9 Weird Dog Behaviors Explained

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dogs are loyal and intelligent animals which behave in ways we may find unusual or strange however there are logical and reasonable explanations behind their bizarre behaviors in this video we will talk about nine strange things dogs do and explain the meaning behind them number nine why dogs sniff before they poop dogs have a strong instinct to carefully consider the location of their potty break for dogs pooping and peeing are effective methods of communication dogs mark their territory by eliminating waste and your dog's chosen potty spot sends other dogs a message about where they've been and what they've been doing it can also inform other dogs if there is an incoming threat when your dog sniffs around before pooping they are reading messages from other dogs or animals these messages can tell your furry friend what other dogs are in the area the sexual status of those dogs and who has marked the area as theirs oftentimes the messages encoded in the scent of other dogs waste serve as a safe place to go to the potty too that is why your dog sometimes poops right next to another dog's pile of poop a dog in a pooping position is vulnerable and your dog wants to find a safe place to do their business of course dogs have surface preferences some pups may prefer pooping on dirt or grass rather than glossy services by sniffing they are trying to find the right spot to poop number eight why dogs dig their bed or floor a dog's wild ancestors scratched at piles of leaves dirt and pine needles to create a comfortable mound of bedding to rest many domesticated dogs still retain this behavior by scratching or digging the floor or their bed your pup may actually be trying to create a snug nest to sleep bed scratching is also territorial behavior dogs have glands in their pores that leave a distinctive scent on the bedding or other objects they scratch you may only see a tattered blanket but your dog may see and smell a space that they have made their own dogs are more likely to return to a bedding spot if they already feel it's theirs this is why bed scratching behaviors often begin to intensify when a new pet moves into the house or when you buy a new bed for your dog interestingly enough bed scratching is also part of canine maternal instinct if your female dog is getting ready to have her puppies her bed scratching behavior will suddenly increase she's making a nest for the arrival of her new pups to keep them warm and safe number seven why dogs carry sticks on walks dogs like to carry sticks on walks and back home due to their instinctual desire to retrieve things as hunting animals dogs were traditionally bred to retrieve their catch and deliver them to their owner it's a behavior that has been bred over countless generations and is now an inherent part of the dog's dna dogs also carry sticks because their favorite toys are not available on the go sticks can be a perfect toy for any dog to adopt on their travels with you another reason why your pooch may carry sticks is because they want to find somewhere to chew them sticks feel like bones to a dog and chewing them is satisfying they can relieve sore gums and soothe their teeth this is especially apparent in young puppies who are teething number six why dogs pee when excited or submissive many dog owners mistake submissive and excitement urination as house training problems when they are actually involuntary behavioral issues during times of high excitement such as when you return home or a friend arrives at your door your puppy may dribble or squirt small amounts of urine this is the canine equivalent of i'm so happy and excited that i peed my pants this behavior is particularly common among young exuberant dogs interestingly enough dogs also urinate in an attempt to communicate a submissive status to a person or animal in a pack dogs have many ways to show the leader that they accept their role as the alpha dog and thus avoid a confrontation one way is to produce dribbles of urine likewise if your dog is scared shocked suspicious or anxious about their surroundings or the individuals around they may urinate in response to convey that they are not a threat number five why dogs lick paws dogs typically lick their paws as part of self-grooming but if your dog licks their paws too much or begins licking suddenly and only on one paw you may want to take a closer look at their paws inspect the tops and bottoms of the feet the nail beds and toenails look for foreign objects bruises cuts swelling bleeding redness crusting scabs broken nails and anything else that looks unusual your dog may have irritated their poor by stepping on something sharp walking on a hot sidewalk or getting a blister excessive poor licking could also be due to food allergies or parasite infections number four why dogs shake their toys dogs wild ancestors wolves would grab a prey in their mouth and shake aggressively from side to side until it was dead the faster the kill the quicker the dinner when your dog shakes their toy they mimic the action wolves use to kill a small prey but make no mistake this doesn't mean your pup is aggressive even though their roots lie in hunting for survival most canines like to shake their toys because it's fun you see without access to birds and rodents today's domesticated dogs save what's left of their predatory nature for fun it's why golden retrievers fetch balls your pet just can't help but shake their stuffed animal like the predator they once were and remember dogs may also shake toys out of boredom or frustration this is most common in dogs left alone for long periods of time or those with severe separation anxiety number four why dogs sigh dogs may cite a signal contentment after a rewarding action like when they have had their play time or when they've eaten their favorite meal your pooch is content and happy with the current situation and is entering a deeper state of relaxation interestingly enough dogs also decide to signal the exhaustion of their efforts when they are disappointed like when they've begged for food throughout dinner time without a payoff this sigh means that your dog has made several failed attempts and is now giving up your dog concedes defeat and is disappointed number three why dogs eat poop dogs want clean spaces to play and live as much as you do and their most obvious way to rid the environment of waste is by eating it when a mother gives birth to her puppies they don't know anything about using the bathroom so a mother will eat the puppy's feces to keep their new home clean it's nature's way of keeping the puppies free from disease and a mother's way of protecting her young eating fecal droppings is also a way of obtaining key nutrients while we may view poop as dangerous it's not as scary as we think while eating poop from sick animals can be an issue as it contains viruses parasites and bacteria healthy poop often contains harmless bacteria water and some undigested food poop can be nutritious and help reset the gut bacteria to healthy levels and you probably have noticed that dogs find horse manure and goose droppings particularly appealing this is because the manure of herbivores is full of enzymes and partially digested protein which can be beneficial for a dog's digestive system if your dog is eating poop there might be some nutrients missing from their diet sometimes switching to a healthier dog food diet is the best way to fix a stool eating problem some dogs may also start eating their own poop because of environmental stress or anxiety studies have shown that dogs who are kept alone in kennels or basements are more likely to eat poop than those dogs who live close to their people number two why dogs run away dogs are curious and they love nothing more than being active sniffing around and exploring when they're left alone in the yard with nothing better to do they may take themselves out on a little walk around the neighborhood dogs also run in an attempt to answer nature's call reproductive drive is a powerful thing and intact male dogs especially are driven to roam in search of a mate even the most sensible well-trained dog can be overwhelmed by natural urges if the neighbor's unspayed dog is hanging out on the sidewalk and your pooch catches a whiff the urge to mate could lead them straight through the fence and down the road another reason that your dog runs away is because they want to chase a prey dogs have an incredible hearing ability your dog may just be running after a nearby squirrel or a stray cat that they see or hear of course many dogs are spooked by sudden loud noises like fireworks thunderstorms or even a house party fear can cause any well-behaved pooch to suddenly get away to protect themselves number one why dogs throw up a dog may throw up simply because he's eaten something disagreeable or gobbled down too much food too fast dogs may also throw up because of food allergies a sudden change in their diet ingestion of too much fatty or buttery food or even motion sickness due to riding in a car but vomiting can also indicate something far more serious your dog may have swallowed a toxic substance or may be suffering from a condition that requires immediate medical attention while an occasional isolated bout of vomiting may not be of concern frequent or chronic vomiting can be a sign of a more serious condition if your dog's vomiting is not an isolated incident a vet visit is necessary
Channel: Jaw-Dropping Facts
Views: 2,315,536
Rating: 4.8569274 out of 5
Id: AXfszibgDFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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