85 Riddles for Your Daily Dose of Detective Training

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look at the picture attentively can you say who didn't help to build the doghouse yup it's the man on the right he's holding a brick but the dog house is made of wood Sarah was a popular guitar player in a rock band on Friday the band was going to have a big gig Sarah's bandmates were waiting for her but the girl was very late eventually she did show up but it wasn't Sarah it was her twin sister Alice she was envious of Sarah so she locked her sister in a room took her clothes and the guitar and pretended to be a band member but as soon as the musicians saw fake Sarah they immediately knew she wasn't their bandmate how did they understand look at how long the girl's nails are but you need to have short nails to play the guitar a man came to a fruit market to sell watermelons after he sold half of them and half of a watermelon he saw he had one watermelon left how many watermelons did he bring to the market foreign he came there with three watermelons Cheryl ran into the house extremely worried I set off as soon as I heard the news she told the police officer I was at my parents house in another town I left a week ago and was supposed to stay there for at least 10 more days what's happened to my husband somebody hit Mr Brown on the head he was taken to a hospital but he's going to be okay I've been questioning the suspects Mr Brown's secretary said he sent me to his business partner earlier in the morning some important documents needed signatures the cook said I haven't left the kitchen today Mr Brown wanted me to prepare a meal for the whole family the housekeeper said I didn't hear anything I was doing some household chores all day long after that I was so tired I decided to take a nap the detective realized who the culprit was in no time who was it it was the cook Mrs Brown's wife was out of town there was no need to cook a lot all day long Olivia was running a marathon right before the Finish Line she did her best and outran the person who was running in second place the woman was happy she was going to win but in a few seconds she got very disappointed why foreign [Music] was in second place she was faster than the person in the second place but not the first look at this image attentively can you guess which person is a ghost look at the woman on the right she has no legs and is just floating through the air Amanda loved dogs very much one day she was walking in the park and saw a lovely Corgi the dog was friendly and Amanda even petted the animal soon the pooch's owner appeared and the girl asked him how old the dog was well in two years Luna will be twice as old as she was five years ago Amanda nodded and continued her walk and did you understand how old the dog was oh Luna is 12 years old Liza worked as a teaching assistant at a college that day she had to look after a group of students who were writing an exam Lisa knew some of them were going to cheat and indeed soon after the exam started the girl spotted one person who was cheating who was it [Music] it's the guy in the back of the classroom he's got the answers written on his arm Jacob wakes up locked in a basement he has no idea how it happened or who is behind this near his bed he finds a note two plus two equals fish three plus three equals eight seven plus seven equals triangle explain this and you'll be free can you help Jacob get out of the basement [Music] all right stack the first number and the second one that is flipped backwards and you'll get a fish number eight and a triangle two guards were looking in different directions one had to make sure there was no danger coming from the West the other was turned toward the east at one point one of the guards asked the other why are you smiling but how could he know his companion was smiling [Music] the men were indeed looking in the opposite directions but they weren't standing back to back they were facing each other Brian was walking down the stairs when his foot slipped and he tumbled when the guy came to his senses he discovered he was mostly unharmed but he couldn't remember anything suddenly two women entered the house they looked exactly the same when they found out what had happened each of them started to claim Brian was her husband can you help the guy understand which one is his real wife it's Rachel she has a tattoo on the same arm as the girl in the wedding photo Oliver was sailing his yacht when a storm started the yacht sank in the middle of the ocean after swimming for hours the guy finally reached a deserted island he saw several men there they told Oliver they would keep him blocked in one of the caves on the island Oliver agreed but asked them to Grant him One Last Wish when he told the man what this wish was they set him free why [Music] he said I want the smartest of you to lock me there oh by the way you get extra points if you caught my error in the description an island with several men on it is not deserted one of Kenneth's professors at University had an unconventional way of grading his students on Wednesday Kenneth and his friends had to write a test but their professor gave each of them a picture you need to figure out how many people there are in this image those of you who will come up with the correct answer won't need to write the test can you help Kenneth figure out the right number of people [Music] there are six