MUST HAVE Amazon Car Mods That Transform YOUR Car in 2021!

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now not all of us can drive brand new benzes and bimmers loaded with modern features that most of our 10 year old hoopties just never were offered with but what if i were to tell you that you could have the same features without paying that six-figure msrp and in this video i'm gonna take you through some of the modern features that you should add to your car because not only are they gonna make your vehicle more safe but one of these features actually only comes in a hundred thousand dollar plus rolls royce so this is definitely some ideal advice and if you're new here my name is brad danger this is ideal please subscribe and turn on that notification bell and buckle up and let's go now most of these features are for adding convenience and luxury but the first feature on this list is to let you know that something's actually wrong with your vehicle let's say some idiot just has a bunch of nails in the back of their truck and all of a sudden they go all over the road and how are you gonna know if you get your tire punctured especially if it's one of those slow leaks you see the solution is the tpms now i've linked to all of these different features down in the description so you can go check them out and starting with the tpms i need to explain what those four magical letters stand for tire pressure monitoring system and this device does exactly what you think it does it'll monitor your tire pressures and alert you if one is under inflated so now imagine that you're driving along and a shard of glass samurai slashes your tire instead of not knowing that you may potentially have a blowout in a few seconds you get a notification instantly and instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a new tire you can take it to the tire shop and they'll repair it for free a great price to pay so not only will your tpms modernize your car it can actually end up saving you a bunch of money in the long run so say you have those custom wheels on your 350z chances are they're not gonna come with tpms even if your car came with tpms in the first place so do yourself a favor snag a tpms device and it's definitely one of the best safety features that you can add really at any price point now if you want a little bit more convenience well it's good you have bluetooth wait you don't have bluetooth man i thought everybody had bluetooth in their car um no well if you don't it won't be that way for long because the convenience of having calls come through your speakers hands-free with no effort is one of the best things ever and for rich kids with new models of cars that's just a given for the rich so what but for some of us with junkers or just older vehicles it's not such a distant dream anymore for 25 bucks you can have a bluetooth device and boom you'll be able to blast your spotify over your car stereo and don't worry apple music people you're good to go too all these contraptions need to work is an aux port and you can cruise along bump in that hot fire or talking to bay hey baby hands hands free of course new or old it doesn't matter pretty much every vehicle has an aux port and with just a little bit of effort everybody could have bluetooth and yes bluetooth is cool but it's not gonna blow anybody away and if you want to be rolling around in class like a real mack daddy add a starlight headliner have you ever dreamt about hopping in the wraith with those stars in the ceiling like you live in outer space damn did that just rhyme i'm getting way too good at this well now you don't have 300 thou to drop on a wraith but you can still have that starlight headliner yeah you can have one installed for around 500 bucks or if you do it yourself it could be as low as 60 dollars plus the kits that they come in allow you to put any design you could think of in your headliner so you want an actual representation of the night sky go for it wanna put the ideal logo in it send us a dm on instagram and if you want your own hat because that sounds like pretty tough to do go snag some ideal swag up here because literally the sky is the limit and all you got to do is drop your headliner and cut a small little slit into it to let the light pass through and bam you got the cosmos in your coop screw moonroof why do you need that when you could have a starlight headliner and on top of that you can choose the brightness and color no matter what time of day it is the world is your or the universe is yours but if you really want to feel like a ceo being chauffeured around in rolls you need this next feature i'm sure you've heard of heated and cooled seats but what about heated and cooled cup holders yeah that's something new and yes they are a thing and you know how many times they would come in handy a lot it would help eat my coffee in the morning on my way to work or more like my frappuccino from starbucks or maybe you want to sip a nice cold soda in the back of your o5 corolla wow that that rhymed again and that's weird but but that's okay you can do it just plug this device in the cigarette port and bam you got yourself a heated and cooled cup holder sure you could go buy an insulated cup but that would set you back like 50 bucks which is the same price as this super cool device plus you'll never forget it in the dishwasher as it's always in your car so tell me would you rather spend the money on a cup holder or an insulated cup and if you're enjoying this video so far smash that like button and help us with the youtube algorithm it lets us know that we're making good content that you enjoy and it lets youtube know that you guys are enjoying this video as well and since we've just covered a few luxury items let's go back to a safety feature that in 2014 congress made mandatory backup cameras yes backup cameras are good to have in any vehicle and that's probably why they're a legal requirement now and yes some cars do have parking sensors and they do help but having a backup camera is the best way to make sure that you don't run into somebody as you're parallel parking it and if you're like me it makes reversing into every spot super easy because everywhere is a car meet everywhere and you'll appreciate being able to watch the curb all the way oh oh oh [Music] how do you not look behind you when you back up ah yeah that does not look like it's gonna be fun to repair and lucky for you all you gotta do to avoid that is to invest a little bit of money into a backup camera or a lift kit or both and backup cameras come in a bunch of different styles and solutions my favorite is the license plate holder that has the backup camera in it and it's very james bondy and yeah sure it's not the cheapest gadget at roughly a hundred bucks but it will definitely save you money on stitching your bumper back on if that were ever to happen so a backup camera is money very well spent just like our next feature that costs a little bit more but i can't recommend it enough especially if you live in a colder climate or a warmer climate for that matter because a remote start lets you start your vehicle before you get in it and let you blast that ac or heat so it's perfect when you get in or dare i say the ideal temperature he said it he said it and many new cars come with remote start but there's a surprising amount that still don't and let me let you in on a little secret if you've modified your exhaust and you just want to enjoy cold starts from the outside of the car get yourself a remote start this mod is just as convenient as it is cool and it can cost you as little as 200 bucks but i'd say it's totally worth it and if a remote start doesn't get you all charged up i guarantee this next feature will now not all phones have wireless charging capability but for those who do wireless charging in your car is about as convenient as it gets the only cars these days that come with wireless charging options are super expensive and definitely way out of my budget for sure so what if you wanted to add it to your 15 year old wrx go right ahead you can buy yourself a vent charger for less than 50 bucks and that's sure to beat the 50 grand that you'd be spending on a benz that comes with it and guess what no more getting to your friend's house and realizing that your phone came off the cable and now it's on one percent and you can't watch that fresh ideal video that just dropped and that would just not be ideal at all so spend the 50 bucks i've linked to it down in the description i'm running it in my 911s and you'll never miss another ideal video again well due to your phone dying and if you enjoyed this video please smash that like button and if you're new here i'm brad danger this is ideal please subscribe and turn on that notification bell and as always keep living the ideal [Music] lifestyle
Channel: Ideal Cars
Views: 290,075
Rating: 4.8379092 out of 5
Keywords: car gadgets, car accessories, best car accessories, top car accessories, must have car accessories, car accessories must have, must-have accessories, cool gadgets, cool car gadgets, auto accessories, best car gadgets, new car gadgets, gadgets on amazon, buy car accessories, latest gadgets, smart car accessories, must-have car gadgets on amazon, amazon car gadget, amazon, car, gadgets, cool car accessories, accessories, amazon gadgets, amazon 2021, amazon must haves
Id: QqiGqQdhZ9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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