How I removed squatters in less than a day.

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hi this is Flash from United handyman association with handyman answers so this video is about how I got squatters kick squatters out of my mom's house um in you know a matter of hours without the support of law enforcement or the legal system but first I just wanted to say you know this channel is about handyman businesses supporting businesses and you know fighting for respect and and recognition for the skilled Tradesmen so if you are a handyman or you know a handyman or you hire a handyman and you think that um that the handyman should be recognized as a skilled professional Please Subscribe and help me spread that word um and uh you know and if you're a handyman then you know become a member you can register for free at the uh ha that's the so anyway so basically I'm going to give you I'm going to show you video and pictures of the um the incident but I'm going to give you a little background uh so basically um a you know my my father had passed away and my mom couldn't be there on her own so there was a vacant house and we were um you know going back and forth renting selling you know and we tried to rent it this individual reached out to us to rent it she's uh she's a prison guard and she reached out um and basically she didn't have any money didn't have any credit wanted to just like trade repairs for whatever and so we we didn't approve her well apparently she reached out because she was moving or something already like in the process so she ended up having the truck of um furniture and everything literally moved into the house and she said that she was that it was delivered by accident and she was getting rid of it well I started getting hearing from realtors that were going there trying to list the house saying that hey there's this lady and people like in the house in a house full of furniture there's nothing we can do then I started getting you know reports from Neighbors um and uh and they were like describing her and they were saying yeah you know they're here lights are on at night you know and um so I mean so basically I had to take a trip um and uh and go you know oh so base so what I first started doing is calling the police I called the sheriff's department they responded they said that they were they're like well there's you know somebody in the house they said yeah they don't belong in the house um well you know there's a house full of furniture and there's someone in the house there's nothing we can do we can't enter there's nothing we can do so I went back and forth with the sheriff's department and um and they you know basically said you know I'm sorry but we can't enter the house and it looks like they're living there so you need to um you know you need to go through the courts so um at the end of this video I will bring the sheriff's department back into this um because I visited them after this and actually talked to the sheriff but um so um so basically I um I the prep work to do this um I'll I'll go into and I'll kind of describe each thing before I show you videos and pictures but um the first thing I did was I wanted to show legal cause for me since the house wasn't in my name so we wrote up a lease agreement between my mom and I stating that I was the legal resident um so me being a legal tenant for the house all I needed to do at that point was do the same thing they did and occupy the house so um you know I've heard so many stories about people that um you know have gone through like major things with the courts and it takes so long and it just you know and squatters rights so I just kind of figured out how I could do it without that delay without all those problems so if they could take a house then I could take out so if they're the squatter and they have rights well then if I become the squatter on the squatter then I should have rights right so I printed out lease agreement my mom signed I signed legal binding agreement saying that I'm the tenant legal tenant of the house okay so now I load up my Jeep I you know I take firearm just in case um you know I'm assuming it's the prison guard that that that's there um but I don't know for sure um and I pack up my dog and we go on a road trip and I think it was like a 12 hour drive and I was up in Northern California and um we so I get there and I get there at like 4 am and I pull up and there's cars in the driveway and so I I kind of stay in the city I was in I stood out like a sore thumb so I sit like back a few houses down down the street and I sleep in my Jeep and I wait until morning and um about 7 38 a.m um there was you know things happening and and cars pull out of the driveway so um about that time you know I would say like 8 30 9 o'clock in the morning I I go to um you know I pull in the driveway and I I figure and I'm I'm taking a chance that everybody's out of the house now at this point so with everyone out of the house I feel like I can now get in the house but you know I have keys so I don't have to break in um and I so I walk in um and um and here's the video of me walking in the house and you'll see all the furniture and boxes and things like that thank you foreign foreign crazy huh okay so a lot of furniture a lot of boxes the house is completely full and we're talking it's a two-story house and um I didn't even go everywhere I went what you saw is the living room and and the front in the front bedroom so um you know so what I do now is I establish that yes there's like tons of stuff in there I was completely shocked so what I do is I go to the local you know Home Depot and I get some um some ring cameras and I I go and I start putting up ring cameras and um I figure like I could monitor those from my house so I'm installing