COMBO BREAKER 2023 - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Top 8

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unless [Music] hello hello and welcome to combo raker 2023's Smash Brothers ultimate top eight we're about to get into it man I've been like liking all the action we've been seeing so far but got to get to a winner now man this TK Breezy drama how you doing bro man I'm doing awesome here at combo breaker 2023 in Chicago Illinois no Coast no Kings I'm excited the energy that we're about to see on this stage is gonna be like nothing we've ever seen before look at these names all right you got art ice and Big Mac the buzz and esam um is that master master Renee Mastronardi Mastronardi and so good pop Raven King my boy and then we got Kobe in the losers bracket there's gonna be such a Godlike top eight and I'm excited man we got a lot of cool characters here too and a great character diversity coming up but before we get into our first match obviously got something great to show y'all guys check out this trailer we'll be right back all right you saw it there first big houses back October 23 22nd 2023 definitely go ahead and check that out if you were in the Michigan area or you just want to go to the Michigan area and participate in big house one of the most prestigious tournaments in Smash history coming back one more time so all right now that we got that out the way it's time to get into this top eight we got Kobe going up against Raven King first this should be a great match yeah this will be uh young Link versus Joker if I'm not mistaken Rave it wait wait wait is that a me Gunner oh God but no yeah so Raven King City and Ike player during the quarantine days actually picking up the Joker to sucking the character a lot more but young Link is such a amazing character when it comes to the gameplay of ultimate right great projectiles does it have the best kill power but he has really good kill confirms right great movement so I want to see how will Raven King somehow someway lock down young Link or will youngling get away with murder this is gonna be the first game of top eight people get hype are you ready [Music] yeah listen to that energy all right we are on PS2 telling a lot of things we're never more Kobe getting down thrown into foreign [Music] character he might seem easy on paper but once you actually get into the meat and bones of the middle of ultimate having to read DIY having to read how people panic attack how people panic and also trying to get these combo games going to be really hard but so far he is now doing a bad job whatsoever Kobe's on the leg getting that down or you go little boy get back bro that's gonna be an issue if Kobe allows this arson to come through he's already at 123 which means he can pretty much die now uh or not arson smash okay here it is arson big brother in the building the back here is going to find it from the middle but not enough to take doc oh bomb recovery I mean see you have that in his hand and covers his approach back to the ledge very smart right there for trophies now that was sneaky bro he recovers a high with the bomb knowing that he's gonna have the iframe to make it back oh good counter counter good for that mayor he's gonna make it back yes he does watch out for that back there nice tell the hog coming off from Raymond King down throw get him out of here taking the first stop slammed him straight off that stock right there but I was what a way to make sure you can keep that stuff preserved and we're out of here that's an efficient stop take right there man uh lost attack 189 took one at like 120. I know that's got to feel good for him hey man you can you can be behind but don't make it too bad bro got that one fire arrow got that four there and said we even Stephen baby let's get it going good that's for everything again I really like how close these two are players on the right you leak loves to have that boomerang come out Boomerang Fair bomb fair but Raymond King is making sure you really cannot give yumling any chance to breathe and Joker is also fast enough oh that could have been really bad he got the Tommy no Rugrats with those down guns good stuff coming on to Raven King I mean I think honestly with the ways that uh Raven's gonna explain he's not even a Kobe has to have to swapping style eventually and start maybe he's trying to get the little Camp games good catch all right gonna make his way back down nice Shield pressure there too with the guns into the backyard oh be an issue one more time he's already hurting might might look for that uh that patented Joker setup of smash that nope not gonna try that at all not even gonna try it at all I was like I'll smash maybe no my boy young Link has zero lag bro they got connections they got 5G they are good bro no lag on none of their moves really good Boomerang play Forward Air oh wait for the fair and to drag down oh you're dead yes that is quick with it I mean could have went for the F smash too he's like I know this is going to be enough just hit him with the down smash send the packing and now we got a slight lead here for Kobe little two beats three feet now actually still trying to keep that pressure up maybe catch a jump out of the corner managed to get finally get one 44 we got Draven King about to get slapped straight into arson yeah and when you're at we have ours said this earlier the game was like bro you gotta hey man you need some help my boy I got you good neutral air and I love the way that everything is playing this matchup he's not really jumping against jungle you see that there even though he got hit in the fire he's not gonna jump in back here not gonna kill just quite yet 125 my main he gets a stroke right now good attacker honor Kobe and that's gonna be it no good quarter off the list he's playing so aggressive even though he another chance to live now 177 Raymond King just having a hard time shaving off these stocks finally finds the backyard though but again another stock taken past 180. that's yeah that's right young Link come on man yeah young lady should be dying got like a hundred bro that game was like okay you gotta kill him bro and back here without our Saint kills I don't tell you but this is not over yet the league is not that heavy but he's very slippery So Raven King is gonna have to play his heart out to take this first game all right yeah I mean definitely another arson doesn't matter Arthur comes and leaves all in one swoop that is gonna be a quick Forward Air 152 and he's out of their first game going to Kobe yeah man that young looking for steam bro been here on time for a reason all right here we go man getting in to our second game I I don't think I don't think that Raven King was honestly too far behind us uh-huh the damage I feel like was probably around the same he just took so long to take those stocks it was just like all right bro like we can get some stocks around maybe like 150 at least get a little bit earlier yeah don't be late get that spots a little bit early and we should be good right I can tell he knows him because he's not jumping right with Lee Young link and two link they love to see you jump so every time Raven get if Raymond King gets hit by an aerial he's not gonna jump right he actually tries to stay low di out and play it safe it's just that the thing about Cody is that his safety is so insane when he Nares he make sure he's not getting punished at all foreigners oh boy who rings on point as well but now we're going to town and City I like this Dave so it's coming out from Raven King here's why back air is what Joker is left to go for that attack as well so Thomas video has a really small side plasma not to mention because the stage is so big those Productions like the only nice to throw out they can't really be used all that much so let's see if the state for South River King also gives Raven King couple of more uh chances to really harassment okay a couple down ears actually push them off but Toby no not willing or not want to not scrap his way back to the stage multiple times man I like to see that too and he's like I'm not scared I definitely will throw some hitboxes as well good little start here again though for Raven King as he was able to get that first uh stock and honestly keeping a decent little lead until about mid game of that first one yeah and now he's trying to get back to our station Kobe does make it back really good fight Arrow that's a tackle have to come and now we got the man in the top hat bring some damage good recovery Z's off that bump oh good in there couldn't go for four there I mean maybe he could have but one's gonna catch him he stepped curry with them throws let's go he's testing them every time every time Ray use that Raven King one jump but every time he do jumping I'm telling man that's what they look for the leaves are like jump jump jump yeah and once we did it just can't end up doing that but here we go Kobe taking the first stop here unlike game number one looking very comfortable in this matchup I love it goes for that foreign back here not gonna find it here we go second back here nice gonna set up another Edge guard situation but still man Kobe always fight his way back also covering his uh way back with a either a bomber or a boomerang and it's worked every time yeah man and now we have our son bear not gonna kill wow I mean it was from across the stage so I understand I love that bomber coverage there back up contact yet oh you might you might be in trouble I know yes I said he's fine bro the fact that none of these are turning into red Sparks kind of saving me like the fact he's getting these chance to attack still Level he's at 169 to eating a uh Arts encounter and still able to attack off that stage that's crazy yeah man Joker sucks man [Laughter] [Music] no uh no questions to ask that man is gone so here we go gonna get back into this game 55 uh zero though but not anything that joker can't make up pretty quick yeah man I really like the way that he kind of waited out that move he's like okay let me not feed to AMC on it plus R7 Forest match is relatively large so he had the right spacing in the right time to get the kill there I'm a little bit surprised to get killed from mid stage but you know what that says Arsen be doing baby my boy racks up and kills like nobody's business but this is gonna be a really close game just like game number one and this time we're seeing uh history mirror itself this time Braven King fighting tooth and nail to make this comeback happen after having such a terrible start oh okay I was a raven King putting the corner off that bomb and I know it was a scary situation trying to roll out I thought Kobe actually had it only caught a you cannot jump over this man you can jump over Kobe bro man like all the links are like read-based characters right so they don't really get too much conversions like um I don't know like Aegis or sonic even but if you can read their Panic options like their jumper or an upper you're doing real good so good stuff coming on from Kobe off and this is a game this is step one for him it's that point man I mean he has been able to uh really kind of hold Raven King down Raven King was doing a better job too kind of sitting on the ground for a bit but every time he does Panic definitely ends up getting caught up but hey as you said man those up here for the links are just saying I always call them the air down destroyers because they just be so active they long they last a long time yeah man you keep throwing it out and they're just there all right so here we go 55-32 here at the beginning of this game but nothing too crazy is I see that arson about to show up meter almost full oh we've got pink stuff coming from here he comes no he would be such a good time for arson man where are you at man he late oh okay down there good backer really good coverage right oh that was attachable for the end guard wait for the left sub is that gonna be it no he gets the horizontal hit blocks not the spike one man he actually he did this fight for the hitbox that's a long hit him getting the second one too so I mean good damage but you know I know he wanted that outfit you want to be up smash after absolute gonna work took him to the UK with the knife action really good stuff coming on from Raven King taking the first stock here I want to see a potential game four here oh you can do oh no [Music] he's like Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man 2 when he can't use the website I do like the fact that or that Kobe did decide just in case you know you never know how long he's having to be sometimes we go down there and put that uh all right my way taking some hits Greatest Hits right there for sure not your face come on bro what you doing but hey man he's coming on from close down two really nice stuff with everything putting onto this Advantage really well down there good back to 95 goes for the hunt good Colby looks pretty by going high I like that option yeah Kobe definitely doing a good good job of all right getting back to save some way or another if it's not with them check out the cover and he just uh kind of tricks up his recovery the back here though sending them right back off and this could be a good chance though no not I thought he's gonna be able to line up that back here in time ends up getting hit by a v upbeat oh Kobe on the assault that smart frame trapping them ah the upv just not gonna land it this is set one coming off from Kobe this is Raven King's last chance to make something happen here at comma breaker 223 oh wow he SDI for his life over there he said get me out yeah man you know you always get that freak all right that was the chest doing up smash yeah sure bro he ain't care he's like I'm down I ain't out though I gotta do something I gotta make something happen put stools on him jumps over him like it's Mario Bros gets that down throw into Florida Dash attack nice damage 25 not too much but you know let's get him for the start down there though that's some damage all right definitely some damage but okay again another situation without RSA might show up a little earlier and honestly if you know with this livestock you probably want that a little bit that real damage arson is in the building now but now that they're only taking a good 40 off that one yeah thank you I appreciate it I'm about to die in like the next couple of Hitler I appreciate you this is it out of the wire here for Raven King go for that Dash attack 82 with that down there this could be his chance to make something crazy happen here good back here he has to go for it now no okay he does but Sam's gonna get him back back here good jump coming on from Kobe what's that leg from what's the diner he is on him oh my goodness you know what the craziest part is too like you you will not catch public room off this corner so like what the way that Raven King is looking for that role I mean for another player for sure but Kobe has always had a way to fight out the corner and uh again arson gone now so this becomes a harder game in here for Joker than all together yeah we got a game for people let's go don't count me out don't count me out that was such a quick Trump too like man didn't even he barely let go of the last before he got hit with that back here bro that was that was speed supersonic with the uh with the Trump speed right there so good stuff to Raven King no arson needed to get himself into a fourth game let's see if we can get to a fifth a five yeah man never give up man it's all you can make some crazy plays happen as long as you got the right execution and the right state of mind but you know Kobe is all like oh hell no no what is this not gonna wrap it up so let's see if Kobe can you know clutch out this set or let's see what Raven King still has to offer gifted for the utensils because he's about to cook bro I swear to God I mean for a second man Kobe had uh Joker looking like he was part of Base roster all right man here we go into game four oh not another one okay okay that sucks probably a buffered the badge a little bit too late couldn't get the first off that grab even though temperatures in this game are a lot better than they were smash scores they are still laggy as heck so you gotta make sure you get the functions off those all right hold on now I'm trying to play them more of a space team it seems like Raven Kings actually kind of stepping back a little bit this time around maybe uh you know playing a little more patience that doesn't seem to work out for him as long as he's not panicking jumping off the corner that seems to be the real issue for him but again gotta put some more damage on the board starting to get uh slapped up here but that does mean arson will show up pretty soon great space on that too nice back there good jumpers coming up from Raven King couldn't really go for that forward here trying to get back on stage I respect it but now here comes what we paid for with Joker down throw into four here good jump back here that does have base knockback and just a couple looking forward here but not gonna get the kill unfortunately I love the bomb placement there of course remember to roll forward it ah got the dagger on the left so people make it up with that get over here with that wardrobe genuinely thought he was going to just drop another foreign traps are nasty you wanna you wanna air Dodge this bullet air too cool gonna take that first off Kobe almost there he just needs two more stops and he can move on in this game is there with the combos he is cooking right now I'm definitely cooking with gas cooking with election don't matter the kitchen is um we'll get to work 81 this is looking a little I mean 81 on the second stock doing that again arson's here okay does get uh the back here to go ahead and take that stock I think arson here so we can find a strong hit we're gonna take him we'll take that back he's getting crazy and misses the back here no that's not what you wanted that's unfortunate but you know what that is A-Okay has that border fire arrow into neutral air good stuff but Katie did this end guard he only doesn't really ah too much slag on that fire arrow gonna hook him up with that Forward Air all right time to dig deep Raven King definitely hit him with the rinse repeat over there same situation except different area off the end first it was new clear second it was the fourth importer definitely gonna take that box uh that stock but Man Raven uh stepping up a lot of damage been added up to again another RSN coming out way early yeah man set the Raven never ball right now Nevermore Kobe trying to see if they can take this game over here but for that back there good stuff but we're going to throw a covers on a big out of jump misses the four until that's so unfortunate there's that down there hey [Music] to stay again not jumping on the corner you already saw Kobe looking for that jump one more time in the amount of kicks this man can throw out in one jump to every time Raymond King this might be good boy's alive this character's trash wait a second she makes it bad that's so that's so important press one if you feel bad for him bro but still not over yet goes for that lead so song not gonna get it unfortunately good Perry Boomerang again Ah that's it and with that Kobe gonna move on into the bracket taking out Raven King good stuff coming on to the young league man himself but unfortunately for everything he is gonna be out of the bracket but he did play a really good Joker and like I said Joker is a hard tournament character right like the amount of things you need to know about the game to get the dub happened is really impressive so the fact that he made it this far in this stack of a bracket I'm impressed yeah man but I just we saw the shortcomings there bro Joker having a hard time killing even young links 100 City come on be light characters in this game still couldn't do so I mean hey you know when the arson's out super powered but when out without it it's kind of rough you got people in the background waving high and whatnot yo look at the combo breaker crowd behind us people the energy is electric we got smash yeah look at the people in the back are having a good time bro wait what happened yeah yeah so here we go moving the next well actually we won't move into the next uh set but we will be right after this break so guys do not go anywhere combo breaker 2023 will be right back let's fire we're not done yet because after this break more combo breaker action is coming right to you don't go nowhere don't forget to head on over to the combo breaker shop to check out all the amazing merch but don't delay because that merch is gonna go quick yeah back like we never left welcome back to combo breaker 2023 here in Chicago Illinois the Super Smash Brothers ultimate top a