people in the picture five of them are visitors and one more person is looking through a people in the painting on the right Emily was walking in the park when she saw two teenagers sitting on a bench they were arguing who should pay for riding an electric scooter each of them claimed it was the other one who used the scooter Emily didn't need much time to understand who had to pay can you figure it out too foreign look at the footprints the girl was the one to ride the electric scooter Dennis is taking part in a competition if his last answer is correct he'll get a prize an expensive watch but first he needs to figure out which of these two watches is real and which is just a toy the watch on the left is a toy look at its minute hand it's too long and won't be able to pass all the way around the watch face Mr and Mrs Anderson wanted to celebrate their wedding anniversary they were going to organize an extravagant party and invite hundreds of guests but Mrs Anderson was worried about all the expensive stuff they had at their Villa the couple decided to invite a detective to look after the guests and indeed in the middle of the party the detective noticed a thief look at the people gathered in the garden and try to spot the criminal it's the guy on the left he's trying to steal a woman's bracelet look at the picture attentively what is the missing number [Music] [Music] it's four all these numbers indicate how many times the lines cross in each case there are 100 books on a shelf to count off 10 of them you'll need 10 seconds so how much time will you spend counting off 70 books [Music] just 30 seconds you need this time to count off 30 books and the rest will make 70. one morning Donna came to the office and found a box of chocolates on her desk there was also a strange note October 7th May 3rd August 1st January 3rd can you help Donna understand who presented her the sweets her secret admirer is Ryan those are not dates the number actually means the needed letter in the name of the month Mark was going to an important business meeting he was running a bit late that's why he was driving fast unfortunately the man got into a car accident both he and the other driver were okay but the cars were badly damaged Mark called the police when they arrived Mark explained the situation I was driving fast but I wasn't breaking any rules suddenly A car pulled out in front of me I didn't have enough time to break the other driver exclaimed this whole accident is your fault I was driving slowly talking to my wife about our weekend plans and then you appeared out of nowhere the police officers immediately understood who was responsible for the accident do you know it [Music] it was the other driver he was alone in his car it means he was talking to his wife on the phone which is illegal detective Mitchell was following a bank robber but after the criminal turned the corner he seemed to vanish Into Thin Air after wandering around for a while the detective came across a small park with a lake right on the shore there were several marble statues the man was about to pass by when something drew his attention he realized where the criminal was can you figure it out foreign is looking at its watch it's the bank robber James escaped from prison and ran to the countryside suddenly on a small dark Road he saw a police car heading in his Direction James ran toward the car for some time then jumped off the road and rushed into the woods why did he run toward the car first James was in the middle of a bridge when he saw the car he had to run toward the vehicle to get off of the bridge okay listen to me very carefully my friend here's the deal first to steal the diamond you need to get to a remote island it doesn't exist on any map and is forbidden for ordinary people to be there the diamond is in the heart of this place inside a well-guarded deep underground bunker it's impossible to get there through the main entrance but lucky you there's also a secret jail on the island you can get there as a prisoner and then Escape through the underground tunnel that tunnel will lead you into the bunker then you should find the diamond you'll have very little time for the whole operation when you're done a boat will be waiting for you in the southern part of the island do everything correctly and follow the plan and then you'll encounter no problems got it all right let's go you and other prisoners get into a helicopter and fly to the island you're handcuffed at one moment the helicopter begins to shame the pilot says you're falling he puts on a parachute and jumps out of the helicopter take a look around and decide what to do next faster you see the keys to your handcuffs hanging near the cabin then you get rid of the handcuffs the prisoners ask you to release them too but be careful these people are dangerous all three of them say they know how to fly a helicopter who will you believe that guy with a tattoo with a helicopter on his leg maybe he's a good pilot you remove his handcuffs and he admits he has lied none of these people knows how to fly a helicopter there's only one parachute left the prisoner pushes you to the side grabs the parachute and jumps out of the falling helicopter you decide to release the other prisoners too what will you do next jump without a parachute try to land the helicopter on your own the helicopters pilot abandoned the vehicle because the landing was impossible so you will not