the money flowing in everybody getting money coming in from China how can you how can you be tough in China when they're paying you a lot of money and see they know too much you know we have a compromise we have a Manchurian Candidate they may they know too much so he can't be tough in China that's why he's so that's why he allows blimps flying over the country right over our nuclear sites let them come in let them take pictures oh don't do anything about it they'll tell they'll tell everybody who's giving me all that money he's a compromised candidate and I'll tell you something out of respect for the office of President I didn't talk this way five weeks ago six weeks ago I knew I felt very badly about what was going on but out of respect for the Office of the President I wouldn't have said the way I talk he's a crooked person he's a totally dishonest guy so we'd say things but but we now I even changed his name I took it away from Hillary we call him crooked Joe instead of sleepy Joe we call him crooked Joe I retired it that was a great day for Hillary I said of crooked Hillary I said we're removing the name from crooked Hillary now we call her beautiful beautiful Hillary it's a beautiful woman and we're giving it to Biden because he's a crooked person but out of respect for the office I would never have said that to this extent and I never did but now they indicted your president your former president who is very popular 75 million people so now they ripped off the top they took the gloves off and we can say whatever we want and I'll tell you what and I'll tell you what what he's done is a scandal the likes of which this country has never seen and the fake news hates to talk about it horrible thing that crooked Joe Biden has spent nearly one billion dollars to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants who are pouring into our country it's an invasion of our country we had the safest Border in history now we have the worst border probably in the world but to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants at expensive luxury hotels the best hotels in the country in many cases while more than 33 000 Americans who have served this nation in uniform are homeless on our streets okay on day one I will sign an executive order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens which our country can't handle and I will redirect that money to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American veterans they'll be treated properly [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much furthermore I will finally hold accountable all of the failed leaders and television generals who gave us Joe Biden's catastrophe in Afghanistan two years ago this month in my opinion you know I watched a lot of the parents I spoke to many of those parents I called them when it happened what a horrible what a horrible thing and what what they've gone through there was no way that was going to happen you know I wanted we were going out but we're going to get out with strength with dignity what they did when they took the soldiers out first don't you take the soldiers out less you take them out less we went 18 months without one soldier being killed I spoke to the head of the Taliban I said don't do rap do don't do it Abdul same man who's still running it but when you think of that horrible horrible event leaving Untold numbers of Americans behind 13 dead Warriors 35 horrifically wounded nobody talks about them but horrifically Wounded Warriors and 85 billion dollars worth of the finest military equipment on the planet bought by me you know why you rebuilt the military I rebuilt the entire U.S military a lot of that equipment was brand new bought by me it was the single most embarrassing day in the history of our country in my opinion I think it was and I think it probably was what led Putin to say this is the time that country has had it because I guarantee you one thing Putin was not going in with me and neither was neither was she going in in China into Taiwan but Putin was not going into Ukraine and we talked about it too when I got along with him great they hate to hear you got along with them yeah it's always nice to get and you know nobody was rougher look I ended the pipeline nobody ever heard of Nordstrom too right Brian nobody heard of Nordstrom too I said Nordstrom too nobody knew that's a pipeline going to Germany and taking care of all of Europe I ended it it was dead and then Biden approved it his first week so what's going on there under my leadership we were leaving Afghanistan with dignity and strength and we would not under any circumstances what that was was surrender and humiliation that's what it was I was I think it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country and we had it so solid they were they weren't shooting at us they knew better because they knew they were going to get absolutely decimated if they did when I returned to the White House we will restore peace through strength that's what we had we had peace through strength I'm the only president in many many decades like eight decades like many many years that didn't have any wars we got out of wars and we won Wars we beat Isis we won Wars but we got out of wars and everybody respected us you know we were three years ago we were very respected we were very respected they didn't play games nobody played games including trade where we get screwed by everybody we didn't we made great trade deals even with China they buy 50 billion dollars a year because of what I did for our farmers and everybody else and we were respected and they didn't play games we took in hundreds of billions of dollars through tariffs on China no other president took in 10 cents hundreds of billions of dollars they were not too fond of me but I got along with President XI also we gave you know I just looked at that just said look it up I was in the plane coming up I say look it up what do we give Afghanistan does anybody have that note I think I gave it to Corey we give Afghanistan now billions of dollars I said I didn't know that billions of dollars in Aid a number that is so astronomical and this goes on a yearly basis and they need it for humanitarian and all of that that's good but let him give us back our equipment they ought to give us back some of our equipment you know we're giving them 2.7 billion and 3 billion and 2 billion I thought would say maybe nothing or maybe a hundred million dollars or maybe something little but the numbers are astronomical what we give to Afghanistan so that should be a condition of the continued Aid I mean it's I don't want to hurt people but they took 85 billion dollars worth they didn't take we left because we were fools we were stupid we were stupid I remember a certain General saying sir it's cheaper to leave the equipment behind sir because we were going to get out but I would have kept Bagram because Bagram it's one of the biggest air bases in the world of course there's billions of dollars to build many years ago and Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear we forget Afghanistan where China makes their nuclear weapons it's in Afghanistan and they left Bagram late at night they left the lights on they left billions and billions of dollars one hour away from what and now China will soon be occupying that incredible base that we built many many years ago it's so sad I mean these people are just horrible they're horrible you know I told somebody on the way up today I told Brian I told a few of the guys so we did great in 2016. we actually did much better as you know we got millions more votes in 2020 the election was rigged but but there is more enthusiasm today than we ever had in 2016 or 2020 and the reason is because these people are so corrupt and they're so horrible they're so incompetent the reason is because they're watching when you look at that border and you see millions of people pouring through our border totally unchecked nobody knows where they come from they come from mental institutions and prisons and they come from all over the place 147 different countries last week people coming in but when you look at the the Border just as an example or when you look at high interest rates that they've set High interest rates when you look at the fact that oil was an all-time high and they say let's stop drilling no when oil is an all-time high you start drilling you know you make a fortune we would have supplied all of Europe everything we would have supplied oil and gas to Europe we would have made a fortune we're to start paying off that big debt that we have 35 trillion dollars we would have been paying it off we would have made a fortune and this guy stopped it and now we're getting our oil from Venezuela how about that one and it's not even I should say we're getting our tar because they have very bad you know they have very heavy it's like tar you have to refine it and for the environmentalists in the group you know where we find it in Houston it has to be brought there's only one plant that can refine it it's like tar and it's Houston so all of that spews up into the air of Texas we get it from there we have the best stuff where I call it Liquid Gold under our feet we don't use it this is a crazy Administration this is like April Fool's Day they they want open borders they want no voter ID they want no paper ballots they want High interest rates they want your taxes are going to go up four times they say four times they haven't been able to break you know I got you the greatest tax cut in the history of this country and they have tried but they haven't been able to break it yet but at some point you know it expires in another fairly short period of time so get ready for that one these people want you to pay much higher taxes it's crazy and we could do it so much easier everyone can see the stunning contrast between our incredible success and Joe Biden's horrendous failures and that's one reason why we're leading so big in the polls that's really the reason I think it's a more enthusiasm now than 2016 or 2020 because you've seen how incompetent these people are it's it's horrible in the recent Rasmussen poll we're up 44 points with trumpet 57 Rhonda sanctimonious at 13. and the rest of them down in single digits and really love and in the morning consult that just came out I wanted to see because you know every time you get indicted I like to check the polls because one more indictment that I think this election's over one more no it's horrible you get indicted for nothing can you imagine a guy let's indict my opponent this uh this is a sick this is a third this becomes a third world country the latest morning console poll has as far ahead we're 59 and the others are at like 12. one is it 12. I think that's the sanctimonious but he's rapidly being caught by rameshwami who's good no no Christy's he's eating right now he can't be bothered [Applause] sir please do not call him a fat pig that's very disres don't call him see I'm trying to be nice Don't Call Him a fat pig you can't do you can't do that so now because you're not allowed to do that and therefore we're not going to do it okay we want to be very civil right so the latest coefficient poll which is a big deal have us almost at 60 to 13 with our lead over to Sanctus growing by nine points just since a few weeks ago and even the recent New York Times poll has us up by 37 points and that was older you know now uh and Rhonda sanctimonious the reason I don't like him is that I got him elected you know when you get somebody I don't want to go through the whole story because most of you know but he came to me he needed help he was getting demolished in the primary stupidly I said all right I'll do it because I didn't know the guy was running against his name was Adam Putnam I said I'll do it because you know he he was one of the 200 people that were on television he was no better than anybody else he was no Jim Jordan that I can tell you and he was on television and fighting a little bit on impeachment hoax number one and impeachment hooks number two so I said you know what uh if I actually told him if I were Abraham Lincoln if we brought him back from the dead and if we brought George Washington back from the dead and they gave you the greatest endorsement and they hugged you and kissed you just like you did to Obama just look you know he did and Christy did who hugged and kissed Obama harder to Sanctus or Chris Christie I think Chris Crystal remember that he grabbed him Obama said get this guy off of me and that was the end of Romney when that happened that could have been a good thing but but we are in New Hampshire area that's all right no but he asked me so I said you know what Ron let's do it go ahead let's do it so I gave him a very strong endorsement and the next day he went like a rocket right through the thing and he blew the I mean people that worked for Adam Putnam couldn't believe it they never called me but I didn't know Adam he was the secretary of agriculture he should have called me I would have endorsed him sometimes it's the first one to call sometimes you don't do it at all but he did and then I had to get him through Gillum remember Gillum he turned out to be a pothead crackhead but everybody thought he was the hottest one in politics and Ron said I won't be able to beat him I said well he's the hottest man in politics I said you can beat him then he he comes he calls me could you do a rally then he actually said could you do three I think I did three rallies we had massive crowds you know those rallies was we're doing a lot of them we're doing again they're hotter now than anything because of what's happening because of how bad it is but I did there and he ends up winning the election then four years later would you run against the president you know these Maniacs are screaming would you run against the president would you run will you run and he goes I have no comment I said what what did he say that I heard this I'm watching on newscast I'm watching a fake newscast and they say would you run against the president he shall said I have no comment now to me that means he's running so I said that son of a [ __ ] is running can you believe it I just got him elected so that's why I've been particularly hard at him unfortunately it's worked because he's crashing he's he's like he doesn't know what happened he goes home he says what happened where what did I do wrong what you know what he did wrong he ran what he did wrong is he should have waited till 28 but I don't know if that would have held water because eventually they would have figured out you know you do need some personality if you're going to be a politician just a little some of them don't have too much like your Governor you know like your government in the new Emerson poll a Battleground States in Arizona were leading Biden by a lot and very importantly at that same poll and other polls were leading Biden by seven eight nine 11 points but you know what when I hear we're leading by two or three or four points you know you gotta understand that's actually a lot for a republic because they have a built-in vote that no matter who you are even if you can't put two sentences together you get like 40. we don't have that we have to win the entire East Coast like we did in 2016 and like we did in 2020 too but they're watching closely air watching in that same poll we're leading in the primary by 47 think of that 40s that's a lot but we will not play prevent defense you ever see in the NFL they don't allow a point on the other team not a point their defense is brutal they can't get now they just have to hold the other team one more series they have to Hope just please hold them let's go prevent defense ping ping the end of the game touchdown touchdown we will not play is that okay we will not play prevent right but everyone else is in single digits his one you'll like in the New Hampshire new brand new coefficient poll respected highly the New Hampshire Journal has us leading by 43 points we're leading by leading by and the Sanctus Rhonda sanctimonious he's at uh nine points he's at nine he's time to go back to Florida Ron and you know work on your insurance that's costing everybody a fortune and now we're dominating Biden in the general election Harvard Harris has us up by five points and we're up 18 points among Independents remember you know they like to go around well Will trump get the independence Will trump get the women you know what the women want the women want safety they want to have a border they want to have low taxes low interest rates foreign they don't want in their beautiful suburbs you know they talk about oh the Suburban women I think the Suburban women like me you know what I did you know what I did we have a lot of super no no they don't want to have a low-income housing job built right next to their house that's what the Democrats want so I give them strong borders I give them good safety I give them a powerful military education so important by the way speaking of Education because this is largely about veterans uh we are going to bring education back to the States so that each state will run a hundred percent will keep we'll keep approximately three people in Washington just to make sure that you're teaching English Okay as opposed to another language okay you know you need a little coordination like everybody has to teach English if you don't mind but we'll keep a little bit of uh like two or three people but but you know we have building after building after building and here's the problem no matter what poll you look at of of Education in the world we're at the bottom of the polls and we spend more money than anybody else we spend double and triple what number two is like Norway Denmark Believe It or Not China very high ranking uh Japan but Norway and Denmark they said we're following New York City they said we are going to follow the Norwegian system I said that didn't work out you know how long that lasted about 15 minutes you know that didn't work out too well for New York I'll tell you New Yorkers said did you see what's happening in New York with the okay how about how about you know we all when I left New York New York was a proud City and now it's so sad to see what's happened to that City and then the big new premise poll we're beating Biden by a lot while the Sanctus is losing to Biden by a lot so that's enough of that stuff but you know the polls are phenomenal people want us back they remember what we had we built the economy twice we built the greatest economy in the world and then we did it a second time ethical but these incredible numbers are the primary reason that crooked Joe Biden is weaponized law enforcement he has weapon he's done something that nobody thought they talked about it but nobody ever did it and never to this extent and ordered his top political opponent me arrested they were they actually arrest arrested right in the middle of a presidential election that Biden is losing badly you know he says I'm down in the polls to Trump let's arrest him let's arrest him let's indict him and arrest him please indict him and arrest him he's killing me in the polls what they didn't know is that I was going to go up because the good thing is we have a voice somebody gets indicted you go down usually right I would say Corey uh almost always you go down but they know me and these charges are so presidential records act as just exactly for that case they don't want me to speak about a rigged election they don't want me to speak about it whereas that's I have freedom of speech First Amendment how can my corrupt political opponent crooked Joe Biden put me on trial during an election campaign that I'm winning by a lot but forcing me nevertheless to spend time and money away from the campaign Trail in order to fight bogus made up accusations and charges that's what they're doing I'm sorry I won't be able to go to Iowa today I won't be able to go to New Hampshire today because I'm sitting in a courtroom on [ __ ] because his attorney general charged me with something terrible thank you very much yeah it is it's a think of it they say charge him now you know they miscalculated a little bit you know the other good line no no actually we want to run against Trump no no if they didn't want to run you have to they'd say oh we would much prefer running against Trump that's because they had such an easy time when Hillary ran against me and last time we did much better than that you know somebody said we sold hundreds of millions of hats somebody said the other day many polls you know counties we had like almost 3 000 they have 200 so many different uh metrics but hats the Red Hats the white hats all the hats we sold even the farmer hats which are green right make Farmers great again did I make Farmers great again I got them 28 I got him 28 billion from China that's why I said no way I lose Iowa why is that why are you so confident because I got the farmer's 28 billion dollars nobody else did but but think of this somebody said it the other day I never thought of it there were Red Hats all over South Carolina we had almost 80 000 people you saw about you saw we were in this gorgeous area this gorgeous town I don't want to say the name of the town because if I do they'll try and change the name back to you know something else but it was beautiful beautiful place and the sheriff was great everybody was we had 80 000 people and it was a sea of red Red Hats mostly but white also green and everything but I'll tell you you were there right 80 000 people and you took a look at that and I said has anybody ever seen a Biden hat [Applause] so think of it we have hundreds of millions over the six seven years eight years we have hundreds of millions of hats sold and I'm I'm asking has anybody ever seen a hat saying Biden [Applause] well we did have hats because we made them that said where's Hunter where is Hunter where he turned out to be he was in some dark places but is this going to be where they go and indict your opponent is this going to be the next president's going to say Hey listen my opponent is doing really well all over the place look at the crowds we have I mean outside you got a lot of people and yeah and by the way I want to say officially for the Press it's about 110 degrees in this room nice job with the air conditioning whoever but but you know what the Press will say you know they'll say Trump didn't look well he was extremely wet it's a hundred and four or five degrees in this room but we're okay with it right but is this going to be the future of elections in America where sitting president tells his tells his attorney general to indict the opponent to try and knock the opponent down this is what's happening and then you ask the simple question so this has been going on for a long time the same stuff why didn't they do it two and a half years ago you know why because then it wouldn't have mattered so much you know they want to take away your freedom of speech everything else would have mattered a lot less but and it would have been terrible because it's all bogus but why if they were going to do it why didn't they do it two and a half years ago before the election right they waited till the election they waited and I probably have another one they say there's a young woman a young racist in Atlanta she racist and they say I guess they say that she was after a certain gang and she ended up having an affair with the head of the gang or a gang member and this is a person that wants to indict me she's got a lot of problems but she wants to indict me to try and run for some other office uh what's going on in this country is and by the way wants to indict me for a perfect phone call this was even better than my perfect call with Ukraine remember that call that was a perfect call this one's better this one is more perfect I challenge the election in Georgia which I have every right to do which I was right about Franklin [Applause] and they want to indict me because I challenge the election so does that mean that Hillary Clinton Who challenged the election does that mean that Stacy Abrams and all of the other virtually every Democrat challenges the election does that mean or they do the Slate of electors this has been going on since Thomas Jefferson who wanted to say but they don't go they use my word they took it and they said fake because I came up with the name fake news long time ago worked out good but it's no longer good enough because it's not tough enough because it's really corrupt news it's beyond fake they don't even write they don't even write all the money that Biden is stealing you don't see one store years ago that win Pulitzer prizes today even Pulitzer prizes of very little value because you know we're suing the Pulitzer Foundation because they gave Pulitzer prizes to people that wrote about the Russia Russia Russia hoax for their wonderful writing their Brilliance they were wrong they were totally wrong and everybody admits they were wrong so why doesn't bullet to just give back the awards because they're radical left lunatics but we're suing we'll see what happens we're doing quite well never happened in the USA this has never happened where and attorney general is told to take the justice department and the FBI and sue somebody think of it who's running for president and leading not only the Republicans by 50 points but leading the Democrat by a lot so he says sue him and that will bring him down but they sued and I have a guy they call him deranged Jack Smith he's deranged and you know Biden on the box of stuff Biden is almost 2 000 bucks is somewhere held in Chinatown not a good place for him and you don't ever hear anything about him and I came under a thing called the presidential records act won't go into it but it's beautiful but we have this deranged lunatic looking at us and he's got a very nice man very gentle man our guy leaks he does things that are just terrible and because of that we're leading by a lot because frankly I think it's had a huge impact because it shows how sick and how evil these people are in addition to not knowing anything about the Border about the economy about the military or about dealing with other nations so this is all about election interference but that isn't quite good enough crooked Joe now wants the thug prosecutor this deranged guy to file a court order taking away My First Amendment right so that I can't speak so listen to this we don't want you to speak about the case the case the case is is a ridiculous case it's the first amendment case but we don't want Trump to speak so they want me they take away your rights on First Amendment now they sue because they're so now I have one of these lunatic reporters back there saying sir would like to talk to you about your case or I'm sorry I'm not allowed to talk about it somehow that's not good for votes do you agree when we say I can't talk I'd love to I will talk about it I will they're not taking away my first amendment so based on yet another radical left hooks you know I've gone through many hoaxes as the people in this room know very well but it's another one radical left hooks like Russia Russia Russia the no collusion Mueller report how about that after three years we find no collusion I was supposed to be like working for Russia they go went through millions of phone calls not one call made to Russia they have no collusion after almost three years then they created a fake dossier it was made by how bad are people when they make up a story about Russia they put it in the fake dossier like it was legit and even the guy that wrote it who were also suing by the way but the guy that wrote it Christopher Steele they offered him a million dollars the FBI if he would a firm they would beg you please play committee the way they give money man the FBI they give away a lot of money don't they yeah so they offered him a million dollars to affirm it he couldn't do it he wouldn't do it it turned out to be a total fake but here's Adam Schiff Shifty shift and he comes out he says he says to the reporters gathered click click click they're all going crazy Donald Trump Jr the son of the president of the United States will go to jail over Russia Russia Russia now think of it he made it up with Hillary and all these people they made it up and they're saying that my son will go to jail now how bad you have to be to do that so they know it's a phony story they know it's a phony story they say he's going to go to jail these are not these are not Mrs Lewandowski you hear that can you imagine of that with these kids can you imagine what look what your husband got me into I could have been relaxing at Mar-A-Lago or in the south of France which I would prefer being in this country frankly but they got involved with fisa the fraudulent fisa applications remember they sent in applications to the courts and they were all fraud the judges never did anything about it they knew they were frauds it was written about they never did anything about it the 51 intelligence agents that said Hunter's laptop from hell was all Russia disinformation do not use it you know they say that made like from a 10 to a 17 point difference in the in the polls the FBI Twitter files a doj Facebook and all of the rest all of the rest uh look at uh 2 000 mules look at what they did with that thousands and thousands and thousands of votes on tape on camera all of this will come up during this trial that's uh all of this will come out because we won the election by Allah then they have this crap going on I never even thought of this one Trump didn't really believe he won the election let me tell you people that don't really say that's one thing I tell you there was never a second of any day that I didn't believe that that election was rigged it was a rigged election it was a rigged election and it was a stolen disgusting election and this country should be ashamed and they go after the people that want to prove that it was rigged and stolen so it never happens that they go after them they don't go after the people that rigged it okay and we'll see how it all turns out you know we've been we've been right about a lot of things right you ever see Trump was right about everything ultimately let's see how that all works out so in other words I'll be the only politician in American history not allowed to speak because of our corrupt system sir you're not allowed to speak on the jaw in other words I'll come here and I'll say hi everybody listen uh not allowed to speak please vote for me New Hampshire if you would bye and all I can say is the never-ending Witch Hunt continues and we have exposed so much nobody's ever thought I have exposed so much it's been incredible but do not fear we will win bigger and better than ever before they rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024 we're not going to allow it to happen we're not going to allow it to happen New Hampshire and you're such an important state you know you're relatively small you're so important politically and you know I kept Iowa and you in those first positions please remember the because I thought there was a great beautiful tradition to it they wanted to move you way back in the line and I said nope we're not doing that we're not doing that you are in the position you'll always be there as long as I have anything to say about it Joe Biden is the most incompetent and corrupt president in U.S history the Biden crime family was taking in money from China Ukraine Russia all these places yesterday within so many others and now whenever more Biden corruption is exposed as henchmen charged me with a crime you know when they get something on Biden oh let's indict let's add on another indictment to that stupid indictment that we filed let's add on another one because that takes the news cycle unfortunately I get disproportionate publicity so they indict me he's right great balls but so they end up so when they want to keep something they say oh man they got Hunter again you know at some point Joe is going to have to say you know this sun thing just isn't working out do you agree the sun thing the sun thing's not working out too good it's all he had to do is pick up the laptop didn't the guy call him like 11 to pick up your laptop pick up your laptop I I wonder where that cocaine came from what happened that was the quickest investigation I've ever seen you know somebody told me it could be wrong I always say that that way you can never get sued you know somebody told me could be wrong I'm sure it's wrong but in that little cubicle where it was there would be normally thousands of fingerprints you know people made it there were none it was cleaned it was so clean it's the kind of place I'd like to be actually clean I like cleanliness but it's called to cover up every time the radical left Democrats marxists communist fascists indict me I considered a great great great badge of honor I do I do because I'm being indicted for you I am being indicted for you thanks a lot thanks a lot but never forget our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who are going to stop them it takes great people to stop these radical lunatics it takes brave people they're sick they're sick people they want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom that's what's Happening Here they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the end they're not after me they're after you I'm just standing in their way and I always will stand in the way I promise and if you put me back in the White House there rain will be over and America will be a free Nation once again because we do not have a free Nation and from my first day in office I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every one of the many claims being brought forth by Congress and they're doing a good job Jamie Comer Jim Jordan all of them concerning all of the Crooked Acts including bribes from China and many other countries all these foreign countries sending money into the coffers of the Biden crime family we will have a special prosecutor and now they'll come after me even a little harder but I don't know how many more how much harder can they do it I should have four by sometime next week I never heard you know I went to the Wharton School of Finance we never studied indictment we never studied arrest we never studied prison these are sick people we're dealing with it's often said that Republicans don't fight hard enough and I happen to agree but they never said that about Trump and you have some Republicans that are fighting very hard now I have to tell you and but you're going to see that on my first day in the presidency the Deep state is destroying our nation but the tables will turn very quickly and we will destroy the Deep state and we got rid of a lot it didn't look like it but we got rid of a lot but we're also fighting like hell and also doing a great job and holding back China holding back North Korea Kim Jong-un all of a sudden that problem stopped Russia would have never gone in China would not be talking about Taiwan right now we did a great job I mean when you think about it we did a job that very few people have done on top of the greatest economy ever strongest border ever all of these things and we had this stuff hanging over our head all the time that's all they do they're the party of misinformation and disinformation and just four short years we already achieved more than any Administration probably in the history of our country we delivered the largest tax cuts and Regulatory cuts by far in history and likewise we built the greatest economy in history we achieved energy Independence and would have shortly gained energy down we were going to be dominant energy dominance for the first time ever we had gas prices at 1.87 cents again Ellen after years of bitter betrayals do you really have high prices here your electric course are about the highest in the country good luck with your electric cars everybody how how dumb is that and they're sitting all over the place nobody wants to how crazy let somebody if you want an electric car you buy an electric car but you gotta have choice choice just like you're gonna have school choice after years of bitter betrayals of New Hampshire workers I ended the disaster known as NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made replace it with the usmca the best trade deal ever made in fact it's such a good deal that Mexico and Canada are now trying to renegotiate it with the Biden Administration I say don't let them do it we suffered with that crazy NAFTA for years everyone said I'd never be able to terminate it because I had to terminated through Congress we got it terminated through Congress and after we got the US embassy it's the best trade deal ever made it's unbelievable much better for us than it is for Mexico and Canada as you can tell I stood up to China like no Administration has ever done before bringing in billions and billions and billions of dollars pouring into our treasury when no other president had gotten literally 10 cents not one penny they got from China China had us figured out really well I gave our farmers in great New England lobsterman 28 billion dollars from the massive tariffs I received from China and to Sanctus oppose the deal by the way he opposed it just to put it out there quickly he also opposed Social Security I don't know if you know he went to decimate Social Security Medicare and Social Security he wanted to bring the minimum age up to 70. so I don't know if you know that but and remember one thing about a politician when that's his original thought that's where they go back to they may come up here and talk to you uh oh I love social security no he voted three times to turn to terminate and decimate it we appointed over 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices [Applause] and how about the ruling last week where they say that if you get great marks you go to college first there's no more crazy discrimination and other things nobody thought that was going to happen and last year those justices ruled to end Roe v Wade they rule to end Roe v way now I have to tell you we have to talk about it because it you know energizes the other side a little bit and it's not good but just so you understand just so you understand it how to talk about it now pro-lifers have a tremendous power to negotiate you had no power whatsoever they could kill the baby at any time they wanted they could kill the baby whenever they wanted this moves the issue back also to the states where all legal Scholars want it back in the States but you have tremendous power to negotiate like Ronald Reagan before me I support the three exceptions you have to go with your heart but I support for rape incest and for the life of the mother I do that and a lot of people do big portion there and remember there's the Democrats though we're not the radicals they're the radicals because they're willing to kill babies in their fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth month and even after birth so if you remember that if you remember that and the exceptions in my opinion are important in my opinion but you have to go with your heart but we did something that was amazing for 50 years they've tried to get it out they wanted it back in the States all legal Scholars on both sides wanted it back in the States but you now have a tremendous power to negotiate something that's going to be good and going to be lasting and it was a tremendous achievement a tremendous achievement but just remember they were the radicals they try and make you into radicals and uh monsters they were the radicals because they were killing babies in fifth sixth seventh and nobody nobody on either side wants that to happen they did a poll of Democrats the ninth month they had like nobody would nobody so you have to remember so you're in a very uh good position you have the power now of negotiation we gave you something that was uh really a fantastic thing that most people thought couldn't be done and now you have to use it wisely they're the extremists not us and we created the most secure Border in U.S history we built nearly 500 miles of border well we got Mexico to give us 28 000 soldiers free of charge remember when they said oh Mexico didn't pay Mexico gave us 28 000 soldiers free of charge that's a lot more than a little bit for the wall and a lot less complicated I said to the president you know a lot of people are coming in from Mexico the cartels are bringing in really bad people you have to give us soldiers no no no no no no no I will not do that I said no you have to how many do you need 28 000. well that's a lot that's a lot of soldiers Pancho Villa you know with the bullets going on panchovy these soldiers aren't politically correct either ours have to be politically correct if if our soldier speaks up to a person a little bit rough they put them in the brig for the rest of his life okay it's not good what they do to our soldiers I tell you they don't get it but we had 28 000 soldiers so people say well what about Mexico did Mexico but no I said much better but they said we're not going to do it I said that's okay don't do it but you're going to suffer big consequences because what I'm going to do is I'm going to sign legislation which is a my desk that for every car you know they took 32 percent of our business out of the United States over a period of 22 years 30 not during my Administration nothing because I told people you go there you're going to put a big tariff if you sell it back in that's all you had to do and you would have kept everybody but they took 32 I said here's what you do if you don't give us 28 000 soldiers I am going to put a 25 tariff on everything that Mexico sells into the United States meaning you're not going to sell anything because nobody's going to want it no no no you should not do that I said that's what I'm going to do and they said you know in thinking about it we would be honored to give you 28 000 soldiers so we had 28 000 soldiers uh remain in Mexico that was another one I got remain in Mexico when these people come in they come into our country and they stay and they never leave that's it and they're criminals and they come in from many many times many jails they've been emptied out and what I did is I got it remain in Mexico now the people have to remember the problem is that Biden is giving it all up he's giving everything up our medical stay he gave up even the judge said you don't want to give that up our country is going to be overrun so they gave it up but all of that was just the beginning years some of the agenda that I will immediately Implement when we become the when we that's you and me we're all going to become the president of the United States 47th president of the United States and before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after I win the presidency we will have that horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled it'll be settled I know them both very well get it done very quickly maybe in 24 hours and I'm the only candidate who can make you this promise I will prevent World War III I'll prevent it it's not going to happen we have a man right now who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating on our behalf with nuclear weapons he's lost every country now we're enemies with Russia with China with North Korea with Iran I terminated the Iran deal I got Jerusalem the capital of Israel and built and built actually built our beautiful uh building out of Jerusalem Stone right our beautiful Old Jerusalem you can't put two words together he said I want us to it too now but we have a man who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating with people that like President XI of China he's negotiating with people that are at the top of their game there's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of some of these people these are smart tough killers macron of France and you heard the story maybe quickly because I'm sweating like a dog up here but does anybody want me to stop or should we go forward macrona France but Corona France he put a big tax he wanted to put a big tax on our companies doing business in France I said you can't do that I gave it to my people to do they weren't able to do anything about it two weeks they come back sir he's uh very strong on that he wants to do it I think it was like a 25 tax some ridiculous tax for American companies I called him I said Emmanuel I like you very much you're my friend but you can't put the tax on if you do here's what's going to happen I'm going to put a 100 tariff on all of your wines and Champagnes that I don't even like I'm going to put a 100 tariff on wines and Champagnes coming out of France and coming into no no no Donald you cannot do that I said oh I can't do that you have 10 minutes to tell me he said I give up and he took off the tax that's what happened I gave it to my Geniuses they couldn't sir he's there's no way we could stop it it was passed by his legislature to stop Biden's inflation catastrophe bring down the cost of energy and become energy independent and even energy dominant we are just three years ago we were energy dominant we were energy independent but we will drill baby drill we are going to be drilling and bringing it way down to bring ten thousands yeah it's going to bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to New Hampshire we already did it we made this place very successful you know anything that's good that's happening with the economy it's only because they're running on the fumes of what we built you understand that they're running on the fumes but those fumes can't last much longer and they're just pouring money out you know all these crazy deals is uh inflation reduction act you know 1.7 trillion dollars and it increases inflation but they're running on the fumes of what we did and we did an incredible job I will impose a border tariff on All Foreign made Goods coming into this country and I will pass the Trump reciprocal trade act very quickly that is if India China France anybody Germany they charge us we don't judge them because we had stupid people and I started changing that a lot but then we had covered we had to fix that mess but all the gift from China but reciprocal trade if they're charging us a hundred percent for a motorcycle when we do a motorcycle we charge them a hundred percent right now they charge 157 percent for a motorcycle Harley would have to send so what does Harley do they have to go and build a plant in India or they have to go and build no no more no more we're all set to do this too it was all set we had a couple of stupid Senators that didn't like it one of them coming from Pennsylvania said to me sir this is not free trade they say wait a minute this country I won't tell you which is charging us 200 percent we charge them nothing would it be okay if I charged them half a hundred percent no sir that's not free trade how about 50 how about 25 how about 10 percent should no search not free trade I said you're either corrupt or you're stupid as hell because it's crazy so we're going to pass it so if they charge us if they charge us very simple we charge them and it's probably all going to disappear the Biden economic bus will be replaced with the historic Trump economic boom I will immediately terminate every open borders policy of the Biden Administration our country is being invaded following the Eisenhower model we will use all necessary State local Federal and Military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history gotta do it and I will use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning traffic children to their families in their home countries immediately to stop the Marxist prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting Republicans conservatives people of faith and Me by the way I will direct a completely overtold doj to investigate every radical D.A and AG in America for their illegal racist and reverse enforcement of the law and we will bring back a thing called stop and frisk in our cities on day one I will sign a new executive order to cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content on our children are beautiful children are beautiful children are being destroyed by these Maniacs I will keep men out of women's sports it's very easy to do and I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states can you imagine can you imagine even having to say that think of this 15 years ago could you imagine I will stop child sexual immutable can you imagine having to that's actually a part of my campaign can you imagine having to say that we're going to stop the mutilation of children just as I did for four years I will fully uphold the Second Amendment it's going to be in good shed and I will fully secure our elections they'll be done the right way our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and voter ID that's what I've always but until then Republicans must compete and we must win 2024 is the most important election we've ever had but this is what we must do to restore our country to Greatness the USA is a mess our economy is crashing inflation is out of control China Russia Iran and North Korea formed together as a menacing and destructive Coalition like we've never seen before our currency is crashing and will no longer in my opinion be the world standard if it keeps going like this which will be the single greatest defeat of our country in 200 years we lose the power of the dollar it won't happen with me not even a little chance just like Russia would have never invaded Ukraine and China would have never even thought about raiding Taiwan they wouldn't have done it I told them you're not going to do it if you took the five worst Presidents in the history of the United States and added them up they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden Administration have done we are a failing Nation I don't like saying that but we are we are a failing Nation we are a nation in Decline and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement the doj and the FBI it's totally corrupt and we're not going to let it happen 2 24 2024 I have no idea how important it is it's our final battle it's our final real big battle with you at my side we will demolish the Deep State we will expel the warmonger is from our government we will drive out the globalists we will cast out the Communist marxists and fascists we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country we will route the fake news media we will defeat crooked Joe Biden and we will drain the swamp once and for all [Applause] all right the great silent majority is rising like never before I mean never before it's never been I don't believe it's ever been like this I said it twice tonight I'll say it again the we have never had anything like it the spirit the love the passion there's never been anything like this and we went through 2016 and we went through 2020 and most people would say they were the most passionate this is blowing it away but we've never had anything like this never before and under our leadership the Forgotten man and women will be forgotten no longer with your help your love and your vote we will put America first we will make America we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to make it great it's hard to believe right now our country is at such a low point we will make America greater than ever before thank you New Hampshire God bless you God bless you New Hampshire God bless you all thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] I'm free [Music] [Applause] [Music] does your rain go down [Music] thank you [Applause] thank you very much well thank you very much thank you this is an honor I just knocked over a fan on purpose here was blowing the hell out of my hair it's sort I said I gotta do a good job in front of New Hampshire I can't have fans we don't need anything artificial up here right we don't need anything about it so I just want to say hello New Hampshire a special place a great place with many great friends and great people I'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful state with thousands of proud and I mean proud I mean seriously proud look at this American Patriots who believe in that Timeless motto Live Free or Die thank you I want to thank all of the people so many people you know who are killing everybody in polls you do know that right I mean just not by like a little bit like by 40 and 50 points we're beating beating them black but I want to thank my New Hampshire coachers Lou gargiolo and Wyndham selectman Bruce Breton Bruce is here and a friend of mine a great guy U.S senator Bob Smith Bob thank you very much and your beautiful wife when the police chief Mike Karen thank you Mike thank you very much representative Tim Cahill and some of our fantastic supporters Chris Stevens David andrakis and Dave a bear where is David somebody that's been with me from the beginning I don't mean like I don't mean like six months in I mean like from the beginning I guess we're talking like in the 2015s we don't even go back we go back to 15s now but he came he said you're going to win sir you're going to win so big I said really you think so really he's a total Pro by the way so I don't know if he really believed that when he said that but he said you're going to win you run you're going to win sir and he started with me six months before the campaign and that's all I heard sir it's unbelievable you're doing phenomenally in the polls I don't even know if they had any polls but he got me all psyched up I will tell you that and he's also a fantastic person who loves absolutely loves New Hampshire with his Incredible family and wife is here the wife is she's been with him and she loves him and he loves her they have a fantastic family Corey Lewandowski Corey where is Corey where is he well there he is always likes to be a little bit in the background thank you Corey great job he's doing a great job and somebody else who's really been uh fantastic right from the beginning I saw on television this weekend and I didn't even recognize her she looks so phenomenal she was so Dynamic and then I got the television a little bit fixed up also put on my glasses and I saw how good she was Caroline Levitt she's been fantastic [Music] where's Caroline you great job this weekend well you're much better having her on your side believe me I said we better get her on my side and she's been there for a long time now thank you very much Carolyn thank you very much thank you everybody this afternoon I'm also delighted to announce the launch of our new Coalition Veterans for Trump led by true American warrior you know who that Warrior is he's a tough guy and he's a great guy and you just met him Congressman Brian mess Brian thank you very much thank you great guy and today I'm especially grateful to receive the endorsement of over 100 Veterans from the granite state including New Hampshire Veterans Coalition co-chairs Hillsborough County Attorney John Coughlin John thank you very much John wherever you may be thank you John and state representative Joe Petri thank you very much Joe thanks Joe good tough guys I also want to thank my senior advisor somebody's been here almost as long as Corey he's been with us Steve stepanak thieves thank you Steve thank you Steve and state director Trevor nudleary Trevor thank you Trevor great job thank you very much and and really we are doing fantastically up here so that group I felt we should introduce him you know it's nice if we were doing lousy I would not have introduced my promise I wouldn't have even thought of it but they're doing an unbelievable job and the level is we're so far above everybody else in the polls they're all saying is he going to go into the debate and I said I don't know if you're leading by 50 and 60 and 70 points do you do that or not I don't know should I okay you ready Paul we take a free poll should I do the debate well maybe we'll do something else you know see some people say yes but they hate to say it because it doesn't make sense to do it if you're leading by so much but they like it for entertainment value because they're selfish they're selfish uh to every veteran in this room we salute you and we really do we worked hard with the veterans and we've had a fantastic relationship and this is a very big and important veteran State I probably learned more about the veterans from dealing in New Hampshire than any other state please stand and receive our thanks all veterans do you mind please stand and receive our thoughts [Applause] that's a lot of veterans thank you thank you very much wow that's a beautiful a lot of times they'll say whatever group it may be please stand and you know you have like two people stand up I say that's not too much let's change our speech right but when I came into office in 2017 our government had a disgracefully horrible situation going on they Betrayed at solemn pledge to America's veterans you know that better than anybody I learned a lot about it from Julie the VA was plagued by one horrific scandal after another remember you turn on the news and you just see these horrible scandals having to do with the veterans you didn't hear any of it for four years you literally heard that very little and we did things that were really amazing and I'm proud of thousands of veterans were put on secret medical wait lists and many of them left to die without receiving any care or any Aid under Obama some very bad people were abusing veterans in VA hospitals including sadists yet sadists they were hitting the veterans when the veterans weren't in prime time okay they wouldn't have touched them in Prime Time believe me but they were hitting them when they were in trouble and a lot of say this we got them all out the VA employees were even caught stealing drugs intended for the treatment of our sick and Wounded Warriors and they were stealing them and using them for themselves and selling them but all of that changed when we arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue we went from the absolutely worst Brian you know that we went from the absolutely worse to uh I mean that was the worst presidency for the veterans the previous presidency wonderful people you're not allowed to even say that it's not politically correct I'll say it to the greatest champion the veterans ever had in the White House and it was very much promises made Promises Kept and a couple of the really big ones just as I promised I proudly signed the VA accountability act allowing us to quickly terminate VA bureaucrats and bad people who mistreated our vets we told more than 10 000 bad corrupt incompetent VA workers people that were sadists and they couldn't get rid you couldn't get rid of them you had no right they could steal they could beat people up you couldn't do a damn thing and we got it so you could fire him and I said you're fired get out out out out of here ten thousand sounds like a lot but it's a big system and uh we got ten thousand really uh really bad people out very very evil people they knew who they were they couldn't do a thing about it it was amazing so we got that passed in Congress if you can believe it they were trying for 30 years to get it passed I also signed veterans choice and made that permanent we got that passed in Congress also which was really a a big deal that was a big deal you have choice you could go out if you're not getting the trip and you go out but thanks to this Landmark we formed three million veterans have been able to get care as needed and when they wanted it you know they'd wait in line sometime for weeks and months and you know they have some great doctors in the VA that really good doctors but you couldn't get to them you couldn't get to them people would wait for many months they'd become terminally ill waiting something that could have been fixed easily they'd become terminally ill and I got it so that you go outside you get a doctor we pay the bill and you get taken care of immediately if you had to wait more than a short period of time so it was a great thing that was a great thing that's very important they've been trying to get that by the way that one 52 years right they were trying to get it for 52 years they couldn't get it done I you know it just made so much sense right from the first time I heard it and I heard it first up here from your people under the Trump Administration we secured record funding for the VA we slashed VA waiting times by more than 33 percent and even now there's a new chart that came out from our last period that it was a 57 percent that's a lot and almost all veterans reported major improvements at their local VA facility once I became president in fact we hit an all-time record high of va satisfaction of 92 percent nobody has even come close and I got angry at my people they say he's not a nice guy some people didn't like me too much as you probably heard because we were tough we were tough but they said why why is it 92 why isn't it a hundred and they left their own they said this guy's very difficult but we really mean it but we hit the highest approval rating we've ever had and I have to tell you that approval rating now is not doing so well you know that you know that a lot of bad things are happening over there they've what they're what they're doing to dismantle that system that was so good but to help combat veteran suicide we delivered same day Mental Health Care at every VA facility in America and made great strides until Biden came along till he came along in a few short years we turned the VA from a national embarrassment into a national example of devotion and service and loyalty to the American Veteran who's amazing an amazing thing and an amazing success so we got it done pretty quickly once we got the legislation passed I would say it moved along very quickly sadly crooked Joe Biden and that's what he is he's a stone called Thief crooked Joe Biden has been a disaster for American Veterans as one of his first accident office Biden gutted my historic VA reforms he gutted them out making it easier to remove bad VA employees from the job and in a shocking Act of betrayal of America's Veterans as well as the tens of thousands of dedicated professionals and you do have great professionals at the VA crooked Joe Biden is in the process of not removing people but reinstating 5 000 of the ten thousand people that we fired who were fired for good reason including sadism and this who were fired for very good reasons and they want to give them back their full pay they want to give them their jobs back and we were very careful about that we didn't get rid of people haphazardly we got rid of people that were not doing their job some really in bad cases and some they just weren't doing their job they didn't care they didn't show up to work and he wants to put at least half of them back the same people and it'll cost over 200 million dollars to do that they give the money to you directly it's a lot better it's amazing I mean it's amazing it breaks your heart it breaks your heart that was such a big thing and now they want to put a lot of those people back Joe Biden puts bureaucrats first I put veterans first and I put America first thank you very much thank you thank you very much that's why today I'm announcing a number of specific actions I'll take to fulfill our sacred duty to our Great American veterans on day one of my new Administration I will fully restore the use of va accountability we're going to bring it back in full force full force and we already have the legislation passed so I don't have to go through Congress which really that's why it took 52 years because they couldn't get it passed but we have it passed all we have to do is make it work so we have the the hardest part is done and direct by secretary Veterans Affairs to fire every corrupt VA bureaucrat who Joe Biden is outrageously refused to remove from the job or put or put back in the job then instead of providing more than 200 million dollars in back pay to VA workers like Biden is doing I will ask Congress to take every penny of those funds to finally build a brand new state-of-the-art VA Hospital right here in the great state of New Hampshire because I don't know if you know this but we can say that no longer will New Hampshire be the only state in America without a full-service VA facility you'll have it and you'll have it done quickly we have a great we have a great group did you know you're the only one that doesn't have one all right that's what you get with the that's what you get with those Democrats that's what happens at the same time so you're going to have a brand new now you're going to have a brand new VA Hospital beautiful state of the art top of the line top of the line the only state that doesn't have one View I was waiting for that thank you who said that by the way stand up okay you know I was going to say that but then I thought I'd be politically correct thank you take good care of her that's right yeah true selfish selfish guy at the same time well he ran for president and he got two points he ran without running you know he didn't want to announce he wanted to run but it's a shame we could win this state so easy if we had help from the governor but we never got help from the government we helped him but he never he never helped us so but I'm glad you said it because this way I could say I was so nice up in New Hampshire nah he's not the same man now he's not the same he took a big beating he took a big beating knocking the hell out of everybody and he took a big beating and then he he gets the first bowl and he sees at his own State he was in seventh place out of a group at the same time we were fully maintained the VA clinics and the rest of the state and addressed the severe shortage of nurses and other health care workers at the home for the retired veterans in Tilton anybody know that home in Tilton I will once again make stopping veteran suicide a top priority of my Administration terrible situation I will ban the Department of Veterans Affairs from wasting a single Cent to fund transgender surgeries or sex change procedures spend a lot of money these are very very you know they are very very expensive operations and you also know you have to go through tremendous drug therapy after that and I was always sold in the military if you take much more than an aspirin you can't do it but the tremendous drug therapy it's a lot of a lot of problems you know we had it stopped and then he came in one of the first