How to rebuild Case 970 hydraulic remote valve.

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so what i got here is a 970 case this uh tractor's not mine belongs to a friend of eric's and he was having hydraulic issues with it so uh but it's pretty cool old tractor i think it's about a 73 maybe 72 somewhere in there i think in 73 they are 74 i think they switched to the white cabs but anyway it's uh i think these are about a 90 horse tractor 85 90 horsepower but i'll tell you what's going on and i think uh i think what's going on one remote won't hold in one direction and these things have the remote valves up in here i'm going to pull it off the tractor might take a little bit one thing i found when we got it first got it here is it was foaming oil really bad and there's an o-ring behind this pump and i believe that o-ring had been cut causing it to allow it to suck air there's a suction tube down in the bottom that comes up to the pump this is a hydraulic pump uh so that was the problem there but these valves have a thermal relief inside of uh i think it's this end over here but that thermal relief when it goes bad it won't allow it to hold pressure so you can raise the implement and then when you let off the lever it'll just let it drop and kind of learned about these with the 70 series tractors my dad had uh this valve this valve is really similar to the one on the 930 sitting over here although i'm not sure the 930 had the thermal valve in it it might have but anyway so i'm going to pull the valve off hopefully get it rebuilt i've got a kit for it and i'll kind of go through and show you how to rebuild a remote valve on a 70 series tractor okay so basically pull the two bolts out raised the cab up with chain hoist i didn't raise it very high i've got about an inch and a half you can see the square tube up in there i've got one of those on each side propping it up also for safety i'm gonna keep the chain hoist kind of snug so we don't need to have any accidents or any more accidents i should say crashed hand under here would be pretty bad deal so now we might be able to get something going maybe [Music] that one's not that tight okay get my special david bird edition from milwaukee here that makes that easy that belts out that's weird it didn't even have a lock washer on it one more on this side oh that didn't work and there we go she came off so to take this part i'm going to start out pulling off these uh this plate come off there pretty easy somebody has been into this valve at some point now these are the little this is what operates the spools back and forth the top lever operates the bottom one because it's bigger and the bottom one operates top one so it's it's a little reversed but there's seals in in here i wasn't quite sure which one i needed i guess i got the right one the first time so you basically back out the set screw i mean kind of keep in mind where everything's at right now and don't take it i don't think it has to come all the way out and you can pull the [Music] it did say to note where the the lever was positioned you don't want to get it in the wrong spot when you put it back together but [Music] i think what i'll do is i mean that's that's gonna be pretty easy to get wrapped i think so there's the bottom lever [Music] and the top uh i guess you call that a eccentric or cam or something [Music] well then we'll take it all the way out [Music] so you can't get those confused because this one's bigger the bottom is bigger than the top one so that's pretty simple uh and then basically we need to pull these heads off i believe next [Music] and when you pull these apart there will be springs in here there's a ball bearing so kind of got a pay attention there you can see the head's already pulling apart the springs aren't real strong [Music] and if i'm not mistaken this is the side that has the thermal valve so i might be wrong though [Music] there's there's gonna be this is this is where everything starts spilling out i want to keep that inside there for now kind of want to get the balls out these balls are actually what holds the hydraulic pressure it's just kind of like a check valve so these go in there there's a seat down inside of here caught a bit of crud down in there too i suspect i might need to pull the back off this tractor and check the strainer because it seems to have a lot of a lot of crud in it now this part here also has balls and seats and these little plungers are what lifts those off whenever you activate a spool like basically what that does is that releases the pressure off of here when the spill comes this way it releases this ball and on the opposite side it adds fluid through the check valve and that makes it the equipment or the cylinder move it's not a real complicated system one reason i kind of like cases is they are they're fairly simple now this is the thermal relief valve i was talking about this is a little plastic outfit there's a plastic seat right here there's one on each side you can see that one's bent that's what's causing this thing to not hold pressure on the upside this one here is not bad but it's really not good either i've got new spring or i've got new uh new plungers for these and it was the top one that was leaking off i believe was it the bottom one but this one looks worse the out of the two that i've got here this one looks worse and the reason the way i understand it these are in place and i think it's kind of a goofy deal i don't know why case did it but their thinking was if you got a closed hydraulic cylinder system and you've got hydraulic oil in the lines and everything's in neutral and not moving when you get sunlight or heat it expands that fluid and what k i guess what case thought is it needed a way to relieve it so this was their