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the the decline of gaming like i kind of want to watch this to see how many parallels he has with this versus the decline of blizzard okay here we go i've been playing video games ever since i was three years old when my parents substituted a game boy color in pokemon blue in place of a babysitter as i grew up there was so much to love about gaming i got to play and experience countless amazing titles and witness the industry as it grew and evolved after playing something like oblivion or bioshock halo 3. i would just kind of those were the good [ __ ] days man [ __ ] 2005 2004. you had quality games with almost no micro transactions or [ __ ] going on no developers trying to put their own political agendas in video games hardly you just had video games and it was great like i was i was so happy man wonder what's next however in the last nine or so years it feels like in many ways the quality of video games and especially aaa titles has declined the industry is always creating something new innovative and epic gaming as a medium has evolved very quickly in the 35 or so years it's been around and while there are so many great aspects to love about this hobby just consider this a more pessimistic take on the state of gaming so what is it that has caused the decline of gaming no it's not these old flash cards money but they did inspire the name it's the same thing that ruins so much of this beautiful world of ours insatiable greed good thinking this card allows me to implement microtransactions into star wars when did bobby kodak get his own yu-gi-oh card that's crazy yeah this guy's all over the place man i can't believe it battlefront 2. just to clarify these are my opinions based on their [ __ ] facts wrong please feel free to let me know which i'm sure you all will for every negative thing that has happened to video games you could argue an equally positive benefit has occurred yeah we're waiting for greed is the driving force of this decline but it gets tricky because greed in this case takes on several forms no it's not an overweight italian man with a ridiculous mustache it's something both subtle and straightforward yeah let's not waste any more time on a pleasant intro let's jump straight into this perceiving the decline is it in our heads it's challenging and overwhelming to tackle the core issues that plague a multi-billion dollar industry what was the what was the turning point guys where was the turning point that you perceived the decline ea fifa what do you think mccall cataclysm yeah around there but what was it was there a game that made you feel that way or no it's just when i stopped being excited for games because all the [ __ ] i was looking at sucked dick yeah there is that that's true that's very true when free to play became the norm that's actually a really good way to look at it i like that a lot with so many different companies developers publishers programmers spread all over the world is it possible to categorize and identify this decline all we need to do is follow see what happens so let me just list some things you probably noticed and we'll elaborate on them down the line one an increase in buggy glitchy games big budget releases off i like how the the example of a buggy glitchy game is immediately pub g like that if you think of like bubby bubby [ __ ] bubby was it bubby no buggy buggy glitchy game like you have like this dog [ __ ] [ __ ] game and the worst part about pub g is it was so bad it became good for how bad it was like whenever you'd go behind a wall and you'd kill somebody it was just like it was just something special about it it felt good to do it games big budget releases often have a botched launch and are forced to rely on updates to fix their issues number two an over abundance of remakes remasters and sequels number three the corporatization of gaming conduct of major companies publishers and developers and of course number four the obvious influx of rng loot boxes being forced into every genre of game including world of warcraft um i don't know man i think that i think that the future of gaming lies actually with smaller developers because these larger developers with like these massive uh shareholder goals i i think that's really what the future is because they don't have to be beholden to these uh consumer unfriendly practices that's at least like my take on it i think that's capitalism gone insane it's not capitalism gone insane it's just people doing things for money and i think that whenever you have video games are art they are a creative pursuit and whenever you pervert that and you convert that into something that's profit driven you kill the art and instead of art you have something that's i don't even know what it is nobody knows what it is yes what yeah instead of art you fart that's [ __ ] brilliant what that's really smart what the [ __ ] what no you accidentally said something really smart it's like now you have okay here's i'll go back to the video but this is like the release cycle of video games now so you have early access beta and then the game comes out but what it really is is that early access is the demo the beta is the alpha and then the release of the game is the actual alpha and then you have the beta come out in the first patch and then a year later whenever all the problems are fixed that's whenever the game's actually released that that's the way game releases are now increasingly aggressive monetization schemes yeah it could be that our own minds play a factor in this as well possibly we see the game industry as being worse because we had it so good in the past that's true is all the disappointment we have caused simply by us growing older and more jaded it's entirely possible the negativity we associate with modern gaming is outweighing the more positive innovations that have been made games i think that's partially true and i think classic wow is a really good evidence of that because if you go back and you look at classic wow people see all the flaws and cracks and uh you know inadequacies it has that they didn't see back then and so i i think that a component to it is actually rose tinted goggles but at the same time you do i don't know i just feel like there were better better quality games back then and game developers now they focus on things that people don't care about like i i maybe i'm just speaking for myself here but i actually don't care about having a motion capture character for god of war like this is not this is not something that adds value to me as a uh as a as a consumer like did i i don't care about this this doesn't matter like all this entire all the people in that picture their money is being like the the developers money is being lit on fire and thrown in the garbage because