things he did is he started that up again those precious taxpayer dollars should be going to care for our veterans in need not to refund radical gender experiments for the Communists left I'll also restore the Trump ban on transgender in the military we're going to end up you know we had it banned we hadn't been you know I went to generals I said General off the Record what do you think of transgender sir uh your city by listening sir what do you think I don't like it sir and then I'd say to another one you know they were all afraid to talk about it but you know I have to do what's right you have to do what's right and and we have to help everybody you have to help transgender you have to help everybody but this was just not something that was working out and uh as soon as they came back as soon as they came back by a rigged election by the way as soon as they as soon as they came back they approved that that was one of the first things on their list they approved it so now they're they're doing a lot of now they're doing a lot of things that shouldn't be done shouldn't be done if you if you talk if you talk to the real generals not the television generals the real generals we've got some hey look I knocked out Isis in a few weeks with real generals we have we have a great military but we're not going to let our military go woke that I can tell you but the real Generals in the military down a little bit those guys are incredible the way they did that the way they took out a lot of bad people but they took out Isis the Isis caliphate 100 and it was surgical it was incredible we will get critical race Theory and all other woke lunacy out of the United States armed forces and we will abolish every Biden covet mandate and rehire every patriot who was fired from our military with an apology and with back pain and in addition I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate veterans homelessness I mean you have a situation in America it's a scandal it's a disgrace what's happening now is nobody's ever seen and it is a national tragedy that Joe Biden crooked Joe he's more interested in where's the money coming from to him he's interested to him how about all these things with the 30 corporations and this and that the money flowing in everybody getting money coming in from China how can you how can you be tough in China when they're paying you a lot of money and see they know too much you know we have a compromise we have a Manchurian Candidate they they know too much so he can't be tough in China that's why he's so that's why he allows blimps flying over the country right over our nuclear sites let them come in let them take pictures oh don't do anything about it they'll tell they'll tell everybody who's giving me all that money he's a compromised candidate and I'll tell you something out of respect for the office of President I didn't talk this way five weeks ago six weeks ago I knew I felt very badly about what was going on but out of respect for the Office of the President I wouldn't have said the way I talk he's a crooked person he's a totally dishonest guy so we'd say things but but we now I even changed his name I took it away from Hillary we call him crooked Joe instead of sleepy Joe we call him crooked Joe I retired it that was a great day for Hillary I said of crooked Hillary I said we're removing the name from crooked Hillary now we call her beautiful beautiful Hillary it's a beautiful woman and we're giving it to Biden because he's a crooked person but out of respect for the office I would never have said that to this extent and I never did but now they indicted your president your former president who is very popular 75 million people so now they ripped off the top they took the gloves off and we can say whatever we want and I'll tell you what and I'll tell you what what he's done is a scandal the likes of which this country has never seen and the fake news hates to talk about it [Applause] horrible thing that crooked Joe Biden has spent nearly one billion dollars to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants who are pouring into our country it's an invasion of our country we had the safest Border in history now we have the worst border probably in the world but to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants at expensive luxury hotels the best hotels in the country in many cases while more than 33 000 Americans who have served this nation in uniform are homeless on our streets okay on day one I will sign an executive order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens which our country can't handle and I will redirect that money to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American veterans they'll be treated properly [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much furthermore I will finally hold accountable all of the failed leaders and television generals who gave us Joe Biden's catastrophe in Afghanistan two years ago this month in my opinion you know I watched a lot of the parents I spoke to many of those parents I called them when it happened uh what a horrible what a horrible thing and what what they've gone through there was no way that was going to happen you know I wanted we were going out but we're going to get out with strength with dignity what they did when they took the soldiers out first don't you take the soldiers out last you take them out less we went 18 months without one soldier being killed I spoke to the head of the Taliban Abdul [Music] same man who's still running it but when you think of that horrible horrible event leaving Untold numbers of Americans behind 13 dead worries 35 horrifically wounded nobody talks about them but horrifically Wounded Warriors and 85 billion dollars worth of the finest military equipment on the planet bought by me you know I rebuilt the military I rebuilt the entire U.S military a lot of that equipment was brand new bought by me it was the single most embarrassing day in the history of our country in my opinion I think it was and I think it probably was what led Putin to say this is the time that country has had it because I guarantee you one thing Putin was not going in with me and neither was neither was she going in in China into Taiwan but Putin was not going into Ukraine and we talked about it too when I got along with him great they hate to hear you got along with them yeah it's always nice to get and you know nobody was rougher look I ended the pipeline nobody ever heard of Nordstrom too right Brian nobody heard of Nordstrom too I said Nordstrom too nobody knew that's a pipeline going to Germany and taking care of all of Europe I ended it it was dead and then Biden approved it his first week so what's going on there under my leadership we were leaving Afghanistan with dignity and strength and we would not under any circumstances what that was was surrender and humiliation that's what it was I was I think it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country and we had it so solid they were they weren't shooting at us they knew better because they knew they were going to get absolutely decimated if they did when I returned to the White House we will restore peace through strength that's what we had we had peace through strength I'm the only president in many many decades like eight decades like many many years that didn't have any wars we got out of wars and we won Wars we beat Isis we won Wars but we got out of wars and everybody respected us you know we were three years ago we were very respected we were very respected they didn't play games nobody played games including trade where we get screwed by everybody we didn't we made great trade deals even with China they buy 50 billion dollars a year because of what I did for our farmers and everybody else and we were respected and they didn't play games we took in hundreds of billions of dollars through tariffs on China no other president took in 10 cents hundreds of billions of dollars they were not too fond of me but I got along with President XI also we gave ask you know I just looked at that just said look it up I was in the plane coming up I say look it up what do we give Afghanistan does anybody have that note I think I gave it to Corey we give Afghanistan now billions of dollars I said I didn't know that billions of dollars in Aid a number that is so astronomical and this goes on a yearly basis and they need it for humanitarian and all of that that's good but let him give us back our equipment they ought to give us back some of our equipment you know we're giving them 2.7 billion and 3 billion and 2 billion I thought would say maybe nothing or maybe a hundred million dollars or maybe something little but the numbers are astronomical what we give to Afghanistan so that should be a condition of the continued Aid I mean it's I don't want to hurt people but they took 85 billion dollars worth they didn't take we left because we were fools we were stupid we were stupid I remember a certain General saying sir it's cheaper to leave the equipment behind sir because we were going to get out but I would have kept Bagram because Bagram it's one of the biggest air bases in the world bugger of course there's billions of dollars to build many years ago and Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear we forget Afghanistan where China makes their nuclear weapons it's in Afghanistan and they left Bagram late at night they left the lights on they left billions and billions of dollars one hour away from what and now China will soon be occupying that incredible base that we built many many years ago it's so sad I mean these people are just horrible they're horrible you know I told somebody on the way up today I told Brian I told a few of the guys so we did great in 2016. we actually did much better as you know we got millions more votes in 2020 the election was rigged but but there is more enthusiasm today than we ever had in 2016 or 2020 and the reason is because these people are so corrupt and they're so horrible they're so incompetent the reason is because they're watching when you look at that border and you see millions of people pouring through our border totally unchecked nobody knows where they come from they come from mental institutions and prisons and they come from all over the place 147 different countries last week people coming in but when you look at the the Border just as an example or when you look at high interest rates that they've set High interest rates when you look at the fact that oil was an all-time high and they say let's stop drilling no when oil is an all-time high you start drilling you know you make a fortune we would have supplied all of Europe everything we would have supplied oil and gas to Europe we would have made a fortune we're to start paying off that big debt that we have 35 trillion dollars we would have been paying it off we would have made a fortune and this guy stopped it and now we're getting our oil from Venezuela how about that one and it's not even I should say we're getting our tar because they have very bad you know they have very heavy it's like tar you have to refine it and for the environmentalists in the group you know where we find it in Houston it has to be brought there's only one plant that can refine it it's like tar and it's Houston so all of that spews up into the air of Texas we get it from there we have the best stuff where I call it Liquid Gold under our feet we don't use it this is a crazy Administration this is like April Fool's Day they they want open borders they want no voter ID they want no paper ballots they want High interest rates they want your taxes are going to go up four times they say four times they haven't been able to break you know I got you the greatest tax cut in the history of this country and they have tried but they haven't been able to break it yet but at some point you know it expires in another fairly short period of time so get ready for that one these people want you to pay much higher taxes it's crazy and we could do it so much easier everyone can see the stunning contrast between our incredible success and Joe Biden's horrendous failures and that's one reason why we're leading so big in the polls that's really the reason I think it's a more enthusiasm now than 2016 or 2020 because you've seen how incompetent these people are it's it's horrible in the recent Rasmussen poll we're up 44 points with trumpet 57 Rhonda sanctimonious at 13. and the rest of them down in single digits and really love and in the morning consult that just came out I wanted to see because you know every time you get indicted I like to check the polls because one more indictment that I think this election's over one more no it's horrible you get indicted for nothing can you imagine a guy let's indict my opponent this uh this is a sick this is a third this becomes a third world country the latest morning console poll has as far ahead with 59 and the others are at like 12. one is it 12. I think that's the sanctimonious but he's rapidly being caught by rameshwami who's good no no Christy's he's eating right now he can't be bothered [Applause] sir please do not call him a fat pig that's very disres don't call him see I'm I'm trying to be nice Don't Call Him a fat pig you can't do it you can't do that so now because you're not allowed to do that and therefore we're not going to do it okay we want to be very civil right so the latest coefficient poll which is a big deal have us almost at 60 to 13 with our lead over to Sanctus growing by nine points just since a few weeks ago and even the recent New York Times poll has us up by 37 points and that was older you know now uh and Rhonda sanctimonious the reason I don't like him is that I got him elected you know when you get somebody I don't want to go through the whole story because most of you know but he came to me he needed help he was getting demolished in the primary stupidly I said all right I'll do it because I didn't know the guy was running against his name was Adam Putnam I said I'll do it because you know he he was one of the 200 people that were on television he was no better than anybody else he was no Jim Jordan that I can tell you and he was on television and fighting a little bit on impeachment hoax number one and impeachment hooks number two so I said you know what uh if I actually told him if I were Abraham Lincoln if we brought him back from the dead and if we brought George Washington back from the dead and they gave you the greatest endorsement and they hugged you and kissed you just like you did to Obama just look you know he did and Christy did who hugged and kissed Obama order to Sanctus or Chris Christie I think Chris Crystal remember that he grabbed him Obama said get this guy off of me and that was the end of Romney when that happened that could have been a good thing but but we are in New Hampshire area at Sarah nobody asked me so I said you know what Ron let's do it go ahead let's do it so I gave him a very strong endorsement and the next day he went like a rocket right through the thing and he blew the I mean people that worked for Adam Putnam couldn't believe it they never called me but I didn't know Adam he was the secretary of agriculture he should have called me I would have endorsed him sometimes it's the first one to call sometimes you don't do it at all but he did and then I had to get him through Gillum remember Gillum he turned out to be a pothead crackhead but everybody thought he was the hottest one in politics and Ron said I won't be able to beat him I said well he's the hottest man in politics I said you can beat him then he he comes he calls me could you do a rally then he actually said could you do three I think I did three rallies we had massive crowds you know those rallies was we're doing a lot of them we're doing again they're hotter now than anything because of what's happening because of how bad it is but I did there and he ends up winning the election then four years later would you run against the president you know these Maniacs are screaming would you run against the president would you run will you run and he goes I have no comment I said what what did he say that I heard this I'm watching on newscast I'm watching a fake newscast and they say would you run against the president I have no comment now to me that means he's running so I said that son of a [ __ ] is running can you believe it I just got him elected so that's why I've been particularly hard at him unfortunately it's worked because he's crashing he's he's like he doesn't know what happened he goes home he says what happened where what did I do wrong what you know what he did wrong he ran what he did wrong is he should have waited till 28 but I don't know if that would have held water because eventually they would have figured out you know you do need some personality if you're going to be a politician just a little some of them don't have too much like your Governor you know like your government in the new Emerson poll a Battleground States in Arizona we're leading Biden by a lot and very importantly at that same poll and other polls were leading Biden by seven eight nine 11 points but you know what when I hear we're leading by two or three or four points you know you gotta understand that's actually a lot for a republic because they have a built-in vote that no matter who you are even if you can't put two sentences together you get like 40. we don't have that we have to win the entire East Coast like we did in 2016 and like we did in 2020 too by the way but they're watching closely air watching in that same poll we're leading in the primary by 47 think of that 40s that's a lot but we will not play prevent defense you ever see in the NFL they don't allow a point on the other team not a point that defense is brutal they can't get now they just have to hold the other team one more series they have to Hope just please hold them let's go prevent defense ping ping the end of the game touchdown touchdown we will not play is that okay we will not play prevent right but everyone else is in single digits here's one you'll like in the New Hampshire new brand new coefficient poll respected highly the New Hampshire Journal has us leading by 43 points we're leading by leading by and the Sanctus Rhonda sanctimonious he's at uh nine points he's at nine he's time to go back to Florida Ron and you know work on your insurance that's costing everybody a fortune and now we're dominating Biden in the general election Harvard Harris has us up by five points and we're up 18 points among Independents remember you know they like to go around well Will trump get the independence Will trump get the women you know what the women want the women want safety they want to have a border they want to have low taxes low interest rates foreign they don't want in their beautiful suburbs you know they talk about oh the Suburban women I think the Suburban women like me you know what I did you know what I did we have a lot of super no no they don't want to have a low-income housing job built right next to their house that's what the Democrats want so I give them strong borders I give them good safety I give them a powerful military education so important by the way speaking of Education because this is largely about veterans uh we are going to bring education back to the States so that each state will run a hundred percent will keep we'll keep approximately three people in Washington just to make sure that you're teaching English Okay as opposed to another language okay you know you need a little coordination like everybody has to teach English if you don't mind but we'll keep a little bit of uh like two or three people but but you know we have building after building after building and here's the problem no matter what poll you look at of of Education in the world we're at the bottom of the polls and we spend more money than anybody else we spend double and triple what number two is like Norway Denmark Believe It or Not China very high ranking uh Japan but Norway and Denmark they said we're following New York City they said we are going to follow the Norwegian system I said that didn't work out you know how long that lasted about 15 minutes you know that didn't work out too well for New York I'll tell you New Yorkers said did you see what's happening in New York with the okay how about how about you know we all when I left New York New York was a proud City and now it's so sad to see what's happened to that City and then the big new premise poll we're beating Biden by a lot while the Sanctus is losing to Biden by a lot so that's enough of that stuff but you know the polls are phenomenal people want us back they remember what we had we built the economy twice we built the greatest economy in the world and then we did it a second time ethical but these incredible numbers are the primary reason that crooked Joe Biden is weaponized law enforcement he has weapon he's done something that nobody thought they talked about it but nobody ever did it and never to this extent and ordered his top political opponent me arrested they were they actually arrest arrested right in the middle of a presidential election that Biden is losing badly you know he says I'm down in the polls to Trump let's arrest him let's arrest him let's indict him and arrest him please indict him and arrest him he's killing me in the polls what they didn't know is that I was going to go up because the good thing is we have a voice somebody gets indicted you go down usually right I would say Corey uh almost always you go down but they know me and these charges are so presidential records act that's just exactly for that case they don't want me to speak about a rigged election they don't want me to speak about it whereas that's I have freedom of speech First Amendment how can my corrupt political opponent crooked Joe Biden put me on trial during an election campaign that I'm winning by a lot but forcing me nevertheless to spend time and money away from the campaign Trail in order to fight bogus made up accusations and charges that's what they're doing I'm sorry I won't be able to go to Iowa today I won't be able to go to New Hampshire today because I'm sitting in a courtroom on [ __ ] because his attorney general charged me with something terrible thank you very much yeah it is it's a think of it they say charge him now you know they've miscalculated a little bit you know the other good line no no actually we want to run against Trump no no if they didn't want to run you have to they'd say oh we would much prefer running against Trump that's because they had such an easy time when Hillary ran against me and last time we did much better than that you know somebody said we sold hundreds of millions of hats somebody said the other day many polls you know counties we had like almost 3 000 they have 200 so many different uh metrics but hats the Red Hats the white hats all the hats we sold even the farmer hats which are green right make Farmers great again did I make Farmers great again I got them 28 I got him 28 billion from China that's why I said no way I lose Iowa why is that why are you so confident because I got the farmer's 28 billion dollars nobody else did but but think of this somebody said it the other day I never thought of it there were Red Hats all over South Carolina we had almost 80 000 people you saw about you saw we were in this gorgeous area this gorgeous town I don't want to say the name of the town because if I do they'll try and change the name back to you know something else but it was beautiful beautiful place and the sheriff was great everybody was we had 80 000 people and it was a sea of red Red Hats mostly but white also green and everything but I'll tell you you were there right 80 000 people and you took a look at that and I said has anybody ever seen a Biden hat [Applause] so think of it we have hundreds of millions over the six seven years eight years we have hundreds of millions of hats sold and I'm I'm asking has anybody ever seen a hat saying Biden well we did have hats because we made them that said where's Hunter where is Hunter but is this going to be where they go and indict your opponent is this going to be the next president's going to say Hey listen my opponent is doing really well all over the place look at the crowds we have I mean outside you got a lot of people and yeah and by the way I want to say officially for the Press it's about 110 degrees of this room nice job with the air conditioning whoever but but you know what the Press will say you know they'll say Trump didn't look well he was extremely wet it's a 104 or 5 degrees in this room but we're okay with it right sure but is this going to be the future of elections in America where sitting president tells his tells his attorney general to indict the opponent to try and knock the opponent down this is what's happening and then you ask the simple question so this has been going on for a long time the same so why didn't they do it two and a half years ago you know why because then it wouldn't have mattered so much you know they want to take away your freedom of speech everything else would have mattered a lot less but and it would have been terrible because it's all bogus but why if they were going to do it why didn't they do it two and a half years ago before the election right they waited till the election they waited and I probably have another one they say there's a young woman a young racist in Atlanta she racist and they say I guess they say that she was after a certain gang and she ended up having an affair with the head of the gang or a gang member and this is a person that wants to indict me she's got a lot of problems but she wants to indict me to try and run for some other office uh what's going on in this country is and by the way wants to indict me for a perfect phone call this was even better than my perfect call with Ukraine remember that call that was a perfect call this one's better this one is more perfect I challenge the election in Georgia which I have every right to do which I was right about Franklin [Applause] and they want to indict me because I challenge the election so does that mean that Hillary Clinton Who challenged the election does that mean that Stacy Abrams and all of the other virtually every Democrat challenges the election does that mean or they do the Slate of electors this has been going on since Thomas Jefferson who wanted to say but they don't go they use my word they took it and they said fake because I came up with the name fake news long time ago worked out good but it's no longer good enough because it's not tough enough because it's really corrupt news it's beyond fake they don't even write they don't even write all the money that Biden is stealing you don't see one store years ago that win Pulitzer prizes today even Pulitzer prizes of very little value because you know we're suing the Pulitzer Foundation because they gave Pulitzer prizes to people that wrote about the Russia Russia Russia hoax for their wonderful writing their Brilliance they were wrong they were totally wrong and everybody admits they were wrong so why doesn't pull it to just give back the awards because they're radical left lunatics but we're suing we'll see what happens we're doing quite well never happened in the USA this has never happened where and attorney general is told to take the justice department and the FBI and sue somebody think of it who's running for president and leading not only the Republicans by 50 points but leading the Democrat by a lot so he says sue him and that will bring him down but they sued and I have a guy they call him deranged Jack Smith he's deranged and you know Biden on the box of stuff Biden is almost 2 000 bucks is somewhere held in Chinatown not a good place for him and you don't ever hear anything about him and I came under a thing called the presidential records act won't go into it but it's beautiful but we have this deranged lunatic looking at us and he's got a very nice man very gentle man our guy leaks he does things that are just terrible and because of that we're leading by a lot because frankly I think it's had a huge impact because it shows how sick and how evil these people are in addition to not knowing anything about the Border about the economy about the military or about dealing with other nations so this is all about election interference but that isn't quite good enough crooked Joe now wants the thug prosecutor this deranged guy to file a court order taking away My First Amendment right so that I can't speak so listen to this we don't want you to speak about the case the case the case is is a ridiculous case it's the first amendment case but we don't want Trump to speak so they want me they take away your rights on First Amendment now they sue because so now I have one of these lunatic reporters back there saying sir would like to talk to you about your case or I'm sorry I'm not allowed to talk about it somehow that's not good for votes do you agree when we say I can't talk I'd love to I will talk about it I will they're not taking away my first amendment so based on yet another radical left hooks you know I've gone through many hoaxes as the people in this room know very well but it's another one radical left hooks like Russia Russia Russia the no collusion Mueller report how about that after three years we find no collusion I was supposed to be like working for Russia they go went through millions of phone calls not one call made to Russia they have no collusion after almost three years then they created a fake dossier it was made by how bad are people when they make up a story about Russia they put it in the fake dossier like it was legit and even the guy that wrote it who were also suing by the way but the guy that wrote it Christopher Steele they offered him a million dollars the FBI if he would a firm they would beg you please play committee the way they give money man the FBI they give away a lot of money don't they yeah so they offered him a million dollars to affirm it he couldn't do it he wouldn't do it it turned out to be a total fake but here's Adam Schiff Shifty shift and he comes out he says he says to the reporters gathered click click click they're all going crazy Donald Trump Jr the son of the president of the United States will go to jail over Russia Russia Russia now think of it he made it up with Hillary and all these people they made it up and they're saying that my son will go to jail now how bad you have to be to do that so they know it's a phony story they know it's a phony story they say he's going to go to jail these are not these are not Mrs Lewandowski you hear that can you imagine of that with these kids can you imagine what look what your husband got me into I could have been relaxing at Mar-A-Lago or in the south of France which I would prefer being in this country frankly but they got involved with fisa the fraudulent fisa applications remember they sent in applications to the courts and they were all fraud the judges never did anything about it they knew they were frauds it was written about they never did anything about it the 51 intelligence agents that said Hunter's laptop from hell was all Russia disinformation do not use it you know they say that made like from a 10 to a 17 point difference in the in the polls the FBI Twitter files a doj Facebook and all of the rest all of the rest uh look at uh two thousand mules look at what they did with that thousands and thousands and thousands of votes on tape on camera all of this will come up during this trial that's uh all of this will come out because we won the election by Allah then they have this crap going on I never even thought of this one Trump didn't really believe he won the election let me tell you people that know me say that's one thing I tell you there was never a second of any day that I didn't believe that that election was rigged there was a rigged election it was a rigged election and it was a stolen disgusting election and this country should be ashamed and they go after the people that want to prove that it was rigged and stolen so it never happens that they go after them they don't go after the people that rigged it okay and we'll see how it all turns out you know we've been we've been right about a lot of things right you ever see Trump was right about everything ultimately let's see how that all works out so in other words I'll be the only politician in American history not allowed to speak because of our corrupt system sir you're not allowed to speak on the jaw in other words I'll come here and I'll say hi everybody listen uh not allowed to speak please vote for me New Hampshire if you would bye and all I can say is the never-ending Witch Hunt continues and we have exposed so much nobody's ever thought I have exposed so much it's been incredible but do not fear we will win bigger and better than ever before they rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024 we're not going to allow it to happen we're not going to allow it to happen New Hampshire and you're such an important state you know you're relatively small you're so important politically and you know I kept Iowa and you in those first positions please remember the because I thought there was a great beautiful tradition to it they want to move you way back in the line and I said nope we're not doing that we're not doing that you are in the position you'll always be there as long as I have anything to say about it Joe Biden is the most incompetent and corrupt president in U.S history the Biden crime family was taking in money from China Ukraine Russia all these places yesterday within so many others and now whenever more Biden corruption is exposed as henchmen charge me with a crime you know when they get something on Biden oh let's indict let's add on another indictment to that stupid indictment that we filed let's add on another one because that takes the news cycle unfortunately I get disproportionate publicity so they indict me he's right great balls but so they end up so when they want to keep something they say oh man they got Hunter again you know at some point Joe is going to have to say you know this sun thing just isn't working out do you agree the sun thing the sun thing's not working out too good it's all he had to do is pick up the laptop didn't the guy call him like 11 to pick up your laptop pick up your laptop I I wonder where that cocaine came from what happened that was the quickest investigation I've ever seen you know somebody told me it could be wrong I always say that that way you could never get sued you know somebody told me could be wrong I'm sure it's wrong but in that little cubicle where it was there would be normally thousands of fingerprints you know people made it there were none it was cleaned so clean it's the kind of place I'd like to be actually clean I like cleanliness but it's called a cover-up every time the radical left Democrats marxists communist fascists indict me I considered a great great great badge of honor I do I do because I'm being indicted for you I am being indicted for you thanks a lot thanks a lot but never forget our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who are going to stop them it takes great people to stop these radical lunatics it takes brave people they're sick they're sick people they want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom that's what's Happening Here they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the end they're not after me they're after you I'm just standing in their way and I always will stand in the way I promise and if you put me back in the White House there rain will be over and America will be a free Nation once again because we do not have a free Nation and from my first day in office I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every one of the many claims being brought forth by Congress and they're doing a good job Jamie Comer Jim Jordan all of them concerning all of the Crooked Acts including bribes from China and many other countries all these foreign countries sending money into the coffers of the Biden crime family we will have a special prosecutor and now they'll come after me even a little harder but I don't know how many more how much harder can they do it I should have four by sometime next week I never heard you know I went to the Wharton School of Finance we never studied indictment we never studied arrest we never studied prison these are sick people we're dealing with it's often said that Republicans don't fight hard enough and I happen to agree but they never said that about Trump and you have some Republicans that are fighting very hard now I have to tell you and but you're going to see that on my first day in the presidency the Deep state is destroying our nation but the tables will turn very quickly and we will destroy the Deep state and we got rid of a lot it didn't look like it but we got rid of a lot but we're also fighting like hell and also doing a great job and holding back China holding back North Korea Kim Jong-un all of a sudden that problem stopped uh Russia would have never gone in China would not be talking about Taiwan right now we did a great job I mean when you think about it we did a job that very few people have done on top of the greatest economy ever strongest border ever all of these things and we had this stuff hanging over our head all the time that's all they do they're the party of misinformation and disinformation and just four short years we already achieved more than any Administration probably in the history of our country we delivered the largest tax cuts and Regulatory cuts by far in history and likewise we built the greatest economy in history we achieved energy Independence and would have shortly gained energy done we were going to be dominant energy dominance for the first time ever we had gas prices at 1.87 cents a gallon after years of bitter betrayals you really have high prices here your electric course are about the highest in the country good luck with your electric cars everybody how how dumb is that and they're sitting all over the place nobody wants to how crazy let some if you want an electric car you buy an electric car but you gotta have choice choice just like you could have school choice after years of bitter betrayals of New Hampshire workers I ended the disaster known as NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made replace it with the usmca the best trade deal ever made in fact it's such a good deal that Mexico and Canada now trying to renegotiate it with a Biden Administration I say don't let them do it we suffered with that crazy NAFTA for years everyone said I'd never be able to terminate it because I had it terminated through Congress we got it terminated through Congress NAFTA we got the US embassy it's the best trade deal ever made it's unbelievable much better for us than it is for Mexico and Canada as you can tell I stood up to China like no Administration has ever done before bringing in billions and billions and billions of dollars pouring into our treasury when no other president had gotten literally 10 cents not one penny they got from China China had us figured out really well I gave our farmers in great New England lobsterman 28 billion dollars from the massive tariffs I received from China and to Sanctus oppose the deal by the way he opposed it just to put it out there quickly also opposed Social Security I don't know if you know he went to decimate Social Security Medicare and Social Security he wanted to bring the minimum age up to 70. so I don't know if you know that but and remember one thing about a politician when that's his original thought that's where they go back to they may come up here and talk to you uh oh I love social security no he voted three times to turn to terminate and decimate it we appointed over 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices [Applause] and how about the ruling last week where they say that if you get great marks you go to college first there's no more crazy discrimination and other things nobody thought that was going to happen and last year those justices ruled to end Roe v Wade they ruled to end Roe v way now I have to tell you we have to talk about it because it you know energizes the other side a little bit and it's not good but just so you understand just so you understand it how to talk about it now pro-lifers have a tremendous power to negotiate you had no power whatsoever they could kill the baby at any time they wanted they could kill the baby whenever they wanted this moves the issue back also to the states where all legal Scholars want it back in the States but you have tremendous power to negotiate like Ronald Reagan before me I support the three exceptions you have to go with your heart but I support for rape incest and for the life of the mother I do that and a lot of people do big portion there and remember this the Democrats though win at the radicals they're the radicals because they're willing to kill babies in their fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth month and even after birth so if you remember that if you remember that and the exceptions in my opinion are important in my opinion but you have to go with your heart but we did something that was amazing for 50 years they've tried to get it out they wanted it back in the States all legal Scholars on both sides wanted it back in the States but you now have a tremendous power to negotiate something that's going to be good and going to be lasting and it was a tremendous achievement a tremendous achievement but just remember they were the radicals they try and make you into radicals and uh monsters they were the radicals because they were killing babies in fifth sixth seventh and nobody nobody on either side wants that to happen they did a poll of Democrats the ninth month they had like nobody would nobody so you have to remember so you're in a very uh good position you have the power now of negotiation we gave you something that was uh really a fantastic thing that most people thought couldn't be done and now you have to use it wisely they're the extremists not us and we created the most secure Border in U.S history we built nearly 500 miles of border we got Mexico to give us 28 000 soldiers free of charge remember when they said oh Mexico didn't pay Mexico gave us 28 000 soldiers free of charge it's a lot more than a little bit for the wall and a lot less complicated I said to the president you know a lot of people are coming in from Mexico the cartels are bringing in really bad people you have to give us soldiers no no no no no no no I will not do that I said no you have to how many do you need 28 000 what's a lot that's a lot of soldiers Pancho Villa you know with the bullets going on panchovy these soldiers aren't politically correct either ours have to be politically correct if if our soldier speaks up to a person a little bit rough they put them in the brig for the rest of his life okay it's not good what they do to our soldiers I tell you they don't get it but we had 28 000 soldiers so people say well what about Mexico did Mexico but I said much better but they said we're not going to do it I said that's okay don't do it but you're going to suffer big consequences because what I'm going to do is I'm going to sign legislation which is a my desk that for every car you know they took 32 percent of our business out of the United States over a period of 22 years 30 not during my Administration nothing because I don't people you go there you're going to put a big tariff if you sell it back in that's all you had to do and you would have kept everybody but they took 32 I said here's what you do if you don't give us 28 000 soldiers I am going to put a 25 tariff on everything that Mexico sells into the United States meaning you're not going to sell anything because nobody's going to want it no no no you should not do that I said that's what I'm going to do and they said you know in thinking about it we would be honored to give you 28 000 soldiers so we had 28 000 soldiers uh remain in Mexico that was another one I got remain in Mexico when these people come in they come into our country and they stay and they never leave that's it and they're criminals and they come in from in many many times many jails they've been emptied out and what I did is I got it remain in Mexico now the people have to remember the problem is that Biden is giving it all up he's giving everything up our medical stay he gave up even the judge said you don't want to give that up our country is going to be overrun so they gave it up but all of that was just the beginning years some of the agenda that I will immediately Implement when we become the when we that's you and me we're all going to become the president of the United States 47th president of the United States and before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after I win the presidency we will have that horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled it'll be settled I know them both very well get it done very quickly maybe in 24 hours and I'm the only candidate who can make you this promise I will prevent World War III I'll prevent it it's not going to happen we have a man right now who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating on our behalf with nuclear weapons he's lost every country now we're enemies with Russia with China with North Korea with Iran I terminated the Iran deal I got Jerusalem the capital of Israel and built and built actually built our beautiful uh building out of Jerusalem Stone right our beautiful Old Jerusalem you can't put two words together he said I want to start too no but we have a man who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating with people that like President XI of China he's negotiating with people that are at the top of their game there's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of some of these people these are smart tough killers macron of France and you heard the story maybe quickly because I'm sweating like a dog up here does anybody want me to stop or should we go forward macrona France macron of France he put a big tax he wanted to put a big tax on our companies doing business in France I said you can't do that I gave it to my people to do they weren't able to do anything about it two weeks they come back sir he's uh very strong on that he wants to do it I think it was like a 25 tax some ridiculous tax for American companies I called him I said Emmanuel I like you very much you're my friend but you can't put the tax on if you do here's what's going to happen I'm going to put a 100 tariff on all of your wines and Champagnes that I don't even like I'm going to put a 100 tariff on wines and Champagnes coming out of France and coming into no no no Donald you cannot do that I said oh I can't do that you have 10 minutes to tell me he said I give up and he took off the tax that's what happened I gave it to my Geniuses they couldn't sir he's there's no way we could stop it it was passed by his legislature to stop Biden's inflation catastrophe bring down the cost of energy and become energy independent and even energy dominant we are just three years ago we were energy dominant we were energy independent but we will drill baby drill we are going to be drilling and bringing it way down to bring ten thousands yeah it's going to bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to New Hampshire we already did it we made this place very successful you know anything that's good that's happening with the economy it's only because they're running on the fumes of what we built you understand that they're running on the fumes but those fumes can't last much longer and they're just pouring money out you know all these crazy deals is uh inflation reduction act you know 1.7 trillion dollars and it increases inflation but they're running on the fumes of what we did and we did an incredible job I will impose a border tariff on All Foreign made Goods coming into this country and I will pass the Trump reciprocal trade act very quickly that is if India China France anybody Germany they charge us we don't judge them because we had stupid people and I started changing that a lot but then we had covered we had to fix that mess but all the gift from China but reciprocal trade if they're charging us a hundred percent for a motorcycle when we do a motorcycle we charge them 100 percent right now they charge 157 percent for a motorcycle Harley would have to sin so what does Harley do they have to go and build a plant in India or they have to go and build no no more no more we were all set to do this too it was all set we had a couple of stupid Senators that didn't like it one of them coming from Pennsylvania said to me sir this is not free trade they say wait a minute this country I won't tell you which is charging us 200 percent we charge them nothing would it be okay if I charged them half a hundred percent no sir that's not free trade how about 50 how about 25 how about 10 percent should no search not free trade I said you're either corrupt or you're stupid as hell because it's crazy so we're going to pass it so if they charge us if they charge us very simple we charge them and it's probably all going to disappear the Biden economic bus will be replaced with the historic Trump economic boom I will immediately terminate every open borders policy of the Biden Administration our country is being invaded following the Eisenhower model we will use all necessary State local Federal and Military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history gotta do it and I will use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning traffic children to their families in their home countries immediately to stop the Marxist prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting Republicans conservatives people of faith and Me by the way I will direct a completely over told doj to investigate every radical D.A and AG in America for their illegal racist and reverse enforcement of the law and we will bring back a thing called stop and frisk in our cities on day one I will sign a new executive order to cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content on our children our beautiful children are beautiful children are being destroyed by these Maniacs I will keep men out of women's sports it's very easy to do and I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states can you imagine can you imagine even having to say that think of this 15 years ago could you imagine I will stop child sexual immutable can you imagine having to that's actually a part of my campaign can you imagine having to say that we're going to stop the mutilation of children just as I did for four years I will fully uphold the Second Amendment it's going to be in good shape and I will fully secure our elections they'll be done the right way our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and voter ID that's what I've always but until then Republicans must compete and we must win 2024 is the most important election we've ever had but this is what we must do to restore our country to Greatness the USA is a mess our economy is crashing inflation is out of control China Russia Iran and North Korea formed together as a menacing and destructive Coalition like we've never seen before our currency is crashing and will no longer in my opinion be the world standard if it keeps going like this which will be the single greatest defeat of our country in 200 years we lose the power of the dollar it won't happen with me not even a little chance just like Russia would have never invaded Ukraine and China would have never even thought about raiding Taiwan they wouldn't have done it I told them you're not going to do it if you took the five worst Presidents in the history of the United States and added them up they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden Administration have done we are a failing Nation I don't like saying that but we are we are a failing Nation we are a nation in Decline and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement the doj and the FBI it's totally corrupt and we're not going to let it happen 2 24 2024 I have no idea how important it is it's our final battle it's our final real big battle with you at my side we will demolish the Deep State we will expel the warmongeries from our government we will drive out the globalists we will cast out the Communist marxists and fascists we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country we will route the fake news media we will defeat crooked Joe Biden and we will drain the swamp once and for all [Applause] thank you the great silent majority is rising like never before I mean never before it's never been I don't believe it's ever been like this I said it twice tonight I'll say it again the we have never had anything like it the spirit the love the passion there's never been anything like this and we went through 2016 and we went through 2020 and most people would say they were the most passionate this is blowing it away but we've never had anything like this never before and under our leadership the Forgotten man and women will be forgotten no longer with your help your love and your vote we will put America first we will make America we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to make it great it's hard to believe right now our country is at such a low point we will make America greater than ever before thank you New Hampshire God bless you God bless you New Hampshire God bless you all thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] thank you very much wow thank you very much thank you this is an honor I just knocked over a fan on purpose here was blowing the hell out of my hair it's sort I said I gotta do a good job in front of New Hampshire I can't have fans we don't need anything artificial up here right so I just want to say hello New Hampshire a special place a great place with many great friends and great people I'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful state with thousands of proud and I mean proud I mean seriously proud look at this American Patriots who believe in that Timeless motto Live Free or Die I want to thank all of the people so many people you know we're killing everybody in polls you do know that right I mean just not by like a little bit like by 40 and 50 points we're beating beating them black but I want to thank my New Hampshire coachers Lou gargiolo and Wyndham selectman Bruce Breton Bruce is here and a friend of mine a great guy U.S senator Bob Smith Bob thank you very much and your beautiful wife when the police chief Mike Karen thank you Mike thank you very much representative Tim Cahill and some of our fantastic supporters Chris Stevens David andrakis and Dave a bear where is David somebody that's been with me from the beginning I don't mean like I don't mean like six months in I mean like from the beginning I guess we're talking like in the 2015s we don't even go back we go back to 15s now but he came he said you're going to win sir you're going to win so big I said really you think so really he's a total Pro by the way so I don't know if he really believed that when he said that but he said you're going to win you run you're going to win sir and he started with me six months before the campaign and that's all I heard sir it's unbelievable you're doing phenomenally in the polls I don't even know if they had any polls but he got me all psyched up I will tell you that and he's also a fantastic person who loves absolutely loves New Hampshire with his Incredible family and wife is here the wife is she's been with him and she loves him and he loves her they have a fantastic family Corey Lewandowski Corey where is Corey where is he well there he is always likes to be a little bit in the background thank you Corey great job he's doing a great job and somebody else who's really been uh fantastic right from the beginning I saw on television this weekend and I didn't even recognize her she looks so phenomenal she was so Dynamic and then I got the television a little bit fixed up also put on my glasses and I saw how good she was Caroline Lovett she's been fantastic [Music] where's Caroline you great job this weekend for you much better having her on your side believe me I said we better get her in my side and she's been there for a long time now thank you very much Carolyn thank you very much thank you everybody this afternoon I'm also delighted to announce the launch of our new Coalition Veterans for Trump led by true American warrior you know who that Warrior is he's a tough guy and he's a great guy and you just met him Congressman Brian mess Brian thank you very much great guy and today I'm especially grateful to receive the endorsement of over 100 Veterans from the granite state including New Hampshire Veterans Coalition co-chairs Hillsborough County Attorney John Coughlin John thank you very much John wherever you may be thank you John and state representative Joe Petri thank you very much Joe thanks Joe good tough guys I also want to thank my senior advisor somebody's been here almost as long as Corey he's been with us Steve stepanak thieves thank you see you thank you Steve and state director Trevor nudleary Trevor thank you Trevor great job thank you very much and and really we are doing fantastically up here so that group I felt we should introduce him you know it's nice if we were doing lousy I would not have introduced of my promise I wouldn't have even thought of it but they're doing an unbelievable job and the level is we're so far above everybody else in the polls they're all saying is he going to go into the debate and I said I don't know if you're leading by 50 and 60 and 70 points do you do that or not I don't know should I okay you ready Paul we take a free poll should I do the debate well maybe we'll do something else you know see some people say yes but they hate to say it because it doesn't make sense to do it if you're leading by so much but they like it for entertainment value because they're selfish they're selfish uh to every veteran in this room we salute you and we really do we worked hard with the veterans and we've had a fantastic relationship and this is a very big and important veteran State I probably learned more about the veterans from dealing in New Hampshire than any other state please stand and receive our thanks all veterans do you mind please stand and receive our thoughts [Applause] that's a lot of veterans thank you thank you very much wow that's a beautiful a lot of times they'll say whatever group it may be please stand and you know you have like two people stand up I say that's not too much let's change our speech right but when I came into office in 2017 our government had a disgracefully horrible situation going on they Betrayed at solemn pledge to America's veterans you know that better than anybody I learned a lot about it from Julie the VA was plagued by one horrific scandal after another remember you turn on the news and you just see these horrible scandals having to do with the veterans you didn't hear any of it for four years you literally heard that very little and we did things that were really amazing and I'm proud of thousands of veterans were put on secret medical wait lists and many of them left to die without receiving any care or any Aid under Obama some very bad people were abusing veterans in VA hospitals including sadists yet sadists they were hitting the veterans when the veterans weren't in prime time okay they wouldn't have touched them in Prime Time believe me but they were hitting him when they were in trouble and a lot of say this we got them all out the VA employees were even caught stealing drugs intended for the treatment of our sick and Wounded Warriors and they were stealing them and using them for themselves and selling them but all of that changed when we arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue we went from the absolutely worst Brian you know that we went from the absolutely worse to uh I mean that was the worst presidency for the veterans the previous presidency wonderful people you're not allowed to even say that it's not politically correct I'll say it to the greatest champion the veterans ever had in the White House and it was very much promises made Promises Kept and a couple of the really big ones just as I promised I proudly signed the VA accountability act allowing us to quickly terminate VA bureaucrats and bad people who mistreated our vets we told more than 10 000 bad corrupt incompetent VA workers people that were sadists and they couldn't get rid you couldn't get rid of them you had no right they could steal they could beat people up you couldn't do a damn thing and we got it so you could fire him and I said you're fired get out out out of here ten thousand sounds like a lot but it's a big system and uh we got ten thousand really uh really bad people out very very evil people they knew who they were they couldn't do a thing about it it was amazing so we got that passed in Congress if you can believe it they were trying for 30 years to get it passed I also signed veterans choice and made that permanent we got that passed in Congress also which was really a a big deal that was a big deal you have choice you could go out if you're not getting the trip and you go out but thanks to this Landmark we formed three million veterans have been able to get care as needed and when they wanted it you know they'd wait in line sometime for weeks and months and you know they have some great doctors in the VA that really good doctors but you couldn't get to them you couldn't get to them people would wait for many months they'd become terminally ill waiting something that could have been fixed easily they'd become terminally ill and I got it so that you go outside you get a doctor we pay the bill and you get taken care of immediately if you had to wait more than a short period of time so it was a great thing that was a great thing that's very important they've been trying to get that by the way that one 52 years right they were trying to get it for 52 years they couldn't get it done I you know it just made so much sense right from the first time I heard it and I heard it first up here from your people under the Trump Administration we secured record funding for the VA we slashed VA waiting times by more than 33 percent and even now there's a new chart that came out from our last period that it was a 57 percent that's a lot and almost all veterans reported major improvements at their local VA facility once I became president in fact we hit an all-time record high of va satisfaction of 92 percent nobody has even come close and I got angry at my people they say he's not a nice guy some people didn't like me too much as you probably heard because we were tough we were tough but they said why why is it 92 why isn't it a hundred and they left their own they said this guy's very difficult but we really mean it but we hit the highest approval rating we've ever had and I have to tell you that approval rating now is not doing so well you know that you know that a lot of bad things are happening over there they've what they've what they're doing to dismantle that system that was so good but to help combat veteran suicide we delivered same day Mental Health Care at every VA facility in America and make great strides until Biden came along till he came along in a few short years we turned the VA from a national embarrassment into a national example of devotion and service and loyalty to the American Veteran who's amazing an amazing thing and an amazing success so we got it done pretty quickly once we got the legislation passed I would say it moved along very quickly sadly crooked Joe Biden and that's what he is he's a stone called Thief crooked Joe Biden has been a disaster for American Veterans as one of his first accident office Biden gutted my historic VA reforms he gutted them out making it easier to remove bad VA employees from the job and in a shocking Act of betrayal of America's Veterans as well as the tens of thousands of dedicated professionals and you do have great professionals at the VA crooked Joe Biden is in the process of not removing people but reinstating 5 000 of the ten thousand people that we fired who were fired for good reason including sadism and this who were fired for very good reasons and they want to give them back their full pay they want to give them their jobs back and we were very careful about that we didn't get rid of people haphazardly we got rid of people that were not doing their job some really in bad cases and some they just weren't doing their job they didn't care they didn't show up to work and he wants to put at least half of them back the same people and it'll cost over 200 million dollars to do that I'd to give the money to you directly it's a lot better it's amazing I mean it's amazing it breaks your heart it breaks your heart that was such a big thing and now they want to put a lot of those people back Joe Biden puts bureaucrats first I put veterans first and I put America first thank you very much thank you thank you very much that's why today I'm announcing a number of specific actions I'll take to fulfill our sacred duty to our Great American veterans on day one of my new Administration I will fully restore the use of va accountability we're going to bring it back in full force full force and we already have the legislation passed so I don't have to go through Congress which really that's why it took 52 years because they couldn't get it passed but we have it passed all we have to do is make it work so we have the the hardest part is done and direct my secretary Veterans Affairs to fire every corrupt VA bureaucrat who Joe Biden is outrageously refused to remove from the job or put or put back in the job then instead of providing more than 200 million dollars in back pay to VA workers like Biden is doing I will ask Congress to take every penny of those funds to finally build a brand new state-of-the-art VA Hospital right here in the great state of New Hampshire because I don't know if you know this but we can say that no longer will New Hampshire be the only state in America without a full service VA facility you'll have it and you'll have it done quickly we have a great we have a great group did you know you're the only one that doesn't have one all right that's what you get with the that's what you get with those Democrats