solution now i've had a lot of trouble with these on 10 30 my dad had the problem we were having is whenever you'd run a hydra swing or something with a lot of feedback pressure like if it caught a gopher mound or a terrace it would really pressurize the system and it would blow these out that one's actually the ball's not even in that one but you can see it's bent and those dirt i don't know this is probably one of the worst designs i've seen on something like this it's just a bad deal but i'm gonna say that's probably why it was not holding pressure these are just a little spring uh these these springs here that go against this ball bearing these are just little standoffs i guess they just pop out of there now there's a gasket on here i mean it's super thin it's just uh you can barely even see it but oh it's not on there it's on here okay there is a gasket you can see that one's invisible idiot anyway that's a paper thin gasket it's hard it's hard to make these i mean without buying one from case this is a really tough material to get and i mean it's almost like a sheet of paper so when you do this you really ought to at least get these gaskets i mean the the complete kit is kind of pricey but i think they're worth buying if you've got an older one that needs you know reworked not a bad idea now we've got some o-rings in here that's that goes around where that ball seat these actually seal up against here but like i say the flood flow i might have told you that wrong though the like when the cylinder is going up it lifts this ball off the seat and it puts fluid through here and then when the cylinder goes down these are depressed it unseats this other ball and the flood comes back through this is like exhaust or vent in the middle here so basically there's going to be another ball and seat under these and i'm going to pull those off too and there is a way to check these and once i get this disassembled a little bit more i'll kind of go through that might not be able to see what i'm doing here but these these just unthreaded now when they unthread these there's a spring and a ball underneath there so this is kind of a special fitting because this spring only you know it has to fit in that these also have an o-ring on them around here that can be replaced if this swivel leaks you got to replace that you gotta replace that fitting there oh i just lost the rods there's one of them but basically these little rods when you when you want to lower your equipment it pushes that little ball off the seat and that's what lowers the equipment so case had this designed and case is one of the only only tractors i've seen that if you park the equipment if these are working right it won't drift it won't go down it won't lower a lot of john deere stuff and i think john deere did it by design gets a different train of thought but basically a john deere if you turn the key off usually your implement lowers to the ground so these are pretty much once these if these balls and these seats are tight uh they won't they won't have any drift at all key on or key off i mean that's kind of the way case made them so remember your two smaller balls go on the outside the bigger ones go inside in here and let's see if we can get these thermal seats out and when you pull these out it's kind of destructive it's i don't know if there's an easy way to get these out without i mean these are bad anyway they're gonna get replaced so but like i say you can i've actually changed these on them on the tractor before yeah i'm gonna need to get something and dig it up sitting here talking to the damn cell okay i just realized that i did not show you the process of my camera died uh this is what's left of the thermal valves this is what goes down in these holes here and these thermal valves they actually are are in place to relieve any extra pressure from like if your hydraulic cylinder gets hot while it's setting steel it'll actually let it weep through a little bit to relieve that pressure but uh i'll show you the new i don't want to lose them here my hands are kind of dirty but um this this is the valve seat that goes down inside there now there's an o-ring that goes under that but these drive down in there they're hard to get out i had to take this one out in pieces but this is the little plunger and there's a little ball that goes on the end of that plunger so you put the ball in there first you put these uh you put the springs on the new ones and uh hope that explains it but like so i'm going to clean this mess up a little bit kind of organize my parts so i don't get them all mixed up and then we'll tear the valve on down just kind of go through and make sure everything looks decent and uh we'll go from there i'm gonna go ahead and pull this spool out um i want to be sure and keep these in order i don't want to switch one for the other but that's you know not just too awful bad looking it's got some wear on it but shoot this is a about a 50 year old tractor 40 40 something year old tractor so and put them in there pop these out i need a little bit bigger tray for this actually but just trying to keep things kind of organized a little bit all the ball bearings if these are scratched up they need to be replaced uh these look these look pretty good there's a little bit of dirt it's kind of surprising there's quite a bit of dirt inside this valve so basically once this pool is out about the only thing left to this valve is the relief valve and this what is this i can't remember what's behind there a plug with an o-ring on it which we might as well go ahead and pull it out yeah there's this this is just a plug o-ring um i'm gonna go ahead and replace that o-ring just to be on the safe side because i believe that's pressurized on that side of the system now this is the