ring cameras and then um in the process of me installing cameras uh this lady and her granddaughter pull up to the house and they walk up to me and we have a conversation and here it is I'm really sorry about all this I really am it's just it it's a nightmare Beyond the stuff is in the house you told me that it was accidentally delivered and it was in the garage no I didn't say it was in the garage oh no no no no I never said that but well but anyway I mean clearly it's been in the house for a lot for a long time and you know I've had Realtors over here telling me they can't do anything because of all this stuff and so basically you know I'm up here I'm leaving and it all has to be out before I leave I've got guys scheduled to come take the stuff out later today so either you take it out or I have to take it out and put it out on the driveway until it gets picked up but I can't I can't leave with it with anything in there or whatever's left in there staying in there so I'm putting cameras up in a security system and I just I have to deal with this house so it's been way too long and you know you need to do something I need to get rid of it I've lost my crew somewhere and I'm trying to load them down but we're gonna load by load take it um out of here okay well um yeah I mean I have at this point I have no choice I just need to I understand I I've been in I mean I was overwhelmed by the amount of stuff when I pulled in here when I pulled in here yesterday I mean I didn't expect all this so okay well this has just been a nightmare all along and yeah I'm sorry to have added to that I really am I'm sorry you know I wish we could have worked something out but I just I couldn't do anything with no money I hear that so um all right but at this point you know I'm not yeah clearly I didn't I didn't call the police and press charges or anything like that I just want it done and then you and I need to talk about the the financial inconvenience that this has caused because I haven't been able to do anything with this house for months because every time they come over here they tell me that there's people here and if there's Furniture in the house so and who's telling you that the realtors that there's people here because yeah so neighbors tell me that they see people coming in and the lights on someone went in and turned on the power because their power was off to the house so neighbors have been telling me that there's been a lady and other and some other people like young and old and some uh a mixture between female and males coming into the house at night and the lights are on at night well that would not be it was their neighbors their neighbors there that would never be us and those are the ones that have been calling me telling yeah move stuff in I mean there's like there's like earbuds sitting on the table and stuff on the couches all of those boxes had been gone through and moved yeah no we don't know what's missing and yeah that's my that's my fault that that is all of it I should have paid better attention that's beside the point we just need to get it done and taken care of because so just make the right do what you can to get it out like I said I mean I I have to start putting stuff in the driveway and so that I can lock it up because once I leave you're not going to be able to get back in okay so I'm trying to give you we have none of it no no but I'm saying to get your stuff I'm saying get your stuff out even if you can't even if you don't have something to haul it with right now get it out get it out here so that I can secure the house up that's all that's what I'm asking okay okay because I don't want to be the one tomorrow telling you I'm sorry I've got to lock it up and leave I don't have I don't have flexibility here I hate it so that's why I'm telling you just do everything you can to just get it out here okay because then you can sit somebody here and worry about go get a truck at Home Depot for 17 or whatever you know what I mean so that's why I'm just telling you I don't want to have this conversation tomorrow and be like I'm sorry I have to hit the road and I'm you know because at that point you know I'm I just have to I have to secure the house and I just have to go and all right so yeah just you know do what you need to do um I'm gonna be doing stuff and just come and go and do what you need front doors so she tries playing it off as in like she's just storing her stuff there and oh my gosh did you see that somebody's been in the house when I already at that point had not only scoped it out saw the same car in the driveway but um which she didn't know but I had neighbors describing her so when I saw her I already knew what it should look like the neighbors had already confirmed that she was in the house she was there daily nightly and so but she was trying to play it off as though like like she was surprised oh my gosh and and they've gone through my boxes and everything else so um so obviously um you know uh that wasn't the case but she didn't know what I knew so um so basically you know I I talked to there was tons of stuff so I had to be prepared for her not to move out um or not be able to get the stuff out so I saw a couple young guys across the street big strong guys I walk over and I'm like hey you know do you guys need any furniture and they're like yeah I'm like well look I said I got a house full of furniture over here that if she doesn't get this stuff out by midnight tonight um you can if you help me get it out if you help me drag it out to the driveway it's yours you can have absolutely anything you want for free and they're like sure awesome you know so so I already had um them lined up um and then um so she agreed to get the stuff out um and I you know flat out you know it's like I it's