that's what happens at the same time so you're going to have a brand new now you're going to have a brand new VA Hospital beautiful state of the art top of the line top of the line the only state that doesn't have one I was waiting for that thank you who said that by the way stand up okay you know I was going to say that but then I thought I'd be politically correct thank you take good care of her that's right yeah true selfish selfish guy at the same time well he ran for president and he got two points he ran without running you know he didn't want to announce he wanted to run but so it's a shame we could win this state so easy if we had help from the governor but we never got help from the governor we helped him but he never he never helped us so but I'm glad you said it because this way I could say I was so nice up in New Hampshire nah he's not the same man now he's not the same he took a big beating he took a big beating knocking the hell out of everybody and he took a big beating and then he he gets the first pole and he sees it his own State he was in seventh place out of a group at the same time we were fully maintained the VA clinics and the rest of the state and addressed the severe shortage of nurses and other health care workers at the home for the retired veterans in Tilton anybody know that home in Tilton I will once again make stopping veteran suicide a top priority of my Administration terrible situation I will ban the Department of Veterans Affairs from wasting a single Cent to fund transgender surgeries or sex change procedures foreign expensive operations and you also know you have to go through tremendous drug therapy after that and I was always sold in the military if you take much more than an aspirin you can't do it but the tremendous drug therapy it's a lot of a lot of problems you know we had it stopped and then he came in one of the first things he did is he started that up again those precious taxpayer dollars should be going to care for our veterans in need not to refund radical gender experiments for the Communists left I'll also restore the Trump ban on transgender in the military we're going to end up you know we had it banned we hadn't been you know I went to generals I said General off the Record what do you think of transgender sir uh your city by listening sir what do you think I don't like it sir and then I'd say to another one you know they were all afraid to talk about it but you know I have to do what's right you have to do what's right and and we have to help everybody you have to help transgender you have to help everybody but this was just not something that was working out and uh as soon as they came back as soon as they came back by a rigged election by the way as soon as they as soon as they came back they approved that that was one of the first things on their list they approved it so now they're they're doing a lot of now they're doing a lot of things that shouldn't be done shouldn't be done if you if you talk if you talk to the real generals not the television generals the real generals we've got some hey look I knocked out Isis in a few weeks with real generals we have we have a great military but we're not going to let our military go woke that I can tell you but the real Generals in the military down a little bit those guys are incredible the way they did that the way they took out a lot of bad people but they took out Isis the Isis caliphate 100 and it was surgical it was incredible we will get critical race Theory and all other woke lunacy out of the United States armed forces and we will abolish every Biden covet mandate and rehire every patriot who was fired from our military with an apology and with back pain and in addition I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate veterans homelessness I mean you have a situation in America it's a scandal it's a disgrace what's happening now is nobody's ever seen and it is a national tragedy that Joe Biden crooked Joe he's more interested in where's the money coming from to him he's interested to him how about all these things with the 30 corporations and this and that the money flowing in everybody getting money coming in from China how can you how can you be tough in China when they're paying you a lot of money and see they know too much you know we have a compromise we have a Manchurian Candidate they need they know too much so he can't be tough in China that's why he's so that's why he allows blimps flying over the country right over our nuclear sites let them come in let them take pictures or don't do anything about it they'll tell they'll tell everybody who's giving me all that money he's a compromised candidate and I'll tell you something out of respect for the office of President I didn't talk this way five weeks ago six weeks ago I knew I felt very badly about what was going on but out of respect for the Office of the President I wouldn't have said the way I talk he's a crooked person he's a totally dishonest guy so we'd say things but but we now I even changed his name I took it away from Hillary we call him crooked Joe instead of sleepy Joe we call him crooked Joe I retired it that was a great day for Hillary I said of crooked Hillary I said we're removing the name from crooked Hillary now we call her beautiful beautiful Hillary it's a beautiful woman and we're giving it to Biden because he's a crooked person but out of respect for the office I would never have said that to this extent and I never did but now they indicted your president your former president who is very popular 75 million people so now they ripped off the top they took the gloves off and we can say whatever we want and I'll tell you what and I'll tell you what what he's done is a scandal the likes of which this country has never seen and the fake news hates to talk about it horrible thing that crooked Joe Biden has spent nearly one billion dollars to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants who are pouring into our country it's an invasion of our country we had the safest Border in history now we have the worst border probably in the world but to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants at expensive luxury hotels the best hotels in the country in many cases while more than 33 000 Americans who have served this nation in uniform are homeless on our streets okay on day one I will sign an executive order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens which our country can't handle and I will redirect that money to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American veterans they'll be treated properly [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much furthermore I will finally hold accountable all of the failed leaders and television generals who gave us Joe Biden's catastrophe in Afghanistan two years ago this month in my opinion you know I watched a lot of the parents I spoke to many of those parents I called them when it happened what a horrible what a horrible thing and what what they've gone through there was no way that was going to happen you know I wanted we were going out but we're going to get out with strength with dignity what they did when they took the soldiers out first don't you take the soldiers out last you take them out less we went 18 months without one soldier being killed I spoke to the head of the Taliban I said don't do it Abdul don't do it Abdul same man who's still running it but when you think of that horrible horrible event leaving Untold numbers of Americans behind 13 dead Warriors 35 horrifically wounded nobody talks about them but horrifically Wounded Warriors and 85 billion dollars worth of the finest military equipment on the planet bought by me you know we rebuilt the military I rebuilt the entire U.S military a lot of that equipment was brand new bought by me it was the single most embarrassing day in the history of our country in my opinion I think it was and I think it probably was what led Putin to say this is the time that country has had it because I guarantee you one thing Putin was not going in with me and neither was neither was she going in in China into Taiwan but Putin was not going into Ukraine and we talked about it too when I got along with them great they hate to hear you got along with them yeah it's always nice to get and you know nobody was rougher look I ended the pipeline nobody ever heard of Nordstrom too right Brian nobody heard of Nordstrom too I said Nordstrom too nobody knew that's a pipeline going to Germany and taking care of all of Europe I ended it it was dead and then Biden approved it his first week so what's going on there under my leadership we were leaving Afghanistan with dignity and strength and we would not under any circumstances what that was was surrender and humiliation that's what it was I was I think it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country and we had it so solid they were they weren't shooting at us they knew better because they knew they were going to get absolutely decimated if they did when I returned to the White House we will restore peace through strength that's what we had we had peace through strength I'm the only president in many many decades like eight decades like many many years that didn't have any wars we got out of wars and we won Wars we beat Isis we won Wars but we got out of wars and everybody respected us you know we were three years ago we were very respected we were very respected they didn't play games nobody played games including trade where we get screwed by everybody we didn't we made great trade deals even with China they buy 50 billion dollars a year because of what I did for our farmers and everybody else and we were respected and they didn't play games we took in hundreds of billions of dollars through tariffs on China no other president took in 10 cents hundreds of billions of dollars they were not too fond of me but I got along with President she also we gave ask you know I just looked at that just said look it up I was in the plane coming up I say look it up what do we give Afghanistan does anybody have that note I think I gave it to Corey we give Afghanistan now billions of dollars I said I didn't know that billions of dollars in Aid a number that is so astronomical and this goes on a yearly basis and they need it for humanitarian and all of that that's good but let him give us back our equipment they ought to give us back some of our equipment you know we're giving them 2.7 billion and 3 billion and 2 billion I thought would say maybe nothing or maybe a hundred million dollars or maybe something little but the numbers are astronomical what we give to Afghanistan so that should be a condition of the continued Aid I mean it's I don't want to hurt people but they took 85 billion dollars worth they didn't take we left because we were fools we were stupid we were stupid I remember a certain General saying sir it's cheaper to leave the equipment behind sir because we were going to get out but I would have kept Bagram because Bagram it's one of the biggest air bases in the world bugger of course there's billions of dollars to build many years ago and Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear we forget Afghanistan where China makes their nuclear weapons it's in Afghanistan and they left Bagram late at night they left the lights on they left billions and billions of dollars one hour away from what and now China will soon be occupying that incredible base that we built many many years ago it's so sad I mean these people are just horrible they're horrible you know I told somebody on the way up today I told Brian I told a few of the guys so we did great in 2016. we actually did much better as you know we got millions more votes in 2020 the election was rigged but but there is more enthusiasm today than we ever had in 2016 or 2020 and the reason is because these people are so corrupt and they're so horrible they're so incompetent the reason is because they're watching when you look at that border and you see millions of people pouring through our border totally unchecked nobody knows where they come from they come from mental institutions and prisons and they come from all over the place 147 different countries last week people coming in but when you look at the the Border just as an example or when you look at high interest rates that they've set High interest rates when you look at the fact that oil was an all-time high and they say let's stop drilling no when oil is an all-time high you start drilling you know you make a fortune we would have supplied all of Europe everything we would have supplied oil and gas to Europe we would have made a fortune we would start paying off that big debt that we have 35 trillion dollars we would have been paying it off we would have made a fortune and this guy stopped it and now we're getting our oil from Venezuela how about that one and it's not even I should say we're getting our tar because they have very bad you know they have very heavy it's like tar you have to refine it and for the environmentalists in the group you know where we find it in Houston it has to be brought there's only one plant that can refine it it's like tar and it's Houston so all of that spews up into the air of Texas we get it from there we have the best stuff where I call it Liquid Gold under our feet we don't use it this is a crazy Administration this is like April Fool's Day they they want open borders they want no voter ID they want no paper ballots they want High interest rates they want your taxes are going to go up four times they say four times they haven't been able to break you know I got you the greatest tax cut in the history of this country and they have tried but they haven't been able to break it yet but at some point you know it expires in another fairly short period of time so get ready for that one these people want you to pay much higher taxes it's crazy and we could do it so much easier everyone can see the stunning contrast between our incredible success and Joe Biden's horrendous failures and that's one reason why we're leading so big in the polls that's really the reason I think it's a more enthusiasm now than 2016 or 2020 because you've seen how incompetent these people are it's it's horrible in the recent Rasmussen poll we're up 44 points with trumpet 57 Rhonda sanctimonious at 13. and the rest of them down in single digits and really love and in the morning consult that just came out I wanted to see because you know every time you get indicted I like to check the polls because one more indictment that I think this election's over one more no it's horrible you get indicted for nothing can you imagine a guy let's indict my opponent this uh this is a sick this is a third this becomes a third world country the latest morning console poll has as far ahead with 59 and the others are at like 12. one is it 12. I think that's the sanctimonious but he's rapidly being caught by rameshwami who's good no no Christy's he's eating right now he can't be bothered [Applause] sir please do not call him a fat pig that's very disres don't call him see I'm I'm trying to be nice Don't Call Him a fat pig you can't do it you can't do that so now because you're not allowed to do that and therefore we're not going to do it okay we want to be very civil right so the latest coefficient poll which is a big deal have us almost at 60 to 13 with our lead over to Sanctus growing by nine points just since a few weeks ago and even the recent New York Times poll has us up by 37 points and that was older you know now uh and Rhonda sanctimonious the reason I don't like him is that I got him elected you know when you get somebody I don't want to go through the whole story because most of you know but he came to me he needed help he was getting demolished in the primary stupidly I said all right I'll do it because I didn't know the guy was running against his name was Adam Putnam I said I'll do it because you know he he was one of the 200 people that were on television he was no better than anybody else he was no Jim Jordan that I can tell you and he was on television and fighting a little bit on impeachment hoax number one and impeachment hooks number two so I said you know what uh if I actually told him if I were Abraham Lincoln if we brought him back from the dead and if we brought George Washington back from the dead and they gave you the greatest endorsement and they hugged you and kissed you just like you did to Obama just look you know he did and Christy did who hugged and kissed Obama harder to Sanctus or Chris Christie I think Chris Crystal remember that he grabbed him Obama said get this guy off of me and that was the end of Romney when that happened that could have been a good thing but but we are in New Hampshire area at Sarah nobody asked me so I said you know what Ron let's do it go ahead let's do it so I gave him a very strong endorsement and the next day he went like a rocket right through the thing and he blew the I mean people that worked for Adam Putnam couldn't believe it they never called me but I didn't know Adam he was the secretary of agriculture he should have called me I would have endorsed him sometimes it's the first one to call sometimes you don't do it at all but he did and then I had to get him through Gillum remember Gillum he turned out to be a pothead crackhead but everybody thought he was the hottest one in politics and Ron said I won't be able to beat him I said well he's the hottest man in politics I said you can beat him then he he comes he calls me could you do a rally then he actually said could you do three I think I did three rallies we had massive crowds you know those rallies was we're doing a lot of them we're doing again they're hotter now than anything because of what's happening because of how bad it is but I did there and he ends up winning the election then four years later would you run against the president you know these Maniacs are screaming would you run against the president would you run will you run and he goes I have no comment I said what what did he say that I heard this I'm watching on newscast I'm watching a fake newscast and they say would you run against the president he shall said I have no comment not to me that means he's running so I said that son of a [ __ ] is running can you believe it I just got him elected so that's why I've been particularly hard at him unfortunately it's worked because he's crashing he's he's like he doesn't know what happened he goes home he says what happened where what did I do wrong what you know what he did wrong he ran what he did wrong is he should have waited till 28 but I don't know if that would have held water because eventually they would have figured out you know you do need some personality if you're going to be a politician just a little some of them don't have too much like your Governor you know like your government in the new Emerson poll a Battleground States in Arizona we're leading Biden by a lot and very importantly at that same poll and other polls were leading Biden by seven eight nine 11 points but you know what when I hear we're leading by two or three or four points you know you gotta understand that's actually a lot for a republic because they have a built-in vote that no matter who you are even if you can't put two sentences together you get like 40. we don't have that we have to win the entire East Coast like we did in 2016 and like we did in 2020 too but they're watching closely air watching in that same poll we're leading in the primary by 47 think of that 40s that's a lot but we will not play prevent defense you ever see in the NFL they don't allow a point on the other team not a point their defense is brutal they can't get now they just have to hold the other team one more series they have to Hope just please hold them let's go prevent defense ping ping the end of the game touchdown touchdown we will not play is that okay we will not play prevent right but everyone else is in single digits his one you'll like in the New Hampshire new brand new coefficient poll respected highly the New Hampshire Journal has us leading by 43 points we're leading by leading by and to Sanctus Rhonda sanctimonious he said uh nine points he's at nine he's time to go back to Florida Ron and you know work on your insurance that's costing everybody a fortune and now we're dominating Biden in the general election Harvard Harris has us up by five points and we're up 18 points among Independents remember you know they like to go around well Will trump get the independence Will trump get the women you know what the women want the women want safety they want to have a border they want to have low taxes low interest rates thank you they don't want in their beautiful suburbs you know they talk about oh the Suburban women I think the Suburban women like me you know what I did you know what I did we have a lot of super no no they don't want to have a low-income housing job built right next to their house that's what the Democrats want so I give them strong borders I give them good safety I give them a powerful military education so important by the way speaking of Education because this is largely about veterans uh we are going to bring education back to the States so that each state will run a hundred percent we'll keep we'll keep approximately three people in Washington just to make sure that you're teaching English Okay as opposed to another language okay you know you need a little coordination like everybody has to teach English if you don't mind but we'll keep a little bit of uh like two or three people but but you know we have building after building after building and here's the problem no matter what poll you look at of of Education in the world we're at the bottom of the polls and we spend more money than anybody else we spend double and triple what number two is like Norway Denmark Believe It or Not China very high ranking uh Japan but Norway and Denmark they said we're following New York City they said we are going to follow the Norwegian system I said that didn't work out you know how long that lasted about 15 minutes you know that didn't work out too well for New York I'll tell you New Yorkers said did you see what's happening in New York with the okay how about how about you know we all when I left New York New York was a proud City and now it's so sad to see what's happened to that City and then the big new premise poll we're beating Biden by a lot while the Sanctus is losing to Biden by a lot so that's enough of that stuff but you know the polls are phenomenal people want us back they remember what we had we built the economy twice we built the greatest economy in the world and then we did it a second time ethical but these incredible numbers are the primary reason that crooked Joe Biden is weaponized law enforcement he has weapon he's done something that nobody thought they talked about it but nobody ever did it and never to this extent and ordered his top political opponent me arrested they were they actually arrest arrested right in the middle of a presidential election that Biden is losing badly you know he says I'm down in the polls to Trump let's arrest him let's arrest let's indict him and arrest him please indict him and arrest him he's killing me in the polls what they didn't know is that I was going to go up because the good thing is we have a voice somebody gets indicted you go down usually right I would say Corey uh almost always you go down but they know me and these charges are so presidential records act that's just exactly for that case they don't want me to speak about a rigged election they don't want me to speak about it whereas that's I have freedom of speech First Amendment how can my corrupt political opponent crooked Joe Biden put me on trial during an election campaign that I'm winning by a lot but forcing me nevertheless to spend time and money away from the campaign Trail in order to fight bogus made up accusations and charges that's what they're doing I'm sorry I won't be able to go to Iowa today I won't be able to go to New Hampshire today because I'm sitting in a courtroom on [ __ ] because his attorney general charged me with something terrible thank you very much yeah it is it's a think of it they say charge him now you know they've miscalculated a little bit you know the other good line no no actually we want to run against Trump no no if they didn't want to run you have to they'd say oh we would much prefer running against Trump that's because they had such an easy time when Hillary ran against me and last time we did much better than that you know somebody said we sold hundreds of millions of hats somebody said the other day many polls you know counties we had like almost 3 000 they have 200 so many different uh metrics but hats the Red Hats the white hats all the hats we sold even the farmer hats which are green right make Farmers great again did I make Farmers great again I got them 28 I got him 28 billion from China that's why I said no way I lose Iowa why is that why are you so confident because I got the farmers 28 billion dollars nobody else did but but think of this somebody said it the other day I never thought of it there were Red Hats all over South Carolina we had almost 80 000 people you saw about you saw we were in this gorgeous area this gorgeous town I don't want to say the name of the town because if I do they'll try and change the name back to you know something else but it was beautiful beautiful place and the sheriff was great everybody was we had 80 000 people and it was a sea of red Red Hats mostly but white also green and everything but I'll tell you you were there right 80 000 people and you took a look at that and I said has anybody ever seen a Biden hat [Applause] so think of it we have hundreds of millions over the six seven years eight years we have hundreds of millions of hats sold and I'm I'm asking has anybody ever seen a hat saying Biden [Applause] well we did have hats because we made them that said where's Hunter where is Hunter but is this going to be where they go and indict your opponent is this going to be the next president's going to say Hey listen my opponent is doing really well all over the place look at the crowds we have I mean outside you got a lot of people and yeah and by the way I want to say officially for the Press it's about 110 degrees of this room nice job with the air conditioning whoever but but you know what the Press will say you know that they'll say Trump didn't look well he was extremely wet it's a hundred and four or five degrees in this room but we're okay with it right sure foreign but is this going to be the future of elections in America where a sitting president tells his tells his attorney general to indict the opponent to try and knock the opponent down this is what's happening and then you ask the simple question so this has been going on for a long time the same stuff why didn't they do it two and a half years ago you know why because then it wouldn't have mattered so much you know they want to take away your freedom of speech everything else would have mattered a lot less but and it would have been terrible because it's all bogus but why if they were going to do it why didn't they do it two and a half years ago before the election right they waited till the election they waited and I probably have another one they say there's a young woman a young racist in Atlanta she racist and they say I guess they say that she was after a certain gang and she ended up having an affair with the head of the gang or a gang member and this is a person that wants to indict me she's got a lot of problems but she wants to indict me to try and run for some other office uh what's going on in this country is and by the way wants to indict me for a perfect phone call this was even better than my perfect call with Ukraine remember that call that was a perfect call this one's better this one is more perfect I challenge the election in Georgia which I have every right to do which I was right about Franklin [Applause] and they want to indict me because I challenge the election so does that mean that Hillary Clinton Who challenged the election does that mean that Stacy Abrams and all of the other virtually every Democrat challenges the election does that mean or they do the Slate of electors this has been going on since Thomas Jefferson who wanted to say but they don't call they use my word they took it and they said fake because I came up with the name fake news a long time ago worked out good but it's no longer good enough because it's not tough enough because it's really corrupt news it's beyond faith they don't even write they don't even write all the money that Biden is stealing you don't see one store years ago that win Pulitzer prizes today even Pulitzer prizes of very little value because you know we're suing the Pulitzer Foundation because they gave Pulitzer prizes to people that wrote about the Russia Russia Russia hoax for their wonderful writing their Brilliance they were wrong they were totally wrong and everybody admits they were wrong so why doesn't bullet to just give back the awards because they're radical left lunatics but we're suing we'll see what happens we're doing quite well never happened in the USA this has never happened where and attorney general is told to take the justice department and the FBI and sue somebody think of it who's running for president and leading not only the Republicans by 50 points but leading the Democrat by a lot so he says sue him and that will bring him down but they sued and I have a guy they call him deranged Jack Smith he's deranged and you know Biden on the box of stuff Biden is almost 2 000 bucks is somewhere held in Chinatown not a good place for him and you don't ever hear anything about him and I came under a thing called the presidential records act won't go into it but it's beautiful but we have this deranged lunatic looking at us and he's got a very nice man very gentle man our guy leaks he does things that are just terrible and because of that we're leading by a lot because frankly I think it's had a huge impact because it shows how sick and how evil these people are in addition to not knowing anything about the Border about the economy about the military or about dealing with other nations so this is all about election interference but that isn't quite good enough crooked Joe now wants the thug prosecutor this deranged guy to file a court order taking away My First Amendment right so that I can't speak so listen to this we don't want you to speak about the case the case the case is is a ridiculous case it's the first amendment case but we don't want Trump to speak so they want me they take away your rights on First Amendment now they sue because so now I have one of these lunatic reporters back there saying sir would like to talk to you about your case or I'm sorry I'm not allowed to talk about it somehow that's not good for votes do you agree when we say I can't talk I'd love to I will talk about it I will they're not taking away my first amendment so based on yet another radical left hoax you know I've gone through many hoaxes as the people in this room know very well but it's another one radical left hooks like Russia Russia Russia the no collusion Mueller report how about that after three years we find no collusion I was supposed to be like working for Russia they go went through millions of phone calls not one call made to Russia they have no collusion after almost three years then they created a fake dossier it was made by how bad are people when they make up a story about Russia they put it in the fake dossier like it was legit and even the guy that wrote it who were also suing by the way but the guy that wrote it Christopher Steele they offered him a million dollars the FBI if he would affirm they would beg you please the way they give money man the FBI they give away a lot of money don't they yeah so they offered him a million dollars to affirm it he couldn't do it he wouldn't do it it turned out to be a total fake but here's Adam Schiff Shifty shift and he comes out he says he says to the reporters gathered click click click they're all going crazy Donald Trump Jr the son of the president of the United States will go to jail over Russia Russia Russia now think of it he made it up with Hillary and all this people they made it up and they're saying that my son will go to jail now how bad you have to be to do that so they know it's a phony story they know it's a phony story they say he's going to go to jail these are not these are not Mrs Lewandowski you hear that can you imagine if that with these kids can you imagine what look what your husband got me into I could have been relaxing at Mar-A-Lago or in the south of France which I would prefer being in this country frankly but they got involved with fisa the fraudulent fisa applications remember they sent in applications to the courts and they were all fraud the judges never did anything about it they knew they were frauds it was written about they never did anything about it the 51 intelligence agents that said Hunter's laptop from hell was all Russia disinformation do not use it you know they say that made like from a 10 to a 17 point difference in the in the polls the FBI Twitter files a doj Facebook and all of the rest all of the rest uh look at uh 2 000 mules look at what they did with that thousands and thousands and thousands of votes on tape on camera all of this will come up during this trial that's uh all of this will come out because we won the election by Allah then they have this crap going on I never even thought of this one Trump didn't really believe he won the election let me tell you people that know me say that's one thing I'll tell you there was never a second of any day that I didn't believe that that election was rigged there was a rigged election it was a rigged election and it was a stolen disgusting election and this country should be ashamed and they go after the people that want to prove that it was rigged and stolen so it never happens that they go after them they don't go after the people that rigged it okay and we'll see how it all turns out you know we've been we've been right about a lot of things right you ever see Trump was right about everything ultimately let's see how that all works out so in other words I'll be the only politician in American history not allowed to speak because of our corrupt system sir you're not allowed to speak on the jaw in other words I'll come here and I'll say hi everybody listen uh not allowed to speak please vote for me New Hampshire if you would bye and all I can say is the never-ending Witch Hunt continues and we have exposed so much nobody's ever thought I have exposed so much it's been incredible but do not fear we will win bigger and better than ever before they rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024 we're not going to allow it to happen we're not going to allow it to happen New Hampshire and you're such an important state you know you're relatively small you're so important politically and you know I kept Iowa and you in those first positions please remember the because I thought there was a great beautiful tradition to it they want to move you way back in the line and I said nope we're not doing that we're not doing that you are in the position you'll always be there as long as I have anything to say about it Joe Biden is the most incompetent and corrupt president in U.S history the Biden crime family was taking in money from China Ukraine Russia all these places yesterday within so many others and now whenever more Biden corruption is exposed as henchmen charge me with a crime you know when they get something on Biden oh oh listen date let's add on another indictment to that stupid indictment that we filed let's add on another one because that takes the news cycle unfortunately I get disproportionate publicity so they indict me he's right great balls but so they end up so when they want to keep something they say oh man they got Hunter again you know at some point Joe is going to have to say you know this sun thing just isn't working out do you agree the sun thing the sun thing's not working out too good all he had to do is pick up the laptop didn't the guy call him like 11 to pick up your laptop pick up your laptop I I wonder where that cocaine came from what happened that was the quickest investigation I've ever seen you know somebody told me could be wrong I always say that that way you could never get sued you know somebody told me could be wrong I'm sure it's wrong but in that little cubicle where it was there would be normally thousands of fingerprints you know people made it there were none it was cleaned it was so clean it's the kind of place I'd like to be actually clean I like cleanliness but it's called a cover-up every time the radical left Democrats marxists communist fascists indict me I considered a great great badge of honor I do I do because I'm being indicted for you I am being indicted for you thanks a lot thanks a lot but never forget our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who are going to stop them it takes great people to stop these radical lunatics it takes brave people they're sick they're sick people they want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom that's what's Happening Here they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the end they're not after me they're after you I'm just standing in their way and I always will stand in the way I promise if you put me back in the White House there rain will be over in America will be a free Nation once again because we do not have a free Nation and from my first day in office I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every one of the many claims being brought forth by Congress and they're doing a good job Jamie Comer Jim Jordan all of them concerning all of the Crooked Acts including bribes from China and many other countries all these foreign countries sending money into the coffers of the Biden crime family we will have a special prosecutor and now they'll come after me even a little harder but I don't know how many more how much harder can they do it I should have four by sometime next week I never heard you know I went to the Wharton School of Finance we never studied indictment we never studied arrest we never studied prison these are sick people we're dealing with it's often said that Republicans don't fight hard enough and I happen to agree but they never said that about Trump and you have some Republicans that are fighting very hard now I have to tell you and but you're going to see that on my first day in the presidency the Deep state is destroying our nation but the tables will turn very quickly and we will destroy the Deep state and we got rid of a lot it didn't look like it but we got rid of a lot but we're also fighting like hell and also doing a great job and holding back China holding back North Korea Kim Jong-un all of a sudden that problem stopped Russia would have never gone in China would not be talking about Taiwan right now we did a great job I mean when you think about it we did a job that very few people have done on top of the greatest economy ever strongest border ever all of these things and we had this stuff hanging over our head all the time that's all they do they're the party of misinformation and disinformation and just four short years we already achieved more than any Administration probably in the history of our country we delivered the largest tax cuts and Regulatory cuts by far in history and likewise we built the greatest economy in history we achieved energy Independence and would have shortly gained energy down we were going to be dominant energy dominance for the first time ever we had gas prices at 1.87 cents again Ellen after years of bitter betrayals do you really have high prices here your electric course are about the highest in the country good luck with your electric cars everybody how how dumb is that and they're sitting all over the place nobody wants to how crazy let somebody if you want an electric car you buy an electric car but you gotta have choice choice just like you're gonna have school choice after years of bitter betrayals of New Hampshire workers I ended the disaster known as NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made replace it with the usmca the best trade deal ever made in fact it's such a good deal that Mexico and Canada are now trying to renegotiate it with the Biden Administration I say don't let them do it we suffered with that crazy NAFTA for years everyone said I'd never be able to terminate it because I had to terminated through Congress we got it terminated through Congress NAFTA we got the US embassy it's the best trade deal ever made it's unbelievable much better for us than it is for Mexico and Canada as you can tell I stood up to China like no Administration has ever done before bringing in billions and billions and billions of dollars pouring into our treasury when no other president had gotten literally 10 cents not one penny they got from China China had us figured out really well I gave our farmers in great New England lobsterman 28 billion dollars from the massive tariffs I received from China and to Sanctus oppose the deal by the way he opposed it just to put it out there quickly he also opposed Social Security I don't know if you know he went to decimate Social Security Medicare and Social Security he wanted to bring the minimum age up to 70. so I don't know if you know that but and remember one thing about a politician when that's his original thought that's where they go back to they may come up here and talk to you uh oh I love social security no he voted three times to turn to terminate and decimate it we appointed over 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices [Applause] and how about the ruling last week where they say that if you get great marks you go to college first there's no more crazy discrimination and other things nobody thought that was going to happen and last year those justices ruled to end Roe v Wade they rule to end Roe v way now I have to tell you we have to talk about it because it you know energizes the other side a little bit and it's not good but just so you understand just so you understand it how to talk about it now pro-lifers have a tremendous power to negotiate you had no power whatsoever they could kill the baby at any time they wanted they could kill the baby whenever they wanted this moves the issue back also to the states where all legal Scholars want it back in the States but you have tremendous power to negotiate like Ronald Reagan before me I support the three exceptions you have to go with your heart but I support for rape incest and for the life of the mother I do that and a lot of people the big portion there and remember there's the Democrats though we're not the radicals they're the radicals because they're willing to kill babies in their fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth month and even after birth so if you remember that if you remember that and the exceptions in my opinion are important in my opinion but you have to go with your heart but we did something that was amazing for 50 years they've tried to get it out they wanted it back in the States all legal Scholars on both sides wanted it back in the States but you now have a tremendous power to negotiate something that's going to be good and going to be lasting and it was a tremendous achievement a tremendous achievement but just remember they were the radicals they try and make you into radicals and uh monsters they were the radicals because they were killing babies in fifth sixth seventh and nobody nobody on either side wants that to happen they did a poll of Democrats the ninth month they had like nobody would nobody so you have to remember so you're in a very uh good position you have the power now of negotiation we gave you something that was uh really a fantastic thing that most people thought couldn't be done and now you have to use it wisely they're the extremists not us and we created the most secure Border in U.S history we built nearly 500 miles of border well we got Mexico to give us 28 000 soldiers free of charge remember when they said oh Mexico didn't pay Mexico gave us 28 000 soldiers free of charge that's a lot more than a little bit for the wall and a lot less complicated I said to the president you know a lot of people are coming in from Mexico the cartels are bringing in really bad people you have to give us soldiers no no no no no no no I will not do that I said no you have to how many do you need 28 000. what's a lot that's a lot of soldiers Pancho Villa you know with the bullets going on panchoville these soldiers aren't politically correct either ours have to be politically correct if if our soldier speaks up to a person a little bit rough they put them in the brig for the rest of his life okay it's not good what they do to our soldiers I tell you they don't get it but we had 28 000 soldiers so people say well what about Mexico did Mexico but I said much better but they said we're not going to do it I said that's okay don't do it but you're going to suffer big consequences because what I'm going to do is I'm going to sign legislation which is a my desk that for every car you know they took 32 percent of our business out of the United States over a period of 22 years 30 not during my Administration nothing because I don't people you go there you're going to put a big tariff if you sell it back in that's all you had to do and you would have kept everybody but they took 32 I said here's what you do if you don't give us 28 000 soldiers I am going to put a 25 tariff on everything that Mexico sells into the United States meaning you're not going to sell anything because nobody's going to want it no no no you should not do that I said that's what I'm going to do and they said you know in thinking about it we would be honored to give you 28 000 soldiers so we had 28 000 soldiers uh remain in Mexico that was another one I got remain in Mexico when these people come in they come into our country and they stay and they never leave that's it and they're criminals and they come in from in many many times many jails they've been emptied out and what I did is I got it remain in Mexico now the people have to remember the problem is that Biden is giving it all up he's giving everything up our medical stay he gave up even the judge said you don't want to give that up our country is going to be overrun so they gave it up but all of that was just the beginning here's some of the agenda that I will immediately Implement when we become the when we that's you and me we're all going to become the president of the United States 47th president of the United States and before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after I win the presidency we will have that horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled it'll be settled I know them both very well get it done very quickly maybe in 24 hours and I'm the only candidate who can make you this promise I will prevent World War III I'll prevent it it's not going to happen we have a man right now who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating on our behalf with nuclear weapons he's lost every country now we're enemies with Russia with China with North Korea with Iran I terminated the Iran deal I got Jerusalem the capital of Israel and built and built actually built our beautiful building out of Jerusalem Stone right our beautiful old Jerusalem you can't put two words together he said I want us to no but we have a man who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating with people that like President XI of China he's negotiating with people that are at the top of their game there's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of some of these people these are smart tough killers macrona France and you heard the story maybe quickly because I'm sweating like a dog up here but does anybody want me to stop or should we go forward macrona France macron of France he put a big tax he wanted to put a big tax on our companies doing business in France I said you can't do that I gave it to my people to do they were unable to do anything about it two weeks they come back sir he's uh very strong on that he wants to do it I think it was like a 25 tax some ridiculous tax for American companies I called him I said Emmanuel I like you very much you're my friend but you can't put the tax on if you do here's what's going to happen I'm going to put a 100 tariff on all of your wines and Champagnes that I don't even like I'm going to put a 100 tariff on wines and Champagnes coming out of France and coming into no no no Donald you cannot do that I said oh I can't do that you have 10 minutes to tell me he said I give up and he took off the tax that's what happened I gave it to my Geniuses that could sure he's there's no way we could stop it it was passed by his legislature to stop Biden's inflation catastrophe bring down the cost of energy and become energy independent and even energy dominant we are just three years ago we were energy dominant we were energy independent but we will drill baby drill we are going to be drilling and bringing it way down to bring ten thousands yeah it's going to bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to New Hampshire we already did it we made this place very successful you know anything that's good that's happening with the economy it's only because they're running on the fumes of what we built you understand that they're running on the fumes but those fumes can't last much longer and they're just pouring money out you know all these crazy deals this uh inflation reduction act you know 1.7 trillion dollars and it increases inflation but they're running on the fumes of what we did and uh we did an incredible job I will impose a border tariff on All Foreign made Goods coming into this country and I will pass the Trump reciprocal trade act very quickly that is if India China France anybody Germany they charge us we don't judge them because we had stupid people and I started changing that a lot but then we had covered we had to fix that mess but all a gift from China but reciprocal trade if they're charging us a hundred percent for a motorcycle when we do a motorcycle we charge them a hundred percent right now they charge 157 percent for a motorcycle Harley would have to sin so what does Harley do they have to go and build a plant in India or they have to go and build no no more no more we're all set to do this too it was all set we had a couple of stupid Senators that didn't like it one of them coming from Pennsylvania said to me sir this is not free trade they say wait a minute this country I won't tell you which is charging us 200 percent we charge them nothing would it be okay if I charged them half a hundred percent no sir that's not free trade how about 50 how about 25 how about 10 should no search not free trade I said you're either corrupt or you're stupid as hell because it's crazy so we're going to pass it so if they charge us if they charge us very simple we charge them and it's probably all going to disappear the Biden economic bus will be replaced with the historic Trump economic boom I will immediately terminate every open borders policy of the Biden Administration our country is being invaded following the Eisenhower model we will use all necessary State local Federal and Military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history got to do it and I will use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning traffic children to their families in their home countries immediately to stop the Marxist prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting Republicans conservatives people of faith and Me by the way I will direct a completely over told doj to investigate every radical D.A and AG in America for their illegal racist and reverse enforcement of the law and we will bring back a thing called stop and frisk in our cities on day one I will sign a new executive order to cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content on our children are beautiful children our beautiful children are being destroyed by these Maniacs I will keep men out of women's sports they're very easy to do and I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states can you imagine can you imagine even having to say that think of this 15 years ago could you imagine I will stop child sexual immutable can you imagine having to that's actually a part of my campaign can you imagine having to say that we're going to stop the mutilation of children just as I did for four years I will fully uphold the Second Amendment it's going to be in good shed and I will fully secure our elections they'll be done the right way our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and voter ID that's what our goal is but until then Republicans must compete and we must win 2024 is the most important election we've ever had but this is what we must do to restore our country to Greatness the USA is a mess our economy is crashing inflation is out of control China Russia Iran and North Korea formed together as a menacing and destructive Coalition like we've never seen before our currency is crashing and we'll know longer in my opinion be the world standard if it keeps going like this which will be the single greatest defeat of our country in 200 years we lose the power of the dollar it won't happen with me not even a little chance just like Russia would have never invaded Ukraine and China would have never even thought about raiding Taiwan they wouldn't have done it I told them you're not going to do it if you took the five worst Presidents in the history of the United States and added them up they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden Administration have done we are a failing Nation I don't like saying that but we are we are a failing Nation we are a nation in Decline and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement the doj and the FBI it's totally corrupt and we're not going to let it happen 224 2024 I have no idea how important it is it's our final battle it's our final real big battle with you at my side we will demolish the Deep State we will expel the warmongers from our government we will drive out the globalists we will cast out the Communists marxists and fascists we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country we will route the fake news media we will defeat crooked Joe Biden and we will drain the swamp once and for all [Applause] the great silent majority is rising like never before I mean never before it's never been I don't believe it's ever been like this I said it twice tonight I'll say it again the we have never had anything like it the spirit the love the passion there's never been anything like this and we went through 2016 and we went through 2020 and most people would say they were the most passionate this is blowing it away but we've never had anything like this never before and under our leadership the Forgotten men and women will be forgotten no longer with your help your love and your vote we will put America first we will make America we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to make it great it's hard to believe right now our country is at such a low point we will make America greater than ever before thank you New Hampshire God bless you God bless you New Hampshire God bless you all thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much wow thank you very much thank you this is an honor I just knocked over a fan on purpose here was blowing the hell out of my hair it's sort I said I got to do a good job in front of New Hampshire I can't have fans we don't need anything artificial up here right so I just want to say hello New Hampshire a special place a great place with many great friends and great people I'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful state with thousands of proud and I mean proud I mean seriously proud look at this American Patriots who believe in that Timeless motto Live Free or Die I want to thank all of the people so many people you know we're killing everybody in polls you do know that right I mean just not by like a little bit like by 40 and 50 points we're beating beating them black but I want to thank my New Hampshire co-chairs Lou gargiolo and Windham selectman Bruce Breton Bruce is here and a friend of mine a great guy U.S senator Bob Smith Bob thank you very much and your beautiful wife when the police chief Mike Karen thank you Mike thank you very much representative Tim Cahill and some of our fantastic supporters Chris Stevens David andrakis and Dave a bear where's Dave Abraham somebody that's been with me from the beginning I don't mean like I don't mean like six months in I mean like from the beginning I guess we're talking like in the 2015s we don't even go back we go back to 15s now but he came he said you're going to win sir you're going to win so big I said really you think so really he's a total Pro by the way so I don't know if he really believed that when he said that but he said you're going to win you run you're going to win sir and he started with me six months before the campaign and that's all I heard sir it's unbelievable you're doing phenomenally in the polls I don't even know if they had any polls but he got me all psyched up I will tell you that and he's also a fantastic person who loves absolutely loves New Hampshire with his Incredible family and wife is here the wife is she's been with him and she loves him and he loves her they have a fantastic family Corey Lewandowski Corey where is Corey where is he well there he is always likes to be a little bit in the background thank you Corey great job he's doing a great job and somebody else who's really been fantastic right from the beginning I saw on television this weekend and I didn't even recognize her she looks so phenomenal she was so Dynamic and then I got the television a little bit fixed up also put on my glasses and I saw how good she was Caroline Levitt she's been fantastic [Music] where's Caroline you great job this weekend for you much better having her on your side believe me I said we better get her on my side and she's been there for a long time now thank you very much Carolyn thank you very much thank you everybody this afternoon I'm also delighted to announce the launch of our new Coalition Veterans for Trump led by true American warrior you know who that Warrior is he's a tough guy and he's a great guy and you just met him Congressman Brian mess Brian thank you very much thank you great guy and today I'm especially grateful to receive the endorsement of over 100 Veterans from the granite state including New Hampshire Veterans Coalition co-chairs Hillsborough County Attorney John Coughlin John thank you very much John wherever you may be thank you John and state representative Joe Petri thank you very much Joe thanks Joe good tough guys I also want to thank my senior advisor somebody's been here almost as long as Corey he's been with us Steve stepanak thieves thank you see you thank you Steve and state director Trevor nudleary Trevor thank you Trevor great job thank you very much and and really we are doing fantastically up here so that group I felt we should introduce him you know it's nice if we were doing lousy I would not have introduced of my promise I wouldn't have even thought of it but they're doing an unbelievable job and the level is we're so far above everybody else in the polls they're all saying is he going to go into the debate and I say I don't know if you're leading by 50 and 60 and 70 points do you do that or not I don't know should I okay you ready Paul we take a free poll should I do the debate well maybe we'll do something else you know see some people say yes but they hate to say it because it doesn't make sense to do it if you're leading by so much but they like it for entertainment value because they're selfish they're selfish uh to every veteran in this room we salute you and we really do we worked hard with the veterans and we've had a fantastic relationship and this is a very big and important veteran State I probably learned more about the veterans from dealing in New Hampshire than any other state please stand and receive our thanks all veterans do you mind please stand and receive our thoughts [Applause] that's a lot of veterans thank you thank you very much wow that's a beautiful a lot of times they'll say whatever group it may be please stand and you know you have like two people stand up I say well it's not too much let's change our speech right but when I came into office in 2017 our government had a disgracefully horrible situation going on they betrayed it solemn pledge to America's veterans you know that better than anybody I learned a lot about it from Yoli the VA was plagued by one horrific scandal after another remember you turn on the news and you just see these horrible scandals having to do with the veterans you didn't hear any of it for four years you literally heard that very little and we did things that were really amazing and I'm proud of thousands of veterans were put on secret medical wait lists and many of them left to die without receiving any care or any Aid under Obama some very bad people were abusing veterans in VA hospitals including sadists yet sadists they were hitting the veterans when the veterans weren't in prime time okay they wouldn't have touched them in Prime Time believe me but they were hitting him when they were in trouble and a lot of say this we got them all out the VA employees were even caught stealing drugs intended for the treatment of our sick and Wounded Warriors and they were stealing them and using them for themselves and selling them but all of that changed when we arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue we went from the absolutely worst Brian you know that we went from the absolutely worse to uh I mean that was the worst presidency for the veterans the previous presidency wonderful people you're not allowed to even say that it's not politically correct I'll say it to the greatest champion the veterans ever had in the White House and it was very much promises made Promises Kept and a couple of the really big ones just as I promised I proudly signed the VA accountability act allowing us to quickly terminate VA bureaucrats and bad people who mistreated our vets we told more than 10 000 bad corrupt incompetent VA workers people that were sadists and they couldn't get rid you couldn't get rid of them you had no right they could steal they could beat people up you couldn't do a damn thing and we got it so you could fire him and I said you're fired get out out out of here ten thousand sounds like a lot but it's a big system and uh we got ten thousand really uh really bad people out very very evil people they knew who they were they couldn't do a thing about it it was amazing so we got that passed in Congress if you can believe it they were trying for 30 years to get it passed I also signed veterans choice and made that permanent we got that passed in Congress also which was really a a big deal that was a big deal you have choice you could go out if you're not getting the trip and you go out but thanks to this Landmark we formed three million veterans have been able to get care as needed and when they wanted it you know they'd wait in line sometime for weeks and months and you know they have some great doctors in the VA that really good doctors but you couldn't get to them you couldn't get to them people would wait for many months they'd become terminally ill waiting something that could have been fixed easily they'd become terminally ill and I got it so that you go outside you get a doctor we pay the bill and you get taken care of immediately if you had to wait more than a short period of time so it was a great thing that was a great thing that's very important they've been trying to get that by the way that one 52 years right they were trying to get it for 52 years they couldn't get it done I you know it just made so much sense right from the first time I heard it and I heard it first up here from your people under the Trump Administration we secured record funding for the VA we slashed VA waiting times by more than 33 percent and even now there's a new chart that came out from our last period that it was a 57 percent that's a lot and almost all veterans reported major improvements at their local VA facility once I became president in fact we hit an all-time record high of va satisfaction of 92 percent nobody has even come close and I got angry at my people they say he's not a nice guy some people didn't like me too much as you probably heard because we were tough we were tough but they said why why is it 92 why isn't it a hundred and they left their own they said this guy's very difficult but we really mean it but we hit the highest approval rating we've ever had and I have to tell you that approval rating now is not doing so well you know that you know that a lot of bad things are happening over there they've what they're what they're doing to dismantle that system that was so good but to help combat veteran suicide we delivered same day Mental Health Care at every VA facility in America and make great strides until Biden came along till he came along in a few short years we turned the VA from a national embarrassment into a national example of devotion and service and loyalty to the American Veteran who's amazing an amazing thing and an amazing success so we got it done pretty quickly once we got the legislation passed I would say it moved along very quickly sadly crooked Joe Biden and that's what he is he's a stone called Thief crooked Joe Biden has been a disaster for American Veterans as one of his first accident office Biden gutted my historic VA reforms he gutted them out making it easier to remove bad VA employees from the job and in a shocking Act of betrayal of America's Veterans as well as the tens of thousands of dedicated professionals and you do have great professionals at the VA crooked Joe Biden is in the process of not removing people but reinstating 5 000 of the ten thousand people that we fired who were fired for good reason including sadism and this who were fired for very good reasons and they want to give them back their full pay they want to give them their jobs back and we were very careful about that we didn't get rid of