relief valve the relief valve has shims but it's just kind of dirty and gritty i'm gonna i think there's probably several shims in there but you can actually use this to bump the pressure up a little bit on these um if your pump's getting weak though it's not going to matter but this is kind of a funky uh relief valve this thing's all i think it'll fall out if i turn it over here maybe now the spring did and then there's a ponder sets down in the bottom there so that's the complete relief valve and it's got an o-ring in here and an o-ring on that i think that's all that's in this mouth um so i'm gonna wash it up and it'll be ready to be tested but before i do that i'm gonna go ahead and take this apart i don't think we're gonna do any work on this uh sleeve there is a sleeve that can be replaced on this relief valve if this part looks really bad or rough according to the book that means that's probably rough but if it you know fits if it's in pretty good shape there is an o-ring inside that which probably needs to be replaced so next is there's a felt seal and there's probably a better way to do this than the way i'm doing it but that's how i usually pop them out i've got an o-ring for that shaft inside here well there's a washer there too okay that was in there that makes that come out a lot easier so that's the seal on the remote control shaft that's pretty much it now there is i forgot about this on the larger one there is another uh seal in here and another washer and another o-ring and i should have all of these in the kit so i can replace them but basically that seals between this one and that one uh this one goes inside so yeah think now i'm ready to clean it up and then we'll do some tests on it okay so this is how you test your valve seats and your your ball bearings uh i've just got the valve set in the vise here just holding it up but what you do is you set those in place and i'm just using sea foam and i'm just going to pour some in there and if this sea foam leaks past the valve then i'm going to take a brass drift and punch on it a little bit kind of reseat the balls um i tested the other side it tested perfect i let it sit for i don't know several minutes and nothing leaked out but that's basically i mean they say to use kerosene which this is sea foam this stuff's pretty thin i would think if it's gonna leak you know it would leak but that's uh that's how you test those so you know it's pretty simple um you know just put the balls in there and put some kerosene now there are also i'll need to test these also on this these parts these these use a smaller or smaller ball but it's the same the same thing you just basically clean everything up set the balls in place poor little diesel or kerosene or seafoam pour it in there and in this watch i mean these aren't leaking if they were it'd be dripping out so that's a good sign these valves are good uh both sides just need to check these four and uh pretty much i'll be ready to put this thing back together hopefully i don't forget anything i got a complete seal kit and that's you know that's a good way to do these because you you kind of get an idea what i forgot that or it's a little easier to do it that way clean these balls up and i didn't keep these in order i don't think it matters that much the book doesn't say it matters so i did keep them with the same side but basically we'll just put them down in there make sure they're just kind of rolling make sure they're seated a little bit man wait see if it disappears now if you bounce the table or something it might start leaking out so i almost need a little more table space but i've got to put some rings in this relief valve there's actually a backup ring goes in first i believe on the bottom and then an o-ring on top if that doesn't really make sense i'm hoping they sent that i believe it would be this one and this one um i think how that back up ring i need to study that just a little bit so according to the book the backup ring goes in first and it's kind of got a groove in it so you want to be sure that face is up to the uh the o-ring hold that up that's gonna go in first on the bottom looking at it from this side which is actually the top because it's upside down and you got to try not to cut these things yeah you can't tell which way that's facing there a lot of ways down in there unlike the goats are hungry well that's pretty tough ring to get in there o-ring will probably work okay it's in place [Music] now the o-rings next [Music] so [Music] so so so [Music] yeah pull it back out oh okay so now [Music] this plunger goes in next and it goes down into the o-ring and then [Music] on top of that goes the spring now here's another o-ring we need to replace this one goes [Music] looks a lot like that from there so it goes in here [Music] i'll put it in there first hope that's knocked over goes down in there clean the seat just a little bit that goes down next [Music] [Music] pull a little ring off of this plug [Music] it's pretty much dried out [Music] there are shims in here that's how you adjust the pressure the problem with that is you have to pull the valve off tracker which i don't like was a very good plan but the pressures oh crap i left one out pressure seemed to be good on it so i'm not all that worried about it but we don't want to leave them we don't leave one out all right now we got a o-ring all right i think that's right three different o-rings all look same i don't know so that goes in they sent a new washer goes in on top you got a piece of felt goes inside this cap or a cup that's their dust seal and we'll put that in with a socket maybe i don't want to stay in there it seems like i could go down mr bill o-ring pick got me a little blood that's the seal for that shaft and we got [Music] that'll