96TB Gaming Hard Drive Has Every Game Ever

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Chris cool mods she's checking out his 96 terabyte build this thing has it all it is massive you'll see in a second you have a total of six 16 terabyte hard drives to run this thing and it does everything from every console every on handheld every PC game all the different old school computer systems uh Easter eggs uh game manuals jukebox Cody you know you name it this is an all-in-one system what you're looking at right now is hyperspin but it also has a retro Fe background as well crazy just how much is packed on this thing so in this video we are going to check out all the different collections that are on here there's so many to go through that we're not going to be able to go through every single game but you'll see the hundreds of different systems on this thing uh you will see some of the collections how it's all organized the hundreds of different you know platforms and and collections it's massive to say the least so this is what it looks like you get a five bay 16 terabyte uh drive and then it's meant that you put this other hard drive in as your internal hard drive so it's a 5A plus one I'm running it all externally and it runs really well here's some of those Easter eggs I was telling you about it's got comic books old school retro commercials uh Mad Magazine you name it so let's go ahead and get started with the main program the main software here and we'll go from there it actually brings up the manual I gotta write my high score in there all right so you first boot this thing up and you got 17 items in the lower right hand corner there okay and most you're gonna spend most your time in consoles over here like let's not get it sideways you got everything you got the Xboxes next up you got the wheeze then you got you're gonna have your PlayStations and you're gonna have your Super Nintendo it's like a Saturn Sega CD second 32x PS4 PS5 PSP PS3 PS2 PS1 duckstation PS1 PC engine Nintendo Nintendo 64 HD regular Nintendo 964 DD you got your Neo GEOS you got your Sega Genesis you got your GameCube of course you 638 Nintendo GameCube games let's go back to PlayStation over here PlayStation had a lot of games for it right a lot of you are like oh does it have you know that Crash Bandicoot does it have this does it have that well let's just see for a second well I think it has looks like this you have 1793 PlayStation games with video snaps you have let's go to PlayStation 2. let's just see you have 1900 PlayStation games here everything now uh Playstation 3 you might be wondering how many PlayStation 3 games can you uh play on this thing how about 1142 PlayStation games okay that's pretty wild well it just keeps going and going and going and going some more 80 different systems Oh Thomas wave we got it Dreamcast we got it and then some of you out there can be like yeah but does it have the Japanese titles these are all the you know North American European titles okay well what if we go over here to import right we click into import all right so here we go we have the Japanese games we have Japanese Wii net Japanese Nintendo switch we got it's like a Saturn Mega Drive so let's just go to you know PS2 for example let's see how many games are here 1300 games PlayStation one there's quite a bit of dupes here but still there's like a thousand games there Nintendo DS you got 1300 games there lots and lots Nintendo GameCube Japan 92 games here so lots and lots of import games as well look at these logos super cool to see the logo differences too just from art standpoint very cool so those are included as well let's go to Arcade Classics now huge huge meme collection here as you see here 71 different collections the first one is just main games right arcade games you can hit your bumpers to go through these but as you see they're 3600 games so it's going to have all your dig dugs your galagas your Donkey Kongs all that fun stuff your wrestlemanias yeah main favors what he you know put his favorites and you can add your own favorites as well but as you see here some Classics ultimately Tekken 3 Super Street Fighter 2 to meet Ninja Turtles Sunset Riders third strike Street Fighter a bunch of really good Street Fighters Star Wars snow Bros Smash TV the Simpson and it just goes on right so right there you just have 148 bangers you know that great games right four player you're gonna have all the different four um player games in it you got four-way main games you got arcade multiplayer so if there's just more than one player I assume is what's in there you got your adult games uh you got your main clone games uh kids to adult main games then you gotta shoot em ups DDR games 1900 games arcades 90s and and naughty streams platform games shooters games beat em ups flying puzzle games running gun games and so all the games are then categorized if there's a particular genre you're looking for as well as the actual Publishers as well so comp cop com 1941. I was just curious okay the CPS games are in here as well from the looks of it and it goes on and on and on there's 71 different collections here I'm just gonna hard scroll this really quick so you can get a little