people haphazardly we got rid of people that were not doing their job some really in bad cases and some they just weren't doing their job they didn't care they didn't show up to work and he wants to put at least half of them back the same people and it'll cost over 200 million dollars to do that they give the money to you directly it's a lot better it's amazing I mean it's amazing it breaks your heart it breaks your heart that was such a big thing and now they want to put a lot of those people back Joe Biden puts bureaucrats first I put veterans first and I put America first thank you very much thank you thank you very much that's why today I'm announcing a number of specific actions I'll take to fulfill our sacred duty to our Great American veterans on day one of my new Administration I will fully restore the use of va accountability we're going to bring it back in full force full force and we already have the legislation passed so I don't have to go through Congress which really that's why it took 52 years because they couldn't get it passed but we have it passed all we have to do is make it work so we have the the hardest part is done and direct my secretary Veterans Affairs to fire every corrupt VA bureaucrat who Joe Biden is outrageously refused to remove from the job or put or put back in the job then instead of providing more than 200 million dollars in back pay to VA workers like Biden is doing I will ask Congress to take every penny of those funds to finally build a brand new state-of-the-art VA Hospital right here in the great state of New Hampshire because I don't know if you know this but we can say that no longer will New Hampshire be the only state in America without a full-service VA facility you'll have it and you'll have it done quickly we have a great we have a great group did you know you're the only one that doesn't have one all right that's what you get with the that's what you get with those Democrats that's what happens at the same time so you're going to have a brand new now you're going to have a brand new VA Hospital beautiful state of the art top of the line top of the line the only state that doesn't have one View I was waiting for that thank you who said that by the way stand up okay you know I was going to say that but then I thought I'd be politically correct thank you take good care of her that's right yeah true selfish selfish guy at the same time well he ran for president and he got two points he ran without running you know he didn't want to announce he wanted to run but so it's a shame we could win this state so easy if we had help from the governor but we never got help from the governor we helped him but he never he never helped us so but I'm glad you said it because this way I could say I was so nice up in New Hampshire nah he's not the same man now he's not the same he took a big beating he took a big beating knocking the hell out of everybody and he took a big beating and then he he gets the first bowl and he sees in his own State he was in seventh place out of a group at the same time we were fully maintained the VA clinics and the rest of the state and addressed the severe shortage of nurses and other health care workers at the home for the retired veterans in Tilton anybody know that home in Tilton I will once again make stopping veteran suicide a top priority of my Administration terrible situation I will ban the Department of Veterans Affairs from wasting a single Cent to fund transgender surgeries or sex change procedures spend a lot of money I was a very very you know they are very very expensive operations and you also know you have to go through tremendous drug therapy after that and I was always sold in the military if you take much more than an aspirin you can't do it but the tremendous drug therapy it's a lot of a lot of problems you know we had it stopped and then he came in one of the first things he did is he started that up again those precious taxpayer dollars should be going to care for our veterans in need not to refund radical gender experiments for the Communists left I'll also restore the Trump ban on transgender in the military we're going to end up you know we had it banned we hadn't been you know I went to generals I said General off the Record what do you think of transgender sir uh your city by listening sir what do you think I don't like it sir and then I'd say to another one you know they were all afraid to talk about it but you know I have to do what's right you have to do what's right and and we have to help everybody you have to help transgender you have to help everybody but this was just not something that was working out and uh as soon as they came back as soon as they came back by a rigged election by the way as soon as they as soon as they came back they approved that that was one of the first things on their list they approved it so now they're they're doing a lot of now they're doing a lot of things that shouldn't be done shouldn't be done if you if you talk if you talk to the real generals not the television generals the real generals we've got some hey look I knocked out Isis in a few weeks with real generals we have we have a great military but we're not going to let our military go woke that I can tell you but the real Generals in the military down a little bit those guys are incredible the way they did that the way they took out a lot of bad people but they took out Isis the Isis caliphate 100 and it was surgical it was incredible we will get critical race Theory and all other woke lunacy out of the United States armed forces and we will abolish every Biden covet mandate and rehire every patriot who was fired from our military with an apology and with back pain and in addition I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate veterans homelessness I mean you have a situation in America it's a scandal it's a disgrace what's happening now is nobody's ever seen and it is a national tragedy that Joe Biden crooked Joe he's more interested in where's the money coming from to him he's interested to him how about all these things with the 30 corporations and this and that the money flowing in everybody getting money coming in from China how can you how can you be tough in China when they're paying you a lot of money and see they know too much you know we have a compromise we have a Manchurian Candidate they may they know too much so he can't be tough in China that's why he's so that's why he allows blimps flying over the country right over our nuclear sites let them come in let them take pictures oh don't do anything about it they'll tell they'll tell everybody who's giving me all that money he's a compromised candidate and I'll tell you something out of respect for the office of President I didn't talk this way five weeks ago six weeks ago I knew I felt very badly about what was going on but out of respect for the Office of the President I wouldn't have said the way I talk he's a crooked person he's a totally dishonest guy so we'd say things but but we now I even changed his name I took it away from Hillary we call him crooked Joe instead of sleepy Joe we call him crooked Joe I retired it that was a great day for Hillary I said of crooked Hillary I said we're removing the name from crooked Hillary now we call her beautiful beautiful Hillary it's a beautiful woman and we're giving it to Biden because he's a crooked person but out of respect for the office I would never have said that to this extent and I never did but now they indicted your president your former president who is very popular 75 million people so now they ripped off the top they took the gloves off and we can say whatever we want and I'll tell you what and I'll tell you what what he's done is a scandal the likes of which this country has never seen and the fake news hates to talk about it [Applause] horrible thing that crooked Joe Biden has spent nearly one billion dollars to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants who are pouring into our country it's an invasion of our country we had the safest Border in history now we have the worst border probably in the world but to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants at expensive luxury hotels the best hotels in the country in many cases while more than 33 000 Americans who have served this nation in uniform are homeless on our streets okay on day one I will sign an executive order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens which our country can't handle and I will redirect that money to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American veterans they'll be treated properly [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much furthermore I will finally hold accountable all of the failed leaders and television generals who gave us Joe Biden's catastrophe in Afghanistan two years ago this month in my opinion you know I watched a lot of the parents I spoke to many of those parents I called them when it happened what a horrible what a horrible thing and what what they've gone through there was no way that was going to happen you know I wanted we were going out but we're going to get out with strength with dignity what they did when they took the soldiers out first don't you take the soldiers out less you take them out less we went 18 months without one soldier being killed I spoke to the head of the Taliban Abdul [Music] same man who's still running it but when you think of that horrible horrible event leaving Untold numbers of Americans behind 13 dead Warriors 35 horrifically wounded nobody talks about them but horrifically Wounded Warriors and 85 billion dollars worth of the finest military equipment on the planet bought by me you know why you rebuilt the military I rebuilt the entire U.S military a lot of that equipment was brand new bought by me it was the single most embarrassing day in the history of our country in my opinion I think it was and I think it probably was what led Putin to say this is the time that country has had it because I guarantee you one thing Putin was not going in with me and neither was neither was she going in in China into Taiwan but Putin was not going into Ukraine and we talked about it too when I got along with him great they hate to hear you got along with them yeah it's always nice to get and you know nobody was rougher look I ended the pipeline nobody ever heard of Nordstrom too right Brian nobody heard of Nordstrom too I said Nordstrom too nobody knew that's a pipeline going to Germany and taking care of all of Europe I ended it it was dead and then Biden approved at his first week so what's going on there under my leadership we were leaving Afghanistan with dignity and strength and we would not under any circumstances what that was was surrender and humiliation that's what it was I was I think it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country and we had it so solid they were they weren't shooting at us they knew better because they knew they were going to get absolutely decimated if they did when I returned to the White House we will restore peace through strength that's what we had we had peace through strength I'm the only president in many many decades like eight decades like many many years that didn't have any wars we got out of wars and we won Wars we beat Isis we won Wars but we got out of wars and everybody respected us you know we were three years ago we were very respected we were very respected they didn't play games nobody played games including trade where we get screwed by everybody we didn't we made great trade deals even with China they buy 50 billion dollars a year because of what I did for our farmers and everybody else and we were respected and they didn't play games we took in hundreds of billions of dollars through tariffs on China no other president took in 10 cents hundreds of billions of dollars they were not too fond of me but I got along with President XI also we gave you know I just looked at that just said look it up I was in the plane coming up I say look it up what do we give Afghanistan does anybody have that note I think I gave it to Corey we give Afghanistan now billions of dollars I said I didn't know that billions of dollars in Aid a number that is so astronomical and this goes on a yearly basis and they need it for humanitarian and all of that that's good but let him give us back our equipment they ought to give us back some of our equipment you know we're giving them 2.7 billion and 3 billion and 2 billion I thought would say maybe nothing or maybe a hundred million dollars or maybe something little but the numbers are astronomical what we give to Afghanistan so that should be a condition of the continued Aid I mean it's I don't want to hurt people but they took 85 billion dollars worth they didn't take we left because we were fools we were stupid we were stupid I remember a certain General saying sir it's cheaper to leave the equipment behind sir because we were going to get out but I would have kept Bagram because Bagram it's one of the biggest air bases in the world of course there's billions of dollars to build many years ago and Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear we forget Afghanistan where China makes their nuclear weapons it's in Afghanistan and they left Bagram late at night they left the lights on they left billions and billions of dollars one hour away from what and now China will soon be occupying that incredible base that we built many many years ago it's so sad I mean these people are just horrible they're horrible you know I told somebody on the way up today I told Brian I told a few of the guys so we did great in 2016. we actually did much better as you know we got millions more votes in 2020 the election was rigged but but there is more enthusiasm today than we ever had in 2016 or 2020 and the reason is because these people are so corrupt and they're so horrible they're so incompetent the reason is because they're watching when you look at that border and you see millions of people pouring through our border totally unchecked nobody knows where they come from they come from mental institutions and prisons and they come from all over the place 147 different countries last week people coming in but when you look at the the Border just as an example or when you look at high interest rates that they've set High interest rates when you look at the fact that oil was an all-time high and they say let's stop drilling no when oil is an all-time high you start drilling you know you make a fortune we would have supplied all of Europe everything we would have supplied oil and gas to Europe we would have made a fortune we're to start paying off that big debt that we have 35 trillion dollars we would have been paying it off we would have made a fortune and this guy stopped it and now we're getting our oil from Venezuela how about that one and it's not even well I should say we're getting our tar because they have very bad you know they have very heavy it's like tar you have to refine it and for the environmentalists in the group you know where we find it in Houston it has to be brought there's only one plant that can refine it it's like tar and it's Houston so all of that spews up into the air of Texas we get it from there we have the best stuff where I call it Liquid Gold under our feet we don't use it this is a crazy Administration this is like April Fool's Day they they want open borders they want no voter ID they want no paper ballots they want High interest rates they want your taxes are going to go up four times they say four times they haven't been able to break you know I got you the greatest tax cut in the history of this country and they have tried but they haven't been able to break it yet but at some point you know it expires in another fairly short period of time so get ready for that one these people want you to pay much higher taxes it's crazy and we could do it so much easier everyone can see the stunning contrast between our incredible success and Joe Biden's horrendous failures and that's one reason why we're leading so big in the polls that's really the reason I think it's a more enthusiasm now than 2016 or 2020 because you've seen how incompetent these people are it's it's horrible in the recent Rasmussen poll we're up 44 points with trumpet 57 Rhonda sanctimonious at 13. and the rest of them down in single digits you really love and in the morning consult that just came out I wanted to see because you know every time you get indicted I like to check the polls because one more indictment that I think this election's over one more no it's horrible you get indicted for nothing can you imagine a guy let's indict my opponent this uh this is a sick this is a third this becomes a third world country the latest morning console poll has as far ahead we're 59 percent and the others are at like 12. one is it 12. I think that's the sanctimonious but he's rapidly being caught by rameshwami who's good no no Christy's he's eating right now he can't be bothered [Applause] sir please do not call him a fat pig that's very disres don't call him see I'm I'm trying to be nice Don't Call Him a fat pig you can't do it you can't do that so now because you're not allowed to do that and therefore we're not going to do it okay we want to be very civil right so the latest coefficient poll which is a big deal have us almost at 60 to 13 with our lead over to Sanctus growing by nine points just since a few weeks ago and even the recent New York Times poll has us up by 37 points and that was older you know now uh and Rhonda sanctimonious the reason I don't like him is that I got him elected you know when you get somebody I don't want to go through the whole story because most of you know but he came to me he needed help he was getting demolished in the primary stupidly I said all right I'll do it because I didn't know the guy was running against his name was Adam Putnam I said I'll do it because you know he he was one of the 200 people that were on television he was no better than anybody else he was no Jim Jordan that I can tell you and he was on television and fighting a little bit on impeachment hoax number one and impeachment hooks number two so I said you know what uh if I actually told him if I were Abraham Lincoln if we brought him back from the dead and if we brought George Washington back from the dead and they gave you the greatest endorsement and they hugged you and kissed you just like you did to Obama just look you know he did and Christy did who hugged and kissed Obama order to Sanctus or Chris Christie I think Chris Crystal remember that he grabbed him Obama said get this guy off of me and that was the end of Romney when that happened that could have been a good thing but but we are in New Hampshire area that's all right no but he asked me so I said you know what Ron let's do it go ahead let's do it so I gave him a very strong endorsement and the next day he went like a rocket right through the thing and he blew the I mean people that worked for Adam Putnam couldn't believe it they never called me but I didn't know Adam but he was the secretary of agriculture he should have called me I would have endorsed him sometimes it's the first one to call sometimes you don't do it at all but he did and then I had to get him through Gillum remember Gillum he turned out to be a pothead crackhead but everybody thought he was the hottest one in politics and Ron said I won't be able to beat him I said well he's the hottest man in politics I said you can beat him then he he comes he calls me could you do a rally then he actually said could you do three I think I did three rallies we had massive crowds you know those rallies was we're doing a lot of them we're doing again they're hotter now than anything because of what's happening because of how bad it is but I did there and he ends up winning the election then four years later would you run against the president you know these Maniacs are screaming would you run against the president would you run will you run and he goes I have no comment I said what what did he say that I heard this I'm watching on newscast I'm watching a fake newscast and they say would you run against the president he shall said I have no comment now to me that means he's running so I said that son of a [ __ ] is running can you believe it I just got him elected so that's why I've been particularly hard at him unfortunately it's worked because he's crashing he's he's like he doesn't know what happened he goes home he says what happened where what did I do wrong what you know what he did wrong he ran what he did wrong is he should have waited till 28 but I don't know if that would have held water because eventually they would have figured out you know you do need some personality if you're going to be a politician just a little some of them don't have too much like your Governor you know like your government in the new Emerson poll a Battleground States in Arizona we're leading Biden by a lot and very importantly at that same poll and other polls were leading Biden by seven eight nine 11 points but you know what when I hear we're leading by two or three or four points you know you gotta understand that's actually a lot for a republic because they have a built-in vote that no matter who you are even if you can't put two sentences together you get like 40. we don't have that we have to win the entire East Coast like we did in 2016 and like we did in 2020 too but they're watching closely air watching in that same poll we're leading in the primary by 47 think of that 40s that's a lot but we will not play prevent defense you ever see in the NFL they don't allow a point on the other team not a point their defense is brutal they can't get now they just have to hold the other team one more series they have to Hope just please hold them let's go prevent defense ping ping the end of the game touchdown touchdown we will not play is that okay we will not play prevent right but everyone else is in single digits his one you'll like in the New Hampshire new brand new coefficient poll respected highly the New Hampshire Journal has us leading by 43 points we're leading by leading by and to Sanctus Rhonda sanctimonious he said uh nine points he's at nine he's time to go back to Florida Ron and you know work on your insurance that's costing everybody a fortune and now we're dominating Biden in the general election Harvard Harris has us up by five points and we're up 18 points among Independents remember you know they like to go around well Will trump get the independence Will trump get the women you know what the women want the women want safety they want to have a border they want to have low taxes low interest rates foreign they don't want in their beautiful suburbs you know they talk about oh the Suburban women I think the Suburban women like me you know what I did you know what I did we have a lot of super no no they don't want to have a low-income housing job built right next to their house that's what the Democrats want so I give them strong borders I give them good safety I give them a powerful military at education so important by the way speaking of Education because this is largely about veterans we are going to bring education back to the States so that each state will run a hundred percent we'll keep we'll keep approximately three people in Washington just to make sure that you're teaching English Okay as opposed to another language okay you know you need a little coordination like everybody has to teach English if you don't mind but we'll keep a little bit of uh like two or three people but but you know we have building after building after building and here's the problem no matter what poll you look at of of Education in the world we're at the bottom of the polls and we spend more money than anybody else we spend double and triple what number two is like Norway Denmark Believe It or Not China very high ranking uh Japan but Norway and Denmark they said we're following New York City they said we are going to follow the Norwegian system I said that didn't work out you know how long that lasted about 15 minutes you know that didn't work out too well for New York I'll tell you New Yorkers said did you see what's happening in New York with the okay how about how about you know we all when I left New York New York was a proud City and now it's so sad to see what's happened to that City and then the big new premise poll we're beating Biden by a lot while the Sanctus is losing to Biden by a lot so that's enough of that stuff but you know the polls are phenomenal people want us back they remember what we had we built the economy twice we built the greatest economy in the world and then we did it a second time ethical but these incredible numbers are the primary reason that crooked Joe Biden is weaponized law enforcement he has weapon he's done something that nobody thought they talked about it but nobody ever did it and never to this extent and ordered his top political opponent me arrested they were they actually arrest arrested right in the middle of a presidential election that Biden is losing badly you know he says I'm down in the polls to Trump let's arrest him let's arrest let's indict him and arrest him please indict him and arrest him he's killing me in the polls what they didn't know is that I was going to go up because the good thing is we have a voice somebody gets indicted you go down usually right I would say Corey uh almost always you go down but they know me and these charges are so presidential records act that's just exactly for that case they don't want me to speak about a rigged election they don't want me to speak about it whereas that's I have freedom of speech First Amendment how can my corrupt political opponent crooked Joe Biden put me on trial during an election campaign that I'm winning by a lot but forcing me nevertheless to spend time and money away from the campaign Trail in order to fight bogus made up accusations and charges that's what they're doing I'm sorry I won't be able to go to Iowa today I won't be able to go to New Hampshire today because I'm sitting in a courtroom on [ __ ] because his attorney general charged me with something terrible thank you very much now it is it's a think of it they say charge him now you know they miscalculated a little bit you know the other good line no no actually we want to run against Trump no no if they didn't want to run you have to they'd say oh we would much prefer running against Trump that's because they had such an easy time when Hillary ran against me and last time we did much better than that you know somebody said we sold hundreds of millions of hats somebody said the other day many polls you know counties we had like almost 3 000 they have 200 so many different uh metrics but hats the Red Hats the white hats all the hats we sold even the farmer hats which are green right make Farmers great again did I make Farmers great again I got them 28 I got them 28 billion from China that's why I said no way I lose Iowa why is that why are you so confident because I got the farmers 28 billion dollars nobody else did but but think of this somebody said it the other day I never thought of it there were Red Hats all over South Carolina we had almost 80 000 people you saw about you saw we were in this gorgeous area this gorgeous town I don't want to say the name of the town because if I do they'll try and change the name back to you know something else but it was beautiful beautiful place and the sheriff was great everybody was we had 80 000 people and it was a sea of red Red Hats mostly but white also green and everything but I'll tell you you were there right 80 000 people and you took a look at that and I said has anybody ever seen a Biden hat [Applause] so think of it we have hundreds of millions over the six seven years eight years we have hundreds of millions of hats sold and I'm I'm asking has anybody ever seen a hat saying Biden well we did have hats because we made them that said where's Hunter where is Hunter where he turned out to be he was in some dark places but is this going to be where they go and indict your opponent is this going to be the next president's going to say Hey listen my opponent is doing really well all over the place look at the crowds we have I mean outside you got a lot of people and yeah and by the way I want to say officially for the Press it's about 110 degrees of this room nice job with the air conditioning whoever but but you know what the Press will say you know they'll say Trump didn't look well he was extremely wet it's a hundred and four or five degrees in this room but we're okay with it right sure but is this going to be the future of elections in America where sitting president tells his tells his attorney general to indict the opponent to try and knock the opponent down this is what's happening and then you ask the simple question so this has been going on for a long time the same so why didn't they do it two and a half years ago you know why because then it wouldn't have mattered so much you know they want to take away your freedom of speech everything else would have mattered a lot less but and it would have been terrible because it's all bogus but why if they were going to do it why didn't they do it two and a half years ago before the election right they waited till the election they waited and I probably have another one they say there's a young woman a young racist in Atlanta she racist and they say I guess they say that she was after a certain gang and she ended up having an affair with the head of the gang or a gang member and this is a person that wants to indict me she's got a lot of problems but she wants to indict me to try and run for some other office uh what's going on in this country is and by the way wants to indict me for a perfect phone call this was even better than my perfect call with Ukraine remember that call that was a perfect call this one's better this one is more perfect I challenge the election in Georgia which I have every right to do which I was right about Franklin [Applause] and they want to indict me because I challenge the election so does that mean that Hillary Clinton Who challenged the election does that mean that Stacy Abrams and all of the other virtually every Democrat challenges the election does that mean or they do the Slate of electors this has been going on since Thomas Jefferson who wanted to say but they don't go they use my word they took it and they said fake because I came up with the name fake news a long time ago worked out good but it's no longer good enough because it's not tough enough because it's really corrupt news it's beyond fake they don't even write they don't even write all the money that Biden is stealing you don't see one store years ago that win Pulitzer prizes today even Pulitzer prizes of very little value because you know we're suing the Pulitzer Foundation because they gave Pulitzer prizes to people that wrote about the Russia Russia Russia hoax for their wonderful writing their Brilliance they were wrong they were totally wrong and everybody admits they were wrong so why doesn't bullet to just give back the awards because they're radical left lunatics but we're suing we'll see what happens we're doing quite well never happened in the USA this has never happened where and attorney general is told to take the justice department and the FBI and sue somebody think of it who's running for president and leading not only the Republicans by 50 points but leading the Democrat by a lot so he says sue him and that will bring him down but they sued and I have a guy they call him deranged Jack Smith he's deranged and you know Biden on the box of stuff Biden is almost 2 000 bucks is somewhere held in Chinatown not a good place for him and you don't ever hear anything about him and I came under a thing called the presidential records act won't go into it but it's beautiful but we have this deranged lunatic looking at us and he's got a very nice man very gentle man our guy leaks he does things that are just terrible and because of that we're leading by a lot because frankly I think it's had a huge impact because it shows how sick and how evil these people are in addition to not knowing anything about the Border about the economy about the military or about dealing with other nations so this is all about election interference but that isn't quite good enough crooked Joe now wants the thug prosecutor this deranged guy to file a court order taking away My First Amendment right so that I can't speak so listen to this we don't want you to speak about the case the case the case is is a ridiculous case it's the first amendment case but we don't want Trump to speak so they want me they take away your rights on First Amendment now they sue because they're so now I have one of these lunatic reporters back there saying sir would like to talk to you about your case or I'm sorry I'm not allowed to talk about it somehow that's not good for votes do you agree when we say I can't talk I'd love to I will talk about it I will they're not taking away my first amendment so based on yet another radical left hooks you know I've gone through many hoaxes as the people in this room know very well but it's another one radical left hooks like Russia Russia Russia the no collusion Mueller report how about that after three years we find no collusion I'm supposed to be like working for Russia they go went through millions of phone calls not one call made to Russia they have no collusion after almost three years then they created a fake dossier it was made by how bad are people when they make up a story about Russia they put it in the fake dossier like it was legit and even the guy that wrote it who were also suing by the way but the guy that wrote it Christopher Steele they offered him a million dollars the FBI if he would a firm they would beg you please play committee the way they give money man the FBI they give away a lot of money don't they yeah so they offered him a million dollars to affirm it he couldn't do it he wouldn't do it it turned out to be a total fake but here's Adam Schiff Shifty shift and he comes out he says he says to the reporters gathered click click click they're all going crazy Donald Trump Jr the son of the president of the United States will go to jail over Russia Russia Russia now think of it he made it up with Hillary and all these people they made it up and they're saying that my son will go to jail now how bad you have to be to do that so they know it's a phony story they know it's a phony story they say he's going to go to jail these are not these are not Mrs Lewandowski you hear that can you imagine of that with these kids can you imagine what look what your husband got me into I could have been relaxing at Mar-A-Lago or in the south of France which I would prefer being in this country frankly but they got involved with fisa the fraudulent fisa applications remember they sent in applications to the courts and they were all fraud the judges never did anything about it they knew they were frauds it was written about they never did anything about it the 51 intelligence agents that said Hunter's laptop from hell was all Russia disinformation do not use it you know they say that made like from a 10 to a 17 point difference in the in the polls the FBI Twitter files a doj Facebook and all of the rest all of the rest uh look at uh 2000 mules look at what they did with that thousands and thousands and thousands of votes on tape on camera all of this will come up during this trial that's uh all of this will come on because we won the election by Allah then they have this crap going on I never even thought of this one Trump didn't really believe he won the election let me tell you people that know me say that's one thing I'll tell you there was never a second of any day that I didn't believe that that election was rigged it was a rigged election it was a rigged election and it was a stolen disgusting election and this country should be ashamed and they go after the people that want to prove that it was rigged and stolen so it never happens that they go after them they don't go after the people that rigged it okay and we'll see how it all turns out you know we've been we've been right about a lot of things right you ever see Trump was right about everything ultimately let's see how that all works out so in other words I'll be the only politician in American history not allowed to speak because of our corrupt system sir you're not allowed to speak on the jaw in other words I'll come here and I'll say hi everybody listen uh not allowed to speak please vote for me New Hampshire if you would bye and all I can say is the never-ending Witch Hunt continues and we have exposed so much nobody's ever thought I have exposed so much it's been incredible but do not fear we will win bigger and better than ever before they rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024 we're not going to allow it to happen we're not going to allow it to happen New Hampshire and you're such an important state you know you're relatively small you're so important politically and you know I kept Iowa and you in those first positions please remember the because I thought there was a great beautiful tradition to it they wanted to move you way back in the line and I said nope we're not doing that we're not doing that you are in the position you'll always be there as long as I have anything to say about it Joe Biden is the most incompetent and corrupt president in U.S history the Biden crime family was taking in money from China Ukraine Russia all these places yesterday within so many others and now whenever more Biden corruption is exposed as henchmen charged me with a crime you know when they get something on Biden oh let's indict let's add on another indictment to that stupid indictment that we filed let's add on another one because that takes the news cycle unfortunately I get disproportionate publicity so they indict me he's right great balls but so they end up so when they want to keep something they say oh man they got Hunter again you know at some point Joe is going to have to say you know this sun thing just isn't working out do you agree the sun thing the sun thing's not working out too good it's all he had to do is pick up the laptop didn't the guy call him like 11 to pick up your laptop pick up your laptop I I wonder where that cocaine came from what happened that was the quickest investigation I've ever seen you know somebody told me could be wrong I always say that that way you could never get sued you know somebody told me could be wrong I'm sure it's wrong but in that little cubicle where it was there would be normally thousands of fingerprints you know people made it there were none it was cleaned so clean it's the kind of place I'd like to be actually clean I like cleanliness but it's called a cover-up every time the radical left Democrats marxists communist fascists indict me I considered a great great great badge of honor I do I do because I'm being indicted for you I am being indicted for you thanks a lot thanks a lot but never forget our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who are going to stop them it takes great people to stop these radical lunatics it takes great people they're sick they're sick people they want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom that's what's Happening Here they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the end they're not after me they're after you I'm just standing in their way and I always will stand in the way I promise and if you put me back in the White House their rain will be over and America will be a free Nation once again because we do not have a free Nation and from my first day in office I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every one of the many claims being brought forth by Congress and they're doing a good job Jamie Comer Jim Jordan all of them concerning all of the Crooked Acts including bribes from China and many other countries all these foreign countries sending money into the coffers of the Biden crime family we will have a special prosecutor and now they'll come after me even a little harder but I don't know how many more how much harder can they do it I should have four by sometime next week I never heard you know I went to the Wharton School of Finance we never studied indictment we never studied arrest we never studied prison these are sick people we're dealing with it's often said that Republicans don't fight hard enough and I happen to agree but they never said that about Trump and you have some Republicans that are fighting very hard now I have to tell you and but you're going to see that on my first day in the presidency the Deep state is destroying our nation but the tables will turn very quickly and we will destroy the Deep state and we got rid of a lot it didn't look like it but we got rid of a lot but we're also fighting like hell and also doing a great job and holding back China holding back North Korea Kim Jong-un all of a sudden that problem stopped Russia would have never gone in China would not be talking about Taiwan right now we did a great job I mean when you think about it we did a job that very few people have done on top of the greatest economy ever strongest border ever all of these things and we had this stuff hanging over our head all the time that's all they do they're the party of misinformation and disinformation and just four short years we already achieved more than any Administration probably in the history of our country we delivered the largest tax cuts and Regulatory cuts by far in history and likewise we built the greatest economy in history we achieved energy Independence and would have shortly gained energy down we were going to be dominant energy dominance for the first time ever we had gas prices at 1.87 cents again Ellen after years of bitter betrayals do you really have high prices here your electric course are about the highest in the country good luck with your electric cars everybody how how dumb is that and they're sitting all over the place nobody wants to how crazy let somebody if you want an electric car you buy an electric car but you gotta have choice choice just like you're gonna have school choice after years of bitter betrayals of New Hampshire workers I ended the disaster known as NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made replace it with the usmca the best trade deal ever made in fact it's such a good deal that Mexico and Canada are now trying to renegotiate it with the Biden Administration I say don't let them do it we suffered with that crazy NAFTA for years everyone said I'd never be able to terminate it because I had it terminated through Congress we got it terminated through Congress NAFTA we got the US embassy it's the best trade deal ever made it's unbelievable much better for us than it is for Mexico and Canada as you can tell I stood up to China like no Administration has ever done before bringing in billions and billions and billions of dollars pouring into our treasury when no other president had gotten literally 10 cents not one penny they got from China China had us figured out really well I gave our farmers in great New England lobsterman 28 billion dollars from the massive tariffs I received from China and to Sanctus oppose the deal by the way he opposed it just to put it out there quickly he also opposed Social Security I don't know if you know he went to decimate Social Security Medicare and Social Security he wanted to bring the minimum age up to 70. so I don't know if you know that but and remember one thing about a politician when that's his original thought that's where they go back to they may come up here and talk to you uh oh I love social security no he voted three times to turn to terminate and decimate it we appointed over 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices [Applause] and how about the ruling last week where they say that if you get great marks you go to college first there's no more crazy discrimination and other things nobody thought that was going to happen and last year those justices ruled to end Roe v Wade they rule to end Roe v way now I have to tell you we have to talk about it because it you know energizes the other side a little bit and it's not good but just so you understand just so you understand it how to talk about it now pro-lifers have a tremendous power to negotiate you had no power whatsoever they could kill the baby at any time they wanted they could kill the baby whenever they wanted this moves the issue back also to the states where all legal Scholars want it back in the States but you have tremendous power to negotiate like Ronald Reagan before me I support the three exceptions you have to go with your heart but I support for rape incest and for the life of the mother I do that and a lot of people the big portion there and remember there's the Democrats though we're not the radicals they're the radicals because they're willing to kill babies in their fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth month and even after birth so if you remember that if you remember that and the exceptions in my opinion are important in my opinion but you have to go with your heart but we did something that was amazing for 50 years they've tried to get it out they wanted it back in the States all legal Scholars on both sides wanted it back in the States but you now have a tremendous power to negotiate something that's going to be good and going to be lasting and it was a tremendous achievement a tremendous achievement but just remember they were the radicals they try and make you into radicals and uh monsters they were the radicals because they were killing babies in fifth sixth seventh and nobody nobody on either side wants that to happen they did a poll of Democrats the ninth month they had like nobody would nobody so you have to remember so you're in a very uh good position you have the power now of negotiation we gave you something that was uh really a fantastic thing that most people thought couldn't be done and now you have to use it wisely they're the extremists not us and we created the most secure Border in U.S history we built nearly 500 miles of border well we got Mexico to give us 28 000 soldiers free of charge remember when they said oh Mexico didn't pay Mexico gave us 28 000 soldiers free of charge it's a lot more than a little bit for the wall and a lot less complicated I said to the president you know a lot of people are coming in from Mexico the cartels are bringing in really bad people you have to give us soldiers no no no no no no no I will not do that I said no you have to how many do you need 28 000 well that's a lot that's a lot of soldiers Pancho Villa you know with the bullets going on panchovy these soldiers aren't politically correct either ours have to be politically correct if if our soldier speaks up to a person a little bit rough they put them in the brig for the rest of his life okay it's not good what they do to our soldiers I tell you they don't get it but we had 28 000 soldiers so people say well what about Mexico did Mexico but I said much better but they said we're not going to do it I said that's okay don't do it but you're going to suffer big consequences because what I'm going to do is I'm going to sign legislation which is a my desk that for every car you know they took 32 percent of our business out of the United States over a period of 22 years 30 not during my Administration nothing because I don't people you go there you're going to put a big tariff if you sell it back in that's all you had to do and you would have kept everybody but they took 32 I said here's what you do if you don't give us 28 000 soldiers I am going to put a 25 percent tariff on everything that Mexico sells into the United States meaning you're not going to sell anything because nobody's going to want it no no no you should not do that I said that's what I'm going to do and they said you know in thinking about it we would be honored to give you 28 000 soldiers so we had 28 000 soldiers uh remain in Mexico that was another one I got remain in Mexico when these people come in they come into our country and they stay and they never leave that's it and they're criminals and they come in from many many times many jails they've been emptied out and what I did is I got it remain in Mexico now the people have to remember the problem is that Biden is giving it all up he's giving everything up our medical stay he gave up even the judge said you don't want to give that up our country is going to be overrun so they gave it up but all of that was just the beginning years some of the agenda that I will immediately Implement when we become the when we that's you and me we're all going to become the president of the United States 47th president of the United States and before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after I win the presidency we will have that horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled it'll be settled I know them both very well get it done very quickly maybe in 24 hours and I'm the only candidate who can make you this promise I will prevent World War III I'll prevent it it's not going to happen we have a man right now who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating on our behalf with nuclear weapons he's lost every country now we're enemies with Russia with China with North Korea with Iran I terminated the Iran deal I got Jerusalem the capital of Israel and built and built actually built our beautiful uh building out of Jerusalem Stone right our beautiful Old Jerusalem you can't put two words together he said what is Stuart too no but we have a man who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating with people that like President XI of China he's negotiating with people that are at the top of their game there's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of some of these people these are smart tough killers macron of France and you heard the story maybe quickly because I'm sweating like a dog up here but does anybody want me to stop or should we go forward macron of France macron of France he put a big tax he wanted to put a big tax on our companies doing business in France I said you can't do that I gave it to my people to do they were unable to do anything about it two weeks they come back sir he's uh very strong on that he wants to do it I think it was like a 25 tax some ridiculous tax for American companies I called him I said Emmanuel I like you very much you're my friend but you can't put the tax on if you do here's what's going to happen I'm going to put a 100 tariff on all of your wines and Champagnes that aren't even like I'm going to put a 100 tariff on wines and Champagnes coming out of France and coming into no no no Donald you cannot do that I said oh I can't do that you have 10 minutes to tell me he said I give up and he took off the tax that's what happened I gave it to my Geniuses they couldn't sir he's there's no way we could stop it it was passed by his legislature to stop Biden's inflation catastrophe bring down the cost of energy and become energy independent and even energy dominant we are just three years ago we were energy dominant we were energy independent but we will drill baby drill we are going to be drilling and bringing it way down to bring ten thousands yeah it's going to bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to New Hampshire we already did it we made this place very successful you know anything that's good that's happening with the economy it's only because they're running on the fumes of what we built you understand that they're running on the fumes but those fumes can't last much longer and they're just pouring money out you know all these crazy deals is uh inflation reduction act you know 1.7 trillion dollars and it increases inflation but they're running on the fumes of what we did and uh we did an incredible job I will impose a border tariff on All Foreign made Goods coming into this country and I will pass the Trump reciprocal trade act very quickly that is if India China France anybody Germany they charge us we don't judge them because we had stupid people and I started changing that a lot but then we had covered we had to fix that mess but all the gift from China but reciprocal trade if they're charging us a hundred percent for a motorcycle when we do a motorcycle we charge them a hundred percent right now they charge 157 percent for a motorcycle Harley would have to send so what does Harley do they have to go and build a plant in India or they have to go and build no no more no more we're all set to do this too it was all set we had a couple of stupid Senators that didn't like it one of them coming from Pennsylvania said to me sir this is not free trade they say wait a minute this country I won't tell you which is charging us 200 percent we charge them nothing would it be okay if I charged them half a hundred percent no sir that's not free trade how about 50 how about 25 how about 10 should no search not free trade I said you're either corrupt or you're stupid as hell because it's crazy so we're going to pass it so if they charge us if they charge us very simple we charge them and it's probably all going to disappear the Biden economic bus will be replaced with the historic Trump economic boom I will immediately terminate every open borders policy of the Biden Administration our country is being invaded following the Eisenhower model we will use all necessary State local Federal and Military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history got to do it and I will use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning traffic children to their families in their home countries immediately to stop the Marxist prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting Republicans conservatives people of faith and Me by the way I will direct a completely over told doj to investigate every radical D.A and AG in America for their illegal racist and reverse enforcement of the law and we will bring back a thing called stop and frisk in our cities on day one I will sign a new executive order to cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content on our children are beautiful children our beautiful children are being destroyed by these Maniacs I will keep men out of women's sports it's very easy to do and I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states can you imagine can you imagine even having to say that think of this 15 years ago could you imagine I will stop child sexual abuse can you imagine having to that's actually a part of my campaign can you imagine having to say that we're going to stop the mutilation of children just as I did for four years I will fully uphold the Second Amendment it's going to be in good shed and I will fully secure our elections they'll be done the right way our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and voter ID that's what I've always but until then Republicans must compete and we must win 2024 is the most important election we've ever had but this is what we must do to restore our country to Greatness the USA is a mess our economy is crashing inflation is out of control China Russia Iran and North Korea formed together as a menacing and destructive Coalition like we've never seen before our currency is crashing and we'll know longer in my opinion be the world standard if it keeps going like this which will be the single greatest defeat of our country in 200 years we lose the power of the dollar it won't happen with me not even a little chance just like Russia would have never invaded Ukraine and China would have never even thought about raiding Taiwan they wouldn't have done it I told them you're not going to do it if you took the five worst Presidents in the history of the United States and added them up they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden Administration have done we are a failing Nation I don't like saying that but we are we are a failing Nation we are a nation in Decline and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement the doj and the FBI it's totally corrupt and we're not going to let it happen 224 2024 I have no idea how important it is it's our final battle it's our final real big battle with you at my side we will demolish the Deep State we will expel the warmongeries from our government we will drive out the globalists we will cast out the Communists marxists and fascists we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country we will route the fake news media we will defeat crooked Joe Biden and we will drain the swamp once and for all [Applause] the great silent majority is rising like never before I mean never before it's never been I don't believe it's ever been like this I said it twice tonight I'll say it again the we have never had anything like it the spirit the love the passion there's never been anything like this and we went through 2016 and we went through 2020 and most people would say they were the most passionate this is blowing it away but we've never had anything like this never before and under our leadership the Forgotten men and women will be forgotten no longer with your help your love and your vote we will put America first we will make America we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to make it great it's hard to believe right now our country is at such a low point we will make America greater than ever before thank you New Hampshire God bless you God bless you New Hampshire God bless you all thank you [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much wow thank you very much thank you this is an honor I just knocked over a fan on purpose here was blowing the hell out of my hair it's sore I said I gotta do a good job in front of New Hampshire I can't have fans we don't need anything artificial up here right we don't even need to go out so I just want to say hello New Hampshire a special place a great place with many great friends and great people I'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful state with thousands of proud and I mean proud I mean seriously proud look at this American Patriots who believe in that Timeless motto Live Free or Die I want to thank all of the people so many people you know we're killing everybody in polls you do know that right I mean just not by like a little bit like by 40 and 50 points we're beating beating them black but I want to thank my New Hampshire co-chairs Lou gargiolo and Windham selectman Bruce Breton Bruce is here and a friend of mine a great guy U.S senator Bob Smith Bob thank you very much and your beautiful wife when the police chief Mike Karen thank you Mike thank you very much representative Tim Cahill and some of our fantastic supporters Chris Stevens David andrakis and Dave a bear where is David somebody that's been with me from the beginning I don't mean like I don't mean like six months in I mean like from the beginning I guess we're talking like in the 2015s we don't even go back we go back to 15s now but he came he said you're going to win sir you're going to win so big I said really you think so really he's a total Pro by the way so I don't know if he really believed that when he said that but he said you're going to win you run you're going to win sir and he started with me six months before the campaign and that's all I heard sir it's unbelievable you're doing phenomenally in the polls I don't even know if they had any polls but he got me all psyched up I will tell you that and he's also a fantastic person who loves absolutely loves New Hampshire with his Incredible family and wife is here the wife is she's been with him and she loves him and he loves her they have a fantastic family Corey Lewandowski Corey where is Corey where is he well there he is always likes to be a little bit in the background thank you Corey great job he's doing a great job and somebody else who's really been fantastic right from the beginning I saw on television this weekend and I didn't even recognize her she looks so phenomenal she was so Dynamic and then I got the television a little bit fixed up also put on my glasses and I saw how good she was Caroline Levitt she's been fantastic [Music] where's Caroline you great job this weekend well you're much better having her on your side believe me I said we better get her in my side and she's been there for a long time now thank you very much Carolyn thank you very much thank you everybody this afternoon I'm also delighted to announce the launch of our new Coalition Veterans for Trump led by true American warrior you know who that Warrior is he's a tough guy and he's a great guy and you just met him Congressman Brian mess Brian thank you very much great guy and today I'm especially grateful to receive the endorsement of over 100 Veterans from the granite state including New Hampshire Veterans Coalition co-chairs Hillsborough County Attorney John Coughlin John thank you very much John wherever you may be thank you John and state representative Joe Petri thank you very much Joe thanks Joe good tough guys I also want to thank my senior advisor somebody's been here almost as long as Corey he's been with us Steve stepanak thieves thank you see you thank you Steve and state director Trevor nudleari Trevor thank you Trevor great job thank you very much and and really we are doing fantastically up here so that group I felt we should introduce him you know it's nice if we were doing lousy I would not have introduced of my promise I wouldn't have even thought of it but they're doing an unbelievable job and the level is we're so far above everybody else in the polls they're all saying is he going to go into the debate and I say I don't know if you're leading by 50 and 60 and 70 points do you do that or not I don't know should I okay you ready Paul we take a free poll should I do the debate well maybe we'll do something else you know see some people say yes but they hate to say it because it doesn't make sense to do it if you're leading by so much but they like it for entertainment value because they're selfish they're selfish uh to every veteran in this room we salute you and we really do we worked hard with the veterans and we've had a fantastic relationship and this is a very big and important veteran State I probably learned more about the veterans from dealing in New Hampshire than any other state please stand and receive our thanks all veterans do you mind please stand and receive our thoughts all right that's a lot of veterans thank you thank you very much wow that's a beautiful a lot of times they'll say whatever group it may be please stand and you know you have like two people stand up I say that's not too much let's change our speech right but when I came into office in 2017 our government had a disgracefully horrible situation going on they betrayed it solemn pledge to America's veterans you know that better than anybody I learned a lot about it from Yoli the VA was plagued by one horrific scandal after another remember you turn on the news and you just see these horrible scandals having to do with the veterans you didn't hear any of it for four years you literally heard that very little and we did things that were really amazing and I'm proud of thousands of veterans were put on secret medical wait lists and many of them left to die without receiving any care or any Aid under Obama some very bad people were abusing veterans in VA hospitals including sadists yet sadists they were hitting the veterans when the veterans weren't in prime time okay they wouldn't have touched them in Prime Time believe me but they were hitting him when they were in trouble and a lot of say this we got them all out the VA employees were even caught stealing drugs intended for the treatment of our sick and Wounded Warriors and they were stealing them and using them for themselves and selling them but all of that changed when we arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue we went from the absolutely worst Brian you know that we went from the absolutely worse to uh I mean that was the worst presidency for the veterans the previous presidency wonderful people you're not allowed to even say that it's not politically correct I'll say it to the greatest champion the veterans ever had in the White House and it was very much promises made Promises Kept and a couple of the really big ones just as I promised I proudly signed the VA accountability act allowing us to quickly terminate VA bureaucrats and bad people who mistreated our vets we told more than 10 000 bad corrupt incompetent VA workers people that were sadists and they couldn't get rid you couldn't get rid of them you had no right they could steal they could beat people up you couldn't do a damn thing and we got it so you could fire him and I said you're fired get out out out of here ten thousand sounds like a lot but it's a big system and uh we got ten thousand really uh really bad people out very very evil people they knew who they were they couldn't do a thing about it it was amazing so we got that passed in Congress if you can believe it they were trying for 30 years to get it passed I also signed veterans choice and made that permanent we got that passed in Congress also which was really a a big deal that was a big deal you have choice you could go out if you're not getting the trip and you go out but thanks to this Landmark we formed three million veterans have been able to get care as needed and when they wanted it you know they'd wait in line sometime for weeks and months and you know they have some great doctors in the VA that really good doctors but you couldn't get to them you couldn't get to them people would wait for many months they'd become terminally ill waiting something that could have been fixed easily they'd become terminally ill and I got it so that you go outside you get a doctor we pay the bill and you get taken care of immediately if you had to wait more than a short period of time so it was a great thing that was a great thing that's very important they've been trying to get that by the way that one 52 years right they were trying to get it for 52 years they couldn't get it done I you know it just made so much sense right from the first time I heard it and I heard it first up here from your people under the Trump Administration we secured record funding for the VA we slashed VA waiting times by more than 33 percent and even now there's a new chart that came out from our last period