#887 WOW, I Just Love My New Gold And White Geode Resin Coasters

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[Music] great guys welcome back welcome to pouring your heart out with Julie and I'm gonna do a resin pour today I'm so enjoying these resin coasters now all of my recent coasters have been quite dark even though I tried this one was pretty light you know I tried to make them a bit lighter they they ended up being quite dark so what I'm gonna go for is try again try and get more of a transparent look like a really delicate pretty sort of a look with clear hopefully a clear center I've mixed up my resin I'm using the Barnes clarity it's a one part what's this one one part be to two parts a so I've mixed it up here I've got 400 grams and I think that should be enough for six coasters I made this look at this I have I have done a couple of these how-to videos on how to make the coasters so I'll link the video if you want to see how I made them but these are a little bit bigger they're not quite so bendy you know in and out and in and out and in and out I just thought when I was drawing these up I thought yeah that looks right and then when I actually saw them I thought it's a little bit too sort of pronounced so this one's a little bit more softer right let's just get to it I'm going to I want to do like a white and cream I don't have cream I'm have to find out where I can get some cream from this one's called pink pearl it's kind of creamy color I'll mix it up and if it's too pink I'll add a tiny little bit of the golden sand because I want to just get a cream and then a white so these two are by pixie dust pigments and then I've got a white called pearl white by arty sue and I'll add a little bit of pinata white alcohol ink to that and then I wish I've got some gold leaf flakes yesterday woohoo I'm going to use some of that and then I'm gonna edge them in the model master gold when they're dry so let's just get started shall we I want to keep these as transparent as I can just move that out of the way so try not to put too much in but that and we'll see what it looks like when it's it's mixed up hey I may have to add some of that sand so I'm gonna put two same half a cup to start with don't want a lot of color I want to use a lot of clear so we'll see what that looks like this one is going to be my white so same again that don't need a lot pearl like that always add more I guess if you need to and then let's fill that up halfway so both of these have got half half full but a cup of clear and then these gorgeous creatures they kind of fly away look at it oh my gosh so this is going to be for the center I assume that they just don't break up when you stir them I don't break them up too much and I'm not quite sure how much to put in there it was expensive oh my gosh yeah everything's expensive isn't it get off I don't know how much to put in there we go less is more hey I guess we can always add some more it looks more than it is at the moment because it's kind of all loose in there there's bits everywhere well it's flying around everywhere okay so just put a little bit in there and we'll turn that into like a bit of a paste I think all right so I'm just gonna pause you for a minute I mix these and I'll be back now this some pale pink pink pearl it's looking a little bit too pink for my liking so I am gonna add just a touch of this sand just to see if I can turn the pink down add a little bit at a time I just have to deal with the fact that it's gonna be slightly pink yeah I'm gonna have to get online and see if I can find a cream maybe a tiny little bit more too much back there we go see how that goes it's never gonna be cream obviously now it's got pink and kind of a Goldy color but how he looks better anyway it's at least it's more on the Goldy tone which I think will be nice so that's that one I'm gonna put three drops of alcohol ink into the white so probably got about 3/4 of a cup of the white and my cream color 2/3 see how that goes I want to do too much I think you just get a nice hopefully I'm hoping to get nice effects from having different media's in here like a mica powder with a bit of alcohol ink and then the clear resin hoping that it will make nice little patterns okay so there we go now I will just zoom you in or zoom you in just a touch just so that you can see okay focused right I will say to myself I must try and make my videos shorter but I don't know that's not know how to know what I can cut out all right let's do this that's still got a little bit of mica floating around on top so I'm gonna go with the darkest one on the outside first a little bit around the outer edge and then the white and then I'll fill it up with clear and then put some gold in the center so let's just little bear dive over dude my color as I said I want to try and go for that little transparent center if I can I always seem to put too much in when I'm going for transparent Center I guess they're gonna always add more afterwards you know to the outer edge if I choose to now I've never used this new mold of mine so this is exciting I really love the shape so the other two that I made the first one I actually threw in the bin it was too small and their edges were to sort of wobbly so I've got the second one that I made and then this one I think this is my favorite you know I think you get better as you go through and you try things you do you do get better don't you you learn we're just gonna have enough it's a little bit left just fill in those gaps they're just you're going a bit wonky why are you going wonky I don't know hopefully it'll straighten out with the waiter that little mound there all right let's move on clear that'll sort itself out oops I missed a bit over there get in there oops you've missed a bit too I don't know why it's going a bit wonky must be because I've joined my rings there maybe I don't know all right now I'm just going to pour the white into the middle just do a little bit first to make sure I've got enough to go around and then I'll pour the clear into the middle of that it's raised there what can I