11:40am Sunday Morning Worship Service

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and they might just [Music] it's monday morning [Applause] and another week i have to face so many problems i'll have to solve so much going on it seems like there's never enough time to do all the things i have to do so i sit down and wonder how am i gonna make it what am i gonna do [Music] [Music] [Applause] so yes i feel a sharp pain in my body lord what is this what is this now jesus gotta go see my doctor find out what's going on i can't afford to get sick right now it's not the right time oh lord i've got so many depending on me what am i gonna do all [Music] oh yes it will be [Music] me my head is [Music] and [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] it's gonna get better for me thank you if [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] welcome welcome welcome welcome [Music] [Music] for me me [Music] [Music] me not been so good to me me [Music] i cannot i cannot tell i cannot oh tell you know [Music] me me [Music] i can't tell i cannot tell you know [Music] [Music] he's been so good to me that you cannot tell at all somebody somebody give god a great hand praise [Applause] as we now prepare to go before the lord in prayer right now we're preparing to say lord i thank you for our worship lord i thank you for bringing us through another week thank you for answering our prayer thank you for your healing thank you for keeping us in our right mind thank you for lifting our spirits all these things take place right now as we come before the lord in prayer we always pray for our worship service that souls will be saved we pray that the lord will will bless the lives of his people bless those who are have heard the scripture says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god so that we pray that the lord will open up someone's understanding that they will come and give their life to jesus christ we pray for the household of faith and the saints of god everywhere that the lord will continue to build us up even while we are under attack directly indirectly no matter what takes place we ask the lord lord build us up allow us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of you we pray that the lord will continue to watch over your families your children and your children's children that he will continue to bless the degree those who grieve and are bereaved the lord will bless the maclaurin family and that that funeral is going to be here on tuesday for sister mary uh wilford who's his mother we pray that the lord will bless that family and then on on friday uh mildred cruzant uh the daughter lisa crousson we're going to pray for her but also i want you to pray for brother jim johnston brother johnston heads up our hospitality ministry he lost his wife on on on friday night and she happened to be she was a member here but she was the the niece of reverend evans uh fellowship baptist church this was his oldest niece and she's been a member here for many years her sister is a member here uh and so we want to uh keep them in uh in our prayers amen but but while we have just what we're going to pray for those who are going on to be with the lord you got somebody who's sitting right standing right next to you who is alive and well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we always give god praise for life whether it's life now or eternal life we give god praise for [Music] life let us pray dear heavenly father become lord given all the glory and thanks for your goodness and your mercy we thank you lord we thank you for your great grace on our lives we thank you because lord you have brought us here to each and every sunday for a time of worship a time to worship together a time to reminisce a time to tell our testimony of faith a time o lord that you build us up and you allow us oh lord to face the challenges of this world a time of lord where we sit back and we we hear and we listen concerning words of faith concerning words of grace lord that is able to build us up and lord today we're going to give you praise today glory and honor we're going to praise you for the life you've given praise you for the discernment that you have given and now lord we pray your strength that you will bless souls today lord there will be those that will come down the aisle and give their life to you those who are watching via live stream will call out your name and receive you in spirit and in truth we pray that you will bless us as we go forward that you will bless the church the household of faith blessed families today those who are suffering from the loss of loved ones those who lord in the hospitals those who are in nursing homes lord there's so much to pray for that we require the intercession of the holy spirit that when we don't know what to pray for lord the holy spirit knows and speaks concerning the things that are difficult for us so now lord we thank you we praise you and we give you all the glory in jesus name let the church say amen a scripture to a scripture text comes out of first john chapter one beginning with verse one let us all read together that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life for the life was manifested and we have seen it and bear witness and show unto you that eternal life which was with the father was manifested unto us that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ and these things write we unto you that your joy may be full and this is the word of the lord may god bless you may god keep you to give god a great hand praise you may be seated [Music] i find space for what i treasure i make time for what i want i choose my priority [Music] jesus you're my number one so i will make room for you i will [Music] prepare for two so you don't feel that you can't live here please [Music] i find space for what i treasure i make time for what i want i choose my priorities and jesus you're my number yes jesus you're my number one so i will make room for you i will [Music] prepare for two