here we are excited we got some awesome plays coming out to you right now my name is Arbiter and I'm joined by you already know who this man is TK Breezy TK how you feeling my bro that was a strong uh high five and they were doing there yeah I get to see it on stage but yeah man we are going to get into our next it's gonna be a good one some week for trainer on the in the building versus Steve uh again as a resident lead for trainer player do not like this matchup but I'm not gonna say so good pop can't do it because my man's a top eight and he's already been making some waves so I forgot to play with that character but what's the matchup like TK what can we expect from it oh well unfortunately it's gonna be a lot of this bro like if it does not have like a really a decent amount of tools to really get through blocks that's safe like back here is strong but it's also like not safe to just throw out with the Lumi thread up getting F smashed right after but if as long as you have to play this Camp game like you're just gonna like every ball might not hit but it's better than just going in yeah some hassle eventually he's gonna kind of do and I get what you're saying but no yeah and obviously you know Steve is such a great Angie's owner himself has those blocks to kind of play at his home pace so you can Loki determine the way the match goes but with a deep breathing kind of enhances we you know everything so if you get that loophole you're in a really good spot I also like this I mean specifically the week is here I haven't had no issue pulling that up smash which is Invincible uh for release though might be able to just get through a minecart if you you're about to read on Deck but also I mean the deep breath back here probably something you got to watch out for 97 deep back here will definitely take it I don't think Nation already was playing Steve before this really I don't know I don't remember him playing this before yeah yeah yeah okay man the breath was deep okay what's up anyway quick with it that foreign okay good jump read but not going to kill this quite yet and still living in me we fit actually surprisingly uh definitely heavy yeah and then with uh deep breathing you take less damage if I'm not mistaken right yep all right gotta get back onto the stage hold up yeah look for that up here most likely to the stock here maybe even the back here and keep putting them back into the sky oh God I thought I got a nice F Tilden uh for a second yeah you know in that situation too holding Shield was smart but then I thought about it he could have got a throw for that killed Saint God he had deep breathing otherwise my boy would be in so much trouble like I said it lowers your damage so 43 off the back you are lucky you are so lucky after Steve's starting to catch up and Steve can definitely just time to win over herself back into the game hold up D9 get off my fave Point him out and said go that way actually I don't want you here you gotta go that way back with the blast zone buddy boy but all right you gotta be careful because now they do have the DLC fact that Steve does have to offer good stuff I love seeing players behind it Opera oh my God he probably cannot land or play the game try dropping the Anvil not gonna work you can see that when he gets hit by the endzone he likes to roll or do an attack afterwards tells you that he knows how to fight this character he has that match of knowledge but does Master name is I mean he's it seems like this is definitely one of like a lot and a little bit of magic knowledge but also feel like oh okay A little combination off that as well another up there not gonna be enough but maybe with the debris don't get hit oh no don't walk into it yeah oh this game just do it again just do it again if you missed the first one just do it again why not if you hit the first one just do it again he's challenges the cola right there he's like yeah that s Max is gonna hit no that was the Jake the Jake's match I'm gonna do it oh wait a minute oh you do not have uh deep breathing here wait a second wait a second then Steve is kind of going crazy right now has the deep breathing there's a soccer ball there's the sun salutation guys the diamond is here he's getting better utensils when you have time you get better ingredients as I do not do not get hit with the payback ass match okay backside of the uh foreign is he almost man maybe with a little bit of a pumble he could have got that but like the next fourth though should be able to do it he doesn't need it though okay shout out to all my yoga fans out there we get that that's time to get that done that's what we need that's what we need that's what we need so good pot taking game number one against the Steve gotta be careful yeah that was I mean he was really about to get channel out there for a second bro the idea of him uh you know end up eating the F smash while Steve is almost at full rage anywhere past 70 you're probably gone I didn't I I didn't know oh it's mad that's why take him on trainer we're releasing the Steve so now you gotta go with who you're familiar with you gotta go with your main all right because what we need in top eight I think I'm pretty sure he played another weekend earlier on in that it didn't win that um I get it you know I definitely get trying the Steve's you know Steve definitely one of those characters that uh well it's very polarized in this game right now but you know has some songs Jake and all that so maybe wait this is this is one of the hard match I I said this uh the first time to play these changes back to kind of changes based on who's on the screen I think Squirtle definitely does quite well against me big small size but uh I feel like magically don't matter too much so good pop has really good patience in picking uh and pick up his attack oh my okay that could have been bad for like both those people that down there was gonna be the sweet spot and obviously Ivy dare does not have a sour spot though that is one of the best in the game yeah I said before Pirates uh down here it was yeah that's the that's the best one whatever you needed to do it gotcha I'm in here 95 percent now onto the board now uh this in this particular matchup if it comes down to it you know Sun Titan will go through um a uh now recently so he catches him if you catch him sleep at the wheel which he did right there in the up there gonna get him into the skies and pass that Blast Off the deepest breath and I'll get back you're not getting that bro that's definitely have a therapy brush right there but it was like get free they breathe out real quick hold up Sally Charizard doesn't have the best air drift so I was able to get that kill there oh one of that Forest match we can see masternett going for the defense of leads right here well it's not up there but not gonna get it there is that forward until coming out so salutation has the down air up air again oh okay oh I've gotta watch out for the balls active forever man if it's on the screen yeah back down smash man the Charizard the Charizard classic for sure I hit my shield it's time to go I forget my friend that comes out in air does anyone in chat know what franchise up he comes I don't know if you can let you know our autograph comes out if you can let me know I'll be your best friend but go forward still coming on from Sogo pops for that soccer ball once that deep breathing not gonna get it for that border playing on the ledge he can play as if he wants to once that grab not gonna get it good backer coming off the masternode up there up there okay oh okay wait a minute yeah and almost losing that stock yeah definitely gotta swap off the uh off the lightest character that you have in that honest doesn't matter though with the Deep Breeze clean them out get him out of here Charizard is not cooking at all dude he got one kill and then died twice so you know he's not really contributing much against that uh waterfall good stuff advantage in the rains game one more time trying to get a little bit of the sun salutation going just in case uh you know a raise Leaf of Throne or any type of approach is seen where he can throw that out the ivy sword though trying to put the pressure on continuously pressuring us oh oh are you dead oh are you dead okay no no Mash in the world we're getting you back on that one I want a third one I was like let's do it oh no he had one stalking her mind I would have been goofy up not really like me [Laughter] good up here okay it's like I get off the stage one more time the waterfall is gonna find uh the mark gonna reverse this case you gotta get that back here out in time lack of use of the up till two until actually have an intangible arm so like I can't land on top you know what I learned something new every day with this game and that's why we love it good foreign [Music] love to see him here we go into game three where are we headed looks like we're going to Pokemon Stadium too okay yeah going back to PS2 I mean why not if it ain't broke don't fix it both these players seem to really like this stage it worked out for uh worked out for so good cop worked out for uh it always gets me masternode master okay I'm gonna try to get that right from now on but it worked out for mastronado so why not keep going for it here we go getting into game three I mean surprisingly enough you know was able to uh little his way back into that game he said here we talked about how the Charizard was getting kind of body but it seems like the scored online but to do enough work to still get that W yeah you really only need two Pokemon to be honest right I love Charizard he's the most fun out of all three of them in my opinion but he doesn't really serve that much of a use sometimes especially in this minute when you're just getting hit so hard and the Buddhist game has goalie gotten better as time went on for ultimate so you really gotta play your cards right uh Squirtle and Ivysaur are able to do those a lot better than tourism and Squirtle I mean popping off the CO2 before the ball got isolated by the side B so the ball actually get into the mix as well and getting some extra damage to him so good pop but Mastronardi okay setting up I like that try to eat I'm trying to really catch him with the long lasting hitbox up there but I was able to do it okay A little combination right there really smart option again that's fine safe right there perfect facing on that is gonna be able to uh get away with it but Charizard hurting still gotta watch out you know the Charizard debate is always one up shield into um the ball the best assist in the game gonna assist me that boss said I got you homie ain't going for that folder and there we go go for the switch get off me get off me absolutely absolute get off me right the swamp into it too he's like you know hold on bro I know who can handle this real quick you're looking for a lot I mean honestly if you hear about yourself Squirtle he might have been gone The Sweet Spot for those light that was like almost half charge I think he was gone there but we'll never know we might see who's gonna die here first though when the second stop what's the jab committing to it as well I'm gonna read how they're gonna stick an option is soccer ball both hits like safe it looks like that one said uh but when you when you're doing a platform like that yes it's like the perfect uh platform it's definitely like gets shield down to like 40 so if they stand up there again you hit it oh it's over really good Breezy but but she's uh Max running can use that to their advantage right now getting these parries like they die and go not gonna get anything crazy yet good back here having that really nice play option as well oh let's see death and he leaves let go okay all right all right that's why that was you know what bro the cajones on this man bro um what's his name is cheating that move is unbeatable I don't know how he did it he's just hitting oh there we go raise the lead in the upper the softball players for the assists all right I love how close they're keeping it in every single game they've been playing too they just refuse to go out you know to go out sorry or take you know if he left behind I love it there we go okay remember that it's starting to get like a left behind a little bit starting to run away okay that episode's gonna put him right back into the game though 52-42 not a big deficit four so good pop you know honestly if he was able to find a new Slayer uh side B that's that's gonna be right back into the lead might not be able to do it now but oh my God recovery to the ledge and okay manages finesse his way around and actually put some good pop ads trying to catch the jump oh no way you're dead no yeah okay Charizard being super heavy I was like there's no we should die to that but gotta be careful now uh everything is gone I think that's death no bro oh my God he refuses to go out no deep breathe on the F tilt I'm gonna let him see uh another day he had he got Max friendship right he was at zero HP he's probably gonna have one right now let's see it's Mastermind they can make this comeback happens because we get the sweet spot he has to go deep he has to get him right now to the soccer ball yeah yeah yeah put the boots on him we don't quit we don't quit amazing down here coming on from masternode taking game number three here let's go let's go we ain't done you said the Boost but he put the claws stop him out and you thought so good pop really try to stall that out until he was really trying to get around that but no Charizard the thick leg bro the thick leg you get stepped on for sure the fire type going crazy look at the crowd hide from the action here at combo breaker 2023 come on people make some noise what not that camera let him know smash ultimate is here in the building hey man Pokemon trainer coming out one more time we've been training I as well I mean this has definitely just been going back and forth but unfortunately two different kill screens not uh taking the stock there for we for training our last chance to come through and make that comeback and yeah you have to come back from that fight uh-huh and but now the thing is after fighting from behind for so long Master Nadi is at set point here all he needs to do is take one more game against so good cop if he can actually move on into the bracket due diligence right here you know lost the game with the Steve had to try it out but ever since this Pokemon trainers come out it was the correction awesome under the Lynch oh my if he isn't missing that techno that was definitely game too you missed that attack is jab jab that four slash you gotta go oh God oh God oh God okay okay okay okay over here no inhaler no nebulizer no nothing bro say devastating if you got that down there there but his choice to just get back on stage don't play no games he's fine yeah all right don't get the uh four till run up just straight to a point him out all they do is punch him where to go the right shoes this way you need to dive that way that way that way that's all he does bro all the time okay this could be big he gets the air down here you guys gotta be uh we'll expect that but yeah that neutral air into up till a lot of people do not deal with that you have to kind of wait for it uh the up tilt and then punish importantly right oh oh oh is it worse than me bro I was noise [Applause] got the crowd on his feet masternode taking it over something pop 3-1 and losers bracket gonna make the nice comeback I gotta be honest I was I was not believing the Charizard I was talking about noise he said man shut up went crazy with the bad guys in the down ears that Charizard was amazing now Pokemon trainer was amazing he could only get action here as Steve B baby let's go yeah I mean we were we were definitely we were gonna charge our next we're gonna charge our next character is ass bro he sucks he can't do nothing he said what he doesn't need to do much you pretty much bring him out to catch one bad situation every time it was Catch It you jumped over me up smash you're hanging out too long hold this at uh this back here hold this up till all that and it all worked out so therefore we will be seeing um keep moving here into this uh top eight I know he's feeling good yeah besides besides Ivy sword you know like Forward Air and down there I do think Charizard does have the best Edge guarding out of both those characters right because he has a spike not as good he has to spike which is not as good right but it is still really good four there you get hit by that you're just dead neutral there as well you got the multiple jumps so you know what I'm saying yeah it's just really good he did it up oh oh I miss out got the camera let me check the white balance real quick shout out to the cameraman working behind the scenes this production is Godlike here and of course we got my boy you say it was good homie [Music] Big Mac or archives play actually you know what to be honest I don't think I got a single one of his matches so I'm I'm in the I'm in the not know either we're gonna find out soon so we get to see the screen right here got the uh you know got the bird's eye view bro that high I need some water bro that match was so hot I need some water I don't think yeah we got nothing around here we ain't got no we're gonna survive off of pure Instinct bro that's all right but let's see who these two characters will play right here right now chat you guys hope you are having a great time watching this tournament okay he got MomoCon we got uh what else is there uh Gateway Legends happening as well so smash Ultra is having a great day man it is a good day to be a smash player and I think I don't think any of the toppings at the same time too because mama can't stop me was pretty early yeah and then here we are here 4 35 30-ish uh central time so yeah we're we living good we live good this this game has a lot of people that are dedicated to the craft um who love what they do love playing it I love what I do I'm sure you do as well so if if you are a smash ultimate player then um really happy to be in a scene with you guys I'm having a lot of fun here oh my gosh Mickey oh no that's a Mickey Mouse [Music] headache the imagination bro if you play sword I'll actually pop off I don't think he will or they will anything like a busy place that wait hold on is that oh he got though he got the hoodie on too bro yeah yeah Sora come on baby come on baby I suck I suck you know what cooler characters anyways right Captain Falcon and sheep now we see Captain Falcon you know not too often but he's definitely a character that we all know and love League hey I did get to see that she cooked earlier was against the Greninja though which is another character I feel like I can't kind of struggle in the truck department but um this this sheet specifically Big Mac does have to confirms down with the needles uh a lot of his stocks I think words needed about fish or neutral air bounce fish so the damage is already up here 58 uh unanswered our taxes gonna have to do something about this leg he is getting swarmed yeah I mean if it starts off this way for a Chic regular logo she can't kill that's true she can't but she would just always put you in like a cut scene form you kind of just can't do anything he's got to kind of hold every single hit that she gives you before until it moves a lift once that dragged on up there not to hit it oh my God watch your toes look for the back here I don't know if uh Big Mac has the uh the raindrops in them though because I've seen like four different situations where I like boy would have did it um yeah he might he might just be bouncing fish uh version okay the needle accuracy is insane with him though really I can kind of see that too oh no okay if he just robbed him of 133 I would have actually tried but for that up throw into up area love to see it yeah Big Mac I mean that's it you know one of these characters when she's ahead is great cheeks behind man you might as well go to the next game Carter oh guess the uh the the horizontal hit myself back down and not what you're looking for I think now you don't want to get hit by him whatsoever I remember reading the patch notes of us match today maybe a minor buff no that thing will kill you you are getting scared by that you're dead and also I mean it's unpunishable I'm surprised he actually got that hashtag there but like on Shields please like it's it's not safe but like you don't know that like I'd rather get some backyard catch and Captain Falcon having no issues killing some nine percent not too bad back air oh nice something's not Portugal against the nerves just a little quick get off me too coming on from big match our time is it art artists don't see if you can get into this game I don't know how Falcon views would shoot in this mu I know what