that product is that they just spent all that money adding value to something that doesn't have value to the individual i think this is the problem too is that they're developing the game with with value that's not value perceived by the customer wrong andy really so you guys actually care about this kind of stuff this is a real opinion like it's a real question like i'm not saying like you guys are dumb you guys care about this stuff oh for me dude i don't care at all maybe i'm maybe i'm i'm weird but like i don't care about the the super like the photo realistic graphics or any of that i just want to play a fun game like that at a certain degree yeah i mean yeah of course to a certain degree like graphics like runescape for example are too much but for the most part i don't really care about graphics a whole lot like i just want to play a fun game so like all the money they spend on making these like super complex uh super complex cinematics it just doesn't matter to me it just simply doesn't matter like i i'm it's a waste it's pearls before swine okay doesn't matter games look better the stories more epic characters are represented so realistically animation vastly improved my point is try not to become too overwhelmed with nostalgia for the glory days and remember that your perception plays a huge part in this decline what do and don't you have a problem with that's for you to figure out but now that we got a solid base for this topic let's dive deep into the decline of gaming complacency pleased especially with oneself or one's merits advantages situation often without awareness of some potential danger or defect self-satisfied complacency is probably the biggest deterrent to innovation and quality game design the perfect i actually i i agree with what he's saying in this but i also don't agree because i think that the complacency is not it's like a secondary i think that the effect is the same but he's attributing it to something that i don't think is necessarily true i think that the effect is not complacency but it's people wanting to make an amount of money that's why you have like now they're redoing [ __ ] jurassic park they're redoing uh spider-man again they're redoing all these old movies because they know those movies will make money and that's why you're not seeing the same amount maybe i'm just like i'm perceiving this right but like to me i perceive seeing a lot of remakes i perceive seeing a lot of movies that i've already seen before but they're just coming out again and i think that the reason for that is because uh they know they're gonna be able to make and print a certain amount of money by making a new superman movie by printing a certain amount of money by making a new spider-man movie or whatever and that's what i think kills innovation and the complacency i think is just a secondary effect example is valve [Music] we used to make video games once known for their unconventional methods of game design and their repertoire of critically acclaimed releases so many instant classics that to this day are viewed as some of the greatest people still playing team fortress 2. but what about since then looks like there's been a change of plans well yeah kyle has not made a new game since portal 2 eight years ago and the last time they even launched a new ip was left for dead that was 11 years ago but let's take a quick look at the game yo is that is that [ __ ] true alex oh yo boys i [ __ ] ordered that that [ __ ] vr headset this the [ __ ] valve whatever the [ __ ] it is and they told me that [ __ ] was gonna be like seven weeks to get here the index whatever it was like a thousand bucks and i don't even like i thought about the other day because my mom's like getting packages all the time and i'm like where the [ __ ] is my box man like where's my [ __ ] i think i got scotty i think gavin's commerced me man i don't know what the [ __ ] happened remake an old movie for new generation oh give me a break dude they're just remaking spider-man every five years come on it's not for a newer generation it's just for more money games they've launched since then cs go a remake of counter-strike source which was a remake of the original counter-strike dota 2 a remake of the dota mod for warcraft 3. counter strike online too koreans only counter strike nexon zombies free to play zombie shooter no thanks left 4 dead survivors japanese only the lab a series of 8 vr minigames that was more or less just an experiment dota underlords a mobile version of dota autochess do i need to elaborate this is the same company and yet valve is just content with developing these unremarkable titles it can really sum up the disappointment gamers have had with this company and the artifact reveal everyone was so hyped to see what valve was working on it had been so many years since they came out and when they revealed it everyone lost all interest [Music] [Applause] let me give you guys a little bit of a little bit of tips game developers out there nobody gives a [ __ ] about this stupid ass [ __ ] card game man like you think you're gonna get hyped up over over a virtual piece of cardboard like that's what these card games are it's literally like i mean you've got one thing right it's like the audacity to expect people to get hyped up over cardboard but then to get people hyped up over fake cardboard virtually no just just know just [ __ ] no boom a dota 2 card game now the question is why did valve stop making actual games what happened to their ambition well as of march 2015 valve makes 18 million dollars per month off dota 2 alone valve is also by ratio one of the most profitable companies with the fewest employees in america earning roughly three hundred thousand dollars per employee they make thirty percent of every stale off steam they're just rolling in the moola right now the chimichanga that's what i should do man like i should say [ __ ] this screaming dude gavin's a billionaire man i think about that guy's a billionaire and he wears the same shirt every day like he doesn't even give a [ __ ] man like that's no reason yeah dude just [ __ ] go goes to work man just hey what up boys and that's it like i respect that man i i do i think that's great uh buy a lambo then yeah something like that yeah guys a [ __ ] legend like that's what i should do i i should have like the you know you have the epic store the steam store and then like the asmon store and that's where you have to buy games and like you put it up for money actually that's actually really smart i should do that have like a promotional system for the games and then allow that to kind of like cement itself is like legitimate and then have people want to be on it for that and then like you take part of their sales it's actually really smart the [ __ ] that's an original idea