9mm +P and +P+

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Great video, thanks for sharing.

Always get chrono data if you can. Labels have some meaning, but they aren't always reflective of performance. Getting gel test data for the bullets themselves is extremely useful as well.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/someguy0474 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] please bear with gunfire here in the background a while ago we did some presentations comparing standard pressure and plus P ammunitions in a few different calibers and that subject has come up again specifically in caliber nine by nineteen and for today if I say nine millimeter or just nine I am referring the nine by nineteen so here we are now ideally to do a comparison of different types of ammunition you should shoot everything through the same gun easy enough I've got a beretta 92fs but also ideally you'd want to use the same brands and same configurations of ammunition I can do that to an extent both of these ammunition Tsar Remington both nine by nineteen both 124 grain jacketed hollow points this one being ultimate defense and this one being golden saber but the ultimate defense has printed on the box that it is loaded with a one hundred and twenty four grain brass jacketed golden saber hollow point this makes a fair comparison the only real difference being standard pressure versus plus P but with some of the a munitions I'm going to use today some of which were sent to me by viewers thank you everybody I wasn't able to get the exact same brands and the exact same configurations of all the 9-millimeter ammunition were going to be using so there will be some extraneous variables in today's presentation will not be ideal but I think we can still get some useful information out of it and let's start with going to the chronograph I'm going to start with this winchester white box nine by nineteen 115 jacketed hollow 1000 11:55 1097 1122 1166 and 1144 now let's try another type of animal and now Remington green and white box nine by nineteen 115 grain jacketed hollow point 11:08 11 2011 83 1090 11:23 and a thousand and eighty six now let's try some plus P ammo now this is mcnutt's double tap ammunition and it's a nine by nineteen plus P 115 grain jacketed hollow point 1368 1364 1368 1373 and 1335 let's see how that stacks up to some plus P plus ammo and now federal nine by nineteen plus P plus 115 grain jacketed hollow point 13:05 1331 $12.99 13:17 and 1341 let's try another type of plus P plus and this is spear gold dot nine nine nineteen plus P plus 115 grain jacketed hollow point 13:45 1373 1359 1390 & 1379 now let's go crunch these numbers well I crunched the numbers in here's what we've got and of course as I've said before chronographs don't always agree with each other in certain environmental factors like elevation and ambient temperature can affect cronograph results so with our standard pressure ammunition with the Remington we've got a mean velocity of 1118 and with the winchester 1129 that's 11 feet per second more well within the variation of one round to the next and not enough difference to make a difference but with our plus P and plus P plus a munitions we got very impressive numbers with a double tap plus P a mean velocity of 1361 that's 232 and 243 feet per second more that's a lot more but with our plus P plus a mo with the federal we got a mean velocity of 13 18 that's 43 feet per second less than just the plus P and with our spear gold dot plus P plus we got a mean velocity of 1369 that's only 8 feet per second more than with a double tap again well within the variation of one round to the next and not enough difference to make a difference so what can we take from all of this well some people will say it's an unfair comparison because I'm comparing what would be called premium or boutique or what I call hyper a munitions to regular ammunition but even taking that into consideration we can see that our plus P gives us a lot more performance than our standard pressure we can also see that not all Plus P's and not all plus P pluses are created equal caveat emptor so let's go back to the chronograph with some different types of 9-millimeter plus P and plus B plus a mo and see what kind of results we get now let's shoot some 9 by 19 ammunition with 124 grain projectiles and we'll start with our Remington ultimate defense 9 by 19 124 grain jacketed hollow point 1162 1197 1151 1175 and 1178 now let's try the plus P version of this and now our Remington golden saber nine by nineteen plus P 120 for grain jacketed hollow point 1155 1190 1189 1172 and 1164 now let's try a different type of plus P and now I'll try this Hornady American gun and ammunition which is nine by nineteen plus P 120 for grain jacketed hollow point eleven twenty eleven sixty seven eleven thirty 11:24 and 1147 now let's try one more type of ammo this is Underwood ammunition and it's a nine by nineteen plus P plus one hundred and twenty four grain jacketed hollow point 13:12 1297 13 23 13 15 and 13 10 now let's go crunch those numbers while I crunched the numbers in here's the results now with our standard pressure ultimate defense ammunition we've got a mean velocity of 1172 but with our golden saber plus P ammunition we were able to increase that to 1170 for a gain of two feet per second so that is well within the variation of one round to the next not enough difference to make a difference however with our Hornady american gunner plus p ammunition we've got a mean velocity of 11 37 that's 35 feet per second less I know this is a tired saying but I'm going to say it anyway I don't know what they meant when they added the plus P designation but I do not think it means what you think it means now with our underwood plus P plus ammunition we've got a mean velocity of 13 11 that's 139 feet per second more that's a lot more what what these results really tell us is basically the same thing that the hundred and fifteen grain ammunition told us which is not all plus P ammunition is created equal so we see in terms of nine-millimeter performance sometimes the designator plus P doesn't mean much and sometimes it means a great deal and in those cases where it does mean a lot that brings up some questions and concerns one of those being accuracy and I've covered this before but when you sight in a pistol with a particular type of ammunition and then you shoot a different type of ammunition that can to varying degrees in some guns caused a shift in group location and/or group size and where that becomes a concern is if someone is practicing with a certain type of animal but carrying a different type of ammo there's many reasons someone might do that a big factor is cost this ammunition cost me three times with this ammunition and there are many things that can contribute to that shift two big factors are projectile weight