so you don't feel that you can't live here please live with me i will i'll make a room for you i will [Music] prepare for you so you don't feel that you can't live here please live in me [Music] we sleep with me god i will make room for you [Music] you can move [Music] i will make room for [Music] whatever it is that's make room yes whatever it is oci see whatever it is see whatever it is i just want you to moving see whatever it is [Music] see whatever it is i just want you to know [Music] yes i find space for what i treasure i make time for what i [Music] jesus [Music] one [Applause] going straight to the next uh you know when i first got saved they had something called the testimony service and they said if you testify you can't sing and then if you sing you can't testify so we come to sing our testimony this morning is that all right we just simply say [Music] wonderful wonderful training wonderful changes my hallelujah [Music] is uh come on changes [Music] is hey testimonies [Music] that's my testimony [Music] [Music] i don't walk like i used to help i don't talk like it used to tough [Music] [Music] for me [Music] i don't have the need [Music] it's just [Applause] changed [Music] it was great great great change come on one more time [Music] come on like i used to walk out [Music] [Music] great great great change let us give god a great great great hand praise [Music] and as we now open up the book to the word of his grace that word that is able to keep us that strengthens us that word that provides for us all of that we need sometimes the people say the bible doesn't tell you everything but it tells you all you need to know about your relationship with god and now i want you to turn to the book of philippians chapter one beginning with verse 27 and i will be reading out of the niv translation but that is of is philippians chapter 1 beginning with verse 27. and i do want to i do want to start out and we haven't done offering we'll do offering later i'm ready i'm ready to deliver my sermon right now we'll take off and when often comes up i and and i was sitting there and they asked me they said they said you want me to do another song i said yeah sure because i was already moved into delivering my sermon and often wasn't in my mind at the time and that's the second time [Music] that i've eliminated offering and someone had to tell me and put a basket said you didn't lift the offer and i was like no i know i lifted offering but uh and so to those who are watching by a live stream you're probably saying what happened uh well i didn't i didn't lift our offering to where what i normally should we're going to lift our offering after this but i am now prepared to deliver a word of the lord [Applause] [Music] and i want you to turn to the book of philippians chapter one beginning with verse 27. but i do want to put some things into context um because the world in which we live right now whether you are in your youth or whether you are in your age of maturity doesn't matter which one you are the truth of the gospel is all we have to hold on to the world now is becoming far more sophisticated in the tantalization of your mind that allows unrighteousness to become accepted and the many things that have that the society has ruled on and has made laws about that could never have been done 30 years ago 40 years ago 50 years ago but but but now are in these times and we live in these times where the scriptures say we wax worse and worse we live in a time where people are following their own righteousness and not the righteousness of god we're living in a time where the bible calls it a great falling away and we've been inching up on this all along and now we're at this point where in our own minds we must make sure that we understand the truth we must make sure that our faith is strong we must make sure that we are prepared for the battle it doesn't matter it does not matter whether you are six [Music] 12 18. 25 50 70 90 it doesn't matter you must be prepared for the battle because the battle is coming directly to you and at you how many know what i'm talking about [Music] and so when you take a look at at the times in which we live [Music] there are those who are considered fortunate for whatever reason they're fortunate they have an appearance of prosperity they may not be prosperous at all but they they're going to fake it until they make it they've been provided new opportunities they they they have wonderful families they got wonderful children all their children have graduated from college and they're doing marvelous things and everyone appears to want to help them and and somehow you don't have all the advantages and the prosperity that you see that you think somebody else has but i believe that those who are called by god to the salvation that he has provided those are the ones who are truly fortunate whether you are six 12 18 35 whatever your age if the lord called you consider yourself more than fortunate [Music] and somebody might say who may not believe they said why why is that so fortunate because there those are the ones whose names are written in the lamb's book of life those are the ones who were chosen before the foundation of the world those are the ones who are most fortunate because they know and you know that they have been endowed with favored with grace by and possess all the advantages and the inheritance that god has provided and prepared and promised they are the ones who the lord has blessed and given them [Music] after all of that they now have an assurance [Music] by faith in the promises of god now it has been said that if you have a good name you should try to protect it and even if you don't know how to even protect your own good name you still have to figure it out but it's also said that we need one another we can't live this life out by ourselves a man can't live to himself he doesn't die unto himself but how well we protect our inheritance that which the lord has given that which the lord has provided that inheritance that