too by the way i've never uh nobody's ever thought of making a system where you can buy and sell games like that that nobody's thought of that before it's the gold bars if you're making tons of money selling the same thing for seven years and you're a businessman [ __ ] it why would you stop yeah why would you take the risk and time to develop and sell a brand new product when you can simply maintain your current products and watch the profits get dumped straight into your bank account oh hey bethesda how's it going buddy didn't see you there you're still selling skyrim there's no question that valve fans will eat up whatever new game they put out provided it's the type of game people want as a consumer you'd buy portal 3 you'd buy left for dead 3 and you'd most certainly buy half-life 3. long-awaited and pretty much dead half-life even i would buy half-life 3. okay even i would buy half-life three guys and i know that sounds like a lot but uh even i would do it i've never played half-life one or two and that's how serious i am about it i mean i don't know guys like it just it doesn't make sense to me it doesn't make sense to me that this kind of stuff happens and i don't know it's just disappointing for me to see it it's disappointing for me to [ __ ] see it we got to make our own games dude you got to make your own company i don't know i would only make games if i knew that my games had the capacity to ruin somebody's life because if i didn't think that i could ruin somebody's life with my game it's not good enough to be worthy of that privilege like i would want to have my game be so good that people would forsake and ruin their own lives in order to play it like that's how you can tell if a game is good by the way if a game is good you'll see cnn and abc news specials about concerned parents with their children ruining their lives playing the game you saw that with world of warcraft and you saw that with fortnite what's gonna be the next game you'll find out at 8 pm on fox news the game that makes people ruin their life think about it that is the biggest advertisement you can possibly have for a video game it's so good that i ruined my life for it three is a perfect example of complacency uh i got nothing to say about half-life despite the critical acclaim and unrelenting hype for this title you think half-life 3 would be at the top of valve's priority list but it never was no instead we're getting a vr game and while it's cool they're finally making another half-life all i can think is what about the games that people want you see valve and even some other companies need i don't care about uh vr i don't it doesn't matter to me i was just gonna do it for stream content i don't even want vr to be the meta like i would rather have i'd wait like i want to wait until they have like better programmed like kind of better programmed like like was it like the the neural uh [ __ ] receptors or something like that where they can actually make you literally feel like you're in the game because i don't i think the vr is just boring you know like yeah actually like i sword art online basically like that's what i want and uh like full [ __ ] neural immersion and until that happens i'm not really gonna give a [ __ ] about it like some guy walking around in his [ __ ] mother's you know uh living room with a stupid headset on there i'm sorry but like nobody's ever gonna get into that because you just look like a [ __ ] doing it like you just look like an idiot like have you ever have you ever seen somebody with a vr headset they look like [ __ ] morons nobody wants to do that lessons from bono you know don't ever stop trying to be in the limelight keep pushing forward to infinity and beyond bethesda and rockstar are another two clear-cut examples of how complacency has creeped into the video game industry sure the undisputed masters of reselling the same product in as many forms possible after grand theft auto 5 rockstar basically did nothing except update the game import their old games to different platforms until five years later they released red dead redemption great game now again i'm not saying these are bad i've never played it myself but i actually do want to play it because i hear how good it is but if you look back in the five years from 2001 to 2006 they were putting out hot [ __ ] like gta 3 vice city midnight club 2. red dead revolver the warriors and bully rockstar used to experiment and try new things developing several ips at a time and building a library of games to their name but now they've gotten complacent bethesda meanwhile had a five-year wait between oblivion and skyrim that felt like forever but oh my god it was worth it skyrim was amazing it flew off the shelves like crazy all my friends were playing it and now it's been eight years people are going wild people love that for anything regarding elder scrolls six after new vegas it took bethesda five years to come out with fallout 4. a product that was very polarizing amongst the fallout fan base and then 76 releases isn't that wasn't fallout 76 not good no that was fallout boy what do you mean fallout boys awesome what's wrong with you i don't know i just i don't know i was just joking man good the fall boy's [ __ ] great do you see this decline it's this complacency this desire to innovate and create new things that has led to some of our favorite game companies releasing new games far more infrequently yeah there you go when they do it's either something you don't care about or it's just another sequel despite nearly every single game company fallen prey to complacency almost none of this applies to nintendo who have stuck together and that blow us away nintendo is still doing things the old-fashioned way and making a [ __ ] ton of money while these other game companies are doing things the easy way because if it's broken but makes a shitload of money why fix it that's right dude the abundance of remakes and rematch it's a fact that gaming has followed certain trends throughout the years you had arcades where you paid quarters for entertainment in the nes days it was all about side-scrolling platformers the s7 i'm so lucky that like whenever i was really young i still got a chance to play with the old the old [ __ ] arcade machines man i was playing with the old [ __ ] arcade machines at chuck e cheese dude my mom would take me over there and um i would shoot people's food in gauntlet and i was so young they thought i was doing it on accident i wasn't i did that [ __ ] on purpose man [ __ ] them yes in sega genesis we're all about graphics yup eventually we had online gaming rhythm games battle royale so many trends have come and gone some have stayed i want to keep saying i pause again i think fortnite was an original and great game like i actually i on ironically