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welcome back you guys everybody CK and I did this in the last challenge video but I want to do it again and make this a routine Toad's giveaways if every single challenge video from here and to the end of my career man I promise you it's the best way I can get it back because you guys show so much support when these challenge videos so I'll blow out the video you know there be coals randomly dropped and yeah hopefully it doesn't distract you too much from the challenge video now don't do these too often because you know I try to make sure you guys don't think it's too repetitive you know I'm saying I try to think of ideas I've never been done like this one I've never seen anyone do a tight end screen challenge but for rookie Titans at that okay TJ Hawkinson from the Detroit Lions 6 foot 5 to 51 he has 82 speed earth Smith jr. from this team the Minnesota Viking six-foot to 242 at 85 speed no offense is 6 foot 4 to 40 989 speed what are they feeding these Titans no but seriously like you have to be tall as hell to play tight end like there's no tight ends under 6 feet tall Delanie Walker is the shortest one but on mutt head they gave max with 2 inches you know I wish I could be that lucky and get an extra 2 inches anyways our last contestant hails from buffalo dawson knocks 6 foot 4 to 57 he has 87 speed how much does speed gonna play a factor in this one we'll find out man how much will agility play a factor how much will acceleration man awareness all these things are gonna come together even elusiveness man we are gonna find out which one of these guys can get to the crib off of just high ten screens the fastest before we get into it you gotta check the settings man I want to make sure it's on the toughest difficulty possible I don't want anyone accuse me of anything look at this our Madden and I'm gonna make it competitive yes user stick skills are king so I might end up struggling just a little bit for whatever reason the Vikings have the Saints numbers so I feel like just to give us a little bit of an edge you know mentally because you guy had that mental you know edge against your opponent we're gonna put the Vikings versus the Saints and see if that helps us even a little bit man this ain't gonna be easy I don't think I've ran a title screen all year look there's a -8 overall you know different so hey we need every advantage we can get shout out to you guys on Twitter there's no way I would have been able to find this if you guys didn't help me out man so thank you to every you worm and hopefully your one news that has notifications on you can get the code because I don't know how else to repay you but yeah here we go Saints why screen first up we're gonna have herbs Smith jr. alright attempt number one this is what the player looks like you can barely see like all the routes but hey all you need worried about is the tight end one here we go it's been so long since I did a challenge beyond you know how to work this what that doesn't count the only attempts that count are the ones where they actually catch the football okay every time to catch the ball they progress up the field will respawn the ball and continue from there here we go the actual attempt number one they're going yeah actually catching a football okay we got a solid game alright so now he's at the 8 yard line Cameron Jordan is gonna be a problem I just forgot him ok unless he decides to do that damn it the turnaround time is a little too slow Irv or should I say to lateral quickness I'm pretty sure that's the stat they use right there ok he caught it in stride he gets the solid 5 yard as a pop there's nothing wrong with that well you know I'd like it if you could get a little bit more you know give us some excitement you feel can y'all get out of his way there's a reason why no one runs is his play bad news was not gonna be easy he can't catch the ball I have to tie maybe I need to pass it as soon as I get the ball there we go that's what I'm gonna have to do Irv let's go ruff let's go that's a beautiful block from Dalvin we gotta be close to midfield so I see what we have to do we gotta be a Hagan pass the heat almost immediately ok there we go that's what I need then I need a nice block for my right tackle we're across midfield hi attempt number six coming off of the best attempt so far let's keep it up there we go early I spin around okay we're at the 40 let's keep it up boys attempt number seven oh my goodness a majority stop being annoying that's why you got the same name as a tight end just backwards yeah you need to see it here we go oh yeah you love to see that ok nice pass to get across the 35 here we go at um number 8 come on boys let's keep it up let's keep it up nice catch we're inside the 30 I really don't know from running this correctly man Eli Apple is there for the tackle every time that's not what I want to happen ok Irv's getting inside the 25 late I'm pretty sure he too fast this one too it is just it's not translating to a great yard ok we're cutting inside this time now he's getting the 10 yards of pop he's reached double digits though that's that's not a good sign in my history of doing challenge that's not a good sign damn it moved I know he's doing his feet you can get it under 15 attempts I think that would be a pretty good start I think that would be a pretty good time let's don't die I tried it we're down to the one there's gonna be attempt number 13 be almost head-on 12 oh there it is nervous Smith Jr gets it done next up we're going mr. Dawson let's see how he does first attempt from mr. Knox what a name bro like can we just talk about how great that name is okay Oh beautiful block starting off okay he's getting a solid nine yards wasn't expecting that on the first attempt I be honest Oh cam just he just jumps instinctively you heard my joke about the tight end that's what it is he's look he's trying to be annoying as possible and there's Eli yeah already on to attempt number three let's see what he can do right there oh he didn't jump this time okay we're cutting toward the middle let's go man that's what I want to see you know how this year is stacked when it comes to having like a loaded y receiver draft class last year my opinion was stacked when it came to tight ends I mean these four guys could have filthy careers I want to know who you guys think is gonna have the best one know that that's that's the question for you guys I try to cut it outside at least we got past before you attempt number five we're doing a decent job getting you know it's not batted down from by cam Jordan but uh we got to get past these corner bags too you know these times are big as hell I might just start trucking it why not just start trying these DBS cannot stop Mike might I watch watch greatness there it is Dawson fightin Casta 40-yard line six attempts down on to number seven man halfway to whatever Smith did Dawson's killing it man come on here we go it's have number eight I throw it a little late he doesn't care look at Dawson snag that thing we're inside the 2002 attempt number nine if he gets it done before double digits that's gonna be a tough score to beat Eli damn it how did you get so good at tackling now something they added up you gotta go