idea of the 71 different collections you can choose from uh oh I like that one a lot if you watch my channel like gun games or even trackball Classics you can absolutely hook a trackball up maybe you're running this an arcade or maybe you're running this in a um a bar top you or you have a light gun just go straight to those type of games and play those games right then you got bored arcade and this is the you know brought up by different boards that you can get so you know American Laser games that's a good light gun games in there a Thomas wave CPS one two and three Capcom CPS TV Daphne fight Cade final burn Alpha second model one second model two second model three Naomi Naomi GD um so techno parrot yeah there's some good ones controller based games uh light gun games and then racing games so like on games I've played this on my channel before what are some of these good games yeah the alien games are often awesome the big buck as far as light in the Sega Goldman any fun games for techno parrot a lot of my comments on my videos are like hey does it play techno parrot technopair is one of those systems though that you know it's harder to emulate so it depends on what we have so Triforce you got to have Mario Party zero Mario Kart arcade tons of fun games there uh you got zinc Atari wow there's 20 119 different systems here so I'm just gonna hard scroll the rest I definitely think those first 20 or so systems are where you're going to spend the most amount of time but uh here you go and uh wow that's a lot I'm barely scratching the surface in this video please come along we got a lot to do here this video is going to be primarily just checking out literally all the different things this build has to offer so arcade PC go backwards you got Saint is announce it okay you got ultimate Street Fighter 4 got Unity got project Tekken seven you got different shoot em ups you got different things here but let's just take like RPG PC games go ahead and comment on this as far as like what are some of the downsides to this build this is one of them here as you see it just takes a moment for the hard drive to kind of spool up find out where these RPG games are being stored and so has to go there so if you're going around this build and you're clicking on a bunch of different subsets um you may or may not um have some slow down so this happened to me a couple times now but there you go right So eventually it loads up so and unless you want to do all solid state hard drives you will be stuck on something like this right so all RPG games RPG Maker racer games so the racer games are just incredible what you get on this system here three hundred shot racing we've got 26 different PC games need for speeds are on there so all the pop cap games are on here there's 45 of them uh open bore 80s overdrive new retro all the Lucas arcs games uh flash games clone Hero games so Guitar Hero and rock band you got both Guitar Hero and rock band and clone hero uh Big Fish Games it's hard VCS Vault so I wonder what I guess they made some games for that on there and then PC games arcade was when he first seven different games for you and these are you know available to you there's some good games in here in bx2k playground Pac-Man DX a lot of the games you'll see on like some similar builds so computers you got your Apple 2 you got your Commodore there's 68 different computer systems here this is one I'm not going to spend too much time in I'm just gonna show it to you I still like having these games just from like a um archival purpose you know these MS-DOS games are really fun I really actually really do enjoy playing those ones myself and different people will like some people like these older systems um I didn't necessarily grow up on those systems scum VM I love um you know Full Throttle organ Trail Amazon uh dirty Larry all that fun stuff is on there or Leisure shoot Larry is all on there so ZX and clear they've got the calculator games Windows 98 game what the heck is in here I just think I see I hate your Empire's nice polder's gate oh man bringing back all Armageddon to bring back all kinds of memories Commandos Croc oh man Diablo Dune 2000 love this game conquerors probably on here as well lots of Heroes of Might and Magic what a game this this me and my brother used to play this game so much growing up all right um Kingpin MDK wow that brings back a lot of memories okay win three x zero or three by zero uh and then back to computer classic so if you click in does that just bring you back to all the games okay so there you go for all the computer games total of 4800 335. okay so let's go back out to the main menu there you got VR games Half-Life Alex beat saber all that fun stuff that if you have the proper VR headsets you can actually utilize those PC games this one is pretty huge um remember one of these hard drives is literally just all it has is PC games on it and so as you see here 25 100 different PC games and you can hit your bumpers here to jump letters I'm just gonna jump a few letters so you can see just how Wild is s r q p o n what am I on l k j i h g f e D C B A numbers pretty wild right uh Moon along PC or pinball You're Gonna Be Your pinball FX2 fx3 