18 Strangest Cat Behaviors Explained (Jaw-Dropping Cat Facts)

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cats are incredible animals that can be amazing companion pets but sometimes their behavior can leave a person completely confused often wondering what it is that is going on in their minds if you're a dog owner or are comparing your cat's behavior to that of your dog you will find yourself scratching your head more often than not cats are quirky and unique and their strange behavior is part of the reason we love them so much we have broken down some of the strangest cat behaviors for you so that you can better understand your furry best friend hopefully these 18 explanations will help you to find out why they do the things they do number 18 cramming into tiny places your cat may have the run of your house with every piece of furniture at their disposal to sleep on but they choose to cram themselves into the tiniest spots perhaps it's a cardboard box or a drawer in your cupboard so why do they do it it probably stems from a time before cats were domesticated the small spaces make them feel safe and secure sleeping in an open area sprawled out would make them an ideal target for predators if they were still outside and in the wild their natural instinct is to hide in a small space or hidden area making it difficult for natural predators to find them number 17 making dough or kneading when your cat constantly pushes on you at their front feet and claws often purring loudly while they do it this action looks a lot like kneading dough this starts just after a cat is born this kneading action is used to stimulate milk production from their mother ensuring that they have a steady flow of milk in their early days on earth because your cat associates the warmth of their mother and a full belly with feelings of happiness they may continue to do this whenever they feel content or happy with you number 16 rolling around rolling around on their back leaves cats in a very vulnerable position so if your cat is doing this in front of you you should feel honored it means they feel relaxed and safe in your company a roll can also mean that your cat wants to play with you number 15 presenting their behind what's up with your cat presenting its tail and butt to your face a raised tail signals other cats that it feels secure it is part of cat talk and greeting when your fluffy friend does this to you it is like giving you a kiss or a hug in greeting a friend number 14 chewing on plastic if your cat is chewing on plastic blankets furniture or other things they shouldn't be chewing on they may have pika cats often get pica from anxiety or disorders in their gut a lot of the time cats will chew on items that are not food as a way to calm their nerves and deal with pent-up anxiety pica is one of the few feline behaviors you should worry about often times the things your cat chooses to chew in an effort to calm themselves are harmful to them if you suspect your cat suffers from pica you should take them to your vet to establish a way to fix their behavior number 13 itay ssin of the ears ever seen your cat's ears move back and forth independently this is an indication that your cat is feeling uncomfortable or anxious about something in their environment if their ears aren't moving independently and are only slightly pulled back they are alert and listening to what is going on around them number 12 not flushing their litter in the wild cats dig a hole when they need to poop when they are done they cover it up to hide their scent from predators sometimes it can mean that they are comfortable and that you will protect them but it can be an indication of a medical problem if your cat isn't covering their poop it is best to take them to the vet to eliminate the possibility of a paw in jury or urinary tract infection if the vet gives you the all-clear your cat could just be telling you that it doesn't like the type of litter you have bought or that you are not cleaning their tray often enough for their liking number 11 knock it off we were told that cats are nimble and stealthy so why does your cat knock things over and insist on giving you a fright this is completely normal though cats feel their surroundings with their paws which are incredibly sensitive by knocking things over they satisfy their curiosity seeing exactly what will happen when they touch something if this behavior irritates you you should ignore them so they do not repeat it to gain your attention number 10 Tiger Eyes scenes from horror movies are less creepy that when your cat stares at you for what seems like ages without blinking or moving this usually stems from their predatory response and they are probably focused on their next bit of prey cats love to examine and weigh up what they want to pounce on this could be because they want to play and have fun with you or that they have set their sights on a bug to hunt this is their way of practicing their natural instincts and is for the most part harmless fun for them number 9 rubbing as a cat owner one of the things you would notice the most is how they rub up against you with their head this isn't unusual behavior at all this is your cat's way of saying hello to you in the same way as someone you know may come up and give you a hug by rubbing their head on you they are spreading their scent and pheromones on you this behavior is called bunting if your cat doesn't do this it isn't anything to be concerned about for the most part all cats will do this at some point throughout their lives number eight biting their nails there can be two reasons that your cat may be biting their nails one of those reasons is keeping their nails clean and short it could