5 books you have to read in 2019 if you want to grow your business

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hello my dear entrepreneurs future businesspeople marketers this video is for you because I'm gonna share five books that you absolutely have to read in 2019 I actually read them well I listened to them in 2018 and they absolutely changed the way I market my products they changed the way I relate to my business so they helped me grow both personally and professionally and their old business related interested continue watching [Music] I need to start with finding the time kind of problem a lot of you always tell me like hey I need to work on my project like 20 hours today I don't even have time to read but actually hotter books is what's helping me a lot especially when I fly when I fly transatlantic flights from like San Francisco to Munich or Frankfurt it takes like 11 to 12 hours and I'm able to listen to at least one audio book completely cuz normally they're like 7 or 8 hours and then when I'm at the destination there are always a couple of days when I'm still kind of jet-lagged and I spent a lot of time in my hotel and I continued listening to whatever I've started listening to on the airplane so audiobooks for you entrepreneurs is the game-changer time-saver whenever you're driving whenever you're in traffic so highly recommended I know sometimes you might be like oh sometimes I miss information when I'm listening I'm better focused when I'm reading like the actual book but we entrepreneurs are all about optimizing everything that we do so I think this like benefit of saving your time it actually over waste the fact that some of you might not be that comfortable to listening to every single audiobook that I mentioned but again it's up to you in my case audiobooks changed my relationships with books completely I'm gonna start with a book at that as like 6 hours long very very basic but it's so motivational it's called experts secrets by Russell Brunson Russell Brunson is this I didn't even realize he's like a superstar here in the US and everybody knows him and actually traveled to his conference called clickfunnels back in February and there were 5,000 people from all over the world so basically Russell teaches how to automate your business how to build funnels so that people end in your landing page you're giving some some free product like a PDF or like a free audio book or like a free whatever then you convert them through a series of emails into buying something that is a little more than a book so he wrote that book called experts secrets and there are a lot of things that you can learn one thing that I've learned is he said always plan short-term in terms of like revenue it's very easy to tell you it sounds like mentally Oh in a year I'm gonna make 1 million he says don't do that like a year is a lot do something in a shorter sprint like tell yourself I only have a month to do a hundred thousand and this sounds a little more viable right like making 100k instead of like 1 million and it also makes you act and this is something crucial for me because beforehand I was like planning a year in advance like okay we need to grow 3x or whatever now I'm like we're doing I'm not doing like one-month Sprint's I'm doing three months sprints and I have like separate goals I have a goal related to youtube I have a goal related to all my businesses I have a goal related to my health and they are smaller than one of your goals and they're easier to achieve and this is something I learned from Russell highly recommend it against takes six to seven hours to listen to it this is the book number one book number two how to turn down a billion dollars which is a snapchat story it talks about the startup called snapchat was no longer a start-up I think it's a company making a lot of money their stocks are trading at a stock exchange here in the US the book tells the story of a founder of snapchat Evan Spiegel how he started back a university dropped out of university started growing this company but the main thing that's really important for me is his competition with Mark Zuckerberg and Mark from Facebook tried to acquire snapchat several times every time Evan said no and when he said no I think for the second time what Mark did they just copied snapchat completely and you see that on Facebook like Instagram is copying a lot from snapchat they've done Instagram stories which will say like complete snapchats copy they've done masks Facebook actually bought my friend's company to create masks so they were doing a lot of stuff and actually at the beginning Facebook was failing at helping snapchat now they have a lot more attraction but was really revealing for me is that if you're doing something that you're passionate about and Evan was all like social he liked to hang out with people he liked to be in the center of the community and this is why he created that app that created communities within the app allows you to share his stuff he understands Millennials he understands young people a lot better than a big company with billions of dollars because he's one of them and this is a really important thing for me and for all of you guys because we all have fears of a very good company I'm just helping the product just starting to make the same thing and you're like I'm gonna compete with them but the thing is they're not always successful at just coping stuff and so there is a little detail about like Facebook helping a snapchat but it may be so happy to read that Facebook failed at coping snapchat first I was like yeah Evan doest actually get so frustrated when big companies just copy smaller companies products because I don't know well this is like somebody stealing your own creativity and this story is something really motivational