which no one else can give but god through jesus christ that which has been made available and made possible to you [Music] we must protect the inheritance that god gave to us that also represents the future legacy of our existence so when we turn to philippians chapter 1 beginning with verse 27. it reads this way reading out of the niv whatever happens conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of christ [Music] then when whether i come and see you or else hear about you in my absence i will know that you stand firm in one spirit contending as one man for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you this is a sign to them that they will be destroyed but that you will be saved and that by god for it is for it has been granted to you on behalf of christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer for him since you are going through the same struggles you saw i had and now here that i still have and this is the word of the lord glory be glory be to god glory be to god my subject today and for this message is but for the grace but but for the grace the whole message wraps around the understanding of victory but victory can only be achieved through faith to be faithful regardless of fear to know that faith your faith the faithfulness that god gave you that provides the faith that you have that faith that faith is the backbone for the relationship with god through jesus christ but not only is it the backbone of relationship faith is the connecting ligament that supports defends sustains affirms and substantiates the faithfulness of god through the promises he has made given to us through jesus christ but faith is also the doorway down the path of righteousness and it is a recorder of your testimony of victory faith people say well well you know you know what is faith that faith the faith that the world wants to talk about that faith is the backbone by which you stand that faith connects you heart mind body and soul to jesus christ himself that faith is the doorway down the path of righteousness which means that out of this book of philippians which is considered the book of victory paul's chief concern was the faithfulness of the church even in the midst of persecution and the first church was physically persecuted they were chased out of jerusalem they were physical that's why they had the the what is known as the diaspora the moving out they were persecuted and paul was concerned as as pastors are today all of us are concerned that the church remained faithful even in the midst of persecutions faithful when you're six years old faithful when you're 12 years old faithful when you're 25 years old faithful when you're 75 faithful when you're 80. and people say what persecutions are you talking about i don't quite understand talking about persecution nobody's shooting us or killing us you know not for our belief persecutions come in different shades of gray because you will have direct persecution there's going to be somebody who does not like you somebody who does not like your spirit somebody who thinks that you are high and mighty somebody who directly [Applause] talks about you directly comes after you because they don't like your faith they don't like your spirit you are a believer you stand up for what you believe they don't like that but then you got those that you got those that are indirect you know they just they're passive they go along with you but they but they don't like you they don't they don't like anything they just go along and the minute you need some help they are they are not do not go to them they are not going to provide you any support at all then you have those who they try to emotionally intimidate you to try to get at your faith these are all persecutions and then there are those that out are in outright warfare with god and the impact that god has on your life and paul speaks specifically encouraging the believers to be as one individual in the faith this church is a body made up of individuals but we we are one in body we've got one heart that belongs to jesus one heart we are the same fellowship of the spirit we are like-minded looking to jesus the author and finisher of our faith which means that we are not caught up in selfish ambition and vain conceit this is the battleground and i want you to know that there that there is a battle that there is a battleground and the lines have been drawn i want you to know this there is a battle and there is a battleground that battleground is your mind there's a battle for your mind and the lines have been drawn and and and why how was this why why why the lie why is there a battle why are the lines drawn you know what are we in what goes back to the book of deuteronomy when moses spoke god spoke to moses in deuteronomy chapter seven it said the lord did not set his love upon you nor chose you because you were more in number than any other people for ye were fewest of all people see the lord didn't choose you because of who you thought you were he didn't choose you because you had the right heart he didn't choose you because he liked the way you talk he liked the way he liked the way you know you sing you know you know you give yourself you know i can really sing for the lord well who do you think gave you the gift he's not now blessing you because he gave you the gift to sing you we're not all that good but what we are is chosen what you are what you are it's chosen you want you want to know about where the battleground is and where the lines are drawn it's because you have been chosen now the battle assumes conflict and it also assumes that you have a position not a not a position like i'm a deacon or i'm a pastor i'm not talking about i'm talking about a position of belief you gotta you gotta hold on there's a position that you have now the world is probably saying well why is there warfare why is there a battle because there are enemies of the cross and you ask but but and when you ask that kind of question you're really asking the wrong question the