99 Exploring a HUGE(and long) Slide | And a bit of Prospecting too

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got halfway here and I realized I wasn't carrying my pan look at that Waterfall oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we got the day off we fogged out looks like it might have cleared out now but it's already like 2:00 it's already way past Quinton time it's quite windy actually right now it's funneling uh right up the valley so me and the pilot are going to do some gold panning I got bear spray little shovel and binoculars and lunch this just go P couple hours four hours before dinner so let do do something this this morning really cloudy really um really thick little ceiling of raining now wind's picked up and uh it's a lot brighter now see Ling is a lot higher but it's too late now it's way past quitting time so thought maybe we would get a part day in but that didn't happen but now it's perfect excuse to do some have some fun there's some gold pens so got 100 steps to get up here 100 but it's like 50 something all the way up to the tracks it's going to be fun I don't have boots so I mean I could wear my rubber boots but I want to wreck my corks so I chance it TR real sharp corks in my rubbers that's all right it's looking have fun okay here we are um we flew over earlier in the day we flew over this Landslide and now we're here on foot and we're going to do some gold panning but also just exploring just checking it out for fun so here we go there's L tracks um yeah probably LK isar tracks oh wow elk bear this is cool all from a landslide from way up there yeah we can go a little way sure just to check it out yeah yeah you were in the heav yeah that's right yeah you should come uh all the time like the last thing the head always the last the last guy when we go to the stage we do small flight yeah we got this one little creek here the pilot there that's the pilot walk across the log my turn so we're going to go apparently there's a bigger Creek through this slide area we're going to go check out yeah lots of Black Sands here cuz we we paned the main Creek coming out here there's Black Sands everywhere cuz this slide happened only a couple years ago so not a lot of you know stratification and River action has been going on it's only been a couple years cuz this is all like new terrain basically right look at it it's just been nuked like from a old growth forest oh this is probably a second growth I know this probably already been logged 100 years ago I don't know but there's nothing nothing just dirt and rock not even dirt just sand and rock I mean it's been a couple years so you got a little few saplings and plants growing now but oh man this place was just demolished amount of well you seen the video I'll put it in this in this video I don't know if put the front or the back but of me flying up the up the slide shoot there unfortunately I was in the back seat cuz we weren't planning on flying up there it was just the last minute little detour oh look at look at this Co oiz this is look at that wow that is very very Rusty I'm going to break this open do it right now oh man I'm cooking in the sweater way over dressed it was really uh windy and rain down at the camp oh that's right I turn the camera on for that spot right there on that rock no it's just regular looking host Rock like the rest of the rock all around here oh here yeah I'll get some normal looking Rock here basically that same stuff this is just oxidized for some reason I don't know why he I wonder if I go with this there we go see that there that's the normal St it's everywhere yeah okay well let's go find that pilot first got to get my bear spray I forgot my pan I got talking away to Pilot there grabbed some lunch my Pocky chest Pocky here talking away in the truck and I close the door and start walking and got halfway here and I realized I wasn't carrying my pan oh he's got his pan though so we'll share look at that that one tree survived the whole Forest another one here while initially survived but it's dead now you can tell it recently happened cuz the fine needles the fine Twigs on that tree are still on the tree so yeah apparently this was only a couple years ago what 3 years ago but you can see look at black sand is all on the surface here e it's all black sand see that I already got new growth starting up there he is yeah this his first time I just showed him there about half hour ago how to pan that's actually the boss's pan he had one in Camp too so yeah we got my car and peppers for snack got a bear spray this is awesome there's cool but not that cold and I'm actually pretty warm in this sweater this is awesome just total [Music] Destruction there's that tree there pan over look at that big pile of debris and then way over way way way down there through the trees is the main river well just keep an eye out for quartz I doubt it I don't we'll find anything that's interesting hey look at this rock well she's worn smooth this must have been originally part of a river a long time ago h there I'll probably pan some of that see what I can find oh that's interesting look at this look that it's got some green on there let's uh let me just put it on this right here I don't know if it's picking up the color or not can you see the green on there that's cool malachite I guess yeah yeah