she likes you like for every single character but I'll know mashique is Mark the combo for Falcon air back down no oh my God he's going through like you know five in a row that's fine I kept him off that land doesn't mean actually catch him off the lights flip the roll on I'm coming through though getting right back on width of the falcon dive but still loving the loving the way we're seeing these we're treating each layers here from Big nights I was like all right if I hit the shield it's fine I'm out one more time to get punished you have to dash tax them do it yes sir go for that neutral there don't touch my stage man don't touch my face behind tickets what's that neutral there and I think chica's bear has really good movement right so at least that's why archetypes isn't really getting anything sort of awful off of a cheek right now right because Falcon is a combo Godly you gotta be careful with that oh almost every hit that Arkansas is getting is like six cheek hits so that's unfortunate back here attack as well yeah um good upbeat makes a recovery back dash attack forward here Brian Fury bro man man I love Brock yeah bro what's Bass Pro Dash attack down two into Fourier into Fort air again into four there and get it to fall there again oh my God getting up South I thought we were gonna see a bag here just kind of keep pushing him away but yeah no just Coast to Coast with the combos I mean I think as archetype so he does have to just kind of get used to a cheek we'll hit you multiple times don't can't let yourself get plus this as you know two of your hits will be like nine of hers so we finish this game though yeah get all the damage you want to but Martha rides is real one of the um the biggest sufferers of that uh of you know that uh stigma right get all the damage you want but if you can't kill there's only one of all that damage Falcon does not with that one second plus Falcon with rage is literally literally horrifying so gotta be real careful with how you go all around dealing with this character Big Mac is 100 trying to set up this NATO uh confirm I can see it like from watch his last game The Dashing back and forth right now he's just waiting so there it is no I don't want to say that was nerves this probably wasn't confident and the fact that it's gonna hit but hey good stuff regardless does get that damage but you gotta you gotta wrap it up board you know just climb him out you can do that too I don't blame you it was a pretty far away needles you might not actually been able to fully confirm that but regardless you know we know that he's willing to look for it oh Falcons just barely getting past that uh that grenade a couple more needles here this dock is definitely in danger but like all right Max Rage that's scary yep that's race Falcon I'm going to better up Smash Bro right here right at 50 okay back down to the face yeah like actually the face though the freeze this yeah the Mortal Kombat X-Rays bruh his jaw is gone my boy lost his wisdom teeth again that's crazy all right so is able to get that game you know it does get a little scary once you're uh she gets these high percentages and you're like you're not finding the the kill confirms and next thing you know like you start getting hit luckily didn't start getting hit but had he got to like 50 stock in danger as well yeah exactly man but like a long game for like you know what these characters like to do that's fine right um because you really don't want to try anything funny without problem they just want to get in get out get the kill awesome we got some good falcon skin uh the you know um cancer you know Falcon yeah there we go all right let's see if we can get here this time around down air in okay extending that all the way oh 51. I give it up really good attack step what song is this is it I didn't see what they picked but it sounds nice though I will say that I think this is Tekken tags intro oh no I think I can hear it I think he's definitely yeah Big Mac this is nice up here I'll do it again instead okay hold that back air yeah I should say you know definitely catching all kind of pieces uh of this combo but yeah no real James being uh able to be added up by archetype uh so far 26 on the Sheikh was not lad and still keeping this uh at the stage Advantage all on their side hold that jab yet again get off my stage for another needle only 26 like a ninja getting the kill and getting out they just ain't getting touched bro come on not at all bro that yeah true Assassins right here man like we gotta get another hit on the board but it has been all right hit him hit him please someone else hit him oh okay [Applause] I got scared okay well big red side now he finally uh we got our tax finally get another hit here but still 147 man you are hurting you're hurting on your second stock we are looking for this down to the super hard probably down to a bear wants to get that confirmed speaking downtown for downtown okay let's go off the stage one more time still though maybe maybe it's probably time for a straight back here to take the stock oh like the ah but it gets the sour I think it has a sour spot yeah okay yeah let's go for it again Falcon kick ass attack but for the cab gets the whole grapple jab as well very impressive goes for the grenade but not gonna get it jab very nice pressure coming on from archetype from Big Man wait no Big Mac is machine big okay again another four day if you end up getting a stop with the four day I'd say you know the statue okay finally even if it's a sour spot it is up enough off safe for him to still get it past that Blast Zone 87 now still in the first stop archives yeah no it's not it's not looking great for our checks right now I mean 104 should kill the grenade saying don't touch me that we're going from coast to coast no never mind that's my cash attack go for another one again the aggressiveness coming off from our mid-back is so nice like that back here really nice the eye but yes sir get a protection not touch me half the needles in place oh gets The Sweet Spot on the upsman man every time Big Night makes a great play and it's just not enough for the stock because she don't have that kill power even on the other Smashers and definitely the strongest move for uh Dodge wasn't gonna be enough at uh you know sub 100 but probably could get one now 119 pushing right back on the stage kind of throwing them or changing the recovery with the grenade have to play really pace I'm not gonna get it what's the option back here again I just love how fast their play gets the upbeat but not gonna get the more they need to take it so good stuff coming on to Big Mac having a very good special on this good back there as well and he is literally just on top I mean he's legitimately on this man like why don't I like that is absolute facts every time he gets hit away he just runs straight over there he's like puts the pressure right back up what's up I'm still here good Perry attack still man 182 yeah I mean at this point in time as long as Big Mac doesn't leave the stock I'm like no way you're Dino a dab I was like no way bro I've never seen that if they matter that I'm taking everything man this character can't kill I don't know what to tell you if it was that easy that safe I don't know what to tell you bro 203. 00 you know what I don't care because uh she beat me minus two with Smash four just like big Matt will beat uh arctis right here you gotta have some resilience to play a game that long I'm quitting I'm like man I'm concerned I'm throwing out every kill option I have at that point bro and that's why he's top eight and I'm not because they got that mental fortitude they got the Swagger they got the skills to pay the bills so but let's see if archives can make this comeback happen it's gonna be hard because like like I said Falcon is a combo God he just likes to hit you over and over and over again but she has a lot of like elusive options to get out of problems right they have the down B have a really high jump they have that in there which is fast and have that corner which is fast as well so it's really hard to try their combo Chic when that's what you want to do the same thing for you as well yeah but also I mean I just feel like the thing is our taxes our taxes never even heard of the the term Advantage State bro he's that's not for him in this game right now bro not looking good for him it is not looking good for him at all but maybe maybe here in the third game we can get some of that you know open that dictionary like oh I am supposed to win a little bit to find out I should be killing him wait what oh you're right okay 45 to 17 no finally keeping that Center safe it doesn't seem to really matter too much because straight back okay hold up that if they got that mirror there I think that could have been the kill that they definitely been eating but they're not gonna get it unfortunately into back here look at the execution on La Mer get mad baby but look at that big damage gets that back here going deep for the end guard goes beneath the ledge not gonna get it that's fine love to see him if I was actually a really good option from both sides there uh the upper match if you do the standard get up probably would have speed that up but then the get attacked to get through it no finally gets the kill off the side of the stage with that Falcon upbeat good stuff coming on two archetypes finally gonna get that looking forward on technical too man that was the red Sparks coming out about it so he was gone these I'll be definitely doing some justice here for archives looks it low profile it oh down throw up here because it seems all that with their life it's a near Justice no justice will not be served just like it okay all right there we go that's gonna kill Center Stage a little bit of a charge but R Tyson now in the lead might be able to uh kind of play the more elusive game accordingly the pressure is gone that was smart jab one two I know you're gonna hold that I get that ass over here because I down throw down here into backing is that gonna be the kill on Town and city as well not even magically impressive I needed one more right there but I wasn't able to get it however yeah over here relax but actually archetype will be the one to answer back here interesting they're trying to get a little frame strap there but forcing the air down they didn't really get much off until I see the house would be uh plays there yes you know what like the idea you know just put the true pressure out there yep in the back here going D4 sheet should be able to make that back in any uh yeah oh like with ease so back into the game 40 down on this on the cheek you know I would say I would say that that's something that she can't make up pretty quickly without be lying however did make it up quickly 46 just like that they take that up real quick now if this is our taxes counter picks up there aren't a bit of a disadvantage here but I mean Hey Big Mac only needs one more game to move on to this bracket good back here let's put that up there not gonna land it gets that grab ah four throw I'll start with an air Dodge Demon one of the bouncing fish not gonna get it neutral there it's gonna be the play right now has the needles what's that down there not gonna get it playing on it he's kind of needle camping out um I'll test right now and I understand why you don't want to get hit by anything as of right now that's gonna be death by that yeah for sure all right man yeah trying to get more Dino's I mean I always wants to have needles Prime really good options to kind of just stop momentum and on top of that like you know he another oh nice good Tech but for the Raptor boost I like it in case you got a little bit too aggressive there I could Spike you but good stuff coming on from good recovery options no you're not dead yeah Town's blast zone is way too high for that oh yeah not getting that stocking stuff man that would have been death though for sure oh oh nice very nice gets the first hit of that Nair goes for that back here on the board yeah man you know that's that's a that's a nice one too because I feel like if you went for the knee and it didn't hit and he was gonna be like oh well you know uh or The Sweet Spot didn't hit well we live see another day that back here sweet or sour I think it was probably yeah yeah I am thirsty man in that case gotta keep it going right here right now let's see so archetypes finally gets a game on the board only needs one more game what do you think is going to happen do you think he finally found the adaptation to make it happen because as of right now Big Mac gets the two to take something I think I think that stage gives him some justice Dave's no platform so you didn't have to worry about uh getting chased upstairs too often I think there's a decent amount of uh combos that were extended because of platforms but now oh we're back on the PS2 so as long as he can keep some of that momentum that he had or at least some of the know-how that he learned from that last game to see a much closer game this time around he's already got the lead here as far as the damage goes yeah his gun was also gone too so I was really nervous he's not gonna make it back that he actually ended up doing so down throw good Pi coming on for him before getting hit as much as possible here from that down throw not getting called out like that you jumping from whose legs oh takes the first stop here in this game number four Tyson I mean this is we're looking at we might actually seeing a game five here if he keeps this type of momentum up he's trying to find the real big thought like the Falcon greatest hits for sure trying to find another knee here it seems like Donald but you know if it puts them near the ledge or near the store you know where they need to go then that's fine pop down and shield nice off on the Falcon dime one of the back here didn't let it rip on there but would have done a lot more oh we checked those all day every day surprisingly even knowing that he was gonna hit that wall is actually insane so yeah man Mark ice maybe on reaction getting that Tech and still living to see another deal in his first stocking meanwhile big act it's going to be on his last I mean we got a straight reverse with the second game oh no oh man is this a I don't want to call it is this a reverse three oh ladies and gentlemen it might be I mean like I I again as we said uh from behind is not this is not great bro like you know having to make this type of comeback to this character that already has pretty limited uh kill flower game five game five bro game five people oh no he's that growl with that with that stuff baby I don't know man bro what what is happening bro like this so so so I was watching the music video right and you days talked about hard tournament characters and the easier ones right [Music] um okay that's a tear listen to me for my videos subscribe no that Loki sounds like a lot of fun but no she is just so hard to play in bracket you gotta know so much information you're gonna have such resolve he says he don't survive knowing that's not gonna kill very early but you get a lot of damage you do a lot of combos out of front side execution ought to die to like a Falcons dump at 40 and that does it for you you know what I'm saying so definitely watch new nation's video and look out for me when it comes out because there's a lot of magnitude that you want to pick up on cheek is decent but man you're just working a lot harder just like making everything so work from home not really actually working like still on the bed exactly what do they need from their daddy bro but drag down ah they get the down smash yeah might drive down to kind of break them a little further down but regardless do you have a lead here let's kind of looking like the first two games here for our uh for Big Mac but on tight okay looking for the big read one more time that would have been it for archives got hit by that [Music] [Music] he'll do it again he'll do it again he was like you know what I forgot this is my win condition this is how you got like again the first time I saw him in a set it was against Greninja and he that was like 90 of his kill so he gonna do it again and he's like you know what you're right let me get back into it oh that oh stop jumping off my leg Yeah luckily they didn't get the full thing so they're gonna be able to survive that because anywhere man if he got that full thing that was rap for his boy okay oh oh served him up to the platform to serve him out right there Ben a to-go order that's what that was that wasn't to go order for sure here you go no the chat press one he's repeat archetypes can't take it or press two and you think Big Mac can't cause he's gonna be down in the wire here two stops apiece game five one of these people is going down to the losers bracket and I do not want to be there if I was there yeah I mean with big matches specifically having such two uh good Dominic first games and then getting like pretty much reverse yeah it's gotta be tomorrow you don't get well you want to hold the reverse three also he's doing a good job though in this big game a nice little lead looking for that okay frame trap back here uh-huh yeah you aired out the first one what the hell okay be back barely okay barely I don't know if you're gonna be able to kill him off of there but no he actually ends up Surviving that as well so there's the needle place just go for them single get away no back up speaking of holding that man gotta get away from this Legend on further last two games I won't say that our sex has definitely been holding on our control of that Center Stage quite well forcing Big Mac way to the side zone quit quite often but okay getting out of the double roll out the corner okay yeah that was a really good foreign [Music] quite well from the corners right okay pushed him off the stage not too far though that's fine there's a needle play he wants that up there rappers really nice stuff on the gas attack he's having a really good bursaries options for that back bro camping out with some needles down tilt play looking like good back here goes off stage no that platform being the number one homie in the world okay almost caught that uh roll on with the up smash though that definitely would have been stopped hey charging a little bit okay down throw yep oh no don't charge needle that close man gets the best way come on let's kill him right now okay oh challenge [Music] down smash don't get hit by that one I'm smashing that's it will not run off the stage just yet I was gonna maybe go for the needles F tilt I'm sitting on the top surprisingly grenade covered that little option smart go for that down two needles that's it that is it in Big Mac oh that was really scary it was scary that was terrifying Tampa start writing I thought I'm getting like 50 and I'll say hey bro you know it's it's looking though even right now yeah I was like yo the moment he lost that last stock I was just like oh God you do not want to go out like this man but hey man finally gonna end up taking that W so let's see how this next game will work out so really good stuff coming on to Big Mac because man man I I love good sheep Play Good sheep play always makes my happy I like the way this character functions it's just that you know through the nature of ultimate and just how hard this game is it is gonna be really hard to get some really nice you know comebacks and well not self the fact that was able to make that versus Falcon of all characters that's that's ludicrous to me man feel the same way because of how hard that character has to work man no no game is easy for for Chic bro it don't matter if you got that three stocks you worked 150 harder than anybody else in this video to get that three stock but guys we got another setup coming up for you it's gonna be the buzz versus Eastern but that's gonna be after this small break so don't go anywhere combo breaker 2023 will be right back there's plenty more combo breaker 2023 action coming at you on the way but first let's take a quick commercial break if you want to add to your combo breaker merch Legacy Collection don't forget to head over to the combo breaker shop to check out all the amazing merch get yours before they run out no Coast no King's toggle breaker 2023 is back like it's never left my name is Arbiter I'm a TK Breezy and we're gonna have some more awesome Super Smash Brothers ultimate action for you right now now this one this is a mess that a lot of people haven't waited to see TK we're about to watch my man we got e Sam versus The Buzz stepping up man now you know obviously two top players uh Dylan D their due diligence here at comma breaker and the glove has been in several top eights like just throughout his history he's am just taking a couple breaks when he comes