7 Things to NEVER Craft with Lava! - Minecraft

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i've been told that there are seven recipes you should never craft with lava but i don't believe them so we're gonna try it out and make something hot and spicy oh my gosh hello it's me and we are going to make a lava jet ski get ready i'm ready are you ready we're gonna get some of the supplies from a chest oh gosh that did not go well don't craft with lava we'll prove you wrong i still feel strong about this i think i have a bucket over here that i could use yes we're gonna clean up this lava for some reason i'm not dying so that's very good lava is on my side today just gonna take some of this oh no i put lava back down perfect we have cleared the area of all fire hazards baby preston would be sad now we have a scuffed looking book um seven secrets about lava lava jetski see it has all the ingredients already laid out for us and it won't let me look at the next one i see you lava trying to be sneaky and such it just showed me the ingredients we need for the jacks that it just showed me the ingredients we need for the jet ski so i'm gonna get lava redstone dust a mine cart and prismarine crystals not to be confused with other crystals have no fear this mega crafting bench is here and it can handle making an entire jet ski so we are just going to add five lava buckets with redstone dust on the side and then obviously we need our crystals here and a minecart dead center and you have a lava jet ski i don't think you've ever seen something this glorious also is it just me or am i really strong because i'm carrying an entire jet ski in one hand okay so i have traveled far and wide still carrying the jet ski and we're gonna take it out for a little spin oh it's harming me why is this harming me we gotta go we gotta get out of here as soon as possible we're gonna swim through the buoys which i really like that they're christmas colors that's my favorite holiday we are going to continue literally cobblestone keeps forming beneath us and i don't know why ah oh we can make this we can make this work i'm sure of it this isn't going well i i didn't do that one correctly this one's yellow comment down below if i should run into the yellow buoy because i'm about to i'm running out of time oh my gosh you guys why would you tell me to go down here i'm drowning this is definitely not good note to self don't craft a jet ski with lava okay that was not refreshing it was very chaotic let's look in the book to see what is next a lava painting okay seems like pretty self-explanatory if you want to feel hot and spicy about yourself you know just make a painting if you made out of lava we're gonna head over to my handy-dandy mega crafter and obviously we are civilized human beings so we are going to make beautiful frames for the painting surround it in beautiful white wool and then the lava comes into play and voila a lava painting ooh ah it's pretty and filled with lava feast your eyes on beautiful art excuse me a hole just opened in the wall oh my gosh literally seconds went by before i got trapped in here so i now am inside of a painting trapped in the nether this gives me no instructions no instructions at all i apparently have to just spin for myself down here alone there's got to be a way out of here i i know it i'm holding the book of knowledge that's all you need i'm just meandering around trying not to die to magma and there's a bridge we're gonna try to get to the bridge over here cause apparently get away from the spooky cave i don't like that we are going to head over here to the bridge okay it's like a maze of bridges i didn't expect this what is that why are there places in here that's not supposed to be a thing right my painting just is trying to kill me three this is okay you're gonna be okay we're just gonna run away from those and a portal a portal means i'm getting closer right i have to get out of here somehow just gonna skedaddle down here and i am back and i secretly grabbed the lava crystal i don't know if i'm allowed to have that outside of the nether but hahaha fire baby preston ruby preston he always is causing chaos what does this book say is next a lava babysitter i feel like they would be hot tempered let's hurry because literally my entire crafting room is about to go up in flames gonna place down the iron blocks kind of like an iron golem situation and then use our little lava crystal magic okay that's a good sign i think and now you gotta have a pumpkin head oh wait they look like preston come baby preston we need to clean this up never hey hey this babysitter's got it it looks like a villager preston i don't know how i feel about that um we're just gonna look for some supplies though really quick um i'm just gonna head upstairs because he's got a babysitter now we're good he doesn't need my help i could watch a movie for once i could grab stuff to go to the spa um guys did you hear that or was it just me it was i hope that was just me i'm gonna go downstairs and he's gonna have made a cake i'm sorry miss brianna i underestimated his abilities well you think i have hot and spicy oven mitt hands i am now used to picking fires up after preston casual i know i have superhero strength you know what i think you guys can pick up the rest of that i'm gonna leave don't cause any more chaos i am here for a much needed spa day hello louise josh and katie and there are a lot of people in here i have found the spa and welcome miss brianna sorry but we are currently fully occupied seriously please come back later when we have an opening seriously there is a pig in the spa well at least they cleaned up the house lava babysitter on a scale of zero to ten i'm going to give them a four in case you couldn't guess the next recipe involves a lava chicken coop which does not seem safe but do you see chuckles over here he's causing shenanigans and he's too fast come on come on i know you can be bought at royallyb.com go ahead and let people love you these guys need a habitat so we're just gonna go inside and try to create a lava chicken coop and if you don't look down below this video and hit that subscription button his feathers may set on fire so we have all the needed supplies we're gonna head on over to the mega crafter and create a roof out of lava just like so you gotta have a little bit more lava grass path because we are fancy and then we've gotta have the iron bars which makes me feel kind of bad and here we go a lava chicken coop that looks kind of silly i like so we're gonna head on outside and see how they respond they are still flapping in the wind oh my gosh you're encircled by fire please be careful i am going to now place this lava chicken coop in three two i don't want to squish you one oh that was way bigger than i realized chuckles why why are you out here chuckles come on come on come on they're lava