pinball arcade pinball FX2 uh and three okay pinball two VR uh which it seems I could use psvr and then pinball console attack vertical and then you got the zzz pinball all right let's get to the fun stuff before we go into the other um the other categories the console categories so games and books and manuals so you can go in I'm a Nintendo fan myself so let's go to Super Nintendo here and there's different manuals for different games so let's see like uh Arrow actually brings up the manual for that game how cool is that I gotta write my high score in there the manuals are in there not all of them but quite a few pretty cool right I can just the Nostalgia in there alone is awesome um so collections Chris cool mod what's this okay so different this is gonna like for example we can go to bomberman's a good one but let's find a different one uh Contra right and so it'll find every single Contra game on this bill the Xbox 360 version they have the Japanese contras they have the original contract they have Contra rope force uh Advanced Wars yikes different Contra games just like Crisis you'll find all the different crisis games crisis one crisis two crisis remastered crisis forehead uh all five on it all right next up we have hyperspin so before we're on retro Fe there's a coinop skin on there there's lots of things going on there and uh for this particular part we're gonna try uh a track mode or hyperspin and uh that's what you're seeing now and so this is another way to show off the same things we've been looking at so far just on a different front end so it comes with both so have a look at this it's a lot more flashy it's really great you're gonna be putting in a bar top or something like that at but uh it's very similar as far as the menu items and the wheels and things like that the categories those are all going to be very similar it runs really good um you can see here it's very seamless it mostly depends on your computer right the slower your computer you might get some lag in this faster your computer you should find and uh it's beautiful it's a little like I don't know some people like it some people think it's a little too much right so you can be your own you know you could make the choice but this comes included you can view it this way or you can view it the way we've been viewing it in the video so far um now um everything works great you know as I mentioned it would be great if you had a bar top you saw the craze was on the arcade cabinet you know and you had this flashing on the screen people will just be drawn to it all the video previews things like that I'm talking a little about the systems there is um uh tato as well as um Ridge Wing which is um techno parrot and a lot of people have asked like are there builds out there that have that so this build has it all I think there's a couple ROM sets that are missing some games things like that the bulk of the majority games are there but other than that I've yet to find something that wasn't included like I was very surprised to see the 3D Zen Nintendo games I was surprised to see the extent of The Homebrew games um and even some of these like more like the Nintendo 64 HD games or the SNES uh widescreen games just a little bit more obscure things that are kind of like just small communities work on them uh we're in here as well so um yeah it's all I'm here that's that that was um all part of the hyperspin and you can get into hyperspin two ways you could go directly from the hard drive and load it or you can go in from the from um the main application what we're looking at now and what we've been looking at the last uh 10 20 seconds is The Homebrew section so this is where I was kind of alluding to earlier just just there's so so many you know uh things that you wouldn't normally see on other Builds on this build like this 3D Nintendo game if you haven't seen it before and so as you see here they have hacks from everything from like the Wii into the NES and everything in between and so this is kind of fun um things you don't normally see all the time it's all set up uh ready to go for you and again found in the main menu so here's in Wii hacks you can see another Super Mario Bros Wii and you know people play around with the levels they play around the skins and stuff so they're fun little games to try out especially if you have a game you like it's pretty cool so in lifestyle podcast jukebox tools things like that and it is fully loaded with music as well so we want to turn this into a Boombox type of thing Cody if you want to watch videos you know use it as a media player vintage game commercials [Music] so you got your vintage commercials comic book is awesome and you know you have Guardians in the Galaxy you got X-Men Wonder Woman Wolverine what if Spider-Man Venom uh you can open those up check out the different comic books magazines so this is going to be our things like that even has Mad Magazine so you know you can just hang out in here and see all the different joining us take out in here and see all the different magazines is so cool all right and now we're on the settings you can favorites dim the screen saver get the old TV overlay things like that the curvature second screen