back you know so making mad content about smash he's a ladder we're gonna see if that lab definitely pulls up here he's him also newly on the uh on the box yeah so he has been playing with uh box Pikachu for a little bit now I love watching e-sam plays because he seems just always figuring out shut up don't thumbs up on me he's always been doing he's always been doing something new always trying to implement and improve his game trying something different not expect that so much and then of course like you said above being the lamber part of uh liquid Esports um in my opinion one of the greatest blessings the smash scene has ever seen with the likes of hbox last riddles the buzz and more so shout out some liquid Esports fan taking care of the scene and whatnot but we're gonna have an awesome game between these two top players here today you only get this action here at 3B so I'm excited I know you guys are but probably gonna see the Pikachu versus the Rosalina maybe we'll see the alpha the Olimar come out who knows because uh the buzz has quite the um the character list I'd say you know what I'm saying so there's also uh last did give me like a little tidbit about the rule said here is it's character first instead of stage first oh so they get to like counter pick oh like you know what I mean don't do that don't do that don't do I know you hear me don't hear that don't hear that no no bro he has to make himself bro don't don't don't do this is VR slash for him don't do that bro zip them up why is he bald why is he watching wake up Watcher white bro Jesse we got an upset oh he's oh he's doing it oh he's actually doing it all because his characters all right so okay this Bobby's uh like well character first and then it's like I don't know who got to pick the first table we'll find out where we're going now I feel like in Rosalina dies incredibly early too what I feel like is the uh the brawler Jank of upbeat but we'll see we'll see maybe maybe it's the the control F oh geez okay well never mind maybe she also believe the crawler tank that up here sent him pretty high up so I have not watched a Rosalina in a very long time I think it's my first time passing for the balls as well so that's what it's heading as well um me brawling is done um what grade two mayor or something like that um they have like a really fast jab their upbeat is insane really fast has good combos but um the buzz using a lot of the things that goes in the head to their advantage right they have that Nair that goes in Lincoln that goes around her good coverage oh good oh that's awesome really fast as well all mirror is uh not a part of her down smash really gonna be coming out from the bus and that's gonna be it the goddess of the Galaxy gonna take the first talk here today and that's you know about that up smash too the buzz he will pull that trigger he don't care bro like the mud smashes will be flying okay kick them over to the other side though gotta watch up nice oh Luma I think get down Mr President really nice he's not coming up from the green movement it is foreign [Music] [Music] that's another character bro no that's that's player three oh yeah [Music] not care most upbeers in this game are sticking to that out there most updates in this game aren't really safe so getting that covering that jump off guys hold that up we got into here good stuff went forward again but not gonna get the attitude off he's looking forward good beat before they're coming on from the bus get down this representative and now Luma is gone after just spawning um I'm not gonna make that jump 71 percent I I think honestly you say I'm picking this uh side B is making it so easy for him to just destroy Luma like that like I'm gonna throw it out right wait a second I was thinking more oh you're not gonna get much smarter I think you might be right about that all right look whoa I'm pulling up bro okay Mama help me the backyard doesn't send Luma I I thought maybe with a guy there but no they're able to survive that and of course you guys huh this is why he gets paid people this is a lot easier today he did two other Smashes in place bro [Laughter] Oh They'll love it every time I don't know I don't know what frame that move comes out on uh you know I had ultimate friend doing my phone but now I'm sure somebody I'm sure somebody you know that will let me know glass what is it of course shout out to my boy last bro what frame frame eight yeah frame eight up smash so I'll just do it again that's fun that's fun oh turn the city now okay and for a second with the mean brawler I could definitely see modest Olympia picked maybe yeah okay yeah there we go yeah that is what I was looking for it was a good I mean it was a good attempt and I do think that like uh when you're going to go for brawler if you're not really getting the brawler James like you might as well just go and play your main at that point time exactly and I mean Pikachu does have I think maybe better tools than against Pikachu I mean against um he hit him with them backers and pancakes like I have going crazy yeah speaking of good SCA coming on from uh the buzz to make that recovery go for that down here nope oh my God little man's getting their ass beat somebody help him Eagle back there again here's that neutral there do not touch the good certain they're out of Shield top there gets the drag down not gonna go for it that's fine Dash attack four here here comes back like he's ever left goes for the star really nice aggressive coming out oh that's a lot of damage coming out from the buzz surprisingly enough and I'm not a crazy amount of damage here on the stage all together just yet I mean 52-54s now 68 nearing past our first minute and no one's uh hit past 100 just yet but oh nice the bat Is Not Gonna Get Enough have that look the other way that was definitely going to be a stock but we'll still give it up to East End for finding that connection and now putting the buzz at uh 101 you know if you got it got a couple options for some stocks here yeah and I'm I'm thinking realize something why does Luma have like so much priority like I know priorities not really a thing the connection bro that was insane Luma said serve up there you go bro no like this Luma is lit legit like you said player three that block we're gonna help him out I'm gonna make it back and recalls us back I I've never like I said I've never cavitated to come hit it for a little before that if the buzz is a surgeon they are surgical with this is bruh now come on Facebook every time yeah move bro what are you doing if The Bodyguard like not only is the woman The Bodyguard but also is at the assist man also about to be about to be the attack of the Hitman as well it's awesome it's awesome the stage Hazard as well because they are not looking forward to they did not see that there's that down there coming through as well good stuff has that down there coming about 32 since since I since you got the Thunder and mouth again my man is a fox with it I will up smash if you've been in my shield at all that's Charizard as well bro I got the frame better for it I got the priority for it go ahead I'm letting it rip my Beyblade figure I don't care okay 144th Ethan's still not able to find a stock yet the button is playing out of his mind right now you can sit up for the back end with that you do not even able to do that that's crazy that's really cool but does get that for the attack is it enough yep yes there we go like clockwork that will work maybe let's go I love seeing some people play but for my first time watching Rosa I gotta say I am impressed and I am convinced this character is something else oh now these characters I mean I know like from Smash Sports now probably lost a little something something but I think it's one of those things a situation where as long as you start to learn the new attack you can still make her look like a Powerhouse and that's exactly what the buzz did the buzzes I mean if he's not the only pilot for this character I don't know who else plays them but I only see this type of gameplay front of us yeah um people in chat is there any other like notable players let me know because so far I'm only seeing the buzz go crazy with this character as of right now there's that back here tries to kill the Luma does to does do it okay enough knock back to you so no get that down it's up smash hours dude bro watch yourself you know what time it is he's gonna be looking [Laughter] to do it I don't care 86 though it might yeah well okay yeah you gotta go yeah yeah the only only with someone you can avoid there I think man even if he had decided to I think uh air dash out air Dodge out he was still gonna get hit by the lumos I was sitting over there dude I love bro I love last so much this dude gave me a list of other notable uh rosalindas so uh we have uh Yama Yama diem I think Yama D and then Yuzu in Japan homiko in Europe uh but the buzz is the best so far last literally knows everything about everyone bro shout out to my boy but no so those are some other if you're a rosary player or you're thinking of picking up a secondary because you like this character I love the Mario Series right so I think everyone does so Rosa's really cool there's a lot for you to watch so I'm getting you for you to watch as well so I would love to see more roses in this bracket or in in the meta in general because I like seeing all the characters and whatnot so yeah I just want to see some different Sonic I don't know if this is like the only style how to play Rosa because like again we only get to see the buzz and maybe some of the other ones yeah yeah maybe some of the other roses aren't as Puppet Master he has a buzz but the buzz I mean he sets up these like Puppet Master situations so well yeah the luluma is legit just like an extension of what Luma likes to do for you so I'm really enjoying seeing how the buzz actually uses Luma to their advantage meanwhile uh you have to use his weakness bro it's gleam you know all here dark on bro don't forget Dark Khan ain't real bro dude okay did you did you beat uh what's it called what's it called what did he would have liked our hard difficulty yeah okay I love oh yes yeah I love this song I love this song What of light wasn't that bad in my opinion okay we're going back to the meatballs but what a light at cool bosses it had some cool parts to it but obviously it's no Subspace but let's see if esans can make this W happen right here right now just recently sponsored by 26 Riders himself let's see how this work happened they locked the uh the minion music changing kindness so I had to beat it I was like yeah I need to change my music I'm always about that but either way yeah no the butt oh man I got him in the blender right there put them in the mixing up here that's gonna hurt a lot but oh let's go I got you Mama I got you mama uh he really does I mean I know it is about that side piece to get the room off the stage but he has to clip the buzz over to that area so that he can get that song okay the back air is gonna be enough just apparently over the uh the side imagine oh he wanted it all over there that was definitely the opportunity he needed to if he was able to potentially get that up uh be that high up might have actually been stocked up space and looking good shot put one of those almost also Justice active when it's just out y'all I'm I'm up smashing bro I'm up smashing I I gotta do it I gotta do it it has to happen I'm talking about something real quick did you see the waves of us played on that ledge the right side ledge versus uh uh he was positioned near the left side of it uh lumos which is on the right so if he rolled in Rosa was there if he's going out Louisville was there that is so dirty but that's so deep is coming on from the buzzman he is playing his heart out playing so well as of right now I'm starting to understand why he went back to his character but look at Harry coming on from issue he said has to find out 66 percent is finding less and less chances to actually kind of get his game going he's killing less and less Loomis right the bus is really good surviving out here yeah they surviving now for real but like it's going up it's almost every stock I know the last game was back here it wasn't back here for the last stop but bro he's got to be like eight for nine yeah like 80 of these up smashes will hit and when they do you are dead and we're just not seeing Easton in the face of I mean who's trying to yeah right not for lack of trying it's just that I don't know look let's see Rosalind and Luma is beating up he's saying but good uppercut good action Dash attack up throw into up there not gonna get the game yeah you know just a little too close still very far behind as you can see the man is uh 92 to the 89 is still a whole stock now though has to make something happen now one thing that you you have to say about um though he can always ShamWow stock so if he's able to get this stock and we might be able to find one at 40 if he gets the right throw on that platform and Rose is large true that character you're gone [Applause] to be the hottest match player that we have the buzz is gonna move on into the Winner's side of the bracket I had no idea that killed but at the same time you don't see this character all too often so I don't think much people didn't know that I was gonna kill either so the buzz man playing so well he got the Jordans on come on bro oh boy got the shoe game on fleet bro look at this dude Jordan I mean look he stepped up since the first day I I caught him with the easiest bro I was like he's been up ever since real he got Yeezys he might still have him I don't know he made graduation bro that's a good song bro she made beautiful morning all right man so that is going to be it for that set I mean it's unfortunate though that uh Museum was not able to find uh his footing on the ground on either of his characters we did see the the me brother come out first game and the third game second game it was it was the uh Pikachu but yeah all those games just didn't really work out that well for him so it's rough yeah that's gonna be real unfortunate but people we are gonna go do a real quick ad break out and pay some bills show who was supporting comic breaker so don't go anywhere we're gonna have some more awesome matches for you don't go anywhere we'll see you next time yo you see that overhead oh my goodness nobody was blocking that I definitely got hit that was wild man these matches been great oh absolutely you know what we're about to take a quick break here and combo breaker 2023 is still going on uh don't worry this time we're gonna order for you we got you don't don't even worry about it be right back don't forget to head on over to the combo breaker shop to check out all the amazing merch but don't delay because that merch is gonna go quick all right man you know what time it is welcome back to combo breaker 2023 we gotta get through some more of this top eight well now probably to actually top six uh we are going to go into the losers quarter side of things we saw Kobe actually slap a little earlier in uh his match so he's gonna keep trying to grind in this loose bracket but he will be going up against Arthur ice who almost made a crazy uh reverse three off yeah but you know so close man now I don't play young Link I play adult league man this matchup is fun bro it might not be fun for Falcon um for young Link but man body Falcon is one of the most fun things in this game in my opinion so let's see how archetypes and Company will play but I got bad news for arctise now if he loses this he's out Kobe's kind of been knowing that as he fought Raven Kingston a lot on the line here goes for that neutral air good stuff carrying that boomerang that thing is safe but get over here into the up throw good combo damage coming on from my point coach yeah Justin am I in my head man just thinking about it I feel like having Falcon should have a hard time at least against Kobe Toby always seems to have like the perfect placement of his boomerangs or bomb pressure just to kind of keep uh separation between him until he can get that a first hit and then make his way in Captain Falcon obviously wants to always be on top of you but if you keep getting afforded by just small hits It's Gonna Stop you momentum so look at this man 99-12 52. let's say my man has been really good at catching uh off the ledge though or at least his last point he's not to watch out for is gonna eat that back here oh he rolls out of it that's match-up known I thought that he knows he just rolled out of that and now punishment button grab combo coming on from Kobe what's that there but archetype's not gonna give him any other okay 46 to the 26 definitely can get that back pretty soon but yeah he has to pick and choose his spots in uh quickly as you said look at that man 46.99 my man has racked it up to 116 in like 10 seconds off one mistake yeah bro man he made one Eric oh that one Eric could have caused it Kobe right there as well but luckily I like probably saw her in that last game um with Big Mac young Link does you know not as elusive as she gets so when they get hit they are gonna get hit for a little bit longer and doesn't have to also get up get out of those situations so let's see uh falcon can kind of lock any link down but good pacing on the floor there they're gonna get that very last hidden for that move because that first hit obviously has that knockback setting up I go for those double back yards over there with some really nice combos not gonna get much off this button they are in the lead right now as they do have two stops so they are doing really well over here on Titan needs to find someone to get the head in the game yeah man I mean like he is Dev oats where are you going to get that ass over here come talk to me real quick that's safe Kobe is just I mean he's just always on point with the pressure he's putting on and as soon as our taxes in Shield I feel like he has to hold that oh wait Kobe looks so unfront the fight against him yeah yeah he looks so not fun to fight against because he's just oh I'm not gonna miss some guy like you're dead as well but yeah no eggs goes for the downer try to finish that off and stop you definitely gotta go now goodbye Brad's gonna kill two League doesn't have that now because Adult Link so that's great combo game decent kill power fast movement great projectiles what else does his character need a good grab as well good recovery options character has it all and Kobe is using every single one of it to move up here in CB it actually is kind of surprising this character doesn't get as much like way more places okay the young league so I agree I think we should see more of this character but when you have a lot easier options because I do more damage and kill earlier where it comes from but I'm gonna move on into game number two right now Republic making a really nice two-stop lead coming on from that last game so let's see how archives wants to adjust yeah okay definitely don't want to count our archives out until like the game over there instead of actually over there goes again because I mean that boy like crazy come back yeah yeah and that match did not look fun once he gets in the face of young lady he's good awesome using that move so there's a Bear Advantage uh pretty good move on your face blasted Justice little boys that's not just this little boy don't count me out steps why yet aren't I saying as he takes that first stop to absolutely just blasted off that one man down we gotta try to keep this momentum up you know that's that's how Falcon really shines you get that first stock and just like all right man I'm in your head I got the Reeds you about to start uh sucks real early the new player not gonna be enough just yet I like the way Kobe's playing near the ledge right we were in the truck we made out a jump um normal get up and then he's playing with the Legends so that's gonna pay off there with that really good quarter to take that stuff but listen to seven percent not too bad he only can make it up a little but now we're in trouble oh no actually ends up taking that and gets back to Landing bro [Music] [Music] crop yeah there we go another one maybe not gonna line up in time but does he does kind of force that jump off the ledge actually by filling that up there I almost got the uh the dock off of that up here neutral there though everything just sitting too far away but not past that Blossom just yet however maybe this one Oh I thought that was another up here for sure yeah I got scared there maybe the back the back of rules really killed from that area oh if he cobbled off with that that'd been really good but even with full rage back there not to get the kill he's looking for after he smash him off the platform or the left it gets