chickens is that supposed to happen whoa lava chickens so cool i i don't know if they're healthy now uh hey baby preston what are you kidding me you're just letting them out whoops that was not an accident sir i'm gonna have to grab the lava chickens while chuckles looks over the new chicken coop before i go we're just gonna grab the eggs here ew they're boiled eggs i don't really like that i guess it's because it was hot and toasty in the lava huh hi robbie i had nothing to do with anything miss brianna could you please get you lava chicken out of my shop it's melting all my toys sure robbie i hope one boiled egg will be enough to make up for your trouble oh no slash heal here's a boiled egg i'm gonna find the chicken i'm trying to follow the trail of fire here oh my goodness this chicken is causing a lot of havoc i can't even heal myself at this rate i see the lava chicken he is causing chaos oh my gosh you made me walk through fire one chicken caught does that mean there's other chickens i need to find it's fine i have more boiled eggs to hand out oh no oh no there is another store that's on fire what even is this a bath shop why would a chicken need to take a bath anyway luke you've seen better days you look a little scary miss brianna a lava chicken ran downstairs and is turning a deluxe tub into a hot tub i can't sell hot tubs i'm a bathtub shop that would be crazy honestly luke i think i'm upgrading your materials but here you go here is a boiled egg to make up for your trouble i'm gonna get that chicken oh this is a pretty easy to follow path not really like the last one come here haroldine oh no oh no i don't have a boiled egg for this person katie i'm sorry oh no miss breanna i think your lava chicken got loose in my shop it's upstairs please hurry i'm gonna throw air at you because i feel bad but i have nothing in my inventory oh gosh oh gosh how do i even get up these stairs i hear him i hear him of course it's not chuckles because he's too sweet to do such a thing i see him i see him get back here come on regina all chickens caught oh no baby preston is on fire we have baby preston on fire and three lava chickens zero out of ten lava chicken coop is a fail i don't know about y'all but i am starving and it looks like there is a cake recipe you can try with lava i'm a little suspicious but i'm going to see what i have in my pantry we have eggs milk and lava oh i'm missing my wheat let's go outside really quick and head to my wheat farm oh my gosh is this my wheat farm freaking lava chickens you burnt all my wheat fine it's fine i'm just gonna use it wheat is wheat right i need quite a few of these though yeah lava chicken you stay there and think about the chaos you've caused so yet again i am here at my mega crafter and we're gonna combine four eggs with heated wheat milk and fill in the rest with some beautiful lava just like so oh a lava cake that looks pretty fancy i'm not gonna lie i honestly kind of want to show off and show it to the village they can have a slice okay i'm just gonna place down my cake right here so everybody can try a piece right here nope oh oh i feel like the sprinkles are made of lava that's probably excuse me why did an explosion just happen is that all it is a teeny little piece of cake well it's looking a little sad oh my gosh guys did you comment down below because i forgot the sugar i think there's three shops around here that would have the sugar that i need okay here we are hi miss zoey hi brianna what was that loud noise outside nothing can i have some sugar totally normal nothing to see here sure thing here you go well you are sweet thank you okay let's see here hi brianna how can i help you today sarah do you have any sugar here you can use this for your cake why thank you i don't know how you know i made a cake but uh thank you last but not least i think i just need one more cup oh colton you're looking a little creepy hi brianna looking to pre-order the xbox series x or ps5 no i'm looking for sugar sugar sure here thank you so much now i think if i add this to my cake creation magical things will happen let's see if i'm right one uh two oh it's growing that was just two pieces of the sugar two packets and three oh my gosh oh my gosh this thing is huge this is one slice wow that looks so good do you think we can have a piece i brought my own fork why were you this prepared for this moment honestly though what is the fun of baking if you don't share it what is the next recipe lava snow skates now that seems counterintuitive because i would think that you would melt the snow with your skates but we have ironing it snow blocks lava buckets diamond boots and a compass interesting let me put this recipe together we have all the ironing gets placed and what would a lava snow boot be without lava boots go in the middle a compass beneath which i could use on a regular basis because i get lost all the time and lastly we have the snow blocks lava skis when on your feet we are going to try these beautiful shoes out fun fact you guys i have never been skiing and i think i'm a little afraid oh oh don't look down brie oh gosh oh gosh i'm wearing the ski shoes this is terrifying though i don't approve of this i'm very scared i can't tell though that i'm melting any of the snow so that's oh i am so fast right now i am so fast wait what is this down here it kind of looks like a building one sec oh gosh guys that's baby preston school it was hit by an avalanche are you kidding me i'm gonna clean this up really fast with my ski boots so he doesn't have a i can't go to school excuse me don't worry like i told you i have a huge plan of my sleep now this may sound crazy but i'm going to make a lava grenade which was the last and final recipe and i'm going to use the grenade to decorate the school and clean it up with all the snow we're gonna firstly use all the iron then pull out the little red stoneys the gun powder and last but not least the lava and ta-da a lava grenade let's use this for a good cause so like i said i am back at the school and i'm going to use this for good so we are going to just drop a few grenades oh that is on the timer we gotta run we gotta run a little ways we're just gonna throw some of these out here school lavifying wait what i thought this was just cleaning up all the snow what does that mean do i need to leave uh oh my gosh well it looks like i saved the school there's even preston's fire logo i'm offended it's not my royally b logo on the front of the school so uh i'm gonna continue throwing these things you all have a blessed day and i will see you in my next video and remember sometimes you can craft with lava
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 861,883
Rating: 4.902288 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: Rpdl1YBXTX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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