our top users out there and then the themes five [Music] one he kind of add his own thing to it it'll cover flow [Music] s backgrounds [Music] and then the wall theme with cabinets and walls you just you could change these very easily and so yeah you got a whole that you can play with the one click okay so at this point I've showed you everything game book manuals collections homebrews the hyperspin the settings the entertainment the Imports the arcades now we're on to consoles and handheld let me save the best for last which in my opinion is consoles so let's start with handheld there is the Nintendo switch in here so a lot of you are going to spend some time there remember there's a huge Nintendo switch collection but I'm just going to kind of hard scroll through here I mean it has like every game ever made so like Nintendo 3DS let's just see how many games you got 588 Nintendo DS you've got give it a second to load 2100 games uh PSP probably over a thousand or close to it 790 PS Vita has all of them Nintendo switch here you go and Nintendo switch has two you got the regular Nintendo switch and then you got the Nintendo switch eShop over 1800 games here and disaster we got Zelda you got a lot and you can move around Xenoblade 2k18 eight and nine worms all kinds of fun stuff okay they got eShop games right which are not necessarily games you could buy but games you could get in the eShop 3600 games you got Tiger Electronics you got Tiger Electronics you can relive all your favorite games all right and then a couple more systems here and then back to Atari Links Game and Watch uh things like that [Music] no [Music] all right and last but not least we have the consoles so in console starting in the beginning [Music] and just to give me the idea of how many 3dl games do they have really quick and uh uh flashback Classics Atari Atari Jaguar Jaguar 64-bit Dreamcast independent games let's just check out the Dreamcast games here 317 Dreamcast games and remember there's gonna be a lot more of these uh Dreamcast games in Naomi and uh you have some in a Thomas wave um so it's gonna have a lot of that stuff so there you go Thomas wave Dreamcast you go in here six all right Nintendo GameCube so huge GameCube collection here 638 and it's gonna have all your favorite games on there Nintendo the Mario Smash Bros Genesis we have 828 that's pretty much all of them uh Second Edition classic it's just all the ones that were re-released Neo Geo Neo Geo mini Neo Geo CD that's gonna be all of them here should be over 180 and the Neo Geo CD is another uh Bunch 90 there okay Neo Geo X even included here Nintendo 64 DD Nintendo 64 what do we have here 289 that's pretty much all of them Tennessee for HD these are just like remastered you know higher res versions of the game uh Nintendo the 30th system out of 80. 858 PC engine CD-ROM see in here really quick 119. uh Philip CD so duckstation and Playstation just whether you want to boot up induction or Playstation just two different emulators but as I alluded to earlier just a massive PlayStation collection here at almost 1800 PlayStation 2. I know this one's really big as well if you go into the Japanese ones there's even more so 1900 there PS3 a huge collection here 100 1142 PSN how many do you have here 824. you have PS3 minis as well you got 294 pretty much all of them you got PS4 Pro I'm not really sure I haven't really played with much emulation on this particular system but a lot of these you know are potentially just the PC variants of it but they are running um let me go back whoa I skipped over a lot of systems there I guess if you press up it goes directly over so we were still on PlayStation and we still haven't gone through the sega's yet we're only halfway here and uh PS5 as well satella view just in case you're curious what the hell is nps5 let's have a look in there really quick and uh there you go you got zombies zombie army four got the racing games nine and ten Uncharted stubs the zombie Skyrim Etc so to tell if you Sega 32x Sega ages Sega CD all the different older Sega systems so let's check out Sega Saturn a lot of people like to play that you know there's still a lot of issues in my opinion with the emulation you know I know the system was a little clunkier compared to what we have now but um they're all there and if your computer's fairly fast playable majority are playable Super Nintendo we have 787 Super Nintendo uh classic edition you got the CD Edition which are better soundtracks turbo Graphics CD 16 this is going to be your Mortal Kombat arcade games Mortal Kombat 2 and uh we so let's go see how many Wii games we have here 12 on Jesus 1200 Wii games that's a little excessive in my opinion but uh there you go some of these games require the Wii remote but you can absolutely use a Wii remote for those games and though they work great so we uh light gun are going to be all your Wii games we wear some of the smaller games that they made for the Wii Wii U let's see this 232 games Yoshi's Wally World we got Xenoblade Chronicles I mean this game costs a ton of money if you were to buy it in person so nice to have it worked just for you no problem Transformers all right and they got um whoop I skipped