that up there good awareness coming out from Kobe I like that he just knew that was gonna work it's definitely not over for archetypes yet I mean he has the damage here onto Kobe he just has to find that good final hit Kobe I mean his looseness is starting to step up here later in the later half of this second game big yeah big damage yeah put him in the deli with them ribs bro that was really smart he used the jab it's a fast option not gonna kill Odyssey but you know it's just like really good hey man you gotta back up uh you can't be touching me like this ah the boomerang helping him out wow the cross open to the backer that was really impressive that was I mean I think the next unfortunately no did get the salary there it is yeah sweet sweet spot in that back here that number coming through and getting that stock NOW 65 now 81. this is uh all right for architis still can make something uh work here this is good yeah right oh God stop using that in there in the middle of ultimately that Boomerang is a homie oh my goodness but foreign have you seen Kobe he wants those on like every single post ever whoa that di was suspect as hell bro but we good I did not like where he was going back here no I love how he's made it back in Arizona that was a frame attack he had to do that still living all the way to the other side 160 though man he's living on borrow time for sure be like oh no not like this but I I respect the way called he's playing okay that shouldn't do it you do not you don't want to play with that Derek you just don't want you you don't want to mess with Kevin Falcon when he got raised when you're on your last stop he'll do something terrible to you bro I go down Aaron to me you up smash you wrap the Boost you stomp on you like there's just so much that character can do to ruin your day and ruin your life so good thing Kobe puts it out real quick I like watching Falcon but art Tice if he doesn't win this game then I think he's gonna be out the bracket yeah man but you know I was the same man the master just doesn't look that fun for Falcon all of them momentum just continuously getting stopped just I mean the disruptive gameplay and projectiles up Kobe really just keeping him at Bay and on top of that like young Link does have really good uh Frame data as far as being able to scrap up close too you know with those new players back ears a jab all of that comes out very quickly so it's been a he called it like you said man he can scrap with you he can Zone you out I mean it's it's lucky for Tinley because okay because the links aren't sandless right they're not going to kill you off of a projectile because they're combo kicker they gotta do Boomerang or bomb into Fair into a bear into those moves so but soccer ride just gave young Link the best out of all the toolkits oh yeah and so Kobe like I said man just using all the toys abandoned meanwhile Falcon has good frame and a good options it's just that he has to get into the face of Douglas who has really safe Aerials which is really crazy maybe click the roll out but no Kobe is fought out at almost every corner so far step on okay I was like it might be time there it is yep set knock back of the Nair into that uh knee of justice and that's gonna be Curtis it was an idea for sure but hey I saw it yeah it was an idea for sure oh wait hold up oh he's trying to rock oh he was something he actually wanted to rob that stop so hard to finesse the hell out of it bro all right want to make it uh back to the state potentially up there getting right back and Kobe almost with the Great Space to get that episode to uh let's go ahead and finish that yeah goodbye it's only but so much that you can take even regardless of how heavy Falcon is 178 you eventually gonna lose that stock Kobe just all over on tight yet again that man is stuck in shield and when he's in Shield he's getting scooped Let Him Live bro let him play it's gonna be all right it's gonna be all right man it's gonna be all right man I promise sometimes with a hammer sometimes with a nail bruh I ain't gonna tell you which one you are right now but it's gonna be all right I will tell you he's definitely an abort this time I have to tell you exactly which one but he is in the board this time wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh wait oh my God yeah honestly if you would have hit that knee I would have just ran off after that like no you can have the rest of the game bro I got my clip I'm out of here you know what Kobe's just got like I don't know what to say genuinely like that because he's got like that matchup was terrible like just I mean you can say all you want but I know who's walking up that stage the winner and it's definitely Kobe gets the first hit of four there into down smash bear does have that set knock back down smash tuning horizontally right at the ledge as well not much you can do against that not much you can do against High not much you can do against not much you can do against that so we are now going to see e Sam versus I don't know next okay all right man now I think we have Ethan versus the Pokemon yeah yeah yeah I was like I remember who was uh who was that because we had a pretty cool game between uh the Pokemon trainers flash um the Weaver trainer but yeah once the Pokemon Trader came out it was It was kind of curtains yeah this kind of curtains there I like the Steve you want to stick to your guns right why go for something that you know can work in theory when you can stick with what you know apply that better and that usually ends up working out in Brackets right so unless you just have like a lot of confidence in the character you're picking so stick with what you know you know that's what's more important here oh yeah some astronaut is stepping up to the stage could potentially see a Pokemon battle Pikachu versus Pokemon trainer or it might you know the me brawler might come out all depends uh I think if I learn anything from the last matchup with Islam gotta watch waves push some of those Shields because I mean the up smashes will also fly just like they did with the buzz with Charizard like they're gonna happen bro so you gotta get you gotta be ready for that you gotta see how you're approaching those Shields a little later uh or a little later into your own stocks life but we'll see exactly how this plays out in a quick second as we get everything set up on the stage how you liking this you enjoying yourself comic break I come here every year I don't only reason I didn't come last year is because I had to go to Portugal or something but ever ever since you have GTX I've been to every comic breaker and I will never not go to a comic breaker for as long as I'm commentating this is my first one while we have time to touch my community for getting me out here this stuff a donation goal my community has been super kind letting me come out here and of course tongue and that's your composting has been really neat I spoke to City yesterday it's gorgeous man so I am very honored to be here and chat I hope you guys are having a great time watching this event I'm having a great time hosting it blessing my boy TK we got some awesome people welcome to behind the scenes and if you don't like smash for some reason that's understand why melee we got melee we got fighters we got multiverses we got freaking Tekken we got freaking Street Fighter we got skull girls like come on we got everything that you would like in the FDC but okay Smash Action right here right now people all right so it is definitely the me brawler who's going to try out first not the Pikachu against the Pokemon trainer maybe he has an idea of what he wants to do I do think Emmy brawler definitely doesn't have like uh oh it does a good job of handling with you know the smaller hitboxes or hurt box of uh Squirtle for sure you always have that drifted nuclear very similar to uh to Mario but on top of that man you know if you end up new if you're gonna find one of these uh grabs on the platform the escort will die just like a 50. goodbye [Music] what do I know he's better than me goes for that oh really nice wavelet on that last one goes to the back here not gonna land it has the shot put for the lead coverage I like it I like it I like it there's that my my man did five percent oh wait oh wait oh he's good he's good oh all right no no no no no no no dude the camera in the game is like where do I go yeah do I go down there do I go on there what is this game camera kind of lie to us to be honest I was like oh he is gonna end up living that there's that back here down throw into a bear and all the paces on mastronado he's godliness it's a paces and it's the literal confidence to still be on Squirtle at 97 like he's like yeah bro this is this is who's winning this matchup for me hold up little swap oh swap up giving him some of that invincibility wait a second 84 has that shot but like I said I like the lens coverage there's the Dropkick goes back here didn't get the sweet bundles I'm not gonna get the kill half the air dogs there we'll sit down here not gonna get it hanging on the legs don't be dancing around that Shield bro you know what time okay there it is [Music] alive with rage wow surprising dude [Laughter] it's gonna wait about the patience here we'll do it and then the dropkicks will definitely drop kicking unfortunately they're not getting past that Blast Zone just yet though my Dash attack though yeah my dad's attack okay okay doesn't get the iPhone no don't do it to him oh look at that dog oh this game this game sucks this game sucks he earned that he earned it he did he did well ended up taking that one to the dome but after he earned that smash we should have been into the next game we should have been picking a stage right now can we come on damn that's all I can say about this you know what the Pokemon trainer was correct we did a squirtle because bad work there didn't matter it was rats that's what it was going insane yeah give score to his trophy now that's what I'm saying give him his rings for some reason to run I have he deserved it I think we yeah I think we'll be taking the Pikachu now I mean I don't I'm sure that the the meatball has done some work somewhere in this bracket but like and on the matches up team so far the brawler has just not been able to do it yeah I but I just think Pikachu has a lot more things to tease out certain characters right if you have that back here you have the mayor Loop you have that up air combos right there's a lot of things that Pikachu just can do to you that meat brawler wants to do looks just a little bit better maybe not kill last or take his ass hard but Pikachu is I think more okay hold up got him going low okay I'm able to get back to the stage [Music] there it is and if you play Pokemon you know you'll type Thunder Beast of water good stuff coming on to Easton oh no and that's I mean that's really the downside of playing sometimes you know uh playing uh Pokemon trainers because you're like all right I'm not that close to death and then you get caught in a very opportunity and it's gonna count as well in Pikachu F smash it was really it's pretty strong for what it is I'm not gonna lie it's not like oh if that's the type of Advantage again it's light time get that out of here come on bro bro he really oh no he said it was Lopez he said one smoke he said was all the smoke that's insane look this is straight Turn Around from that first game though and I'm glad to see it because yeah it took us a little bit uh to find some type of esam uh momentum and that's what we got going on here one stock left here on to Mastronardi won't say that he can't make this back though we've seen some crazy comebacks from him yeah Lefty says that there's electronic Samuel you know what I'm saying he knows this game inside and out it's just that masternode looking to make a really nice upset here at homographically three here comes the Charizard I don't I think Pikachu might not be able to get up smashed by it by a Charizard because he's so small we can see it later I'm not gonna you know I'm not gonna say that's true but I think he can't pancakes other things that Charizard can't do without smash so oh okay I'm trying to find him one more time yeah that should be enough for sure the up smash here from Pikachu Pikachu actually stronger uh you know smash tank you don't get to see it that often I would like to see it more because I do like it but you know it's a bit laggy yeah yeah yeah it's not like Fox where like you can like just you know throw out a saint there and then use it out um if you know it's there it's punishable you know what I'm saying so it was easy I'm talking who are you talking to are you not are they not talking to me are you talking are you who are you talking to yeah on the phone bro faith on the phone bro I'm going so here we go into our third game you say I'm able to pull it out with the Pikachu but you know definitely I just never count out mastronade Amanda's uh no they're God like made some comebacks Pokemon trainers looking clean also have the Steve on Deck just in case he wanted to try it but I think we won't be seeing that anytime soon oh going back to smashville you know what Squirtle did you really well on that map um even more advantage on that stage is critical you cannot you do not want to stay in neutral you want to hold on to that very safe because the stage is so small and that platform is there it's kind of held whatever you want to for a very long time and I love the way it master that holds out forward when he's the round starts on the stage so oh you might you might oh he didn't get the second I was what is going on he didn't get the second angle you're on the box bro there's supposed to be no Tech errors on that you're on the Teeter controller if I was like hitbox I'd be like that's enough oh is [Music] wait he actually almost still got caught right there like how did he know he was gonna go straight down oh yeah eat them though right here this one oh not enough very close the Bears it's kind of crazy because izum had such a solid game when he swapped the Pikachu and now look at mastronade oh from the top dude sending that Thunderbolt down from the heavens a strike running man down but let's see fourth though you're not get oh my God you're not dead right the next one though yeah goodbye that covers a lot of space I think trying to get the roll on there yeah no I think that covered uh roll on and stand to get up to your timing correctly that's crazy down two not gonna get it that's fine back down throw what's that back there Squirtles a little bit too small to combo so that's going to be doing a lot of favors here for macronade right but what's it called the anti-air down tilt once that foreign they really really good angle I would say good sir but not gonna let it rip that's fine make some recovery than my friends coming through goes for that sneaky blind whip yes yes oh yes big brother is out watch yourself they both going for the crap look at the oh yeah goodbye with grab into I'm flying out of here bro Master not a plays like they're late for work they are late for something to take that Swig of water yeah yeah delicious that the duel it has armor too why why I was gonna give an army give it I'll call it something like Ray bird I don't know something it's hey bro I I didn't make the rules here I see yeah all right so some Pikachu coming back out for the fourth game uh Isam you know was able to take a solid second game but yeah Max and I turned that thing all the way around yep oh yeah he wanted this so bad that would have been really bad for him out the wrong direction good stuff wants to grab down throw into waterfall good stuff coming on for this portal now we have a full charge water gun to push them off stage trying to get a little more on to the side of a projectile coming in from uh evil oh man that buddy cannot live bro light Little Feather bro and this is I didn't realize this is 2-1 imagine this would be such a big upset if you ended up making this W happening go for that four tilt all the up tilt does like the left the switch no go for the side special as well I love that play Downton go for the jump good switch but for the jab that's fine down till get off me bro genuinely both uh good options there on that right side was the side me coming out and the and the thunder coming out because if the side B did hit the Thunder it was gonna reverse him but he wasn't gonna die at least still put he's having a good spot to try to go for an edge guard but at the very least my son already had a chance to recover so I'm gonna give that one up both sides don't yeah don't stand up oh my God I have never seen that kill at least like that like sometimes I see the the suicide uh waterfall but oh defin definitely knows how to get back into this game though as quick as possible hold up we're getting long combos out here from seems like he's back into the group catching them again with the backyard yeah get him off the stage oh can't get back four don't don't do it don't do it don't do it okay scar brother help me oh no you were already dead I gotta make sure you're gone I'm gonna put you on a teacher to make sure you're gone he could afford smash him he said nah I know you're gonna do it I Know You're Gonna Roll hit him with that up smash we're going to a game five people here at combo breaker crowd makes some noise Who's Gonna Take It bro Ethan that was that was a I want to make sure my momentum is on an all-time high when we get to this next game so he's like if I get this read I know he's feeling super good yep I think I think that might be it I think he I don't know I don't want to call it does have the momentum here mastronado has a lot to prove right now he wants to get this up into the bracket the loser of this is out of the tournament so it all comes down to this after you have a game five situation Pokemon Stadium Pokemon characters I'm gonna ask for a more uh a more accurate fight right now yeah man we are themed up it's like you know whoever's winning this not gonna crowd the champion this will definitely be moving on yeah all right so 40 now already on to Mastronardi who put the sixes out okay okay man just get away from that that is sometimes but if you're able to I don't cancel it like that we good that's unfortunate he thought that was gonna work too I did as well but not gonna work out for him you know what he wants man watch himself bro what he wants oh no okay I'm gonna live but flamethrower eats them two different times where he's off uh off of the Mark just by a little yeah yeah yeah yeah seismic tossed get him out of here bro from the sky downwards you know how we do things oh all right two more stops and mastronado makes a really nice upset here goes for that neutral there why are you on Charizard that's crazy but boy has the cojones of a God right now I mean sartha's gonna be the one that keeps them alive a little longer but like he's willing to bite like oh okay he's got extra jumps flamethrower [Music] we're just very close to trying to get the stock where he has not been able to find that final hit in Pikachu kind of struggling now you know you do have the kill power behind those smashes but they're not really safe to be throwing out like that oh nice crossover back here gonna avoid getting hit with that forward smash as well oh yeah yeah oh man one more stop is it one more stop people I don't know indeed one more stop but since later he's still not able to get this first one off yeah there it is finally finds it gets the nuclear up smash he's still in the game okay maybe kicker is gonna fall off with that t Joel good neutral let's be six percent there again [Music] waited for the Swap and then uh went for the Thunder instead but oh the fly not gonna be enough dead but hey you are on notice now that was dead okay oh he's fine he's yeah he's fine now okay can I save him a little bit but he's gonna jump yeah I don't know oh he's gonna jump over there oh no try to catch him with a TI makes maybe a little bit on the step Jukes I gotta get out oh no oh oh no no no the fly lead try read Mastronardi eliminating eastam from losers bracket making the very very nice upset with the Godlike fly Reed look at my man walk off in Victory you know he's feeling good man the first hit of that first of that fly hit he might have stuck the hand out bro it was a CJ no that he didn't even do that hey that's like look he knew that Easton thought he was in a bad position where he was going to maybe be scared uh maybe I'm going to like stay in shield and he was like actually I'm willing to bet I'm willing to bet the stock I put my money on him did read that and he you know got the stock he was still already at like what 120 on the glass oh yeah it was rough not not dead even if he missed like you said stop reset I'll just