9:30a Worship Gathering | Worship at Woodstock

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning we are so glad that you decided to join us today out of all the places that you could have chosen to tune in and watch thanks for joining us my name is morgan it's a special honor this morning to host with my sister in christ but my actual sister katie so we're really glad you're here really excited to get to know you and connection is a really big part of our church we want to get to know you like i said and build a relationship with you be a resource for you answer any questions you might have so if you'd like to connect all you have to do it's really simple text the word connect to the number on your screen super easy pull out your phone go ahead and text it in and it literally just allows us to follow up with you and a member of our staff get to know you better and be a resource for you so go ahead and text the word connect to the number on your screen so katie usually serves behind the scenes it's a little different for her today you're doing a great job i'm proud of you so katie you usually serve on the live production team um what is your favorite part of that and why do you serve every sunday honestly a lot of it has to do with the team that i get to work with and the fact that i get to see a lot of the behind the scenes aspects of the work and the prayer and the details that go into every service i know that all of you get to see the finished product but uh whenever i get to serve behind the the camera and behind the scenes i get to see all the different personalities that go into each and every service and it's really just an amazing time absolutely it's really special as well to get to do this as a family and sisters yeah we get to contribute to this worship gathering which is really special we're really excited about it so okay what else do you recommend that they do as they prepare for worship this morning well i know in the next room they're preparing for the service to start so in your room you should get a cup of coffee maybe go find the kids uh settle in comfortably and maybe pray right before the service starts and let the heart let your heart be prepared for the service that's getting ready to start absolutely we're gonna begin just a few [Music] minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen praise the lord would you stand with us this morning let's read from god's word together read with me holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come you are worthy o lord our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power let's just fill this room with the praises of our god sing with me paul praise the name of the lord our god o praise his name [Music] forever [Applause] we will see your praise psalm 69 says i will praise god's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving that's great singing can we sing that again of the lord our god o praise his name [Music] [Applause] forever [Music] the name of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] god holy holy holy [Music] is [Music] [Music] his brain shall continually be in my mouth he'll magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] amen and amen he is lord amen church oh come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs [Music] amen [Music] kings and kingdoms will bow down and every chain will break his broken hearts declare his praise who can stop the lord almighty our god is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] our god who calls us [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] of the world [Music] let's sing this together who can stop the lord who can stop the lord [Music] [Music] our god is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] i have seen you in the street [Music] is [Music] i will praise i will praise [Music] my god you are my god [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah from the edge of the skies to the depths of the sea [Music] you are worthy [Music] will be [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i will praise you [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] praise the lord i just remain standing church the choir nurses going to make their way down to be seated with their families and to be able to pray for families during our parent dedication but as they're doing that we'll praise the lord as long as we live we will praise the lord as long as we live because he is worthy and so i love for us just to sing to the lord and acknowledge him as worthy today would you sing this with me worthy of every song we could ever see seemed worthy worthy of all the praise we could ever bring worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you yes lord sing his name together jesus jesus worthy of every breath we could ever bring we live for you [Music] we live for you holy there is [Applause] is [Music] [Music] there is who you are amen praise the lord that's our prayer today great singing church you may be seated wes well good morning good morning everyone it's good to see you here today you know most sundays we have baptism and when people get baptized they are publicly declaring to you their intention to follow christ to give their life to christ today we have 10 families standing before you and they're here today to publicly declare to you their commitment to raising their children in a godly home by biblical standards however this is a really important part church this is not a one-way commitment we are committing to them today as a church that we will continue to provide excellent high quality biblical resources to walk with them as they attempt to be the godly parents that god has called them to be so let me introduce you to the parents that we have here today first we have dan and julie audia they're dedicating amy marie and natalie rose siblings are jonathan matthew and hannah then we have daniel and tiffany cochran they're dedicating rowan kate and willow grace her sibling is gage then we have chris and mary best champion they're dedicating levi marshall siblings are copen john bear and grady then we have chase and rachel gazaway they're dedicating sudden sutton gray siblings are sunny and shiloh then we have jonathan and kelly hightower they're dedicating jackson blake who goes by jacks we have burke and brianna