yeah i think fortnite was an original and great game yeah there it is only a certain style a game is perceived as no longer profitable or appealing to the mainstream like any platformers for instance that's like rts no like rts like when's the last time we had a good rts game [ __ ] never oh wow they're gonna re-release the old commandment conquers where's the new command and conquer like what's going on with that like there's hard racing games a little bit there's no mmos coming out anymore yeah [ __ ] dude dude that's starcraft and stronghold sucks too like ever since stronghold crusader yeah they've all sucked dick uh i don't know i mean like and well they re-released age of empires too which was great um yeah i i was happy about that i bought that for my mom i watched her play it for a while uh but it's not edge vampires four oh yeah they are going to bring that out i think people are going to play that like i really think age of empires is going to sell well it's going to make good money long falling out of favor outside of mario in this case instead of developing a brand new game in a genre that's considered dead companies will choose to remaster or remake their old ones and would you look at that they become hella popular yeah what a thought spyro reignited an insane trilogy where incredible remasters yeah and since those were so successful don't you think people would be even more happy to see a brand new game starring the purple dragon or lovable bandicoot but there's been no such announcement aside from a remaster of crash team racing wow you can do pretty incredible things with the rim amazing sometimes it turns an outdated game into something completely new effectively remaking it to be as good as you thought it was back then remakes are a great way for new gamers to experience the magic of the past without the daunting task of playing something that looks like this or it can be a method for the developers to add onto their old projects and whistles a remaster is cape dude man did you ever play halo 3 uh i did but it was never like a a big thing for me like i i i was never a big halo player dude halo 3 like halo 2 for its time was much more groundbreaking than halo halo 3. but halo 3 i think is objectively like [ __ ] the best out of the series like halo 3 was [ __ ] amazing man and uh like objectively i think halo 3 is better than halo 2 but for its time halo 2 was better than halo 3 was for its time like halo reach man i still think i still think halo 3 is better i do like this new age of empires look how much i feel like almost all of the feedback from age of empires has all been has all been positive too capable of bringing old games up to speed with several quality of life changes and making it the definitive way to experience an old title it can be pretty awesome when they port something to a newer console so that you don't have to buy an old expensive copy of it like symphony of the night and other castlevania games being ported to xbox that shit's cool the problem arises when companies become more content to resell you their old games than they are to make new ones it's become a meme how many different versions of skyrim bethesda has churned out legendary edition skyrim special edition remastered skyrim on switch skyrim now with mods holy [ __ ] edition remastered skyrim on switch skyrim now wow i actually like skyrim i think this is a good game this is a very good game with mods skyrim for vr in april 2013 bethesda announced via their blog that they were moving on from skyrim and preparing to work on other projects very good yeah that's a [ __ ] laugh skyrim pinball edition really at moments some right just bank off your nostalgia they're just trying to stop their old game as something new by slapping in hd at the end of the title all i'm saying is there weren't a whole lot of remakes or remasters back on the n64 playstation xbox ps2 or gamecube that's because they were focused on creating new games in fact i can only think of one remaster from those consoles conquer live and reloaded which made the game look so freaking sexy the visuals are still impressive to this day and they even launched a brand new multiplayer mode that was just awesome i remember now some remasters are just a shameless cash grab where you can see a side-by-side comparison and notice no difference but hey at least they added some extra dirt on the glass for bioshock remastered take my forty dollars remember this is what they do man original port of dark souls on steam yeah it was so [ __ ] lazy and busted they didn't even swap out the button prompts from the xbox 360 version i mean holy [ __ ] and then from software comes out with dark souls remastered an actual real port of the game and they charged people 40 to play dark souls with a revitalized pvp community and even ds remastered didn't bother to fix several game-breaking glitches highlighted in this wonderful inferno plus video companies will also dude i i never played the original dark souls so i can't really speak to that i i think it's good i i mean i think it's good um there aren't that many games to remaster back then well i i mean like are you really trying to make an excuse for the fact that there's less creativity and development now i feel like it's kind of it's not really is this really like a a [ __ ] a a a hot take here yeah come on take it a step further ea turned dungeon keeper into a blatant pay-to-win dumpster fire mobile game yes activision not only released modern warfare remastered bundled with infinite warfare but later added loot boxes and paid weapons into a game that didn't have those things in 2007. some games like sleeping dogs last of us will come out with a remaster one or two years after it released he doesn't even know this is from 2019 he doesn't even know well well well you expect me to believe technology advanced so far in that time span that a one-year-old game is now considered out of date uh actually yeah stability basically that's about right but is all that really worth buying the exact same product again my point is a lot of companies aren't willing to take risks anymore it's disheartening to remember a time when the original xbox was a haven of original awesome exclusive titles and now the xbox one doesn't even seem to be competing this trend of lazy remasters and remakes brings me to my next point what is it chasing trends early action hey guys please excuse the shitty quality of this section my video is still in early access and you can donate to my patreon to help fund my willingness to sit at a computer and edit in an effort to capitalize on whatever is yes early access i think is bad but ah i think pre-ordering is worse than early access i i think pre-ordering is is worse um but it depends like i'm okay the problem with early access is