#914 Gorgeous Purple And Gold Geode Shaped Resin Coasters

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[Music] [Music] g'day guys welcome back i'm gonna do six coasters for you today and i'm gonna do them in purple and i do a gold edge and some gold flakes in the middle so that's the plan today i am using stone coat countertops art coat in this pore and i made it up already it's in my jug there ready to go and i'm just rolling my sleeves up and then i'm gonna put my gloves on um what did i mix up i have made 500 grams of resin so that should be plenty for six coasters i've gone ahead with my piece of masking tape and i've covered the whole thing with this i've done all of them to get any little bits of dust and fluff and things out uh so purples i've got this dark purple by lorett's it's called deep purple and it sure is a deep purple look at that amazing so there's that one around the outside and then to contrast that one i thought i'd use this pale purple that one's called violet and it's by artie sue so that's that one and then i'm going to put some purple tint i may mix a little bit of magenta into it as well and then i've got a darker purple as well pretty hard i just didn't want to put these two next to each other i just wasn't sure i thought maybe that clash so i've gone with the darkest and the lightest and then i'll put that one there that one's for my clear and then i've got my gold flakes so that's what i'm going to do whoa look at them flying everywhere actually i might put some of those in the cup now before i put my gloves on because it's much easier to do and make sure that they're all separated see they come in leaves make sure they're separated before they go in otherwise you get clumps and you won't be able to break them up so see how they're all sticking to each other you think maybe there's only one there but there's a few it takes a bit of time just break them all up or separate them i should say well now it's stuck oh no oh no now i'm in trouble i have to get that out um how much do i need i don't think i need too much let's leave it at that because it's only a little bit for the center um depending on how it goes i may do a flood coat later with a little bit of gold in the middle but uh we'll see see what happens come out of there you it's not time to play yet oh my gosh oh it's stuck you guys hang on i'm gonna need a bit of a baby wipe will that do oh oh hang on here we go gee that's hard to get out i've never spilled any in there before okay gotta give it a good wipe right let's get to this let me get my gloves on this is my homemade mold that i made i love it i'm waiting for some more silicone rubber to come in i'm going to make another one because it's homemade and it's not quite perfect it's kind of got a little bit of a it's not flat on the bottom so when you put your coaster down it kind of wobbles a little bit so i'm going to try again right let's get going i'm going to put a nice big heap teaspoon of that in there in my first cup and give that a wipe okay use my spoon again you can go there actually and then a big heap teaspoon i don't think these arty sue pigments pigment powders are as strong as some of the other brands i find i have to use more so that can go there wipe my spoon again nice big spoonful i have these colors work nicely together i hope so um you're the gold you're the clear i have my cups all so all sorted you see i've got another cup for my ink hang on let me grab another cup i thought i was organized but apparently i wasn't that's for the clear that's for that this is for the ink okay this is a tint this is a um a tint that um susanna from lores expressions sent me um i'm still a bit unsure about what a tint is i don't know whether it's an alcohol ink like whether it's got alcohol in it or not i'm not really sure i must ask okay so i'm gonna put a little bit of resin in first just to cover those pigments so that when i stir them they don't fly all over the place and then i'll top them up later that's just the clear and a little bit of clear in with my gold and some clear for my ink okay and the rest of it's i can just sit there for a minute okay i'm going to stir these um and i'll come back to you let's have a look and see how much of this we're gonna need one two three that's the purple i'll give that a stir because then you can see see it doesn't act like an ink just kind of well that's a pretty color i don't think i'm going to need the magenta at all because that's a lovely pinky purple i wanted to put a little bit more of a pinky sort of a tone into it rather than just all the same shades of purple so i don't need that haha you can sit over there so that was three drops i don't think i want anymore it's quite transparent all right i'm going to mix these that's going to take me a few minutes and then i'll come back to you don't go anywhere all mixed up love this look at that i've got some different shades of purples here and hopefully they will work nicely together so let's get started this dark purple my cup's getting hot um it's dark purple around the edge first whoops i'm going over the edge i'm going to make sure i've got enough because sometimes i use too much in the first few and then i don't have enough left so that one's got quite a lot in hopefully i've got enough i've been wanting to do a purple one and i've been wanting to do a green one as well green coasters i just don't have a really gorgeous dark green mica i've got a lovely dark paste but not a mica powder you can see what i mean about my the bottom of my coasters not being flat i see how they they wanting to come into the center but you know there's my my first time really so i i'm learning as i go i think what i did was when i did my blanks uh when i sanded them instead of sanding