mcgoldrick they're dedicating asher alexander then we have christian and kayla norman they're dedicating christian jayshawn ii who is called deuce the sibling is sophia and we have harry and haylee pritchett they're dedicating brooks davis sibling is lily may matt and crimson rinny dedicating brinley joy siblings are adeline and mckenna and then we have corey and taylor smith dedicating lila jane siblings are julia and preston pastor jeremy thank you pastor wes isn't this a beautiful sight in the lord's church 10 families in this service and 17 families scheduled for our 11 a.m service this is a partnership between the holy spirit in heaven the parents that these children have been given to and assigned to these tender hearts that the bible says god wants us to bring up in the fear and admonition of the lord these parents can't do this without your prayers and your support church family you are the future vacation bible school teachers student ministry chaperones friends brothers and sisters in the lord this is more than just gratitude for children and baby dedication this is a time of covenant and promise before god these parents standing before you with these beautiful children are acknowledging they can't do it without you and without god so we're doing this a little bit different than we've done parent baby dedication in the past we're gonna begin to sing right after i pray our team is gonna lead us in a song and when i say amen that's gonna be the time when loved ones gather around each of these families so if you see someone here and it's obviously someone you know through your class or through a family relationship or through some special relationship in the church we want to invite you to come and just form an appropriate spiritual circle around your loved ones and we're just gonna have a time of prayer as we sing about the goodness of god this is a worshipful moment based on prayer so you'll see people leaving their seats that's your cue to come forward and see your loved ones especially if your dads and mommas and grandmas from out of town we won't acknowledge you in this beautiful moment so we got 10 families and each of them will be covered in prayer as we sing to the lord and as we acknowledge the beauty of christian family in the lord's church will you pray with me after we pray we'll move towards these families through relationship we'll sing to the lord and worship god you're so good thank you for the privilege to acknowledge these children are gifts from you at a young age oh god call them to know christ as savior speak to their hearts and save them until that day thank you that they're covered by the blood of jesus the grace of our father in heaven these dads and moms need you oh god in heaven give them wisdom and stamina discipline endurance as they raise these children may our church join them in partnership to say we come alongside you and we want to assist you this is a beautiful moment and even now as we prepare to sing about your goodness we continue to pray and we thank you for these children that are gifts from you in jesus name we pray would you join me dads moms friends grandparents as we make circles around these children and as we pray you come to the ones that you know the ones that you love or you can just reverently sing along from your seat thank you for joining us for [Music] your this never fails me all my days have been held in your hair from the moment that i wake [Music] of the goodness of god all my life you have been faithful [Music] all my life you have been so so [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] you are close like no other i've known you as a father i've known you as a friend in the goodness in all my life [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is always feel free to go back to your seats if you're done praying or continue praying as we sing and all my life and all my life you have been so good with every breath that i am [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes amen let's celebrate the goodness of the lord today amen amen god be praised church you may be seated [Music] one more time let's give it up for wes cantrell our young adult ministry miss kim williams our preschool ministry and all those that are coming alongside these beautiful boys and girls with their parents their grandparents to celebrate the goodness of god wasn't this a cool parent baby family dedication so cool thank you for your prayers and your support one word of housekeeping this is for the family of god i read this early this morning through some prayer cards that i've been praying through recently and i thought about today in the special emphasis of our care ministry the bible says in first john 3 17 if anyone has the world's goods and sees a fellow believer in need but he withholds compassion from him how does god's love reside in him all month long in april we've been talking about our love loud emphasis we've ministered to single parents we've ministered to the elderly we've taken time to help children with special needs today we're asking god to give us a great offering to refill our food pantry many of you have brought in groceries and virginia and doug and our food pantry team they're grateful others of you like me you're going to write a check or you're going to give a special gift it takes 80 dollars to provide one food box for a family usually a family of four can enjoy one food box for an entire week did you know that on average on average even before covet and since we give out 100 to 120 food boxes per week for our pantry ministry these are people in our church that have needs these are people that don't even know us from our community that have needs how can we say we have the love of god in us if we who have forget about those who have not so today if you want to give financially to the food pantry maybe you want to give 80 or 160 or 240 dollars maybe you want to support a box this isn't just the time when we thank god for the ministry of these families parent family dedication we're also thanking god for the privilege to be generous and to give many of you give every single week many of you give online we're grateful for all of our partners the great generosity of our church i'll say more about that when i pray in just a minute but for now no i did not forget don't get