that it was a 57 percent that's a lot and almost all veterans reported major improvements at their local VA facility once I became president in fact we hit an all-time record high of va satisfaction of 92 percent nobody has even come close and I got angry at my people they say he's not a nice guy some people didn't like me too much as you probably heard because we were tough we were tough but they said why why is it 92 why isn't it a hundred and they left their room they said this guy's very difficult but we really mean it but we hit the highest approval rating we've ever had and I have to tell you that approval rating now is not doing so well you know that you know that a lot of bad things are happening over there they've what they've what they're doing to dismantle that system that was so good but to help combat veteran suicide we delivered same day Mental Health Care at every VA facility in America and make great strides until Biden came along Philly came along in a few short years we turned the VA from a national embarrassment into a national example of devotion and service and loyalty to the American Veteran it was amazing an amazing thing and an amazing success so we got it done pretty quickly once we got the legislation passed I would say it moved along very quickly sadly crooked Joe Biden and that's what he is he's a stone called Thief crooked Joe Biden has been a disaster for American Veterans as one of his first accident office Biden gutted my historic VA reforms he gutted them out making it easier to remove bad VA employees from the job and in a shocking Act of betrayal of America's Veterans as well as the tens of thousands of dedicated professionals and you do have great professionals at the VA crooked Joe Biden is in the process of not removing people but reinstating 5 000 of the ten thousand people that we fired who were fired for good reason including sadism and this who were fired for very good reasons and they want to give them back their full pay they want to give them their jobs back and we were very careful about that we didn't get rid of people haphazardly we got rid of people that were not doing their job some really in bad cases and some they just weren't doing their job they didn't care they didn't show up to work and he wants to put at least half of them back the same people and it'll cost over 200 million dollars to do that I'd rather to give the money to you directly it's a lot better it's amazing I mean it's amazing it breaks your heart it breaks your heart that was such a big thing and now they want to put a lot of those people back Joe Biden puts bureaucrats first I put veterans first and I put America first thank you very much thank you thank you very much that's why today I'm announcing a number of specific actions I'll take to fulfill our sacred duty to our Great American veterans on day one of my new Administration I will fully restore the use of va accountability we're going to bring it back in full force full force and we already have the legislation passed so I don't have to go through Congress which really that's why it took 52 years because they couldn't get it passed but we have it passed all we have to do is make it work so we have the the hardest part is done and direct by secretary Veterans Affairs to fire every corrupt VA bureaucrat who Joe Biden is outrageously refused to remove from the job or put or put back in the job then instead of providing more than 200 million dollars in back pay to VA workers like Biden is doing I will ask Congress to take every penny of those funds to finally build a brand new state-of-the-art VA Hospital right here in the great state of New Hampshire because I don't know if you know this but we can say that no longer will New Hampshire be the only state in America without a full service VA facility you'll have it and you'll have it done quickly we have a great we have a great group did you know you're the only one that doesn't have one all right that's what you get with the that's what you get with those Democrats that's what happens at the same time so you're going to have a brand new no you're gonna have a brand new VA Hospital beautiful state of the art top of the line top of the line the only state that doesn't have one I was waiting for that actually thank you who said that by the way stand up okay you know I was going to say that but then I thought I'd be politically correct thank you take good care of her that's right yeah true selfish selfish guy at the same time well he ran for president and he got two points he ran without running you know he didn't want to announce he wanted to run but so it's a shame we could win this state so easy if we had help from the governor but we never got help from the government we helped him but he never he never helped us so but I'm glad you said it because this way I could say I was so nice up in New Hampshire nah he's not the same man now he's not the same he took a big beating he took a big beating knocking the hell out of everybody and he took a big beating and then he he gets the first bowl and he sees in his own State he was in seventh place out of a group at the same time we were fully maintained the V8 clinics and the rest of the state and addressed the severe shortage of nurses and other health care workers at the home for the retired veterans in Tilton anybody know that home in Tilton I will once again make stopping veteran suicide a top priority of my Administration terrible situation I will ban the Department of Veterans Affairs from wasting a single Cent to fund transgender surgeries or sex change procedures spend a lot of money there's a very very you know they are very very expensive operations and you also know you have to go through tremendous drug therapy after that and I was always sold in the military if you take much more than an aspirin you can't do it but the tremendous drug therapy it's a lot of a lot of problems you know we had it stopped and then he came in one of the first things he did is he started that up again those precious taxpayer dollars should be going to care for our veterans in need not to refund radical gender experiments for the Communists left I'll also restore the Trump ban on transgender in the military we're going to end up you know we had it banned we hadn't been you know I went to generals I said General off the Record what do you think of transgender sir uh your city by listening sir what do you think I don't like it sir and then I'd say to another one you know they were all afraid to talk about it but you know I have to do what's right you have to do what's right and and we have to help everybody you have to help transgender you have to help everybody but this was just not something that was working out and uh as soon as they came back as soon as they came back by a rigged election by the way as soon as they as soon as they came back they approved that that was one of the first things on their list they approved it so now they're they're doing a lot of now they're doing a lot of things that shouldn't be done shouldn't be done if you if you talk if you talk to the real generals not the television generals the real generals we've got some hey look I knocked out Isis in a few weeks with real generals we have we have a great military but we're not going to let our military go woke that I can tell you but the real Generals in the military down a little bit those guys are incredible the way they did that the way they took out a lot of bad people but they took out Isis the Isis caliphate 100 and it was surgical it was incredible we will get critical race Theory and all other woke lunacy out of the United States armed forces and we will abolish every Biden covet mandate and rehire every patriot who was fired from our military with an apology and with back pain and in addition I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate veterans homelessness I mean you have a situation in America it's a scandal it's a disgrace what's happening now is nobody's ever seen and it is a national tragedy that Joe Biden crooked Joe he's more interested in where's the money coming from to him he's interested to him how about all these things with the 30 corporations and the this and that the money flowing in everybody getting money coming in from China how can you how can you be tough in China when they're paying you a lot of money and see they know too much you know we have a compromise we have a Manchurian Candidate they may they know too much so he can't be tough in China that's why he's so that's why he allows blimps flying over the country right over our nuclear sites let them come in let them take pictures or don't do anything about it they'll tell they'll tell everybody who's giving me all that money he's a compromised candidate and I'll tell you something out of respect for the office of President I didn't talk this way five weeks ago six weeks ago I knew I felt very badly about what was going on but out of respect for the Office of the President I wouldn't have said the way I talk he's a crooked person he's a totally dishonest guy so we'd say things but but we now I even changed his name I took it away from Hillary we call him crooked Joe instead of sleepy Joe we call him crooked Joe I retired it that was a great day for Hillary I said of crooked Hillary I said we're removing the name from crooked Hillary now we call her beautiful beautiful Hillary it's a beautiful woman and we're giving it to Biden because he's a crooked person but out of respect for the office I would never have said that to this extent and I never did but now they indicted your president your former president who is very popular 75 million people so now they ripped off the top they took the gloves off and we can say whatever we want and I'll tell you what and I'll tell you what what he's done is a scandal the likes of which this country has never seen and the fake news hates to talk about it [Applause] horrible thing that crooked Joe Biden has spent nearly one billion dollars to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants who are pouring into our country it's an invasion of our country we had the safest Border in history now we have the worst border probably in the world but to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants at expensive luxury hotels the best hotels in the country in many cases while more than 33 000 Americans who have served this nation in uniform are homeless on our streets okay on day one I will sign an executive order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens which our country can't handle and I will redirect that money to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American veterans they'll be treated properly [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much furthermore I will finally hold accountable all of the failed leaders and television generals who gave us Joe Biden's catastrophe in Afghanistan two years ago this month in my opinion you know I watched a lot of the parents I spoke to many of those parents I called them when it happened what a horrible what a horrible thing and what what they've gone through there was no way that was going to happen you know I wanted we were going out but we're going to get out with strength with dignity what they did when they took the soldiers out first don't you take the soldiers out last you take them out less we went 18 months without one soldier being killed I spoke to the head of the Taliban I said don't do it Abdul don't do it Abdul same man who's still running it but when you think of that horrible horrible event leaving Untold numbers of Americans behind 13 dead Warriors 35 horrifically wounded nobody talks about them but horrifically Wounded Warriors and 85 billion dollars worth of the finest military equipment on the planet bought by me you know why you rebuilt the military I rebuilt the entire U.S military a lot of that equipment was brand new bought by me it was the single most embarrassing day in the history of our country in my opinion I think it was and I think it probably was what led Putin to say this is the time that country has had it because I guarantee you one thing Putin was not going in with me and neither was neither was she going in in China into Taiwan but Putin was not going into Ukraine and we talked about it too when I got along with him great they hate to hear you got along with them yeah it's always nice to get and you know nobody was rougher look I ended the pipeline nobody ever heard of Nordstrom too right Brian nobody heard of Nordstrom too I said Nordstrom too nobody knew that's a pipeline going to Germany and taking care of all of Europe I ended it it was dead and then Biden approved at his first week so what's going on there under my leadership we were leaving Afghanistan with dignity and strength and we would not under any circumstances what that was was surrender and humiliation that's what it was I was I think it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country and we had it so solid they were they weren't shooting at us they knew better because they knew they were going to get absolutely decimated if they did when I returned to the White House we will restore peace through strength that's what we had we had peace through strength I'm the only president in many many decades like eight decades like many many years that didn't have any wars we got out of wars and we won Wars we beat Isis we won Wars but we got out of wars and everybody respected us you know we were three years ago we were very respected we were very respected they didn't play games nobody played games including trade where we get screwed by everybody we didn't we made great trade deals even with China they buy 50 billion dollars a year because of what I did for our farmers and everybody else and we were respected and they didn't play games we took in hundreds of billions of dollars through tariffs on China no other president took in 10 cents hundreds of billions of dollars they were not too fond of me but I got along with President XI also we gave you know I just looked at us just said look it up I was in the plane coming up I say look it up what do we give Afghanistan does anybody have that note I think I gave it to Corey we give Afghanistan now billions of dollars I said I didn't know that billions of dollars in Aid a number that is so astronomical and this goes on a yearly basis and they need it for humanitarian and all of that that's good but let him give us back our equipment they ought to give us back some of our equipment you know we're giving them 2.7 billion and 3 billion and 2 billion I thought would say maybe nothing or maybe a hundred million dollars or maybe something little but the numbers are astronomical what we give to Afghanistan so that should be a condition of the continued Aid I mean it's I don't want to hurt people but they took 85 billion dollars worth they didn't take we left because we were fools we were stupid we were stupid I remember a certain General saying sir it's cheaper to leave the equipment behind sir because we were going to get out but I would have kept Bagram because Bagram it's one of the biggest air bases in the world of course there's billions of dollars to build many years ago and Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear we forget Afghanistan where China makes their nuclear weapons it's in Afghanistan and they left Bagram late at night they left the lights on they left billions and billions of dollars one hour away from whatever and now China will soon be occupying that incredible base that we built many many years ago it's so sad I mean these people are just horrible they're horrible you know I told somebody on the way up today I told Brian I told a few of the guys so we did great in 2016. we actually did much better as you know we got millions more votes in 2020 the election was rigged but but there is more enthusiasm today than we ever had in 2016 or 2020 and the reason is because these people are so corrupt and they're so horrible they're so incompetent the reason is because they're watching when you look at that border and you see millions of people pouring through our border totally unchecked nobody knows where they come from they come from mental institutions and prisons and they come from all over the place 147 different countries last week people coming in but when you look at the the Border just as an example or when you look at high interest rates that they've set High interest rates when you look at the fact that oil was an all-time high and they say let's stop drilling no when oil is an all-time high you start drilling you know you make a fortune we would have supplied all of Europe everything we would have supplied oil and gas to Europe we would have made a fortune we're to start paying off that big debt that we have 35 trillion dollars we would have been paying it off we would have made a fortune and this guy stopped it and now we're getting our oil from Venezuela how about that one and it's not even well I should say we're getting our tar because they have very bad you know they have very heavy it's like tar you have to refine it and for the environmentalists in the group you know where we find it in Houston it has to be brought there's only one plant that can refine it it's like tar and it's Houston so all of that spews up into the air of Texas we get it from there we have the best stuff where I call it Liquid Gold under our feet we don't use it this is a crazy Administration this is like April Fool's Day they they want open borders they want no voter ID they want no paper ballots they want High interest rates they want your taxes are going to go up four times they say four times they haven't been able to break you know I got you the greatest tax cut in the history of this country and they have tried but they haven't been able to break it yet but at some point you know it expires in another fairly short period of time so get ready for that one these people want you to pay much higher taxes it's crazy and we could do it so much easier everyone can see the stunning contrast between our incredible success and Joe Biden's horrendous failures and that's one reason why we're leading so big in the polls that's really the reason I think it's a more enthusiasm now than 2016 or 2020 because you've seen how incompetent these people are it's it's horrible in the recent Rasmussen poll we're up 44 points with trumpet 57 Rhonda sanctimonious at 13. and the rest of them down in single digits and really love and in the morning consult that just came out I wanted to see because you know every time you get indicted I like to check the polls because one more indictment that I think this election's over one more no it's horrible you get indicted for nothing can you imagine a guy let's indict my opponent this uh this is a sick this is a third this becomes a third world country the latest morning console poll has as far ahead with 59 and the others are at like 12. one is it 12. I think that's the sanctimonious but he's rapidly being caught by rameshwami who's good no no Christy's he's eating right now he can't be bothered [Applause] sir please do not call him a fat pig that's very disres don't call him see I'm I'm trying to be nice Don't Call Him a fat pig you can't do it you can't do that so now because you're not allowed to do that and therefore we're not going to do it okay we want to be very civil right so the latest coefficient poll which is a big deal have us almost at 60 to 13 with our lead over to Sanctus growing by nine points just since a few weeks ago and even the recent New York Times poll has us up by 37 points and that was older you know now uh and Rhonda sanctimonious the reason I don't like him is that I got him elected you know when you get somebody I don't want to go through the whole story because most of you know but he came to me he needed help he was getting demolished in the primary stupidly I said all right I'll do it because I didn't know the guy was running against his name was Adam Putnam I said I'll do it because you know he he was one of the 200 people that were on television he was no better than anybody else he was no Jim Jordan that I can tell you and he was on television and fighting a little bit on impeachment hoax number one and impeachment hooks number two so I said you know what uh if I actually told him if I were Abraham Lincoln if we brought him back from the dead and if we brought George Washington back from the dead and they gave you the greatest endorsement and they hugged you and kissed you just like you did to Obama just look you know he did and Christy did who hugged and kissed Obama harder to Sanctus or Chris Christie I think Chris Crystal remember that he grabbed him Obama said get this guy off of me and that was the end of Romney when that happened that could have been a good thing but but we are in New Hampshire area that's all right no but he asked me so I said you know what Ron let's do it go ahead let's do it so I gave him a very strong endorsement and the next day he went like a rocket right through the thing and he blew the I mean people that worked for Adam Putnam couldn't believe it they never called me but I didn't know Adam he was the secretary of agriculture he should have called me I would have endorsed him sometimes it's the first one to call sometimes you don't do it at all but he did and then I had to get him through Gillum remember Gillum it turned out to be a pothead crackhead but everybody thought he was the hottest one in politics and Ron said I won't be able to beat him I said well he's the hottest man in politics I said you can beat him then he he comes he calls me could you do a rally then he actually said could you do three I think I did three rallies we had massive crowds you know those rallies was we're doing a lot of them we're doing again they're hotter now than anything because of what's happening because of how bad it is but I did there and he ends up winning the election then four years later would you run against the president you know these Maniacs are screaming would you run against the president would you run will you run and he goes I have no comment I said what what did he say that I heard this I'm watching on newscast I'm watching a fake newscast and they say would you run against the president he shall said I have no comment now to me that means he's running so I said that son of a [ __ ] is running can you believe it I just got him elected so that's why I've been particularly hard at him unfortunately it's worked because he's crashing he's he's like he doesn't know what happened he goes home he says what happened where what did I do wrong what you know what he did wrong he ran what he did wrong is he should have waited till 28 but I don't know if that would have held water because eventually they would have figured out you know you do need some personality if you're going to be a politician just a little some of them don't have too much like your Governor you know like your government in the new Emerson poll a Battleground States in Arizona were leading Biden by a lot and very importantly at that same poll and other polls were leading Biden by seven eight nine 11 points but you know what when I hear we're leading by two or three or four points you know you gotta understand that's actually a lot for a republic because they have a built-in vote that no matter who you are even if you can't put two sentences together you get like 40. we don't have that we have to win the entire East Coast like we did in 2016 and like we did in 2020 too by the way but they're watching closely air watching in that same poll we're leading in the primary by 47 think of that 40s that's a lot but we will not play prevent defense you ever see in the NFL they don't allow a point on the other team not a point their defense is brutal they can't get now they just have to hold the other team one more series they have to Hope just please hold them let's go prevent defense ping ping the end of the game touchdown touchdown we will not play is that okay we will not play prevent right but everyone else is in single digits his one you'll like in the New Hampshire new brand new coefficient poll respected highly the New Hampshire Journal has us leading by 43 points we're leading by leading by and the Sanctus Rhonda sanctimonious he said uh nine points he's at nine he's time to go back to Florida Ron and you know work on your insurance that's costing everybody a fortune and now we're dominating Biden in the general election Harvard Harris has us up by five points and we're up 18 points among Independents remember you know they like to go around well Will trump get the independence Will trump get the women you know what the women want the women want safety they want to have a border they want to have low taxes low interest rates foreign they don't want in their beautiful suburbs you know they talk about oh the Suburban women I think the Suburban women like me you know what I did you know what I did we have a lot of super no no they don't want to have a low-income housing job built right next to their house that's what the Democrats want so I give them strong borders I give them good safety I give them a powerful military education so important by the way speaking of Education because this is largely about veterans uh we are going to bring education back to the States so that each state will run a hundred percent we'll keep we'll keep approximately three people in Washington just to make sure that you're teaching English Okay as opposed to another language okay you know you need a little coordination like everybody has to teach English if you don't mind but we'll keep a little bit of uh like two or three people but but you know we have building after building after building and here's the problem no matter what poll you look at of of Education in the world we're at the bottom of the polls and we spend more money than anybody else we spend double and triple what number two is like Norway Denmark Believe It or Not China very high ranking uh Japan but Norway and Denmark they said we're following New York City they said we are going to follow the Norwegian system I said that didn't work out you know how long that lasted about 15 minutes you know that didn't work out too well for New York I'll tell you New Yorkers said did you see what's happening in New York with the okay how about how about you know we all when I left New York New York was a proud City and now it's so sad to see what's happened to that City and then the big new premise poll were beating Biden by a lot while the Sanctus is losing to Biden by a lot so that's enough of that stuff but you know the polls are phenomenal people want us back they remember what we had we built the economy twice we built the greatest economy in the world and then we did it a second time ethical but these incredible numbers are the primary reason that crooked Joe Biden is weaponized law enforcement he has weapon he's done something that nobody thought they talked about it but nobody ever did it and never to this extent and ordered his top political opponent me arrested they were they actually arrest arrested right in the middle of a presidential election that Biden is losing badly you know he says I'm down in the polls to Trump let's arrest him let's arrest him let's indict him and arrest him please indict him and arrest him he's killing me in the polls what they didn't know is that I was going to go up because the good thing is we have a voice somebody gets indicted you go down usually right I would say Corey uh almost always you go down but they know me and these charges are so presidential records act as just exactly for that case they don't want me to speak about a rigged election they don't want me to speak about it whereas that's I have freedom of speech First Amendment how can my corrupt political opponent crooked Joe Biden put me on trial during an election campaign that I'm winning by a lot but forcing me nevertheless to spend time and money away from the campaign Trail in order to fight bogus made up accusations and charges that's what they're doing I'm sorry I won't be able to go to Iowa today I won't be able to go to New Hampshire today because I'm sitting in a courtroom on [ __ ] because his attorney general charged me with something terrible thank you very much yeah it is it's a think of it they say charge him now you know they miscalculated a little bit you know the other good line no no actually we want to run against Trump no no if they didn't want to run you have to they'd say oh we would much prefer running against Trump that's because they had such an easy time when Hillary ran against me and last time we did much better than that you know somebody said we sold hundreds of millions of hats somebody said the other day many polls you know counties we had like almost 3 000 they have 200 so many different uh metrics but hats the Red Hats the white hats all the hats we sold even the farmer hats which are green right make Farmers great again did I make Farmers great again I got them 28 I got him 28 billion from China that's why I said no way I lose Iowa why is that why are you so confident because I got the farmers 28 billion dollars nobody else did but but think of this somebody said it the other day I never thought of it there were Red Hats all over South Carolina we had almost 80 000 people you saw about you saw we were in this gorgeous area this gorgeous town I don't want to say the name of the town because if I do they'll try and change the name back to you know something else but it was beautiful beautiful place and the sheriff was great everybody was we had 80 000 people and it was a sea of red Red Hats mostly but white also green and everything but I'll tell you you were there right 80 000 people and you took a look at that and I said has anybody ever seen a Biden hat [Applause] so think of it we have hundreds of millions over the six seven years eight years we have hundreds of millions of hats sold and I'm I'm asking has anybody ever seen a hat saying Biden well we did have hats because we made them that said where's Hunter where is Hunter but is this going to be where they go and indict your opponent is this going to be the next president's going to say Hey listen my opponent is doing really well all over the place look at the crowds we have I mean outside you got a lot of people and yeah and by the way I want to say officially for the Press it's about 110 degrees of this room nice job with the air conditioning whoever but but you know what the Press will say you know that they'll say Trump didn't look well he was extremely wet it's a hundred and four or five degrees in this room but we're okay with it right sure but is this going to be the future of elections in America where a sitting president tells his tells his attorney general to indict the opponent to try and knock the opponent down this is what's happening and then you ask the simple question so this has been going on for a long time the same so why didn't they do it two and a half years ago you know why because then it wouldn't have mattered so much you know they want to take away your freedom of speech everything else would have mattered a lot less but and it would have been terrible because it's all bogus but why if they were going to do it why didn't they do it two and a half years ago before the election right they waited till the election they waited and I probably have another one they say there's a young woman a young racist in Atlanta she racist and they say I guess they say that she was after a certain gang and she ended up having an affair with the head of the gang or a gang member and this is a person that wants to indict me she's got a lot of problems but she wants to indict me to try and run for some other office uh what's going on in this country is and by the way wants to indict me for a perfect phone call this was even better than my perfect call with Ukraine remember that call that was a perfect call this one's better this one is more perfect I challenge the election in Georgia which I have every right to do which I was right about Franklin [Applause] and they want to indict me because I challenge the election so does that mean that Hillary Clinton Who challenged the election does that mean that Stacy Abrams and all of the other virtually every Democrat challenges the election does that mean or they do the Slate of electors this has been going on since Thomas Jefferson who wanted to say but they don't go they use my word they took it and they said fake because I came up with the name fake news a long time ago worked out good but it's no longer good enough because it's not tough enough because it's really corrupt news it's beyond fake they don't even write they don't even write all the money that Biden is stealing you don't see one store years ago that win Pulitzer prizes today even Pulitzer prizes of very little value because you know we're suing the Pulitzer Foundation because they gave Pulitzer prizes to people that wrote about the Russia Russia Russia hoax for their wonderful writing their Brilliance they were wrong they were totally wrong and everybody admits they were wrong so why doesn't Pulitzer just give back the awards because they're radical left lunatics but we're suing we'll see what happens we're doing quite well never happened in the USA this has never happened where and attorney general is told to take the justice department and the FBI and sue somebody think of it who's running for president and leading not only the Republicans by 50 points but leading the Democrat by a lot so he says sue him and that will bring him down but they sued and I have a guy they call him deranged Jack Smith he's deranged and you know Biden on the box of stuff Biden is almost 2 000 bucks is somewhere held in Chinatown not a good place for him and you don't ever hear anything about him and I came under a thing called the presidential records act won't go into it but it's beautiful but we have this deranged lunatic looking at us and he's got a very nice man very gentle man our guy leaks he does things that are just terrible and because of that we're leading by a lot because frankly I think it's had a huge impact because it shows how sick and how evil these people are in addition to not knowing anything about the Border about the economy about the military or about dealing with other nations so this is all about election interference but that isn't quite good enough crooked Joe now wants the thug prosecutor this deranged guy to file a court order taking away My First Amendment right so that I can't speak so listen to this we don't want you to speak about the case the case the case is is a ridiculous case it's the first amendment case but we don't want Trump to speak so they want me they take away your rights on First Amendment now they sue because they're so now I have one of these lunatic reporters back there saying sir would like to talk to you about your case or I'm sorry I'm not allowed to talk about it somehow that's not good for votes do you agree when we say I can't talk I'd love to I will talk about it I will they're not taking away my first amendment so based on yet another radical left hooks you know I've gone through many hoaxes as the people in this room know very well but it's another one radical left hooks like Russia Russia Russia the no collusion Mueller report how about that after three years we find no collusion I was supposed to be like working for Russia they go went through millions of phone calls not one call made to Russia they have no collusion after almost three years then they created a fake dossier it was made by how bad are people when they make up a story about Russia they put it in the fake dossier like it was legit and even the guy that wrote it who were also suing by the way but the guy that wrote it Christopher Steele they offered him a million dollars the FBI if he would a firm they would beg you please play committee the way they give money man the FBI they give away a lot of money don't they yeah so they offered him a million dollars to affirm it he couldn't do it he wouldn't do it it turned out to be a total fake but here's Adam Schiff Shifty shift and he comes out he says he says to the reporters gathered click click click they're all going crazy Donald Trump Jr the son of the president of the United States will go to jail over Russia Russia Russia now think of it he made it up with Hillary and all these people they made it up and they're saying that my son will go to jail now how bad you have to be to do that so they know it's a phony story they know it's a phony story they say he's going to go to jail these are not these are not Mrs Lewandowski you hear that can you imagine of that with these kids can you imagine what look what your husband got me into I could have been relaxing at Mar-A-Lago or in the south of France which I would prefer being in this country frankly but they got involved with fisa the fraudulent fisa applications remember they sent in applications to the courts and they were all fraud the judges never did anything about it they knew they were frauds it was written about they never did anything about it the 51 intelligence agents that said Hunter's laptop from hell was all Russia disinformation do not use it you know they say that made like from a 10 to a 17 point difference in the in the polls the FBI Twitter files a doj Facebook and all of the rest all of the rest uh look at uh 2000 mules look at what they did with that thousands and thousands and thousands of votes on tape on camera all of this will come up during this trial that's uh all of this will come on because we won the election by Allah then they have this crap going on I never even thought of this one Trump didn't really believe he won the election let me tell you people that know me say that's one thing I tell you there was never a second of any day that I didn't believe that that election was rigged it was a rigged election it was a rigged election and it was a stolen disgusting election and this country should be ashamed and they go after the people that want to prove that it was rigged and stolen so it never happens that they go after them they don't go after the people that rigged it okay and we'll see how it all turns out you know we've been we've been right about a lot of things right you ever see Trump was right about everything ultimately let's see how that all works out so in other words I'll be the only politician in American history not allowed to speak because of our corrupt system sir you're not allowed to speak on the jaw in other words I'll come here and I'll say hi everybody listen uh not allowed to speak please vote for me New Hampshire if you would bye and all I can say is the never-ending Witch Hunt continues and we have exposed so much nobody's ever thought I have exposed so much it's been incredible but do not fear we will win bigger and better than ever before they rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024 we're not going to allow it to happen we're not going to allow it to happen New Hampshire and you're such an important state you know you're relatively small you're so important politically and you know I kept Iowa and you in those first positions please remember the because I thought there was a great beautiful tradition to it they wanted to move you way back in the line and I said nope we're not doing that we're not doing that you are in the position you'll always be there as long as I have anything to say about it Joe Biden is the most incompetent and corrupt president in U.S history the Biden crime family was taking in money from China Ukraine Russia all these places yesterday within so many others and now whenever more Biden corruption is exposed as henchmen charged me with a crime you know when they get something on Biden oh let's indict let's add on another indictment to that stupid indictment that we filed let's add on another one because that takes the news cycle unfortunately I get disproportionate publicity so they indict me he's right great balls but so they end up so when they want to keep something they say oh man they got Hunter again you know at some point Joe is going to have to say you know this sun thing just isn't working out do you agree the sun thing there's something's not working out too good all he had to do is pick up the laptop didn't the guy call him like 11 to pick up your laptop pick up your laptop I wonder where that cocaine came from what happened that was the quickest investigation I've ever seen you know somebody told me it could be wrong I always say that that way you can never get sued you know somebody told me could be wrong I'm sure it's wrong but in that little cubicle where it was there would be normally thousands of fingerprints you know people made there were none it was cleaned it was so clean it's the kind of place I'd like to be actually clean I like cleanliness but it's called a cover-up every time the radical left Democrats marxists communist fascists indict me I considered a great great great badge of honor I do I do because I'm being indicted for you I am being indicted for you thanks a lot thanks a lot but never forget our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who are going to stop them it takes great people to stop these radical lunatics it takes great people they're sick they're sick people they want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom that's what's Happening Here they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the end they're not after me they're after you I'm just standing in their way and I always will stand in the way I promise if you put me back in the White House there rain will be over and America will be a free Nation once again because we do not have a free Nation and from my first day in office I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every one of the many claims being brought forth by Congress and they're doing a good job Jamie Comer Jim Jordan all of them concerning all of the Crooked Acts including bribes from China and many other countries all these foreign countries sending money into the coffers of the Biden crime family we will have a special prosecutor and now they'll come after me even a little harder but I don't know how many more how much harder can they do it I should have four by sometime next week I never heard you know I went to the Wharton School of Finance we never studied indictment we never studied arrest we never studied prison these are sick people we're dealing with it's often said that Republicans don't fight hard enough and I happen to agree but they never said that about Trump and you have some Republicans that are fighting very hard now I have to tell you and but you're going to see that on my first day in the presidency the Deep state is destroying our nation but the tables will turn very quickly and we will destroy the Deep state and we got rid of a lot it didn't look like it but we got rid of a lot but we're also fighting like hell and also doing a great job and holding back China holding back North Korea Kim Jong-un all of a sudden that problem stopped Russia would have never gone in China would not be talking about Taiwan right now we did a great job I mean when you think about it we did a job that very few people have done on top of the greatest economy ever strongest border ever all of these things and we had this stuff hanging over our head all the time that's all they do they're the party of misinformation and disinformation and just four short years we already achieved more than any Administration probably in the history of our country we delivered the largest tax cuts and Regulatory cuts by far in history and likewise we built the greatest economy in history we achieved energy Independence and would have shortly gained energy down we were going to be dominant energy dominance for the first time ever we had gas prices at 1.87 cents again Ellen after years of bitter betrayals do you really have high prices here your electric course are about the highest in the country good luck with your electric cars everybody how how dumb is that and they're sitting all over the place nobody wants to how crazy let somebody if you want an electric car you buy an electric car but you gotta have choice choice just like you're gonna have school choice after years of bitter betrayals of New Hampshire workers I ended the disaster known as NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made replace it with the usmca the best trade deal ever made in fact it's such a good deal that Mexico and Canada are now trying to renegotiate it with the Biden Administration I say don't let them do it we suffered with that crazy NAFTA for years everyone said I'd never be able to terminate it because I had it terminated through Congress we got it terminated through Congress and after we got the US embassy it's the best trade deal ever made it's unbelievable much better for us than it is for Mexico and Canada as you can tell I stood up to China like no Administration has ever done before bringing in billions and billions and billions of dollars pouring into our treasury when no other president had gotten literally 10 cents not one penny they got from China China had us figured out really well I gave our farmers in great New England lobsterman 28 billion dollars from the massive tariffs I received from China and to Sanctus oppose the deal by the way he opposed it just to put it out there quickly he also opposed Social Security I don't know if you know he went to decimate Social Security Medicare and Social Security he wanted to bring the minimum age up to 70. so I don't know if you know that but and remember one thing about a politician when that's his original thought that's where they go back to they may come up here and talk to you uh oh I love social security no he voted three times to turn to terminate and decimate it we appointed over 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices [Applause] and how about the ruling last week where they say that if you get great marks you go to college first there's no more crazy discrimination and other things nobody thought that was going to happen and last year those justices ruled to end Roe v Wade they rule to end Roe v way now I have to tell you we have to talk about it because it you know energizes the other side a little bit and it's not good but just so you understand just so you understand it how to talk about it now pro-lifers have a tremendous power to negotiate you had no power whatsoever they could kill the baby at any time they wanted they could kill the baby whenever they wanted this moves the issue back also to the states where all legal Scholars want it back in the States but you have tremendous power to negotiate like Ronald Reagan before me I support the three exceptions you have to go with your heart but I support for rape incest and for the life of the mother I do that and a lot of people the big portion there and remember there's the Democrats though we're not the radicals they're the radicals because they're willing to kill babies in their fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth month and even after birth so if you remember that if you remember that and the exceptions in my opinion are important in my opinion but you have to go with your heart but we did something that was amazing for 50 years they've tried to get it out they wanted it back in the States all legal Scholars on both sides wanted it back in the States but you now have a tremendous power to negotiate something that's going to be good and going to be lasting and it was a tremendous achievement a tremendous achievement but just remember they were the radicals they try and make you into radicals and uh monsters they were the radicals because they were killing babies in fifth sixth seventh and nobody nobody on either side wants that to happen they did a poll of Democrats the ninth month they had like nobody would nobody so you have to remember so you're in a very uh good position you have the power now of negotiation we gave you something that was uh really a fantastic thing that most people thought couldn't be done and now you have to use it wisely they're the extremists not us and we created the most secure Border in U.S history we built nearly 500 miles of border well we got Mexico to give us 28 000 soldiers free of charge remember when they said oh Mexico didn't pay Mexico gave us 28 000 soldiers free of charge that's a lot more than a little bit for the wall and a lot less complicated I said to the president you know a lot of people are coming in from Mexico the cartels are bringing in really bad people you have to give us soldiers no no no no no no no I will not do that I said no you have to how many do you need 28 000. well that's a lot that's a lot of soldiers Pancho Villa you know with the bullets going on panchovy these soldiers aren't politically correct either ours have to be politically correct if if our soldier speaks up to a person a little bit rough they put them in the brig for the rest of his life okay it's not good what they do to our soldiers I tell you they don't get it but we had 28 000 soldiers so people say well what about Mexico did Mexico but I said much better but they said we're not going to do it I said that's okay don't do it but you're going to suffer big consequences because what I'm going to do is I'm going to sign legislation which is a my desk that for every car you know they took 32 percent of our business out of the United States over a period of 22 years 30 not during my Administration nothing because I don't people you go there you're going to put a big tariff if you sell it back in that's all you had to do and you would have kept everybody but they took 32 I said here's what you do if you don't give us 28 000 soldiers I am going to put a 25 percent tariff on everything that Mexico sells into the United States meaning you're not going to sell anything because nobody's going to want it no no no you should not do that I said that's what I'm going to do and they said you know in thinking about it we would be honored to give you 28 000 soldiers so we had 28 000 soldiers uh remain in Mexico that was another one I got remain in Mexico when these people come in they come into our country and they stay and they never leave that's it and they're criminals and they come in from in many many times many jails they've been emptied out and what I did is I got it remain in Mexico now the people have to remember the problem is that Biden is giving it all up he's giving everything up our medical stay he gave up even the judge said you don't want to give that up our country is going to be overrun so they gave it up but all of that was just the beginning years some of the agenda that I will immediately Implement when we become the when we that's you and me we're all going to become the president of the United States 47th president of the United States and before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after I win the presidency we will have that horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled it'll be settled I know them both very well get it done very quickly maybe in 24 hours and I'm the only candidate who can make you this promise I will prevent World War III I'll prevent it it's not going to happen we have a man right now who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating on our behalf with nuclear weapons he's lost every country now we're enemies with Russia with China with North Korea with Iran I terminated the Iran deal I got Jerusalem the capital of Israel and built and built actually built our beautiful uh building out of Jerusalem Stone right our beautiful Old Jerusalem you can't put two words together he said well let's do it too no but we have a man who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating with people that like President XI of China he's negotiating with people that are at the top of their game there's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of some of these people these are smart tough killers macron of France and you heard this story maybe quickly because I'm sweating like a dog up here but does anybody want me to stop or should we go forward macron of France macron of France he put a big tax he wanted to put a big tax on our companies doing business in France I said you can't do that I gave it to my people to do they were unable to do anything about it two weeks they come back sir he's uh very strong on that he wants to do it I think it was like a 25 tax some ridiculous tax for American companies I called him I said Emmanuel I like you very much you're my friend but you can't put the tax on if you do here's what's going to happen I'm going to put a 100 percent tariff on all of your wines and Champagnes that I don't even like I'm going to put a 100 tariff on wines and Champagnes coming out of France and coming into no no no Donald you cannot do that I said oh I can't do that you have 10 minutes to tell me he said I give up and he took off the tax that's what happened I gave it to my Geniuses they couldn't sir he's there's no way we could stop it it was passed by his legislature to stop Biden's inflation catastrophe bring down the cost of energy and become energy independent and even energy dominant we are just three years ago we were energy dominant we were energy independent but we will drill baby drill we are going to be drilling and bringing it way down to bring ten thousands yeah it's going to bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to New Hampshire we already did it we made this place very successful you know anything that's good that's happening with the economy it's only because they're running on the fumes of what we built you understand that they're running on the fumes but those fumes can't last much longer and they're just pouring money out you know all these crazy deals this uh inflation reduction act you know 1.7 trillion dollars and it increases inflation but they're running on the fumes of what we did and uh we did an incredible job I will impose a border tariff on All Foreign made Goods coming into this country and I will pass the Trump reciprocal trade act very quickly that is if India China France anybody Germany they charge us we don't judge them because we had stupid people and I started changing that a lot but then we had covered we had to fix that mess but all a gift from China but reciprocal trade if they're charging us a hundred percent for a motorcycle when we do a motorcycle we charge them a hundred percent right now they charge 157 percent for a motorcycle Harley would have to send so what does Harley do they have to go and build a plant in India or they have to go and build no no more no more we're all set to do this too it was all set we had a couple of stupid Senators that didn't like it one of them coming from Pennsylvania said to me sir this is not free trade they say wait a minute this country I won't tell you which is charging us 200 percent we charge them nothing would it be okay if I charged them half a hundred percent no sir that's not free trade how about 50 how about 25 how about 10 should no search not free trade I said you're either corrupt or you're stupid as hell because it's crazy so we're going to pass it so if they charge us if they charge us very simple we charge them and it's probably all going to disappear the Biden economic bus will be replaced with the historic Trump economic boom I will immediately terminate every open borders policy of the Biden Administration our country is being invaded following the Eisenhower model we will use all necessary State local Federal and Military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history got to do it and I will use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning traffic children to their families in their home countries immediately to stop the Marxist prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting Republicans conservatives people of faith and Me by the way I will direct a completely over told doj to investigate every radical D.A and AG in America for their illegal racist and reverse enforcement of the law and we will bring back a thing called stop and frisk in our cities on day one I will sign a new executive order to cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content on our children are beautiful children our beautiful children are being destroyed by these Maniacs I will keep men out of women's sports it's very easy to do and I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states can you imagine can you imagine even having to say that think of this 15 years ago could you imagine I will stop child sexual abuse can you imagine having to that's actually a part of my campaign can you imagine having to say that we're going to stop the mutilation of children just as I did for four years I will fully uphold the Second Amendment it's going to be in good shed and I will fully secure our elections they'll be done the right way our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and voter ID that's what our goal is but until then Republicans must compete and we must win 2024 is the most important election we've ever had but this is what we must do to restore our country to Greatness the USA is a mess our economy is crashing inflation is out of control China Russia Iran and North Korea formed together as a menacing and destructive Coalition like we've never seen before our currency is crashing and we'll know longer in my opinion be the world standard if it keeps going like this which will be the single greatest defeat of our country in 200 years we lose the power of the dollar it won't happen with me not even a little chance just like Russia would have never invaded Ukraine and China would have never even thought about raiding Taiwan they wouldn't have done it I told them you're not going to do it if you took the five worst Presidents in the history of the United States and added them up they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden Administration have done we are a failing Nation I don't like saying that but we are we are a failing Nation we are a nation in Decline and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement the doj and the FBI it's totally corrupt and we're not going to let it happen 224 2024 I have no idea how important it is it's our final battle it's our final real big battle with you at my side we will demolish the Deep State we will expel the war mongeries from our government we will drive out the globalists we will cast out the Communists marxists and fascists we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country we will route the fake news media we will defeat crooked Joe Biden and we will drain the swamp once and for all [Applause] the great silent majority is rising like never before I mean never before it's never been I don't believe it's ever been like this I said it twice tonight I'll say it again the we have never had anything like it the spirit the love the passion there's never been anything like this and we went through 2016 and we went through 2020 and most people would say they were the most passionate this is blowing it away but we've never had anything like this never before and under our leadership the Forgotten men and women will be forgotten no longer with your help your love and your vote we will put America first we will make America we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to make it great it's hard to believe right now our country is at such a low point we will make America greater than ever before thank you New Hampshire God bless you God bless you New Hampshire God bless you all thank you [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] thank you very much wow thank you very much thank you this is an honor I just knocked over a fan on purpose here was blowing the hell out of my hair it's sore I said I gotta do a good job in front of New Hampshire I can't have fans we don't need anything artificial up here right so I just want to say hello New Hampshire a special place a great place with many great friends and great people I'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful state with thousands of proud and I mean proud I mean seriously proud look at this American Patriots who believe in that Timeless motto Live Free or Die I want to thank all of the people so many people you know we're killing everybody in polls you do know that right I mean just not by like a little bit like by 40 and 50 points we're beating beating them black but I want to thank my New Hampshire co-chairs Lou gargiolo and Wyndham selectman Bruce Breton Bruce is here and a friend of mine a great guy U.S senator Bob Smith Bob thank you very much and your beautiful wife when the police chief Mike Karen thank you Mike thank you very much representative Tim Cahill and some of our fantastic supporters Chris Stevens David andrakis and Dave a bear where is David somebody that's been with me from the beginning I don't mean like I don't mean like six months in I mean like from the beginning I guess we're talking like in the 2015s we don't even go back we go back to 15s now but he came he said you're going to win sir you're going to win so big I said really you think so really he's a total Pro by the way so I don't know if he really believed that when he said that but he said you're going to win you run you're going to win sir and he started with me six months before the campaign and that's all I heard sir it's unbelievable you're doing phenomenally in the polls I don't even know if they had any polls but he got me all psyched up I will tell you that and he's also a fantastic person who loves absolutely loves New Hampshire with his Incredible family and wife is here the wife is she's been with him and she loves him and he loves her they have a fantastic family Corey Lewandowski Corey where is Corey where is he well there he is always likes to be a little bit in the background thank you Corey great job he's doing a great job and somebody else who's really been fantastic right from the beginning I saw on television this weekend and I didn't even recognize her she looks so phenomenal she was so Dynamic and then I got the television a little bit fixed up also put on my glasses and I saw how good she was Caroline Levitt she's been fantastic [Music] where's Caroline you great job this weekend for you much better having her on your side believe me I said we better get her in my side and she's been there for a long time now thank you very much Carolyn thank you very much thank you everybody this afternoon I'm also delighted to announce the launch of our new Coalition Veterans for Trump led by true American warrior you know who that Warrior is he's a tough guy and he's a great guy and you just met him Congressman Brian Mast Brian thank you very much great guy and today I'm especially grateful to receive the endorsement of over 100 Veterans from the granite state including New Hampshire Veterans Coalition co-chairs Hillsborough County Attorney John Coughlin John thank you very much John wherever you may be thank you John and state representative Joe Petri thank you very much Joe thanks Joe good tough guys I also want to thank my senior advisor somebody's been here almost as long as Corey he's been with us Steve stepanak thieves thank you see you thank you Steve and state director Trevor nudleari Trevor thank you Trevor great job thank you very much and and really we are doing fantastically up here so that group I felt we should introduce him you know it's nice if we were doing lousy I would not have introduced of my promise I wouldn't have even thought of it but they're doing an unbelievable job and the level is we're so far above everybody else in the polls they're all saying is he going to go into the debate and I say I don't know if you're leading by 50 and 60 and 70 points do you do that or not I don't know should I okay you ready Paul we take a free poll should I do the debate well maybe we'll do something else you know see some people say yes but they hate to say it because it doesn't make sense to do it if you're leading by so much but they like it for entertainment value because they're selfish they're selfish to every veteran in this room we salute you and we really do we worked hard with the veterans and we've had a fantastic relationship and this is a very big and important veteran State I probably learned more about the veterans from dealing in New Hampshire than any other state please stand and receive our thanks all veterans do you mind please stand and receive our thoughts great [Applause] that's a lot of veterans thank you thank you very much wow that's a beautiful a lot of times they'll say whatever group it may be please stand and you know you have like two people stand up I say that's not too much let's change our speech right but when I came into office in 2017 our government had a disgracefully horrible situation going on they betrayed it solemn pledge to America's veterans you know that better than anybody I learned a lot about it from Yoli the VA was plagued by one horrific scandal after another remember you turn on the news and you just see these horrible scandals having to do with the veterans you didn't hear any of it for four years you literally heard that very little and we did things that were really amazing and I'm proud of thousands of veterans were put on secret medical wait lists and many of them left to die without receiving any care or any Aid under Obama some very bad people were abusing veterans in VA hospitals including sadists yet sadists they were hitting the veterans when the veterans weren't in prime time okay they wouldn't have touched them in Prime Time believe me but they were hitting them when they were in trouble and a lot of say this we got them all out the VA employees were even caught stealing drugs intended for the treatment of our sick and Wounded Warriors and they were stealing them and using them for themselves and selling them but all of that changed when we arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue we went from the absolutely worst Brian you know that we went from the absolutely worse to uh I mean that was the worst presidency for the veterans the previous presidency wonderful people you're not allowed to even say that it's not politically correct I'll say it to the greatest champion the veterans ever had in the White House and it was very much promises made Promises Kept and a couple of the really big ones just as I