#892 How To Make Silicone Molds For Geode Resin Coasters

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[Music] g'day guys welcome back I have something really exciting to share with you today my first ever attempt at a real mold not just a mold like this with silicone caulking but a real mold so I'm gonna see how I go never done this before but I'm gonna share my trials and hopefully tribulations with you so hopefully you guys have seen how I made these silicone molds with the silicone baking mat and the silicone caulking so I got a pod clear and this is not the exact one I did another one I poured clear resin into my mold and I made these so that's what I'm going to use today to make my proper mold must say it was quite a difficult procedure I did struggle I I had to pour clear on because it wasn't you know it wasn't shiny the top of your coaster that you make is going to be at the bottom of your your mold so so you want your bottom you know of your mold to be really shiny so that's the top of my coaster and it's going to be the bottom so I'm going to be pouring silicone out onto the top of that so when you turn it out you'll have a nice shiny shiny bottom so to speak but anyway that's what I'm gonna try to do I've got a baking tray that I know will fit my six coasters in and I'm using some contact paper you know that clear sticky stuff that you use to cover your books for kids school books so I've cut a piece of that to fit in there like so and then what I want to do is because I what I I don't want these moving as I pour the silicone in because that wouldn't be good so what I thought I'd do is get a piece of contact and oh no this will work we'll see now we're going to put it down but sticky side up so that my coasters will stick to it so I've measured it I've cut it out I've rounded the corners let's just hope that that works I mean the whole thing may move but I don't think it can move very much yeah it's cup against these sides so they would go that fits just an old baking tray that I had now these should have worked out where I'm gonna put them because once I put them down I'm not really gonna move them the tray that I had before was a bit small and they were almost touching each other but what's that's really not going to be good I need more room between them so should have measured this before I put them down shouldn't I anyway I'm sure I can lift them up again let's make sure that they're really clean give them a quick dust so one two let's make sure that I'm gonna fit six in here I can move them I guess if I need to even though they are I tried to get them all relatively the same shape yeah how I made Costa molds though they're not going to be identical I don't think it's gonna make sure I got enough room through then helps but you're stuck down already alright and then you can go what can you go now you can go that way sort of make sure I've got like equal distance between them mmm can you move so just you know work out where you want to put them make sure there's nothing else in there what's that little speck of resin it's a bit close there I might just see if I can okay no he's not going anywhere I think that'll be fun is there's enough room there I think hopefully it should be fine um yeah they're not really want to lift up again once that stuff down now I'm using this I just got this on eBay it's um silicone mold making kit it was by silly Crete I think it was called and it's just a part a in a Part B so I'm going to mix those together that's a 500 gram to 500 grams so I reckon I'm going to need like a kilo to do this so all that what that was that was my original little mold card what sort of paper cutout that I used to make these that was them so I cut them out of paper put them on the mat silicon cooked around them wait till they dried poor cleared resin in them did a top coat because they had a little bit of a lip it took them out of the mold it at a top coat and that's what we have okay now I've got a bowl spoon hopefully this stuff won't Chum stick to my bowl this is my baking bowl one of my baking bowls nerve-wrecking you guys boom it's quite runny what about this one here though this gap maybe I should try and move it before I do anything else otherwise it's just going to bug me isn't it there we go can't have it bugging me let's see where you can go okay you can go there alright no push them all down and then when I pull the resin on I'll play that won't move okay here we go part a so I'll pull them and I'll start mixing and then I'm going to pause you because I'm gonna mix it from there put the timer on I'm gonna mix it for four minutes or so some of them you know it's I think it's like a hundred parts of one and then ten parts of another and the hundred parts is white and then the ten parts is pink so that I could actually see when you've mixed it all properly together because you won't have any more sort of white streaks it'll all be picked so I guess that is a good option because I'm not going to know when - mix because it's just white on white we're leaning a bit to get a stick or something to get that out shouldn't I shouldn't matter cuz I'm gonna use this same spoon to get the other one out do a nice little jars actually I'm gonna keep these wash them out it's a really great little jar painting it crushed glass kinds of things yeah so this is silly crate SI li and then i think it was c-r-e-a-s-e-m-a-n was about thirty nine dollars I think for the UM for the to the set you know silicone baking scraper with me but you know silicone sticks to silicone like whoa and that if I dip it in silicone so the current is the only thing that silicone will stick to [Music] as much out as like head and then I'm going to give it a good stir and I put the timer on I'm gonna stir it for five minutes realize how thin it was pretty thin scrape that led to this is quite a bit in there get it all out and I know because it's a one-to-one ratio this one I've got 500 grams in one another 500 grams in another so I know