them like flat i kind of took the edges off when i was sanding and that's that's a bit of a no-no because then obviously they don't have flat bottoms flat bottom girls you make the rock and world go around um no flat bottoms of my blanks right i'm going to push you all into the corner if you can have corners but i'm just going to push it all into the edges there make sure that they're all covered because if they're kind of touching the edge there then they're unlikely to to want to flow out because they'll grab the sides so i'm just going to push all that in and then i'm going to start doing puddles i just like the way the the puddles push all the other resins around it kind of makes it all equal rather than me trying to put a circle around a circle around a circle i just put it in the middle and then the next puddle pushes it all out kind of like a ring pour hey when i do the acrylic pouring similar to that okay i think that's that's it's all right this one's probably got a little bit too much maybe you can share okay i don't think that's going to really matter right next color is this lighter shade of purple it's gorgeous it's called violet just put them up here so that you can see them and they're trying to roll away from me don't know that you can buy the arty sue anymore because she's she closed her business down so i don't know if if you can whether anybody else was still selling them but i got a lot on special as did quite a few other people now i forgot to put my sticks underneath here i need two sticks i need one here under there and i need one under here like so oh look at that look what it's doing already you guys this one's really not straight oh my gosh maybe just needs more do you need more are you just not straight did i really do badly when i made that blank i'm not going to scrape these because they've got wax on the inside and i don't want the wax coming out into my pore right now um i did end up adding it was a bit pink i didn't want to so i've added some alcohol ink i added the blue violet because i don't know if the tint is an actual alcohol and i just want i know that the alcohol itself makes a really nice effect so i wanted to have something alcohol in there right let's go puddle again look at that isn't that pretty now you need to push out please let's make sure i've got enough to go around so did i tell you about the cups they're um four ounces 120 mils they hold i'm hoping that that light purple doesn't get eaten up by the dark purple i'm hoping but you just don't know you know until you give it a go you're not not sure what it's going to do but um i really wanted that light purple to shine through now this one is looking a little bit more of a blue purple we're just gonna have all these different shades of purple in here and hopefully they will all look pretty together so back in the middle on top of the alcohol ink goes our next purple push everything out don't get too full yet i haven't finished with you i just think having um markers and pigment paste haven't got any pigment paste in this one but micas pigment pastes um alcohol inks clear resin they just all work really nicely together and give you really pretty effects so again that one's finished but i'm not going to scrape it stuck my cups up um now clear i'm just gonna get another baby wipe on hand some clear that um dark color is it's like a grape isn't it it's like a grapey color right clear into the middle and getting fuller little circles moving was in the center it's moved a little bit now top that cup up with some more clear a little bit left okay how are we looking um this one's i might need to put another stick under this side it's fuller over here than it is down there oh let's see move you out of the way for a minute and see if i can get another stick to sit on top of that stick i should just straighten my table shouldn't i i did i did try to straighten my table level it okay now let's do the gold now i always i always um i never put enough clear in and then i have to put more clear on top of my gold and it blows it all away so i thought i won't do that this time i'll fill them up almost to the top oh look at this almost almost done a little bit of clear left okay now let's torch and then i'll put the gold in and i'll put a little bit more clear over the top just to kind of push that gold down a little bit otherwise it can sort of poke through the top all right i'll give it another torch in a minute clean up my mess as i go if i clean the drops of um resin off my baking paper then i get to use it again you see oh that's looking pretty that dark color this one deep purple it has has taken over a little bit so far but we'll see what happens i do like my edges to be dark because i think they look really pretty with the gold next to them now i need to just take just take a level spoon so i want to make sure i've got enough to go around don't want anybody to miss out try and get them equal anyway but see how it kind of mounds in the middle there so that's why i always think i need to add just a little bit of clear just to push them all back down again you didn't get that much did you okay tiny little bit left that's okay i'm not gonna i'm not gonna put any more on now very very gently just put a little bit of clear on just to kind of make sure that all that gold is flattened down just disperses it ever so slightly pokes it down so that we don't have any sticking up if you're going to put a clear coat on then you know it doesn't matter if there's a little tiny bit sticking up but these are full already so my moulds are full so i won't be putting any more on top it's looking really pretty i always just wish you know that the top wouldn't close in over the top of my gold but it pretty much always does but see that's when this