9 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s - MY LIFE LESSONS

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hello guys and welcome to my channel today I wanted to talk to you about the mistakes I made when I was 20 and also involved mistakes that you make when you're 20 but before you start watching this video ask yourself what have I done last weekend was it scrolling through Instagram was it scrolling through Facebook discussing other people's success if yes then you must watch this video thing number one dream pick when we're 20 we forget to dream big we are distracted by the lack of cash and when we get a job offer for like 10 bucks an hour we forget to ask yourself where's this getting me you have to have this goal in your mind where do you see yourself in 10 years and yes this is going to change like it's gonna change tomorrow it's gonna change in week when you still have to have that goal and every action should be connected with getting you to that goal like if you have this job offer how does this job get me to this goal so my goal when I was 20 my goal was to get a job working with foreigners so I applied to work in a souvenir shop where I could work with people from America in England who come to my city to purchase souvenirs to come to my city to travel during the second day of this job I realized that I'm not learning anything yes I learned a lot about like souvenirs from Russia but where does it get me I can barely practice my English because people who come there up from China or from Japan with really small knowledge of English so we have to communicate using gestures no not my English language and I worked there only for two weeks then I had to quit and they paid me like super small sum of money but I'm so glad that I asked myself a question is this getting me to my dream job and I looked at people at that shop who were like top level and I realized I don't want to be like them so always look at the people at the top level in that company and ask yourself don't want their skills do I want to be like them if not then just quit look for something else number two work part when we're 20 we have so much energy so I'm 27 right now but I remember myself when I was 20 and I was working like crazy I had my singing class I had my university I had my dancing class I started my company when I was 21 so I was doing all bunch of things at one time and you know why because I main resource when we're 20 is our energy is up fashion is this incredible amount of time that we can dedicate to work because right now I'm 27 and I'm like I want to sleep for eight hours a day because I can feel when I slept for five hours that have less so I have to dedicate more time to my health more twenty please use that energy and use it for the right purpose do not just go partying and do not consume too much alcohol but this is this this is something I'm gonna talk about later but use this amazing asset that you have and work work and work don't think that things have to happen right now and I can relate to many fields many spheres of our lives but something that comes to my mind first is being in a relationship when I was 13 a lot of my friends were in a relationship and I wasn't and I felt like I'm a weirdo that he wants to date me but the thing is they were ready I wasn't I was 13 I had to concentrate on developing my talents you know singing dancing it but not being in a relationship same thing when you're 20 some people are getting married but it doesn't mean that you have to get married just because everybody is married think for yourself do I want to get married now am I ready am i dating the right person don't rush into the family stuff just because everybody does ask yourself whether you're ready because I know in some countries and in some cultures there is so much pressure on starting the family as early as you can in Russia oh my god however my class is already married and some people have two or more kids this doesn't matter because I think for myself and you have to do the same and from this point I can get to point number four compare yourself to yourself yesterday and this is the only comparison you have to make because if you go on Instagram and you see somebody travelling like crazy I know or taking these amazing pictures where everything is bright and nice and clean and you think I'm not getting anything in this life well you do not know anything about the person on Instagram maybe they have great parents who have taken care of everything or maybe just take that particular picture they traveled for six hours they brought a suitcase of clothes with them and they spend like six hours working on editing this picture in Photoshop you do know know anything so do not compare yourself to those people because every second that you're gonna spend when comparing yourself to those people you could have spent it on building and creating something so if you know next time you open your Facebook or Instagram to lauric and to look at other people tell yourself okay I'm gonna stop now and I'm gonna create something or I'm gonna read this book do not waste your time as I said this is your amazing asset do not waste it mistake number five we make friends with almost everyone when I was 20 I wanted to hang out with the whole class with all of the companies that we had at the University I just wanted to be everywhere but this is such a total mistake and my granddad used to teach me that he said when somebody calls me like wait for an hour wait for 20 minutes before saying yes I want to hang out with you tonight just sit there and ask yourself is there anything else I should be doing instead of just hanging out in the bar maybe you are working in this company