that I've got the right amount I know my hands a little sticky baby wipe just wipe my hands okay nerve-wracking you guys nerve-wracking I put so much time and effort into making these silica resin molds it's taken me quite a few days I can understand how people charge what they charge the good moulds now my gosh I had to as I set out to make the silicone caulking on the baking mat the silicone mat and then I took them out and they had a lip on them so then I had to put a top coat on and then I had to sand them because you know homemade caulking molds they're not exactly smooth then I had to sand them and then I had to wait for them to sit all right well I'm gonna keep going with that and I'll be back in five minutes when it's all done all righty I've been stirring for five minutes and the actually banged it on the table a few times to get the bubbles up you know when you're making a cake and you want the bubbles to rise you bang that on the bench for a few times I was trying not to stir you know too fast because I didn't want to get air in there well there's a bubble see it's got to be be careful and I'm gonna pour it in really really slowly I thought I better tell you the size that I've got here of everything this way so my coasters are about mmm just don't well four and three-quarter inches about 12 centimeters that one's about ten and a half centimeters four and a half inches my tray here on the inside is 11 inches 28 centimeters by 17 inches about 43 centimeters so that's how big my baking tray is righto let's just get on with this shall we now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to pour really slowly into the middle and just hope that the silicone spreads nicely and I don't want to pour too fast so feel free to fast forward but I'm just gonna go slowly because the slower you go apparently and I don't know I've just been you know watching YouTube videos slower you go the less chance you've got of getting bubbles all right here we go and hopefully the fact that the coasters are stuck down will mean that they don't flow anywhere I'm just gonna go in one spot like this and pray to the silicon gods that I've got enough to actually cover this whole thing if you don't have enough you can stop and put another layer on later on this is all I've got so I don't actually have any more don't have the little puddle over here because it's so such a long tray yes so hopefully I've got enough because I wanted to go over the top as well please be enough look it's going through the sides it's like a river flowing into the little Creek's Hey please be enough so I don't have any more I would have to order more from ebay and then wait it should be like when you know that big coaster mold that I've got coming don't know whether you guys have been following me but I'm getting my own mold made it's on its way it's on its way on the ship to Australia and it weighs a kilo I mean it's round but it's a six coaster with the tray set built in and that weighs a kilo and I've got a kilo of silicon here so it should be enough hey just come up here again just into the middle don't a port over the top of the coaster I don't want bubbles on it I want to pour it into the into the center and it flow it's getting near the end you guys oh my gosh I've got enough maybe I should put a little bit in the corners help it out just help it float go with the flow I was expecting this to be really smelly you know how I'm silicone in a tube is quite smelly this isn't there's no odor at all I was really quite surprised not last little bit Lomo ever go on do your thing flow over I need you to cover everything so as far as I know this is going to take about four or five hours to set it's gonna be close to you guys and they have to buy some more and put another layer on so that my bottom because this is the bottom of the the mold it's gonna be a little bit thin isn't it scrape all this out seriously thought it would be enough where's my stick I guess it might take one and a half kilos just need enough to cover that and I don't know whether or not this is something you can torch the bubbles I have no idea oh you covered little drip out it's just covered you guys oh my gosh that was close bubbles over there because I've poured it in I wish I had my silicone little scraping thing take a tool all right I won't bother you with the rest of that I'm going to get my silicone cake scraper and I'm gonna scrape out everything I can from that and I'll be back in four or five hours okay and we'll see what happens see then wish me luck what's so exciting hey guys it's been seven and a half hours since I poured this I was coming back every two hours and doing this in the corner and it was sticking to my finger but it's finally dry so now because it's a metal tray I can't pop it out from underneath I am I must say I am concerned that there's not enough over the top here so you can see the coasters through but I'm going to flip it over anyway hopefully it works cross fingers if this middle bit here where the coaster is if it's too thin because I really need it to be about five mil five millimeters really if I haven't got that I'll have to buy some more like Silicon I'll put this back in here and I'll pour some more on top but I can't wait I just have to have to see what happens and as I said you know if you had a boarder oh it's moving if you had a border that was like he could break the sides or something then I guess it would come out easy that's good coming out easy you guys I'm taking the contact paper with me that's all right I'll just take everything out oh my gosh it's working you guys I was worried okay I'm leaving I'm losing a bit on the side I'm not losing a little bit on the side there little little bit obviously I've dropped it again it's a bit tricky to get it up alright I'll have to go I'm gonna go slow let's go slow peel it from the side I think I probably should have actually know what that is I think it's just a little bit of oh no it's okay so it's a little bit of luck