succeed either you need to jump you have been flying over the ocean remember also the helicopter is falling so the height isn't that great you jump into the water and swim toward the shore suddenly you notice a shark's fin it's quickly approaching you what are you gonna do a try to swim to the shore as fast as possible B don't swim anywhere and just float in the water see dive and start waving your hands to scare the shark away you need to stop if you start swimming away the shark will begin chasing you breathe in a lot of air and try not to make unnecessary movements the shark will leave soon but if it attacks you'll have to attack back its gills and eyes are the animal's weak spots fortunately the shark doesn't charge at you it swims away and you get to the shore safely the Island's guards are running out of the Jungle one of the prisoners who was with you in the helicopter is hiding in the bushes and invites you to join it where will you go let the guards catch you and take you to jail don't forget about your mission they dress you in a yellow shirt and Lead You Away you see many dangerous people you're sitting at the table having lunch there are three prisoners in front of you one of them is going to escape but who that man with a book a metal file serves him as a bookmark today he will also try to escape the underground tunnel leading from the prison to the bunker is located under the laundry room you need to get out of your cell and get there to do this you have to get the metal file and pick the lock everyone goes out into the courtyard for a walk you're following the man with the book he sits down on the bench and hides the book under the seat you need to distract him and get your hands on the book you can use a basketball dumbbells or playing cards what will you do [Music] offer to work out with the dumbbells or play cards but it would be difficult for you to get out of his sight start playing basketball throw the ball far away the prisoner will run after it meanwhile you'll take the book so you grab the book but find no file inside instead of this you find some money it seems this guy has sold the tool to one of the other prisoners you put the money in your pocket and look around the yard which of the prisoners can have the metal file that guy is pressing his fingers to the sleeve of his shirt apparently he's hiding the tool there you're about to approach him but one of the prisoners starts a fight the guards are trying to prevent a riot in all this chaos someone hit you on the head and you lose consciousness you wake up in a hospital Ward oh no you have almost no time left the doors are locked several security guards are walking around how can you get into the laundry room [Music] [Music] in the corner there's a huge cart with dirty laundry hide in there and they'll take you to where you need to go you hide among the dirty sheets the cleaner takes the card and transports you to the laundry room he throws the linen into the washing machine and notices you the cleaner is going to scream and call the guards what will you do foreign you have some money remember you can pay for a silence you move one of the washing machines and find a hatch under it you climb inside and walk through the tunnel it's very cold wet and dark here finally you reach a small room there are no windows and doors only brick walls what will you do you can't go back foreign among all these bricks there's one sticking out of the wall try to push it it worked a secret door opens and you step inside you go down and find yourself in front of another iron door you notice an oxygen tank with a mask lying nearby you open the door and find yourself in an airlock room between two iron doors one of the doors closes behind you all the oxygen gets pumped out you can't breathe so you put on the mask the second iron door opens and you go inside you see three tunnels the first tunnel is filled with moving axes blades and other traps high voltage electric discharges flicker in the second tunnel the third tunnel is burning with a bright flame one of the threats is an illusion which tunnel will you choose [Music] there's nowhere in the room which means fire can't burn here the flame is a hologram you move on and find yourself in front of a dark room it's so dark you can't see what's inside it seems to you that the diamond is there stop what is this diamond who gave you this Mission what are you doing here what's happening at this moment some unknown Force pushes you forward you step into the black void and fall you find yourself floating in outer space if so cold and scary here you feel tiny in the boundless Universe suddenly you see something shining is it a star or an asteroid a bright light illuminates the black space around you good job a heavy boy says you reach out your hand and Touch the Light at this moment at a great speed you start flying back through space and time you're falling fast and land in a dirty room frightened you get up and open the door yes sunlight you finally get out of the bunker and find yourself on the island there are two paths in front of you one leads to the South the other to the north which one will you choose [Music] the boat is supposed to be waiting for you in the South remember you go through the jungle and find an old car you start the engine and grab an MP3 player with headphones from the glove compartment you drive along the road listening to music when you realize the brakes