too comfortable take your bible let's stand and acknowledge god's authority over this moment let us turn our eyes and our hearts to the truth of the word and ask god to speak would you say this with me open my eyes that i might receive wonderful words from your law amen god bless you please be seated i want to invite you to turn today to the new testament book of colossians today we take is our texts colossians chapter 2 verses 6 and 7. we continue this series of messages going through colossians we're calling this series above all jesus is lord above all here's today's message what do i do now that i'm a christian now that i know jesus now that i profess to be born again what am i supposed to do with my life if i'm really saved or if i'm really a christian colossians chapter 2 verses 6 and 7 and i'll read it in just a moment i've been meeting early on friday mornings with five young men these five young men are in their 20s and early 30s this group of five three of them grew up without a father in their life in any way they're honest about their struggles specifically three of them speak openly about how everything they know as young men they've learned painfully the hard way one of the young men named david was saved in january and i got the joy of baptizing him in february he's 32 years old and prior to the last four months he's never been in church in his life he had no relationship with his parents it was estranged and he grew up in foster care but david has kids david was not married until friday afternoon he's not seen his mom in 15 years but jesus can change anyone any time and jesus can even change the circumstances of your life in addition to your heart matthew 19 26 says what is impossible for men is not impossible for god so i was having prayer time at the end of our bible study with the five young men early on friday morning one of the young men who's a little more mature was praying for his children because our lesson this past week was on fatherhood and he made this statement he said god would you help me as a daddy to shepherd my children's hearts just help me lord as i shepherd my children's hearts david immediately spoke up and said what are you talking about hey time out i love the rawness and the realness of bible study shepherd kids hearts jeremy if we're going to pray i'll pray what do we mean shepherd our children's hearts on friday afternoon david got married in my office this weekend he's not in church because he's out of state visiting his mom who he's not seen in 15 years i didn't have to say to david david pray out loud for your children david make a commitment to marriage david you should seek to reconcile with your mom and be the best man you can possibly be you see jesus is doing a work in david's life and though david doesn't understand all the details and nor do i david is welcoming this work this is what he said to me a couple of weeks ago there is so much i don't know about being a christian but jesus is in me and he's helping me grow what a statement for all of us there is so much i don't know but jesus is in me and he's helping me grow there is so much i don't know as a pastor but jesus is in me and he's helping me grow what am i supposed to do if i say i'm a christian colossians 2 6 and 7. so then just as you have received christ jesus as lord continue to live in him being rooted and built up in him and established in the faith just as you were taught overflowing with gratitude i pray heavenly father that your holy spirit would minister across this room and across those who are watching online i pray today for our special offering for the food pantry that we would give generously because we've been so blessed through christ and his grace may we not be people who talk about christianity but may we take action as a church and love whoever you send through our door all week long i pray for those who are listening to this message and they're not even really planning on listening they don't know christ but the holy spirit will touch their soul and save them today i pray for all of us who know christ that we're his name would you draw us into deeper fellowship with jesus and would you make us grateful overflowing with gratitude be exalted today as we meet to study your word in the name of christ we pray amen amen paul is thrilled that the gospel has gotten to colosse he's thrilled at the many lives in this city that have been changed paphras was saved in paul's ministry in ephesus epaphras returns to his hometown colossae and he starts a church many are hearing about christ and they're believing the gospel but paul revealed as we learned last week at the beginning of colossians 2 that the gospel growth at colossae has come at great personal cost to the apostle paul growth for the church meant suffering for paul most believe this suffering relates to paul's burden to his concern over the growing threat of false teaching at the colossian church but there is also the fact of paul's imprisonment for preaching the gospel he is in prison as he writes this letter called colossians paul is not negative in colossians 2 and he's not speaking with a tone of regret but he's honest about this fact the expansion of the gospel the growth of the church has caused suffering in paul's life there is zero hesitancy in paul's writing-ness in paul's writings about his willingness to suffer to paul suffering for jesus is worth it because it helps further expand the gospel the bible says through joseph in genesis 50 20 what some meant for evil god can use for good there are two facts about the new testament and this is an important word if you are saved you are on your way to glory jesus is in our life he will not abandon us and he is taking us someplace indeed we believe it's heaven we are on our way to glory but there is suffering on this road called the christian path until we get to glory when the gospel advances you can count on the following satan will hate us satan will oppose us jesus peter paul james all of these writers in the new testament say if you follow god there will be persecution at colossae satan sent counterfeits things that look real but they were false this is how he was deceiving people in the colossian church but to paul satan sent adversity paul was going through imprisonment but this is a fact satan cannot stop the