#891 Experimenting With Black And Silver In These Gorgeous Geode Resin Coasters

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[Music] okay guys welcome back I'm going to do a bit of an experiment today I'm going to do a black resin pour and then I'm going to try some of this dokgo art extreme Sheen on the top blow it around a little bit just see what happens because I haven't really done a black one yet and then I've also Cassandra did too with the extreme Sheen and - I think with this model master enamel paint it's for like little cars things like that so that's what I'm going to do have a bit of a play and I wasn't sure whether I wanted to do happy I'll do different ones and I'd actually do four different ones might did - with pigment paste and then - with mica powder I don't know I'm just gonna have a play so I'm gonna get started because I really don't know what I'm gonna do yet I'll just see how it go as I go now one of them I'm gonna put some black mica powder in mmm I'm not you doing - though I don't need much do i oh no i'm try and change my mind is I'm going total not quite sure what I want to do I stick to with mica powder and I'm gonna do a spoonful a spoonful for - and then some resin now my resin today is the barnes clarity it's a two to one so i've got a hundred grams of one of them and 220 grams of the other one because i know that that's what it needs I've measured them before in you know in a measuring cup but I had it on a scale at the same time which was pretty clever I thought so I knew how much a hundred mils was in grams and I knew how much 200 mils was in the other one because 200 mils was weighed more because we have ones thicker than the other it's also heavier it doesn't actually weigh the same all right now that's actually I'm going to do a couple of drops of alcohol ink as well I've got the pinata alcohol ink this one is the black pigment powder by RT soon so give that a really good shake shake shake shake shake and let's do three drops put them aside as I've used them so with two of them I'm just gonna use the powder and then the other two I'll use the pigment paste so let's go around the edge oh my new moulds I'm going to tell you about my new moulds these are just LG bows from Aliexpress but I ordered them six weeks ago back in middle of May so it's the beginning of July now six weeks they've taken and I know everything's you know really slow at the moment but still six weeks so they're just they're just cheap ease you know that you can see on the bottom though they're not they've got marks and I don't know yeah they're not then up totally smooth but what can you do you know play peanuts you get monkeys that's so just a little bit of black around the edge now I'm going to fill them up with clear and just let them do their thing so for these four molds that wasn't too much these four molds I've used 300 grams actually 320 to be exact that's just made my little puddle go over the black a little bit and I'm gonna torch them and then I'm just gonna let them sit and wait and see what happens hopefully they will react and then I'll decide what I want to do with the middle of them whether I want to put some um let me put some silver having done black and silver I did black and gold a little while back I'm not sure how these are gonna go with the heat these cheap molds it'll do for now and it's a bit of fluff in there already doesn't take long does it have a little bit of fluff something my little baby wipe wipe up the edges with your little baby wipes so very handy to have so that's starting to all come in already even though he did a little bit of black it's all moving in already I'm sure I might use use that same cup and we'll put some pigment paste in it I don't see why we can't see that one might need a little bit more cuz it's gonna be quite a solid black these two quite a solid black these is what's it this is dynamic pigment paste by solid solutions and I went double dip just gonna put a little blue block that in that's enough I've been told off a double dipping my sticks I'm still learning you guys people say me don't put your stick back in the market powder after you've put it in the resin you'll ruin it okay thanks I know now all these things that you learn oh I must tell you something else too you know how I had that rash on my wrist I worked out what it was I was so worried that I was going to be allergic to resin and then I would have to sell everything and never do resin again but I think I worked out what it was when when I was sanding my coasters see I'm only gonna have enough for one here it's just gonna be plain black this one when I was standing my coasters I didn't realize that resin dust could be harmful like I knew not to touch wet resin like that's just common sense isn't but didn't know that this would be the same with this one as I did with the other one so yeah I was dusting away you know I had my my mask on and my goggles and and all that but then when I finished sanding I had this like dust on my arms and I just kind of brushed it off and thought oh well we know it's just dust but it didn't really occur to me until later that night when I started itching and getting a red rash that it was from the dust so yeah so thank goodness I'm not allergic to resin so if you add sanding guys make sure that you wear long sleeves I've now got some long sleeves apron it's got elastic on the arms and I put my gloves on and then I put that on it is tight around there and then when I finished cuz I was standing this morning and then when I finished I got baby wipes with sucked in in alcohol isopropyl and then I'll wipe down my