don't work there are three ways ahead a brick wall is waiting for you at the end of the first row the second one leads to a swamp and the third leads to a high hill with a cliff where are you going to drive there's almost no time foreign up the hill car will start slowing down and soon you'll be able to get out of it once a prison guard accidentally overheard very disturbing rumors someone was planning a prison break the guard watched all the footage from the surveillance cameras and discovered that two women had been behaving suspiciously one of them was a former bodybuilder muscular with short hair and covered in tattoos the other was quiet and reserved she preferred to spend time on her own and sometimes cried in her cell after watching the video several times the guard figured out which woman was planning to escape can you do the same foreign it's the second prisoner there's a file in her bun she can use it to get through the metal bars Mark comes up to the table there are three apples but only one of them is safe to eat the other two are poisonous unfortunately Mark can't skip breakfast so which Apple should he eat look this apple has a caterpillar in it it means there's no poison in the fruit and it's safe to eat these three women Jessica Mary and Olivia went shopping two of them are pregnant and one is just trying to steal a watermelon can you tell which one is hiding a watermelon it's Olivia she's wearing heels it's not the kind of shoes a pregnant woman would choose to wear Nathan a successful entrepreneur with a multi-million dollar business and his friend Jackson a famous private detective returned from a long-term trip abroad they decided to stop by at Nathan's Villa on the way to the city when the men entered the house though they saw that everything more or less valuable had been taken away the entire Villa was a mess I've only been away for a month what happened here exclaimed Nathan Jackson took an apple from the dining room table and started to munch on it thoroughly the lock isn't broken it means the person who took your stuff had the key after a while the detective asked Nathan to invite three people Mia Nathan's niece told Jackson she hadn't visited her uncle's home she had been having serious problems with her car for already two months and the Villa was too far away from the city to get there by public transport Sarah the maid claimed that she had stopped by several weeks ago to bring some food and tidy up but since then she hadn't been to the Villa Adam The Gardener told the detective he had been on vacation and it just returned he even offered to show his plane tickets to Jackson the detective figured out immediately who was behind the mess you have eight seconds to figure it out thank you it was the maid she said she brought food several weeks ago but the Apple Jackson grabbed from the table was perfectly fresh once Ms White heard someone cry it was her little student Abigail the girl told the teacher her cookies had been disappearing from her locker someone had been taking them for already several weeks but Abigail didn't know who Ms White decided to help the girl they equipped the locker with a simple alarm that had to go off if someone who wasn't Abigail opened the door they hid behind the corner and began waiting in 10 minutes they heard the alarm when they reached the locker it was already empty and there was no one nearby but Ms White noticed somebody disappear behind the art room door she rushed inside but everything looked normal and still the teacher needed no more than a minute to understand who had been eating Abigail's cookies look at the picture of the art room carefully can you find out the answer within eight seconds it's the girl on the left her paintings black and white but there are only various shades of blue on her palette and maybe the cookie crumbs are a giveaway too I don't know one perfume company hires new staff they must swear an oath of loyalty to the company if they want to get a job 10 people are saying the words of the corporate oath simultaneously but some of them are cheating help the directors figure out who these people are [Music] [Music] this guy keeps his fingers crossed and the man on the left is standing with his legs crossed they won't be loyal to the company so the director doesn't hire them two influential medial Moguls are having lunch at an expensive restaurant they're discussing the merger of their companies the transaction amount is several billion dollars they're Whispering since the terms of this deal are top secret and they suspect that someone can hear them and they're right some Curious people are eavesdropping on the conversation between the two businessmen try to find them the girl at the next table is reading a newspaper that is turned upside down she's obviously trying to overhear what the billionaires are talking about this guy over there is listening to music but the headphone wire is not connected to anything another girl is sitting at the table in the corner with a cocktail but instead of an umbrella there's an antenna in her glass she's recording the conversation where are my employees a boss shouts he's Furious because three people haven't come to the office he calls each of them to find out the reason all three tell him they got ill the boss doesn't believe them so they have to arrive at the office Mary is wearing a warm jacket hat and scarf she sneezes coughs and looks sick Lori is walking