АѕmоngоІd Rеасtѕ to The 14͏͏ Types of FFXIV Players (Social Hierarchy Explained)

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it's a holiday Miracle Travelers welcome to another Unholy video today I will explain each social group of player and where everyone fits into the pecking order from the very worst to the absolute tippy top of the player base okay without wasting any time let's start with the bottom here are the worst people that you will encounter the kinds of people who are unsure if they're a human being or a pile of garbage that has gained sentience and joined your duty ER peers these are the kind of players who simultaneously have no idea what any mechanic in the game does and have no idea how to play their class properly on top of it the DPS players who don't AOE the healers who don't even DPS but still manage to drop the tank and they deflect any sort of mild criticism to playing like this with you don't pay my sub thankfully the game does put a little simpleness to these players so that you know what you're getting into ahead of time I'm talking about mentors I'm not exactly sure what attracts people to the status this but the absolute scourge of the world are just always mentors I'm pretty sure is this true I was alive he would have been a mentor in this game after wondering are you kidding me so the the worst players are the ones that are teaching the new players mentors or dog [ __ ] players wow even exists I have finally pieced it together for you they serve as a prime example of how not to play the game thankfully this club is exclusive so there's not too many mentors to encounter but they do make up the absolute bottom of the social hierarchy that's sad moving up one step from the very bottom we have our peers specifically in Lim solo Mensa now this is a class of players that are only just above mentors every God forsaken time you have to do something in limsa it's a group that single-handedly makes you fill with Dread now there's always an origin going on in the aetherite plaza and some other DeGeneres wait yeah I've seen that I thought those were just stream snipers so these these are actual weirdos that are just doing this on their own like it's not just like some random ass [ __ ] this is oh my God that's crazy yes all day that's the sex hub that's crazy wow and my Hearthstone is bound there amazing but I don't even want to think about now I do not care what two consenting adults do in their own time but Ram Ranch is looking like an abstinence only training camp by comparison oh my God why is it dude I like how he starts randomly playing heavy metal music in the background like he shows a picture of a guy without a shirt on and he starts playing heavy metal music just [ __ ] randomly I'm good about it was letting you get out of this [ __ ] how do you guys know that if you ever think that you've done something cringy in your life like I have always at least you're not part of this crowd maybe I'm uncultured and my anti-social Tendencies are too high so I don't understand the joy of emoting for 12 hours in the same spot but my God is just so annoying just take a big Swig of your favorite liquor before visiting the city in the middle of the night and pray that you're too wasted to remember the horror I'm gonna go over there all right now a little bit oddly specific but I'm gonna gonna be talking about people who make class guides on YouTube these people are always so irritating asking you to subscribe to their Channel true and some [ __ ] I bet they're not even mediocre at all the classes that they play they're not sometimes they even have the audacity to post their shitty content onto your favorite subreddit the absolute nerve of these people what's ridiculous about that is that you know you have certain people that will post this is what other people do is that they will make a second Reddit account or something like that like obviously yes I understand self-depreciating humor it's very funny because you linked his own channel which by the way huge congrats to him for growing so much as his channel because this video only came out uh you know six months ago or something now he almost has 20 000 subs and he had 200 whenever the video was made that's quite good however um there are people that have a second Reddit account and they will post videos of their own content and then log on to their main Reddit account to upvote them it's insane better I think they live stream things other than Final Fantasy 2. thankfully it is always hard to tell who these people are while playing Final Fantasy but they're always lurking somewhere well they can know if it's me because there's 50 other people running behind the title of not being a mentor in game but they're only A Step Above by being a mentor on YouTube okay Omni Crafters anyone telling you that crafting is not a giant pyramid scheme in this game is just [ __ ] lying wait leveling up your Crafters is a big scam of being able to put as much money into it to make your leveling experience faster and then trying to make all that money back by selling crafty materials to other Crafters if everyone just signs up 10 of their friends we will exceed the amount of atoms in the universe