real question that you should have asked is why would satan want to be like god if god was of no value why are we going through all that we're going through why is satan operating like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour if the things of god don't really matter [Applause] why would an atheist fight against something they don't even think is real why would an agnostic actually just take a position well well you know i don't know this is real or that's real and they they take that position and they're they are firm i don't want to say anything i don't i ain't taking no sides i'm not doing nothing you are lukewarm but we know this that the adversary sees something you have that they want [Applause] and if they don't want it they don't want you to have it and this this shows up because your existence shows them their own failure and their own condemnation now you could be as broke as cuda brown and somebody will still want the god that you have they still see how blessed you are they still see how how the spirit you have how good you are how how comfortable you are how at peace you are they want what you have because they don't have it and we must remember as a as children of god a saint of god that the life of a child of god is a life of victory and a life of strength that's the life that we live that's the way we live that is how we live and how we live and the way we live is consistent with being born again is consistent with the god that we serve we stand fast in one spirit in one mind and the adversary [Applause] sees that you are not afraid and they want you to be in fear but you are not afraid and you're not afraid because you have already escaped the condemnation that they have you left you got something better you got eternal life you left the condemnation and they don't see a way out the adversary sees your salvation and i want you to know there's no escape from the battle [Applause] you're going to have a bat there's no escape from the battle whether you're in christ or not in christ the battle you're going to have the battle but to a child of god there is no defeat in jesus i want you to know how strong this is you know that that you know that's saying driving wild black see you can't help but be black and so when you drive you know you just you're just a black person driving but i want you to know that you're a child of god and you can't help but be a child of god because you've been chosen before the foundation of the world you've been redeemed by the son you've been you've been sealed by the holy spirit you have an inheritance you are a child of god and you're going to have a battle [Applause] now my second thought is this is that the enemy your adversary is confused they got confusion going on your mind is straight you think they straight but but see they are the ones who are confused because they measure their life by how humanity has set up what is good and what is not good that's how they measure where what and how they think is more than what god provides they're confused they think they are more than what they are they are there is a conceit and they they are confused because they are looking at your blessing and trying to figure out why don't i have what they have [Applause] they want your blessing but they don't want your walk then there are others who want to find a middle ground they want to find a middle ground between jesus and the world they want to they want to attempt to find a balance uh in their life in their life between the world and jesus christ and they think that they would have advantage by trying to find a middle ground but even that is not adequate because because you assume that the world and god are equal and are equivalent and they are not god is omnipotent god is omnipresent god is omniscient he knows everything all power all mind all present what what does the world have they attempt and their confusion to believe that they have all the advantages without god when in fact they're looking at you and understanding that they themselves are damaged goods they want to confuse you and they want to put pressure on you so that you camouflage your your grace you camouflage the favor that god has put on your life they they don't want you to tell anybody about how good god has been they don't want you to do that that's what happened to peter and john when they healed the the lame man they told him don't speak anymore about this man they saw the lame man get up and walk and jump they saw and they heard the testimony of peter and john when they they told him it was about in the name of jesus does this man stand before you whole and we are not going to be quiet we're going to tell you what we've seen and what we've heard they want you to be quiet camouflage your inheritance but like jeremiah you got to say i got i got fire shut up in my bones our life cannot be a life of compromise people want you to compromise they want you to negotiate you know your spirituality you know we can negotiate this and and the one of the real issues is that as child of god will fall in to the negotiation where i can do this and i can do that and i can do this and i can do that and i can still be with the lord i can i can still go out on and drink and get drunk on on saturday night and i can go to church and praise him i can act up any kind of way all week long and i can curse people out i can talk about them and [Applause] i can be as evil as i want but on sunday morning i'm in sunday morning bible study and i can quote scripture the lord is my shepherd he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high one thing if i desire to the lord and that which i seek after they want to compromise i want to negotiate but i want every child of god to know that there is no negotiation because there's nothing to negotiate you got to recognize that god did not negotiate and it was the lord that chose you that was not a negotiation he chose you your choice is not up for negotiation your salvation is not up for negotiation the grace