and really like enough inspirational so don't worry about bigger companies read this book listen to this book and you won't be like oh yeah I'm gonna make it I'm gonna 5 them there I'm just going through my audible list here and like what's the next book I should recommend the next book is actually very important never eat alone by Keith Ferrazzi again from every book you can learn so much stuff but I'm just giving you high level details so you can decide for yourself whether the thought that I'm begging for you is worthwhile and if it is it means that there are more thoughts that are worthwhile in that book so never eat alone one thing that you should learn from it you should always always give value first and this is the power of networking and I see a lot of people here in Silicon Valley actually doing it I see a lot of people who approached me and they're like hey my name is this this is that I'm doing this in this lovely to meet you you know how I can help you are there any people you want introduction to are you guys raising money do you need any to investors and they're like so open about it and like wow that guy must have read the never eat alone book because this is what it's talking about like give give give first and only then take and this applies to every sphere of our lives even marketing like for us for language trip it was a game-changer going from like just doing paid ads to actually giving value through our social media channels to our YouTube channels we just give give give free value to people they develop trust and then they're able to buy from us and you're building your community you're growing your brand and same applies to networking before asking people for something give them something I get so many deals every single day people just ask me to translate stuff they asked me to check their texts they asked me to evaluate the Instagram they asked me to watch their video and give feedback like as much as I wanted to do that I don't have a lot of time and I honestly I've done that a couple of times just help people and they're like okay thank you can you watch my second video they just don't understand that there is just one shot and connecting with one person and if this connection doesn't bring anything to another person there would be nothing nothing out of it so I can give give give when I want to connect with somebody I would do my best to help them I would offer free course I would offer you know and we do a lot of promotion for them in Instagram I would invite them to come over to San Francisco to stay with us for free and I wouldn't even ask them for something in return straightaway I would just build this relationship I would invest in that and another thought from this book don't even expect them to give back like maybe they would never give back and it's okay I have no expectations sometimes the actual value would come from other people sometimes those people that you've invested in would give back but because you're not expecting it you're not over frustrating about not receiving something in return this just becomes your lifestyle just you know giving and giving to people so something that you should like totally learn and this is super important as I've already mentioned I'm a huge fan of audiobooks they save a lot of time and they help you do things in parallel the app that I use all the time is called audible I actually have this subscription it's a month-to-month and you know what's like the best thing about it so every month you get a free audible credit so you can get an audiobook but sometimes you start listening to books and you're like yeah I don't like it I want something else or your more books you can actually return a book for free they just give you back your credit and you get another book this is like the best thing ever because sometimes I kept like 6 books in a month but yeah if you don't like a book like I started reading um what was it Steve Jobs biography listening to it and it was so I'm sorry but it was boring like I couldn't listen to it it was so slow like there was no action there were a lot of back stories and like going back to some events and like describing some personalities that I wasn't really interested in and I just returned it I listen half of the book and I'm like I cannot take this any longer and I'm sorry I wasted my credit on it I just gave it back and got a russell brunson expert secrets which i listened to in like 6 hours so very very important hack what I also like about audible well you can find basically I would say any book I've never had any book that I wanted to find and I didn't find it there this is like the best and they also have what is called audible originals this is when people like journalists businesspeople markers create exclusive content for audible so you can only get it there so yeah it's like an amazing library of knowledge that is right there for you and as always for my followers there's a lot of value and watching my videos not only because you're getting free information you're also getting free audiobooks so if you try audible for 30 days you get one free audiobook and you also get two audible originals so in order to get your free book go to audible.com slash silicon valley girl and get it if you're in the u.s. you can just text silicon valley girl to 500 500 and so basically I use audible on my phone this is my app these all of my books I have a lot of them and the best thing is once you get them they're not like disappearing in a month or nothing like that happens they just stay with you because sometimes it takes longer to read one book you jump from one to another that happens to me all the time somebody recommends a book and I'm like oh my god I need to listen to it right now so yeah again if you want to claim your free audiobook audible.com