put on that I can put anything on that actually mmm do you need to put something on it though don't I what can we use I can stick it down no it's not working No Deal all right we're just gonna have to deal with the fact that that's going to raise I don't know why okay see this is what my videos are so long because I get distracted and do stuff in the middle of my video anyway let's keep going no one's doing it to actually know what I might do for the next time you know am i talking again I might actually cut each one out so it's it's own little entity cuz I didn't realize they were kind of lifting where I've joined the two molds together so that's the end of my white so I could do that that I'd have to stay on this baking sheet today I could cut them fall out I think I'll do that this is another little experiment here but through the the coasters will still work out even though you know it's like that raised area there maybe once that's all then much behaved all right let's pull some clear in shouldn't have done that clearing I have got more clear in my cup here my big cup I'm hoping it's going to be enough oh look at the pretty patterns okay here we go clear missed a bit on the edge there sure maybe the when I pour the clear in it'll push that cream color out sneak you in there look sneak you in and same with you I've got enough feet guys I forgot enough clear oh it's just about gone now well maybe 400 wasn't quite enough I was gonna make up one and a half batches and I thought no I don't need that much so I made it one in a quarter batches just gonna use up all this that I've got left okay that's it it's all gone right now but a tiny bit of clear left but I want to keep some of that to put on top of my gold if I need to some of some of the pieces of gold are quite like thick they stick together so you're just try and break them up a little bit so you don't get big blobs of it no if I've got too much here or not let's just pour some in oh look how pretty it looks it's pour a little bit into the center of each and try not to drop it into the side it's gotta stay in the middle I guess that's slightly golden edge is matching my golden center home it's kind of a creamy gold now see that that's a big it's been blob there I kind of need to break it up I think I've made up too much gold and you got to be careful it's not going to be poking out through the top either made up too much so I think less is more you know you don't want to be adding too much I'm gonna put a little bit of only got a tiny little bit of clear left over but I want to put a tiny bit of clear just over the top of each one if I've got enough just to kind of break it up like that see that I forgot enough noise I'll mix have to mix up a little bit more real quick just want to break it up a little bit please be enough what's looking really pretty you guys it's working it's looking really pretty so see how it's just broken that up a little bit yeah it's working scraping everything out as you can get as much as I can it is a blob there I think I just used a bit too much of the gold now I can see if in a couple of them could actually do with maybe a little bit more so I'll just be very careful and just get a little bit more just to you know get the little pieces that aren't all kind of stuck together so I think it's best to you know start with maybe a little bit less just try and break up those clumps a bit and yeah you can always add a bit more I obviously made up a little bit too much of the gold you can do it a little bit more can't you yeah oh wow looking really pretty I hope I haven't gone the opposite way and going to transparent now mmm you need to break up a little bit yes you do so just trying to even them all out a little bit so that they've got similar amount of gold in the center you still could do with a little bit more yes you could mmm but mine if it sort of breaks up a little bit spreads out see the good thing about this gold leaf it's not going to go like in a big clump like the gold glitter does so it's gonna look really pretty from the top and the bottom because it's kind of just being suspended in the in the resin how's that it's not enough yeah so it's just it's kind of just floating there in the rosin okay that's so that outer edge that gold is kind of floating in isn't it now I'm going to give you a torch I think that's enough of the gold leaf what my hands first before I touched my torch otherwise my torch it's covered in resin I will have a little play with it later and just make sure that everything all these gold is actually under the surface because I don't want anything poking out so this is where I wish I had a little bit more clear because I could just maybe I can maybe I can make up just a tiny bit no I probably can't can I can i I don't know I'm stuck once I can see how it's kind of poking through the surface they're not sure if I can I'm in a line you take me five minutes to mix up a tiny bit more and then I would pour it over the top of the gold but I probably can't because see how the the gold on top not that gold this this one my creme creme it's it's all kind of coming into the center already so I probably can't add anything else actually what it could do because these aren't full these customer molds aren't full when it's set I could just pour a little bit of clear over the top couldn't I and that would just cover up any of these little stray bits of gold but a maybe poking through the surface so that's an option because I haven't filled these up totally now the balance clarity and it's called clarity for a reason it is really clear when you mix it up there's hardly any bubbles you don't have to put it in a water bath or anything like that you know to to thinner torture have less bubbles it just does have less bubbles that's one good thing I really like about it so it's a pity I've got so much gold leaf left alright let's take you down for a bit of a close-up and you'll see what these guys look like no no no I did say what is in pretty and delicate and you know transparent I'm hoping they're not going to be too too much so but look I can