that's a quartz vein cool we see that one for later maybe break it break it open see what's inside Wow Let's go over here yeah this slide is massive it's got to be over a mile wide two miles wide this is from way way way over there way over there it guess even wider as you go out across the valley the main Valley here it spreads out even farther and then there is where it came from and then it spreads out way over there where we started walking yeah and it reached the river The Far Side Of The Hill over there is the main river that comes down this the main Valley here yeah just huge huh who almost went in the bigger stuff one hand there we go okay that something um maybe see here you no luck it's time not rich today not Jets not Chets yet that's the black sand though yeah I mean this is all fresh it's only been a couple years this is all like this whole this River here is probably a fresh River it's probably wasn't even a river right here oh yeah no I don't think so yeah we know probably came out of the valley in a different spot and then couple hundred million tons of rock oh yeah you know changed everything and now it's all this is a probably a whole new Creek whole new spot for a creek it's cool to think about right yeah whoa the Chun off do one more time right I'm a hole here Co it's a tough Rock yeah that's a big one got something yeah check it out look all the the shiny stuff in there oh yeah interesting stuff that's cool yeah I think it's a I think this is um something similar to andesite It's A fine grain structure you know yeah you see that's partial oxidized mineral there mineralization yeah that's how shiny it is yeah the sun's coming out too yeah here I'll show you here's another uh rock that I seen right here it's a greenish looking Rock and it's got I think it's just miciah I don't know if the camera's picking up but it's pretty sparkly yeah it's pretty sparkly no mineralization though cuz it's not like oxidized or anything yeah but like you see all these different uh odd rocks sticking out they're all orangey reddish color kind of spackled around the the clay him here let's do some more exploring who it's like walking on marbles look how dark this one is it's like black oh huh yeah it's got some Min mineralization in there too right let's keep going though we head up that way okay one more rck look this one is multicolored hey wow that's cool looking look at that wow look at this one this is heavily oxidized wow nice to know where this the source of this rock is wow that's very very reddish looking yeah might be some gold in there who knows e but there's no point even if you found gold in there there's no point if you don't know where the source is it's up there somewhere so it's actually not too bad cuz you kind of can narrow it down pretty easily up this Canyon here somewhere with that Landslide gone through uh might make it easier to find the source cuz you know scoured the scoured that Valley bottom there so yeah who knows oh there's a quz vein right there there a qu of vein right here or well what is this is that oh yeah yeah that's a quz f wonder what that is that's interesting it's a shiny see that shiny huh oh what's this what's that right there think that's a piece of P right it's shiny there it is focus I get my finger oh okay she's gone okay so I found another piece I don't know what these things are but they're shiny come on Focus yeah I don't know think I'm going to take this home take it to the lab get it tested look how much dirt like the forest floor was way up there and way over there that's where the forest floor was so much millions of millions of tons of rock and dirt falling right through this narrow part right here just incredible can't to see the screen from that right there right right there everything just funneled right through there wow apparently it uh um it triggered a bunch of seismic uh stations Like An Earthquake like it shook some what is that um RoR scale yeah was on the RoR scale apparently there's a couple local sensors in the this part of the province that's what I heard anyway so powerful it was wow okay so the Bedrock changes here instead of this type of rock which is everywhere down there we got this type of rock look like a darker gray color now compared to this so but there must be more of this type of rock up the valley a little veinlet Stringer strung out all over the place here don't look like they of any interest to me this one's cool it's got a big bend in it [Music] oh it's cool because before the landslide you never would have known that there's a sheer rock face there and who knows where Bedrock is in the middle and then there's a she and then there's a sheer Cliff right here on this side like a channel who knows maybe before the slot you know ground is probably 100 ft up in the air there's trees all along here yeah that's so cool yeah I wonder how high the river was before the slide it could have been a 50 60 70 ft up like way up higher h let's go find that pallet he's way ahead of me [Music] now no stuck in [Music] there they easily 100 ft up from the water oh he's way over there all right I'll see you guys over there oh I think I found the source of all that black sand in the river especially the main river going through the valley The Big Valley there I think I found the source or one of the sources anyway look at this black