whatever in my mind I'm thinking whatever you leave is mine right you're not going to be able to go back in the house and I didn't want to be that guy um I was trying to be nice about it as you could hear in the video I just wanted it done I just wanted them out and I needed them out as as fast as possible so um the funny thing is she was having trouble getting somebody there to help so at one point and I wish I had this on video she came over to me and she said so you know how you said you had help I said yeah she says well um do you think they'll help me and I laughed and I'm like you know I said they were going to help me because I was going to give them your furniture I said I'm sure they'll help you but if you're not going to give them the furniture you'll probably have to pay them so um so anyway so um they get the stuff out right they she brings in trucks and has a bunch of people and all day long they're taking stuff out and you can see pictures I've got pictures and video of like the driveway and here you go oh look at there yes Rick's handyman service just showed up interesting okay so in summary um I created legal you know being the legal tenant um I then waited for them to vacate so then I could be the squatter so I move into the residence basically um I put up security cameras and I let her know that you know this is what I'm doing so that you if you enter again I'm gonna call the police and trespassing and I'm going to have you on video um and um I think just the fact that I was there um was enough um but uh um you know now I get them out they got everything out you know did they make the the midnight deadline no but they had everything out I was probably two three a.m the last time I checked the cameras and because I was sitting there watching them on cameras and just go on and check I think it was like 2 3 A.M when I you know when they were finally like completely out they were completely out of the driveway out of the house um I went the next day and you know I locked it all up and made sure cameras were working and stuff but um so um the other thing is um you know if you if you hire an attorney you call the police the police basically they're not going to kick them out they're going to tell you to go to the courts then you're filing a suit I mean the legal process is so slow and at some point when they're in there you're gonna feel like that they have more rights than you do and that's how you're going to be treated so even though it's your house and you're paying the mortgage or whatever squatters have at I mean at some point squatters feel like they have more rights than you so they don't have incentive to leave until a judge tells them to until they're actually ordered to and that could take months six months it could take years you know I don't know I didn't want to take that chance you know I just I heard stories and this is the system I came up with it's like become the squatter on the Scott squatter and um and all their stuff is mine unless they get it out so you know maybe it doesn't work exactly as easy maybe you're dealing with something somebody that's different than who I was but that's how I did it and that's what worked for me now the sheriff's department after all this was done after I had everything secured I drove to the Sheriff's Department I went in I asked they let me talk to the actual Sheriff it was a small town and I'm sitting in his office I said look here's the story this is what's going on I said this is what happened I was honest I said I called your deputies I called you guys and your deputies would not go in there I didn't know why I didn't know if it was because they knew her I didn't know what the situation was other than them saying well somebody's in there so we can't do anything which is absolutely idiotic um that I'm telling you somebody just broke in can't you go take them out so anyway um so I told him what I did and um you know he was kind of shocked and like you know oh my gosh and you know it's funny because I had like I was told by the realtors that oh my gosh I could make tons of money because up in these small towns where their vacation properties apparently squatting it happens like daily and they're like oh my gosh you could sell your service up here and make a killing off of getting squatters out of these homes um which you know I'm not doing that for a living but it was actually fun to do it um I I won't lie about that um I'm glad it was successful we were able to sell the home um and after I actually spoke with the sheriff at that point we filed a paper he had me sign a paper that basically gave authorization to the Sheriff's Department if they see anyone in the house at all they are to arrest and ask questions later and call me so um so you know all they had to do was tell me that in the first place and maybe I wouldn't have to go up there but who knows I'm actually it was a good experience and I'm glad I did so I wanted to share that with you um and um you know to all the handyman out there and homeowners I want to say how I end every video or try to happy home repairs and good luck with your squatters um you know and if you have any questions about it feel free to comment you can email me um you know who knows if you're local I'll be happy to go get your squatters out so anyway this was Flash with handyman answers happy home repairs bye
Channel: Flash Shelton with “Handyman Answers”
Views: 3,419,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Removesquatter, Squatter, Kickoutsquatter, Squaterremoval, Getthemout, Evictsquatter, Squattereviction, Getsquattersout, Howtogetsquattersout, Handyman, Changesquatterlaws, #flashshelton
Id: uhz5r1JKwjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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