rain probably looks about like that washer cup and a felt that's all there is to that so got those seals in place it's about time to shut down for the day okay back to the cold shop it's warming up a little bit [Music] get back to putting this thing back together find all these pieces of parts [Music] there it is that a plug goes in on the back side here put a new o-ring in it you just kind of got to match up what you got in the kit okay now i think we're at the point we're ready to put the spools back in [Music] let's see i'm gonna lay it down so that [Music] this is the bottom this is the top right and left so we'll get all that straight now there are four o-rings goes in each there's two on each side these these can be put in the groove i'm going to use the wrong one on that side like these are too big [Music] it shouldn't fit that tight [Music] okay so i got the o-rings in on there and my spools i'm going to just clean them up [Music] these will only go in one direction well you gotta have the spool in there a certain direction or you can't control it so all right that's the bottom i almost did wrong on there spools in place so i'm just going to take a little bit of grease to smear on where the gasket goes just to make it stick don't believe these need a lot of uh sealer on them i almost forgot [Music] i almost forgot the most important part on this side we've got these cups that go these are the thermal relief cups [Music] i'm just going to stick that o-ring on there hopefully it'll stay in place [Music] actually i probably just put the o-ring in the bottom that way it doesn't get sideways yeah get that o-ring in that o-ring in [Music] thermal relief cups [Music] they fit kind of tight [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now we're going to need the itty-bitty ball bearings [Music] these will be easy to lose they're super small [Music] i lost that one i'm gonna drop those down into the seat [Music] next we're gonna get out the springs and the old thermal plunger just basically make sure we gotta make sure our springs are flat not bent i think they're okay i'm gonna go ahead and put a little grease on this too just to kind of hold it together a little grease on the end of there maybe it'll stay down in there a little better [Music] i picked up the ball looks like that's going to work [Music] this grease should melt away as soon as i get some oil on it i don't think it'll be a big big deal that's gonna work make sure they're centered up [Music] and we've got these spring uh these are just spring seats i kind of have a there's a groove in this valve or this head here that kind of springy they sit down into it [Music] there these will kind of help center the gasket up too for you the groove is not very deep i knew this would be the hardest part of this job here come on come on man just keeps popping out there we go just gotta squeeze it enough to get it down in there good now there's there's two plunger rods that go in here i should have probably put the head together first might have made more sense but i'll put those plungers in after we do this let's put a gasket on here first that grease will just kind of hold it in place keep it from moving around [Music] and just make sure our springs line up that's going to put the balls push the balls back in place and we can put some bolts in [Music] but i don't like to use any kind of sealer on this type of gasket it's too thin uh you shouldn't need it if you got everything clean i used a scraper made sure got all the old gasket off should be fine [Music] [Music] just tighten these up [Music] these are probably about 35 foot pounds i'd guess on torque if you're going to torque them but i'm just going to kind of tighten them by hand [Music] don't get too carried away now this is one of the ball plungers [Music] these go inside here kind of looks like a lost one [Music] surely not right [Music] how could it be gone [Music] thank goodness i found that [Music] now we're ready for two two smaller bowls go in place on these ends almost forgot don't put new o-rings on these [Music] now we basically set the spring in [Music] so like i'm about to run out of oil in my heater that's not a good thing there's one side down go ahead and get ready on the other side here that heater is pretty cool it gets a flame out it'll try to re-light if it can but if it's out of fuel it's out of fuel i've actually got another barrel of oil out in pasture i could probably bring it up and put in there so i've actually burned a bunch of oil through that thing this year okay just for the sake of making things easy i'm gonna turn this around this way since i'm right-handed makes it easier to kind of do things we've already got the o-rings in place here clean before i forget let's put these pins in here now we'll put our spring spring devices in place what they call it all right little grease our gasket on make sure we get our ball bearings in here in there up in here the springs go next this one's ready to go together just line up the spring carriers or spring seats whatever those are i don't know what they are springy things kind of cracks me up a bit somebody marked this head and this head was punch marks so you'd want to get them out of out of order but there's only one way they'll go together that's for sure let's see i did get to what am i missing here i think i got everything in there i think i think still gotta put the levers on that's gonna come next so this valve has been rebuilt at some point i don't know how long ago it looks to me like it's been a long time ago because the the shape these are in unless unless the rebuilder didn't rebuild that i don't know that's a possibility too okay i want to make sure this is the large lever it's going to go in first i'm actually going to take a