9 ESSENTIAL Amazon Car Gadgets Everyone Should Own!

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i love cars and i love gadgets literally my entire apartment is just full of toys and i bet you do too so i'm gonna show you nine of the most essential items you need to keep in your car to keep it running to keep you running and to have a little bit of fun what's up guys i'm the squid this is ideal cars and we talk about pretty cool car stuff pretty much every other day so before we get into this video make sure you subscribe down below turn on that little bell and let's get into it now of course everything you see on this list today it's going to have a link down in the description below so click down there check it out it doesn't add anything to the price it just lets amazon know that you came from ideal cars and it actually helps support our channel which i know you love to do now first up is a gadget we've talked about a lot here on ideal cars they've actually been a sponsor at some point but we're not getting paid to say this we actually recommend you buy the fixed bluetooth obd2 scanner it's essential why well because every car made after 1997 has an obd2 port obd standing for on-board diagnostics it's what tells the mechanic what's wrong with your car when your little check engine light comes on you got sensors about everything in your car this tells you what's wrong what the fixed obd2 scanner does though is remove the mechanic from the equation now you're the mechanic hey look buddy i'm a mechanic that means i solve problems take the little reader plug it into your obd2 port pull up the app on your phone and there you have it you know exactly what's wrong with your car you can fix it yourself and save yourself hundreds or thousands of dollars this is just an absolutely necessary item that every car owner should have and the fixed is just an insane value it's one of the cheapest ones on the market and i've used it on my lexus it works fantastically the app is intuitive easy to use and literally like one trip to a mechanic and this thing has paid for itself speaking of things going wrong in your car don't you hate it when you come out to your car and one of your tires pressure is low and you gotta like drive to the gas station and put in the quarter and it's out of service and you got to go to another gas station basically you just spent like an hour to put like 10 psi in your tire well good news you're living in the future tire inflation tools are getting smaller and more compact and more affordable than ever before i mean that's how technology and science work things constantly improve and it's fantastic what this means for you is there's a gadget you can keep in your garage or even in your car to always have your tires inflated to the proper pressure and never have to go to that stupid gas station pump ever again so you have no excuse to be driving on a low pressure tire which i worked for a tire company and the number one reason why a tire explodes on the freeway without warning and gets you into a deadly accident is because you're driving on low pressure bonus these usually come with something to inflate your bicycle tires with too it's summertime so if you're getting out there and riding your bike pretty regularly you're going to want to have the proper pressure or if you're like me you go off-roading pretty often and you air down your tires to get a little bit better traction on those rocks carrying a compact tire inflator is essential for this you don't want to get back on the highway with 15 psi in your tires you're pretty much gonna die so once again this is an essential item that i think pretty much every car enthusiast should own and at this price it makes no sense not to now speaking of small absolute lifesaver items that you can carry in your car or in your garage at all times the days of carrying around jumper cables and having to ask some stranger in the parking lot to jump your car are over i mean have you ever tried to jump a car with another car it's kind of a mess first you have to talk to a stranger or have one of your friends drive out to wherever the hell you are then your friend's kind of an idiot and hooks up the wires backwards and then you start smelling something burning from your car it's ridiculous good news is today you can carry a portable jump pack so you never need anyone else to help you jump your car you can do it yourself and take it from me i had a land rover discovery that had a parasitic power drain that meant that i had to jump my car every other day and i did it like 150 times using one of these portable power packs it was a complete life saver but maybe i should have just fixed my car's electronics but i'm pretty lazy bonus these power packs actually also double as a power pack you can charge your phone with them you could run a stereo off them at a picnic they're just an insanely versatile and no-brainer item to carry in your car which is apparently the theme of this video these are all items that like if you don't own them already what the hell are you doing fair enough alright so your buddy did jump your car the wrong way with his jumper cables and now your car's on fire how do you put it out a fire extinguisher right that's the boring way to do it how about you use a grenade see you no longer need to carry around a big ugly metal heavy fire extinguisher today you can actually own a fire extinguisher grenade and it really works it's pretty much exactly how you think it would work it's a grenade you throw it into the fire it explodes and the fire goes out they're so simple and that's the beauty of these you don't have to be trained with a fire extinguisher to know how to use this you just see fire throw grenade fire goes away this actually makes unreliable cars kind of fun you get to like throw stuff at it and if your car is really unreliable like for example if you drive an rx-7 you can just sprinkle these around in your engine bay and then when the engine catches on fire it'll automatically go out sometimes my genius is it's almost frightening now of course if your hood catches on fire and your grenade automatically goes off please capture it on a dash cam and send it to us because i love watching that now a dash cam isn't just handy for