with the number of people that we have crafting so wait a minute is it like the human centipede where they're all just crafting stuff for each other it's a human centipede oh my God once you're at the top you still have to pent to meld all your [ __ ] to even make the stuff for your static I definitely don't know that from experience that's what I'm talking about is for the true Crafters the people who don't do anything else other than craft I do admire their dedication but they're also the group that will complain if they have to go into a single instance for a patch that interrupts their important crafting time the only rotation Mastery they need is of The Craft so it does select that they have to do their instances once in a while at least this group is restoring ishgard for everyone else who didn't want to deal with the mini game yeah [ __ ] that flowers the returning players you might think it's weird that I haven't mentioned Sprouts yet but let me be clear what flowers are just worse Sprouts unlike new players who have no idea what's going on and are just trying to learn these people have no idea what's going on but have preconceptions of what they believe dude that's so much worse man oh my God it's just like the people that [ __ ] are burning Crusade or vanilla Wild players are man bro I play back in Wrath dude I know how it goes and then they run in and they're like man how these mechanics what what is all these numbers from man wait what the [ __ ] what's a weak or a bruh what oh my how's it so fast oh man dude I remember back whenever the game was good because like at least a new player knows that they're new they have like a built-in amount of of humility a person that has that played before that's what the real [ __ ] problem is man those are the worst ones the people that think they know what they're doing but they don't they're worse than the people that don't know what they're doing it's truly right so it's a complete coin flip because Flowers come in all shapes inside smart you can get a hardcore player who stopped playing to raise his kid and finish med school only to finally come back and lead your group down the path of righteousness or there could be a former Mentor we just lost the status group down raise his kid and finish med school only to finally come back the circle that they're going around in this boss here is to make sure that the beams don't hit each player is that right only one beam goes through each player this was exactly the intended strategy that blizzard had for Mythic R command and then players downloaded a weak Aura to where they could just move through it and and they could automatically detect what they were this was the intended strategy for Mythic archimonde and then while players just downloaded and made a weak aura that would tell you exactly where to move and they never had to make the circle that can lead your group down the path of righteousness or that's crazy a former Mentor who lost the status after the player Commendation requirement was increased you will find out very quickly if that flower is a beautiful rose or a rotten dead horse arm Lily either way flowers do start to make up the bottom of the middle part of the social hierarchy now just above that we have plot Watchers and these players are the ones that don't play the game for anything other than the plot only resubbing just for the patch but not for the new instances or even the optional instances just to get that character development you might think that it is weird that flowers and plot Watchers are not the same group the difference between the two is that plot Watchers have the biggest ego of any social group within Final Fantasy 14. always reminding us that our Lord and savior Yoshi P said that they do not have to remain subbed at all times and it is okay to take breaks and while I do wait I've had tons of people tell me that does that mean I have plot Watchers in my group the true statement and very Noble no one cares if you want to run dungeons only once and have never seen an instance without the message a player is new to this Duty that is not an excuse for not having any idea what your class does yeah you might think it's weird that this class is so throw up in the pecking order despite being one of the more annoying parts of the community yeah this group of sycophants have the dev team wrapped around their finger the sheer amount of pressure they exude to make the normal content as brain dead as humanly possible and further the gap between normal and hard content has earned them this higher rank because this guy's an [ __ ] I love it this is great these are like the videos that I used to make for a while I love this this guy just sends a whole video talking [ __ ] about different groups of people this is amazing yeah this guy's an [ __ ] yeah I love it this is one of my favorite videos I've ever seen I hate him so much yeah that's why I love it it's amazing oh by the way speaking of this picture here so I I made a comment and I said that every MMO where's the [ __ ] where's where's my Twitter I've said every MMO needs a boob slider and you know what was so crazy about this not a single person complained I was surprised I