lose the next one and then you're good but no dude that Charizard game and I remember we was talking so much not in this game no yeah okay not this one before I was talking about definitely took the reins after that uh so that means we did line up our top four and we will be getting into our winners bottles very soon that's going to be after this small break guys don't go anywhere smash ultimate combo breaker 2023 will be right back yo you see that overhead oh my goodness nobody was blocking that I definitely got hit that was wild man these matches have been great oh absolutely you know what we're about to take a quick break here and combo breaker 2023 is still going on uh don't worry this time we're gonna order for it we got you don't don't even worry about it be right back don't forget to head on over to the combo breaker shop to check out all the amazing merch but don't delay because that merch is gonna go quick welcome back to combo breaker 2023 as I said we are now in top four territory that means we got four people left in this tournament and we are about to try to clown a winner very soon but we got to get through this top uh spot let's go ahead and look at the bracket real quick we got Big Mac is cheek rolling up against the buzz who has several characters that we can see right now but I'm assuming oh I I can see it actually it's the Rosa Lena and Luma and then on the other side of things the PT going up against Kobe with the young Link so that's what we got left here in this tournament I mean some real big uh some real big ways to be made in this top eight but even bigger ways to be made in the top four yeah some real hitters some real killers over here in this top four for sure we saw the buzz play so well he played so well with the Rosalina versus e Sam making this way over here in the Winner's side and then we [Music] and then we have Big Mac over here rocking the Sheep I hate making like smash more references when I do these things because like it's a bit corny but like both these characters were really really good in Smash 4. fell off quite a bit in Ultimate but as we see later Parts in the game we sing a lot more of them like Mr R always and obviously last game with some really cool Rosalinda players so let's have this first game will work out this is a matchup I have not seen ever in my entire life um right now yeah you know what that's actually fair I can't even think about it there's not a crazy amount of cheeks and there definitely isn't that many uh wrestling a lot less of those yeah so a big night it's gonna have to figure out exactly how to get around this now she probably does have a hard time really getting a little off of there doesn't really have the strongest hit so maybe dashtag can do it but it has to be close to the edge um outside of that though okay there we go you see yeah Dash that does kind of launch but not at the greatest angle to get uh Luma out of here yeah and Rosalina is a really big characters an explosion here um I don't really know if Rosa has more kill power than actually no everyone does not even in the game yeah right 98 to the 59 it does feel like Big Mac has been putting up some uh some good hits but just none of those long combos or longer combos that we saw from his uh match earlier against archives on the grenade hit hits that back row for that point here not gonna land it just in time it was with the reactions on that note you're not gonna do a standard get up on him he will get that grab okay all right smart oh but you know he's going to pull he shows his hand you know it's coming and he's gonna do it anyway yeah yeah it was a smash go hit your ass bro I don't care every time all right but now he has to figure out a way to get some more damage here onto the board against the buzz who was just making uh you know quick waves around him quick quick work of this uh first stock but now trying to make quicker work on the second one as well 69 not a lot uh here on the buzz at all especially for a sheep making comebacks happen not fun not fun at all so it's gonna be really difficult to see how big man can make this happen I mean you can maybe start looking above the ledges a little bit but Luma covers so much of the stage it's gonna be really awesome to kind of like you know position yourself properly and she is all about positioning and being at the right place at the right time but Luma does the same thing with that back here really nice flake amount from the buzz nice that is jab jab with a little bit into the dash Grabber who is this guy bro whose man's business somebody claimed him right I think liquid did as it gets the first two characters by the way how many controllers he got up there because it definitely feels like oh yeah he got the whole like motherboard he got like four five different games man stop playing with my hands and feet at the same time what up and this is Winners finals as well so if he wins wins meanwhile big mess looking real nice is guaranteed third here's that we can take seconds then why take that we can take first so let's see what he has to offer yeah go and load another yeah he's gonna be able to go high this time around not getting that sweet spot of the back here unfortunate for Big Mac would have definitely taken that stock because uh it was Sour spot knocked the bus high up enough for instance come to the stage and get back to the stage first now Big Mac still struggling to find the stock might end up potentially seeing a three stop the bus is getting close to that up smash percentages absolutely man what the three percent go for the star base got to be really careful oh that is dirty have a little behind you as he rolls forward [Music] I don't I don't know if you play Smash stick but I just imagine just laughing the hell up not like this man and that was the rules that was Luna yeah let me say I'll do it I mean like he he covers so much area too he got the Luma bait and switch he runs for and then he rolls back Luma takes the spot now it's like I got Luma oh Smash and I got me up smashing where you gonna go and the rage on Luma even I don't know it like I mean I I see luma's little arms no they'll like reach they'll like reach over and hit you and I'm just like oh it does that it goes that fastball foreign all very same single hit um single hit uh moves single uh digit you know uh negative sorry about that and I'm so clear but let's see how they play on the stage I think genuinely so from the years of watching The Buzz uh and I'm not saying this is a Bad Company by any means uh it's just kind of like I wouldn't pick only because I've watched him enough I do not like giving the buzz a platform in Center Stage yeah the buzz is too good at making a playing house or having a bodyguard the front door while I'm making sure you can't get over him he's gonna have Rosalina on one end and then Luma on the other that's it also have their Dimension um Big Mac might not be familiar with this matchup right here with his character so we're seeing a little bit of character unfamiliarity and not only is the buzz really good not knowing what they can do it's gonna cost them a lot so you gotta be the better player here and with all due respect to Big Mac you can stop seeing in here oh God yeah yeah yeah take a shot for every UPS man you'll be out like a light yeah off one set too bro my liver don't work no more bro all right how are we going to get back to Stage just easily get that you know no uh no real opposition coming in from Big Mac again has to figure out a way to get this loom out of here quicker uh then he is the death tag is seems to be the only ground move that's launching this uh Luma but it is not enough to knock it in my off of a stage unless Lynn was like right at the edge there says the back here more smash coming through good stuff on that gas attack oh more important more there's the four tilt into the up here 121 almost dying there I don't know how heavy Rose they're probably mid-weight I'd imagine a Midway character so I think about the world is actually pretty light um yeah weirdly enough in this game I keep I'll make some characters all the time but in uh Mario Kart she's hella heavy but in this game um uh good stuff what's the gap not gonna kill come back here that's unfortunate but they do have one more stop meanwhile this is just how she operates can't really kill until he hits them really late marks like 175 here but you got a whole set two stops to make up for you no someone's just like ah I got them flip I happened to hit I happen to hit a dash attack to get the stock as she just definitely know you're like you're way far behind like that's your option for uh for the stock it's like damn dude 175 on this light character that is Rosa too like it's a rough time it's a rough outing yeah out of there now so that's really good you can make some happen here to buzz you need to give us any type of space behind him he will hit that Dash back so that'll be up where you're that gotta be ready to you know punish that space behind him as well I would maybe like to see um a lot more like I know they're trying to but like you know Fade Out folders with the Lumas see if they can kind of like poke them out but like the buzz is just not only taking good care of luma as well but Luma is always in front and sewing hit Luma right that end like he has from that move Rose just walks up and hits you so that's really hard to deal with I actually like what Big Mac's doing I was just about to say the grenade might be able to uh get him out here a little faster so I saw him throw two grenades it's kind of neutral but uh a little far away from the buzz I actually do anything about it okay okay quick F smash and now they have barely barely made him with more sugar a little bit earlier that would have worked like just not gonna sadly yeah but also probably sometimes coming back I'll come back a little aggressive with that that uh foreign character as well and you know again the buzz was liable to drop that up smash oh my God saluma taking all these explosions all right but here we go here's the Trap okay good stuff gonna jump over it not gonna get the push I'm looking forward that's really unfortunate there again they want that Nair into up there and on that platform as well but Luma is just like No don't touch her he's like not me bro yep no you can hit her don't hit don't don't come on don't mess with me no no no okay later dude that Luma back here sends it the worst thing that's like straight horizontal no life no like almost like a little bit awkward no that's just straight Blast Zone better game definitely there for Big Mac but I mean still it was handily in front uh we're gonna go right back to the Halo bashing seems like the stage you know definitely did benefit him yeah this matchup I I don't know it and really anybody does and on paper it looks like she could do okay with it right they have the airspeed to like cover those fluid angles Rosa likes the time to play at but the buzz is just really playing passively letting Matt come to him and he's just pushing them on all their uh all their Endeavors all their confirmed so gotta play it real carefully we're going for them up bears as well but for the back air forward smash it's an important almost had that conversion there but there's the down smash okay I mean 62 here so the seven percent finally gets a little something something on the board but and Luma is going to get him out of there that's great um you know situation for Big Mac if you can get back to the stage oh that man if he lost that it was definitely right you were way too far away again up there oh oh that's so that's so cool that's so cool I don't know I don't see the confirmed and the fact that that's the thing you can do I didn't know whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa he can fix me yeah bro the four throw to the Luma Dash in there and then I thought he was honestly actually about to get another follow-up off that but he just keep himself very close uh two big back Big Mac now put a little question on nice Tech yep getting that loom out of there kill him kill him while they're down I gotta fight me mono Iman about the bug Perry gets that forward whoa luckily behind the buzz on that grab otherwise that'll smash is definitely gonna rock he was now trying to put that I'm putting limo right back in front putting that pressure on the Big Mac mayor okay no oh man Luma just like no F off but for that grenade Instagram there oh wow gonna low profile that up smash I didn't have enough to just go for the converter you got that good away no back up back up break up don't go for that it actually kind of playing the Zona Rosalina too with the starfish that girl yep get him out of here just holding the ledge down oh I didn't want to roll there I get it get him protected I'm not sure if the eye Prince became in clutch there uh Smash and Luma was right there that was maybe a bit stronger a little more percent that was gonna be current okay yet again continuously pushing our Big Mac off the stage put him right back in that same bad position Luma float back to still getting up here [Music] no let see 70 you know maybe get like enough smash chitty no speech body I need a combo near the legs or something like that would be awesome oh I'm not gonna get that second get something for it only gets that bad throw though so I'm not gonna be too terrible no limit so the person's not gonna be as insane with that four smash really badly bash attack again gonna stick that ground up there's a Forward Air Forward Air again gonna recover low I love the offer coming on from Big Mac I think he lost those needles unfortunately [Music] himself yeah goodbye all right luma's gone that's good back air from the safe moves for pressure downstairs I like going oh I like your shoes into the back here kick it to the back of the head all right chill game here for anybody but this was trying to oh the jump will take in okay does manage can still get to the left time to get him attack does work to hit the buzz but a small hit from Luma I'm gonna put him right back in that same position hold up how else was it gonna end yeah but there's only something you can I bet it now there's always been bet on the up smash so yep that'll do it that'll definitely do it I gotta say I really like Big Mac's trip I like the Disney drip as well but the buzz Gonna Take It 3-0 over Big Mac the Rosalina coming in super heavy super hot here man I love watching this character I want to see more of her right like I don't see them no it does obviously but oh is that my boy Kobe and Kobe but that is going to be after a small break so guys don't go anywhere comma breaker 2023 will be right back whoa whoa whoa you still here man you don't have to do this by yourself anymore yeah we've been looking for you everywhere they'll handle the ads let's go see the rest of Chicago y'all make sure to head over to the combo breaker shop right now and check out all the amazing merch from shirts to hats and More in store get it today like memories of your experience and combo Baker 2023 here in Chicago Illinois we're having a great time man we just saw the buzz clean the house earlier we just saw mastronade rocking the PT and we just saw Colby rocking a young Link but guess what these two are fighting each other right here right now my name is Arbiter I'm with DK Breezy TK what can we expect from this match man all right now honestly this is also a match I feel like I haven't seen a crazy amount of because of the fact that we don't really see that much BT lately like PT is a is a uh year one main for a decent amount of people in this game but you know people have like kind of Fallen all the way so I don't plan them not Mastronardi though I'm saying I'm still in I'm still in the mix he only has that thing though Kobe you know we've seen the way he's been playing after like his his attack pattern has been absolutely insane and hard to break through so that's gonna be something that match tonight is going to have to be a worry about I predict we're gonna get at least one uh one breakout fly for sure yeah I'm getting them we're getting at least one breakout flight one there and we're gonna be out of Shield bro what are they doing oh okay here's the kingdom just just just just run a sign real quick oh he got a bomb is that a stick oh he feels oh no that's a stone chalice oh you got one Harlow he got a ferry I love bro commenting the speed uh Speed Run of that game would be a lot of fun oh yeah it's gonna be fun as well young League versus Pokemon trainer [Music] check though I like Kobe's iPhone that's a man who's been throwing that hair off for at least five years that is tight tight bro yeah let me know how y'all are feeling chat give me an 07 or a one if you're enjoying come on 53 shout out to production photographers out to the crowd behind us shout out to everybody in Boston shout out to you guys for watching so give yourself a quick pal in the back give me a one in chapter as well we're gonna get right into game number one to hear real soon but uncheck is over Butler End Zone big tricks are 100. you get uh gaming Generations um what's that I don't know MSI hitbox and other great launchers also the art for this thing is super cool I'm sure you all have seen the cp23 arc is Godlike oh yeah it's actually God like me here we go here we go here we go game number one here people Go game one Kobe coming out as I said with the Toon Link uh and here on the other side of things we're gonna have that PT out Squirtle starting off now it's probably the time where he can try to rack up the most damage portal uh you know although being a turtle pretty much getting there pretty quickly and keep those combos going oh no we can pause that the bomb is going to hit too I was like yeah that's the little spice on top exactly Man Down throw but for that Forward Air very nice option up here into 42 percent yeah go chase down this is a this is what you kind of had to do to Kobe really though it's just you got to be able to stay on top of them kind of force him into the the scrappy girl wow All Right Moves great like out of combo he's like oh I'm in a combo I'm up there and hopefully is it anything all right cool so we're trying to create a little space but he can't do it because this I said this corner just on top of him man holding dear life right there with the shield that I got hit by every single one of those dudes bro that defense was Immaculate down throw down here into back there into up there masternode taking first bloody here at combo breaker game number one here hey smarter than weight too I thought he was gonna actually just hit let that Ford air drop he's like wait a minute I can get a stock here drops on that platform and instead goes for oh oh hold on man I might have to get him off the Squirtle Steph goes for the uh uh the up air though now back onto the Ivysaur might not matter so just apparently living skating power on that Blast Zone might be time for Big Boy Charizard nice nice just in time you got two bombs to worry about he'll come I'll take the damage it's fine okay there's there's that mirror if you if you sworn hopping it won't heal but it does have a c-spot or I hate that you want to land for so it doesn't matter okay that's fine just chase him down real quick with the jab combo maybe expecting uh Kobe trying to pull over there getting that side B uh out but portal damage he's racking it up so quickly thank you that bomb is just like this one it would force him to jump but I like his leg is not gonna move I'll wait you gotta blow up not me yeah man you know he's actually he's a really big uh it's a very sweet it's a virtually in this game too it's also a great skill to have man some people just kind of get plus and start rushing in and that's when they start running into all the traps with their opponents that unfortunately though Toby now starting to kind of get a slight lead here the bombs doing work he's got his time to set up the Squirtles at 100 so he is hurting my time for a switch yep there it is I really love that up there coming out for me both of the cars I gotta get a tiki look up you there not gonna work out has to switch there it is so I get it you really don't want to jump there I I would just get up attack and took the ball as well but that foreign [Music] we get a little scared but I forget you know you can always just swap it out right there get that extra jump for Charizard too smash almost come out waiting for the iframe stuff what the hell man actually hit him with the sour spot him too the sour patch combo in there right there what is this 106. this is not looking so good for massonite on the first oh I would have air guards I was dead I would have air dogs oh my God cut the tail off slow boat let's go come on just just do it right there every time you ran off the