neck because I couldn't get you know I was getting sort of dust on my neck and my face I couldn't be in a bubble so I just wiped my neck in my face down and hopefully hopefully that'll be all right now look at these it's moved in really pretty hasn't it let me torch again so I like that effect I may not do much more to that I may just put a little bit of thumb don't know so although it may be a little bit of silver flakes in it we'll see see what it does and then I can paint the edges with silver cuz I haven't actually done black and silver but because it's black you have to make sure you get all those bubbles hey it's gonna show you little bubbles all going to show up now I don't want to blow it with my you know the embossing tool that's got wind and it it'll actually blow all that pretty design away and I don't want that so I'm not going to use that I have to be careful with my torch okay here's my black hopefully enough know that I have enough I'm in a little bit more so I'll put one extreme sheen on and the other one I'll put the model master on and just see what happens hey I'm keen to see what I'd really like to do is kind of get some gold glassing happening and have no idea where to start really so have a bit of a pray a play around with it today and see if I can get some blessing I probably won't happen oops bubbles so how many people that have been doing acrylic pouring or having a little try with resin Hey sure is fun cost a bit of money to set it up but it's like any new hobby you know sport you have to buy your equipment I'm running out of butane here it's taking a while okay I'm gonna just go over and torch a few times as the bubbles come up hardly got any flame at all there really it's a tiny little flame which is good it's not going to be too hot right now let's put let's do some this one hasn't got as much in it we'll have to just make up a touch more to be the same all right double dip or just pour there we go pouring this one hasn't got quite as much resin in it that's all now how are these two over here going they're looking pretty aren't they Wow makes such a pretty effect the market powders when I was doing a clear topcoat the other day I was scraping the inside of my cups to pour out and it was leaving like this kind of a wavy look like a white kind of a wavy look on the top what's that so not sure maybe it's some like you're taking the wax off the inside of the cup and it's going on I'm not sure it was a bit odd kind of ruined my top coat because I'm making my own mold at the moment I'm I'm trying to trying to anyway so I had to have a very very smooth top and when I did this some flood coat not only did it have this kind of wavy look in it when it was dry and I could feel that it was actually raised so it wasn't yeah it wasn't smooth so then I put another top coat on all right let's do this I think that both quite equal now we'll put a little bit don't need very much we'll put a little bit of that in there and this is upside down because it's not much left of it it's just sitting there the UM don't go out extreme chance but sitting upside down so hopefully I can get some out it's a lovely shiny paint I'll leave it upside down again in case I need more but I haven't put very much in it's just a little blob there because you can't go over 10% hey so when I do my fruit pouring my swipes I use this gold and it gives me gorgeous selves pearls lacy and all that kind of stuff soft but I wonder what kind of effect I can get it's still quite translucent so I wonder what kind of effect I can get on this so I'm going to pour some on and then I'm going to play with my embossing tool and kind of blow it around a little bit I probably should have moved them away never mind right let's just put a little blob on maybe I'll just sort of do that for now oh it's gonna sink just just plain today now I'm just going to use this embossing tool that I've got what happens [Applause] it's interesting to see like if it was going to stay on top or whether it would sink because when you use gold my gold glitters gold mica powders things like that they always want to sink as far as I well the ones I have tried they're always Sun let's just push that around a little bit some will go in some will stay yes I might sink some might stay on the top hopefully hopefully some will stay on the top I put too much on just pretty little effect don't want it to blur next or into the one now don't want it to move around much okay so that's that one didn't create any lacing ourselves but there's nothing there but it's just given a little a little bit of a gloss happening there there's gonna torch again so yeah it'll we'll see what happens with this whether it sinks hopefully hopefully it'll stay on top I think I'm running out of butane okay so that was that one didn't do very much at all really now let's try the model master still trying to decide what to do with these guys because we've got such a beautiful beautiful little pattern name that I don't particularly want to destroy it but I think it needs something just a little something got on it I keep my workspace clean alright so this is it here give it a good shake dad actually I think with the gold edge that would look quite stunning now I don't know if you can see can you see how there isn't like a little white what oh okay it's kind of a skin there maybe I've torched it too much let's get rid of it might have done so better get a riddle long because my resins gonna start setting up isn't it [Laughter] I'm gonna start setting up so let's get going quickly I'm half tempted just to leave those bad such a pretty gold it's much thinner it's