check this out because this is getting ridiculous man let's check Dawson's brake tackle and then we're gonna check Eli's tackling because I'm telling you man I don't know what's going on okay break tackle 49 that's pretty low what's up number 10 didn't even bother checking Eli's tagging there was no point because when you break tackles that low you don't get tackle nine times out of nine okay he's gonna happen why you single time come on leave Otto a man's is not trying to exert energy I guess I'll know used to get taken a breather something there we go finally that's what I love to see we're inside the 10 East daughters B look at him fight three attempts to tie herb Smith two attempts to beat him let's see what happens when attempt number eleven there it is we're inside the five attempt number 12 this is to beat earth Smith and claim the number one spot there it is dosa NOx is now in first place next up we have no effect one of the fastest items in the entire league I sweatin be running circles around his defense like a Sun Whiteside in the locker let's get it started know if I am expecting big things I was like to him to get it done the fastest he's my favorite right now but we'll see what happens Oh already starting off with a bang when I say favor I don't mean who I'm gonna make win like come on y'all gotta stop being so dense okay favorite meaning he's who I think will win okay damn y'all be like oh it's rigged it's Ricky Keating stop you need to relax it's not that serious man time to challenge me y'all just take it to the max is just for entertainment it's not life or death if your favorite play loses you're not gonna die okay anyways back to the video attempt number two for no offense man let's see how he does right here Oh Camry don't ya Adam damn you lied relax all right attempt number three Noah keep it up boy keep it up Eli stop it three attempts down we're only at the 20 I don't know what to tell you man we gotta pick it up we just have to pick it up there we go that's why I love to see Noah come on use that speed damn you own that block Kelvin I think deep down dominoes he had a feeling that if Noah pissed outside he's gone like no one's catching him so he had to make sure to block you know didn't hold up okay damn he's not blocking for him attempt number six halfway to Dawson score but we're not halfway to the endzone yet come on know where you gotta pick it up we gotta pick it up I mean I tried the guca man we're on to attempt number seven what y'all don't know is that here a lot of attempts that I'm not showing because they're not catching it or camera door just backing it down it's getting bad okay they really finally caught one come on no affair I actually know I tried to Duke we're crossing midfield at least attempt number eight let's see how he does come on there it is that's a nice catch come on truck that young man truck Todd truck habit a little too early moving on to number nine we're creeping up to the red zone man will it be enough for at least second we gotta at least go for second attempt number ten we are inside the 30 come on Noah time to pick it up and dairy go truck that young man attempt number 11 you have to get a good chunk of yards right here or else he has no chance of dead oh my goodness they're just swarming tomley bees on honey we got a few yards at least but will it be enough attempt number 12 misses the tide Dawson let's see what happens oh my god trying to hurdle we're down at the one just like Earth Smith jr. but you cannot make this up unbelievable now he's gonna tie her and we're gonna have two tight ends at 13 hey last but not least we have TJ Hawkinson I know he's been waiting a long time he's probably sitting there like tonight earn it you told me it was my turn to talk all that you want to yell extreme yeah it is my attempt number one for mr. Hawkinson man let's see how he does but he is in this division on just a different team 64 just he knows that he not blocking now the reason I have them all on the same team is so they have the same stipulations as the other contestants man I had you know Hawkinson on the Lions and fans on the Broncos you know it might be a different story it can't has to be equal as we end up droppin that pass that does not count as an attempt man attempt number two the actual one there we go look at the spittle Oh Hawkins I need a Jew coochie already at the 14 with two attempts down I'm pretty sure he's on pace to win I don't know Matt it's been a while since I did math okay we're across the 20 attempt to number four I realized that I'm old as hell that's what that that just showed me okay I see low - Toder look at him truck folks that's have number five coming down with stretch let's see what happens every like finally called it hot truck that man damn it five down he's almost at midfield I'm telling you this guy's killing it he's nasty with it look at these catches in traffic I tried to Chuck again - Safety's nice and tackling Oh - attempt number seven I know there's one though okay relax seems fancy not just some safety I'm not casual you don't have to call me ahead comp section where are you guys going okay look at this dude at least cross midfield but can we talk about on both linemen just missed Eli Apple do the Vikings hate the lines that much to where they would sabotage just so Hawkinson doesn't win and Dawson Knox does I might never call Titan screen again as long as after this okay you're going never only gonna hurt ICU Hawkinson he has three attempts to tie dawson Knox for first place or two attempts to beat him that could happen you never know man Hawkinson let's go we're inside the 25 26 attempt number 11 it's time to put up or shut up for mr. Hawkinson let's see what happens here we go we finally got some good blocks Hawkinson getting inside the 20 attempt number 12 to tie dawson knocks for first place Ken Hawkinson make it happen there it is nice oh he choked up Hawkinson got inside the tendon but it's not enough it wasn't good enough to get him first place but this is probably the best you of the video Eli where your ankles money even if he doesn't get second or third even if he gets last he knows he has the highlight of the video that's all that really matters right at the end of the day look at hock oh he's gonna get it done and number 13 anyways we have a three-way tie for second so it was a very close challenge man thank you guys for watching this video if you did enjoy you know what to do destroy a like button also don't forget to enter this code if you're on ps4 I'm pretty sure that's the one I'm gonna leave for less my loyal subscribers you know that stayed to the end that one's for you also don't forget to subscribe for know around here and put them notifications on so you don't miss the next challenge man leaving the comment section below any ideas you have it has to be unique ask me something never done before oh you to vote cast the only way I'm doing challenges from here on now man hopefully you guys have a good rest of your day [Music]
Channel: Ckbirds
Views: 56,547
Rating: 4.9579105 out of 5
Keywords: 99 yard challenge, 99 yard tight end screen, ckbirds, madden 20, madden 20 challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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