Baby Dedications

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just asked you to hold on to that baby it's because you have a great responsibility with regard to parenting you are to be the guys the gentlemen the fathers who provide for and protect even harm in danger that is your job one of the reasons we ask you to hold them gentlemen so that you they will feel in your arms a protection that they can find nowhere else it is your responsibility my brothers to be protector and provider for your babies is your your responsibility to ensure that you take care of all of their needs as you see to it that what they need you supply just like our heavenly father does for each one of us my brothers it is your responsibility likewise to be the professor for your child supposed to train up a child in the way that that child should go so many years old he will not depart from it you have the responsibility to do that my brothers and i hope that you will do that and to be sure you ought to be the priest in your family it is your responsibility to pray for your children now of course mommies are going to do that mommy's going to do much of what i've already spoken about but it is your responsibility to provide that priestly function for your sons and to ensure that when you do that they know that you are the man who has led them or has been a bridge for them between them and god and then back from god to them i want you to do that my brother so that you will always be able to stand before your children as provider and professor and protector and priest if you're willing to do that my brothers will you please say unmute your phone unread your device rather and please say i will thank you thank you so much god bless you brothers i appreciate you now mothers you have a significant responsibility and you already know this because we're not for you and for your diligence we wouldn't even be able to have this special dedication today you have been the ones who have taken very good care of these children from the time they were conceived in your womb even until this very moment that's so special that is significant and we honor that today and just as you have nurtured and developed these babies from the time they were conceived in your womb until this very day it is your responsibility to continue that pattern to ensure that you are a nurturing presence in your children's lives this baby girl and these boys need you mommies to ensure that they are always being developed into the people that they have been called and destined to be your responsibility is to ensure that as you move from day to day week to week month to month and year to year that these children find in you the ones that they will be able to call on to figure out which road to take how to navigate this thing called life you're developing them into the young woman and to the young boys that they will young men that they will be you're developing them into the individuals who will make a difference in this world you nurture them but you also stand before them as women of god virtuous women who ensure that they see in you women that they want to emulate women that they would like to model like women that they would like to be in relationship with it is your responsibility their sisters to ensure that you're always a godly virtuous woman standing before these children ensuring that they know what it means to have a relationship with god and to be nurtured with godly principles and precepts so then my dear sisters if you're willing to do that to be that virtuous woman to ensure that you nurture these precious people until the point that they're able to be all that god has called them to be so that even when they're grown and gone and they call back and say mom you're right there to be for them what they need you to be in that moment you are a significant presence in the life of these children you know that already but i'm so excited to celebrate this fact with you on this saturday morning so if you're willing to be that nurturing presence that godly woman in the presence of these precious girls this precious girl and these precious boys will you please unmute your devices and say i will thank you so much my dear sisters what a joy what a joy are there godparents anywhere in the shadows anywhere in the in those homes with you are there godparents there no godparents no no okay good but they're watching right can they see danielle can they hear can they hear i hope they can hear but yes sound is all praise the lord for sound let the church say amen all right listen we have now the opportunity to celebrate with god parents and i'm so glad that those of you who have chosen god parents have these precious significant people in these babies lives they are significant because they stand with you they encourage you they back you up in the process of rearing these children you cannot handle this assignment by yourself let me be real clear everybody needs somebody in their corner helping them out with this responsibility parenting is too big of a just a job too big of a job for persons to do it by themselves so i'm glad you've chosen god parish those of you who have and i'm glad that they have agreed to be a part of the developmental process of these precious children as they stand behind you encouraging you god's parents it is your responsibility to ensure that these families always have people encouraging and supporting them as they need it you are the people who are supposed to be the ones who give parents a night off when necessary you're the ones who are supposed to i see a whole bunch of nodding of the heads right here you all mean that thing you are supposed to be the people who ensure that you take good care of these families molding them as you can to ensure that they can be the people that they need to be for such a time as this we all know according to our african heritage and principle that it takes a village to raise a child we can't do it by ourselves and so i'm grateful that your village includes grandparents your village includes god parents your village includes friends who may not have a particular title but they're in that