overhang I'll flip those with some like nail scissors I'll have to get myself some some cuticle nail scissors let's go around here as well push my hand underneath your cuticle nail scissors I think would be really handy let me turn it around just slip the little little edge Oh guys it popped out oh let me move that it's so exciting so exciting what if zebra I don't want to say like I'm prolonging it what's that what is that no look it's just a little just a little flap and I'm just wasting time now on time I'm not sure what that's from all that actually and that must be from maybe it sort of went underneath the contact paper not sure well this is exciting right let's head over because I've got contact paper on the other side like so all right I'm gonna zoom you in a little bit please work please work please work we just Center that if you centered get your set up put that there and then we'll be good to go just move you over a little bit there we go zoom you in we can see what's going on properly Hey there we go alrighty so now that must have just been where the contact paper was I can fix those up I've actually turned the heater on in my studio in my garage because it wasn't really setting up and I thought I'd too cold in here because it's it's winter in Queensland it's winter Australia it's gonna get the edge of that plastic and the instructions say that this cures at 23 degrees and it's like it's really cold today so I've had the heater on I've shut the door and I've just been coming in and checking on them every couple of hours so I'm just gonna peel the contact off as you can see doesn't look as if we've had very much flow I'm like overflowed because you're always gonna get a little bit of silicone that's gone underneath you know even though I've stuck them down there's always gonna be because it's homemade you know I made these um I made these blanks you call them blanks something that you're going to use to then make your moles because I handmade them you know they're not exactly perfect and there's always going to be little bits of still a cone like that that goes underneath but that's what I'll use my little trimmers for because big scissors like this it's just not going to work we need your little tiny cuticle scissors to get right in there but let's pop these out actually I want to take you down here next to me hang ten alright got you down here next to me hi this is how I do my grande unmolding hey when I do mine my coaster molds so let's see if these babies come out now what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna peel back that little bit of overflow resin with my finger cuz there's only a little bit that's gone over the top well you know float underneath and this is where I have to be careful to you there's not much under there I have to be so careful I don't rip the bottom I think I'll probably will get myself a little bit more silicone and pop these back in the tray and fill them back up because I've just I'm just worried that there's not enough let's do that really really gently come on let go you can do it it's so thin you guys that bottom layer and now I haven't got a coaster to show you but I've got a mold to show you oh and look it's nice and smooth and shiny just very very thin though well all right we're gonna do the same with the others actually I'm gonna fast forward this bit cuz I can take my time and I'll fast forward you you oh my god you guys I'm so excited when I was skipping the little edges with my little nail scissors I tell ya I was almost in tears I was just so happy and so excited that it worked look and I actually don't mind it being a little bit thin it's okay you know next time I might put something around the corners to save that amount of silicon and use it you know in the middle but it was the only size tray that I had but in hindsight I didn't need all that on the corners but I'm so excited all right I'm gonna take it in for a little bit of a close-up hopefully it's focusing I don't let me put y'all autofocus it's just beside myself look now the other thing it's nice and shiny too the other thing I don't know if you can see but if you look really carefully the edges more of like a a natural rock look like they're not straight which means when I pour resin in these and I get my coasters out I'm going to have a really nice natural looking edge rather than just a straight edge I'll show you what I mean put that baby down it's like I need to name it or something so it's weighs a kilo so this is two pounds of silicone now have a look at these edges I wanted to show you the difference between my mold that I've just made because I made it based on these coasters so have a look at the edge and see how they kind of fall bit jagged and not completely straight they go in they go out they go up they go down and I really like that it looks to me like I'm a more natural rock edge as opposed to this one yes if we can focus it which is very pretty but it's got that really straight smooth edge which is nice you know there's nothing wrong with it I just prefer the more sort of jagged look so yeah really happy really happy with money coasters my molds I'll be making lots of these coming up well not the molds but coasters out of them alright so thanks for watching hopefully you guys have maybe get a little bit of what's the word encouragement to have a go at making it yourself and yeah it like it wasn't easy until you know it was not easy I had my trials and uhm yeah but I'm so glad that I did it and so glad that it worked alright stay tuned and watch me pour in these ok hit that little notification bell and hit the little all button so that you'll be notified when I put up a video pouring in these gorgeous creatures alright thanks for watching guys love you all bye
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 91,319
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Id: MuNKc4qPTjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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