always do it again and put it might be darker more darker on the edge but I found that if I put more darker on the edges it just goes into the middle and then I'll lose my clear center so probably won't do that all right it's good look at it shine you guys look at it shimmering away there that cup out of the way just gonna change to my other magnification I think it looks better but these three little pictures on my screen and I can change the magnification see how the top colors all being pulled in just have to wait and see what it looks like I've little still be pretty but that dumb the gold leaf it's really pretty isn't it I've got the gold leaf from echos leaves I went in after work yesterday and got that just trying to see if I can pick up more of a shimmer but not really in the light tomorrow so what do you think oh I'm loving it so far let's hope that William the center stays nice and transparent all righty I think it's that ring lighter I do need the ring light for better lighting but it's annoying sometimes when I'm trying to photograph all right oh I'm excited I think what I will do is put the clear coat on this dries pretty quick so I can do it in a few hours do you want to see that nope I don't need to see that all right and I'll see you tomorrow for the D molding see you then hey guys I'm back and I'm so excited oh I kept looking at these Oh yesterday afternoon seeing if they've changed now you can see that I have cut them out of the plastic cookie sheet I just thought it was easier to just um you know manage them if they were cut out so I did that I just snipped around the silicone sheet and now I've got two individuals so yeah so that's them I just do it on this zoom here now I'm afraid that light is just behind me like it's us to the side there it's it's a cold rainy overcast day today and I just I just don't have good light so unfortunately I've got that ring light so that's it there all right without further ado let's get these out now as you may remember this is my first time using these molds that I've made so I'm pretty excited to see how they're gonna come out I've got my glove on because I don't want to touch the tops because I love these oregan isn't a favorite so far and look it's coming out so that's just the silicon mat underneath now these little coasters sets here silicon molds I should be able to use these over and over again because this is my favorite shape look at that well get to the coaster in a minute but that's the that's the silicon mold hey cool right let's look at this baby Oh see that day that's where I had that little bit of a mound where the the coaster the mold wasn't sitting exactly flat that's okay alright oh look it's a little bit transparent you guys yeah yeah yeah yeah there just got a ever so slight touch of gold coming through there I've got a little bit of sanding to do it's really not bad is it so I'll just probably use this some nail file or emery board and just um sand those little edges there because there's really not much to it all right let's look at the back shall we ah there's more more white on the back now look at this area here see how it's a little bit thinner there that's where that piece was going up if I sell these maybe I'll just sell a set of four and not sell this one huh I guess I could fill that now it won't bother but yeah look at that much prefer the front I must say because we've got all this beautiful effect there I have bought from eBay those little rubber bumpers to put on the back I probably put four in the back of that and then that will definitely be the back so that's that one done I'm up there alright I better get a riddle on hey otherwise you guys going come on hurry up woman all right let's go go a little bit faster with this one now that I know that there should pop out really easily aren't so impressed with my little silicone making little silicone mold making effort are the other thing I didn't show you but um when I made my next coaster set after this one I added a little bit of extra resin and because these won't fall to the top I just put a clear coat over the top because there was a few little pieces of gold that were poking through [Music] hope that's coops knocking the camera up that's some focusing it's a little bit of a sharp end there just to file off but not very bad I love these I reckon these are my favourites yet you guys whoops favorites yet I do like doing you know the dark coasters but I just think that these light ones with the slight transparency are just so elegant and delicate and pretty you know girly so I think I'll probably I will I'll do more of these and I could actually make them a little bit thicker but it's alright isn't it such too bad ah this one's really pretty this one must have had more gold in it you know that sandy creamy color I was making trying to make so this one's got a little bit more of it in in it so it's got a little bit more effect there happening go on focus he says I don't know if I'm looking at the front one or the back one it's a problem with having the other coasters in the background love this one oh my gosh oh it's got much more white on the back prefer this side definitely prefer this side not sure what that ring is they're just part of the effects or it could be maybe my base coat and I'm still really really really really really new to resin maybe in my original layer wasn't dry enough before I poured on the second coat the clear coat so it's kind of left a little where it poured the puddle on and then it spread it might have left a little mark there I mean I did tilt them around to get the coat to cover so I don't know whether it's that or whether it's just part of the effects it's probably that but lesson learned wait until the first coats dry before you put your top coat on so yeah still learning with every rosin pour what do you think I think I am I think I am I think I am all right here we go another one just like the other one now what do you think of the shapes that I've made look I could just come out so easily I have ordered you know costo molds from got some from just Amazon and some