this early access that doesn't necessarily imply the game's gonna change it just means you get there earlier right you get to watch a movie like a day or two earlier before it releases that's it like yeah it's just i i don't know man like a lot of the problem with early access games is they stay in early access that's really the fundamental issue currently most popular plenty of game studios will just shamelessly rip off others or rush out some basic ass shell of a game remember man didn't do so hot trying to copy overwatch so how about boss key productions just copies fortnite and pub g and launch a shitty battle royale that should bring in the money this is like doc's favorite game dude good god oh wow there's battle royale crazy taken off let's release a brand new game that's completely [ __ ] abandon our old one and alienate our fan base going to prove just how desperate some developers really are of course it would take too much time and effort to fix pubg before porting it to xbox so they just oh my god burn it burn it all well they don't need to burn it it'll burn your own pc um but no the the game is pubg they released they took pub g out of early access before it was ready just so they could sell it for christmas like nobody can [ __ ] convince me that's not what happened [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] like just selling a game whenever they knew for a fact that it was dog [ __ ] like anybody that had played pub g knew that it was a heaping steaming pile of dick-ass [ __ ] but they put it out anyway they somehow made it worse it's kind of shocking how a company that made all the money in king tut's castle didn't use any of it to improve the game instead they just wanted more and then titanfall made advanced movement so bad well [ __ ] of course call of duty and halo has to adapt that into their games even if the developers don't understand what makes the movement good see that's what i didn't like man i didn't like how they did loadouts with halo 4 man like it's not halo in that way i get that they were trying to do something new and i was okay with it but i think halo 4 is a good example like they [ __ ] did loadouts like this isn't cod like this has never been in halo and then they had like these special abilities like this right here i i don't know it just it wasn't it's like halo 4 wasn't that bad in a lot of ways but like there are so many things where they just tried to make halo 4 into high-tech call of duty or call of duty within space that compromises the design style and identity of their franchises just copy it i don't care if it works if it's unintuitive janky and sucks ass just copy them do what they're doing a lot of these game series used to kind of just go their own way and i miss that the term early access has now been hijacked by companies who are too lazy to call their games complete or admit they're never going to finish them yeah it used to mean you had early access to the game and often it was like an indie title led by a small team that you understood didn't have the big budget some other games happening like ashes of creation or something but now all it means is the game is going to be a buggy mess and you can't be mad at them because hey it's just in early access there it is even if they make billions of dollars blue hole and epic will continue to call fortnight and pubg early access titles zombie survival games my buddy brought over seven days to die one time and after playing it for five minutes i was like dude you got [ __ ] scammed dude i [ __ ] oh my god robin forced me to play this game with her oh my god oh my god dude i literally i was so mad about this it's like five like five years ago right or like four years ago his ex-girlfriend right um i remember downloading it and i just like she was trying to dig a hole and i just ran i was trying to run into a cactus to kill my character so i had an excuse to not have to play the game anymore like i was so [ __ ] tired of this game like i hated it so much it was the worst game ever you buy this [ __ ] from jose in the back alley behind a strip club like what the [ __ ] is this once esports really started to take off developers started tailoring their games to be competitive everyone wanted their product to break into esports and that can really mess with the project's vision when all you're worried about is chasing the most popular trends in the cash flow you get all these half-assed games releasing and suddenly the desire to create something new is replaced with the desire to copy others games as a service updates online only broken launches etc the ability to patch a game after its release was one of the biggest revolutions in game development allowing teams to continue their work before allowing teams to begin their work after release owing gold bug fixes balance updates and more were now possible even when a game comes out and you buy it on launch date it has an update because the developers are still working on it after they started shipping copies the first time they had this happened i remember it was with halo 2 and they introduced like new maps i think one of them was called like sanctuary or something and like back then because not everybody had online access you could go to gamestop and and buy it uh the extra map packs and everything or you could just download it off of xbox live and that was a long [ __ ] time ago man uh day one yeah i still have the disc myself and uh day one dlc hey nowadays you can fix tweak and save your ass as a developer with this luxury of false launch support overwatch is a prime example of when it's utilized well it needed several updates to become what it is today without them most people would have gotten bored of the game the idea of constantly adding new content and features to engage players and keep them coming back is good for both the gamers and the companies i'd say however it's when the game is as a service philosophy starts enveloping every stage of design when developers rely too much on fixing the game and adding to it after launch that we don't know if you guys ever think of a game like that where like basically it gets released in an unfinished state and then uh like everybody kind of knows it's not finished and then they hope by like maybe the first patch by the first patch maybe it'll be okay and then you know second patch second patch maybe they're you know kind of turning things around and by the third patch things are all right and that's where the developers really kind of have a hold on the product but also by a third patch of the product because they're not selling the box anymore they're not making as much money so they have to make a new product and then in the new product the the new product gets released again and it's not finished and there's at the patch