maybe it's a better investment of time to create something instead of hanging out with random people who are not bringing value to your life personally I think that every relationship has to bring value if you're hanging out with these people they should be a little clever than you in some spheres or maybe they are making you relax but you know just hanging out and with everyone and just spending your precious time on hanging out with friends and bars I don't think this is a good strategy number six related to your health there is not much I can tell you guys but I wish I hadn't drank that much when I was twenty uh as you know I stopped drinking two years ago but there are so many temptations when you're 20 because people that surround you they're gonna try different things they're gonna try different substances that are not deeply researched and you do not know what kind of effect the substances have a new when your future generations whatever on how your brain works just don't do that I would say like don't drink alcohol but I know sometimes it's too crazy like one glass of wine two glasses of wine if you're above 21 about the legal drinking age when you're 20 you have this amazing acid called time and this amazed asset called health and together with these two you can own the world you can become a president of the world because you can take over anyone if you have time and health because this lets you work like crazy this lets you travel this lets you meet new people this lets you be active many people who want to achieve their goals don't have this luxury maybe they have you know problems with their health maybe they have lack of time because they are what 19 but you have it you use it please don't waste it and also make sure that you're preserving your health for your future years because anything you do to yourself right now it's not gonna get back to normal it's not gonna go back to whatever you used to be three years ago I'm gonna leave a link below to video where somebody's popping gas smoke into bottle and everything that is in the bottle gets dark and this is what happens to your lungs so if you're a smoker I would consider quitting smoking take care of your health number seven and I know you know it please do not lose connection to your family these are the only people who are gonna take care of you who gonna love you the most and who believe in you and cherish that time when they are around and if you haven't called your grandparents or your parents for a long time please stop this video take your phone and call them and ask them how they're doing because these are the only people who love you the most in this world number eight some people make mistake of thinking that they are too old to start learning I know this is true for some cultures I had to meet up in Russia at this summer and there was this girl who approached me and said hey I'm 22 I'm currently doing my bachelor's in computer science and everything you've realized that computer science is not something I want to do in my life but I feel that I'm too old eighty percent of 30 year old Americans are still getting their education maybe like doing their MBA or masters to change the subject and it was like excuse me you're too old like seriously 22 and this applies to any age remember guys you are never gonna stop learning and if you think that you are like 25 now you're gonna graduate and you're gonna go and get your job and you're never going to again this is a very big mistake never stop learning even when you're doing something when you're working for somebody ask yourself whether you're learning whether you're enhancing your skills whether you're developing your talents you have to be constantly learning this is the only way you can keep this thing inside of your head active you're gonna keep your brain active and this is gonna help you live longer and be more active throughout your life so do not stop work and think number nine actually the last one but when we're 20 would forget that the world is small and I wish I hadn't told people something I have told them it was 20 because I met them later and this is the weirdest thing in the world when you do something when you're 20 or 17 add to some people and then you meet those people later in your life and you're like you totally go to me those people you will never believe how small the world is how you meet people I don't know I meet my friends here in San Francisco and they don't have idea that I live here and I don't know and they are from Russia sometimes I mean my friends from Germany somewhere in Miami and I'm like what is going on here the world is really small so think twice before you offend someone like seriously think twice big chances you're gonna regret it I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video please like if this content is something you would love to see more on my channel and if you're not subscribed yet there is a subscribe button below this video thank you so much for watching this and I'll see you soon in the next videos bye [Music]
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 270,674
Rating: 4.9653816 out of 5
Keywords: mistakes, life lesson, mistakes in your 20s, 20 year old, things to avoid doing, teenager mistakes, mistakes to avoid in your 20s, mistakes I made in my 20s, life lessons, entrepreneurial life lessons, life lessons learnt in my 20s, biggest life lessons, how to live a good life, motivation for life, important life lessons, 6 life lessons, great life lessons, life lessons for students, how to avoid mistakes as student, avoid mistakes as student, best habits
Id: 8PJYV0JvOm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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