on crutches her leg is in a cast sometime later Michael appears he's got a hand injury and now he can't type the boss is sure that one of them is faking who is it foreign [Music] but his phone is in his left pocket he must have used his broken arm to put it there which means he's pretending apparently he just didn't want to come to work ice will melt if you heat it but if you heat me I'll become solid what am I [Music] I'm an egg you buy this thing to eat but you never eat it what is it [Music] it's a plate Mia was going back home one evening it was 11 p.m and she had to cross a small dark park in front of her house suddenly she heard footsteps behind someone grabbed her bag and ran away the girl called the police and they questioned four suspects Jack said I was choosing an outfit for a party Camilla was getting ready for her final exam at home Andrew told the police he had been watching birds in the park Nora was at her yoga class after the interview the police understood who was behind the robbery can you foreign at 11 PM it's too dark to see birds are you ready for a new logical thinking and attention challenge then get your magnifying glass and let's go your first task is to help Santa which chimney is safe for him to use [Music] seems to be completely blocked so no oxygen probably flows through it might be dangerous look at the second chimney there's no snow on it which means that the fireplace is working at the moment Santa should choose the third chimney it's not fully blocked but there's some snow on it so there's no fire in the fireplace at the moment a man on a motorbike crashed into the window of Mr Ruby's store grabbed a dozen of expensive watches and drove away when the police arrived Mr Ruby told them that he was almost sure it had been his nephew Patrick the officers went to visit the guy because of a heavy downpour they got there in only an hour Patrick was at home together with his friend look at the weather I haven't been outside since yesterday Patrick's friend confirmed his words but the police didn't believe his story and arrested Patrick why [Music] the guy's helmet is hanging on his motorbike if it had been there since the previous day it would be filled with rainwater now one day a famous soccer coach went missing right from the changing room the police had three suspects and all of them were from the coach's team Brandon said that after the training he'd stayed on the pitch to practice a bit more he hadn't been to the changing room yet Andrew swore that after the training he had gone outside to meet his girlfriend and James claimed that when he'd been leaving the changing room the trainer had been there who is behind the disappearance [Music] it's Brandon he said he hadn't been to the changing room yet but he's wearing not his uniform but his street clothes [Music] on a summer night Emily threw a big party but in the morning she discovered that someone had stolen all her jewelry and money the police have three suspects Daniel Emily's boyfriend Lily her best friend and Hannah the girl's sister Daniel told the police that he'd been playing computer games with his friends all night long Lily felt sick and went home in the middle of the night and Hannah said that she'd stayed at the party until 7am and then taken a taxi it was too dark to walk home on her own and nobody could give her a lift do you know who's lying [Music] 7 A.M in the summer it's already light outside a wealthy businessman disappeared right from his house the detective who arrived to investigate the case found nothing unusual except for a mysterious note with 377 I3 written on it there are three suspects Eric Ellie and Colin help the detective to identify the criminal pepper is Ellie her name is the one coded in the note one day Santa got hungry so he decided to make a stop at the supermarket to get some food he didn't want to leave his gifts unattended but he also couldn't bring them inside so he left his bags near the entrance unfortunately after he paid for his purchases he discovered someone had taken the gifts can you help Santa find the Thief the third guy he's trying to hide the gifts he's stolen one kingdom was burned to ashes by a magic fire that was impossible to extinguish the only person who survived was the prince of the Kingdom he decided to travel to the land of witches to figure out who had destroyed his country [Music] there he met three witches gray brown and purple my kingdom was destroyed by witchcraft who did it the gray witch answered that at the moment of the attack she was on vacation in Africa the brown witch told the prince that she had just returned from India and the purple witch claimed that she could predict the future and heal people but she had no power to control fire can you figure out which witch is guilty it's the purple witch how did she know about the fire if the prince never mentioned it hello Mark was wandering through the forest trying to find a bus station suddenly he met a man who told him that he'd soon see a Crossroads there would be a post with several signboards the right one will lie the left one will tell the truth and indeed a bit later Mark saw this post the right sign said to the bus station and the left one read to the forest can you figure out where the station is so the right sign apparently locked and the left sign will lead mark back to the forest he should go straight and then he'll get to the station a married couple came