village encouraging you and supporting you along the journey so god parents i hope that you're listening and that you're willing to be that backbone that support system that structure that upholds them and encourages them and spurs them on to good works but each month i tell god parents the most important task that each of you has is to ensure that as the years continue to pass here's your job god parents you better listen closely your responsibility is to spend your money on somebody else's children that's your responsibility to spend your money on somebody else's child and you have agreed to do that because you said you would be god parents and even though i can't see you i hope that you won't shirk from your responsibility but that you will be a great godparent for these precious four babies i hope that you will do that take it seriously spoil them well never miss a a a a birthday a graduation never miss a christmas experience never miss a just because give as a matter of fact a year from the day on september 18th just get them what you got dedicated on this on this day gift just hook them up because you love them like that and god parents i hope you will do that for the glory of god and for the good of these precious children now listen you should have been sent a package from our church that includes a vial of oil i'm going to ask that you'll get that now but ask that you'll get that now because you're going to provide a priestly function for your babies a priestly function for your babies one of the priestly functions is to anoint the heads of individuals and it is literally prayer from this congregation to your to your family letting you know that we're praying for you and that we want the best for you so i'm going to ask danielle and all the fathers that you will take that vial of oil and that you'll put just a bit on your index finger or whichever finger is better for you and i want you i'm going to do it one by one so that i can hear every one of you do it i'm going to start with you danielle i want you to take that oil make the sign of the cross on the baby's head and say i anoint you in the name of the father [Music] and of the son and of the holy spirit amen god bless you great job mr baines will you do the same for that precious baby boy i anoint you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen god bless you sir oh suji family please mr osuji will you do the same [Music] i anoint you [Music] father in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen amen aspires will you do the same i anoint you in the name of the father [Music] and of the son and of the holy spirit amen priestly functions god bless you thank you so much for doing just that looks like you got a little oil on the floor though doesn't it got some oil on the floor yeah i saw you can't act like i didn't see that i saw that hey god bless you you got an anointed house now praise the lord amen god bless you i want to pray for you now and as i pray for you it is literally a prayer from this entire congregation saying and we support you we love you we're so happy for you and we want the best for these precious baby boys and girls all right let's pray together gracious god how we thank you for this day that you have made and for the opportunity that you've given to us to share in celebration of the gift of babies into these families lives we thank you from the time that they were conceived until this very moment you have kept them you've nurtured them you've kept them healthy and safe to the point that they are able to share in this celebration with their family we bless your name today for the gift of children and now we ask in jesus name that you will bless these mothers bless these fathers bless these god parents grandparents their other siblings we pray your blessings upon them there are siblings yet to be un that yet to be born we pray your blessings upon what will be continuation of the families that are before us today we thank you o god for the church community that gathers with these families to say that we love them and support them and encourage them and we like sister hannah and sister mary are a part of an entire community that allows children to be dedicated unto the lord so there will be a hedge of protection placed around those babies all the days of their lives and that is our prayer that you will keep these children safe there's so much harm in the world i pray great god that you will keep them safe and secure from all alarm i pray your blessings upon each one who is concerned about these children each one who is in the village of these children i ask your blessings upon them that no hurt harm or danger will come to them i pray great god that you will keep them from the evil one i pray that in due time that as they continue to grow and develop and mature they like their parents will accept you as their god and your son as their savior will be empowered by your holy spirit so they might live lives that please you and make the world a better place we give you glory for this day and for this opportunity and now in the name of the lord jesus we dedicate these precious babies unto you all the days of their lives in the strong and precious name of jesus who is the christ we pray and all of god's people together said amen and praise god god bless you so excited for you hopefully you got a certificate from your church as well right that certificate says that we celebrate with you and that your baby has been duly dedicated and we are looking forward to seeing you back at wheeler avenue baptist church where we can see that baby in person i can lay my hands on that child in due time all right god bless you it's been a joy to dedicate this baby to unto the lord and i pray your bless god's blessings upon you and your households in jesus name amen god bless you have a great rest of this saturday great weekend all right blessings on [Music] you
Channel: Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church
Views: 476
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: jbFCbW0yh-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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