over some you had Wii U eShop so games you can buy in the eShop 314 Xbox 80 almost there out of 80. Xbox 960 games that's pretty cool so any of you OG xboxers out there you got your worms you're probably gonna have all your payloads etc etc um XBox DLCs you can get another 96 Xbox 360. and it looks like this is loading from a different hard drive here 1100 games 1100 games now Xbox 360 is an interesting one because they a lot of these games are so cheap to buy but then Xbox 360 is the the console itself seem to get a lot of red lights and things so all right so you got Xbox 360 or Xbox Live you got Xbox One X nine games what's your plan wow Wolfenstein trying a lot of games there and then series X it's gonna be our last uh game here it looks like series X is the same your PS4 PS5 um a lot of these are PC variants so here it is on his website series about gaming looking for something new while you're in the right place well I would agree with all that um anyways um a lot of good stuff about it what I did want to point out here is um in the photos there it does come with the different drives and then the drive bay you have a couple of options there it also if some of you are maybe not as um Rich at the moment or you just don't have the money you can buy like one drive at a time like depending on what drive you want with what game so you don't have to go all the way up to 96 you can you know do a 16 or 32 or 64. whatever whatever that is so switch games take a mo is Standalone drive for Pure switch gaming only so one of the drivers is literally for Nintendo switch and so if that's you know what you want you can just go ahead and go P Drive is only for PC gaming right so um it's over 840 wheels and a hundred thousand full and complete working games and collections and uh that my friends is not an over exaggeration unlike these other drives we've seen that is a hundred thousand unique different games take multiple lifetimes to play all of that and then there's all sorts of other specs what you can expect things like that so this is what it looks like on my computer you can see I have the D drive as the main drive and then e o p q and r on all the other drives and D drives your main Drive um when you first install it's not currently set up for Launch Box there is ideas later where they will rotate the launch box you have two operating systems that don't cut that do come stock with it you got one which is your retro based 64 coin Ops right it's running a coin Ops it runs on retro Fe and then you have a hyper spin build build which runs off of a track mode and then you also have a Launch Box uh that he's eventually going to work into where you can skip both of these if you'd like and just run it off of a launch box and that's in the works uh there's settings as well if you want to change themes change background music things like that and the wiki is amazing it tells you how to you know do your install and if this is your first time installing it on a system General information you might need General fixes you might need so what is it exactly that you're buying well you're buying six 16 terabyte Seagate drives maybe different brand but Seagate hard drive 7200 RPMs and uh I bought the exterior enclosure for the main hard drive here this is what the main operating system runs off of and then here's where all your ROMs are each one of these you can lock it or unlock it with the key that's provided this is a 5 Bay hard drive enclosure and I think some of these are unlocked so if we unlock this one for example drive four you open it up it shoots out the drive and uh there's another and each Drive is labeled with what letter the hard drive should be so it's not confusing and you just put it in there you can lock it so nobody opens it and um each one has one in there so there's a total of 16 to get a drive another Drive P that one says p on it and then here we have Drive Q and what do we have here what letter is this one R again another 16 so it's a ton of stuff oh it's already unlocked and E okay so those are your drives and uh you've just let me lock these and make sure they're all locked because I don't want my kids opening them up okay and then you literally just hook it up through the USB 3.0 to your computer and there's a power drive there's a fan here to keep it all nice and cool in there uh this drive here is the primary D drive so the end of the day you just have two USBS going into your computer very easy to do you can do that on a laptop or a desktop he actually has this set up so that you take this D drive and you put it into a desktop computer and so this would be an internal drive and these would be external drives I'm just weird where I have it hooked up to a laptop so I got it to work just fine whether you're doing a gaming laptop a bar top or a desktop whatever you can make it function through ever just talk to him let him know what you're doing I'm sure he can help you out that being said this is how I have mine set up and um I think it's a cool little setup so you just got this place this two USBS two power cables and the whole thing is a portable 96 terabyte Beast or also known as the Retro Beast well I hope you enjoyed this one it was a