he has given you is not up for negotiation the power that he gives you is not up for negotiation the blessing you receive is not up for negotiation the prayers that he's answered is not up for negotiation there is no negotiation because there is nothing to negotiate [Applause] the lord has already done great things in your life and that's the real truth it was jesus that died on the cross it was jesus that sealed your inheritance it was jesus that delivered all the promises of god it is jesus who made your reservation in heaven wrote your name in the lamb's book of life and you are kept by the power of god [Applause] why want mine now you're a cat right now you don't know how much you have sometimes you don't know what you got what do you what do you have isaiah said it best in isaiah 26 when he said thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because thou trusted in thee you can't money will never give you a sound peaceful mind but god will keep you in perfect peace because your mind is stayed on him you are kept by the power of god you can't give up being kept it's non-negotiable you are kept you were born kemp you were reborn kemp you are inherited kemp you are kept you need to be kept by the power because you have been chosen [Music] to bring forth much fruit you [Music] [Applause] don't be confused i don't want you to be confused we we fight the same enemy and we're all in the same battle that is why the adversary is out trying to have you disbelieve your own inheritance somebody's going to tell you you don't have the grace you thought you had but your spirit talks to the holy spirit and tells you who you are so somebody else can't come along and tell you you don't belong to jesus when you know who you belong to you know how much grace you have been given kept [Music] and we have a responsibility [Applause] to stay strong in the lord you gotta you gotta know who you are and where you've been and where you're going because sometimes your enemy wants to trap you they want they want they want to get you in a corner and they want to make sure you can't get out and they think you're going to be afraid but when your enemy shows up [Music] [Applause] and you look them up and down and you tell them as the hebrew boys told the king we're not careful to answer you in this matter the god we serve he's able even if he don't deliver us out of the furnace we still not gonna bow so you might as well just throw us in and when we're in i want you to look in the furnace and i want you to look in and where you threw in three you all of a sudden you see four now and he looks like the son of god somebody give god a great hand praise and so when you're when you're in that situation [Music] trapped in the corner just get all your stuff all you get all your stuff it's called the the armor of god [Music] look them up and down but put on that put on that helmet [Music] [Applause] then while that while they're they're looking and they're snarling pick up your breastplate strap it on then while they're trying to figure out what you're doing then get get all shotted up cause you're getting ready to kick somebody [Applause] then pick up your shield pick up your sword [Applause] [Music] and now you're ready in jesus name to fight the good fight of fate we're gonna hold on [Music] to our young people we're not gonna let somebody take our young people away we're gonna hold on to our generation still yet to come we're gonna hold on tell them how good god has been rehearse in their mind how good the lord has been tell them about jesus tell them about prayer tell them about how he brought you out tell them [Applause] never let them go because there's power the lord gave you the power he gave you the strength he gave you the testimony speak the testimony of jesus christ [Applause] nobody can tell the story better than you how many know what i'm talking about nobody can tell the story better than you and all you got to do is just give god the praise how many y'all ready to praise him right now [Applause] because by the grace of god you're not walking out trying to chase some dreams the lord has already given you all that you need people are still trying to find their way but you the lord has already blessed you to find your way you already kept that's right kept by the power of god i'm just thankful right now i feel like shouting right now don't let me go somebody hold me [Music] you have it within yourself [Applause] [Music] through the power of the holy spirit not to be confused about the way the world operates [Music] but hold on to the faith and the discernment of what god has given you're going to have to navigate but you don't have to negotiate somebody give god a great handful we'll open up the doors to the church [Applause] because there's someone here you have heard the word of the lord and you've been trying to negotiate your way through this world with nothing to negotiate but right now you can give your life to jesus come on down [Music] is there another come on everybody are you ready to give god some praise now is your time just to come are you here i'm gonna serve him [Music] is there another are you ready [Music] bring it down a little bit this is the time where you put away all your doubts and fears [Music] this is the time where you say i must make this decision you've been toying with it and it's been eating at you but today is your day and if you are here just come right now [Music] to those who are watching via live stream many times you ask yourself what what shall i do i'm here at home i'm not there i can't come down the aisle but you can do the same thing that we do right here is that you can say and call on the name of jesus those who call on the name of the lord shall be saved and when you go deep in your spirit you say lord i just thank you lord i thank you for your blessings i thank you for your for the life the lord will fill you with the holy spirit and on next sunday i want you to come down the aisle give your life give and be baptized in jesus