gospel nor can satan stop the growth or the advancement of god's church he can do to us what he will and it may mean suffering for us but this promise is still in the scripture and it's true matthew 16 18 jesus said i will build my church and the gates of hades will not stop it the resurrection of our lord which we celebrated at easter three weeks ago broke satan's back when christ rose from the grave satan knew his plans were doomed in eden when adam and eve sinned the consequence of their sin was death but at the resurrection when jesus rose on the third day the reality of death's sting was overcome for all of us that trust christ first corinthians 15 54 death has been swallowed up in victory where death is your victory where death is your sting thanks be to god who gives us the victory through jesus christ our lord and even now those of you that are deep in the church and have been doing this for a while you can hear our beloved church member eddie carswell in new soul singing arise my love alright you can just hear it now and you know what i'm talking about the grave could not hold the king but i'm not a new song and so you can listen on your spotify right after church satan can't reverse the truth of the gospel the cross or the empty tomb he knows jesus will get the last word so therefore in the meantime since he can't stop the inevitable growth of the church and the fact that jesus will come back for us one day he'll try to stall our progress he'll try to discourage us he'll try to kill our boldness he'll try to take away our joy i remember when our neighbor in one of robin's danny reed killed a giant rattlesnake when i was a kid he put it in the back of his truck and brought it to my house to show my dad we all went outside to see this dead rattlesnake that danny reed had killed true story and when he dropped that tailgate i'd never seen such a big snake in all my life thank god it was dead but my brother and i noticed as we peered into the back of danny reed's truck that that snake was still and it just gave me the hippie jibby's just thinking about it that snake was still moving and i said you sure it's dead he said i'm positive it's dead but watch out though it's dead it can still hurt you a dead snake can still hurt you satan is finished but he still wants to hurt you jesus prayed in john 17 15 lord i'm not praying to take my disciples out of the world but while they live in the world guard them against the evil one first paul acknowledged the colossians did in fact receive jesus his lord he says you receive christ as lord notice this word received it means to accept the offer it means to receive what was put in reach it does not mean christ forced his salvation upon us but it means we accepted that which was made available to us by grace received question when did i receive him you get saved or you get born again or you become a christ follower when you receive jesus one time for salvation but you remain his child by faith through his grace for a lifetime when do i receive him i receive him when my needy heart says yes by faith to god's gracious invitation for jesus to save me the moment i truly trust jesus and in jesus alone for my salvation jesus plus nothing else that is the moment i am saved psalm 46 10 see striving and know that i am god isaiah 45 22 turn to me and be saved how do i receive him this word used by paul there's several important factors about salvation and of course we couldn't cover them all in one sermon but this is important the holy spirit takes the divine initiative to save me i can't get saved without the holy spirit drawing me john 6 63 6 65. this is why we say in church today's the day of salvation if jesus is knocking at your heart's door today don't tell him no cause you don't know where you'll be tomorrow you are saved whenever your needy heart intersects with the divine invitation of god matthew 4 17 jesus said repentance isn't possible without say salvation in other words you are not saved if you don't repent of your sins this is my salvation shoot you i want to go to heaven don't intend to change one thing about how i live but man yeah no no no that is not biblical salvation i must believe and confess christ's name romans 10 9 romans 10 13 hearing the word of god by faith faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god romans 10 17 spirit of god acts 9 18 psalm 119 18 that we read just a moment ago when we said open my eyes the spirit of god removes the blinders from our eyes so that we see i need god's son what he is who he is i don't know everything about him but i know i need him there's a lot i don't know but i need him to help me grow how do i receive him notice what paul says i receive him as christ the lord verse 6. my student pastor used to say this when i was a kid he is either lord of all or he's not lord at all christ it means the anointed one jesus it means savior lord it means authority i'm saved when i put my faith in the one who is able and willing and deserving what does it look like when i get saved there's a change of heart there's a change of habit my desires and my behaviors change am i perfect after i'm saved lord no you ought to see some of the church people i met in my life but i do feel the conviction i do know god is with me and he won't tolerate sinful behavior very long second corinthians 5 17 if i'm in christ there's a new creation the all things are passing away everything's made new john 15 4 the holy spirit produces new fruit in me things will start happening in my life and i go there ain't no way that's me that must be jesus number two for christians jesus is not just our savior for our for a moment he's lord for a lifetime notice the language here continue to live in him continue to live in him salvation is not the finish line salvation is the starting line many times in church we just like if we get people saved that's the goal well it's the starting point of the goal but we would never ever ever go down to the labor and delivery unit have a baby and sit it to the side and say raise yourself feed yourself call yourself burp yourself change yourself we just do it we want to help them we want to come alongside that baby salvation is the birth christ's likeness in every way is the goal continue to live literally be ye walking that's what it means it means keep on