have way too much sway in what gets changed in the game all right now we can talk about Sprouts the new players and while new players might feel those are the self-conscious about themselves I think in general the community always has a nice place in their heart for new players yeah new players before I was a jaded cold-blooded animal in this game I too was once bewildered and inspired by everything for the first time yeah Sprouts provided Gateway into that Nostalgia that I don't think anyone else can really convey yeah I think we all chuckle a little bit when we see them die to the same [ __ ] that caught us off guard for the first time well that's not running away from everyone with a stack marker or forgetting the turn on tank stance for just a little bit too long though you never really have to fear Sprouts they're usually willing to listen for simple advice and are the people who are willing to try to impart you got me there but a wise man once said Beware the Sprout who does not listen don't take everything that you hear from people as Ironclad fact but most people won't lie to you if they tell you to stack with the party everyone usually likes Sprouts so my recommendation use that power and milk some free Karma on Reddit while you still can or just pretend to be a sprout for upvotes what the hell do I care normies we're finally at the bulk of the community the true middle class oh yeah play Final Fantasy 14 you're probably a normie this is the group that plays uh fairly often they're not going to be subbed 100 of the time but more so than the plot Watchers they will run weekly content and are usually just trying their best to do their rotation and do a good enough job even if the content that they run is not exactly that hard they are happy to help new players but usually just say nothing in chat minus a greeting at the beginning and a thank you at the end if they manage I don't say anything like the thing is with me is like I'm the kind of person like I I'm yeah I'm basically the I'm the guy like back when in the Mr Pandaria beta I played with a lot of Chinese people and the Chinese people were super impatient and they were playing and trying to clear the dungeons as fast as possible and it was the most enjoyable experience that I've ever had it was so good because they would never like there was somebody who wins AFK for like two seconds and they kicked them they kicked I said get out of here get out get out we had enough of your [ __ ] he was done he was out he was gone we got somebody else in there and we kept clearing that goddamn dungeon and then they'll call somebody out somebody will be doing like 1K 1K DPS 1K DPS like 800 DPS like your 800 DPS get the [ __ ] out you suck we're getting somebody else and that's a thousand DPS like they were so [ __ ] uh like they were they would make people think people are elitists here oh my God and you know why right it's because they only have certain amounts of time to play and so this dude if he's going to his Land Cafe he is not gonna have his [ __ ] time Wasted by some goddamn piece of [ __ ] sitting in England that's sipping on a cup of tea he kicks his ass out because we're going to work it was so [ __ ] amazing man I loved it really screw something up they will make notes and adjust anytime they have to run that content later they are the ones who are willing to stand on the platforms and Labyrinth of the Ancients and always go into the belly as a DPS on any Alliance oh that's so usually it's pretty relaxed to talk to fine with being mediocre but do have a tendency to [ __ ] on World of Warcraft which is a pretty weird fixation I never even played wow but man this group makes me feel obligated to hate on it either way okay guys whoa whoa whoa isn't that interesting isn't that interesting huh that's where all those people from my chat were coming from that's where all these guys were there from it's so crazy isn't it guys it's so [ __ ] crazy as I said I mean you guys like we're gonna do I'm we're not just doing Mythic rating too we are also doing Mythic plus up to a plus 20. all right we are doing plus twenties keep it in mind I need to get my uh my my teleports normies do make up the bulk of the community and are pretty okay in general yeah now we can get to Raiders the people who run hard content every week the people that run the game who are trying to gear up for best in slot and they might not play it very often but they don't need to be relied because they are only focused on whatever the current rate tier is exactly if you have cleared one Savage raid you're already probably part of the top 10 of the player base this group does have a firm understanding of game mechanics and probably know how to play their class impressive Maybe while they don't make up the largest part of the player base they do get to experience some of the most involved content and honestly some of the most interesting thankfully they do still get something thrown at them every now and again but we don't get three ultimates per expansion so oh well so I'm actually so happy because like I feel like I have so much content that I can do like I have all the 50 content like it it actually is so good because like that's