cycle and you know like it's just i don't know if you guys can think of a game yo what that sounds like wow dude i don't know i mean like bfa was pretty good whenever it released right i mean what do you mean like as right armor remember that that was cool see gaming decline halo 5 guardians straight out the gate had like a seven month plan of content why didn't you work that into the three years of development you had you compare spec ops and model warfare two and three and there's no mistake that everybody prefers those versions to the 2019 version where it now takes infinity ward one month to get two missions out ten years ago they launched a game with 23 of them the difference is crystal clear and how games are developed you look at something like kotor 2 halo 2 and smash bros melee these games all had hellish development cycles that devoured the lives of the people working on them these heroes sacrificed time with their families just to complete the game when it was supposed to be done so that we the consumers got the best product possible despite the many bugs glitches and general lack of polish in these three highly anticipated sequels they turned out phenomenal because neither obsidian bungie or nintendo could depend on simple super games the game after the fight not having that luxury put the pressure i used to do those all the time man you remember get back home with the boys you're like hey dude you want to do some super jumps on lockout like yeah dude yeah let's do it man like that was so [ __ ] fun man i loved it tron now with the luxury of post launch support compare the content from halo 2 to the latest game guardians at launch halo 5 had four game modes the lowest in the series and it took a whole year of updates to make halo 5 a somewhat complete package what halo 2 is what happened isn't this what happened with halo 4 2 were halo 4 released without ranked mode yeah didn't halo 4 release that ranked mode or something like that it was like something like really bad yeah it's [ __ ] ridiculous man halo 4 was actually decent though i i don't know back in 2004 halo 5 needed an extra year after it was already out in 2015 but this isn't just exclusive to halo it happens to every game series where the gears stop turning and something as simple as launching a game in a playable state becomes an urban legend yeah bad company yeah you don't really perfectly and works fine then dice drops battlefield 3 4 in battlefront 2 which all had nightmarish issues and simply didn't work it gets so ridiculous to the point where you wonder if the games they put out are actually illegal because the product doesn't work as advertised then you got something like cod world war two it's like what they said about diablo 3 man that's exactly it elon musk is act that's crazy even the menus didn't work that's crazy look at how mass effect 1 came out back in 2007 pretty damn good mass effect andromeda 10 years later somehow looked worse and was a glitch ridden disaster diablo 1 and 2 absolute masterpieces diablo 3 is coming out people have been waiting overnight absolutely experienced this game it releases an error 37. you can't play the game until blizzard figures their [ __ ] out then you had dead island where the developers completely [ __ ] up and released the wrong version of the game how does that happen simcity was made to be always you know bill brought the wrong cd into work and uh we was all drunk so we just put one of them out there it turns out it's the wrong cd so uh my bad it is what it is online except you couldn't connect to ea's shitty ass servers batman arkham knight was knowingly pushed out onto pc despite the publishers knowing it was a terrible port with horrific frame rate issues i'm not saying every game from the glory day is launched in a perfect state but these unplayable disasters happen far less frequently since in time forgiving of them and then we arrive at the master chief collection which was a testament to just how broken you could release a game and somehow not be investigated by the better business bureau zach and i like the thing is like we bought uh we bought this and we played it last year it was like whenever it came out and the frame rate for replaying halo 2 it was halo 1 or halo 2 i forgot which one it was was so bad this atrocity was so unplayable i'm surprised there was no class action lawsuit filed the new cutscenes by blur were jaw-dropping but it's hardly any consolidation when nothing worked menus were [ __ ] game pitches everywhere impossible to find games ranking system constantly resetting three four three that's needed like three or four years to make mcc again it's a really playable game three to four years after i bought the game i was finally able to play it the way they promised i could so halo 2 anniversary will contain the original halo 2 multiplayer one exactly as it shipped 10 years ago what oh this is a subjective point take a look at these mmorpgs world of warcraft changed the gaming landscape as well it really gave rise to the games as a service philosophy with monthly subscriptions new expansions it was a nice source of cash flow and for players that enjoyed the game it was the greatest thing ever wow has been consistently supported for like 15 years and that's great but consistently supported it's been consistently an important point hardly ever mentioned warcraft as a series has been an mmorpg longer than it has been a real-time strategy despite three games with multiple expansions the reason why it's kind of weird does not exist is because wow does similarly the reason why knights the old republic 3 does not exist is because the old republic does elder scrolls 6 does not exist yet because they've been working on elder scrolls online for better or worse these incredible series of games have converted to the games as a service philosophy they've turned their backs on their roots ea is infamous for shutting down i don't have a problem with that to an extent like and this is like kind of my um this is my preference i guess that's pretty much it this is my preference i don't really think that it's a big deal with uh making games like an online evolving world but this is also kind of i'm coming from like an mmo player i understand that a lot of people don't like what i like so it's important to keep that in mind too made by a different studio yeah i don't know several game studios including visceral who were working on a single player star wars game but because single-player games can't really be made into a service ea saw this venture as not as profitable and shut it down it's actually surprising when something like jedi fall on order comes out with no caveats and is a genuinely great game oh yeah but in the six or so years ea has had the rights was it just like star wars but dark souls