A 0-Death with EVERY CHARACTER in Smash Ultimate

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[Music] we're back only on eteam.com [Music] um wave oh man not even 15 seconds later attack [Music] Hollow Bastion let's go I love this stage oh he knew about him [Applause] oh my God he's dead he's dead oh my God wait yo Wesley no he didn't lose any stock oh yeah bro so like I said we're gonna see Battlefield again and we'll see if uh case can replicate just barely you know snatching victory let's say we got we got some good footsies going on here and either one really want to give an inch there oh God no let's can't even smell like that that's a zero to death right there one go [Music] and sad for losing but that's life and now I've been relegated to just sitting here watching these two fellows play it's it's incredible oh no way he's not dead is he oh he's dead oh you didn't even need to do that last one that was just like insult to injury oh yeah we love you all right guys all right we're back at it it is game one small Battlefield boot versus schmoo oh my goodness hey wait hey wait wait wait wait excuse me what yep what Spruce said okay new game new me does not compute it looks like he had and it takes a while for the bike to come back so even though we used it down there you had to wait another five seconds or so so we just said well you know what if I can hit you now that's it oh my god oh what a beautiful combo there an amazing combo yeah why uh was telling me that this isn't really got a great of a DK stage it's better Ding Dongs on that top flat but that's only if you get caught up there DK's still having a hard time the zero to death from jtk oh my God he cooks dude foreign [Music] oh my God oh my God even if Big D was able to like go high onto the stage there you saw the Forward Air coming out from two covering that option so another forced SD if you will oh wait a minute the freezer burn coming through so many blizzards extraordinaire now rocking it out here with the Sheik and every time I see his Chic I really love what he puts down because you can see that he's very fluent with his combos already putting out 46 with that bouncing fish and what what about another what if we did it again and I think it was too high of a numpy but he's I think he might have saved him he went for that I think he used the first puppy to try to winbox him off but he's like you know what I got the actual hit that's what um [Music] oh [Music] no no foreign okay we're going back to the same matchup uh they can't hear us yeah okay okay that's the same matchup but this Time Deku whipping out the N64 controller the proper drip the shirt on that's all he needs but he's dead Kirk makes sure of it zero to death but like he is Dr Mario so yeah get into game five PS2 I just know this is the team Ori team wow solar getting so many tips wow I think that was like three tips 16 seconds into the game and then thank you very much [Music] this is only a 2-0 in the making I tell myself amen you know what yeah I'm I'm glad I'm here oh the door's going in wow wow wow it's not letting stop do anything foreign all right so start off with the game Watch with the pressure got out of the uh it's oh the number that's kind of disgusting I understand but yeah I mean you wouldn't be nervous going up against the pro guys that'd be pretty nervous especially when you do things like that I'd be pretty damn nervous hey guys [Laughter] conducted zero to death on Sir John Battlefield here that's interesting okay probably because or actually I don't know why the battlefield maybe because uh versions that's what I would guess because I know Diddy loves FD so I feel like Battlefield is complete opposite sort of a fire emblem Heroes type thing going on right now right or of course not having any of it so far for those who play Fire Emblem Heroes myself oh my God okay um not playing yet no he plays it he does play at three but uh right and we got 30 viewers that's crazy everyone's here to watch Robbie J oh no jump out of this advantage that is yeah that is very unfortunate [Music] [Applause] you need one more stock to advance sulking he needs this dog to stay alive in the tournament now smash comes out so grab tobacco back air what did I just Witness thank you foreign yep there we go and the Sonic y'all are wait wait a minute am I gonna see an early stop he didn't have to do that he was already dead all right it has been settled it has been seven seconds [Music] crap foreign I feel like the small area here isn't even going to help them that much futon is just on his ass like that it's not even like he has to play far away yeah he's he's actually just giving shoots on space and then once chutan gets in he stays in yeah it's it's constant nice 68 right there for sure but what happened here like these look like different players it's like T and shoots on shifted their controllers wait wait wait shoots on winter side right now that percentage looks goofy as hell 166. it's glitching too oh no way what you turn away for two seconds you're just stuck there what do you do roll out he has Auto turn I'm just gonna say this straight out you saw the bomb on the ground and the boomerang uh that