90s MYSTERY BOX ENVELOPES! - P.O. Box Unboxing!

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my gosh this camera is so close you guys we're down here we're hiding from the sun so don't tell it where to find us because it's like slowly i feel like the vampire that i am just like slowly trying to avoid the sun's rays also i am like meltingly hot also i feel like i don't need these lamps on either they're just adding to the problem of the light and the sun and the heat and my melting but anyway when i say bananas you say peppers and today i found something so exciting for us to open actually i have two exciting things well this this exciting thing you guys are about to see now but the other exciting thing i got a whole another tub of stuff from my parents attic remember i said that they were like spring cleaning back in spring or is it still spring seasons are very confusing in texas because we basically have like ice cold death winter or burning hot summer we don't really get fall or spring so those words just sort of have no meaning to me um but anyway they were like they were spring cleaning and i got another huge tub of like amazing authentic fun like time capsule kind of stuff i don't know what's in it uh so it could be stuff like from the late 80s when i was a baby or um it could be like stuff from the 90s it could be a mixture i don't know yet i don't know what's in it but hopefully i'm gonna start filming that one today it's another huge tub so if you love time capsule videos that's probably something that you can look forward to because it's probably gonna take me like two episodes to get through this because it's a big one it's a big big box it's bigger than the width of the angle of this lens anyway today's exciting um bunch of excitement is i was going through some swamp family mail slash banana peppers mail and i was trying to like group it based on things that you guys had written on the envelope anyway you guys i came across these four envelopes and they all say something about 90s stuff on them look at the sun it's really not gonna give us a break real 90s memorabilia find these items enclosed so yeah we have four envelopes i think it's been a really long time since i've done like an envelope episode and i thought hey let's do it today so let's go ahead and open this one first there's a note on the back let's read it funny got these at an auction thought you might like them love your channel keep up the good work thank you melissa i was about to just slice it with a knife but it feels like there is like paper inside of it so i'm going to just cautiously and responsibly rip the corner down here oh what is this they are magazines oh i've never had is this crazy i've never had a mad magazine in my life i don't know why this one is like a guitar 96 unelectrifying pages live mad unplugged oh may 1994. do you guys remember this stuff wait is this literally records i feel like we went through a 17 magazine last year and i was like oh you guys remember when you would like circle all the cds that you wanted in the night this is records this is a joke this is a joke is it a joke yeah this has got to be a joke is this like um wacky packages to mini brands and i'm like wait what are the what are jokes what are jokes i'm just suddenly reading that one of the options is tears for beers is the band instead of tears for fears okay this is honestly like a really cool cover i love this like maze thing that's going on mad collectors series and it says in a limited edition of 1 million 3 300 copies wait did they really make a million copies of this magazine that's so crazy that it has like an actual number stamped on it well thank you melissa also there's like a giant pull out poster here it's that it's like a maze that's pretty cool i bet you know what i bet there's like some serious like mad collectors in this world i like the fly the most if i'm being honest thank you melissa now i learned i learned jokes okay up next this comes from ashley and it says 90s themed items inside so this one feels like i could do a little slicing and dicing oh i'll be right back well thankfully my magical rainbow knife is um dulled from years of cutting cardboard and tape and uh i keep wanting to call it masking tape duct tape that's what it yeah i didn't notice i was like holding it the extremely wrong way so um come on we all knew years of slicing and dicing and male jinga we knew it was gonna end up this way let's see what's inside what is that oh it's from ashley and lily look at how cute that is we have a unicorn i keep just moving back more and more from ashley and lily i feel like this video is pure chaos we're just running away from the sun and slicing and dicing our hands also i feel like i need some fun band-aids i don't know how we only have the boring band-aids i need like the pickle band-aids or the bacon band-aids or oh my god okay i don't know why i just like kind of knew that a disney adventures magazine was gonna be in here oh my god you guys this was my summer as a child i used to just love to turn on the water sprinkler in the front yard and i would lay on a beach towel in the driveway and just read disney adventures magazines and let the water sprinkler just go around and randomly splash me i don't know why that was like so much fun for me and i would also come up with these like crazy dances i would like coordinate little dances in my head to sting music and i would dance around with an umbrella in the water sprinkler i actually don't remember this episode how crazy is this it was just april fool's day like yesterday and it's the oh my god oh good they marked out whoever's address this was um it's it was just april fool's day and here's the april fool's day issue i forget the guy's name here i love star trek but only like the first three original seasons so i guess this is from april of 1993. oh and i thought that that was darkwing duck but i guess it's not oh my god was this beauty and the beast year i don't know who this is jett said cool kids clothes oh my god oh you know what okay now my thumb isn't working oh look at that look at that oh look there's darkwing duck oh my god although i have to say i never really watched that much as a child i was more of a