is what i should do i should only fill them three quarters of the way and then tomorrow that's when i put my gold leaf on and another flood coat see that would make sense otherwise my goal is always going to get covered but you know i'm too i'm too um impatient i just want to get it all done now i don't want to wait for tomorrow to do another coat that's my problem but i should because see how it's all all closing in and you lose you kind of lose the gold because the the top covers in over the top of it just filling these up nice and full so that i don't get a lip that i have to sand you're very full i won't do any more on you you're very full you could have a little bit more yes you can and i think that is done and i haven't uh look i've got a tiny little bit of clear left i'll put that in my um pyramid mold i started a new one for those of you that haven't seen my pyramid mold my first one i'll torch and i'll get my gloves off and i'll show you my first pyramid mold but yeah it's been demolded now so i've started my second one and i think i've got three layers in there i've got a little bit of clear left so i'm gonna put a little bit of clear on the top oh my gosh you guys i'm liking these i am i wasn't quite sure to begin with because i thought that dark purple is going to take over but look at the little bits of light the light purple there so i i'm hopeful that um it's going to work all right that's enough torching i can see a little bit of gold poking through there and there's some bubbles right in the middle i don't think i've touched right in the middle i kind of go all the way around the outside what are you smoking for it must have got a little bit of gold all right so there's a tiny bit of gold that's kind of poking through don't want to disrupt my striations i'm getting striations you guys but look i how much better would it have been if i'd done three quarters full um and then come back tomorrow and done the flat coat with the gold okay i must do that remember to remind me i must do that i keep saying i'm going to and then i get carried away you know because i make up the right amount of resin to fill these but i should make three quarters make enough just to do three quarters and then um come back the next day and do the flat coat with the gold i'll try and remember to do that i might even redo this color because i love these all right let me get my gloves off um i didn't put my wrist bands on i think that every time i put them on they make me itch so i put a barrier cream on first and then put my gloves on so i'll show you this pyramid for those that haven't seen my pyramid that's it there and um i've got another one that i've started and it has got um it's got gold in the bottom that's that's it there it's got gold in the bottom and then i think it's got clear and then it's got some purple but um i've got some i've taken my gloves off now i'll have to be careful got a little bit of clear left so just i don't want to waste it so we'll just pour it in there i think it's actually really pretty if you have a color and then a clear and a color and then maybe some gold or silver and and then you know a little bit more clear so if you don't already have something like this it doesn't have to be a pyramid you could have any design the spheres look really nice or maybe just a box like a square um and then you just pour your your leftovers into it and then when you're done you've got a gorgeous little creation as well um i've just spilt a bit on the side let me clean that off all right let's take you down for a close-up of these oh my gosh you guys i'm loving them the longer they sit there the more i'm loving them i am so pretty wow all right um now let me see i'll turn that off how's that look it's just so hard for me to photograph them with my ring light on it's a pain so i'll just turn it off for the close-ups anyway okay right look at that wow a little hint of that um pale purple like lilac and still see the gold and that hint of the um the tint it was kind of like a pinky pinky purpley magenta it's given the whole thing a really pretty tinge what's going on around the side there hey what are you guys doing what you doing is that light color going to pop up from underneath it might sometimes it does that you know you think you're going to have a dark edge but um the dark gets pushed over the top and then the light color comes up from underneath somehow i don't know how it does it but it does it it looks as if it might be doing that look oh well that's what my navy and white coasters did do you remember that had those little white tinges coming through on the edges so there we go that's them um i'll be coming in back and checking on these every 10 minutes to see what they do but so far i'm loving it let's just hope it stays like that but definitely definitely i need to start start doing um my flood coats so that i can see the gold look maybe i still can maybe i can i can just do a really really thin one maybe i will maybe i'll do that depends how much of this gold gets lost because there's no point putting the gold in if you're not going to see it all right i'll stop going on about it i'll try and remember to do it next time all right i'll see you tomorrow for the unmolding see you soon okay guys i decided i am going to do a flood coat it's the next day i'll take my little lid off a draw from a two set like plastic drawer thing and the drawers are great they cover it really well so this is how they look the next day they are set and what i'm going to do is i've got these plastic spoons and i thought i'll because you never know how much to pour but i might try see how much i can hold in a plastic spoon it might be a little bit too big i've got my resin you know in some warm water because i want to keep