back home and found Santa lying unconscious on the floor they called the police when police officers arrived they started interrogating the suspects those were the couple's kids their 17 year old daughter claimed she had been on the phone with her boyfriend while her parents had been away their twin Sons said that they'd gone to bed early to wake up early and unpack their presents and their youngest daughter answered that she'd wanted to surprise Santa so she'd been baking cookies for him look at all the suspects attentively and say who is guilty [Music] it must be the youngest girl look the cookies have been made with peanuts Santa must be allergic to these nuts you go to the supermarket and buy an egg and a chicken the total cost of your purchase is 108 coins but the chicken is 100 coins more expensive than the egg so how much does the egg cost foreign was to say eight coins but 100 minus eight doesn't give us the 100 coin difference the egg actually costs four coins Sophia disappeared right from her house and from a note found in the living room the police got to know that she had been kidnapped detective Peterson who came to investigate the case decided to question the woman's Neighbors Anthony told the police that he had worked the night shift when he came home he went straight to bed and was only woken up by the detective Ryan explained that he had planned to organize a barbecue party for all the neighbors but since it had been raining the whole day he had to cancel it Lauren said that she'd been downtown doing some shopping and had just come home the detective immediately realized who the liar was have you figured it out too [Music] or in life it had been raining all day long but there are no puddles under her car it means she hasn't been anywhere Emma got caught by a witch the Witch locked her in her hut and left Emma was starving she found three kinds of cookies help her figure out which cookies are safe to eat [Music] look at these sweets even though these black dots look like raisins they're actually little bugs these white chocolate cookies look delicious but what are those green stains oh no they must be poisoned Emma should opt for the cookies with chocolate chips how do you know that Santa is really good at karate because he has a black belt of course Molly and her colleague Mike were going home after work late at night suddenly they saw their boss Alina talking to bats they snuck in closer and hid behind a bush Elena looked like a vampire and laughed like a freak next morning Molly and Mike decided to check whether Alina was a human or a monster it was her birthday so they brought her two bouquets of flowers but Alina accepted only one of them this was when the guys learned for sure that Alina was a real vampire how did they know [Music] they had garlic in the second bouquet Elena invited all her colleagues to her birthday party Molly didn't want to come alone so she uploaded a dating app hoping to meet someone special here are several pictures of nice guys but one of them lives with his girlfriend can you tell who [Music] foreign it's this one there's a pair of high heels and a dress in his closet Alina asked Molly to arrive earlier to help her prepare for the party Molly was cooking snacks in the kitchen when she heard a scream she ran into Alina's room and saw her crying on the bed someone ruined her party dress while she was taking a shower Molly interrogated three suspects Kim the cleaning lady said it's not my job to take care of Alina's clothes I was cleaning the house all day Sam The Gardener said I've been hanging string lights and decorating the garden for the party I haven't even entered the house yet and Alina's sister Lily said I didn't touch it but anyways this dress didn't suit Alina at all purple is my color everyone in this family knows that so who ruined the dress Sam look the string lights are still in the box at the party Molly saw Mike with a mysterious lady the lady was wearing a hoodie and standing with her back turned to Molly so Molly couldn't see her face Mike and the lady hid from everyone in Alina's Library later that night Molly entered the library too but it was empty after checking the room Molly knew for sure which of these three ladies was Mike's secret girlfriend how did she know the second lady is wearing only one earring she lost the second one in Alina's library and Molly found it on the carpet Alina called the police early in the morning officers arrived at her place and questioned her she said my husband and I had a romantic dinner last night but at some point we had an argument then he felt sick at least he said so but I didn't believe him he always tends to exaggerate things so I slammed the door shut and left I came back home in the morning and saw him unconscious on the floor I don't know what happened to him the officers immediately arrested Alina why if the candles had been burning all night long they would have burned out by now Molly had a school friend her name was Sarah one day they went on a picnic with their families Sarah's mother was very eccentric she had pink hair and always wore glitter and she took her Pet iguana Tom everywhere she went she also has three daughters the oldest daughter's name was Monday and her middle daughter was called Tuesday can you guess her youngest daughter's name this is Sarah's mom so it's pretty obvious that our youngest daughter's name is Sarah right Rick had a job interview