very very thin it's just like water got a beautiful shimmer though it's a different kind of a gold color this is a much more yellow this one is copper each time maybe I don't know what that one's gonna do we'll do the same thing with it just sort of spread it out a little bit and then give it a bit of a blow and see what happens it's on but that it's thinking much more thinking straight away [Applause] hanging a little bit left on top a little bit of a sparkle it might actually work better if the resins almost set actually I leave that and come back to it now what will we do with these guys here a little bit of silver leaf get some of that just put a little bit of the silver leaf in I saw what flakes to be careful because it's really messy so that's most of it I guess is sunk I don't know if I want to do anything with that what else can I do with that though because like if you put glitter and it just all sinks to the bottom I'm going to move this over here away from everything because you get little flyaway bits put some resin in there it's not setting up yet on my roof my roof was some leaking just gonna put a few silver flakes in here all right I'll do it out of just gotta be careful I don't you drop flecks into where I don't want flex to because they kind of fly away a few in you can't pick them up with your fingers I just stick to you see what you can do is maybe put a little bit of resin on like that and then you can pick it up that wax smooth that out of the way I don't want too much just gonna stir it up break it up a little bit it's probably way too much actually but two tiny coasters I don't something just flew in wow I really like the effects getting with these these paints oops Oh we're starting to set up guys oh my gosh no no no we're starting to set up all right you have to leave it put a little bit of silver in and that'll be it as we're starting to so I need to go thick I have to break this up let me put a little bit in the thing I like about the the silver flake is it kind of floats it's sort of suspended and if you do end up with a clear center like that that's really pretty okay um another cuff I don't want to pull clear from this cup so I'm going to just put a little bit in there and then I can pinch it and then I need to pour the clear over the top of that just to UM sort of disperse that's silver a little bit just ever so gently ever ever so gently just a tiny bit okay like that and I just pushes the silver out a little bit I'm sure the black will come back in again but it will just give us that ever so slight little clear Center I probably do with putting a little bit more resin in these fill them up just a touch more so not up to the top yet and then I get to do silver edging on the sides see how they just kind of break up and sort of float away hopefully I will end up with a little bit of clear center it won't all run back okay so I need to fill these up actually so I'm going to put some more clear in and then we'll have to get back to these two over here and see what's going on with them so once you've kind of put things in the middle the the black tends to run back over the top hey try and keep a little bit of silver in the middle there's a big clump there so I'm just gonna try and kind of break that up a little bit with my stick not boring you am i hopefully another long video but I wanted to try the why don't you try these and I thought well if I don't video it then you all go how did you do that but I've got a video it but I'm just going to take my time with the videos like I'm not going to try and rush them if you don't want to watch the long videos that you know you can fast-forward cuz you know I'm learning this is for me for you as well but it's for me put some more in name as we use it all up so I'm just going to take my time do my thing and try and enjoy it because sometimes you know when I do these videos I feel as if I have to rush because you know I'm still getting people again I mean you take too long and I thought just you know I'm just going to do my own thing and I enjoy it it's my hobby and those that want to watch the whole thing by all means care and then those that want to fast-forward by all means as well so I think very much I don't really add too much more put a tiny little bit in the middle and then I think we're gonna be done skis so it looks as if it's as if the young the black is going to take over and go over the top which is fine but hopefully we'll still have that little bit of transparency it's filling that up every time I've pushed the young clearing moves all my silver to the side and then I got to put more in well that's pretty much all the can't get any more effects pretty much all the silver gone now look all my silvers moved now I haven't got any left in the middle all right so that's that now let's move back on to these other tunes but my little and my silver leafing here and which stick was I using this one let's put a little bit more of this gold on I'm just gonna put it all on see it's very thin and it is sinking I'm gonna blow it around and see if I can get some to float back up to the top because where it is sitting on top it's really quite pretty little heat tool [Applause] so I know what it would look like if I have mixed up going into the black I'm just giving it a really good little mix around there and still happiness so some of its coming to the top I'll put a little bit more of this on anyway just to just along the edges there so this is if they both want to kind of float and come up to the top suck on right blown right off blown over the edges here this is the thing I don't like about using those