slash Silicon Valley girl or if you're in the u.s. text Silicon Valley girl to 500 500 let's move on to book number four this book is crushing it by Gary Vee I keep telling that he's amazing at motivating people sometimes you might get bored by his videos cuz he's repeating the same stuff all over again but what he does to me personally when I feel that I don't want to work when I feel that I just want to lie down and watch Netflix we just got a new TV and it's like oh my god it's so addictive so whenever I feel that way I switch on his either like YouTube or his audiobook he has several but crushing it is my favorite because he's talking about about building your community and I am translating this on to you even if you don't have an idea yet even if you're not sure what you want to do with your life start creating your community social network doesn't matter it just matters where you feel comfortable I will still say like Instagram and YouTube are the fastest growing and have the majority of audience Facebook as good as well but whatever you feel comfortable start sharing right and then remember the never eat alone book give value like this is very important start giving people value they don't care well maybe some of them care about your dog and some cute filter but normally they don't care people only care when you give them value and you make their time worthwhile so in an illness transition from like not being a blogger to kind of being a blogger like starting to write posts and stuff there's a little awkward but it doesn't matter in long term so you would just pass this moment when you start creating texts and people will just start appreciating it and then you would realize it's no longer just your ex classmates following you it's actually the whole Nukem so if you're still not yet convinced listen to a Gary's audiobook something just I wanted to mention I'm just looking through the list sometimes you just want to relax like and get away from business-related stuff behind closed doors detective story amazing the couple next door and detective story amazing oh the flight attendant very similar in terms of like the plot but oh my god the flight attendants if you fly like oh my god this is one of the best okay and the last but not the least bad blood everyone is talking about this book in Silicon Valley and oh my god I just found out that well this is not like hundred percent true but somebody told me that Elizabeth Holmes the founder of Thera knows I'm gonna tell you their story lives next door to me I've never seen her in my neighborhood but turns out she's here the story is Elizabeth Erin oz was a Stanford she decided that she's gonna build a startup that would just take a drop of your blood and perform 250 tests but the strategy wasn't viable like she was talking some professors and be like no this is impossible still she made a very good job marketing and selling it she sold it to a lot of investors she raised like hundreds of millions of dollars and she was faking her success she was telling that her machine that actually carried out those tests was actually working when in reality she had a small lab like the standard lab there was processing everything in her office so the thing that you learned from this story is that it's so sometimes it's so easy to convince people and people just don't do the background check they don't check themselves like people who invested in this company didn't even bother to test the product and the way it all came out was a journalist who decided to test everything and you know there was a big scandal she's still going through like a courtship process I'm not gonna spoil anymore it's a really good book highly recommended and you can still learn something from this book because you know what I feel a lot of startups lack what Elizabeth has a lot it's actually marketing your product I'm not sure fake it till you make it as a good strategy sometimes it works well it worked with me in the beginning when I was 21 I was telling everyone that I've already had some clients that have sent abroad to study I did and but it wasn't that kind of scale like not when I was telling them my company's working and raised like hundreds of millions of dollars you don't have to go that way but like sometimes people have an awesome product and they just don't know how to market it they don't know how to persuade investors to be on their side so read that book maybe it would help you you know mark it better and actually learn about the madness that's going on sometimes in Silicon Valley that wasn't for me guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it I hope it was useful and I hope that this year you're gonna read or listen to a lot more books compared to last year because this gives you valuable information this teaches you and yeah I think everyone should do it so thank you so much for you know yeah subscribe to this channel oh there's the link below follow me on instagram lingo marina i regularly post useful stuff for entrepreneurs and for people who want to come to Silicon Valley build their business isn't like Silicon Valley reality show yeah I will see you soon in the next box bye
Channel: Silicon Valley Girl
Views: 80,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: silicon valley girl, marina mogilko, linguamarina, books to read in 2019, best books 2019, business books, best business books, what to read in 2019, top 5 books to read, top 5 books to read in 2019, book, best books, books you must read, books you should read, reading books, life changing books, motivational books, book review, audible, garyvee, Russell Brunson, bad blood john carreyrou review, never eat alone, the snapchat story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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