rock It's So rotten you know broken up this is Rock it's solid black dark dark black color look how soft that rock is that's why there's so much Black Sands so much of it looks like almost like hair I guess from the rain and it's so soft wow oh yeah much better oh there it is gives you a sense of scale how big the slide was and I'm not even at the edge The Edge is way over there 's The Edge there he is see let throw that too good resist kind of throw something off the edge this is fun we got to get going back soon I for got my bear spray at the last spot we were panning and uh for an hour and a half till dinner probably half hour walk back to the truck in about I know 40 minutes drive back to Camp believe now be just in time for dinner roughly yeah recovering from a cold so this why my voice sounds a little different oh yeah well here we are at the source of us oxidized rock that spread out all down through to the how do we call that flood plane I guess this must be one of the sources anyway I think it's just more like an iron Stone it's not a vein or anything just some host Rock that's got a lot of iron in it that's all but that's the type of rock it is it's freshly exposed yeah hope is very very oxidized anyway I think I'm shown enough rocks for today let's do some more exploring just see what's up around the corner here look at the colors he okay here we go the size of that rock yeah [Music] almost made it to the edge e the line slide just couldn't quite push it far enough or maybe it was always there it's got a lot of old moss on it so it probably didn't roll far or at all I'm sure scoured everything down in the Bedrock right here huh yeah sure is sparkly huh look at that waterfall holy smokes let's go take a look at that wow that's just a giant boulder stuck in there wonder if that Boulder got pushed down the mountain in the slide W that would have been cool to see wow here's another angle see if we can see in there oh so here's my samples I'm packing out we're about at the third of the way down yeah we cover a lot of distance pretty fast but we're just talking about if you think about it let me put this pan down here think about it from way over there the trees over there if you were to go perfectly level towards me right imagine perfectly level I'm probably 80 ft up standing on debris 80 ft up in the air right or maybe even 100 ft cuz level proba me I'm just guessing but level's probably like right there from my eyeballs roughly I'm just guessing so yeah we're probably good 80 ft up and then there's so much more silt you know spread out all along the farthest edges so much silt and then another thing we're wondering is where did all the trees go right like you hardly see any trees that are blown down and pushed up against the standing trees you hardly see any see a little bit right there but there's no blown over piled up trees amongst the standing ones so where' all the trees go right this whole open area the other buried or they got pushed they must be buried because if they were pushed into the standing Timber you'd see it yeah and you don't even see trees and wood sticking out of the ground here so you must be pretty high up the original ground must be pretty far down okay I got to get going the pilots way up there yeah I'm going to take this to the lab in Vancouver I'll show you again right there look at that hey how it's reflecting and then where's the other another big chunk I wonder what that is and then oh oh is this not the right piece oh I think I grabbed the wrong piece oops Yeah I had a different piece that was better okay I messed that up oh well still got a couple of them these weird things in the courts I don't know if I even need to take this little one just like a little oh I can break it with my fingernail wonder what that is yeah I'll TF it I'll just carry this big one yeah he's way out there yeah seeing a bunch of old bear tracks and Elk cuz when we're flying to work um oh yeah it's way up the valley is where we see that herd of elk every morning although the chopper so is so rough and I'm trying to zoom in on the elk I can't keep the camera steady I think I got one decent shot there in the other video but I'll see if I can get the front seat tomorrow and I'll get the pilot to fly real slow over them and I'll try and get a good shot of those elk oh look at that one that one's quite green okay maybe not just kind of looked back at it first all right see you guys here we going to find something else that's interesting if not I'll see you in the next video we found some more tracks it's like El tracks they're not fresh but they're not that old yet they go off in that direction pretty cool we've seen a bunch of tracks older ones way over there kind of hard to tell what they are though but what was it was big oh there's a truck right there [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bjarne Butler
Views: 6,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lumberjack, faller, logger, logging, husqvarna, stihl, guilty of treeson, buckin billy ray, canada, timber, tree, forest, today, chainsaw, Kentt, heli, heli logging, pro, professional, arborist, helicopter, how to sharpen a chainsaw, wood mizer, timber cutter, tree removal, old growth
Id: RM-TnpOjbds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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