from just for you online uk but it's probably been three or four weeks I haven't arrived yet everything's just taking so long that's why I thought I need to make my own and these were really cheap to make oh I used the the cheaper I didn't video it because you know you've already seen me making these cute little effect around there I didn't video it but I did use the tip of silicone sort of 16 dollars at you this one was only six dollars a tube so it makes a big difference in costings here we go now this one hasn't got much of the gold down here oh my gosh oh look at them love them I'm gonna make these again for sure but what do you think I'm getting but I'm getting the sidetrack I'm so excited I can't stop talking I'm just babbling now what do you think of my shape my am i coaster shape I like it see the previous one was a little bit too like wobbly I guess and I really really like that gold leaf in the middle I can't believe I only just bought gold leaf could these effects and I've got some silver as well so I want to do some a pale blue like a baby blue I really want to do some of these pale ones with a bit of transparency so you're gonna be seeing a few of those coming through last one nearly done you guys sorry taking me a while but it's the first time I've seen them out so I'm just excited and they pop off nicely really easy and I can use those again and again look at that oh my gosh sorry pretty so it's going to take me a little while to know file all the little edges they're not too bad really really not too bad because I smooth them with my finger dipped in the soapy water with the when I was making the mold so the edges are pretty smooth and if there is a bit of a rough look it just looks it just adds to the natural look of it doesn't that oh so pretty all right so that's them let's have a little peek at them bring them a little bit closer and I haven't decided yet if I want to use my gold krylon leafing pin or whether or not I might use the the model master there's a lot of edges to do and it'll probably probably use up the whole pen just doing this set or maybe not but this is expensive spent $26 this certainly wasn't that maybe five or six dollars made by testers so anyway I'm gonna send these and I'll take some nice photos and yes stay tuned for the finished product see you soon good morning everybody as you can see I've done the edging on most of my posters I've left half of this one deciphered show you what I was doing cause I thought maybe you'd be interested so I have used this krylon 18k I'm just trying to pick it up for you gold leafing pen really really easy to use you just have to give them a really good shake when you get it it'll have a white nib I can focus it yeah it'll it'll be white and you have to kind of push it and um get the ink to come down so that's it there right let's get started now I've got a glove in this hand because I'm holding the coaster and I don't want to get any fingerprints on it because it was only done well I poured the top coat on yesterday and then I did the pour the day before that so it's looking really pretty I love it I actually really really like my edges they're not they're not as straight and flat as you know abort I wanted to focus a but coaster mold you know they've got that little indentation here and there and I've just think that's really nice so just have to push on your pen like that to get it started and then it's just a matter of coloring in go along your edges make sure that you're holding it like that so you're not sort of touching wet paint a few gloves this some gold is just gorgeous I think it's my favorite it's probably the most expensive way to do it because these pens are well Illustrated about $26 but well it's a beautiful gold and it's so easy to apply if you just just coloring it in oh my gosh why won't you focus it's looking at those ones in the background saying I think I'll focus on you rather than the foreground anyway let's just get this done and then I'm going to yes it's lucky I do that and it looks at the background ones I'll have to keep it here trials of video and I'm sorry I'll finish this and then I'll set up a little photo shoot so that you can see the finished product so once you've done your edges you need to do your your top rim well I prefer to anyway work out which is going to be in the top and which is going to be in the bottom if you want both sides to be used you might want to paint the top rim as well as the bottom rim but in this case I mean it's pretty but it's not as pretty is that there's a hair attached to MIT it's not even one of mine blonde here all right so that's that's the side gun now the next thing we're going to do is very carefully just put your nib of the pen half on so if I can show you half on and half off like that see and then you just follow that little raised area and trying to do it while I'm watching through the screen as well as watching what I'm doing we've lost it again now don't like the rim to be very thick actually don't like that word rim don't like the edge the top edge to be very thick it's no funny we have words that we just don't like hey that's one of them follow that top edge around it's pretty easy to do much easier than trying to use a paintbrush for instance to go around that that top section just takes a bit of practice you know you'll get there once you start it's just a pretty fast just to keep going and just have to keep turning it and I think that one is done oops there we go really pretty just a little bit of gold on the edge there like that hey it's gorgeous so mmm and then I just put them down on my tray they're too dry it's just got some non-stick baking paper on it which lid back on and let them dry like that and then I'll see you soon for the finished product you
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 139,240
Rating: 4.9276104 out of 5
Keywords: #resincoasters, #geoderesincoasters, #whiteandgoldresincoasters, #goldresincoasters, #goldgeoderesincoasters
Id: Pu3ZO2lrepo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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