promised I proudly signed the VA accountability act allowing us to quickly terminate VA bureaucrats and bad people who mistreated our vets we told more than 10 000 bad corrupt incompetent VA workers people that were sadists and they couldn't get rid you couldn't get rid of them you had no right they could steal they could beat people up you couldn't do a damn thing and we got it so you could fire him and I said you're fired get out out out out of here ten thousand sounds like a lot but it's a big system and uh we got ten thousand really uh really bad people out very very evil people they knew who they were they couldn't do a thing about it it was amazing so we got that passed in Congress if you can believe it they were trying for 30 years to get it passed I also signed veterans choice and made that permanent we got that passed in Congress also which was really a a big deal that was a big deal you have choice you could go out if you're not getting the trip and you go out but thanks to this Landmark we formed three million veterans have been able to get care as needed and when they wanted it you know they'd wait in line sometime for weeks and months and you know they have some great doctors in the VA that really good doctors but you couldn't get to them you couldn't get to them people would wait for many months they'd become terminally ill waiting something that could have been fixed easily they'd become terminally ill and I got it so that you go outside you get a doctor we pay the bill and you get taken care of immediately if you had to wait more than a short period of time so it was a great thing that was a great thing that's very important they've been trying to get that by the way that one 52 years right they were trying to get it for 52 years they couldn't get it done I you know it just made so much sense right from the first time I heard it and I heard it first up here from your people under the Trump Administration we secured record funding for the VA we slashed VA waiting times by more than 33 percent and even now there's a new chart that came out from our last period that it was a 57 percent that's a lot and almost all veterans reported major improvements at their local VA facility once I became president in fact we hit an all-time record high of va satisfaction of 92 percent nobody has even come close and I got angry at my people they say he's not a nice guy some people didn't like me too much as you probably heard because we were tough we were tough but they said why why is it 92 why isn't it a hundred and they left their own they said this guy's very difficult but we really mean it but we hit the highest approval rating we've ever had and I have to tell you that approval rating now is not doing so well you know that you know that a lot of bad things are happening over there they've what they've what they're doing to dismantle that system that was so good but to help combat veteran suicide we delivered same day Mental Health Care at every VA facility in America and made great strides until Biden came along Philly came along in a few short years we turned the VA from a national embarrassment into a national example of devotion and service and loyalty to the American Veteran who's amazing an amazing thing and an amazing success so we got it done pretty quickly once we got the legislation passed I would say it moved along very quickly sadly crooked Joe Biden and that's what he is he's a stone called Thief crooked Joe Biden has been a disaster for American Veterans as one of his first accident office Biden gutted my historic VA reforms he gutted them out making it easier to remove bad VA employees from the job and in a shocking Act of betrayal of America's Veterans as well as the tens of thousands of dedicated professionals and you do have great professionals at the VA crooked Joe Biden is in the process of not removing people but reinstating 5 000 of the ten thousand people that we fired who were fired for good reason including sadism and this who were fired for very good reasons and they want to give them back their full pay they want to give them their jobs back and we were very careful about that we didn't get rid of people haphazardly we got rid of people that were not doing their job some really in bad cases and some they just weren't doing their job they didn't care they didn't show up to work and he wants to put at least half of them back the same people and it'll cost over 200 million dollars to do that they give the money to you directly it's a lot better it's amazing I mean it's amazing it breaks your heart it breaks your heart that was such a big thing and now they want to put a lot of those people back Joe Biden puts bureaucrats first I put veterans first and I put America first thank you very much thank you thank you very much that's why today I'm announcing a number of specific actions I'll take to fulfill our sacred duty to our Great American veterans on day one of my new Administration I will fully restore the use of va accountability we're going to bring it back in full force full force and we already have the legislation passed so I don't have to go through Congress which really that's why it took 52 years because they couldn't get it passed but we have it passed all we have to do is make it work so we have the the hardest part is done and direct my secretary Veterans Affairs to fire every corrupt VA bureaucrat who Joe Biden is outrageously refused to remove from the job or put or put back in the job then instead of providing more than 200 million dollars in back pay to VA workers like Biden is doing I will ask Congress to take every penny of those funds to finally build a brand new state-of-the-art VA Hospital right here in the great state of New Hampshire because I don't know if you know this but we can say that no longer will New Hampshire be the only state in America without a full-service VA facility you'll have it and you'll have it done quickly we have a great we have a great group did you know you're the only one that doesn't have one all right that's what you get with the that's what you get with those Democrats that's what happens at the same time so you're going to have a brand new no you're going to have a brand new VA Hospital beautiful state-of-the-art top of the line top of the line the only state that doesn't have one I was waiting for that actually thank you who said that by the way stand up okay you know I was going to say that but then I thought I'd be politically correct thank you take good care of her that's right yeah true selfish selfish guy at the same time well he ran for president and he got two points he ran without running you know he didn't want to announce he wanted to run but so it's a shame we could win this state so easy if we had help from the governor but we never got help from the government we helped him but he never he never helped us so but I'm glad you said it because this way I could say I was so nice up in New Hampshire nah he's not the same man now he's not the same he took a big beating he took a big beating knocking the hell out of everybody and he took a big beating and then he he gets the first pole and he sees it his own State he was in seventh place out of a group at the same time we were fully maintained the VA clinics and the rest of the state and addressed the severe shortage of nurses and other health care workers at the home for the retired veterans in Tilton anybody know that home in Tilton I will once again make stopping veteran suicide a top priority of my Administration terrible situation I will ban the Department of Veterans Affairs from wasting a single Cent to fund transgender surgeries or sex change procedures spend a lot of money it was a very very you know they are very very expensive operations and you also know you have to go through tremendous drug therapy after that and I was always sold in the military if you take much more than an aspirin you can't do it but the tremendous drug therapy it's a lot of a lot of problems you know we had it stopped and then he came in one of the first things he did is he started that up again those precious taxpayer dollars should be going to care for our veterans in need not to refund radical gender experiments for the Communists left I'll also restore the Trump ban on transgender in the military we're going to end up you know we had it banned we hadn't been you know I went to generals I said General off the Record what do you think of transgender sir uh your city by listening sir what do you think I don't like it sir and then I'd say to another one you know they were all afraid to talk about it but you know I have to do what's right you have to do what's right and and we have to help everybody you have to help transgender you have to help everybody but this was just not something that was working out and uh as soon as they came back as soon as they came back by a rigged election by the way as soon as they as soon as they came back they approved that that was one of the first things on their list they approved it so now they're they're doing a lot of now they're doing a lot of things that shouldn't be done shouldn't be done if you if you talk if you talk to the real generals not the television generals the real generals we've got some hey look I knocked out Isis in a few weeks with real generals we have we have a great military but we're not going to let our military go woke that I can tell you but the real Generals in the military down a little bit those guys are incredible the way they did that the way they took out a lot of bad people but they took out Isis the Isis caliphate 100 and it was surgical it was incredible we will get critical race Theory and all other woke lunacy out of the United States armed forces and we will abolish every Biden covet mandate and rehire every patriot who was fired from our military with an apology and with back pain and in addition I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate veterans homelessness I mean you have a situation in America it's a scandal it's a disgrace what's happening now is nobody's ever seen and it is a national tragedy that Joe Biden crooked Joe he's more interested in where's the money coming from to him he's interested to him how about all these things with the 30 corporations and this and that the money flowing in everybody getting money coming in from China how can you how can you be tough in China when they're paying you a lot of money and see they know too much you know we have a compromise we have a Manchurian Candidate they need they know too much so he can't be tough in China that's why he's so that's why he allows blimps flying over the country right over our nuclear sites let them come in let them take pictures or don't do anything about it they'll tell they'll tell everybody who's giving me all that money he's a compromised candidate and I'll tell you something out of respect for the office of President I didn't talk this way five weeks ago six weeks ago I knew I felt very badly about what was going on but out of respect for the Office of the President I wouldn't have said the way I talk he's a crooked person he's a totally dishonest guy so we'd say things but but we now I even changed his name I took it away from Hillary we call him crooked Joe instead of sleepy Joe we call him crooked Joe I retired it that was a great day for Hillary I said of crooked Hillary I said we're removing the name from crooked Hillary now we call her beautiful beautiful Hillary it's a beautiful woman and we're giving it to Biden because he's a crooked person but out of respect for the office I would never have said that to this extent and I never did but now they indicted your president your former president who is very popular 75 million people so now they ripped off the top they took the gloves off and we can say whatever we want and I'll tell you what and I'll tell you what what he's done is a scandal the likes of which this country has never seen and the fake news hates to talk about it [Applause] horrible thing that crooked Joe Biden has spent nearly one billion dollars to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants who are pouring into our country it's an invasion of our country we had the safest Border in history now we have the worst border probably in the world but to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants at expensive luxury hotels the best hotels in the country in many cases while more than 33 000 Americans who have served this nation in uniform are homeless on our streets okay on day one I will sign an executive order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens which our country can't handle and I will redirect that money to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American veterans they'll be treated properly [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much furthermore I will finally hold accountable all of the failed leaders and television generals who gave us Joe Biden's catastrophe in Afghanistan two years ago this month in my opinion you know I watched a lot of the parents I spoke to many of those parents I called them when it happened uh what a horrible what a horrible thing and what what they've gone through there was no way that was going to happen you know I wanted we were going out but we're going to get out with strength with dignity what they did when they took the soldiers out first don't you take the soldiers out less you take them out less we went 18 months without one soldier being killed I spoke to the head of the Taliban I said don't do rap do don't do it Abdul same man who's still running it but when you think of that horrible horrible event leaving Untold numbers of Americans behind 13 dead worries 35 horrifically wounded nobody talks about them but horrifically Wounded Warriors and 85 billion dollars worth of the finest military equipment on the planet bought by me you know we rebuilt the military I rebuilt the entire U.S military a lot of that equipment was brand new bought by me it was the single most embarrassing day in the history of our country in my opinion I think it was and I think it probably was what led Putin to say this is the time that country has had it because I guarantee you one thing Putin was not going in with me and neither was neither was she going in in China into Taiwan but Putin was not going into Ukraine and we talked about it too when I got along with them great they hate to hear you got along with them yeah it's always nice to get and you know nobody was rougher look I ended the pipeline nobody ever heard of Nordstrom too right Brian nobody heard of Nordstrom too I said Nordstrom too nobody knew that's a pipeline going to Germany and taking care of all of Europe I ended it it was dead and then Biden approved it his first week so what's going on there under my leadership we were leaving Afghanistan with dignity and strength and we would not under any circumstances what that was was surrender and humiliation that's what it was I was I think it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country and we had it so solid they were they weren't shooting at us they knew better because they knew they were going to get absolutely decimated if they did when I returned to the White House we will restore peace through strength that's what we had we had peace through strength I'm the only president in many many decades like eight decades like many many years that didn't have any wars we got out of wars and we won Wars we beat Isis we won Wars but we got out of wars and everybody respected us you know we were three years ago we were very respected we were very respected they didn't play games nobody played games including trade where we get screwed by everybody we didn't we made great trade deals even with China they buy 50 billion dollars a year because of what I did for our farmers and everybody else and we were respected and they didn't play games we took in hundreds of billions of dollars through tariffs on China no other president took in 10 cents hundreds of billions of dollars they were not too fond of me but I got along with President XI also we gave ask you know I just looked at that just said look it up I was in the plane coming up I say look it up what do we give Afghanistan does anybody have that note I think I gave it to Corey we give Afghanistan now billions of dollars I said I didn't know that billions of dollars in Aid a number that is so astronomical and this goes on a yearly basis and they need it for humanitarian and all of that that's good but let him give us back our equipment they ought to give us back some of our equipment you know we're giving them 2.7 billion and 3 billion and 2 billion I thought would say maybe nothing or maybe a hundred million dollars or maybe something little but the numbers are astronomical what we give to Afghanistan so that should be a condition of the continued Aid I mean it's I don't want to hurt people but they took 85 billion dollars worth they didn't take we left because we were fools we were stupid we were stupid I remember a certain General saying sir it's cheaper to leave the equipment behind sir because we were going to get out but I would have kept Bagram because Bagram it's one of the biggest air bases in the world but of course there's billions of dollars to build many years ago and Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear we forget Afghanistan where China makes their nuclear weapons it's in Afghanistan and they left Bagram late at night they left the lights on they left billions and billions of dollars one hour away from what and now China will soon be occupying that incredible base that we built many many years ago it's so sad I mean these people are just horrible they're horrible you know I told somebody on the way up today I told Brian I told a few of the guys so we did great in 2016. we actually did much better as you know we got millions more votes in 2020 the election was rigged but but there is more enthusiasm today than we ever had in 2016 or 2020 and the reason is because these people are so corrupt and they're so horrible they're so incompetent the reason is because they're watching when you look at that border and you see millions of people pouring through our border totally unchecked nobody knows where they come from they come from mental institutions and prisons and they come from all over the place 147 different countries last week people coming in but when you look at the the Border just as an example or when you look at high interest rates that they've set High interest rates when you look at the fact that oil was an all-time high and they say let's stop drilling no when oil is an all-time high you start drilling you know you make a fortune we would have supplied all of Europe everything we would have supplied oil and gas to Europe we would have made a fortune we're to start paying off that big debt that we have 35 trillion dollars we would have been paying it off we would have made a fortune and this guy stopped it and now we're getting our oil from Venezuela how about that one and it's not even I should say we're getting our tar because they have very bad you know they have very heavy it's like tar you have to refine it and for the environmentalists in the group you know where we find it in Houston it has to be brought there's only one plant that can refine it it's like tar and it's Houston so all of that spews up into the air of Texas we get it from there we have the best stuff where I call it Liquid Gold under our feet we don't use it this is a crazy Administration this is like April Fool's Day they they want open borders they want no voter ID they want no paper ballots they want High interest rates they want your taxes are going to go up four times they say four times they haven't been able to break you know I got you the greatest tax cut in the history of this country and they have tried but they haven't been able to break it yet but at some point you know it expires in another fairly short period of time so get ready for that one these people want you to pay much higher taxes it's crazy and we could do it so much easier everyone can see the stunning contrast between our incredible success and Joe Biden's horrendous failures and that's one reason why we're leading so big in the polls that's really the reason I think it's a more enthusiasm now than 2016 or 2020 because you've seen how incompetent these people are it's it's horrible in the recent Rasmussen poll we're up 44 points with trumpet 57 Rhonda sanctimonious at 13. and the rest of them down in single digits you really love and in the morning consult that just came out I wanted to see because you know every time you get indicted I like to check the polls because one more indictment that I think this election's over one more no it's horrible you get indicted for nothing can you imagine a guy let's indict my opponent this uh this is a sick this is a third this becomes a third world country the latest morning console poll has as far ahead we're 59 and the others are at like 12. one is it 12. I think that's the sanctimonious but he's rapidly being caught by rameshwami who's good no no Christy's he's eating right now he can't be bothered [Applause] sir please do not call him a fat pig that's very disres don't call him see I'm I'm trying to be nice Don't Call Him a fat pig you can't do it you can't do that so now because you're not allowed to do that and therefore we're not going to do it okay we want to be very civil right so the latest coefficient poll which is a big deal have us almost at 60 to 13 with our lead over to Sanctus growing by nine points just since a few weeks ago and even the recent New York Times poll has us up by 37 points and that was older you know now uh and Rhonda sanctimonious and the reason I don't like him is that I got him elected you know when you get somebody I don't want to go through the whole story because most of you know but he came to me he needed help he was getting demolished in the primary stupidly I said all right I'll do it because I didn't know the guy was running against his name was Adam Putnam I said I'll do it because you know he he was one of the 200 people that were on television he was no better than anybody else he was no Jim Jordan that I can tell you and he was on television and fighting a little bit on impeachment hoax number one and impeachment hooks number two so I said you know what uh if I actually told him if I were Abraham Lincoln if we brought him back from the dead and if we brought George Washington back from the dead and they gave you the greatest endorsement and they hugged you and kissed you just like you did to Obama just look you know he did and Christy did who hugged and kissed Obama harder to Sanctus or Chris Christie I think Chris Crystal remember that he grabbed him Obama said get this guy off of me and that was the end of Romney when that happened that could have been a good thing but but we are in New Hampshire area at Sarah nobody asked me so I said you know what Ron let's do it go ahead let's do it so I gave him a very strong endorsement and the next day he went like a rocket right through the thing and he blew the I mean people that worked for Adam Putnam couldn't believe it they never called me but I didn't know Adam he was the secretary of agriculture he should have called me I would have endorsed him sometimes it's the first one to call sometimes you don't do it at all but he did and then I had to get him through Gillum remember Gillum he turned out to be a pothead crackhead but everybody thought he was the hottest one in politics and Ron said I won't be able to beat him I said well he's the hottest man in politics I said you can beat him then he he comes he calls me could you do a rally then he actually said could you do three I think I did three rallies we had massive crowds you know those rallies was we're doing a lot of them we're doing again they're hotter now than anything because of what's happening because of how bad it is but I did there and he ends up winning the election then four years later would you run against the president you know these Maniacs are screaming would you run against the president would you run will you run and he goes I have no comment I said what what did he say that I heard this I'm watching on newscast I'm watching a fake newscast and they say would you run against the president I have no comment now to me that means he's running so I said that son of a [ __ ] is running can you believe it I just got him elected so that's why I've been particularly hard at him unfortunately it's worked because he's crashing he's he's like he doesn't know what happened he goes home he says what happened where what did I do wrong what you know what he did wrong he ran what he did wrong is he should have waited till 28 but I don't know if that would have held water because eventually they would have figured out you know you do need some personality if you're going to be a politician just a little some of them don't have too much like your Governor you know like your government in the new Emerson poll a Battleground States in Arizona we're leading Biden by a lot and very importantly at that same poll and other polls were leading Biden by seven eight nine 11 points but you know what when I hear we're leading by two or three or four points you know you gotta understand that's actually a lot for a republic because they have a built-in vote that no matter who you are even if you can't put two sentences together you get like 40. we don't have that we have to win the entire East Coast like we did in 2016 and like we did in 2020 too but they're watching closely air watching in that same poll we're leading in the primary by 47 think of that 40s that's a lot but we will not play prevent defense you ever see in the NFL they don't allow a point on the other team not a point their defense is brutal they can't get now they just have to hold the other team one more series they have to Hope just please hold them let's go prevent defense ping ping the end of the game touchdown touchdown we will not play is that okay we will not play prevent right but everyone else is in single digits here's one you'll like in the New Hampshire new brand new coefficient poll respected highly the New Hampshire Journal has us leading by 43 points we're leading by leading by and to Sanctus Rhonda sanctimonious he said uh nine points he's at nine he's time to go back to Florida Ron and you know work on your insurance that's costing everybody a fortune and now we're dominating Biden in the general election Harvard Harris has us up by five points and we're up 18 points among Independence remember you know they like to go around well Will trump get the independence Will trump get the women you know what the women want the women want safety they want to have a border they want to have low taxes low interest rates foreign they don't want in their beautiful suburbs you know they talk about oh the Suburban women I think the Suburban women like me you know what I did you know what I did we have a lot of super no no they don't want to have a low-income housing job built right next to their house that's what the Democrats want so I give them strong borders I give them good safety I give them a powerful military education so important by the way speaking of Education because this is largely about veterans uh we are going to bring education back to the States so that each state will run a hundred percent we'll keep we'll keep approximately three people in Washington just to make sure that you're teaching English Okay as opposed to another language okay you know you need a little coordination like everybody has to teach English if you don't mind but we'll keep a little bit of uh like two or three people but but you know we have building after building after building and here's the problem no matter what poll you look at of of Education in the world we're at the bottom of the polls and we spend more money than anybody else we spend double and triple what number two is like Norway Denmark Believe It or Not China very high ranking uh Japan but Norway and Denmark they said we're following New York City they said we are going to follow the Norwegian system I said that didn't work out you know how long that lasted about 15 minutes you know that didn't work out too well for New York I'll tell you New Yorkers said did you see what's happening in New York with the okay how about how about you know we all when I left New York New York was a proud City and now it's so sad to see what's happened to that City and then the big new premise poll we're beating Biden by a lot while the Sanctus is losing to Biden by a lot so that's enough of that stuff but you know the polls are phenomenal people want us back they remember what we had we built the economy twice we built the greatest economy in the world and then we did it a second time ethical but these incredible numbers are the primary reason that crooked Joe Biden is weaponized law enforcement he has weapon he's done something that nobody thought they talked about it but nobody ever did it and never to this extent and ordered his top political opponent me arrested they were they actually arrest arrested right in the middle of a presidential election that Biden is losing badly you know he says I'm down in the polls to Trump let's arrest him let's arrest let's indict him and arrest him please indict him and arrest him he's killing me in the polls what they didn't know is that I was going to go up because the good thing is we have a voice somebody gets indicted you go down usually right I would say Corey uh almost always you go down but they know me and these charges are so presidential records act that's just exactly for that case they don't want me to speak about a rigged election they don't want me to speak about it whereas that's I have freedom of speech First Amendment how can my corrupt political opponent crooked Joe Biden put me on trial during an election campaign that I'm winning by a lot but forcing me nevertheless to spend time and money away from the campaign Trail in order to fight bogus made up accusations and charges that's what they're doing I'm sorry I won't be able to go to Iowa today I won't be able to go to New Hampshire today because I'm sitting in a courtroom on [ __ ] because his attorney general charged me with something terrible thank you very much now it is it's a think of it they say charge him now you know they miscalculated a little bit you know the other good line no no actually we want to run against Trump no no if they didn't want to run you have to they'd say oh we would much prefer running against jump that's because they had such an easy time when Hillary ran against me and last time we did much better than that you know somebody said we sold hundreds of millions of hats somebody said the other day many polls you know counties we had like almost 3 000 they have 200 so many different uh metrics but hats the Red Hats the white hats all the hats we sold even the farmer hats which are green right make Farmers great again did I make Farmers great again I got them 28 I got him 28 billion from China that's why I said no way I lose Iowa why is that why are you so confident because I got the farmers 28 billion dollars nobody else did but but think of this somebody said it the other day I never thought of it there were Red Hats all over South Carolina we had almost 80 000 people you saw about you saw we were in this gorgeous area this gorgeous town I don't want to say the name of the town because if I do they'll try and change the name back to you know something else but it was beautiful beautiful place and the sheriff was great everybody was we had 80 000 people and it was a sea of red Red Hats mostly but white also green and everything but I'll tell you you were there right 80 000 people and you took a look at that and I said has anybody ever seen a Biden hat [Applause] so think of it we have hundreds of millions over the six seven years eight years we have hundreds of millions of hats sold and I'm I'm asking has anybody ever seen a hat saying Biden well we did have hats because we made them that said where's Hunter where is Hunter but is this going to be where they go and indict your opponent is this going to be the next president's going to say Hey listen my opponent is doing really well all over the place look at the crowds we have I mean outside you got a lot of people and yeah and by the way I want to say officially for the Press it's about 110 degrees of this room nice job with the air conditioning whoever but but you know what the Press will say you know they'll say Trump didn't look well he was extremely wet it's a hundred and four or five degrees in this room but we're okay with it right foreign but is this going to be the future of elections in America where a sitting president tells his tells his attorney general to indict the opponent to try and knock the opponent down this is what's happening and then you ask the simple question so this has been going on for a long time the same so why didn't they do it two and a half years ago you know why because then it wouldn't have mattered so much you know they want to take away your freedom of speech everything else would have mattered a lot less but and it would have been terrible because it's so bogus but why if they were going to do it why didn't they do it two and a half years ago before the election right they waited till the election they waited and I probably have another one they say there's a young woman a young racist in Atlanta she racist and they say I guess they say that she was after a certain gang and she ended up having an affair with the head of the gang or a gang member and this is a person that wants to indict me she's got a lot of problems but she wants to indict me to try and run for some other office uh what's going on in this country is and by the way wants to indict me for a perfect phone call this was even better than my perfect call with Ukraine remember that call that was a perfect call this one's better this one is more perfect I challenge the election in Georgia which I have every right to do which I was right about frankly and they want to indict me because I challenge the election so does that mean that Hillary Clinton Who challenged the election does that mean that Stacy Abrams and all of the other virtually every Democrat challenges the election does that mean or they do the Slate of electors this has been going on since Thomas Jefferson who wanted to say but they don't go they used my word they took it and they said fake because I came up with the name fake news a long time ago worked out good but it's no longer good enough because it's not tough enough because it's really corrupt news it's beyond fake they don't even write they don't even write all the money that Biden is stealing you don't see one store years ago that win Pulitzer prizes today even Pulitzer prizes of very little value because you know we're suing the Pulitzer Foundation because they gave Pulitzer prizes to people that wrote about the Russia Russia Russia hoax for their wonderful writing their Brilliance they were wrong they were totally wrong and everybody admits they were wrong so why doesn't bullet to just give back the awards because they're radical left lunatics but we're suing we'll see what happens we're doing quite well never happened in the USA this has never happened where and attorney general is told to take the justice department and the FBI and sue somebody think of it who's running for president and leading not only the Republicans by 50 points but leading the Democrat by a lot so he says sue him and that will bring him down but they sued and I have a guy they call him deranged Jack Smith he's deranged and you know Biden on the box of stuff Biden is almost 2 000 bucks is somewhere held in Chinatown not a good place for him and you don't ever hear anything about him and I came under a thing called the presidential records act won't go into it but it's beautiful but we have this deranged lunatic looking at us and he's got a very nice man very gentle man our guy leaks he does things that are just terrible and because of that we're leading by a lot because frankly I think it's had a huge impact because it shows how sick and how evil these people are in addition to not knowing anything about the Border about the economy about the military or about dealing with other nations so this is all about election interference but that isn't quite good enough crooked Joe now wants the thug prosecutor this deranged guy to file a court order taking away My First Amendment right so that I can't speak so listen to this we don't want you to speak about the case the case the case is is a ridiculous case it's the first amendment case but we don't want Trump to speak so they want me they take away your rights on First Amendment now they sue because so now I have one of these lunatic reporters back there saying sir would like to talk to you about your case or I'm sorry I'm not allowed to talk about it somehow that's not good for votes do you agree when we say I can't talk I'd love to I will talk about it I will they're not taking away my first amendment so based on yet another radical left hooks you know I've gone through many hoaxes as the people in this room know very well but it's another one radical left hooks like Russia Russia Russia the no collusion Mueller report how about that after three years we find no collusion I was supposed to be like working for Russia they go went through millions of phone calls not one call made to Russia they have no collusion after almost three years then they created a fake dossier it was made by how bad are people when they make up a story about Russia they put it in the fake dossier like it was legit and even the guy that wrote it who were also suing by the way but the guy that wrote it Christopher Steele they offered him a million dollars the FBI if he would affirm they would beg you please the way they give money man the FBI they give away a lot of money don't they huh so they offered him a million dollars to affirm it he couldn't do it he wouldn't do it it turned out to be a total fake but here's Adam Schiff Shifty shift and he comes out and he says he says to the reporters gathered click click click they're all going crazy Donald Trump Jr the son of the president of the United States will go to jail over Russia Russia Russia now think of it he made it up with Hillary and all these people they made it up and they're saying that my son will go to jail now how bad you have to be to do that so they know it's a phony story they know it's a phony story they say he's going to go to jail these are not these are not Mrs Lewandowski you hear that can you imagine if that with these kids can you imagine what look what your husband got me into I could have been relaxing at Mar-A-Lago or in the south of France which I would prefer being in this country frankly but they got involved with fisa the fraudulent fisa applications remember they sent in applications to the courts and they were all fraud the judges never did anything about it they knew they were frauds it was written about they never did anything about it the 51 intelligence agents that said Hunter's laptop from hell was all Russia disinformation do not use it you know they say that made like from a 10 to a 17 point difference in the in the polls the FBI Twitter files a doj Facebook and all of the rest all of the rest uh look at uh 2 000 mules look at what they did with that thousands and thousands and thousands of votes on tape on camera all of this will come up during this trial that's uh all of this will come out because we won the election by Allah then they have this crap going on I never even thought of this one Trump didn't really believe he won the election let me tell you people that know me say that's one thing I tell you there was never a second of any day that I didn't believe that that election was rigged there was a rigged election it was a rigged election and it was a stolen disgusting election and this country should be ashamed and they go after the people that want to prove that it was rigged and stolen so it never happens that they go after them they don't go after the people that rigged it okay and we'll see how it all turns out you know we've been we've been right about a lot of things right you ever see Trump was right about everything ultimately let's see how that all works out so in other words I'll be the only politician in American history not allowed to speak because of our corrupt system sir you're not allowed to speak on the John in other words I'll come here and I'll say hi everybody listen uh not allowed to speak please vote for me New Hampshire if you would bye and all I can say is the never-ending Witch Hunt continues and we have exposed so much nobody's ever thought I have exposed so much it's been incredible but do not fear we will win bigger and better than ever before they rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024 we're not going to allow it to happen we're not going to allow it to happen New Hampshire and you're such an important state you know you're relatively small you're so important politically and you know I kept Iowa and you in those first positions please remember the because I thought there was a great beautiful tradition to it they want to move you way back in the line and I said nope we're not doing that we're not doing that you are in the position you'll always be there as long as I have anything to say about it Joe Biden is the most incompetent and corrupt president in U.S history the Biden crime family was taking in money from China Ukraine Russia all these places yesterday within so many others and now whenever more Biden corruption is exposed as henchmen charge me with a crime you know when they get something on Biden oh oh listen date let's add on another indictment to that stupid indictment that we filed let's add on another one because that takes the news cycle unfortunately I get disproportionate publicity so they indict me he's right great balls but so they end up so when they want to keep something they say oh man they got Hunter again you know at some point Joe is going to have to say you know this sun thing just isn't working out do you agree the sun thing the sun thing's not working out too good all he had to do is pick up the laptop didn't the guy call him like 11 to pick up your laptop pick up your laptop I I wonder where that cocaine came from what happened that was the quickest investigation I've ever seen you know somebody told me could be wrong I always say that that way you can never get sued you know somebody told me could be wrong I'm sure it's wrong but in that little cubicle where it was there would be normally thousands of fingerprints you know people meet there were none it was cleaned it was so clean it's the kind of place I'd like to be actually clean I like cleanliness but it's called a cover-up every time the radical left Democrats marxists communist fascists indict me I considered a great great badge of honor I do I do because I'm being indicted for you I am being indicted for you thanks a lot thanks a lot but never forget our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who are going to stop them it takes great people to stop these radical lunatics it takes great people they're sick they're sick people they want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom that's what's Happening Here they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the end they're not after me they're after you I'm just standing in their way and I always will stand in the way I promise if you put me back in the White House there rain will be over in America will be a free Nation once again because we do not have a free Nation and from my first day in office I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every one of the many claims being brought forth by Congress and they're doing a good job Jamie Comer Jim Jordan all of them concerning all of the Crooked Acts including bribes from China and many other countries all these foreign countries sending money into the coffers of the Biden crime family we will have a special prosecutor and now they'll come after me even a little harder but I don't know how many more how much harder can they do it I should have four by sometime next week I never heard you know I went to the Wharton School of Finance we never studied indictment we never studied arrest we never studied prison these are sick people we're dealing with it's often said that Republicans don't fight hard enough and I happen to agree but they never said that about Trump and you have some Republicans that are fighting very hard now I have to tell you and but you're going to see that on my first day in the presidency the Deep state is destroying our nation but the tables will turn very quickly and we will destroy the Deep state and we got rid of a lot it didn't look like it but we got rid of a lot but we're also fighting like hell and also doing a great job and holding back China holding back North Korea Kim Jong-un all of a sudden that problem stopped Russia would have never gone in China would not be talking about Taiwan right now we did a great job I mean when you think about it we did a job that very few people have done on top of the greatest economy ever strongest border ever all of these things and we had this stuff hanging over our head all the time that's all they do they're the party of misinformation and disinformation and just four short years we already achieved more than any Administration probably in the history of our country we delivered the largest tax cuts and Regulatory cuts by far in history and likewise we built the greatest economy in history we achieved energy Independence and would have shortly gained energy down we were going to be dominant energy dominance for the first time ever we had gas prices at 1.87 cents again Allen after years of bitter betrayals do you really have high prices here your electric course are about the highest in the country good luck with your electric cars everybody how how dumb is that and they're sitting all over the place nobody wants them how crazy let somebody if you want an electric car you buy an electric car but you gotta have choice choice just like you're gonna have school choice after years of bitter betrayals of New Hampshire workers I ended the disaster known as NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made replace it with the usmca the best trade deal ever made in fact it's such a good deal that Mexico and Canada are now trying to renegotiate it with the Biden Administration I say don't let them do it we suffered with that crazy NAFTA for years everyone said I'd never be able to terminate it because I had to terminated through Congress we got it terminated through Congress NAFTA we got the usmca it's the best trade deal ever made it's unbelievable much better for us than it is for Mexico and Canada as you can tell I stood up to China like no Administration has ever done before bringing in billions and billions and billions of dollars pouring into our treasury when no other president had gotten literally 10 cents not one penny they got from China China had us figured out really well I gave our farmers in great New England lobsterman 28 million dollars from the massive tariffs I received from China and to Sanctus oppose the deal by the way he opposed it just to put it out there quickly he also opposed Social Security I don't know if you know he went to decimate Social Security Medicare and Social Security he wanted to bring the minimum age up to 70. so I don't know if you know that but and remember one thing about a politician when that's his original thought that's where they go back to they may come up here and talk to you uh oh I love social security no he voted three times to turn to terminate and decimate it we appointed over 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices [Applause] and how about the ruling last week where they say that if you get great marks you go to college first there's no more crazy discrimination and other things nobody thought that was going to happen and last year those justices ruled to end Roe v Wade they rule to end Roe v way now I have to tell you we have to talk about it because it you know energizes the other side a little bit and it's not good but just so you understand just so you understand it how to talk about it now pro-lifers have a tremendous power to negotiate you had no power whatsoever they could kill the baby at any time they wanted they could kill the baby whenever they wanted this moves the issue back also to the states where all legal Scholars want it back in the States but you have tremendous power to negotiate like Ronald Reagan before me I support the three exceptions you have to go with your heart but I support for rape incest and for the life of the mother I do that and a lot of people the big portion there and remember there's the Democrats though we're not the radicals they're the radicals because they're willing to kill babies in their fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth month and even after birth so if you remember that if you remember that and the exceptions in my opinion are important in my opinion but you have to go with your heart but we did something that was amazing for 50 years they've tried to get it out they wanted it back in the States all legal Scholars on both sides wanted it back in the States but you now have a tremendous power to negotiate something that's going to be good and going to be lasting and it was a tremendous achievement a tremendous achievement but just remember they were the radicals they try and make you into radicals and uh monsters they were the radicals because they were killing babies in fifth sixth seventh and nobody nobody on either side wants that to happen they did a poll of Democrats the ninth month they had like nobody would nobody so you have to remember so you're in a very uh good position you have the power now of negotiation we gave you something that was uh really a fantastic thing that most people thought couldn't be done and now you have to use it wisely they're the extremists not us and we created the most secure Border in U.S history we built nearly 500 miles of border well we got Mexico to give us 28 000 soldiers free of charge remember when they said oh Mexico didn't pay Mexico gave us 28 000 soldiers free of charge that's a lot more than a little bit for the wall and a lot less complicated I said to the president you know a lot of people are coming in from Mexico the cartels are bringing in really bad people you have to give us soldiers no no no no no no no I will not do that I said no you have to how many do you need 28 000 what's a lot that's a lot of soldiers Pancho Villa you know with the bullets going on panchovy these soldiers aren't politically correct either ours have to be politically correct if if our soldier speaks up to a person a little bit rough they put them in the brig for the rest of his life okay it's not good what they do to our soldiers I tell you they don't get it but we had 28 000 soldiers so people say well what about Mexico did Mexico but I said much better but they said we're not going to do it I said that's okay don't do it but you're going to suffer big consequences because what I'm going to do is I'm going to sign legislation which is a mid-desk that for every car you know they took 32 percent of our business out of the United States over a period of 22 years 30 not during my Administration nothing because I don't people you go there you're going to put a big tariff if you sell it back in that's all you had to do and you would have kept everybody but they took 32 I said here's what you do if you don't give us 28 000 soldiers I am going to put a 25 tariff on everything that Mexico sells into the United States meaning you're not going to sell anything because nobody's going to want it no no no you should not do that I said that's what I'm going to do and they said you know in thinking about it we would be honored to give you 28 000 soldiers so we had 28 000 soldiers uh remain in Mexico that was another one I got remain in Mexico when these people come in they come into our country and they stay and they never leave that's it and they're criminals and they come in from in many many times many jails they've been emptied out and what I did is I got it remain in Mexico now the people have to remember the problem is that Biden is giving it all up he's giving everything up our medical stay he gave up even the judge said you don't want to give that up our country is going to be overrun so they gave it up but all of that was just the beginning here's some of the agenda that I will immediately Implement when we become the when we that's you and me we're all going to become the president of the United States 47th president of the United States and before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after I win the presidency we will have that horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled it'll be settled I know them both very well get it done very quickly maybe in 24 hours and I'm the only candidate who can make you this promise I will prevent World War III I'll prevent it it's not going to happen we have a man right now who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating on our behalf with nuclear weapons he's lost every country now we're enemies with Russia with China with North Korea with Iran I terminated the Iran deal I got Jerusalem the capital of Israel and built and built actually built our beautiful building out of Jerusalem Stone right our beautiful old Jerusalem you can't put two words together he said I want to stir it too no but we have a man who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating with people that like President XI of China he's negotiating with people that are at the top of their game there's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of some of these people these are smart tough killers macron of France and you heard the story maybe quickly because I'm sweating like a dog up here does anybody want me to stop or should we go forward macrona France macron of France he put a big tax he wanted to put a big tax on our companies doing business in France I said you can't do that I gave it to my people to do they weren't able to do anything about it two weeks they come back sir he's uh very strong on that he wants to do it I think it was like a 25 attack some ridiculous tax for American companies I called him I said Emmanuel I like you very much you're my friend but you can't put the tax on if you do here's what's going to happen I'm going to put a 100 tariff on all of your wines and Champagnes that aren't even like I'm going to put a 100 tariff on wines and Champagnes coming out of France and coming into no no no Donald you cannot do that I said oh I can't do that you have 10 minutes to tell me he said I give up and he took off the tax that's what happened I gave it to my Geniuses they couldn't sure he's there's no way we could stop it it was passed by his legislature to stop Biden's inflation catastrophe bring down the cost of energy and become energy independent and even energy dominant we are just three years ago we were energy dominant we were energy independent but we will drill baby drill we are going to be drilling and bringing it way down to bring ten thousands yeah it's going to bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to New Hampshire we already did it we made this place very successful you know anything that's good that's happening with the economy it's only because they're running on the fumes of what we built you understand that they're running on the fumes but those fumes can't last much longer and they're just pouring money out you know all these crazy deals this uh inflation reduction act you know 1.7 trillion dollars and it increases inflation but they're running on the fumes of what we did and uh we did an incredible job I will impose a border tariff on All Foreign made Goods coming into this country and I will pass the Trump reciprocal trade act very quickly that is if India China France anybody Germany they charge us we don't judge them because we had stupid people and I started changing that a lot but then we had covered we had to fix that mess but all a gift from China but reciprocal trade if they're charging us a hundred percent for a motorcycle when we do a motorcycle we charge them a hundred percent right now they charge 157 percent for a motorcycle Harley would have to sin so what does Harley do they have to go and build a plant in India or they have to go and build no no more no more we're all set to do this too it was all set we had a couple of stupid Senators that didn't like it one of them coming from Pennsylvania said to me sir this is not free trade they say wait a minute this country I won't tell you which is charging us 200 percent we charge them nothing would it be okay if I charged them half a hundred percent no sir that's not free trade how about 50 how about 25 how about 10 should no search not free trade I said you're either corrupt or you're stupid as hell because it's crazy so we're going to pass it so if they charge us if they charge us very simple we charge them and it's probably all going to disappear the Biden economic bus will be replaced with the historic Trump economic boom I will immediately terminate every open borders policy of the Biden Administration our country is being invaded following the Eisenhower model we will use all necessary State local Federal and Military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history got to do it and I will use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning traffic children to their families in their home countries immediately to stop the Marxist prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting Republicans conservatives people of faith and Me by the way I will direct a completely over told doj to investigate every radical D.A and AG in America for their illegal racist and reverse enforcement of the law and we will bring back a thing called stop and frisk in our cities on day one I will sign a new executive order to cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content on our children are beautiful children our beautiful children are being destroyed by these Maniacs I will keep men out of women's sports they're very easy to do and I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states can you imagine can you imagine even having to say that think of this 15 years ago could you imagine I will stop child sexual immutable can you imagine having to that's actually a part of my campaign can you imagine having to say that we're going to stop the mutilation of children just as I did for four years I will fully uphold the Second Amendment it's going to be in good shape and I will fully secure our elections they'll be done the right way our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and voter ID that's what our goal is but until then Republicans must compete and we must win 2024 is the most important election we've ever had but this is what we must do to restore our country to Greatness the USA is a mess our economy is crashing inflation is out of control China Russia Iran and North Korea formed together as a menacing and destructive Coalition like we've never seen before our currency is crashing and we'll know longer in my opinion be the world standard if it keeps going like this which will be the single greatest defeat of our country in 200 years we lose the power of the dollar it won't happen with me not even a little chance just like Russia would have never invaded Ukraine and China would have never even thought about raiding Taiwan they wouldn't have done it I told them you're not going to do it if you took the five worst Presidents in the history of the United States and added them up they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden Administration have done we are a failing Nation I don't like saying that but we are we are a failing Nation we are a nation in Decline and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement the doj and the FBI it's totally corrupt and we're not going to let it happen 224 2024 I have no idea how important it is it's our final battle it's our final real big battle with you at my side we will demolish the Deep State we will expel the warmongers from our government we will drive out the globalists we will cast out the Communists marxists and fascists we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country we will route the fake news media we will defeat crooked Joe Biden and we will drain the swamp once and for all [Applause] the great silent majority is rising like never before I mean never before it's never been I don't believe it's ever been like this I said it twice tonight I'll say it again the we have never had anything like it the spirit the love the passion there's never been anything like this and we went through 2016 and we went through 2020 and most people would say they were the most passionate this is blowing it away but we've never had anything like this never before and under our leadership the Forgotten men and women will be forgotten no longer with your help your love and your vote we will put America first we will make America we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to make it great it's hard to believe right now our country is at such a low point we will make America greater than ever before thank you New Hampshire God bless you God bless you New Hampshire God bless you all thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much wow thank you very much thank you this is an honor I just knocked over a fan on purpose here was blowing the hell out of my hair it's worked I said I gotta do a good job in front of New Hampshire I can't have fans we don't need anything artificial up here right so I just want to say hello New Hampshire a special place a great place with many great friends and great people I'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful state with thousands of proud and I mean proud I mean seriously proud look at this American Patriots who believe in that Timeless motto Live Free or Die I want to thank all of the people so many people you know who are killing everybody in polls you do know that right I mean just not by like a little bit like by 40 and 50 points we're beating beating them black but I want to thank my New Hampshire co-chairs Lou gargiolo and Windham selectman Bruce Breton Bruce is here and a friend of mine a great guy U.S senator Bob Smith Bob thank you very much and your beautiful wife when the police chief Mike Karen thank you Mike thank you very much representative Tim Cahill and some of our fantastic supporters Chris Stevens David andrakis and Dave a bear where's Dave Abraham somebody that's been with me from the beginning I don't mean like I don't mean like six months in I mean like from the beginning I guess we're talking like in the 2015s we don't even go back we go back to 15s now but he came he said you're going to win sir you're going to win so big I said really you think so really he's a total Pro by the way so I don't know if he really believed that when he said that but he said you're gonna win you run you're going to win sir and he started with me six months before the campaign and that's all I heard sir it's unbelievable you're doing phenomenally in the polls I don't even know if they had any polls but he got me all psyched up I will tell you that and he's also a fantastic person who loves absolutely loves New Hampshire with his Incredible family and wife is here the wife is she's been with him and she loves him and he loves her they have a fantastic family Corey Lewandowski Corey where is Corey where is he well there he is always likes to be a little bit in the background thank you Corey great job he's doing a great job and somebody else who's really been fantastic right from the beginning I saw on television this weekend and I didn't even recognize her she looks so phenomenal she was so Dynamic and then I got the television a little bit fixed up also put on my glasses and I saw how good she was Caroline Levitt she's been fantastic [Music] where's Caroline you great job this weekend well you're much better having her on your side believe me I said we better get her on my side and she's been there for a long time now thank you very much Carolyn thank you very much thank you everybody this afternoon I'm also delighted to announce the launch of our new Coalition Veterans for Trump led by true American warrior you know who that Warrior is he's a tough guy and he's a great guy and you just met him Congressman Brian mess Brian thank you very much great guy and today I'm especially grateful to receive the endorsement of over 100 Veterans from the granite state including New Hampshire Veterans Coalition co-chairs Hillsborough County Attorney John Coughlin John thank you very much John wherever you may be thank you John and state representative Joe Petri thank you very much Joe thanks Joe good tough guys I also want to thank my senior advisor somebody's been here almost as long as Corey he's been with us Steve stepanak thieves thank you see you thank you Steve and state director Trevor nudleary Trevor thank you Trevor great job thank you very much and and really we are doing fantastically up here so that group I felt we should introduce him you know it's nice if we were doing lousy I would not have introduced of my promise I wouldn't have even thought of it but they're doing an unbelievable job and the level is we're so far above everybody else in the polls they're all saying is he going to go into the debate and I say I don't know if you're leading by 50 and 60 and 70 points do you do that or not I don't know should I okay you ready Paul we take a free poll should I do the debate well maybe we'll do something else you know see some people say yes but they hate to say it because it doesn't make sense to do it if you're leading by so much but they like it for entertainment value because they're selfish they're selfish uh to every veteran in this room we salute you and we really do we worked hard with the veterans and we've had a fantastic relationship and this is a very big and important veteran State I probably learned more about the veterans from dealing in New Hampshire than any other state please stand and receive our thanks all veterans do