was trying to cover Marco from that last game that's like saying like oh hey hey kids in class you have uh until like 3 30 to finish your assignment Marco doesn't get done with his assignment but you see all of his work there's not the answer but fantastic job speaking of answers returning and returning stop there just keeping these combos up very well and the down smash is gonna kill him at the leg hopefully it doesn't affect his gameplay too much skins do play an important factor it is it's important but now they're both on uh really oh God flip that that was just that was slipping the projectiles yeah Mega Man can kind of be overwhelmed if you get up close a beautiful start oh not a true one yeah here on Town and city or he's just got Hazard number okay what's better now for him getting 50 percent already in her now and growing and growing for now yeah it does look like the boss pretty much has at least from from the litmus test early on as hazar's Landings figured out not really giving him any opportunity to land back on stage or really land at all as he goes off stage and finds that Spike for the first stock s wow crazy [Laughter] DG's I guess um go out wow to go with it but it's still this is definitely a better matchup then you uh inkling inkling suffers against uh aerial campers from what I've heard and that's exactly what Tim link can do oh my God he's gonna he's dead wow solid zero to death thereby now foreign [Applause] into town and city which I still don't agree with but he's killed matters he's probably feeling confident that's like looking played a little more patiently but gets barred for his whiff ing chasing him all the way and I don't know why he died there it looks like he could have lived there that that is zero to death oh my gosh I'm crazy refresh this real quick oh what the hell okay great there we go all right code gaming [Music] right now speaking of code gaming quick 61 percent 74 coming out yo sponsored by Coke game somebody clip that I'll get to him he'll usually go to his secondary Cloud which usually covers a fair amount of matchups okay but I imagine this will go pretty well Club oh oh wow that was an explosive zero today I I did say like the stage pick and then he got threes I didn't doubt it at first then oh man all you think is doing a good job oh man anything anything just stand on clouds see that's when when sparkle is uh like there's no way I should be losing this you could tell man because it's not too often he makes a face like oh my goodness is upset do you think he's a little perturbed I'd say he's rather pissed off looking a little ornery right now quite annoyed right now you know what I mean like he's like you know what oh wait oh no what oh he's pissed oh no good Lord oh awesome yeah all the eights that's right you know all the fives and the fours and the threes and the twos but you don't but he did do six or seven so it's perfectly fine for everything except when he gets six times seven this sounds like a personal admission it is not it sounds like it might be um he is just dead three two one go [Music] away go three two one go take this [Music] one [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] I can tell you lucky love Brands yeah I'd say more so than any other brands at least maybe yeah usually no jump no jump no jump oh that was so good oh my God oh my gosh three two one go three two one go [Music] oh my gosh what the heck starting at bs2 good Bomb by the CPU going for the safe options the eggs so we talked about our last game right how most players they struggle to stay on like if they're in the corner maybe this Panic super easy oh my goodness [Music] this is true [Music] fire go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Jack was playing this pretty excellent right now oh wow just buried it oh my God the forward smash oh no there's going to trade with it right so you got to be careful that you're not trying to overextend here we were talking about Cloud mini game of spacing but I look especially you need to have your space in Immaculate especially with as long as her sword can be that beautiful fight oh my gosh and a great job to go down and catch them 20 seconds in first that's Jim game um [Music] see you I came out with a dash attack into a Forward Air 42 50 that's dead wow sub six seven eight smash baby like okay now I'm gonna start playing Joker like five times it is oh my God Sean no no dude oh my gosh that's right we're back geek smash's store is officially back with a new line of products that you the competitive smash player can't miss let your style rock with your favorite characters buying them in our new t-shirts hats and hoodies along with our returning products and if that wasn't enough buy two products or more and you'll get shipping completely free only on youtube.com all right [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: YEET Smash
Views: 331,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esports, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, super smash bros for switch, smash 5, ssbu, ssb5, smash ultimate
Id: IhLDNkoW7tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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