and velocity and this shift can become profound in some guns if your projectile weight and/or velocity are significantly outside the parameters of what would be considered typical for that caliber now the ammunition I'm using today with 115 and 124 gram projectiles are very common for 9-millimeter but as we saw in our 115 grain ammunition velocities of just over 1,100 are typical while some of the ammunitions I'm using are giving me velocities of over 1360 that is significantly outside the parameters of what would be considered typical for 9-millimeter so to what degree is this ammunition going to affect our accuracy in terms of group location and size let's see if I can put that to the test so with the beretta 92fs I'll shoot from 20 yards and I'll shoot the Remington 115 s in Winchester white-box 115 the DoubleTap plus P 115 and the spear gold dot plus P plus 115 s and let's see how the group's compare [Music] [Music] we see that with the Remington ammunition the group is fairly well centered and that's the ammo that was used to zero this pistol with the Winchester white box may have shifted a little the shot that's really high that was just me with a DoubleTap ammunition we definitely see a shift in the location of the group and with a spear gold dot ammunition another shift to a different location now depending on how you measure it the difference between our control group R plus P ammunition is about four inches and that's at twenty yards so five yards that would only be an inch of difference and there are those who would argue that's not enough to make a difference however I have shot targets that were a hundred yards away and at that distance that definitely would make a difference but what this really shows us is that if your practice ammunition and your carry ammunition are different you have to get that carry ammunition on paper and see where it hits there's another concern about our plus P and plus P plus ammunitions that I can illustrate with the meet target for those who haven't seen at the meet target his leather jacket skin followed by pork steak batgirls pork ribs a bag of oranges to simulate lung tissue more pork ribs on the back four layers a t-shirt on the front four layers on the back and the whole thing fall about a new-and-improved high-tech police bullet stop now the concern is about hollow point expansion as I've said before hollow points are velocity based if you propel them to slowly they'll drop below expansion threshold and you get very little to no expansion but propel them too fast and you get hyper expansion fragmentation and a lot of damage on the surface but completely insufficient penetration now with our double tap plus P hundred and fifteen grain hollow points and our spear gold dot plus P plus hundred and fifteen grain hollow points being propelled at far greater velocities than what would be considered typical what kind of damage are they going to do to the meet target now as a basis of comparison I'll shoot from seven yards with our Winchester white box nine by nineteen 115 grain jacketed hollow-point and we'll see what kind of damage we get and then see how our plus P and plus P plus a munitions compare so what we see is a lot of damage to the ribs on the front of the target where the bullets hit the ribs shattered them lots of damage to our orange lung tissue so the ribs on the back of the target all the bullets went through where the bullets hit the ribs broke them and all four of the projectiles were stopped either by the t-shirt on the back of the target or the first or second layer of fleece now let me show you a close-up with the projectiles and we can see fairly good and fairly consistent hollow-point expansion now I've got a new meat target set up and I'll shoot from seven yards with our DoubleTap nine by nineteen plus P 115 grain jacketed hollow point so with the DoubleTap ammunition we see bigger holes in our pork chop petrol than we did with the Winchester ammunition also bigger holes in our ribs on the front and more damage a lot more damage to our orange lung tissue and our ribs on the back have bigger holes in them and where the bullets hit a rib shattered it but as far as penetration goes all four of these projectiles were stopped by the t-shirt on the back of the target so our DoubleTap compared to our Winchester ammunition seems to have significantly more damage but the penetration is about the same now let me show you a close-up of these projectiles and we see a lot of expansion a couple of them lost their jackets but there's no significant fragmentation and now our spear gold dot nine by nineteen plus P plus 115 grain hollow ball well the ribs on the front and the ribs on the back both have big holes in them and where bullets hit the ribs shattered them our orange lung tissue is annihilated but with the speared gold dot hollow points two of the projectiles were stopped by the t-shirt on the back of the target and two made it through to about the tenth layer of fleece now let me show you a close-up of these rounds and we see excellent expansion and very little fragmentation now there's a few things to add first we saw that the penetration of our plus P and plus P plus 115 grain hollow points was perfectly sufficient so we can take it as axiomatic that we'd get sufficient penetration from our 124 grain plus P and plus B plus a munitions also we saw that the performance of this ammunition was extremely good but that comes at the cost of a few things first being the cost ammunition like this can have exorbitant price tags there's also the cost in terms of wear and tear on your pistol remember not all handguns are rated for plus P ammunition and in shooting this bread and 92fs I could feel how hard the slide was operating other than today's presentation I would not shoot this type of ammunition in my beretta 92fs yes well this is not my beretta 92fs that I typically use this is somebody else's but the real bottom line to today's presentation I'd say is three things one as we saw not all plus P ammunitions created equal to you have to make sure that your pistol is rated for plus P ammunition and three although we saw very little variation in terms of point of impact you'll get individual results with individual pistols anywhere from insignificant to profound and you have to make sure that your practice ammo and your carry ammo are hitting pretty close to the same place so as always don't try this at home on what you call a professional and thanks for watching the nine by nineteen + P + + P + video [Music] you
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 305,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul harrell, paul harrell 9mm, paul harrell 9mm +p, paul harrell 9mm +p+, 9mm +p, 9mm +P+, +p vs +p+, 9mm +p vs +p+
Id: oM5Am6rIu-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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