you mind please stand and receive our thoughts [Applause] that's a lot of veterans thank you thank you very much wow that's a beautiful a lot of times they'll say whatever group it may be please stand and you know you have like two people stand up I say that's not too much let's change our speech right but when I came into office in 2017 our government had a disgracefully horrible situation going on they betrayed it solemn pledge to America's veterans you know that better than anybody I learned a lot about it from Julie the VA was plagued by one horrific scandal after another remember you turn on the news and you just see these horrible scandals having to do with the veterans you didn't hear any of it for four years you literally heard that very little and we did things that were really amazing and I'm proud of thousands of veterans were put on secret medical wait lists and many of them left to die without receiving any care or any Aid under Obama some very bad people were abusing veterans in VA hospitals including sadists yet sadists they were hitting the veterans when the veterans weren't in prime time okay they wouldn't have touched them in Prime Time believe me but they were hitting him when they were in trouble and a lot of say this we got them all out the VA employees were even caught stealing drugs intended for the treatment of our sick and Wounded Warriors and they were stealing them and using them for themselves and selling them but all of that changed when we arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue we went from the absolutely worst Brian you know that we went from the absolutely worse to uh I mean that was the worst presidency for the veterans the previous presidency wonderful people you're not allowed to even say that it's not politically correct I'll say it to the greatest champion the veterans ever had in the White House and it was very much promises made Promises Kept and a couple of the really big ones just as I promised I proudly signed the VA accountability act allowing us to quickly terminate VA bureaucrats and bad people who mistreated our vets we told more than 10 000 bad corrupt incompetent VA workers people that were sadists and they couldn't get rid you couldn't get rid of them you had no right they could steal they could beat people up you couldn't do a damn thing and we got it so you could fire him and I said you're fired get out out out of here ten thousand sounds like a lot but it's a big system and uh we got ten thousand really uh really bad people out very very evil people they knew who they were they couldn't do a thing about it it was amazing so we got that passed in Congress if you can believe it they were trying for 30 years to get it passed I also signed veterans choice and made that permanent we got that passed in Congress also which was really a a big deal that was a big deal you have choice you could go out if you're not getting the trip and you go out but thanks to this Landmark we formed three million veterans have been able to get care as needed and when they wanted it you know they'd wait in line sometime for weeks and months and you know they have some great doctors in the VA that really good doctors but you couldn't get to them you couldn't get to them people would wait for many months they'd become terminally ill waiting something that could have been fixed easily they'd become terminally ill and I got it so that you go outside you get a doctor we pay the bill and you get taken care of immediately if you had to wait more than a short period of time so it was a great thing that was a great thing that's very important they've been trying to get that by the way that one 52 years right they were trying to get it for 52 years they couldn't get it done I you know it just made so much sense right from the first time I heard it and I heard it first up here from your people under the Trump Administration we secured record funding for the VA we slashed VA waiting times by more than 33 percent and even now there's a new chart that came out from our last period that it was a 57 percent that's a lot and almost all veterans reported major improvements at their local VA facility once I became president in fact we hit an all-time record high of va satisfaction of 92 percent nobody has even come close and I got angry at my people they say he's not a nice guy some people didn't like me too much as you probably heard because we were tough we were tough but they said why why is it 92 why isn't it a hundred and they left their room they said this guy's very difficult but we really mean it but we hit the highest approval rating we've ever had and I have to tell you that approval rating now is not doing so well you know that you know that a lot of bad things are happening over there they've what they've what they're doing to dismantle that system that was so good but to help combat veteran suicide we delivered same day Mental Health Care at every VA facility in America and make great strides until Biden came along till he came along in a few short years we turned the VA from a national embarrassment into a national example of devotion and service and loyalty to the American Veteran it was amazing an amazing thing and an amazing success so we got it done pretty quickly once we got the legislation passed I would say it moved along very quickly sadly crooked Joe Biden and that's what he is he's a stone called Thief crooked Joe Biden has been a disaster for American Veterans as one of his first accident office Biden gutted my historic VA reforms he gutted them out making it easier to remove bad VA employees from the job and in a shocking Act of betrayal of America's Veterans as well as the tens of thousands of dedicated professionals and you do have great professionals at the VA crooked Joe Biden is in the process of not removing people but reinstating 5 000 of the ten thousand people that we fired who were fired for good reason including sadism and this who were fired for very good reasons and they want to give them back their full pay they want to give them their jobs back and we were very careful about that we didn't get rid of people haphazardly we got rid of people that were not doing their job some really in bad cases and some they just weren't doing their job they didn't care they didn't show up to work and he wants to put at least half of them back the same people and it'll cost over 200 million dollars to do that I'd rather to give the money to you directly it's a lot better it's amazing I mean it's amazing it breaks your heart it breaks your heart that was such a big thing and now they want to put a lot of those people back Joe Biden puts bureaucrats first I put veterans first and I put America first thank you very much thank you thank you very much that's why today I'm announcing a number of specific actions I'll take to fulfill our sacred duty to our Great American veterans on day one of my new Administration I will fully restore the use of va accountability we're going to bring it back in full force full force and we already have the legislation passed so I don't have to go through Congress which really that's why it took 52 years because they couldn't get it passed but we have it passed all we have to do is make it work so we have the the hardest part is done and direct by secretary Veterans Affairs to fire every corrupt VA bureaucrat who Joe Biden is outrageously refused to remove from the job or put or put back in the job then instead of providing more than 200 million dollars in back pay to VA workers like Biden is doing I will ask Congress to take every penny of those funds to finally build a brand new state-of-the-art VA Hospital right here in the great state of New Hampshire because I don't know if you know this but we can say that no longer will New Hampshire be the only state in America without a full service VA facility you'll have it and you'll have it done quickly we have a great we have a great group did you know you're the only one that doesn't have one all right that's what you get with the that's what you get with those Democrats that's what happens at the same time so you're going to have a brand new now you're going to have a brand new VA Hospital beautiful state of the art top of the line top of the line the only state that doesn't have one I was waiting for that actually thank you who said that by the way stand up okay you know I was going to say that but then I thought I'd be politically correct thank you take good care of her that's right yeah true selfish selfish guy at the same time well he ran for president and he got two points he ran without running you know he didn't want to announce he wanted to run but so it's a shame we could win this state so easy if we had help from the governor but we never got help from the governor we helped him but he never he never helped us so but I'm glad you said it because this way I could say I was so nice up in New Hampshire nah he's not the same man now he's not the same he took a big beating he took a big beating knocking the hell out of everybody and he took a big beating and then he he gets the first pole and he sees it his own State he was in seventh place out of a group at the same time we were fully maintained the VA clinics and the rest of the state and addressed the severe shortage of nurses and other health care workers at the home for the retired veterans in Tilton anybody know that home in Tilton I will once again make stopping veteran suicide a top priority of my Administration terrible situation I will ban the Department of Veterans Affairs from wasting a single Cent to fund transgender surgeries or sex change procedures spend a lot of money it was a very very you know they are very very expensive operations and you also know you have to go through tremendous drug therapy after that and I was always sold in the military if you take much more than an aspirin you can't do it but the tremendous drug therapy it's a lot of a lot of problems you know we had it stopped and then he came in one of the first things he did is he started that up again those precious taxpayer dollars should be going to care for our veterans in need not to refund radical gender experiments for the Communists left I'll also restore the Trump ban on transgender in the military we're going to end up you know we had it banned we hadn't been you know I went to generals I said General off the Record what do you think of transgender sir uh your city by listening sir what do you think I don't like it sir and then I'd say to another one you know they were all afraid to talk about it but you know I have to do what's right you have to do what's right and and we have to help everybody you have to help transgender you have to help everybody but this was just not something that was working out and uh as soon as they came back as soon as they came back by a rigged election by the way as soon as they as soon as they came back they approved that that was one of the first things on their list they approved it so now they're they're doing a lot of now they're doing a lot of things that shouldn't be done shouldn't be done if you if you talk if you talk to the real generals not the television generals the real generals we've got some hey look I knocked out Isis in a few weeks with real generals we have we have a great military but we're not going to let our military go woke that I can tell you but the real Generals in the military down a little bit those guys are incredible the way they did that the way they took out a lot of bad people but they took out Isis the Isis caliphate 100 and it was surgical it was incredible we will get critical race Theory and all other woke lunacy out of the United States armed forces and we will abolish every Biden covet mandate and rehire every patriot who was fired from our military with an apology and with back pain and in addition I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate veterans homelessness I mean you have a situation in America it's a scandal it's a disgrace what's happening now is nobody's ever seen and it is a national tragedy that Joe Biden crooked Joe he's more interested in where's the money coming from to him he's interested to him how about all these things with the 30 corporations and the this and that the money flowing in everybody getting money coming in from China how can you how can you be tough in China when they're paying you a lot of money and see they know too much you know we have a compromise we have a Manchurian Candidate they they know too much so he can't be tough in China that's why he's so that's why he allows blimps flying over the country right over our nuclear sites let them come in let them take pictures or don't do anything about it they'll tell they'll tell everybody who's giving me all that money he's a compromised candidate and I'll tell you something out of respect for the office of President I didn't talk this way five weeks ago six weeks ago I knew I felt very badly about what was going on but out of respect for the Office of the President I wouldn't have said the way I talk he's a crooked person he's a totally dishonest guy so we'd say things but but we now I even changed his name I took it away from Hillary we call him crooked Joe instead of sleepy Joe we call him crypto Joe I retired it that was a great day for Hillary I said of crooked Hillary I said we're removing the name from crooked Hillary now we call her beautiful beautiful Hillary it's a beautiful woman and we're giving it to Biden because he's a crooked person but out of respect for the office I would never have said that to this extent and I never did but now they indicted your president your former president who is very popular 75 million people so now they ripped off the top they took the gloves off and we can say whatever we want and I'll tell you what and I'll tell you what what he's done is a scandal the likes of which this country has never seen and the fake news hates to talk about it horrible thing that crooked Joe Biden has spent nearly one billion dollars to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants who are pouring into our country it's an invasion of our country we had the safest Border in history now we have the worst border probably in the world but to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants at expensive luxury hotels the best hotels in the country in many cases while more than 33 000 Americans who have served this nation in uniform are homeless on our streets okay on day one I will sign an executive order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens which our country can't handle and I will redirect that money to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American veterans they'll be treated properly [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much furthermore I will finally hold accountable all of the failed leaders and television generals who gave us Joe Biden's catastrophe in Afghanistan two years ago this month in my opinion you know I watched a lot of the parents I spoke to many of those parents I called them when it happened what a horrible what a horrible thing and what what they've gone through there was no way that was going to happen you know I wanted we were going out but we're going to get out with strength with dignity what they did when they took the soldiers out first don't you take the soldiers out less you take them out less we went 18 months without one soldier being killed I spoke to the head of the Taliban I said don't do it Abdul don't do it Abdul same man who's still running it but when you think of that horrible horrible event leaving Untold numbers of Americans behind 13 dead Warriors 35 horrifically wounded nobody talks about them but horrifically Wounded Warriors and 85 billion dollars worth of the finest military equipment on the planet bought by me you know I rebuilt the military I rebuilt the entire U.S military a lot of that equipment was brand new bought by me it was the single most embarrassing day in the history of our country in my opinion I think it was and I think it probably was what led Putin to say this is the time that country has had it because I guarantee you one thing Putin was not going in with me and neither was neither was she going in in China into Taiwan but Putin was not going into Ukraine and we talked about it too when I got along with him great they hate to hear you got along with them yeah it's always nice to get and you know nobody was rougher look I ended the pipeline nobody ever heard of Nordstrom too right Brian nobody heard of Nordstrom too I said Nordstrom too nobody knew that's a pipeline going to Germany and taking care of all of Europe I ended it it was dead and then Biden approved at his first week so what's going on there under my leadership we were leaving Afghanistan with dignity and strength and we would not under any circumstances what that was was surrender and humiliation that's what it was I was I think it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country and we had it so solid they were they weren't shooting at us they knew better because they knew they were going to get absolutely decimated if they did when I returned to the White House we will restore peace through strength that's what we had we had peace through strength I'm the only president in many many decades like eight decades like many many years that didn't have any wars we got out of wars and we won Wars we beat Isis we won Wars but we got out of wars and everybody respected us you know we were three years ago we were very respected we were very respected they didn't play games nobody played games including trade where we get screwed by everybody we didn't we made great trade deals even with China they buy 50 billion dollars a year because of what I did for our farmers and everybody else and we were respected and they didn't play games we took in hundreds of billions of dollars through tariffs on China no other president took in 10 cents hundreds of billions of dollars they were not too fond of me but I got along with President XI also we gave you know I just looked at us just said look it up I was in the plane coming up I say look it up what do we give Afghanistan does anybody have that note I think I gave it to Corey we give Afghanistan now billions of dollars I said I didn't know that billions of dollars in Aid a number that is so astronomical and this goes on a yearly basis and they need it for humanitarian and all of that that's good but let him give us back our equipment they ought to give us back some of our equipment you know we're giving them 2.7 billion and 3 billion and 2 billion I thought would say maybe nothing or maybe a hundred million dollars or maybe something little but the numbers are astronomical what we give to Afghanistan so that should be a condition of the continued Aid I mean it's I don't want to hurt people but they took 85 billion dollars worth they didn't take we left because we were fools we were stupid we were stupid I remember a certain General saying sir it's cheaper to leave the equipment behind sir because we were going to get out but I would have kept Bagram because Bagram it's one of the biggest air bases in the World Bank of course there's billions of dollars to build many years ago and Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear we forget Afghanistan where China makes their nuclear weapons it's in Afghanistan and they left Bagram late at night they left the lights on they left billions and billions of dollars one hour away from whatever and now China will soon be occupying that incredible base that we built many many years ago it's so sad I mean these people are just horrible they're horrible you know I told somebody on the way up today I told Brian I told a few of the guys so we did great in 2016. we actually did much better as you know we got millions more votes in 2020 the election was rigged but but there is more enthusiasm today than we ever had in 2016 or 2020 and the reason is because these people are so corrupt and they're so horrible they're so incompetent the reason is because they're watching when you look at that border and you see millions of people pouring through our border totally unchecked nobody knows where they come from they come from mental institutions and prisons and they come from all over the place 147 different countries last week people coming in but when you look at the the Border just as an example or when you look at high interest rates that they've set High interest rates when you look at the fact that oil was an all-time high and they say let's stop drilling no when oil is an all-time high you start drilling you know you make a fortune we would have supplied all of Europe everything we would have supplied oil and gas to Europe we would have made a fortune we're to start paying off that big debt that we have 35 trillion dollars we would have been paying it off we would have made a fortune and this guy stopped it and now we're getting our oil from Venezuela how about that one and it's not even well I should say we're getting our tar because they have very bad you know they have very heavy it's like tar you have to refine it and for the environmentalists in the group you know where we find it in Houston it has to be brought there's only one plant that can refine it it's like tar and it's Houston so all of that spews up into the air of Texas we get it from there we have the best stuff where I call it Liquid Gold under our feet we don't use it this is a crazy Administration this is like April Fool's Day they they want open borders they want no voter ID they want no paper ballots they want High interest rates they want your taxes are going to go up four times they say four times they haven't been able to break you know I got you the greatest tax cut in the history of this country and they have tried but they haven't been able to break it yet but at some point you know it expires in another fairly short period of time so get ready for that one these people want you to pay much higher taxes it's crazy and we could do it so much easier everyone can see the stunning contrast between our incredible success and Joe Biden's horrendous failures and that's one reason why we're leading so big in the polls that's really the reason I think it's a more enthusiasm now than 2016 or 2020 because you've seen how incompetent these people are it's it's horrible in the recent Rasmussen poll we're up 44 points with trumpet 57 Rhonda sanctimonious at 13. and the rest of them down in single digits you really love and in the morning consult that just came out I wanted to see because you know every time you get indicted I like to check the polls because one more indictment that I think this election's over one more no it's horrible you get indicted for nothing can you imagine a guy let's indict my opponent this uh this is a sick this is a third this becomes a third world country the latest morning console poll has as far ahead with 59 and the others are at like 12. one is it 12. I think that's the sanctimonious but he's rapidly being caught by rameshwami who's good no no Christy's he's eating right now he can't be bothered [Applause] sir please do not call him a fat pig that's very disres don't call him see I'm I'm trying to be nice Don't Call Him a fat pig you can't do it you can't do that so now because you're not allowed to do that and therefore we're not going to do it okay we want to be very civil right so the latest coefficient poll which is a big deal have us almost at 60 to 13 with our lead over to Sanctus growing by nine points just since a few weeks ago and even the recent New York Times poll has us up by 37 points and that was older you know now uh and Rhonda sanctimonious the reason I don't like him is that I got him elected you know when you get somebody I don't want to go through the whole story because most of you know but he came to me he needed help he was getting demolished in the primary stupidly I said all right I'll do it because I didn't know the guy was running against his name was Adam Putnam I said I'll do it because you know he he was one of the 200 people that were on television he was no better than anybody else he was no Jim Jordan that I can tell you and he was on television and fighting a little bit on impeachment hoax number one and impeachment hooks number two so I said you know what uh if I actually told him if I were Abraham Lincoln if we brought him back from the dead and if we brought George Washington back from the dead and they gave you the greatest endorsement and they hugged you and kissed you just like you did to Obama just look you know he did and Christy did who hugged and kissed Obama harder to Sanctus or Chris Christie I think Chris Crystal remember that he grabbed him Obama said get this guy off of me and that was the end of Romney when that happened that could have been a good thing but but we are in New Hampshire area at Sarah nobody asked me so I said you know what Ron let's do it go ahead let's do it so I gave him a very strong endorsement and the next day he went like a rocket right through the thing and he blew the I mean people that worked for Adam Putnam couldn't believe it they never called me but I didn't know Adam he was the secretary of agriculture he should have called me I would have endorsed him sometimes it's the first one to call sometimes you don't do it at all but he did and then I had to get him through Gillum remember Gillum he turned out to be a pothead crackhead but everybody thought he was the hottest one in politics and Ron said I won't be able to beat him I said well he's the hottest man in politics I said you can beat him then he he comes he calls me could you do a rally then he actually said could you do three I think I did three rallies we had massive crowds you know those rallies was we're doing a lot of them we're doing again they're hotter now than anything because of what's happening because of how bad it is but I did there and he ends up winning the election then four years later would you run against the president you know these Maniacs are screaming would you run against the president would you run will you run and he goes I have no comment I said what what did he say that I heard this I'm watching on newscast I'm watching a fake newscast and they say would you run against the president he shall said I have no comment now to me that means he's running so I said that son of a [ __ ] is running can you believe it I just got him elected so that's why I've been particularly hard at him unfortunately it's worked because he's crashing he's he's like he doesn't know what happened he goes home he says what happened where what did I do wrong what you know what he did wrong he ran what he did wrong is he should have waited till 28 but I don't know if that would have held water because eventually they would have figured out you know you do need some personality if you're going to be a politician just a little some of them don't have too much like your Governor you know like your government in the new Emerson poll a Battleground States in Arizona were leading Biden by a lot and very importantly at that same poll and other polls were leading Biden by seven eight nine 11 points but you know what when I hear we're leading by two or three or four points you know you gotta understand that's actually a lot for a republic because they have a built-in vote that no matter who you are even if you can't put two sentences together you get like 40. we don't have that we have to win the entire East Coast like we did in 2016 and like we did in 2020 too by the way but they're watching closely air watching in that same poll we're leading in the primary by 47 think of that 40s that's a lot but we will not play prevent defense you ever see in the NFL they don't allow a point on the other team not a point their defense is brutal they can't get now they just have to hold the other team one more series they have to Hope just please hold them let's go prevent defense ping ping the end of the game touchdown touchdown we will not play is that okay we will not play prevent right but everyone else is in single digits his one you'll like in the New Hampshire new brand new coefficient poll respected highly the New Hampshire Journal has us leading by 43 points we're leading by leading by and to Sanctus Rhonda sanctimonious he said uh nine points he's at nine he's time to go back to Florida Ron and you know work on your insurance that's costing everybody a fortune and now we're dominating Biden in the general election Harvard Harris has us up by five points and we're up 18 points among Independents remember you know they like to go around well Will trump get the independence Will trump get the women you know what the women want the women want safety they want to have a border they want to have low taxes low interest rates foreign they don't want in their beautiful suburbs you know they talk about oh the Suburban women I think the Suburban women like me you know what I did you know what I did we have a lot of super no no they don't want to have a low-income housing job built right next to their house that's what the Democrats want so I give them strong borders I give them good safety I give them a powerful military education so important by the way speaking of Education because this is largely about veterans uh we are going to bring education back to the States so that each state will run a hundred percent will keep we'll keep approximately three people in Washington just to make sure that you're teaching English Okay as opposed to another language okay you know you need a little coordination like everybody has to teach English if you don't mind but we'll keep a little bit of uh like two or three people but but you know we have building after building after building and here's the problem no matter what poll you look at of of Education in the world we're at the bottom of the polls and we spend more money than anybody else we spend double and triple what number two is like Norway Denmark Believe It or Not China very high ranking uh Japan but Norway and Denmark they said we're following New York City they said we are going to follow the Norwegian system I said that didn't work out you know how long that lasted about 15 minutes you know that didn't work out too well for New York I'll tell you New Yorkers said did you see what's happening in New York with the okay how about how about you know we all when I left New York New York was a proud City and now it's so sad to see what's happened to that City and then the big new premise poll were beating Biden by a lot while the Sanctus is losing to Biden by a lot so that's enough of that stuff but you know the polls are phenomenal people want us back they remember what we had we built the economy twice we built the greatest economy in the world and then we did it a second time ethical but these incredible numbers are the primary reason that crooked Joe Biden is weaponized law enforcement he has weapon he's done something that nobody thought they talked about it but nobody ever did it and never to this extent and ordered his top political opponent me arrested they were they actually arrest arrested right in the middle of a presidential election that Biden is losing badly you know he says I'm down in the polls to Trump let's arrest him let's arrest him let's indict him and arrest him please indict him and arrest him he's killing me in the polls what they didn't know is that I was going to go up because the good thing is we have a voice somebody gets indicted you go down usually right I would say Corey uh almost always you go down but they know me and these charges are so presidential records act that's just exactly for that case they don't want me to speak about a rigged election they don't want me to speak about it whereas that's I have freedom of speech First Amendment how can my corrupt political opponent crooked Joe Biden put me on trial during an election campaign that I'm winning by a lot but forcing me nevertheless to spend time and money away from the campaign Trail in order to fight bogus made up accusations and charges that's what they're doing I'm sorry I won't be able to go to Iowa today I won't be able to go to New Hampshire today because I'm sitting in a courtroom on [ __ ] because his attorney general charged me with something terrible thank you very much now it is it's a think of it they say charge him now you know they miscalculated a little bit you know the other good line no no actually we want to run against Trump no no if they didn't want to run you have to they'd say oh we would much prefer running against Trump that's because they had such an easy time when Hillary ran against me and last time we did much better than that you know somebody said we sold hundreds of millions of hats somebody said the other day many polls you know counties we had like almost 3 000 they have 200 so many different uh metrics but hats the Red Hats the white hats all the hats we sold even the farmer hats which are green right make Farmers great again did I make Farmers great again I got them 28 I got him 28 billion from China that's why I I said no way I lose Iowa why is that why are you so confident because I got the farmers 28 billion dollars nobody else did but but think of this somebody said it the other day I never thought of it there were Red Hats all over South Carolina we had almost 80 000 people you saw about you saw we were in this gorgeous area this gorgeous town I don't want to say the name of the town because if I do they'll try and change the name back to you know something else but it was beautiful beautiful place and the sheriff was great everybody was we had 80 000 people and it was a sea of red Red Hats mostly but white also green and everything but I'll tell you you were there right 80 000 people and you took a look at that and I said has anybody ever seen a Biden hat [Applause] so think of it we have hundreds of millions over the six seven years eight years we have hundreds of millions of hats sold and I'm I'm asking has anybody ever seen a hat saying Biden well we did have hats because we made them that said where's Hunter where is Hunter but is this going to be where they go and indict your opponent is this going to be the next president's going to say Hey listen my opponent is doing really well all over the place look at the crowds we have I mean outside you got a lot of people and yeah and by the way I want to say officially for the Press it's about 110 degrees of this room nice job with the air conditioning whoever but but you know what the Press will say you know that they'll say Trump didn't look well he was extremely wet it's a hundred and four or five degrees in this room but we're okay with it right sure but is this going to be the future of elections in America where sitting president tells his tells his attorney general to indict the opponent to try and knock the opponent down this is what's happening and then you ask the simple question so this has been going on for a long time the same so why didn't they do it two and a half years ago you know why because then it wouldn't have mattered so much you know they want to take away your freedom of speech everything else would have mattered a lot less but and it would have been terrible because it's all bogus but why if they were going to do it why didn't they do it two and a half years ago before the election right they waited till the election they waited and I probably have another one they say there's a young woman a young racist in Atlanta she racist and they say I guess they say that she was after a certain gang and she ended up having an affair with the head of the gang or a gang member and this is a person that wants to indict me she's got a lot of problems but she wants to indict me to try and run for some other office uh what's going on in this country is and by the way wants to indict me for a perfect phone call this was even better than my perfect call with Ukraine remember that call that was a perfect call this one's better this one is more perfect I challenge the election in Georgia which I have every right to do which I was right about Franklin [Applause] and they want to indict me because I challenge the election so does that mean that Hillary Clinton Who challenged the election does that mean that Stacy Abrams and all of the other virtually every Democrat challenges the election does that mean or they do the Slate of electors this has been going on since Thomas Jefferson who wanted to say but they don't go they use my word they took it and they said fake because I came up with the name fake news a long time ago worked out good but it's no longer good enough because it's not tough enough because it's really corrupt news it's beyond fake they don't even write they don't even write all the money that Biden is stealing you don't see one store years ago that win Pulitzer prizes today even Pulitzer prizes of very little value because you know we're suing the Pulitzer Foundation because they gave Pulitzer prizes to people that wrote about the Russia Russia Russia hoax for their wonderful writing their Brilliance they were wrong they were totally wrong and everybody admits they were wrong so why doesn't Pulitzer just give back the awards because they're radical left lunatics but we're suing we'll see what happens we're doing quite well never happened in the USA this has never happened where and attorney general is told to take the justice department and the FBI and sue somebody think of it who's running for president and leading not only the Republicans by 50 points but leading the Democrat by a lot so he says sue him and that will bring him down but they sued and I have a guy they call him deranged Jack Smith he's deranged and you know Biden on the box of stuff Biden is almost 2 000 bucks is somewhere held in Chinatown not a good place for him and you don't ever hear anything about him and I came under a thing called the presidential records act won't go into it but it's beautiful but we have this deranged lunatic looking at us and he's got a very nice man very gentle man our guy leaks he does things that are just terrible and because of that we're leading by a lot because frankly I think it's had a huge impact because it shows how sick and how evil these people are in addition to not knowing anything about the Border about the economy about the military or about dealing with other nations so this is all about election interference but that isn't quite good enough crooked Joe now wants the thug prosecutor this deranged guy to file a court order taking away My First Amendment right so that I can't speak so listen to this we don't want you to speak about the case the case the case is is a ridiculous case it's the first amendment case but we don't want Trump to speak so they want me they take away your rights on First Amendment now they sue because they're so now I have one of these lunatic reporters back there saying sir would like to talk to you about your case or I'm sorry I'm not allowed to talk about it somehow that's not good for votes do you agree when we say I can't talk I'd love to I will talk about it I will they're not taking away my first amendment so based on yet another radical left hooks you know I've gone through many hoaxes as the people in this room know very well but it's another one radical left hooks like Russia Russia Russia the no collusion Mueller report how about that after three years we find no collusion I was supposed to be like working for Russia they go went through millions of phone calls not one call made to Russia they have no collusion after almost three years then they created a fake dossier it was made by how bad are people when they make up a story about Russia they put it in the fake dossier like it was legit and even the guy that wrote it who were also suing by the way but the guy that wrote it Christopher Steele they offered him a million dollars the FBI if he would a firm they would beg you please play committee the way they give money man the FBI they give away a lot of money don't they yeah so they offered him a million dollars to affirm it he couldn't do it he wouldn't do it it turned out to be a total fake but here's Adam Schiff Shifty shift and he comes out he says he says to the reporters gathered click click click they're all going crazy Donald Trump Jr the son of the president of the United States will go to jail over Russia Russia Russia now think of it he made it up with Hillary and all these people they made it up and they're saying that my son will go to jail now how bad you have to be to do that so they know it's a phony story they know it's a phony story they say he's going to go to jail these are not these are not Mrs Lewandowski you hear that can you imagine of that with these kids can you imagine what look what your husband got me into I could have been relaxing at Mar-A-Lago or in the south of France which I would prefer being in this country frankly but they got involved with fisa the fraudulent fisa applications remember they sent in applications to the courts and they were all fraud the judges never did anything about it they knew they were frauds it was written about they never did anything about it the 51 intelligence agents that said Hunter's laptop from hell was all Russia disinformation do not use it you know they say that made like from a 10 to a 17 point difference in the in the polls the FBI Twitter files a doj Facebook and all of the rest all of the rest uh look at uh 2 000 mules look at what they did with that thousands and thousands and thousands of votes on tape on camera all of this will come up during this trial that's uh all of this will come out because we won the election by Allah then they have this crap going on I never even thought of this one Trump didn't really believe he won the election let me tell you people that know me say that's one thing I tell you there was never a second of any day that I didn't believe that that election was rigged it was a rigged election it was a rigged election and it was a stolen disgusting election and this country should be ashamed and they go after the people that want to prove that it was rigged and stolen so it never happens that they go after them they don't go after the people that rigged it okay and we'll see how it all turns out you know we've been we've been right about a lot of things right you ever see Trump was right about everything ultimately let's see how that all works out so in other words I'll be the only politician in American history not allowed to speak because of our corrupt system sir you're not allowed to speak on the jaw in other words I'll come here and I'll say hi everybody listen uh not allowed to speak please vote for me New Hampshire if you would bye and all I can say is the never-ending Witch Hunt continues and we have exposed so much nobody's ever thought I have exposed so much it's been incredible but do not fear we will win bigger and better than ever before they rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024 we're not going to allow it to happen we're not going to allow it to happen New Hampshire and you're such an important state you know you're relatively small you're so important politically and you know I kept Iowa and you in those first positions please remember the because I thought there was a great beautiful tradition to it they wanted to move you way back in the line and I said nope we're not doing that we're not doing that you are in the position you'll always be there as long as I have anything to say about it Joe Biden is the most incompetent and corrupt president in U.S history the Biden crime family was taking in money from China Ukraine Russia all these places yesterday within so many others and now whenever more Biden corruption is exposed as henchmen charged me with a crime you know when they get something on Biden oh let's indict let's add on another indictment to that stupid indictment that we filed let's add on another one because that takes the news cycle unfortunately I get disproportionate publicity so they indict me he's right great balls but so they end up so when they want to keep something they say oh man they got Hunter again you know at some point Joe is going to have to say you know this sun thing just isn't working out do you agree the sun thing they send things now it's not getting out too good it's all he had to do is pick up the laptop didn't the guy call him like 11 to pick up your laptop pick up your laptop I I wonder where that cocaine came from what happened that was the quickest investigation I've ever seen you know somebody told me it could be wrong I always say that that way you can never get sued you know somebody told me could be wrong I'm sure it's wrong but in that little cubicle where it was there would be normally thousands of fingerprints you know people made there were none it was cleaned so clean it's the kind of place I'd like to be actually clean I like cleanliness but it's called a cover-up every time the radical left Democrats marxists communist fascists indict me I considered a great great great badge of honor I do I do because I'm being indicted for you I am being indicted for you thanks a lot thanks a lot but never forget our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who are going to stop them it takes great people to stop these radical lunatics it takes brave people they're sick they're sick people they want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom that's what's Happening Here they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the end they're not after me they're after you I'm just standing in their way and I always will stand in the way I promise if you put me back in the White House there rain will be over and America will be a free Nation once again because we do not have a free Nation and from my first day in office I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every one of the many claims being brought forth by Congress and they're doing a good job Jamie Comer Jim Jordan all of them concerning all of the Crooked Acts including bribes from China and many other countries all these foreign countries sending money into the coffers of the Biden crime family we will have a special prosecutor and now they'll come after me even a little harder but I don't know how many more how much harder can they do it I should have four by sometime next week I never heard you know I went to the Wharton School of Finance we never studied indictment we never studied arrest we never studied prison these are sick people we're dealing with it's often said that Republicans don't fight hard enough and I happen to agree but they never said that about Trump and you have some Republicans that are fighting very hard now I have to tell you and but you're going to see that on my first day in the presidency the Deep state is destroying our nation but the tables will turn very quickly and we will destroy the Deep state and we got rid of a lot it didn't look like it but we got rid of a lot but we're also fighting like Helen also doing a great job in holding back China holding back North Korea Kim Jong-un all of a sudden that problem stopped uh Russia would have never gone in China would not be talking about Taiwan right now we did a great job I mean when you think about it we did a job that very few people have done on top of the greatest economy ever strongest border ever all of these things and we had this stuff hanging over our head all the time that's all they do they're the party of misinformation and disinformation and just four short years we already achieved more than any Administration probably in the history of our country we delivered the largest tax cuts and Regulatory cuts by far in history and likewise we built the greatest economy in history we achieved energy Independence and would have shortly gained energy done we were going to be dominant energy dominance for the first time ever we had gas prices at 1.87 cents a gallon after years of bitter betrayals do you really have high prices here your electric course are about the highest in the country good luck with your electric cars everybody how how dumb is that and they're sitting all over the place nobody wants to how crazy let some if you want an electric car you buy an electric car but you gotta have choice choice just like you're gonna have school choice after years of bitter betrayals of New Hampshire workers I ended the disaster known as NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made replace it with the usmca the best trade deal ever made in fact it's such a good deal that Mexico and Canada now trying to renegotiate it with a Biden Administration I say don't let them do it we suffered with that crazy NAFTA for years everyone said I'd never be able to terminate it because I had it terminated through Congress we got it terminated through Congress NAFTA we got the US embassy it's the best trade deal ever made it's unbelievable much better for us than it is for Mexico and Canada as you can tell I stood up to China like no Administration has ever done before bringing in billions and billions and billions of dollars pouring into our treasury when no other president had gotten literally 10 cents not one penny they got from China China had us figured out really well I gave our farmers in great New England lobsterman 28 billion dollars from the massive tariffs I received from China and to Sanctus oppose the deal by the way he opposed it just to put it out there quickly also opposed Social Security I don't know if you know he went to decimate Social Security Medicare and Social Security he wanted to bring the minimum age up to 70. so I don't know if you know that but and remember one thing about a politician when that's his original thought that's where they go back to they may come up here and talk to you uh oh I love social security no he voted three times to turn to terminate and decimate it we appointed over 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices [Applause] and how about the ruling last week where they say that if you get great marks you go to college first there's no more crazy discrimination and other things nobody thought that was going to happen and last year those justices ruled to end Roe v Wade they ruled to end Roe v way now I have to tell you we have to talk about it because it you know energizes the other side a little bit and it's not good but just so you understand just so you understand it how to talk about it now pro-lifers have a tremendous power to negotiate you had no power whatsoever they could kill the baby at any time they wanted they could kill the baby whenever they wanted this moves the issue back also to the states where all legal Scholars want it back in the States but you have tremendous power to negotiate like Ronald Reagan before me I support the three exceptions you have to go with your heart but I support for rape incest and for the life of the mother I do that and a lot of people do big portion there and remember there's the Democrats though win at the radicals they're the radicals because they're willing to kill babies in their fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth month and even after birth so if you remember that if you remember that and the exceptions in my opinion are important in my opinion but you have to go with your heart but we did something that was amazing for 50 years they've tried to get it out they wanted it back in the States all legal Scholars on both sides wanted it back in the States but you now have a tremendous power to negotiate something that's going to be good and going to be lasting and it was a tremendous achievement a tremendous achievement but just remember they were the radicals they try and make you into radicals and uh monsters they were the radicals because they were killing babies in fifth sixth seventh and nobody nobody on either side wants that to happen they did a poll of Democrats the ninth month they had like nobody would nobody so you have to remember so you're in a very uh good position you have the power now of negotiation we gave you something that was uh really a fantastic thing that most people thought couldn't be done and now you have to use it wisely they're the extremists not us and we created the most secure Border in U.S history we built nearly 500 miles of border we got Mexico to give us 28 000 soldiers free of charge remember when they said oh Mexico didn't pay Mexico gave us 28 000 soldiers free of charge it's a lot more than a little bit for the wall and a lot less complicated I said to the president you know a lot of people are coming in from Mexico the cartels are bringing in really bad people you have to give us soldiers no no no no no no no I will not do that I said no you have to how many do you need 28 000. what's a lot that's a lot of soldiers Pancho Villa you know with the bullets going on panchovy these soldiers aren't politically correct either ours have to be politically correct if if our soldier speaks up to a person a little bit rough they put them in the brig for the rest of his life okay it's not good what they do to our soldiers I tell you they don't get it but we had 28 000 soldiers so people say well what about Mexico did Mexico but I said much better but they said we're not going to do it I said that's okay don't do it but you're going to suffer big consequences because what I'm going to do is I'm going to sign legislation which is a my desk that for every car you know they took 32 percent of our business out of the United States over a period of 22 years 30 not during my Administration nothing because I don't people you go there you're going to put a big tariff if you sell it back in that's all you had to do and you would have kept everybody but they took 32 I said here's what you do if you don't give us 28 000 soldiers I am going to put a 25 tariff on everything that Mexico sells into the United States meaning you're not going to sell anything because nobody's going to want it no no no you should not do that I said that's what I'm going to do and they said you know in thinking about it we would be honored to give you 28 000 subjects so we had 28 000 soldiers uh remain in Mexico that was another one I got remain in Mexico when these people come in they come into our country and they stay and they never leave that's it and they're criminals and they come in from in many many times many jails they've been emptied out and what I did is I got it remain in Mexico now the people have to remember the problem is that Biden is giving it all up he's giving everything up our medical stay he gave up even the judge said you don't want to give that up our country is going to be overrun so they gave it up but all of that was just the beginning here's some of the agenda that I will immediately Implement when we become the when we that's you and me we're all going to become the president of the United States 47th president of the United States and before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after I win the presidency we will have that horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled it'll be settled I know them both very well get it done very quickly maybe in 24 hours and I'm the only candidate who can make you this promise I will prevent World War III I'll prevent it it's not going to happen we have a man right now who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating on our behalf with nuclear weapons he's lost every country now we're enemies with Russia with China with North Korea with Iran I terminated the Iran deal I got Jerusalem the capital of Israel and built and built actually built our beautiful uh building out of Jerusalem Stone right our beautiful Old Jerusalem you can't put two words together he said I want us to it too now but we have a man who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating with people that like President XI of China he's negotiating with people that are at the top of their game there's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of some of these people these are smart tough killers macron of France and you heard the story maybe quickly because I'm sweating like a dog up here but does anybody want me to stop or should we go forward macrona France macron of France he put a big tax he wanted to put a big tax on our companies doing business in France I said you can't do that I gave it to my people to do they weren't able to do anything about it two weeks they come back sir he's uh very strong on that he wants to do it I think it was like a 25 tax some ridiculous tax for American companies I called him I said Emmanuel I like you very much you're my friend but you can't put the tax on if you do here's what's going to happen I'm going to put a 100 tariff on all of your wines and Champagnes that I don't even like I'm going to put a 100 tariff on wines and Champagnes coming out of France and coming into no no no Donald you cannot do that I said oh I can't do that you have 10 minutes to tell me he said I give up and he took off the tax that's what happened I gave it to my Geniuses they couldn't sir he's there's no way we could stop it it was passed by his legislature to stop Biden's inflation catastrophe bring down the cost of energy and become energy independent and even energy dominant we are just three years ago we were energy dominant we were energy independent but we will drill baby drill we are going to be drilling and bringing it way down to bring ten thousands yeah it's going to bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to New Hampshire we already did it we made this place very successful you know anything that's good that's happening with the economy it's only because they're running on the fumes of what we built you understand that they're running on the fumes but those fumes can't last much longer and they're just pouring money out you know all these crazy deals is uh inflation reduction act you know 1.7 trillion dollars and it increases inflation but they're running on the fumes of what we did and we did an incredible job I will impose a border tariff on All Foreign made Goods coming into this country and I will pass the Trump reciprocal trade act very quickly that is if India China France anybody Germany they charge us we don't judge them because we had stupid people and I started changing that a lot but then we had covered we had to fix that mess but all the gift from China but reciprocal trade if they're charging us a hundred percent for a motorcycle when we do a motorcycle we charge them a hundred percent right now they charge 157 percent for a motorcycle Harley would have to send so what does Harley do they have to go and build a plant in India or they have to go and build no no more no more we're all set to do this too it was all set we had a couple of stupid Senators that didn't like it one of them coming from Pennsylvania said to me sir this is not free trade they say wait a minute this country I won't tell you which is charging us 200 percent we charge them nothing would it be okay if I charged them half a hundred percent no sir that's not free trade how about 50 how about 25 how about 10 should no search not free trade I said you're either corrupt or you're stupid as hell because it's crazy so we're going to pass it so if they charge us if they charge us very simple we charge them and it's probably all going to disappear the Biden economic bus will be replaced with the historic Trump economic boom I will immediately terminate every open borders policy of the Biden Administration our country is being invaded following the Eisenhower model we will use all necessary State local Federal and Military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history gotta do it and I will use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning traffic children to their families in their home countries immediately to stop the Marxist prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting Republicans conservatives people of faith and Me by the way I will direct a completely over told doj to investigate every radical D.A and AG in America for their illegal racist and reverse enforcement of the law and we will bring back a thing called stop and frisk in our cities on day one I will sign a new executive order to cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content on our children are beautiful children are beautiful children are being destroyed by these Maniacs I will keep men out of women's sports it's very easy to do and I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states can you imagine can you imagine even having to say that think of this 15 years ago could you imagine I will stop child sexual immutable can you imagine having to that's actually a part of my campaign can you imagine having to say that we're going to stop the mutilation of children just as I did for four years I will fully uphold the Second Amendment it's going to be in good shed and I will fully secure our elections they'll be done the right way our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and voter ID that's what I've always but until then Republicans must compete and we must win 2024 is the most important election we've ever had but this is what we must do to restore our country to Greatness the USA is a mess our economy is crashing inflation is out of control China Russia Iran and North Korea formed together as a menacing and destructive Coalition like we've never seen before our currency is crashing and will no longer in my opinion be the world standard if it keeps going like this which will be the single greatest defeat of our country in 200 years we lose the power of the dollar it won't happen with me not even a little chance just like Russia would have never invaded Ukraine and China would have never even thought about raiding Taiwan they wouldn't have done it I told them you're not going to do it if you took the five worst Presidents in the history of the United States and added them up they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden Administration have done we are a failing Nation I don't like saying that but we are we are a failing Nation we are a nation in Decline and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement the doj and the FBI it's totally corrupt and we're not going to let it happen 224 2024 I have no idea how important it is it's our final battle it's our final real big battle with you at my side we will demolish the Deep State we will expel the warmongers from our government we will drive out the globalists we will cast out the Communist marxists and fascists we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country we will route the fake news media we will defeat crooked Joe Biden and we will drain the swamp once and for all [Applause] the great silent majority is rising like never before I mean never before it's never been I don't believe it's ever been like this I said it twice tonight I'll say it again the we have never had anything like it the spirit the love the passion there's never been anything like this and we went through 2016 and we went through 2020 and most people would say they were the most passionate this is blowing it away but we've never had anything like this never before and under our leadership the Forgotten men and women will be forgotten no longer with your help your love and your vote we will put America first we will make America we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to make it great it's hard to believe right now our country is at such a low point we will make America greater than ever before thank you New Hampshire God bless you God bless you New Hampshire God bless you all thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you very much wow thank you very much thank you this is an honor just knocked over a fan on purpose here was blowing the hell out of my hair it's worked I said I gotta do a good job in front of New Hampshire I can't have fans we don't need anything artificial up here right so I just want to say hello New Hampshire a special place a great place with many great friends and great people I'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful state with thousands of proud and I mean proud I mean seriously proud look at this American Patriots who believe in that Timeless motto Live Free or Die I want to thank all of the people so many people you know we're killing everybody in polls you do know that yeah I mean just not by like a little bit like by 40 and 50 points we're beating beating them black but I want to thank my New Hampshire co-chairs Lou gargiolo and Wyndham selectman Bruce Breton Bruce is here and a friend of mine a great guy U.S senator Bob Smith Bob thank you very much and your beautiful wife when the police chief Mike Karen thank you Mike thank you very much representative Tim Cahill and some of our fantastic supporters Chris Stevens David and rakis and Dave a bear where is David somebody that's been with me from the beginning I don't mean like I don't mean like six months in I mean like from the beginning I guess we're talking like in the 2015s we don't even go back we go back to 15s now but he came he said you're going to win sir you're going to win so big I said really you think so really he's a total Pro by the way so I don't know if he really believed that when he said that but he said you're going to win you run you're going to win sir and he started with me six months before the campaign and that's all I heard sir it's unbelievable you're doing phenomenally in the polls I don't even know if they had any polls but he got me all psyched up I will tell you that and he's also a fantastic person who loves absolutely loves New Hampshire with his Incredible family and wife is here the wife is she's been with him and she loves him and he loves her they have a fantastic family Corey Lewandowski Corey where is Corey where is he well there he is always likes to be a little bit in the background thank you Corey great job he's doing a great job and somebody else who's really been fantastic right from the beginning I saw on television this weekend and I didn't even recognize her she looks so phenomenal she was so Dynamic and then I got the television a little bit fixed up also put on my glasses and I saw how good she was Caroline Levitt she's been fantastic [Music] where's Caroline you great job this weekend well you're much better having her on your side believe me I said we better get her on my side and she's been there for a long time now thank you very much Carolyn thank you very much