recording when your car catches on fire it can actually save you a ton of money sometimes you need to prove that an accident wasn't your fault i actually had this happen somebody cut me off illegally slammed on their brakes and had me ram them and my insurance company told me that if i had had a dash cam they would have paid for it meanwhile i lost a couple hundred bucks out of my pocket my premiums went up because i had no proof that what they did was wrong in today's day and age if there's nothing recording there's no proof you know grammar it didn't happen but the good news is is that dash cams have gotten insanely cheap and they work with your phone now so for less than a hundred bucks you can get yourself a dash cam and save yourself thousands or make yourself thousands by posting that video of your car catching on fire another great use of a dash cam is to prevent thieves from breaking into you and stealing your car but what if they do it anyway you're going to want to know where the hell your car is which is why you might want to consider investing in a gps tracking device now today gps tracking devices come in all different flavors shapes and sizes some are simple devices that just plug into your obd2 port but we don't actually recommend these because any thief would see that pretty quickly and just take it off and drive away with your car instead there's actually some portable battery-powered devices that you can keep hidden away in your car so that even if a smart thief steals your car you still know where it is now usually these gps devices come with a little bit of cost per month to keep them active but that's a small price to pay to protect your baby i mean some of you guys have some insane money invested in your cars and i doubt your insurance is going to reimburse you for your hre wheels and knowing where your car is has other advantages party a little too hard last night you don't know where you parked your car now you do just pull open your phone that's the kind of peace of mind you just can't get anywhere else okay losing your car is pretty hard it's big but what about losing your car keys ever happened to you don't you wish there was a small gps tracking device that could track your keys doesn't that sound like the future well it's today that exists right now and definitely the household name in this space is tile a company that makes well tiles so you can keep track of things and the tile mate is specifically designed for your car keys no more running up and down the stairs looking for your car keys which pair of pants is it in is it in my jacket is it the fishbowl did i leave it outside is it outside my door no with the tile you just whip out your phone check the app and bam you know exactly where your car keys are so get yourself a tile for your keys for your backpack for your cat for that really rare anime figurine you own that i definitely don't own and have peace of mind to know where all of yours you didn't lose your car you didn't lose your keys but you lost you you're lost you're in the middle of the wilderness what are you gonna wish you had a survival kit me personally i love survival gear life straws fancy knives compasses on everything fire starters multi-tools i basically spend way too much on this stuff every month the good news is you don't have to amazon has some of these like ready-to-go survival packs that are already built for you and they have pretty much everything you're gonna need to survive a zombie apocalypse or just a weekend out in the woods so get yourself a cheap roll-up pack full of knives and axes and earplugs and band-aids because you never know when a zombie apocalypse is gonna happen so you should always be prepared now if you don't have room you drive miata you don't want like a whole roll-up kit full of survival gear you should still own a pretty decent survival knife that has like a built-in seat belt cutter so you can save a life you know like if somebody locks their dog in a car in a hot day you're going to want to break that window pretty quickly easily and quickly all right everything has been about keeping your car running and keeping you running and surviving in the wilderness blah blah what about the fun what's the fun thing i should carry in my car obviously everyone should own a drone because again grammar it didn't happen man now dji is the king of consumer drones and they offer everything from a beginner budget drone all the way up to like a cinematic masterpiece of a helicopter and the good news is they've gotten so good at it they're now making them pretty damn cheap and one of the smallest cheapest drones they make today is the dji mavic mini and it's going to be perfect for your next road trip you're going to capture all the magic moments you can fly behind your car you can capture that sweet sunset you can do like a cool time lapse of like traffic flying around and this thing will fit in like a corner of your trunk meaning it's out of sight out of mind until you want to go flying and they're basically idiot proof you just unfold them turn on the drone turn on the app and get flying and capture some footage that one day might end up in an ideal cars video send us some links so that's our list of nine fun gadgets for you and your car which one was your favorite and remember if you want to grab any of these there's links down in the description below so go get a drone and get flying and get a pack full of knives and watches and compasses and survive out in the wilderness with your drone thanks for watching i'm the squid this is ideal cars and as always keep living the ideal lifestyle
Channel: Ideal Cars
Views: 181,800
Rating: 4.8902349 out of 5
Keywords: best car accessories, car accessories, car gadgets, car accessories must have, must have car accessories, cool car accessories, car accessories on amazon, amazon car must haves, amazon must haves, amazon, amazon haul, amazon finds, top car accessories, car accessories amazon, car, best car gadgets, auto accessories, cool car gadgets, new car gadgets, cool gadgets, amazon gadgets, car gadgets on amazon, best accessories for car, gadgets for car, cool gadgets on amazon
Id: 4lDLaJCAM48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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