stage with and everything he's like you know what man I'm gonna finish the game right here right now that Ford air does have just enough power to get past that Blast Zone first game going over to Kobe I need you to die I need you to die now no time wasted Kobe in that first game with that for there I love I like watching all the links because why not but like I like watching Good Feeling play because they just it just looks like this word all right word all right uh so Enderman Steven has made an entrance here at uh combo breaker 2023 loser Simmy see if the Steve can actually make it or Enderman if you will see if he can make something to happen in that block good Tech I thought he gonna get maybe gotten something crazy off that block at the top but I was I was gonna assume he was going to up to it after that just like all right I think you're gonna attack that yeah give it a dick I mean uh good uh Dash attack 33 are making stairs money's really architect right here oh my God he's the he's the I may make it oh but you know what okay no more jokes um fire fire arrow boomerang Dash attack oh no we gotta get we gotta get back on here like I'm not really seeing Steve uh like getting that level of advantage that we normally use the scene I feel like everyone looks so uncomfortable playing against Steve but right now what's up Kobe's like you know what I got this like even just like even if you're better than the Steve or if you know the matchup right but we're like really just can't play the way you want to team is very polarizing in that sense to where he gotta makes he doesn't really play Smash like other characters do right so Kobe's not playing it wrong it's just that oh is that death no I think the boomerang kind of fun with him a little bit over there but that is fun he is going to be able to get some nice damage good retaliation with that foreign gonna get caught by that upbear though the air down destroyer and honestly just uh you know long-lasting hip-hop skin uh young Link just Glides through the air with the sword out gonna eventually uh get you hit 98 though oh the blender up stupid little kid come on Ryan playing with you so if there was like slight less damage there I've definitely seen that combination of getting the neutral air there getting the back air and then or not to get a new player getting the upbeat back here and then getting another upbeat on the platform love that combination nah facts man and awesome oh Steph Curry maybe that ball went straight through let's go but watch out for that until the diamond that game's gonna be a lot safer down till I like your stories my boy what you got on I'm doing some of that oh that's gonna be a lot of damage okay so our stuff has in there he knows he could not afford to get hit by anything he has to offer but for a jab lock there oh this character is so same this character is so safe it is insane okay we're actually getting that new player Oh step back one more time this is definitely not looking too good for uh more mastronade though existing he's the one a little more uncomfortable in this matchup he's building he's doing the Steve stuff it just doesn't seem like he's getting the Steve Jenks really hit yet Kobe doing a really good job of being a elusive around the cart around the Anvil and getting the three-piece not enough though still the damage is up another upayer definitely should be able to take it that's absolutely manage the thing is right I feel like I'm like really can't okay fairly good wreath if this is what Steve does man you can be behind but never out oh yeah oh yeah oh he got those yeah yeah that was easy just looking for a way to finish his thoughts man a lot of these uh options being thrown out but none of them actually uh registering yet 156. you know he has uh options you know he has a way he can honestly just drop in there and probably get a stop here too and I opted to get a diamond pick or more Diamond interesting [Music] he took a lot of damage there so and I like the fact that Kobe people say it's useless it kind of is but you know it does a little bit of something right he's actually hits the crafting block when Steve has to recover right that way he has to you know use that material to get it back so over there but finally uh gets a chance to get away from that left hey this is actually looking a little better than the beginning of this game here from nationality though like he has the uh he has the lead and has a potential a chance to get a a game on the board here even if it's with the Steve I know everybody I don't know how they be about the Steve but I'll win the win I'm not accepting like a song and that's really funny and yeah you're not doing anything those projectiles are doing jack bro it's the pro he's got he's got the the strong materials the top round now so yeah you're gonna have to throw like a couple of bombs on that one like you need bomb arrows yeah someone to help him out oh wait a second how did he do it where did he find that game bro deep in the pockets was that game there with the limp he was like oh there it is my fault my fault that was my game that's right crazy the pros flabbergasted over here bro Arbiter is absolutely flabbergasted at that game being stolen like that the hell out of them even next the hell out of them yeah that was I don't know how you how did it happen bro that was blood armor bro I think he got one down and hit him with the with the with the Wind Waker kill bro that's all he needs bro that's got the finishing blow for a reason all right so oh wow goes back I feel like you didn't do that battle with Steve you just kind of got Shamrock at the end that was actually a Steve game that was a Steve win yeah he just got like a little bit outplayed over there but maybe he just wants to sit with his guns but the Steve was not looking fast there okay potential last game gear for mastronado depending on what uh we get you know here Kobe though did kind of make a quick work of the Pokemon trainer the first time dude Boomerang return hit into Fair very nice option coming out from uh Kobe oh look at that Shield pressure baby my boy gave Forward Air the bomb came back he let go too early took a boot to the face not gonna die though 114 I mean he hasn't been put in this position a lot where like he almost loses that stock with Squirtle and then he's just stuck on the list swapping to Charizard trying to still get back with Charizard being the bigger Target still the New Slayer then as soon as the other side resetting the situation same thing happened on the left or right happened on the left now come on get the bunk on the head oh my God Jones deep for it what that bear and mastinate I don't want to call it but oh don't tuck it that weak out of my face really nice play but not gonna be enough after he's gonna get Jeff look the meat to the deli with that jab combo oh barely getting out of there nailed oh yeah we're gonna take that damage usually are like I can't I can uh follow too high up that's why he was able to throw that Boomerang a little earlier when he didn't try to go for a Fallout but he's still caught uh looking down here Knight in that uh Squirtle one more time though yeah nice bro King Arthur in that Squirtle oh yeah anybody else maybe maybe they could potentially live but not foreign [Music] we out he won that's not a one he won he won he got his one and he said that's my goat bro that's my guy that's my girl that's my guy that's my God it's it's he got his liquor so that I'm out of here you had a rest of this game I got what I came from I got what I got when I needed I got what I can he said I want I want you all right Russo that's gonna be Kobe moving he's got 3-0 and that means that we'll be getting into our losers finals that is going to be Kobe versus Big Mac Chic versus uh young Link we are in the Ocarina of Time let's get it I'm a fan oh you're right this is awkward Tom Cannon you're doing good right now you're doing good bro do you know how like tragic like jungling's life is bro this this either dies loses childhood or like just goes to fight the moon that's no fun that's the worst life ever absolutely so wrong dude you see us setting up getting uh getting into it real quick the young licks back out probably gonna hear that Chic real quick yep and then getting into our first game now I think she you know as a character that is very quick and possibly can't get in there probably has some good Interruption with the needles uh too and that speed should help uh match with young Link but I there's always the Battle of Daenerys and shakes near like has although it's a good narrow the hitbox is not nearly as good as people who have an air like that's fully under them so like in an air battle Kobe might almost almost always win so we'll see how that goes it's good but like I I just think Young links might be maybe a bit more I don't know I don't want to claim that I don't want to say numbers I don't want to be wrong because every time you say something wrong oh that's not true there's only some actual guy but I think yelling snare is a lot more safe than cheeks I I think I don't know I'm gonna call it I'll be wrong on it so young league also has more tools right has a has the sword has projectiles has a boomerang has the kill time with that forward here oh that's a fourth row so let's see how Big Mac got to play around these officers but I think is actually a really good Andrew's owner contenderizing that face with that jab so I think Big Mac isn't a really good spot here unless you don't really know the matchup I think people know how to fight because they at least have a game plan for him you know what I'm saying so I think it's just interesting me too because I feel like Kobe never looks like scared to swing and like no one's really like caught on to that like everyone's on shine you know yeah he's always like he's like you know what man I know most people probably even will sit here and roll because they keep putting the pressure on your standing in front of him he's like I'm a drop in there I'm gonna drop a four there yeah I'm dropping something you get off me I'm gonna hit you back oh lost the jump so might be his chime to make you get a little bit more aggressive so that was a let's drop Z drop interesting good start here for Kobe Big Mac not crazy far behind but again you know uh this is she she's gonna have to hit this uh young Link at least like nine times to really get him a kill percentage at least you're generous you're so excited you're gonna need like 85 athletes to get hit to 100 but there's that back here 96 and tonight's there like butter man we swim back on that list oh that is too early you know you're still right but I wanted to get a better performance off of that but not gonna get it charging up that needle that boomerang's not gonna do anything over there putting Stone numbers there's that downhill at the bond when the blow him up there we go that's what we need only 46 she does a lot of damage and she does a lot of hits so a lot of hits there we go there's a potential for some a lot of damage behind like uh the longest combo you've ever seen in your life man [Music] this time around Kobe the aggression actually kind of getting forwarded a little bit by a Big Mac but still though probably does have the damage already so finding one opportune Arrow could be uh could be uh it for Big Mac oh oh my God Kobe's so smart they Z drop the bomb if they have it that way when they get hit either right that's so that's so tricky and that's like just like really good magic buildings like saying okay if I have this in my hand I can use this I do the same thing when I play when I have my bump in my hand so it's cool seeing him capitalize off of that uh somebody has yeah to get now Big Mac on his last stop still got again another situation where he has some decent damage onto Kobe but has to find an opportunity kill if he is able to find a bouncing fish like we did in that last uh stock should be able to take it right around here if you can get uh Kobe off stage oh the low profile on him low profile yeah that's crazy just jumping down okay so I'm gonna set up the ledge for a little bit of that pressure the bomb blowing up oh top hit an air though what the hell did he get hit by the bomb could have been a combo wait for the UPS next match up no I kills it kills eventually I know that kills but eventually but no eventually I actually I would like to see more uh yeah because I feel like that's one of his safer uh kill options yeah man like if you could he got he got the backyard up smash you gotta get that yeah I know it has I'm surprised it killed that like I know Chic is light at a hundred and like like six percent damn she kind of down there bro damn she kind of down there right man give this character something bro this character put one percent on every single one uh sheets attack just one more one extra Big Mac and Kobe going in uh in that Big Mac actually gonna go ahead and go right back to his uh kind of pick that he used against the butt as well but Hollow Basher really likes the stage which makes sense he got the Disney fit on he said I keep it Disney for sure I thought he was gonna be a sore man dude I mean hey Sora does she sings you know like convo you Sora is that damage bro what is it all right I'm I'm done Kobe he cooks bro I'm sorry like I'm done what can you do he took my man for the wildest ride of his life I can't I can't believe it that was a 30 second stock dude that was he just grumbled the ass out of him yeah it's not looking too great now for uh Big Mac yet again this time losing that stock and right your time and not that much damage on Kobe uh before he lost that stock too Kobe just continuously keeping this pressure up I mean I feel like Big Mac has been on the back foot the entirety of the steps I'm pretty much mom actually hitting him this time the idea wrote a little bit too further than he was thinking I thought I didn't know he's gonna go that far either so I missed that one was there cordial into back here or neutral there I'm sorry man to cover that option but they're looking for the same thing has bomb there just not gonna send him far enough but does get some really nice damage this is that grab what's that person to that back here there's The Nair coming through oh Warrior now he's gonna get that one blocked a lot of trades right there uh as far as the hitbox don't lock flanks but still can't get though I love the fact that Kobe is willing like they'll miss that attack and still come down aggressive he's like you know what yeah I mean Mr Ford ever check these Jabs check this down yeah he knows it's just like you gotta watch out for only one of these moves so you gotta watch out for my fair or you take my jab but he doesn't get punished for it either because your link is just that safe yeah his moves have no lag on them and they come out really fast that's why I think this campus is just so slept on right good movement you have good projectiles and like you said he can box waiting too like they gave him all this you know that's the feeling like feel like I'm talking about Rob the way I'm talking about exactly got all this and he can box and he has a kill throw why but why this why does he need that you about to put him off again if he gets his next grab okay bomb in hand looking for that jump out of the corner a lot of people might have given up slap if that killed I would have actually like that up hey loving to see the way they were but look I'm telling you man you can't stop Toby he's definitely definitely has his mask looking like he's down to a side the back here is going to hit though sun lose that stun I mean took two whole stocks already and you took that first one at Riker time nice Boomerang gotta remember bro stop going right it always comes back man ifier it's a neutral air has the boomerang going down he dropped the bomb there's the near oh he's trying to get Crystal with him the damage already racked up here on to Big Max and I just don't really like I know how you get back from this game uh at least from this point Kobe almost getting the double bomb drop on him oh Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mickey Mouse that Mickey Mouse ass conversion there it is and big man it might as well be because I feel like this man is doing whatever he wants he definitely uses imagination in these combos all imagination right yo my name is Kobe and you're watching combo breakers oh that was game number two oh yeah it was okay he said it was that quick But Here we are now game number three now we are on the golden sheet the Super Saiyan oh I love this song I love the stage as well so let's see if it can make something happen I'm excited I really want to see I like seeing sheet man I really do but Kobe is just the showing as a widest character struggles a lot yeah I mean like Kobe it was like it's basically like a keeping sheep out of the range of being able to do any of the Chic stuff that she'd like to do my I just kind of the first time she was able to do something that she likes to do but between the bombs uh between you know always having a break yeah like she can't get any long combos going too because I feel like there's always a projectile just ready to save Kobe yeah they can Edge guard well but like the waves or make sure you're in a really bad spot unlike you know like Charlie talking about the Ford fair that was going to kill or you know or Bowser or even young Link who can go forward air off stage and kill you hey for the air another Dash attack right there actually looking pretty good this time around for Big Mac I mean he had him he has a percent lead it's really about all about candy turn this into a stock Kobe almost turned natural stuff wow popping out with that back here though yeah man oh that lands that lands okay buddy will find a uh needles bouncing fist anywhere don't jump don't jump he's always looking he's always looking we are like I said as a link we are always hoping you jump we are praying on our hands and knees at you jumping unfortunately big man can't fall for it but arguing sheep combos you know all that throws off of blood a little bit a bear cover that with that high option I like it has a fire arrow throws the bomb down be reverse off that Boomerang I love the movement coming home from Kobe picks it back up see he drops it like I say if we're getting hit does he drop the bomb after you catch it you lose the momentum or you take the trade so really good subscribe not allowed to have these more comments because of that bombing hand or the boomerang coming back something's always ready to break up uh his momentum so back here though it's time around the very even game developing gotta get oh almost got a raindrop it's bro it's out forever bro that thing lasts longer than one piece bro that thing is insane man there it is all right Forward Air final spot looking for Cody bro this would be curtains if he can't figure out something right now but I believe in the heat I believe in Big Mac I'm actually changed my name now folding Shield 102 has the needles see drops it good stuff on that neutral there [Music] hold up get down yep indeed get down now nice nice though Perry still looking for the needles bouncing fish I think if Kobe can keep the needles out of his hand he might uh be able to preserve the stocks for quite some time and as we've seen so far Kobe has no issue getting in there Drive he got hit with the foot on that one bro chure bomb there's not a combo outfit brother ready for the combo unfortunately 40 for the bouncing fish trying to go for some nice over there but it is looking like the buzz will be having to fight Kobe can't find this kill over here deepest grenade right there and oh I was like it might have worked but nope got the little bomb in the hand and I don't think Big Mac saw that too a little too late okay before here or throw those sending them out 106 on his last doc tournament life here on the line Oh Oh I thought it was over me too I want my hands all level up that's ggs but uh well it is it's over well you know not the way that she wanted to see it go down but it happens Kobe overwhelming yet another person sending them packing and now it looks like we're gonna be moving in to our grand finals Kobe man fighting his way all the way back from us loser sevens I mean you hate those but we take those so that SD is going to be really unfortunate but making third place when she that's you're kind of dope you're kind of dope and I'm not gonna lie you deserve your flowers and more for making top three put that really hard character in this really stacked event as well but people don't go anywhere we're gonna have grand MF finals coming up after this ad break do not go anywhere place your bets and chat and we'll see you real soon you thought that was fire we're not done