kind of like i remember this game was really popular for a while i saw a lot of people play it that's actually kind of cool i might i might try this out sometime i'm not really a big star wars fan but it would be cool to try cigar this is the first single player game they've put out flash back to the early 2000s oh baby jedi academy republic commando kotor one and two episode three game lego star wars bounty hunter obi-wan force unleashed battlefront 1 and 2 empire at war star wars games were off the [ __ ] hook but ea is just complacent now we live in a time where the updates a game goes through are more impactful than the actual release and it's just ship it now fix it later mentality it's actually allowing companies to churn out so many titles that suck straight ass when they come out yeah a video game should never be a gamble where the consumer doesn't know if it's gonna function or not ah corporatization it's not a gamble because you know it won't yeah it's not a gamble like you buy a game like that you just assume that it's not gonna work like if you buy a game nowadays you just bet on it not not working and if you think that it's gonna work and it works that's great but you should never expect that to happen very low consumer probably the worst thing about the decline of gaming is the corporatization of it the game industry is becoming more and more controlled by some board of directors who don't see this hobby as you or i do they aren't thinking how can we make the best not a hobby for them they just play the game or they just make the money they just run the company they don't they don't play games these are like the [ __ ] grandpas that have like their grandchildren show them how to use a smartphone these are the people that are on the board of directors for a video game company they can't use a [ __ ] smartphone impossible how can we make our fans happy they're thinking how can we make the most money with the least amount of effort yeah there are investors to please deadlines to me game development used to be just a bunch of nerds pooling their talents and creativity to make something incredible something they would want to play corporatization has been sucking the life and soul out of gaming and this is illustrated by the complete lack of originality in the cover art of games check out this video by nakey jakey it's really good but it showcases a greater point the lack of soul it'd be foolish to condemn all pre-order bonuses microtransactions dlc etc because only a sith deals in absolutes but i think i can almost condemn almost all pre-orders uh i i think pre-orders are uh pre-orders are not good especially if you incentivize pre-orders i i don't i don't like it i think it's like kind of a consumer unfriendly practice like the only game i've ever pre-ordered is wow and that's the only game i ever will pre-order and if i ever pre-order another game i'm probably just being an idiot uh it's just yeah pre-order it well basically it i don't i think that it's unethical to do that because you're effectively incentivizing someone with a unique reward for paying for a product that they don't understand because it's not out yet you're basically like you're that that's that's what it is like i i don't know what to say like i'm i'm very upset about that but you're creating an incentive for somebody to buy a product that's not even released yet they're just buying it on on their premise that it might be good you're the consumer what do you want do you want cool meaningful cosmetics that showcase your accomplishments okay what's the ideal way for the player to unlock them ask yourself this question first is this good for the player is it good for the player to unlock gameplay altering abilities or cosmetic items in monetized randomized loop boxes is that a form of progression and unlocks that is beneficial to the player of course not so why do companies include it because the well-being of the consumer and the quality of the experience is secondary to what's most profitable so true that is so true what he just said 100 so true i knew it see that guys so true back during the 360 ps3 and we generation players noticed there was a lot more downloadable content than the previous generation in fact the gamecube didn't even connect to the internet but now it seems like loot boxes are far more numerous that's because companies realize dlc was only a one-time purchase but what if there was a way to turn players into payers consistently doing that would yield high results then you got all those seasons i wish they made loot boxes against the law like they just made it to where you couldn't couldn't do them anymore like you couldn't have randomized loot boxes period like i i don't think they add any value to the game like having a cash shop where you can buy things i think is like okay i don't like it but it's okay um but i i see no purpose in like sin simulated gambling eu is doing it well that's good and i hope the u.s does the same thing but the problem is like a lot of the us politicians again don't even know what overwatch is they don't know what a loot box is uh they think it's probably something that has to do with pirates s's where companies want you to put up fifty dollars based on a promise as video games become more and more expensive to make the price of a new release has stayed the same for decades and while any business big or small needs to make a profit the length some companies go to to monetize their games is absurd sometimes being so greedy to the point where they will compromise the design of their game 343 and creative assembly went so far in this direction crafting a mode specifically to integrate loot boxes into halo wars 2 and create a pay-to-win model madden and fifa ultimate teams oh wow those are so cool ruined by pay to win loot boxes yep battlefield 1 and 4 offering literal shortcuts through the progression system that is what i really don't like is that like having cosmetics and stuff like that is really bad i don't like it because cosmetics indicate progression in games but whenever you can buy things that increase your experience that's where uh that's where i draw the line that's where i i i feel like that's too much stuff crying about free games well these aren't really free games like for example like black desert has this and uh and i didn't like that at all think about that for a second the designers created the system of xp how it is earned how much it takes to unlock things and then decided to monetize a way for players to skip it entirely bungie literally cutting and reselling parts of destiny 1 and 2 as dlc making shaders consumable so players will have to buy them again was not a decision made for the benefit of the player forza 5 offering just as many payable cars as ones you earn in game the list of dlc