it nice and soft uh thin i guess so it flows easily i don't want it to be thick so that's for that i'm going to put a little bit of gold in here i mean the coasters look amazing but i just wanted more bling you know so we'll just put a little bit in and i'm going to have to be really careful that um it's not going to be like poking up through the top because i'm only going to put a very very thin layer of resin on so i think it'll just be a tiny bit of gold in the middle of each i mean you can still see the gold through the bottom don't get me wrong there but i just want a little bit more on the top so i'm going to put just a tiny bit in can you see on the side there or if i cut you off oh no you can see that's all right okay so let's just do a little bit of resin you can be really careful if you're in a water bath not you personally but make sure that you dry the bottom because if you get any drips of water in your resin that will not be good so dry the bottom of your cup before you go lifting it over anything important all right let's see how we go with this stir that up i only want tiny little pieces i don't want them to be too big and chunky because then i'll probably have more of a chance of them sticking out through the top if they're too big so let's try and break them up a little bit more i made up what did i do 80 grams 80 grams of resin so hopefully that will work so what i'm going to do is i'm going to flood them first because if i put the gold on first and then flood them it's just going to spread everywhere so i'll flood them first um and then put the gold on and see how that goes all right i'm not sure how much actually i better make sure they're clean give them all a blow all right so that's i don't know if that's too much or not that's a whole teaspoon oh yep that works all right let's put a whole teaspoon on each it's a big well no it's not actually a teaspoon it's more of a dessert spoon it's just a plastic spoon actually i might spread that i had a automatic inclination to pick it up and tilt it as if it was one of my acrylic paws to spread it oh dear hopefully um i'll have just enough room in my mold to allow for this because it's they're pretty full but look i'm only adding um probably two mil one mil two mil of resin millimeters so i'm just pushing that up i can feel the edge there pushing it up to the edge so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do this on all of them and i'm going to fast forward you because you don't need to see that and then i'll come back once i've spread them all out and we'll put the gold on okay so i'll be back in a sec okay my flat coat is done um on a few of them i actually just used my palette knot and pushed the resin right over the top and then just wiped it off if it ran over the mold over the edge of the mold so hopefully i've got it well covered so now i'm going to torch and then we'll add the gold in get rid of all those bubbles can see the bubbles popping i'm not sure if you can see them from up there but they are popping madly so lesson learned i've learned a big lesson on this fill your coasters three quarters of the way up leave a little bit of space on the top for your flat coat it makes it so much easier when your resin doesn't flow over the top of your mold which it was doing because i was trying to cover everything really well now let's hope i've got enough room to put a little bit of this on [Music] and i'm not going to pour any more resin over the top i think just a little bit of heat should be enough just to kind of spread that bit of gold how's it looking it's so pretty this is what i needed to do oh no i spilt i'm just saying to myself don't spill anywhere else there we go it's easy to put back though that is exactly what i wanted you guys exactly now are they all about equal you've still got a bit of a fly away piece it looks really 3d now you could just do it a little bit more see how it's kind of flowing out anyway on its own so that's okay it's kind of spreading on its own so i really don't need to do much at all to it i'm just going to hit it with a little bit of heat separate that a bit i don't want any big chunks sticking out are they are they looking even i want to put too much on but i want them to be all kind of even ish all right look don't nope nope i'll get carried away and then they end up with too much i want a little bit in the middle okay this is looking good you guys are looking good now i'll just heat them another little bit of a torch and hopefully that heat there is just enough to kind of move them i have got a tiny tiny little bit of resin left if i need to see this one's poking up a little bit which is a bit of a problem a tiny bit of resin left i wonder if i can just see if you do that then it it flows again it starts flowing i don't really want it to do that but i do want to just cover these little bits of gold that are sticking up so i was going to do it really gently and look if there's a few little pieces sticking up then is it really going to matter too much i don't know maybe it will i don't know depends on the buyer like if someone buys these you know that you can get really pedantic buyers who want it absolutely smooth and then there's others that go look it's homemade you know it's not going to be perfect as if it would be if it was shop you know um mass produced i guess so i will try and get it as flat as i can this extra resin is pushing the gold down a little bit but i just don't want it to push out too far so anyway there we go i'll probably have a little bit more of a play and a fiddle and make sure that everything's poked down but um oh loving that you guys i'm going to do this in future like with the gold leaf i'm just going to fill them three quarters as i said and do a flood coat and um