be thought that your furry friend is anxious or has a bad habit like people cats can bite their nails when they are bored or if they feel anxious and just like people this can become a bad habit that is difficult to break you will need to try and find out if your cat is just nervous or if they are bored and need some form of player entertainment number 7 crazy runs your cat may start sprinting around your house or apartment bouncing off of the walls and furniture without any warning this is completely normal behavior even if it is hilarious to watch naturally cats can run up to 30 miles per hour and when they are kept indoors all day the energy becomes penta running around and jumping is their way of releasing that energy in a way that is constructive if their running is disrupting your life you may want to increase their playtime or get them more toys so that they can release their natural energy number six sleeping on your laptop sometimes it feels like no matter what you put out to use your cat will take it over whether it is your phone newly laid out clothes or your laptop cats have a way of laying all over whatever it is that you are busy with by being in the way of whatever has your attention they know that there is a good chance that your attention will be diverted to them too the second reason is that they like the warmth of your laptop cats like temperatures of 20 degrees higher than humans ideal temperature number five eating your houseplants is your cat nibbling on your prized fern cats bite into plants for a variety of reasons in the wild indigestion is often cured by eating grass so if they are feeling a little gassy they may start munching on your plants other reasons may be curiosity boredom or just that they are wanting you to pay some attention to them because some plants are toxic to cats you should always make sure that the type of plant you choose to put in your home will not poison or cause your cat distress number four Crazy Legs you may notice your cat sometimes sits or lays in positions that are not very shall we say ladylike again just like people sometimes laying down or sitting with your legs and arms sprawled is incredibly comfortable and relaxing in fact you should feel honored if your cat is sprawled out in front of you or around you it means they feel relaxed and safe in your company they see you as their protector and do not need to be on the defensive or be a way of anything that may harm them number three - am cat calls some cats enjoy a little nighttime singing this can become extremely annoying especially when you do not get to laze around all day and sleep like your cat does there can be quite a few reasons why your cat is howling at night an urge to hunt is usually the route to this issue by giving them food puzzles extra toys and food at night you should be able to deter them from singing to you all night number two straight from the tap generally cats are not a great fan of water but a running tap seems to be their favorite drinking spot once again this behavior comes from their ancestors when cats were domesticated running water is clean and free of disease we're still water usually contains all kinds of bacteria that may be harmful to your cat your furry friend may just be acting on their instinct by seeking out a moving source of water number one Nite Owl does your cat insist on staying up all night some cats get into the habit of sleeping all day and playing all night this could mean that your cat doesn't have enough to do during the day to wear them out enough for sleep at night but this might also stem from their ancestors in the past cats were nocturnal choosing to hunt at night because their eyesight is better in the dark than their praying this can be annoying for the human owners though to make sure your kitty sleeps through the night make sure they have plenty to do during the day and give them exercise before bed number one bringing you dead animals you may not appreciate the gift of a dead animal or bug on your bed or at your feet but for your cat this stems back to when they were kittens it is most likely that when they were young their mother brought them pray or something they thought was pray in an attempt to teach your cat how successful hunts are shared basically your cat is saying thank you or is sharing their prized hunt with you to make you feel included in their litter remember that when wild cats have more food than what they can eat they will bring back any extras to the rest of their colony to feed them your cat may think that you need something to eat try not to punish them for this they are only doing what comes naturally to ensure that their own little family survives if this really bothers you keep your cat indoors or put a bell on their collar to warn prey animals that your cat is hiding in wait with their eye on them as the next meal and there you have it 19 of your cat's strangest behaviors explained we hope that we have been able to some light on why your companion does what they do [Music] [Music]
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Views: 1,549,848
Rating: 4.8672609 out of 5
Keywords: unusual cat behaviors, strange cat behaviors, cat eyes pupils, cats, cat making dough, Bringing you dead animals, rolling around, cat ears, cat shows butt, cat goes into box, cat chew on plastic, cat knock off table, Not covering Their Litter, pets, cat bitting their nail, cat body temperature, cat sleep on laptop, cat rubbing head, cat sleeping position, cat expose belly, narrow pupils, cat urinary tract infection, cat making noise, cat sounds, cat eating plants
Id: I6DjFX3rgJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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