[922] Abloy Model 3045 Padlock Picked and Gutted

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is a well-used ABLOY model 3045 padlock with a classic core I do not have a key for this and I tend to buy them that way because it's a cheap way to buy practice locks these haven't been made in quite a while but they are great little products inconspicuous pick resistant weather resistant perfect for something like a garden shed but before we try to pick it open I'm going to go on a short tangent I've mentioned in past videos that my ABLOY classic pick is a copy of the design made by Matt Smith there's a fairly new youtube channel out there called lock pickers United that's currently doing a giveaway for one of Matt's picks though it doesn't come with the tips needed for the aptly classic the way they're giving it away it will handle many common disc-san or locks including some of the newer a Blois lock pickers united features the work of a few different lock pickers with longer form content that may be of interest to any pickers out there I'm gonna put a link to that channel in the description below now to enter their contest you need to pick and get on video one of the listed high security locks I'm pretty sure this lock qualify so let's get to picking and then I will take it apart to show you what's inside oK we've got this in the vise and the first thing I'm going to do is rotate all the disks as far clockwise as they will go and I'm going to do it with this ABLOY key blank then we'll get the pic in there and get to work nothing on the spinner one is loose two is loose three is loose four is loose five is loose six seven I think I think I got a clique out of eight nine and ten this is strange I'm gonna add a little bit more tension one to nothing on three there we go nice click out of four click out of five nothing on six nothing on seven click out of eight click out of nine fit a little bit of movement on the core and I think that means everything is in a gate spinner is loose so is one little click out of two ok three is binding three seems loose four seems loose click out of five six is binding got a click out of six seven is binding there we go and we open that up so it gave us a little bit of trouble in the beginning but all in all it went fairly quickly okay let's get this apart and see what's inside before I take this pick out what I'm going to do is remove the screw which holds the core retainer in place okay now that we have that screw out we can real Ock this okay now we can start taking this apart now an interesting thing about a boys is they have to be set up such that the back of a key can be used to remove the retainer okay let's get some tweezers looks like there's a copper washer of some kind there okay let's put that copper washer to the side and then put this spinner over here I'm gonna try to pull that entire core out that might make things a little bit easier okay I'm gonna drop the sidebar down in one of these pin slots here I dropped a spacer okay let's start getting all these out there is disc one two spacer three is one of a ploys anti pick disks and a spacer came out with that as well number four another anti pick disc five six seven it's really wet inside you may have noticed I did give this a squirt of Lube when I first got it because the core felt really really dry and rough inside okay let's take a closer look at one of these we can see there's a small cutout here that means it's a anti pick disc which will stop some of the older style disc detainer picks and if we look at the side of this we can see a deep true gate and then 1 - false gates and in fact every single one of these discs with the exception of the spinner and the very back disc which is always going to be a zero cut have false gates in them in any case that's all I have for you today on this ABLOY model 30-45 with a classic core if you do have any questions or comments about it please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 145,448
Rating: 4.9755182 out of 5
Id: W--bw7vU6_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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