one of the good things about they used to be like in WoW right where if you start at the end of burning Crusade for example you have karazhan you have heroics you have gruels layer you have magnered on you can do you can do the I you can do serpent Shrine Caverns oh you've got za2 that's another 10-man dungeon oh [ __ ] yeah and then once you finish those oh my God you can go into black Temple wait what the [ __ ] that's where Illidan is and then oh man there's also Hydro too well I heard there's a lot of trash in there whatever there's a good pair of legs I wanna that dungeon right her shoulders if you're a warrior and then you do that and then finally after you do all that it's like ah you know what let's clear some some little Trash ah you know we got a little bit more confidence let's go for Cale goes and like you've got so much [ __ ] content man it was so amazing Wrath of the Lich King yeah and like they have rats coming out yeah it's [ __ ] amazing we're gonna talk about free to play players I think it'll be so funny players are honestly intimidating for sub-payers while some free to play players probably feel like they owe some debt to the people who actually pay to play the game I don't in reality free to play players are under no obligation to sub-payers they enjoy Heaven's word and are probably the only people who even know what an optimized level 60 rotation looks like this group has managed to maximize the content that they have access to to the absolute limit leveling everything to 60 running the content that most players who started playing since storm blood probably never even heard of so wait a second so there are people that play the game that never paid a single Cent for it but they play all the time and they're just free to play players see like I actually wish that uh I wish again like wow did that I wish they made free to play until 50 and not sick and not 20 because I think 20 is not enough like you've got to give people some raid content and [ __ ] because if they did that it would get more people into the game because you can't the thing is you have to lure somebody in yeah 20 is nothing you have to lure them into the game because I guarantee you there's some people that get to level 20 and they don't really get hooked on the game yet it's like fishing right the moment that they that they bite it you don't bite then well that sounded a little bit like ASMR but they do bite whenever you're like actually you know what let's not do that yeah let's just let's actually just not do that you know what I'm saying right yeah you have to wait for them to get their whole mouth around it and and then you [ __ ] pull that lure man then you [ __ ] hook them in fact most don't even know that there's a whole two additional expansions beyond what they have access to in many ways they're much more intimidating because they probably put in more hours than the people who paid just to be able to experience the plot every single patch well of course they're more intimidating the reason why they can't afford a sub is because they don't have a job and they don't have a job because they play the game all day only downstairs is that they have no friends we have now finished talking about everybody in the middle class of the social hierarchy now it's time to start talking about the billionaires and the people who actually control the entire social structure of Final Fantasy 14. all right we begin by talking about Yoshi P he has his entire tier dedicated to him he is Jesus Christ himself this man has founded his own religion died for our sins that's true world hunger and even found the cure for Coronavirus and despite all these amazing accomplishments oh see look at that that guy did the exact same thing he moved out of it during the cast and he moved in during the animation he didn't take damage he can never be the top of the pecking order oh he can't because he does not want it he did manage to save this game from the brink of death but at the same time he has limited his power because if he became any stronger not even God himself would stand a chance that's an anime guy worships him you probably respect him and he is the one who will fix all of the bugs in cyberpunk 2077. all that's left I don't know about that Purge mentorship now right above Yoshi p are going to be interior decorators now have you ever heard of housing extreme well these players run freaking housing ultimate the amount of dedication and luck required to get a house in the first place is already bad enough but these players interact with this awful clunky decorating system and make the most beautiful interior decorations that even wait Frank Lloyd Wright himself would be proud of I have no idea what didn't this look just like the whorehouse that they had in the video meet Final Fantasy 14's courtesans they're offering a more mature gaming experience to players who have the means wow courtesans with enough cash oh my gosh private rooms in tepe's mansion here the courtesans role play sacks in the game's text chat and it happened to his first few minutes might look like the sample exchange two courtesans offered us what the [ __ ] wasn't everything this looked like the same exact