walking in christ for christ by christ near christ with christ the entirety of my life walking in jesus it means don't veer off the path that means stay steady i really got back into golf and i mean back into golf big time i had to have something to look forward to i'm back into golf derek can tell you i play golf a lot when i was a kid went to college got married had babies set the game aside for 15 years and i'm back i wish i'd have never stepped away for 15 years i sometimes think man you'd be good if you wouldn't have quit for 20 years but during that 20 years listen to me i watch golf on tv carrie bought me a few golf shirts for my birthday i had some old clubs i knew what a birdie was now i hadn't been playing at all but if you'd well i mean i know what i mean i watch it on tv i mean i kind of not you see if i'd have stayed with the game i'd have been so much in fact a young boy who just commits himself to golf after two years would have whipped my he'd whip my tail right now you see just cause you're old and experienced don't mean you're wise just cause you've been hanging out around here a long time don't mean you're godly just cause you've been around church stuff and around church people don't mean anybody needs to follow your example continue to live in him continue to walk in him it's the same language of the exodus when did they know to move during the 40 years whenever they saw the cloud moving whenever they saw the fire moving when did the people move whenever god moved what did they do whatever god told them to do their movement was connected to god their walking was connected to god in exodus i read this past week sitting is the new smoking the sedentary lifestyle is killing america and it makes sense for our forefathers all over the world they had to go get their water go get their groceries or plant their groceries or pick their groceries or killed their groceries they had to go they had to move bless god because of amazon grubhub and food or you don't even have to leave your house and we ah just feedback you know you don't have to leave your house to do nothing and i'm not sure we're healthier as a result the i know what i want i want it now my way right away at burger king now that's the mentality of too many christians walk in him perhaps we need a new measure and stick for our lives am i totally christ-like am i totally being sanctified first thessalonians 5 23 and 24 i've been praying this for my life make me holy all of me spirit soul body all of me complete personal holiness first peter 1 16 be ye holy says the lord for i am holy now this is wild what i'm about to say but some of you that have been deep you'll you'll remember remember this word maybe it's time we brought it up again for a new generation remember this old church word backslidden backslidden over that's a word that means i was growing 20 years ago but i hadn't grown in the last 20 years do we allow ourselves to get lazy to take our eyes off jesus and to fall back into our old sinful habits there's no such thing as just with neutrality making you got a seeking walk in it we we climbed a mountain in montana and took the kids to the top it was amazing at the top there was a sitting area the view huge valley but the mountain was so steep any time you stopped and turned around you would stumble i mean any time climbing this mountain with your middle schoolers two weeks ago it was a great experience climbing this mountain if you stopped and turned around you it was so steep it was forward or nothing you stop and turn around and try to admire everything around you and not christ i am not here trying to tell anybody that you're not saved maybe you are saved but if you're saved what's the evidence test yourselves to see if you're really in the faith number three and i'll say this fast paul told the colossians that god provides the grace and then we respond with gratitude this is so good three three passive tense participles one act what are you talking about hang with me paul said continue to live in him and he gives us a vivid picture what it looks like rooted built up established these are passive tense participles which means this is what god does in us and for us rooted it's a term from agriculture it means god's the farmer and i'm the plant built up it's the term from construction it means house foundation's got to be right it means god's the builder and i'm this building established this is a word from education it means to be confirmed it means to learn it literally means god will teach us all we need to know god is the teacher i'm the student what great news if you come to jesus he'll do all the work god by his grace will put roots in your faith he'll put a foundation in your house he'll put an education in your mind god does this if you come to him all you have to do for the rest of your life listen to this one active word overflow of gratitude overflow with gratitude look at the end of verse seven this is the only personal action that we're responsible for here it means god's responsible for the grace but i'm responsible for gratitude and gratitude in our life is linked to this fact we are learning every day more and more about christ what's he saved me from what's he kept me from what's he allowed me to do what prayers have he answered joining a winning team he uses me he's unchanging he never leaves me god who is good and will root us build us and establish us so all i'm supposed to do for the rest of my life is to surrender to him and be grateful for his grace bottom line paul told the colossians since they received jesus they should remain in him and seek maturity god gave me this little jingle in my prayer time this morning my past life had my future life god i read it from john bailey in a prayer journal i'm reading but this part is what i added my present life abide my past is under the blood of jesus that's why i'm fired up the world can judge me but heaven won't my future is fixed god's promised to glorify his name and protect me and help me so in the present moment all i'm to do is to put my eyes on christ my past life hide my future life guide my present life abide maybe i'll write a rap song about that one day what am i supposed to do now that i'm a believer here it is after you receive jesus continue growing deeper with joy and gratitude for