name be a part of this great household of faith but to those in the balcony even on this first floor if you are if you are here and you're ready just stand up [Music] if necessary i'll come down and i'll walk down there with you if you raise your hand i'll come get you personally [Music] come on down come on down is there another come on choir i'm gonna serve him is i want to thank the lord for you may god bless you it is now offering time at the apostolic church of god [Applause] i may forget once am i not going to forget twice to those who are watching via broadcast of our live stream i want to thank the lord for your gifts of faith into this ministry and thank the lord for how he has blessed you down through the years and truly your gifts are are well appreciated because it helps us to further the work of the ministry so please give as the lord has prospered you to give and we shall all be blessed amen and to those who are here those who are watching by a live stream give humbly unto the lord as the lord has blessed you give back to give back to him in our tithes and our offerings and the lord will certainly bless amen we have our psalmist sister andrea morris let us greet her with a hearty amen let us pray uh dear heavenly father we come lord give an honor glory and thanks for your goodness and your mercy we thank you lord for your great grace and the love you have given now lord we pray your strength upon us as we lord um give of our sustenance back to you there's nothing greater there's nothing better than to be able to appreciate the grace we have received and to thank you for the sustenance you have provided so now lord bless in the name of jesus strengthen and keep us o lord we pray in jesus name let the church say amen ushers please come forward and uh uh assistant pastor hayes is going to dismiss us and and participate in the baptismal may god bless you may god keep you we will see you on on on mondays through friday during courageous prayer 7 30 8 o'clock or 8 30 and then on wednesday night bible class and and i told you that i was going to do the third wednesday of october but i'm going to i'm going to change it i'm going to do the third and the fourth wednesday um it it is too much it's too much when you talk about future generations it's too much to handle in one hour uh so i'm gonna break it up and i'm gonna lay the groundwork the first wednesday and then lay all the other things the details out in the second wednesday amen so thank you lord for you may god bless you may god keep you um did we pray already we prayed over the offering ushers are here god bless you [Applause] [Music] his love reached from the heavens [Music] and before the birth of time jesus had you on his mind so you never need to question his concerns [Music] so what can separate you from the precious love of god who could ever come against his strong and perfect love so when you're in the valley and your lights are cold and lonely the darkest hour is just before the dawn remember nothing can separate you from god's love he numbers each and every star and he calls them all by name he counts them one by one and sees that they are still in place if he cares for every star then he sees right where you are you can trust you'll never fall from his embrace so what can separate you from the precious love of god who could ever come against your strong and perfect love so when you're in the valley and your nights are cold and lonely the darkest hour is just before the dawn remember nothing can separate to you neither pain or sorrow not today and not tomorrow nothing past or nothing present nothing future nothing now remember nothing can separate you from the precious love of god remember nothing could ever come against his strong and perfect love so when you're in the valley and you're nice are cold and lonely the darkest hour is just before the dawn remember nothing absolutely nothing [Music] oh remember nothing can separate you from god's love nothing can separate you from god's love [Music] [Applause] can we give god praise that nothing can separate us from god's love we want to exit in decency and an order so can we all stand to receive the benediction and just a reminder that on this thursday from 5 p.m to at least 8 p.m the cook county commissioner will be having a men's health fair here at the church and so there are flyers at the kiosk and at the temperature check station so please uh make sure that you grab one and remember that on this thursday from five to eight we will be having a men's health fair we will be the s the host but the county commissioner and i believe the county clerk are the sponsors for this initiative have we enjoyed today's worship service we thank god for the praise team for the last two weeks now let us receive the benediction father we come today to thank you for all that you have done we thank you that no matter what happens in this life nothing can separate us from your love we thank you god that although we must navigate this world we do not have to negotiate with this world because of our faith in jesus christ we ask now that you will strengthen our pastor pour back into him that which he has shared with your people we thank you for the souls that have come forward to be saved filled them with the holy spirit as you have promised now lord bless your holy people go with us as we leave this place but never ever from your presence now may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in jesus name god bless you all [Music] [Applause] this telecast is copyrighted by the apostolic church of god for the private use of our audience any other use of this telecast pictures descriptions or accounts of the church service without consent from the apostolic church of god is prohibited
Channel: ACOGChicago
Views: 1,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sp0Y5V9BVJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 20sec (5420 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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