i'm gonna be much more happy with them i think turn that bright light off and then i can take you down they do look very dark from up here but they're they're really not they're not that dark let me just focus you oh that light the camera sees the the white light and wants to focus on it now through the camera they do look a little bit more um maybe bronze ish but they're they are purple they look lighter through the screen but look at the gold it's just finished it off beautifully hasn't it yeah they just look a bit dark i look lighter through my my screen do what they actually are we've got beautiful striations there very happy with that bit of gold on the top there and they haven't moved or changed a lot since you saw them yesterday when i poured them so but you can see that's that's the color the darker color it's only when you kind of zoom in that my camera sort of makes them a little bit lighter but they're they're not that they're that color all right i'll see you tomorrow we'll have to wait another 24 hours now um to demold them because i've done the flat coat i'm loving them you guys i love them i love them i love them all right we'll see you for the unmolding tomorrow okay stay tuned i'm back i'm so excited about these i've got to tell you i think maybe they are my favorites my new favorites wow so glad i put that um top coat on the flood coat so let's get them out and i'm sure they're going to need a little bit of a sanding because i did add so much of the the flood coat so actually they feel quite smooth on the edge there and say oh there's a tiny little lip there see that one there that's where um a little bit of the flood coat just went over the top and there so a tiny bit of sanding to do but it's not enough to get the dremel out i'll just use my um my emory board me know my nail file i'll just file those so yep happy with that one it's gorgeous where can i show you that i don't get a reflection it's so hard to take photos of shiny things we'll have a look at the back um i haven't actually found oh actually no there was only one i was going to say i haven't found a coaster that i did that actually preferred the back but the copper one i did prefer the back but usually for me anyway i find that um i much prefer the front and all those little bubbles that it had under there you can't pop those can you no because they're stuck underneath so yeah not interested in the back but look at that amazing all right anyway let's get these babies out and then i can go and sit outside and do a bit of sanding and then i'll show you the finished product i'll show you the back but it's it's not much chop hardly even look worth looking at isn't it but they come out really well so there's another little tiny bit that i'm going to have to sand oh so pretty what's that a little tiny bubble little bubble i'll sand that so pretty i got the beautiful striations look at that gold sitting on top so glad i did that flood coat i love my new mold i'll be making a new one soon i'm just waiting for more silicone to arrive in the mail hopefully i can do it tomorrow that one's got a little bit more of the lighter purple in it these are going to be amazing when the gold's on the edges just amazing so they're a tiny bit thick for my liking i don't like them quite that thick so my next mold will be not quite as deep as that but beautiful shiny surface look at that you know how i was worried that the gold flakes might stick out it's just perfect another tiny little lip there as well to be filed but really not much at all to be sanded alrighty there they are and i'll paint the edges and i'll show you the finished product very soon don't go anywhere hey guys i thought i'd just show you my process of painting the edges so i've put my little bumpers on the back i like to do four i think if you do three it might sort of tilt so that's the back we're not going to see the back so they're on there and then i can just put it there and then paint around the edges so that's what the sheet of little bumpers looks like you can get different sizes and different thicknesses i don't like them to be too thick i try to get them as flat as possible so that's that's them there what i'm using to paint the edges in today is the gold in the model master it's made by testers but we can't get testers in australia so using the model master and i just put a little bit in the lid look at that it's like liquid gold let's put a little bit in the lid it just makes it easier to then dip i'm just using this pen as i always do i just dip it into there can you see in the background and then basically just paint the edges and struggle with the focus so i'm not going to do the whole thing this um model master paint it's an enamel and it's used for um like model cars and things like that so it stays on really well because it is an enamel but if you make a mistake it's pretty hard to get off you have to well i use acetone i don't know if you can use anything else but you know acetone nail polish remover but it is it's very very shiny um gold like and it goes on really well and then once i've done that dip again and then just do the very edge so with your little nib of your pen half on half off the top and just go around like that and then you have a lovely edge and you've got the rock look on my coasters anyway get that rock look so i'm going to continue doing these finish them off and i'll show you the finished product shortly so so you
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 159,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #resincoasters, #geoderesincoasters, #purpleresincoasters, #purplegeodecoasters, #purpleandgoldresincoasters
Id: 0LmtDjQwnHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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