thank you everybody this afternoon I'm also delighted to announce the launch of our new Coalition Veterans for Trump led by true American warrior you know who that Warrior is he's a tough guy and he's a great guy and you just met him Congressman Brian mess Brian thank you very much thank you man great guy and today I'm especially grateful to receive the endorsement of over 100 Veterans from the granite state including New Hampshire Veterans Coalition co-chairs Hillsborough County Attorney John Coughlin John thank you very much John wherever you may be thank you John and state representative Joe Petri thank you very much Joe thanks Joe good tough guys I also want to thank my senior advisor somebody's been here almost as long as Corey he's been with us Steve stepanak thieves thank you see you thank you sir and state director Trevor nudleary Trevor thank you Trevor great job thank you very much and and really we are doing fantastically up here so that group I felt we should introduce him you know it's nice if we were doing lousy I would not have introduced my promise I wouldn't have even thought of it but they're doing an unbelievable job and the level is uh we're so far above everybody else in the polls they're all saying is he going to go into the debate and I say I don't know if you're leading by 50 and 60 and 70 points do you do that or not I don't know should I okay you ready Paul we take a free poll should I do the debate well maybe we'll do something else you know see some people say yes but they hate to say it because it doesn't make sense to do it if you're leading by so much but they like it for entertainment value because they're selfish they're selfish uh to every veteran in this room we salute you and we really do we worked hard with the veterans and we've had a fantastic relationship and this is a very big and important veteran State I probably learned more about the veterans from dealing in New Hampshire than any other state please stand and receive our thanks all veterans do you mind please stand and receive our thoughts thank you thank you [Applause] that's a lot of veterans thank you thank you very much wow that's a beautiful a lot of times they'll say whatever group it may be please stand and you know you have like two people stand up I say that's not too much let's change our speech right but when I came into office in 2017 our government had a disgracefully horrible situation going on they Betrayed at solemn pledge to America's veterans you know that better than anybody I learned a lot about it from Julie the VA was plagued by one horrific scandal after another remember you turn on the news and you just see these horrible scandals having to do with the veterans you didn't hear any of it for four years you literally heard that very little and we did things that were really amazing and I'm proud of thousands of veterans were put on secret medical wait lists and many of them left to die without receiving any care or any Aid under Obama some very bad people were abusing veterans in VA hospitals including sadists yet sadists they were hitting the veterans when the veterans weren't in prime time okay they wouldn't have touched them in Prime Time believe me but they were hitting him when they were in trouble and a lot of say this we got them all out the VA employees were even caught stealing drugs intended for the treatment of our sick and Wounded Warriors and they were stealing them and using them for themselves and selling them but all of that changed when we arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue we went from the absolutely worst Brian you know that we went from the absolutely worse to uh I mean that was the worst presidency for the veterans the previous presidency wonderful people you're not allowed to even say that it's not politically correct I'll say it to the greatest champion the veterans ever had in the White House and it was very much promises made Promises Kept and a couple of the really big ones just as I promised I proudly signed the VA accountability act allowing us to quickly terminate VA bureaucrats and bad people who mistreated our vets we told more than 10 000 bad corrupt incompetent VA workers people that were sadists and they couldn't get rid you couldn't get rid of them you had no right they could steal they could beat people up you couldn't do a damn thing and we got it so you could fire him and I said you're fired get out out out out of here ten thousand sounds like a lot but it's a big system and uh we got ten thousand really uh really bad people out very very evil people they knew who they were they couldn't do a thing about it it was amazing so we got that passed in Congress if you can believe it they were trying for 30 years to get it passed I also signed veterans choice and made that permanent we got that passed in Congress also which was really a a big deal that was a big deal you have choice you could go out if you're not getting the trip and you go out but thanks to this Landmark we formed three million veterans have been able to get care as needed and when they wanted it you know they'd wait in line sometime for weeks and months and you know they have some great doctors in the VA that really good doctors but you couldn't get to them you couldn't get to them people would wait for many months they'd become terminally ill waiting something that could have been fixed easily they'd become terminally ill and I got it so that you go outside you get a doctor we pay the bill and you get taken care of immediately if you had to wait more than a short period of time so it was a great thing that was a great thing that's very important they've been trying to get that by the way that one 52 years right they were trying to get it for 52 years they couldn't get it done I you know it just made so much sense right from the first time I heard it and I heard it first up here from your people under the Trump Administration we secured record funding for the VA we slashed VA waiting times by more than 33 percent and even now there's a new chart that came out from our last period that it was a 57 that's a lot and almost all veterans reported major improvements at their local VA facility once I became president in fact we hit an all-time record high of va satisfaction of 92 percent nobody has even come close and I got angry at my people they say he's not a nice guy some people didn't like me too much as you probably heard because we were tough we were tough but they said why why is it 92 why isn't it a hundred and they left their room they said this guy's very difficult but we really mean it but we hit the highest approval rating we've ever had and I have to tell you that approval rating now is not doing so well you know that you know that a lot of bad things are happening over there they've what they're what they're doing to dismantle that system that was so good but to help combat veteran suicide we delivered same day Mental Health Care at every VA facility in America and made great strides until Biden came along till he came along in a few short years we turned the VA from a national embarrassment into a national example of devotion and service and loyalty to the American Veteran it was amazing an amazing thing and an amazing success so we got it done pretty quickly once we got the legislation passed I would say it moved along very quickly sadly crooked Joe Biden and that's what he is he's a stone called Thief crooked Joe Biden has been a disaster for American Veterans as one of his first accident office Biden gutted my historic VA reforms he gutted them out making it easier to remove bad VA employees from the job and in a shocking Act of betrayal of America's Veterans as well as the tens of thousands of dedicated professionals and you do have great professionals at the VA crooked Joe Biden is in the process of not removing people but reinstating 5 000 of the ten thousand people that we fired who were fired for good reason including sadism and this who were fired for very good reasons and they want to give them back their full pay they want to give them their jobs back and we were very careful about that we didn't get rid of people haphazardly we got rid of people that were not doing their job some really in bad cases and some they just weren't doing their job they didn't care they didn't show up to work and he wants to put at least half of them back the same people and it'll cost over 200 million dollars to do that I'd they give the money to you directly it's a lot better it's amazing I mean it's amazing it breaks your heart it breaks your heart that was such a big thing and now they want to put a lot of those people back Joe Biden puts bureaucrats first I put veterans first and I put America first thank you very much thank you thank you very much that's why today I'm announcing a number of specific actions I'll take to fulfill our sacred duty to our Great American veterans on day one of my new Administration I will fully restore the use of va accountability we're going to bring it back in full force full force and we already have the legislation passed so I don't have to go through Congress which really that's why it took 52 years because they couldn't get it passed but we have it passed all we have to do is make it work so we have the the hardest part is done and direct my secretary Veterans Affairs to fire every corrupt VA bureaucrat who Joe Biden is outrageously refused to remove from the job or put or put back in the job then instead of providing more than 200 million dollars in back pay to VA workers like Biden is doing I will ask Congress to take every penny of those funds to finally build a brand new state-of-the-art VA Hospital right here in the great state of New Hampshire because I don't know if you know this but we can say that no longer will New Hampshire be the only state in America without a full-service VA facility you'll have it and you'll have it done quickly we have a great we have a great group did you know you're the only one that doesn't have one all right that's what you get with the that's what you get with those Democrats that's what happens at the same time so you're going to have a brand new now you're going to have a brand new VA Hospital beautiful state of the art top of the line top of the line the only state that doesn't have one I was waiting for that thank you who said that by the way stand up okay you know I was going to say that but then I thought I'd be politically correct thank you take good care of her that's right yeah true selfish selfish guy at the same time well he ran for president and he got two points he ran without running you know he didn't want to announce he wanted to run but so it's a shame we could win this state so easy if we had help from the governor but we never got help from the governor we helped him but he never he never helped us so but I'm glad you said it because this way I could say I was so nice up in New Hampshire nah he's not the same man now he's not the same he took a big beating he took a big beating knocking the hell out of everybody and he took a big beating and then he he gets the first bowl and he sees in his own State he was in seventh place out of a group at the same time we were fully maintained the V8 clinics and the rest of the state and addressed the severe shortage of nurses and other health care workers at the home for the retired veterans in Tilton anybody know that home in Tilton I will once again make stopping veteran suicide a top priority of my Administration terrible situation I will ban the Department of Veterans Affairs from wasting a single Cent to fund transgender surgeries or sex change procedures foreign expensive operations and you also know you have to go through tremendous drug therapy after that and I was always sold in the military if you take much more than an aspirin you can't do it but the tremendous drug therapy it's a lot of a lot of problems you know we had it stopped and then he came in one of the first things he did is he started that up again those precious taxpayer dollars should be going to care for our veterans in need not to refund radical gender experiments for the Communists left communism I'll also restore the Trump ban on transgender in the military we're going to end up you know we had it banned we had it been you know I went to generals I said General off the Record what do you think of transgender sir uh your city by listening sir what do you think I don't like it sir and then I'd say to another one you know they were all afraid to talk about it but you know I have to do what's right you have to do what's right and and we have to help everybody you have to help transgender you have to help everybody but this was just not something that was working out and uh as soon as they came back as soon as they came back by a rigged election by the way as soon as they as soon as they came back they approved that that was one of the first things on their list they approved it so now they're they're doing a lot of now they're doing a lot of things that shouldn't be done shouldn't be done if you if you talk if you talk to the real generals not the television generals the real generals we've got some hey look I knocked out Isis in a few weeks with real generals we have we have a great military but we're not going to let our military go woke that I can tell you but the real Generals in the military down a little bit those guys are incredible the way they did that the way they took out a lot of bad people but they took out Isis the Isis caliphate 100 and it was surgical it was incredible we will get critical race Theory and all other woke lunacy out of the United States armed forces and we will abolish every Biden covet mandate and rehire every patriot who was fired from our military with an apology and with back pain and in addition I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate veterans homelessness I mean you have a situation in America it's a scandal it's a disgrace what's happening now is nobody's ever seen and it is a national tragedy that Joe Biden crooked Joe he's more interested in where's the money coming from to him he's interested to him how about all these things with the 30 corporations and this and that the money flowing in everybody getting money coming in from China how can you how can you be tough in China when they're paying you a lot of money and see they know too much you know we have a compromise we have a Manchurian Candidate they they know too much so he can't be tough in China that's why he's so that's why he allows blimps flying over the country right over our nuclear sites let them come in let them take pictures oh don't do anything about it they'll tell they'll tell everybody who's giving me all that money he's a compromised candidate and I'll tell you something out of respect for the office of President I didn't talk this way five weeks ago six weeks ago I knew I felt very badly about what was going on but out of respect for the Office of the President I wouldn't have said the way I talk he's a crooked person he's a totally dishonest guy so we'd say things but but we now I even changed his name I took it away from Hillary we call him crooked Joe instead of sleepy Joe we call him crooked Joe I retired it that was a great day for Hillary I said of crooked Hillary I said we're removing the name from crooked Hillary now we call her beautiful beautiful Hillary it's a beautiful woman and we're giving it to Biden because he's a crooked person but out of respect for the office I would never have said that to this extent and I never did but now they indicted your president your former president who is very popular 75 million people so now they ripped off the top they took the gloves off and we can say whatever we want and I'll tell you what and I'll tell you what what he's done is a scandal the likes of which this country has never seen and the fake news hates to talk about it [Applause] horrible thing that crooked Joe Biden has spent nearly one billion dollars to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants who are pouring into our country it's an invasion of our country we had the safest Border in history now we have the worst border probably in the world but to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants at expensive luxury hotels the best hotels in the country in many cases while more than 33 000 Americans who have served this nation in uniform are homeless on our streets okay on day one I will sign an executive order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens which our country can't handle and I will redirect that money to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American veterans they'll be treated properly [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you very much furthermore I will finally hold accountable all of the failed leaders and television generals who gave us Joe Biden's catastrophe in Afghanistan two years ago this month in my opinion you know I watched a lot of the parents I spoke to many of those parents I called them when it happened uh what a horrible what a horrible thing and what what they've gone through there was no way that was going to happen you know I wanted we were going out but we're going to get out with strength with dignity what they did when they took the soldiers out first don't you take the soldiers out last you take them out less we went 18 months without one soldier being killed I spoke to the head of the Taliban Abdul [Music] same man who's still running it but when you think of that horrible horrible event leaving Untold numbers of Americans behind 13 dead worries 35 horrifically wounded nobody talks about them but horrifically Wounded Warriors and 85 billion dollars worth of the finest military equipment on the planet bought by me you know I rebuilt the military I rebuilt the entire U.S military a lot of that equipment was brand new bought by me it was the single most embarrassing day in the history of our country in my opinion I think it was and I think it probably was what led Putin to say this is the time that country has had it because I guarantee you one thing Putin was not going in with me and neither was neither was she going in in China into Taiwan but Putin was not going into Ukraine and we talked about it too when I got along with him great they hate to hear you got along with them yeah it's always nice to get and you know nobody was rougher look I ended the pipeline nobody ever heard of Nordstrom too right Brian nobody heard of Nordstrom too I said Nordstrom too nobody knew that's a pipeline going to Germany and taking care of all of Europe I ended it it was dead and then Biden approved at his first week so what's going on there under my leadership we were leaving Afghanistan with dignity and strength and we would not under any circumstances what that was was surrender and humiliation that's what it was I was I think it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country and we had it so solid they were they weren't shooting at us they knew better because they knew they were going to get absolutely decimated if they did when I returned to the White House we will restore peace through strength that's what we had we had peace through strength I'm the only president in many many decades like eight decades like many many years that didn't have any wars we got out of wars and we won Wars we beat Isis we won Wars but we got out of wars and everybody respected us you know we were three years ago we were very respected we were very respected they didn't play games nobody played games including trade where we get screwed by everybody we didn't we made great trade deals even with China they buy 50 billion dollars a year because of what I did for our farmers and everybody else and we were respected and they didn't play games we took in hundreds of billions of dollars through tariffs on China no other president took in 10 cents hundreds of billions of dollars they were not too fond of me but I got along with President XI also we gave ask you know I just looked at that just said look it up I was in the plane coming up I say look it up what do we give Afghanistan does anybody have that note I think I gave it to Corey we give Afghanistan now billions of dollars I said I didn't know that billions of dollars in Aid a number that is so astronomical and this goes on a yearly basis and they need it for humanitarian and all of that that's good but let him give us back our equipment they ought to give us back some of our equipment you know we're giving them 2.7 billion and 3 billion and 2 billion I thought would say maybe nothing or maybe a hundred million dollars or maybe something little but the numbers are astronomical what we give to Afghanistan so that should be a condition of the continued Aid I mean it's I don't want to hurt people but they took 85 billion dollars worth they didn't take we left because we were fools we were stupid we were stupid I remember a certain General saying sir it's cheaper to leave the equipment behind sir because we were going to get out but I would have kept Bagram because Bagram it's one of the biggest air bases in the World Bank of course there's billions of dollars to build many years ago and Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear we forget Afghanistan where China makes their nuclear weapons it's in Afghanistan and they left Bagram late at night they left the lights on they left billions and billions of dollars one hour away from what and now China will soon be occupying that incredible base that we built many many years ago it's so sad I mean these people are just horrible they're horrible you know I told somebody on the way up today I told Brian I told a few of the guys so we did great in 2016. we actually did much better as you know we got millions more votes in 2020 the election was rigged but but there is more enthusiasm today than we ever had in 2016 or 2020 and the reason is because these people are so corrupt and they're so horrible they're so incompetent the reason is because they're watching when you look at that border and you see millions of people pouring through our border totally unchecked nobody knows where they come from they come from mental institutions and prisons and they come from all over the place 147 different countries last week people coming in but when you look at the the Border just as an example or when you look at high interest rates that they've set High interest rates when you look at the fact that oil was an all-time high and they say let's stop drilling no when oil is an all-time high you start drilling you know you make a fortune we would have supplied all of Europe everything we would have supplied oil and gas to Europe we would have made a fortune we're to start paying off that big debt that we have 35 trillion dollars we would have been paying it off we would have made a fortune and this guy stopped it and now we're getting our oil from Venezuela how about that one and it's not even I should say we're getting our tar because they have very bad you know they have very heavy it's like tar you have to refine it and for the environmentalists in the group you know where we find it in Houston it has to be brought there's only one plant that can refine it it's like tar and it's Houston so all of that spews up into the air of Texas we get it from there we have the best stuff where I call it Liquid Gold under our feet we don't use it this is a crazy Administration this is like April Fool's Day they they want open borders they want no voter ID they want no paper ballots they want High interest rates they want your taxes are going to go up four times they say four times they haven't been able to break you know I got you the greatest tax cut in the history of this country and they have tried but they haven't been able to break it yet but at some point you know it expires in another fairly short period of time so get ready for that one these people want you to pay much higher taxes it's crazy and we could do it so much easier everyone can see the stunning contrast between our incredible success and Joe Biden's horrendous failures and that's one reason why we're leading so big in the polls that's really the reason I think it's a more enthusiasm now than 2016 or 2020 because you've seen how incompetent these people are it's it's horrible in the recent Rasmussen poll we're up 44 points with trumpet 57 Rhonda sanctimonious at 13. and the rest of them down in single digits and really love and in the morning consult that just came out I wanted to see because you know every time you get indicted I like to check the polls because one more indictment that I think this election's over one more no it's horrible you get indicted for nothing can you imagine a guy let's indict my opponent this uh this is a sick this is a third this becomes a third world country the latest morning console poll has as far ahead we're 59 and the others are at like 12. one is it 12. I think that's the sanctimonious but he's rapidly being caught by rameshwami who's good no no Christy's he's eating right now he can't be bothered [Applause] sir please do not call him a fat pig that's very disres don't call him see I'm I'm trying to be nice Don't Call Him a fat pig you can't do you can't do that so now because you're not allowed to do that and therefore we're not going to do it okay we want to be very civil right so the latest coefficient poll which is a big deal have us almost at 60 to 13 with our lead over to Sanctus growing by nine points just since a few weeks ago and even the recent New York Times poll has us up by 37 points and that was older you know now uh and Rhonda sanctimonious the reason I don't like him is that I got him elected you know when you get somebody I don't want to go through the whole story because most of you know but he came to me he needed help he was getting demolished in the primary stupidly I said all right I'll do it because I didn't know the guy was running against his name was Adam Putnam I said I'll do it because you know he he was one of the 200 people that were on television he was no better than anybody else he was no Jim Jordan that I can tell you and he was on television and fighting a little bit on impeachment hoax number one and impeachment hooks number two so I said you know what uh if I actually told him if I were Abraham Lincoln if we brought him back from the dead and if we brought George Washington back from the dead and they gave you the greatest endorsement and they hugged you and kissed you just like you did to Obama just look you know he did and Christy did who hugged and kissed Obama harder to Sanctus or Chris Christie I think Chris Crystal remember that he grabbed him Obama said get this guy off of me and that was the end of Romney when that happened that could have been a good thing but but we are in New Hampshire area at Sarah nobody asked me so I said you know what Ron let's do it go ahead let's do it so I gave him a very strong endorsement and the next day he went like a rocket right through the thing and he blew the I mean people that worked for Adam Putnam couldn't believe it they never called me but I didn't know Adam but he was the secretary of agriculture he should have called me I would have endorsed him sometimes it's the first one to call sometimes you don't do it at all but he did and then I had to get him through Gillum remember Gillum he turned out to be a pothead crackhead but everybody thought he was the hottest one in politics and Ron said I won't be able to beat him I said well he's the hottest man in politics I said you can beat him then he he comes he calls me could you do a rally then he actually said could you do three I think I did three rallies we had massive crowds you know those rallies was we're doing a lot of them we're doing again they're hotter now than anything because of what's happening because of how bad it is but I did there and he ends up winning the election then four years later would you run against the president you know these Maniacs are screaming would you run against the president would you run will you run and he goes I have no comment I said what what did he say that I heard this I'm watching on newscast I'm watching a fake newscast and they say would you run against the president he shall said I have no comment now to me that means he's running so I said that son of a [ __ ] is running can you believe it I just got him elected so that's why I've been particularly hard at him unfortunately it's worked because he's crashing he's he's like he doesn't know what happened he goes home he says what happened where what did I do wrong what you know what he did wrong he ran what he did wrong is he should have waited till 28 but I don't know if that would have held water because eventually they would have figured out you know you do need some personality if you're going to be a politician just a little some of them don't have too much like your Governor you know like your government in the new Emerson poll a Battleground States in Arizona we're leading Biden by a lot and very importantly at that same poll and other polls were leading Biden by seven eight nine 11 points but you know what when I hear we're leading by two or three or four points you know you gotta understand that's actually a lot for a republic because they have a built-in vote that no matter who you are even if you can't put two sentences together you get like 40. we don't have that we have to win the entire East Coast like we did in 2016 and like we did in 2020 too by the way but they're watching closely air watching in that same poll we're leading in the primary by 47 think of that 40s that's a lot but we will not play prevent defense you ever see in the NFL they don't allow a point on the other team not a point that defense is brutal they can't get now they just have to hold the other team one more series they have to Hope just please hold them let's go prevent defense ping ping the end of the game touchdown touchdown we will not play is that okay we will not play prevent right but everyone else is in single digits here's one you'll like in the New Hampshire new brand new coefficient poll respected highly the New Hampshire Journal has us leading by 43 points we're leading by leading by and the Sanctus Rhonda sanctimonious he said uh nine points he's at nine he's time to go back to Florida Ron and you know work on your insurance that's costing everybody a fortune and now we're dominating Biden in the general election Harvard Harris has us up by five points and we're up 18 points among Independents remember you know they like to go around well Will trump get the independence Will trump get the women you know what the women want the women want safety they want to have a border they want to have low taxes low interest rates foreign they don't want in their beautiful suburbs you know they talk about oh the Suburban women I think the Suburban women like me you know what I did you know what I did we have a lot of super no no they don't want to have a low-income housing job built right next to their house that's what the Democrats want so I give them strong borders I give them good safety I give them a powerful military education so important by the way speaking of Education because this is largely about veterans we are going to bring education back to the States so that each state will run a hundred percent we'll keep we'll keep approximately three people in Washington just to make sure that you're teaching English Okay as opposed to another language okay you know you did a little coordination like everybody has to teach English if you don't mind but we'll keep a little bit of uh like two or three people but but you know we have building after building after building and here's the problem no matter what poll you look at of of Education in the world we're at the bottom of the polls and we spend more money than anybody else we spend double and triple what number two is like Norway Denmark Believe It or Not China very high ranking uh Japan but Norway and Denmark they said we're following New York City they said we are going to follow the Norwegian system I said that didn't work out you know how long that lasted about 15 minutes you know that didn't work out too well for New York I'll tell you New Yorkers said did you see what's happening in New York with the okay how about how about you know we all when I left New York New York was a proud City and now it's so sad to see what's happened to that City and then the big new premise poll were beating Biden by a lot while the Sanctus is losing to Biden by a lot so that's enough of that stuff but you know the polls are phenomenal people want us back they remember what we had we built the economy twice we built the greatest economy in the world and then we did it a second time ethical but these incredible numbers are the primary reason that crooked Joe Biden is weaponized law enforcement he has weapon he's done something that nobody thought they talked about it but nobody ever did it and never to this extent and ordered his top political opponent me arrested they were they actually arrest arrested right in the middle of a presidential election that Biden is losing badly you know he says I'm down in the polls to Trump let's arrest him let's arrest him let's indict him and arrest him please indict him and arrest him he's killing me in the polls what they didn't know is that I was going to go up because the good thing is we have a voice somebody gets indicted you go down usually right I would say Corey uh almost always you go down but they know me and these charges are so presidential records act that's just exactly for that case they don't want me to speak about a rigged election they don't want me to speak about it whereas that's I have freedom of speech First Amendment how can my corrupt political opponent crooked Joe Biden put me on trial during an election campaign that I'm winning by a lot but forcing me nevertheless to spend time and money away from the campaign Trail in order to fight bogus made up accusations and charges that's what they're doing I'm sorry I won't be able to go to Iowa today I won't be able to go to New Hampshire today because I'm sitting in a courtroom on [ __ ] because his attorney general charged me with something terrible thank you very much yeah it is it's a think of it they say charge him now you know they miscalculated a little bit you know the other good line no no actually we want to run against Trump no no if they didn't want to run you have to they'd say oh we would much prefer running against Trump that's because they had such an easy time when Hillary ran against me and last time we did much better than that you know somebody said we sold hundreds of millions of hats somebody said the other day many polls you know counties we had like almost 3 000 they have 200 so many different uh metrics but hats the Red Hats the white hats all the hats we sold even the farmer hats which are green right make Farmers great again did I make Farmers great again I got them 28 I got him 28 billion from China that's why I said no way I lose Iowa why is that why are you so confident because I got the farmer's 28 billion dollars nobody else did but but think of this somebody said it the other day I never thought of it there were Red Hats all over South Carolina we had almost 80 000 people you saw about you saw we were in this gorgeous area this gorgeous town I don't want to say the name of the town because if I do they'll try and change the name back to you know something else but it was beautiful beautiful place and the sheriff was great everybody was we had 80 000 people and it was a sea of red Red Hats mostly but white also green and everything but I'll tell you you were there right 80 000 people and you took a look at that and I said has anybody ever seen a Biden hat [Applause] so think of it we have hundreds of millions over the six seven years eight years we have hundreds of millions of hats sold and I'm I'm asking has anybody ever seen a hat saying Biden well we did have hats because we made them that said where's Hunter where is Hunter but is this going to be where they go and indict your opponent is this going to be the next president's going to say Hey listen my opponent is doing really well all over the place look at the crowds we have I mean outside you got a lot of people and yeah and by the way I want to say officially for the Press it's about 110 degrees of this room nice job with the air conditioning whoever but but you know what the Press will say you know they'll say Trump didn't look well he was extremely wet it's a hundred and four or five degrees in this room but we're okay with it right sure but is this going to be the future of elections in America where sitting president tells his tells his attorney general to indict the opponent to try and knock the opponent down this is what's happening and then you ask the simple question so this has been going on for a long time the same so why didn't they do it two and a half years ago you know why because then it wouldn't have mattered so much you know they want to take away your freedom of speech everything else would have mattered a lot less but and it would have been terrible because it's all bogus but why if they were going to do it why didn't they do it two and a half years ago before the election right they waited till the election they waited and I probably have another one they say there's a young woman a young racist in Atlanta she racist and they say I guess they say that she was after a certain gang and she ended up having an affair with the head of the gang or a gang member and this is a person that wants to indict me she's got a lot of problems but she wants to indict me to try and run for some other office uh what's going on in this country is and by the way wants to indict me for a perfect phone call this was even better than my perfect call with Ukraine remember that call that was a perfect call this one's better this one is more perfect I challenge the election in Georgia which I have every right to do which I was right about frankly and they want to indict me because I challenge the election so does that mean that Hillary Clinton Who challenged the election does that mean that Stacy Abrams and all of the other virtually every Democrat challenges the election does that mean or they do the Slate of electors this has been going on since Thomas Jefferson who wanted to say but they don't go they use my word they took it and they said fake because I came up with the name fake news a long time ago worked out good but it's no longer good enough because it's not tough enough because it's really corrupt news it's beyond fake they don't even write they don't even write all the money that Biden is stealing you don't see one store years ago that win Pulitzer prizes today even Pulitzer prizes of very little value because you know we're suing the Pulitzer Foundation because they gave Pulitzer prizes to people that wrote about the Russia Russia Russia hoax for their wonderful writing their Brilliance they were wrong they were totally wrong and everybody admits they were wrong so why doesn't pull it to just give back the awards because they're radical left lunatics but we're suing we'll see what happens we're doing quite well never happened in the USA this has never happened where and attorney general is told to take the justice department and the FBI and sue somebody think of it who's running for president and leading not only the Republicans by 50 points but leading the Democrat by a lot so he says sue him and that will bring him down but they sued and I have a guy they call him deranged Jack Smith he's deranged and you know Biden on the box of stuff Biden is almost 2 000 bucks is somewhere held in Chinatown not a good place for him and you don't ever hear anything about him and I came under a thing called the presidential records act won't go into it but it's beautiful but we have this deranged lunatic looking at us and he's got a very nice man very gentle man our guy leaks he does things that are just terrible and because of that we're leading by a lot because frankly I think it's had a huge impact because it shows how sick and how evil these people are in addition to not knowing anything about the Border about the economy about the military or about dealing with other nations so this is all about election interference but that isn't quite good enough crooked Joe now wants the thug prosecutor this deranged guy to file a court order taking away My First Amendment right so that I can't speak so listen to this we don't want you to speak about the case the case the case is is a ridiculous case it's the first amendment case but we don't want Trump to speak so they want me they take away your rights on First Amendment now they sue because so now I have one of these lunatic reporters back there saying sir would like to talk to you about your case or I'm sorry I'm not allowed to talk about it somehow that's not good for votes do you agree when we say I can't talk I'd love to I will talk about it I will they're not taking away my first amendment so based on yet another radical left hooks you know I've gone through many hoaxes as the people in this room know very well but it's another one radical left hooks like Russia Russia Russia the no collusion Mueller report how about that after three years we find no collusion I was supposed to be like working for Russia they go went through millions of phone calls not one call made to Russia they have no collusion after almost three years then they created a fake dossier it was made by how bad are people when they make up a story about Russia they put it in the fake dossier like it was legit and even the guy that wrote it who were also suing by the way but the guy that wrote it Christopher Steele they offered him a million dollars the FBI if he would a firm they would beg you please play committee the way they give money man the FBI they give away a lot of money don't they yeah so they offered him a million dollars to affirm it he couldn't do it he wouldn't do it it turned out to be a total fake but here's Adam Schiff Shifty shift and he comes out he says he says to the reporters gathered click click click they're all going crazy Donald Trump Jr the son of the president of the United States will go to jail over Russia Russia Russia now think of it he made it up with Hillary and all these people they made it up and they're saying that my son will go to jail now how bad you have to be to do that so they know it's a phony story they know it's a phony story they say he's going to go to jail these are not these are not Mrs Lewandowski you hear that can you imagine of that with these kids can you imagine what look what your husband got me into I could have been relaxing at Mar-A-Lago or in the south of France which I would prefer being in this country frankly but they got involved with fisa the fraudulent fisa applications remember they sent in applications to the courts and they were all fraud the judges never did anything about it they knew they were frauds it was written about they never did anything about it the 51 intelligence agents that said Hunter's laptop from hell was all Russia disinformation do not use it you know they say that made like from a 10 to a 17 point difference in the in the polls the FBI Twitter files a doj Facebook and all of the rest all of the rest uh look at uh 2 000 mules look at what they did with that thousands and thousands and thousands of votes on tape on camera all of this will come up during this trial that's uh all of this will come out because we won the election by Allah then they have this crap going on I never even thought of this one Trump didn't really believe he won the election let me tell you people that normally say that's one thing I'll tell you there was never a second of any day that I didn't believe that that election was rigged there was a rigged election it was a rigged election and it was a stolen disgusting election and this country should be ashamed and they go after the people that want to prove that it was rigged and stolen so it never happens that they go after them they don't go after the people that rigged it okay and we'll see how it all turns out you know we've been we've been right about a lot of things right you ever see Trump was right about everything ultimately let's see how that all works out so in other words I'll be the only politician in American history not allowed to speak because of our corrupt system sir you're not allowed to speak on the judge in other words I'll come here and I'll say hi everybody listen uh not allowed to speak please vote for me New Hampshire if you would bye and all I can say is the never-ending Witch Hunt continues and we have exposed so much nobody's ever thought I have exposed so much it's been incredible but do not fear we will win bigger and better than ever before they rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024 we're not going to allow it to happen we're not going to allow it to happen New Hampshire and you're such an important state you know you're relatively small you're so important politically and you know I kept Iowa and you in those first positions please remember the because I thought there was a great beautiful tradition to it they wanted to move you way back in the line and I said nope we're not doing that we're not doing that you are in the position you'll always be there as long as I have anything to say about it Joe Biden is the most incompetent and corrupt president in U.S history the Biden crime family was taking in money from China Ukraine Russia all these places yesterday within so many others and now whenever more Biden corruption is exposed as henchmen charged me with a crime you know when they get something on Biden oh let's indict let's add on another indictment to that stupid indictment that we filed let's add on another one because that takes the news cycle unfortunately I get disproportionate publicity so they indict me he's right great balls but so they end up so when they want to keep something they say oh man they got Hunter again you know at some point Joe is going to have to say you know this sun thing just isn't working out do you agree the sun thing the sun thing's not working out too good it's all he had to do is pick up the laptop didn't the guy call him like 11 to pick up your laptop pick up your laptop I I wonder where that cocaine came from what happened that was the quickest investigation I've ever seen you know somebody told me it could be wrong I always say that that way you could never get sued you know somebody told me could be wrong I'm sure it's wrong but in that little cubicle where it was there would be normally thousands of fingerprints you know people made it there were none it was cleaned it was so clean it's the kind of place I'd like to be actually clean I like cleanliness but it's called a cover-up every time the radical left Democrats marxists communist fascists indict me I considered a great great great badge of honor I do I do because I'm being indicted for you I am being indicted for you thanks a lot thanks a lot but never forget our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who are going to stop them it takes great people to stop these radical lunatics it takes brave people they're sick they're sick people they want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom that's what's Happening Here they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the end they're not after me they're after you I'm just standing in their way and I always will stand in the way I promise have you put me back in the White House their rain will be over and America will be a free Nation once again because we do not have a free Nation and from my first day in office I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every one of the many claims being brought forth by Congress and they're doing a good job Jamie Comer Jim Jordan all of them concerning all of the Crooked Acts including bribes from China and many other countries all these foreign countries sending money into the coffers of the Biden crime family we will have a special prosecutor and now they'll come after me even a little harder but I don't know how many more how much harder can they do it I should have four by sometime next week I never heard you know I went to the Wharton School of Finance we never studied indictment we never studied arrest we never studied prison these are sick people we're dealing with it's often said that Republicans don't fight hard enough and I happen to agree but they never said that about Trump and you have some Republicans that are fighting very hard now I have to tell you and but you're going to see that on my first day in the presidency the Deep state is destroying our nation but the tables will turn very quickly and we will destroy the Deep state and we got rid of a lot it didn't look like it but we got rid of a lot but we're also fighting like hell and also doing a great job in holding back China holding back North Korea Kim Jong-un all of a sudden that problem stopped uh Russia would have never gone in China would not be talking about Taiwan right now we did a great job I mean when you think about it we did a job that very few people have done on top of the greatest economy ever strongest border ever all of these things and we had this stuff hanging over our head all the time that's all they do they're the party of misinformation and disinformation and just four short years we already achieved more than any Administration probably in the history of our country we delivered the largest tax cuts and Regulatory cuts by far in history and likewise we built the greatest economy in history we achieved energy Independence and would have shortly gained energy done we were going to be dominant energy dominance for the first time ever we had gas prices at 1.87 cents a gallon after years of bitter betrayals you really have high prices here your electric course are about the highest in the country good luck with your electric cars everybody how how dumb is that and they're sitting all over the place nobody wants to how crazy let some if you want an electric car you buy an electric car but you gotta have choice choice just like you could have school choice after years of bitter betrayals of New Hampshire workers I ended the disaster known as NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made replace it with the usmca the best trade deal ever made in fact it's such a good deal that Mexico and Canada now trying to renegotiate it with a Biden Administration I say don't let them do it we suffered with that crazy NAFTA for years everyone said I'd never be able to terminate it because I had it terminate through Congress we got it terminated through Congress NAFTA we got the US embassy it's the best trade deal ever made it's unbelievable much better for us than it is for Mexico and Canada as you can tell I stood up to China like no Administration has ever done before bringing in billions and billions and billions of dollars pouring into our treasury when no other president had gotten literally 10 cents not one penny they got from China China had us figured out really well I gave our farmers in great New England lobsterman 28 billion dollars from the massive tariffs I received from China and to Sanctus oppose the deal by the way he opposed it just to put it out there quickly also opposed Social Security I don't know if you know he went to decimate Social Security Medicare and Social Security he wanted to bring the minimum age up to 70. so I don't know if you know that but and remember one thing about a politician when that's his original thought that's where they go back to they may come up here and talk to you uh oh I love social security no he voted three times to turn to terminate and decimate it we appointed over 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices [Applause] and how about the ruling last week where they say that if you get great marks you go to college first there's no more crazy discrimination and other things nobody thought that was going to happen and last year those justices ruled to end Roe v Wade they ruled to end Roe v way now I have to tell you we have to talk about it because it you know energizes the other side a little bit and it's not good but just so you understand just so you understand it how to talk about it now pro-lifers have a tremendous power to negotiate you had no power whatsoever they could kill the baby at any time they wanted they could kill the baby whenever they wanted this moves the issue back also to the states where all legal Scholars want it back in the States but you have tremendous power to negotiate like Ronald Reagan before me I support the three exceptions you have to go with your heart but I support for rape incest and for the life of the mother I do that and a lot of people the big portion there and remember there's the Democrats though we're not the radicals they're the radicals because they're willing to kill babies in their fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth month and even after birth so if you remember that if you remember that and the exceptions in my opinion are important in my opinion but you have to go with your heart but we did something that was amazing for 50 years they've tried to get it out they wanted it back in the States all legal Scholars on both sides wanted it back in the States but you now have a tremendous power to negotiate something that's going to be good and going to be lasting and it was a tremendous achievement a tremendous achievement but just remember they were the radicals they try and make you into radicals and uh monsters they were the radicals because they were killing babies in fifth sixth seventh and nobody nobody on either side wants that to happen they did a poll of Democrats the ninth month they had like nobody would nobody so you have to remember so you're in a very uh good position you have the power now of negotiation we gave you something that was uh really a fantastic thing that most people thought couldn't be done and now you have to use it wisely they're the extremists not us and we created the most secure Border in U.S history we built nearly 500 miles of border we got Mexico to give us 28 000 soldiers free of charge remember when they said oh Mexico didn't pay Mexico gave us 28 000 soldiers free of charge it's a lot more than a little bit for the wall and a lot less complicated I said to the president you know a lot of people are coming in from Mexico the cartels are bringing in really bad people you have to give us soldiers no no no no no no no I will not do that I said no you have to how many do you need 28 000 what's a lot that's a lot of soldiers Pancho Villa you know with the bullets going on panchovy these soldiers aren't politically correct either ours have to be politically correct if if our soldier speaks up to a person a little bit rough they put them in the brig for the rest of his life okay it's not good what they do to our soldiers I tell you they don't get it but we had 28 000 soldiers so people say well what about Mexico did Mexico but I said much better but they said we're not going to do it I said that's okay don't do it but you're going to suffer big consequences because what I'm going to do is I'm going to sign legislation which is a my desk that for every car you know they took 32 percent of our business out of the United States over a period of 22 years 30 not during my Administration nothing because I don't people you go there you're going to put a big tariff if you sell it back in that's all you had to do and you would have kept everybody but they took 32 I said here's what you do if you don't give us 28 000 soldiers I am going to put a 25 tariff on everything that Mexico sells into the United States meaning you're not going to sell anything because nobody's going to want it no no no you should not do that I said that's what I'm going to do and they said you know in thinking about it we would be honored to give you 28 000 soldiers so we had 28 000 soldiers uh remain in Mexico that was another one I got remain in Mexico when these people come in they come into our country and they stay and they never leave that's it and they're criminals and they come in from many many times many jails they've been emptied out and what I did is I got it remain in Mexico now the people have to remember the problem is that Biden is giving it all up he's giving everything up our medical stay he gave up even the judge said you don't want to give that up our country is going to be overrun so they gave it up but all of that was just the beginning here's some of the agenda that I will immediately Implement when we become the when we that's you and me were all going to become the president of the United States 47th president of the United States and before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after I win the presidency we will have that horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled it'll be settled I know them both very well get it done very quickly maybe in 24 hours and I'm the only candidate who can make you this promise I will prevent World War III I'll prevent it it's not going to happen we have a man right now who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating on our behalf with nuclear weapons he's lost every country now we're enemies with Russia with China with North Korea with Iran I terminated the Iran deal I got Jerusalem the capital of Israel and built and built actually built our beautiful uh building out of Jerusalem Stone right our beautiful Old Jerusalem you can't put two words together he said I want to no but we have a man who can't put two sentences together and he's negotiating with people that like President XI of China he's negotiating with people that are at the top of their game there's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of some of these people these are smart tough killers macron of France and you heard the story maybe quickly because I'm sweating like a dog up here does anybody want me to stop or should we go forward macrona France macron of France he put a big tax he wanted to put a big tax on our companies doing business in France I said you can't do that I gave it to my people to do they weren't able to do anything about it two weeks they come back sir he's uh very strong on that he wants to do it I think it was like a 25 tax some ridiculous tax for American companies I called him I said Emmanuel I like you very much you're my friend but you can't put the tax on if you do here's what's going to happen I'm going to put a 100 tariff on all of your wines and Champagnes that aren't even like I'm going to put a 100 tariff on wines and Champagnes coming out of France and coming into no no no Donald you cannot do that I said oh I can't do that you have 10 minutes to tell me he said I give up and he took off the tax that's what happened I gave it to my Geniuses they couldn't sir he's there's no way we could stop it it was passed by his legislature to stop Biden's inflation catastrophe bring down the cost of energy and become energy independent and even energy dominant we are just three years ago we were energy dominant we were energy independent but we will drill baby drill we are going to be drilling and bringing it way down to bring ten thousands yeah it's going to bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to New Hampshire we already did it we made this place very successful you know anything that's good that's happening with the economy it's only because they're running on the fumes of what we built you understand that they're running on the fumes but those fumes can't last much longer and they're just pouring money out you know all these crazy deals it's uh inflation reduction act you know 1.7 trillion dollars and it increases inflation but they're running on the fumes of what we did and we did an incredible job I will impose a border tariff on All Foreign made Goods coming into this country and I will pass the Trump reciprocal trade act very quickly that is if India China France anybody Germany they charge us we don't judge them because we had stupid people and I started changing that a lot but then we had covered we had to fix that mess but all a gift from China but reciprocal trade if they're charging us a hundred percent for a motorcycle when we do a motorcycle we charge them a hundred percent right now they charge 157 percent for a motorcycle Harley would have to send so what does Harley do they have to go and build a plant in India or they have to go and build no no more no more we're all set to do this too it was all set we had a couple of stupid Senators that didn't like it one of them coming from Pennsylvania said to me sir this is not free trade they say wait a minute this country I won't tell you which is charging us 200 percent we charge them nothing would it be okay if I charged them half a hundred percent no sir that's not free trade how about 50 how about 25 how about 10 percent should no search not free trade I said you're either corrupt or you're stupid as hell because it's crazy so we're going to pass it so if they charge us if they charge us very simple we charge them and it's probably all going to disappear the Biden economic bus will be replaced with the historic Trump economic boom I will immediately terminate every open borders policy of the Biden Administration our country is being invaded following the Eisenhower model we will use all necessary State local Federal and Military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history gotta do it and I will use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning traffic children to their families in their home countries immediately to stop the Marxist prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting Republicans conservatives people of faith and Me by the way I will direct a completely over told doj to investigate every radical D.A and AG in America for their illegal racist in Reverse enforcement of the law and we will bring back a thing called stop and frisk in our cities on day one I will sign a new executive order to cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content on our children our beautiful children are beautiful children are being destroyed by these Maniacs I will keep men out of women's sports it's very easy to do and I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states can you imagine can you imagine even having to say that think of this 15 years ago could you imagine I will stop child sexual immutable can you imagine having to that's actually a part of my campaign can you imagine having to say that we're going to stop the mutilation of children just as I did for four years I will fully uphold the Second Amendment it's going to be in good shape and I will fully secure our elections they'll be done the right way our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and voter ID that's what I've always but until then Republicans must compete and we must win 2024 is the most important election we've ever had but this is what we must do to restore our country to Greatness the USA is a mess our economy is crashing inflation is out of control China Russia Iran and North Korea formed together as a menacing and destructive Coalition like we've never seen before our currency is crashing and will no longer in my opinion be the world standard if it keeps going like this which will be the single greatest defeat of our country in 200 years we lose the power of the dollar it won't happen with me not even a little chance just like Russia would have never invaded Ukraine and China would have never even thought about raiding Taiwan they wouldn't have done it I told them you're not going to do it if you took the five worst Presidents in the history of the United States and added them up they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden Administration have done we are a failing Nation I don't like saying that but we are we are a failing Nation we are a nation in Decline and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement the doj and the FBI it's totally corrupt and we're not going to let it happen 2 24 2024 I have no idea how important it is it's our final battle it's our final real big battle with you at my side we will demolish the Deep State we will expel the war Monger is from our government we will drive out the globalists we will cast out the Communist marxists and fascists we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country we will route the fake news media we will defeat crooked Joe Biden and we will drain the swamp once and for all [Applause] all right the great silent majority is rising like never before I mean never before it's never been I don't believe it's ever been like this I said it twice tonight I'll say it again the we have never had anything like it the spirit the love the passion there's never been anything like this and we went through 2016 and we went through 2020 and most people would say they were the most passionate this is blowing it away but we've never had anything like this never before and under our leadership the Forgotten men and women will be forgotten no longer with your help your love and your vote we will put America first we will make America we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to make it great it's hard to believe right now our country is at such a low point we will make America greater than ever before thank you New Hampshire God bless you God bless you New Hampshire God bless you all thank you [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] I'm free [Music] [Applause] [Music] but there ain't no doubt I love this land [Music] thank you [Applause] thank you very much wow thank you very much thank you
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Keywords: WION LIVE, WION Live, donald trump live, new hampshire, donald trump new hampshire, president donald trump, trump new hampshire, trump rally in new hampshire, donald trump hampshire rally live, trump new hampshire rally live, donald trump interview, donald trump speech, donald trump rally, donald trump new hampshire town hall, donald trump news, trump hampshire rally live, new hampshire campaign, trump campaign live, donald trump campaign, english news live, u.s news live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 714min 55sec (42895 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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