the rest of your life what am i supposed to do now that i'm a christian whether you're my friend david who's brand new or whether you're a pastor in woodstock put your eyes on jesus go deeper in him with joy and gratitude for the rest of your life i tell my children i want you to do good in sports but it doesn't really matter and i want you to make good grades but that's not the most important and i want you to have good care but more than anything your mother and i pray that as you grow your growth will really be in jesus who will never leave you or forsake you i close with this have you received jesus as lord of your life have you asked him in your life where are you on this lifelong pursuit of walking with jesus where are you at active spectator poser what season are you in and what can we say about you are there definitive marks of maturity like the people that know you the best see you fighting to make jesus lord of your life so this past week our devotion in the five guys that i'm working with i was on fatherhood and i asked these guys i said let's pray one thing that we can improve this week let's let's pray one thing so we finished and i took my kids to breakfast the next morning i was like hey kids what's one thing your dad can do better ugh and zeke and matey said dad we love you and you're a good daddy but please don't go from zero to a hundred like that with us and i was like what are you talking about you know not really but kind of oh but i've been doing better and you know it you know not really but kind of they said don't go from zero to 100 dad and i said pray for me on that and abe said dad when you talk to me try not to have your phone in your hand because i hear it going off all the time my kids deserve a compassionate attentive father our heavenly father is compassionate and attentive he wants to grow you as his child will you come to the one perfect father today let's fire heads and close our eyes our team is coming up leading us in our final song what am i supposed to do now that i know christ what am i supposed to do now that i'm a christian there's a lot i don't know but it's jesus in me he'll help me grow for the rest of my life i'm to seek maturity with joy and gratitude for my heavenly father until i die and go to heaven are you a christian this morning we're going to have encouragers across the front across the room online there will be someone prompting you with the number that you can text for any decision you might need to make in the room we'll have the number on the screen we've also got encouragers if you've never been saved i plead with you come today what do i need to say pastor jeremy just make eye contact one of them and say i need help or i need prayer or i need answers maybe you want to join our church maybe it's baptism whatever it is there's a lot i don't know but jesus in me he'll help me grow is jesus in you and are you in him speak o lord as we sing to you now and respond in christ's name we pray amen you come my friends you come we'll stand together [Music] sing to the lord worthy worthy of every song we could ever see [Music] worthy of all the praise we could ever bring [Music] worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you saint jesus jesus the name above every other name jesus the only one who could ever say worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you yes we live for you holy there is no one like you [Music] [Music] who you are [Music] [Music] me [Music] jesus [Music] worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Music] there is none beside you open up my eyes and wonder and show me who you are [Music] [Applause] there is who you are [Music] wow what an amazing service just to gather together and reflect on the power of our god together today i know personally i was challenged this morning in the thought of going deeper with my walk not just allowing it to stagnate because i'm a part of the church i come here and i participate but i want to go further i want it to be that relationship that that ever-present desire and holiness pursuit you know just as pastor jeremy talked about and if if that's you if that's your story you want to connect you want to figure out how to take your next steps it's simple just text the word next steps to the number on your screen and this allows a member of our staff once again just to follow up with you and answer some of those questions that you might have maybe you've been in church your whole life but you want to take it to the next level to say this is something that's personal to me that's real that's authentic just text the word next steps we want to be a resource for you we want to help you we want to start that conversation and see how we can fall in love with the lord even more together um katie what are some things coming up in the next week as we transition out of our time together that they should prepare for well this week we're definitely looking for volunteers for vbs so if you are interested in volunteering we would love for you to text the number on your screen you'll be able to get some information on what kind of opportunities are available and how you can serve we also have the food drive on campus this this morning right now you can drop off food on campus until 12 30. there are signs that will point you to the right direction but then if you can't make it on campus but you still want to help out you can go to fbcw.org forward slash give and be able to have opportunities to help out with that online so those are those are two of the things that are available this week i love it it's awesome well from from our family katie and i my sister here um to yours we hope that you have a wonderful week and that you and join us back next week at 9 30 or 11 a.m thank you you're loved have a great week [Music] so you
Channel: First Baptist Woodstock
Views: 516
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Morton, First Baptist Woodstock, First Baptist Church Woodstock, FBCW, Woodstock Church, Live worship, live worship songs, live church, Church choir music, worship choir songs, Cliff Duren, Woodstock, Christian Music, church orchestra
Id: enYh57DQPFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 10sec (4990 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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