little henry cloth and clean this up i'm gonna put a little oil on the o-ring in here i'm not really going to try to hold up that felt too much the felt is actually a dust type seal so it doesn't really need to be oily now i messed up there i got to put this in there first basically i want this arm to be level when it's in neutral i say that's probably it now these kind of self-center on that there's a groove here and that set screw kind of self-center itself on there so you don't want to force it one way or the other or that'll come loose you want it to seat down in that see where that that one was seated down in there and once again we'll put a little oil on the o-ring i'm going to hurt put a little bit on that shaft here try not to cut the o-ring when you put that in just be sure these line up together levers look good and straight that kind of pushed it out just a little bit there but that's that's where she needs to be so that is basically it except for this cover like say this design was carried over from the early case tractors it's kind of funny that they didn't really change anything on these valves much other than maybe adding a port for another line coming in i don't know they didn't they just didn't do a whole lot of changing so it must have been a decent design for case to carry it on from the la series to the 100 series all the way to the 30 series and the 70 series they they didn't change this much at all but in case you're ever wondering looking at one of these valves there ain't nothing you can see in this cover here nothing in here really goes wrong uh your problems are usually out here with either the balls the seats springs like if you ever replace one of these fittings you gotta be sure and get your spring back in there if you don't well you'll have a problem but just going through my parts here looks like i got everything in place now i'll warn you when you buy parts some of these don't come with the parts kit like the gasket for this and this uh this is actually a pressure seal that goes in between well that fits loose put a little grease on that to hold it in place these actually are not in the kit i've got to buy this gasket separate you can do this without a gasket but i wouldn't recommend it because this has a special thickness washer so this gasket needs to match that some things you can make your own gaskets on some i think you're better off that's a fairly thin gasket you could probably match the material thickness and make it work but sometimes it's better just to buy what you need set that in place and just kind of stick it and i'm not going to put any sealer on these either it's just greased to hold it in place while i bolt it up now i need to go clean the tractor up that's something i didn't do yet so i'll work on that and then i'll be ready to install that thing you don't want to forget on these is uh these are the detents this is what holds your lever in um like whenever you move the lever it holds it the spring and detent that holds it in place these have to go in last they actually push up against the back of the tractor or the plate this bolts to another thing is i got some bolts with the heads cut off i got one on here and one on the tractor and that'll kind of help guide this together it just makes it easier to not move your gasket around and get everything out of place it's not necessary i've done it without one before but just a little bit easier and not sure the best place is for this to sit maybe right there you can see i got one bolt here and then i've got the other one i don't normally use gasket sealer on this type of stuff if i have a factory gasket now if i don't have a factory gasket i might go ahead and um use a little sealer on it just to be on the safe side black silicones all i usually normally use rtv so we're ready to slide that dude in there now not sure what this valve weighs it's not super light that's for sure especially working up under the cab like this is kind of difficult and i might have made my bolt too long i don't know [Music] oh get that one started there maybe and then this one okay make sure my ring is still in place springs are still in place and you just slide it right up on there and now it's ready for some bolts and that's just about it on this deal hopefully this works just got to hook up hoses and tighten up these bolts here and then i'll pull these studs out after i get that's kind of snugged up there but anyway that's a that's about the easiest way i know to put one of them on there just just make you some bolts cut the heads off of them if you won't get fancy you can slot the end so you can get them out easier sometimes that's helpful but they should come out pretty easy once i get everything snugged up but anyway that's pretty much it for i think you guys will understand how everything else goes uh next thing i'm gonna do is pull this pump here in a little bit but i want to finish that up first get there get everything back in place on that and uh yeah that's what we're doing i believe this was the remote that was uh leaking off you can see i've got i've got 2 000 if i hit all the way almost 2 000 pounds but the thing is it holds it doesn't leak off that one's working right at 2 000 psi it drops off just a bit seems to be holding pretty good though well that this is the side that has a thermal valve in it yeah right at 2000 that's that's good pressure we are the tractor is cold right now so uh may change a little bit when it gets warmed up i think we got the valve problem fixed you
Channel: Digginok
Views: 2,994
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: bBg4fIgqTvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 12sec (4332 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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