long video to do and that's why I'm not going to be doing a ton of gameplay in here here's a PC game for you it ranges fine everything I launched launched is fine when it comes to techno parrot some PC games things like that you know it could be a little more trickier especially with your firewall on or anything like that but Chris is there to help you like a couple things I had issues with I just emailed him and he you know explained it and I was like yeah yeah and we figured out it worked so um here's some emulation for you in the background while I give you my closing thoughts this is an incredible build um I don't think it's for everybody but um I think it's definitely worth sharing just how big these builds can get I do want to say that you can absolutely build this free of charge there's great communities out there that are working on this software working on the emulators making that these file system structures are as easy as possible and so I want to make that clear like I'm making all these videos that you could absolutely make this for free um that being said there is a lot of work that went into this this build all over the place and um it is insane it's one of the craziest builds I've ever seen and uh how extensive it is is is crazy um some of the highlights for me are just all the little Easter eggs like the Jukebox The manuals the comic books um some of these uh like the 3D Nintendo the HD widescreens like if you want any of that stuff you know it's there at your fingertips and if you're into Retro Gaming you're in it enough to get something like this then that kind of stuff is really cool to you and so it'll provide hours of entertainment speaking of hours of of entertainment there's no way one person could ever play all these games in their lifetime so you know keep that in mind that it is excessive but people like excessive excessive things um it uh it is quite expensive and uh you know I'm not you know these hard drives are very expensive these 16 terabyte drives I want to say they I mean in the US they're a lot cheaper than I think in other countries but even then I want to say they're three four hundred dollars each you know typically um and then that varies you know depending on supply and demand and things so there's a lot of costs involved here the hard drive bay is a lot of money things like that but as you saw here um I love it I told Chris it'd be cool the launch box was another option seems a lot of people really like launch box and he said he's working on that so you have a third option as far as what front end you want to use to run all these games and then you could do the license and run big box and everything else um but uh it's beautiful as is you know again I wanna it's not just Chris lots of people in the community that work on this kind of stuff and uh they all do really great work and this is if anything a showcase to that it spent me it took me many days to make this video to check things out try things go through it even just getting the hard drives hooked up installing everything that is one other thing I'll say is that you do have a little bit of insulation here this isn't like you know just turning on an on button there's a little bit more getting this thing set up and working I'm not saying it's not going to work it's going to work fine and you have plenty of help out there to get you to get it working for you but that is one other thing I I have to say is you know you're you're embarking on quite a journey here but uh it's a journey that um is well worth it whether you're building yourself or going this route so in conclusion it's a great build I think a lot of this comes down to price versus how much time you want to build spend on it versus you know what games you're looking for what are you going to be playing it on is it going to be in a bar top are you playing it on your computer who's it for what are they into because if you don't need this stuff it's all excessive but remember what I said earlier in the video you can kind of like make and match this to get exactly what you're looking for but anyways um there's lots of options out there for you I've been reviewing quite a few of those options for you um those options also include you doing it on your own without purchasing anything and so you know you look at this information you know see what you like what you don't like and make up your own mind uh based on that and that's what I think let me know you all think don't forget to like And subscribe and we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: DrewTalks
Views: 296,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drewtalks, jmachen retrobat drive, jmachen 2tb retrobat drive, retrobat add games, retrobat hard drive, retro bat, ps2 retrobat, kinhank hyperspin hard drive, emulation device on amazon, nintendo clone amazon, sega clone amazon, retro gaming, emulation, emulation station, emulationstation, psp, nintendo gamecube, 5TB Gaming Hard Drive on Amazon Has Every Game Ever?, 4TB Gaming Hard Drive Has Every Game Ever - Amazing Layout, 96TB Gaming Hard Drive Has Every Game Ever
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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