embossing tools because they they blow everything around it's gonna clean that off and I've still got some clear so I think what I'll do is I'll just good pour some clear into the middle of these just - why not because I've got it and I want to sort of fill these two up a little bit and I could just have a little bit of a clear center so see how easy it is just to wipe around with your baby wipe clean off your edges whoops don't stick the edge of your baby wipe into it defeats the purpose okay right clear so yeah I don't like pouring the clear straight from this into my moulds I prefer to use the little paper cup then I can pinch it a little bit more control over it than having this big Cup now this one is mounding or doming this one isn't quite there yet so put a little bit more in you I'm gonna put another little silver leaf in there because now whoa all right you want to go and do you you can go in it's very sticky yeah the best way to pick it up is just touch it with your your resin stick half and clean that up later bits are flying out everywhere right tiniest little bit of resin just to moisten that a little bit yeah this one just needs a little bit more clear it's not quite as full as the other one yet and that'll just help that silver stay in the middle a bit looks like they're gonna be nice and numb transparent translucent not transparent transparent we can see through totally hey like glass translucent has just got a little shimmer you can sort of still see a little bit through as you hold it up to the light okay now I'm just gonna fill these up let's just pour some clear in the middle and just fill them up not really expecting much from these two but it was an experiment I wanted to honor to try it so these four have taken the 300 grams and I pretty much don't have anything left pretty good big pretty big coasters ok I think we're done everything's empty everything is empty yep well done right well that was a fun little experiment you just clean up some mock-ups here and now we need a baby wipe just to clean my gloves off come over here and do it's away from my my risen actually quite like that one when you see when you look across it you can really see that sparkle this one not this one I'm not impressed with but this one it looks as if you had molten gold poured over the top of it it's really pretty clean up my mess here what my hands I just go ahead of me mm-hmm pick up any little resins that I've spilt ok now I've done that I can clean my in a world of hurt clean my hands again and then I can take you down for a close-up all right so was that all right wasn't too long I'm sorry if it was gonna give the last little touch I think I'm running out of butane now I can see that some of these silver flakes the kind of poking through the top I'm running out of view time right oh he's still with me whoops over the top sorry okay good this way I'm really really really see all that well but you can see how you can see through the through that in to the pink below so that is going to be quite translucent and lot of the silver I probably put a little bit too much silver and I got carried away I didn't want so much I wanted a little bit in the center but it's it's kind of spread out because I kept on adding more clear and more clear and more clear so yeah never mind I think they gonna look pretty anyway and then I'll I'll paint those with um a silver pen and then there's that gold doing its thing kind of sat on top but it's not yeah it's not really doing much and then that's the extreme Sheen sitting on top as well I was hoping for some lacing or something but know I'll have to keep practicing on that let's see if I can pick up the know the lights they're in the way but mmm the shimmer shimmer shimmer not really okay I'll leave it there have you enjoyed that little bit of experimenting from me today it's very dark isn't it I'll bring you down to this one all right so um join me well it'll be a minute for you 30 seconds for me it'll be tomorrow I'll do the unmolding right see you then hey guys I'm back it's the next day now these really don't look very interesting at the moment do that cuz I just look black so this is the first one that had the extreme Sheen paint in it it's pretty sparkly let's get him out good test for these new little molds that I've got come out pretty easily I've got my glove on so that I don't get fingerprints all over [Music] so because I used the black paste you know there's no there's no transparency it was a really opaque black just black on the other side nothing terribly exciting them pop him out of the way this one it's got a really pretty Sparkle it's kind of like a galaxy that was that model master gold I think I may might pursue this one because I like I like just how it's got the little sprinkle looks I don't like how it's got the stripeys but I like those little sprinkly look so may pursue that again in another mold in another coaster Paul I should say let's get him out again not really expecting anything on the other side because it was so opaque but you know it's it's still pretty especially if you put some gold around the edge I'm not going to do it was just a little test I'm not going to waste paint on on these two I just wanted to have a play now these two are looking really amazing look at that you can see through so I'm impressed with this one you know how I kept adding the clear and adding the clear and it pushed the silver flakes out to the edges so hopefully it will look really pretty it's difficult doing this with a glove on the gloves a bit big for me yeah but look oh look at that look at the beautiful transparency oh so