nickelodeon kid it's so weird i like disney movies but nickelodeon shows oh my god i would so wear this i would wear this today right now i love kermit the frog i literally just wanted to make a jacket like this no joke i'm trying to see if there is a french toast ad in here i used to fantasize about wearing french toast if you're a 90s kid you have to let me know marsupalami oh my god this is just like a relic look at this kitkat ad i wish that they made books and maybe they do maybe i just haven't seen them but i wish that they made books of like vintage magazine ads that would be so much fun oh my god i didn't know he was in this show i always talk about this show that i love called factor fiction and this guy is the host jonathan franks anyway i'm trying to find french toast ah that's because it was like kind of school uniform looking clothing so nothing i've ever been interested in my whole life like the aesthetic of but there was just something about like french toast ads and i wanted to be in one this is so much fun i literally feel like i could just do like a flip through vlog of disney adventures magazines y'all really seem to like when we did the quiz one out of the 17 magazine oh my god i always loved weird yet true okay let's see fish can't swim backwards super boil a new soup by nissan foods actually cooks itself when you turn a special key on the top of the can a chemical is released that heats the soup it's piping hot in five minutes although i kind of thought mres were like that too don't they have like a heat pack okay i do not see a french toast ad this has to be like the only disney adventures magazine with no french toast ad tales from the crypt trading cards where was i where was i in april 1993 and how did i not have that although i saw online the other day there's no french toast ad i saw online the other day there was dracula from bram stoker's dracula there was trading cards how do i not have any i think i'm gonna order a pack of them honestly because they look amazing and they're like seven dollars and i'm sorry to keep moving you around are you okay sitting here i can be like the pokemon card channels except for i open irrelevant dracula cards instead also speaking of pokemon let's see what we got here we got this one which is like really sparkly oh whoa it's a crocodile oh that's why they sent me these look at the sparkle oh it's alligators it's all the alligator croc croco croco croc how am i why can't i read there he is again oh he's a sandile rocco gnaw and we've got pikachu we have two pikachu look at that can i win pokemon now with my pikachu cards thank you so much to ashley and lily that was like a flashback coffee break delicious moving on to the next envelope let me cover all the address information but i have to show you guys look at the stickers down here it's lisa frank which i am excited because lisa frank and morphy is they're actually doing like a second collab which looks exciting but also i wish they would have done more items because i think that this is just two packs of like eye pencils they look like they're like eye shadow pencils not like skinny eyeliner pencils but like i feel like that product is getting more and more popular lately um which is like those chunky like the milk jumbo eye pencil from nyx i feel like that phrase will forever be ingrained in my brain from being on youtube like in the earlier days every beauty youtuber every beauty guru on youtube had the nyx jumbo eye pencil in milk that was like what everybody used okay i have to move you again here we go hopefully the last time we have to move but we have a 90s mystery box so let's see if i can cut something let's look carefully this time and uh so far so good oh we've got a bunch of stuff oh [Applause] we have bugs and we have frogs frogs and pogs two of my favorite things do you guys remember like a year or so ago when i did videos like this those were actually like so much fun when i used to show you guys like the vintage stickers but look at these we have a lot of vintage 90s 1999 sandy lion look at that heart he is happy and then these oh these are some of them i specifically bought from etsy because these are my favorite ones but i don't think i've ever seen this frog before he's so cute look at his eyes he looks so cute i love the sandy lion frogs and then we have sandy lion santa and we have this one which is so funny it's like mickey donald and goofy and they're like farming and then we have pogs bag six i got so excited because i saw this pog first and look at this oh my god it's like a little pog board i love it we also have these loose pogs oh it's a bunch of garfield ones oh my gosh so oh i love that one but this butterfly was a pog because you know they make three-dimensional pogs not three-dimensional but like you know what i mean not just round shaped pogs but it's actually one of those like velvet stickers do you guys remember those sticker on the back velvet on the front it's like the mullet of the sticker world and then we've got bugs so many punks so many pogs i love pogs i'm just gonna take a bunch of pogs out oh it's goosebumps pog go eat worms then we have some official hog that is amazing pog oh my god you know what oh this is so cool someone actually made it i had one of these a milk cap maker i feel like i talked about this briefly in a video not that long ago one of the ones where i was like digging through stuff i wish i could find oh my god i wish i could find a unused milk cap maker kit because it was like a diy kit toy kit in the 90s this is like an angry looking snowman see this is the kind of random stuff i loved as a kid bad moon rising so random what is that old owl i don't know who this is who is that i feel like that's somebody i should know who it is but i don't know who it is ride to be what kind of bride is that i don't know what's going on there it's creepy it's interesting lucky frog i want a pog necklace a lucky pog frog necklace oh see this is one of them that i was like trying to tell you guys about see how some pogs are like they're cut not circularly oh my god they're like by a jukebox they're groovin who is these people is that tom hanks it's the kid from the lunchable no not lunchable what is those