at the hospital he had been dreaming of becoming a vet all his life Molly liked his resume so she decided to test his logical thinking with one final riddle she gave him this list of months and asked just one question which month comes next can you help Rick out [Music] it's September the months on this list go from those with the least number of letters to those with the most groom the animals Molly hired a group of talented groomers two groomers can groom two animals in two hours in this case how many animals would four people groom in four hours [Music] your first instinct was probably to save four animals but in fact the correct answer is eight and it makes sense because four groomers would groom four animals in two hours and in four hours this number will double I'm something people love or hate I change people's appearances and thoughts if a person takes care of themselves I will go up even higher I can free some people to others I'm a mystery some people might want to try and hide me but I will still show no matter how hard people try I will never go down when am I have you guessed the correct answer is age one of these three people is Left-Handed can you guess who it's the waiter it's easier for lefties to hold a tray in their right hand and serve dishes and drinks with their left hand turns out that before leaving your detective friend gave your contacts to all his acquaintances and now one of them needs your help you arrive at his jewelry store a client came there several hours ago planning to buy an expensive diamond ring for his wife but someone stole his wallet right in the store the manager he was the one to call you asked all the visitors who were inside at that time to stay until your arrival you look at all these people attentively soon you know who took the wallet [Music] foreign [Music] it's the man in the middle he has a bandage on his right arm but it's wrapped over the sleeve of his jacket not hidden under it like a real bandage would be you knock on a sturdy Brown door while a woman with a bandage on her head stands next to you a man opens the door excuse me you say a pot plant fell out of your window an hour ago and hit this woman on her head I had to take her to the hospital she's okay now but you need to compensate this woman for the damage when we come in the man turns pale but lets you in it can't be true our windows were closed because we've just returned home I literally entered my apartment two minutes before you came you realize this man is lying and call the police how did you figure it out foreign you spotted a pan with boiling water in the kitchen if the man had indeed come home just a few minutes ago the water wouldn't have had enough time to start boiling now it's your friend who needs help she owns a grocery store a gust of wind blew a 100 bill out of her hands and the money seems to have vanished Into Thin Air your friend thinks it was one of the customers who took the bill but no one wants to admit stealing the money you ask all visitors to go to your friend's office when a woman speaks up it's incredible to be accused of theft here you can check my bags right now please just come with me to the office we'll figure it out there you say after the woman refuses to follow you you call the police why foreign the woman is standing on the 100 Bill if she follows you everyone will see the money the next morning rainy and gloomy you get your next case to investigate it you need to visit the office of a large International Company Rebecca the girl who called you works there she says I've just come back from brunch and discovered that someone had knocked our HR manager out just an hour ago you question the people who were in the office at that time Laura is an applicant she says she was a bit angry with the HR manager he made her wait well past her appointment time and still the girl says I would never hit another person I'm also too weak to do it Gary who works in the marketing department claims he hasn't seen the HR manager since he arrived at work he was in a meeting from the very morning till lunchtime Jacob from research and development tells you he rode his bike to a coffee shop to get his cappuccino he's just come back you immediately realize who hit the HR Manager it was Jacob both his bike and his clothes are dry and clean how is that possible if it's raining outside you leave Rebecca's office and hear your phone beeping you see a text with an address you don't know you drive there a man meets you at the door of a large building he's shaking when you enter a large Dark Hall you see two containers filled with transparent liquid two women are floating inside they look identical one of them is my wife but I can't figure out which one and I'm allowed to open only one container you walk around the women and examine them then you point at one of them that's your wife how did you figure it out the man's name is Mark it's written on his biker jacket his wife is the woman with the letter M tattooed on her arm your phone beeps again you look at it and see a message it's from your detective friend there's just one word on the screen help but that's already another story that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
Views: 184,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, Riddles, tricky riddles, puzzles, detective riddles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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