for the sims alone staggering middle earth shadow of war a single player game chose the loot box method of delivering imagine how do you think tolkien would [ __ ] feel if he knew that his monsters were popping up in a [ __ ] loot box man i guarantee you he would be pissed he'd be [ __ ] furious about that [ __ ] like i i don't care what the option is or anything i hate these loot boxes i think they're stupid and i was more okay i have gotten less okay with them over the years uh before i was like and now i'm like nah yeah exactly rewards to players dead space 3 interrupting the game to ask you to buy more parts train simulator 2015 offering over four thousand dollars purchasable weapons in black ops 4 giving people an advantage microsoft charging you to remove ads on solitaire [ __ ] micro transactions in solitaire then for some games is that real is that [ __ ] real dude it is jesus man what a [ __ ] man what an absolute [ __ ] can get so bad that functional micro transactions become more important than a functional game i couldn't get into matches and cod world war two when it came out but you bet your ass i could buy loot wow easily one of the most embarrassing blatant empty cash grabs the industry has ever seen do you as a player want to have sections of the video game you bought sealed into randomized crates that are paid for with real money hell no there's always a better alternative titanfall 2 is the shining example it might not make the most money but there's no [ __ ] involved what you see is what you get and the game isn't any worse or better off because of it companies have tried seemingly every slimy underhanded tactic to get you to pay just a bit more metal gear survive had the audacity to charge people 10 for an extra save slot in modern warfare 2. jesus what oh my god oh my god dude are you [ __ ] me this is what's gonna happen to us man they're gonna do this [ __ ] i am just i don't even know what the [ __ ] to say about this man you had to grind for those extra custom class slots but in recent games you could just buy them like is that where we're at now valve and blue hole opened up avenues to skin betting selling and trading with other players remember this leads to gambling websites the notorious shitlords like team martin and pro syndicate trying to make money off this and josh og infamous cs go lotto scandal the increasingly aggressive monetization of video games had gotten so out of hand that it attracted the attention of several world governments i mean if you look at those leaked patents by activision it tells you everything the intent is right there yeah they're hearing to these pens it's just about making money that's what it's about it's a it's about [ __ ] making money they're a company and they're about making money that's what it's all about that's what it's always been about okay and i get that but whenever making money comes at the expense of the product that's what the issue is i want to make you as addicted as possible to spending money they want to control you that's why bungie decided to throttle how much xp you got i bet they wouldn't have done that if they weren't trying to sell me bright engrams the decline in gaming has manifested in so many different ways and it hurts to talk about [ __ ] man the industry i knew and loved has just gotten complacent with lazy titles trend chasing garbage half-assed remasters corporatization over monetization and a lack of drive to create something new games as a service and early access become crutches for developers to lean on and when fans get upset at how dysfunctional and empty their latest releases or wonder why game breaking issues continue to exist they use early access or were working on it as their shield don't get me wrong the good stuff is still out there but you have to find it amongst all the noise but with all this [ __ ] i think that the way that this is ever going to go away is if the consumers are actually stop if they stop buying games like this and the issue is that so many people still support products and systems like this that there's no way for it to go away and i think they won't well i know that but like that's what i'm saying it's like because like these companies they target the dumbos they're going after the big stupids these are the people that just want to sit there and [ __ ] they just want to play their game and they don't care about anything else besides that they just want to play their game and uh the super you know quote normies or whatever you want to call them uh those are the audience that these developers are going after because those are the people that won't ask questions those are the people that won't complain about unfair practices those are the people that just play games so casually and without any interest really in like the health of the game that they just let them languish and die and the sad thing about it is that they're the ones that are actually enabling these consumer unfriendly practices to keep happening i'm very frustrated about it but there it is uh beta online because we're addicted well it's not just that i i don't know man what is the monetization that you believe um i think that generally if you're playing an online game paying for a sub is what i would prefer to do or having like certain micro transactions if it's a free game i think it can have micro transactions but there's no reason that any game should ever have loot boxes loot boxes are completely unnecessary to every single type of game they add no value and they're purely negative a lot changed for the worse in gaming it's starting to feel like oh yes assembly line production and the way companies treat their consumers okay here we go this is making me lose faith in this industry and that it's uploading is how gaming has declined [Music] i think that's obviously a really good video i really liked this video a lot i thought it was very well done i think everything about it was uh pretty accurate i think also these companies are just trying to retread the same ground as they have before because it's easier for them and they make more money that way i think consumer unfriendly practices are happening too often and fanboys allow it to happen and enable it [Music] you
Channel: A͏͏ѕm͏͏o͏͏n͏͏g͏͏o͏͏l͏͏d͏͏ T͏͏V͏͏
Views: 1,639,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold act man, the act man, act man, act man decline, decline of gaming, act man decline of gaming, asmongold the act man, the decline of gaming, gabe newell, steam, steam gabe, bethesda skyrim, elder scrolls, asmongold skyrim, asmongold elder scrolls, steam loot boxes, loot boxes, asmongold loot boxes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 5sec (3665 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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