called the frozen ones i loved those so much when i was a kid zero nutritional value all the fun i loved these kind when i was a kid too the poison caps there was like a bunch of like literally i always say i'm gonna do this and then i never ever do where i'm like oh i'm gonna look up the official rules of pog because they i think like the different caps that say different things had a different meaning and you use different slammers for different stuff and um i never understood any of it but look at these this must have been somebody's favorite honestly look at how worn that one is i would have loved this as a kid the grim reaper i always loved to grim reaper when i was like a really young kid i was like ooh mommy the grim reaper i wonder at what point my parents were like kind of concerned um but look at this it's like so unbelievably cool that is amazing oh somebody made this i was like wait a corn pog can you imagine that collaboration like are there some places where pog is still happening am i just missing out on those magical places like yeah literally like a time machine a giant mrs grossman i feel like a lot of people really collect these too but we have a spider and we have sonic the hedgehog sticker sheet oh will you be my valentine it's barbie and ken they are so precious get these lisa frank oh my gosh oh i really like those and then we have more lisa frank butterflies and ooh these are so pretty it's like moons and stars have another whole sheet of spiders i'm totally gonna put these in my planner i'm so excited oh look at these oh my god i should do a manicure with these look they're lisa frank nail art i just kicked the knife where can i go to hide from the sun why can i not learn like this is not the time of day to film the last couple of magical things in here a spider escaped it's sticker packs we have some snoopy cat dog oh my gosh look it's like sealed cat dog stickers from 1999 and we have lizzie mcguire sandy lion oh wait are these temporary tattoos they are and then we have a pack of lizzie mcguire stickers oh my gosh how old are these oh my gosh look at how cute this is it's actually a lisa frank pirate sticker collection book do you guys remember these so it just has these rainbow colored pages in here and you can stick your sticker collection and it's actually like kind of a glossy thing because i remember when i was little you used to trade your stickers at recess and so it's like the pages like they keep the stickers like you can re-stick them from these pages why am i making that so complicated okay let's move away nope nope that's worse okay i'm trying to hide behind this box of mini brands thank you so much katie for such an amazing bundle i feel like i could do pogs all day long so we have one envelope left from brittany and this says more 90s goodness enclosed let's see here oh it's like really pretty paper oh i like it makes me think i'm having my birthday party at putt-putt golf rest in peace putt-putt golf i did a whole video about putt-putt golf last year and now they're out of business it's so sad okay so i'm not gonna open this yet because it says spoilers enclosed so we'll just open this instead it almost feels like something fabric-y oh my god oh my god spice up your life are you even ready to see this look at that oh my god look at that look at that look at that i'm actually so so happy about this because forever ago you guys i still have it but y'all might remember me wearing this i'll see if i can like throw in a picture or something where i'm wearing because i feel like i used to wear it in videos all the time i bought it and it was like torn up already and it was this magical spice girls tank top but it is honestly like almost just holes now it used to be like some shirt some holes it was like a pretty good balance there but now it's definitely more holes than shirts and there's like these little plastic like you know like when brands put like a hang tag on clothes there's actually like those little loops in the shirt to make it still have like straps it was actually sold to me like that which i thought was really clever because it's like plastic bits that like hold the straps anyway anyway i wish i could find it but i think we definitely chucked it to like the back of our closet because it was just pretty much not wearable anymore so this is amazing i love the spice girls who's your favorite spice girl mine is always posh spice although i feel like now i would like the fashion sense of baby spice best but posh spice was always my favorite because i thought she was like so cool i thought so um brittany actually sent us a 90s mystery box so one of the unboxings we did was actually chock full of goodies from brittany as well so thank you so so much and thank you so much to all of the swamp fam slash banana peppers who have sent these like super fun packages for us to unbox i don't know if i have any more of the 90s mail sitting around anywhere i should probably try and like buy one on ebay or something again oh my god can you imagine that we just come full circle i'm just so grateful because i feel like it's just like a fun experience for me to open it and then i feel like you guys also have fun like seeing a lot of this stuff because maybe it gives you guys memories of like your own like 90s stuff or i feel like it's like really y2k is becoming like super super trendy now too and i almost feel like it's like a battle like which one is more of a popular aesthetic these days like 90s versus y2k thank you guys so so much for being here today for hanging out and uh for just going through these super fun memories with me i love you guys so much i'm gonna be back again very very soon but until i am uh stay happy stay healthy stay sassy stay banana peppery and if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below subscribe become a member of the banana peppers squad today i love you all so so much i hope you're having an amazing day and i will be back again very very soon bye i feel like i just said that same thing like three times over bye
Channel: banana peppers
Views: 47,987
Rating: 4.9511867 out of 5
Id: FiIp8M9kNUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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