thing idea how they do it if you ever go randomly through the housing districts there's always a chance that you'll find a house that just overwhelms you with emotion the good kind of emotions too wow I have all their crafters and gatherers leveled up to be able to make exactly what they need that's I wouldn't be surprised if their planning is down to the Micron the only thing I can say almost for certain is if they decorate their digital house as well as this their real life house probably looks like [ __ ] still they do manage to make their ways is up their real life house probably looks like [ __ ] look there are houses like I would be fine with that house like that house is not actually that bad it's not that bad because all you have to do is you duct tape the top right there um you just have to get some uh put some some tin foil over the windows so the light doesn't get in and then as long as it's got a basement too you just get in there and then you just get an air conditioner and you just get one back this could be like an ethernet cord you'd be totally fine yeah it's not a cracked it's not a crack house man this could be a crack home still they do manage to make their ways up into the upper echelons of the social hierarchy yeah we are now almost at the peak with hardcore Raiders yeah this is the type of yeah he's gonna strike fear into your soul yeah they are born that's right game code their living spaces are located in the basement of square enix's headquarters around the globe just for a better Server Connection of course in spite of their human limitations they managed to play better than an AI designed to play the game exactly a person the computer could probably not play as well as them yep they are the outliers on parses not that they even need the parsers parsers need them they have their GPU and graphic settings completely tailored for optimal DPS and despite probably not deserving them they will stick around in your shitty Prague group and legitimately try to help you these are the people that mentors wish they could be they know the content they breathe the content they take the content out on a date and ejaculate their knowledge on the other players they are almost the top dog if it wasn't for another social group and that group is going to go to glamorous and I'm not talking about the shitty glamors that you see no Domino skin top not the 2B legging [ __ ] I'm talking about the crowd of players that are single-handedly keeping this game alive these are the type of players that PVP just to Glam they level every class to 80 including crafters and gatherers just to get their outfit right and have them that actually okay so trans that actually does matter no it does matter because here's what this guy understands is it transmog and mount collecting is the true end game of of MMOs and it actually transcends all other end games because in order to get all the transmogs you have to it goes without saying that you do raids it goes without saying that you do you do everything in the game you do PVP like if you have all the mounts in the game and like wow or something like that that means that you've done everything that means that you're a hardcore Raider that means you're a hardcore PVP or it's like everything else combined into one Grand Adventure one uh one Apex challenge aesthetic for every occasion they will clear Savage and ultimate not for best in slot but just to look fly as [ __ ] yeah not only do they probably parse like a monster they even look better than you while doing it exactly where that you encounter only once in a lifetime and when you see them you can feel the presence change in your room yeah they know every mechanic in every fight and how to optimize their DPS at every single level and manipulate the RNG to get the glamor drop that they need yeah [ __ ] they probably decorated their house as well world leaders fear them and our peers worship them fashion fantasy players are the true oligarchs of the Final Fantasy 14 Community because yeah this is the thing is it if you want to truly Ascend to become the best player possible and to get all the trans mogs in the game that means that you have to do every bit of content so you have to not you have to do the entire rest of the pyramid yeah they're the one percent of the one percent those are the true champions of the game with that you now have a complete understanding I like this video a lot 14 communities this is very accurate out there and emote for 12 hours in limsa uh here's the video guys make sure to give the give the video link the guy's only got 17 000 Subs there's a a hundred thousand of you guys right here in chat now and uh you know again I'm up to 20 or something if you can [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: A͏͏ѕm͏͏o͏͏n͏͏g͏͏o͏͏l͏͏d͏͏ T͏͏V͏͏
Views: 1,248,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv first, ff xiv, ff 14, ffxiv jobs, ffxiv classes, final fantasy class guide, ffxiv guide, types of players, ffxiv types of players, ffxiv players, types of players in ffxiv, ffxiv meme, ff14 meme, final fantasy 14 meme
Id: 0BcWtbjoEhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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