yet because after this break more combo breaker action is coming right to you don't go nowhere don't forget to head on over to the combo breaker shop to check out all the amazing merch but don't delay because that merch is gonna go quick this is it people welcome back to combo breaker we are now on Grand finals here today at c23 my name is Arbiter I'll let TK Breezy the energy is God like we have some amazing matches but TK if I'm not mistaken this is not the only smashy event we're gonna be seeing so far what news do you have for us man oh yeah we I know you guys saw the big house trailer earlier but we do have another one for you check it out man cat asked us nicely to run this promo so we're asking you nicely that you check it out instead of going to rise and grind October 13th through 15th at Waco Texas I went last year for the uh for the grand finals good time it was a nice venue and they said it's gonna be even bigger and better this time yeah smash ultimate we got melee and we got Guilty Gear or something like any of those games they'll probably even have six I know they're gonna throw it in there if you like any of those games come over to rise and grind have a good time with us in uh in Texas October 13-15 all right man this is it for all the stars and stripes for all the glory for all the gold this is gonna be the final final game or or set final set of this bracket comic record 2023 has been an amazing event I'm super blessed to be out here shout out to all the supporters that supported this event like I said photography took us to uh um the teo's everyone that made this happen but gonna be rocking the ALF versus the young Link first game one here in Grand finals let's get it first game that uh or first game in this top 8-2 that the buzz has used the Omar the owl so yeah he's like you know what I feel like this is the magic for me we're gonna see a lot a lot of this pretty out pretty much a lot a lot of uh you know Call of Duty gameplay you know across the side I'm throwing stuff you're throwing stuff I'm shooting stuff you know that's what we're saying here but as of right now Kobe uh a little uh quite far behind has not been able to get a single hit on to the buzz and controlling it up okay here we go hits on Deck quick Jesus 41 wow I'd imagine it might be hard for it only because those picnic do kind of like you know protect armor or out from any trouble so uh we have two purples one red you want to get the whole stack it's gonna be a little bit harder now as we do have blue purple and yellow let's see how good we can play around this sleep at the wheel right there with that bomb coming down popping them high enough to maybe get that forward here but still living now he's looking at this first Stockdale 106.97 go back here not enough oh that's not moving really bad but he has the bomb to help him get back on the safety full chill to save a little bit of damage we're gonna stop that fire arrow good stuff the boldness knowing that's gonna work it nothing polish is insane but one blue off the road that won't do it as I was saying yep blue and white do have really strong Thrones though gotta be mad careful here when you have a lot of HP and you see that character with the blue yellow purple yeah it's I always find that the double up smash always kills me bro I gotta do it I have to here we go man 54 Jeff like that and and a quick like two second uh conversion pretty much okay Ford air as well after that down tilt but it's awesome on the stop right now but he saw some of the first shot too oh don't look at what he has okay okay we're out we're out in the microphone very close though all right one more and I was about to say all that there's no point there's no good trying to find at least a good spot to land but has not been able to deal yet Kobe she's kind of Walling them off over here getting getting uh you know just look a little damage uh too yeah if it's only like you know this stuff starts to add up eight percent no you get hit by that eight times that's eighty percent you know I'm saying the issue oh oh that would have been so if he was a little bit higher that would have been current term but he's no armor to get to safety good air Dodge down smash for the punish not gonna get the US match kill that is eight okay okay there's that corner with that yellow Pikmin shot my man straight to the blast zone there's the jab now get them get off me every time God touch me it do feel like it's just the biggest get off me bro Tyler why are you so close leave me alone all right ah 69 to 132 but I stopped between them and the buzz I mean he can definitely run this rage two eight up so whistles through that's insane I think it was not gonna get hit because uh he landed yeah [Music] I don't play that I'm playing that bro is that back here with the fire arrows running towards him as well the Pikmin downtown both of them really nice stuff but now has two yellows and a blue so it's gonna be a lot of combo combo potential if he actually ends up getting more of these tickets oh oh my how is how is he still alive though this look like it might be a comeback bro yeah I think Colby [Music] you have that armor but he only has some crazy filter from something we all know about after that back there taking a little bit of damage that's fine but he cannot get grabbed right now if he gets grabbed by a blue or a white it's gonna be over for him okay look 140 now oh yeah kind of kind of feel like really painted that one out he's like you know I threw the fourth match probably think I'm gonna do it again but check this guy [Music] like the very enemy Kobe was definitely drilling his way back in there I was looking pretty scared I thought we were potentially going to see a a reverse and then him taking that game one but nope it was able to close that door take that game one and let's see what he gets into this game too very nice very nice very nice man but Kobe was not playing that too badly so maybe a little bit more adjustments he does have to win six games to win win six games to win this whole thing but Amanda Buzz only needs two more and he will be the winner of CV from the three and the ALF the space man is going crazy okay here we go into the game shoot keep the stage going I do think the stage definitely was not that big of a fact this year Kobe just had like a similar rough start I guess but he still was able to like kind of little back in there even on that like the buzz did like a good like 70 game before he was able to get like a solid hit but even then in game super close so he'll be now starting to catch some of these jumps really got rap for that that was really careful coming on to Kobe playing this markers oh my god get him off get him off every time man like hey that's what it feels like you know because they just be eating at you it's like SpongeBob they knocking it up one on both sides right here another even game development however he'll be getting that first strike to break that evenness now putting the bus here on the side the bus managed to roll through oh cool back here yeah I love how Kobe is never too far oh he's reordering that badge so oh nice down smash down that's insane I mean he's doing a really good job too just up uh of keeping this damage up I'll make sure he's avoiding anything uh that Kobe can like lead into a Ford era down here and still getting on his damage and 75 oh try to get that Shield break action going yeah always keeps a purple on deck oh that grab was just out of range but I mean the buzz not not characteristically all Flames like that nuclear not gonna be enough to send him past that Blast Zone but we'll see if Kobe can set up a good Edge guard here with the all right line up but definitely gives us a football I think everybody gets caught by it everybody everybody that's a good grab but it ain't that good you missing you are dead dead really nice punish after coming out from the buzzer now he is one step away from going on a game number three potentially taking it 3-0 over Kobe Kobe gotta find something about it got their hero of time they have is another child that the hero loses online bro okay Doug managed to make it to that ledge but yeah Kobe had has not been able to find a stock yet 177 on this very last character that is only more very surprising to see but totally man I mean you know I'm sure he can make a comeback if he can get some hits in here just how we find these hits how do we build this momentum [Music] yellow and I think what the white stuff next if he gets it never mind it does get hit yeah I like it I like it he's able to go off and do something something crazy because he'll hit himself why that's so crazy up back here oh man even to check all right now check it out bro the buzz had a three stock lead look like we're going into a free stock in the game into game three but Kobe on this last stop have whoa something snapped something inside of me he got his music playing bro yeah he put the fierce City mask on bro I didn't care anymore I didn't care about being better than he said I didn't care about him being better than the buzz oh throws the ball oh wait hold on now [Music] what okay he dumped that first off I was like wait this is a good idea but no ends up getting hit that is not [Music] not them oh hey there's people in the in the uh fighter section they are very good they are very beautiful gentlemen all right I can see myself [Music] I was like I mean this way you know it's very Finals over there as well enjoy some Fighters bad as hell anyways young Link versus Alf coming on this could potentially be the final game with his Grand Final set here Kobe needs to dig deep and win six is in a row the month only needs to win one more to win CV through 23. Okay CBS is on the line here for the buzz all right although Kobe has been making some really good comebacks he is just not uh found that last stop before the buzz all right I love how it the orders how to put mango even when he's not fighting or when he's not in a disadvantage he's really smart play telling that the buzz always has a game plan always has something that he won't you know pick up I thought that would be really super dope Brad Pittman all right goes for the failure again he wants the whole you know the triple shot over but not gonna land it unfortunately but for the jab has the bomb in hand but the bomb but the Pitman actually gonna fumble that Mega take his own little damage though for that jab okay Toby has been able to you know keep this one relatively closer in comparison to some of these games that we've seen before but oh wait a minute guys you got advantage of the dash attack gold Dash attack get out of the corner right there it popped him up a little too high and now [Music] also fighters Grand finals was just wrapped up for the people at home congratulations I know who that is I'll tell you everything I'll tell you this right now Kobe wants his flowers bro he wants to be the winner of TV Sonia's playing his heart out has that up tilt killing both the red and the yellow picking and I'm leaving if he doesn't get the W here uh like Kobe managed to make it all the way to second from his uh fifth place or seventh place start here uh in this top eight so that's got to feel good too I mean obviously it was really great to win all the whole thing but the Bucks really trying to put up that wall right now saying nah man this this is my tournament jumps off that ledge really good stuff coming on two to buzz almost got hit by that vacuum would have smacked him out of there but Kobe not giving up just quite yet to the 34 here one hit first hit back here to get out the corner love to see it nothing is working but that that isn't working over there but um right now he's getting way oh that's gross that could I talk about that if you don't mind so the buzz knows that way he's getting bitten by the Pikmin Kobe likes to swing so he had a pigment just already saw all you want oh get him off get them off anyways up bro see you later that is so brilliant the foresight thinking from the buzz is something that I've never seen before I'm so smart definitely uh you know you know he knows what you're looking for and he knows exactly what he wants as well man that pigment obviously you don't want to just uh that's that's kind of like the vein of playing against over Mario like you don't want to just let the pigments eat you up the whole time sometimes you gotta pay too much attention yeah and then you get caught by the bus who's sneaking up on you that's so brilliant and almost full house here definitely willing to fight this way and I just wanted to finish this thing off quick with that backer off the stage okay but still though even if uh Kobe does get the stock to start lots of makeup for but I mean he has been able to do that on every game though he's been able to bring it to a respective game back here Find the Mark not enough to take the stock though oh purple Pikmin has the yellow man this is just not good throws it goes for it down here maybe don't jump oh you know yeah he wants to jump in like that you know putting the bottom pressure so he can at least get back to the stage safely with the buzz you know with the Platinum line up here two purples Lanes up loose oh getting away he just spotted for his life right now he's like I don't I want to look he's like I want to live oh [Music] Jolie Just Begun but Colby just look like it's over here back there yeah that'll do it and with that liquid to buzz will be your combo breaker 2023 Champion here in Chicago Illinois look at that yeah take that mask up punching them live with them double thumbs up bro look how cute that man is look at how cute that man is but the ALF and the Rosalina gonna do them some justice and with that that's gonna be the end of the tournament man yeah I'd love to see it man the buzz I mean really really showed you like great problems with both his characters literally he was like you know what I don't even have to show the ALF Intel ran finals it was all Rosa uh for the rest of the top eight and then he's like but I still I just want y'all to know I can do it yeah I still got him 100 he's still there bro one thing I like about this bracket is the character diversity that we had right like it was Chic Pokemon trainer Steve Young link Rosalina um freaking uh Alf um there's one more uh joker as well as you saw from uh Raven King so huge huge huge shout outs to our top eighters here for ultimate I love watching this game man it's a lot of fun I I just like doing what I do so um yeah man uh anything you want to say uh we're getting everything we gotta get everything ready because we will be hitting that yeah we're going to be out talking about who made it this is top eight and what they placed because I mean obviously they deserve their rewards I mean it's 400 something on the 400 like 50 plus entrance and you get into that top eight yeah you deserve you deserve your Awards deserve your flowers but yes esam uh within that top way we got Raven King we got uh arctis we got Master uh narde all that the buzz though will be our Crown winner get his name on the banner over here yeah the combo breaker Banner Legacy his legacy will be established here today man um I'll let you close things off if you want but I just want to say uh oh really not yet not yet yeah we're doing the ceremony oh say oh oh yes okay cool oh we have those that's cool okay perfect perfect let's get everything set up for that manner Chad I hope you guys enjoyed that top eight and if you have not I got enough action here from uh combo breaker well there's still more topics to be done go to your drive is about to be uh that's lit that's always lit actually I think it's nope no so okay things happen right now but no Tech is still going to get your shot it's definitely gonna be happening right after Tekken which means everybody's gonna be over there hollering and it's gonna be a great time I'll be over there like that's that's the place to be that's the party bro I mean I'm for like every single I think a lot of these topics are actually wrapping right now I feel like every single show that to be honest I'm smart look at bro I used to realize bro the buzz is dripped out bro [Laughter] definitely fitted up with it so man all right we're getting everybody all right what's up will not be here but really unfortunate love watching him play man he was so good but you know congratulations to him making this top eight as well so yeah man we feel representation there was two actually really good ones I think it's a top 64 in general so uh that was that was really nice to see because yeah again that's another one of those characters don't get to see too much of but uh yeah we got some great representation just on this is our whole top eight now I think about it was pretty good representation the diversity was a lot of fun there's a lot of like crazy things that happen as well shout out to my boy Arctic um wait how do you say his name favorite moment favorite bro God is a what yeah you're the goat you're the goat you you want the whole thing for me you won the whole thing left bro guys one five percent all right we out we hop out the bands we're done but all right all right man so here we are seven places to stay you know so good pop was here he was part of that but the Seventh Place person that's still here Raven King [Applause] and then up next you know I mean we love them fifth place electronic Samuel e Sam all right also taking up fifth place with that solid Falcon we're gonna have to go ahead and give it up for archetype and there we have we have my goat my boy mastronade with the Pokemon trainer give it up for your boy okay third place here also saucing it up with that Chic Big Mac [Applause] as a Zelda fan as a link fan as well it was an honor to commentate my boy Kobe taking second place here at Carmen for Kobe Kobe man and of course man the man with the freshest shoes in the building the ass at it the King of New York the bus [Applause] look at my boy man look at how cute he is hold up that yeah hold that up hold that up for all the cameraman to see my boy is the grand champion he is the one he is the winner coming out with the Rosalina and the Luma and the ALF taking out so many strong players here and I also I want to give a real quick shout out shout outs to anyone that competed in this game I don't care what you got I don't care if you went O2 congratulations to you but give a real quick hand Round of Applause for your Top bait ladies and gentlemen solid top eight man I said every year combo breaker just continuously a change in the game expounding on these great tournaments bringing us all together and that's what we really love to see from uh combo breaker you know we got all kind of fighting games we got all kind of platform Fighters this year we have a Multiverse still going on we had some brawlhalla we got melee we had Rush down and we had our ultimate five uh platform Fighters plus every other uh genuine fighter I saw some of the uh multi gloves being played here there was that nasb um in the other room as well also the community tournaments yeah that was really cool as well yeah so guys if you've never been to a combo breaker there it is this time every every year we are Memorial Day Weekend definitely show up one of the greatest tournaments you can attend it's it's not even it feels like a con now bro like it's an experience it is there's so much and we are going to be rating team spook but before we do that I wanted to give a real quick shout out to the fans that uh brought me here like I said this is a donation fund for me to get out here um I love you guys so much I love what I do I don't deserve you I don't want to waste too much of your time but um thank you so much for letting me do this uh and thank you TK for accomplishing with me I will see you at a smash boxing in Bellingham real soon oh yeah I forgot don't forget about that yeah that's gonna be fun and then we have crown next weekend I'll be there a lot of your favorites will be there that's gonna be a lot of fun but with that being said people my name is Arbiter that's TK thank you so much for watching converter 2023 and we will see you next time peace out Bros there's plenty more combo breaker 2023 action coming at you on the way but first let's take a quick commercial break if you want to add to your combo breaker merch Legacy Collection don't forget to head over to the combo breaker shop to check out all the amazing merch get yours before they run out
Channel: Tampa Never Sleeps
Views: 147,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tampaneversleeps, TNS, tampa never sleeps, FGC, fighting game tournament
Id: L5dvJXSWf5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 29sec (11489 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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