pretty now I don't know how to smooth that one out of the way don't know that you can see the silver I mean you can see that it's silver but a lot of the silver flakes or gold leaves have kind of you know sunk under the black the blacks pushed over the top of them but it's really pretty beautiful and smooth because I've filled them up right to the top I don't have that lip at the back because they they domed so if you fill your molds up nice and high you don't get that so this is that's the back so look at the front okay so the front of this you can see how the silver spread right almost to the edges with the back we've got a much more dense black outline and the silvers staying in the middle but look at the sparkle aren't so pretty you can see the the silver leaf as well I don't know which side you would want to use that if you'd want to go that side or or the other side I don't know let's have a look at the other one I'm assuming it's going to be a very similar let's put that on autofocus again there we go love it love the transparency of it look at that so when it's just down on the table I guess it would just look you know black but then when it's lifted up to the light you get that beautiful transparency and you get the little shimmer of the the silver leaf same as the other one on on the back it's a little more of a lighter black around the outside and it's got the darker black there I wonder if that's the difference between the mica powder there and the ink there wonder if that has anything to do with it but again really really really sparkly look at that you see the leaf silver leaf am I going too fast I think I'm too fast so you're really happy with these but you've only got two hey maybe I can make another two and I'm gonna have a set or I could do another four and I could have a set of six I like doing a set of six of things and say there's no lip nothing to sand so there we go I love these two all right I'm gonna go and put some silver on them around the edges and then I'll show you the finished product soon hey guys just getting set up now I thought I would show you the new silver that I'm going to try for this coaster for the edge of the coaster it is that one humbrol enamel it's a little tiny tin so if I can pick this up without getting it all over me and it's cold metallic see how shiny it is metallic one nine one it's chrome so it's really shiny chrome color and because my krylon silver leafing pen is now empty instead of throwing it away I'm going to dip this in the paint and it'll be a nice little paintbrush for me so just dip it on there and hops off we go so I'll just do a little bit but look at that it's a nice coverage it's got a gorgeous shine it's an enamel paint so the only thing that'll get it off get it off if you you know paint on something you're not supposed to if you go on to the top and you're not supposed to is nail polish remover that's a tone so and it's really easy just to paint your sides this is new molds but quite a lot of little wobbly edges so it's going to take a little time but I'm gonna do the whole thing now I'm just going to do a little bit and then I'll show you how I do my tops I've shown you in other videos but in case you've missed them I'll show you again so pretty much work out which side is going to be the top and which side is going to be the bottom for me that's the top there so I'll just do from where I've done the edges dip that in again and put your pen nib half on the coaster and half off that way you're just going to do a little thin line over the top of the coaster I don't like them too thick that's my personal choice if you wanted to I guess you couldn't do the whole nib thickness but I just like just that little edge like that that's what I prefer to do it so just half on half off go slowly follow the curve it's got a little point there so the nib kind of fits over that little point quite nicely mmm you go round and round so the gold leafing pen by krylon in Australia there are about 26 27 dollars and they hold 10 mils of paint this little tin that I got from a toy store because it's for um you know like model cars model planes that sort of thing it's I think it was about six dollars and it holds 14 mils so it holds more paint and it's way cheaper the coverage I think is better I had trouble with the Kryolan silver the gold Kryolan pen worked really nicely but the silver just didn't seem to have as good a coverage maybe I had a faulty pen or maybe it's just the silver doesn't cover as well I'm not sure exactly will come nearly finished a little bit more to do and there it is we are done look at that whoops I just put my fingers in it I've just flipped so I'll have to attach that little bit up there but that's that's what it looks like with the edges done tomorrow morning I'll go out into the sunshine and you know do a nice photo for you show you what they look like in the Sun because at the moment it's dark and I've got overhead lights on in the studio so I have a very good shot but that's that's the look that you get with this silver I should show you he actual silver there we go hmm pretty pretty all right I'll get set up tomorrow and I'll show you the finished product see you then
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 32,319
Rating: 4.9334636 out of 5
Keywords: #blackandsilverresincoasters, #blackandgoldresincoasters, #blackandsilvergeodecoasters, #blackgeoderesincoasters, #resincoasters, #resingeodecoasters
Id: f7zs-hqsNxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 15sec (2895 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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