85 Of The World's Rarest Cars! [The Wilson Collection]

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Drool! I grew up driving Alfa Romeos. Dad had three and they were all here in this collection. the '57 Spider Veloche was our first. Then we got a '67 Spider Whaletail. There were only 750 of those ever made and our last one, that he gave to me, was a '72 GTV. Man what a collection.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/scheckydamon 📅︎︎ May 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] I will freely admit that this year I've visited some pretty amazing car collections but today today is different hello uh no our welcome to seeing through glass come to the Wilson collection in Florida I could spend six days in here with a BBC documentary crew and still not I mean I just wouldn't be able to summarize everything that's going on but anyway luckily the owner of the collection Larry Wilson has agreed to give me a walking tour talking me through each and every car so this is not going to be a quick video but I don't think it matters so sit back make sever tea or coffee get some popcorn and enjoy what I truly believe is potentially the rarest car collection in the world [Music] we have four major rooms in the collection this room houses German cars on one side British on the other we have another room for American cars another room for Italian cars and then a workshop okay yeah and so we'll start with the German cars and Mercedes this is a 6.3 Mercedes which is was the fastest four-door sedan and it's it's got a v8 engine out of the 6.3 stretch limousine the Adenauer limousine in a 300 body and this is a 72 to 80 se this is the last of the hand-built Mercedes this is a 1957 190 SL which was built by Mercedes from 55 to 63 this model and the interesting thing about it is the engine was designed by Ferdinand Porsche in 1924 when he worked for Mercedes and they pulled out the Brooklands when they started to build this car because I needed a four-cylinder engine and they thought that was appropriate and so they put in production from the 55 models and the stated production till 63 this is an Audi r8 and what I like about this car it's got a six-speed manual gated transmission which they now no longer mate because I hate past the emissions and fuel mileage requirements with with the manual cause a computer shifts so much better than a more efficient Lea than a human the vast majority of the cars in the collection are 1967 or prior because 1968 was the first year that the American government for car sold America putting restrictions about smog and other things but we have no cars from 1974 to 1992 because 1974 was the first year the US government dictated to car manufacturers a great deal of things about the car in terms of specifications to fuel emissions as safety requirements of five mile an hour bumpers so they had to have the rubber bumpers so in my opinion it took almost 20 years for the car manufacturers Porsche of others to be able to catch up with all the safety and emissions requirements and really focus on performance again and then these are all Porsches listen these are all 911s along this road they said gt3 this is the 1994 RS aw and we were racing it we're converting it back to a street car because they're racing for these cars is going away and so it's in a period which it's not really old enough to be a vintage racer but it's too new to be against the modern water water cool cars this is a 73 RSR Porsche in which we raced for many many years over 20 years we're now in the process of converting it back to street use it's just too valuable to race and I enjoy driving on the street so finishing up the street conversion kit it's amazing how volume has changed the car scene the car lock and said that it has valuable to race it is this is a seventy three RS the street version of this car which is the race car and it's a fab fabulous car enjoy drive it up this is one of 3372 SP 911 st Porsche this particular cut these were primarily from racing before the RS are and in rallying this happens to be a rally car and this got all the rally equipment in it this is a car we built out of a 67 911 Targa and I love the Porsche 550 spider she'll see one here and I thought this the Porsche should have built an on 11 spider they didn't so we did and so the the lids doors are fiberglass and done as a 911 or would have been was done with very lightweight components and it hopped up two liter engine and we built a fiberglass - that rose over like this spider spider type seats and doors no outside door handles lightweight lids and so it's our view of a 67 version of the 55 550 spider I can't least skip plaster the thing hanging about here yes this is 1967 910 the 910 was a limited production they built about 30 some of them race car as a follow-on to the 906 and 66 and this car raced in Europe as a factory race car originally and it was sold to some customers and I found it in California and brought it back and this handling is outstanding so it very well-balanced car and I would be very good looking is what is in my opinion my opinion 550 spider that was originally sold in France and we were able to went to Fort Lauderdale Florida and I was able to buy from the from the owner there and but it needed major restoration so we took it completely apart rebuilt the engine rebuilt all aspects of it back to factory original components this is a 1958 Porsche speedster Carrera this is a 59 GS GT which was the a series car but forces stopped building a series of cars in 58 but they built some of these for racing in America and had the four cam engine only this is a 2 liter 180 horsepower engine this is our version of the 804 Grand Prix race car that Dan Gurney others drove in 1962 for Porsche the only year Porsche participated Grand Prix and they won 1 Grand Prix Dan Gurney won the French Grand Prix they came close to winning an uber train but had a problem but it was the only time Porsche participating Grand Prix and the the original car looked exactly like this we spent close to 8 years building this car to get it very specific and there were three of them built for racing which are in museums and I've seen two of the three and one of them's in a private collection and then a fourth one is in the Porsche Museum was built after the race season sub-portion would have one to display and at their factory just a 53 C type Jaguar but this this car was quick but this car would do 185 down the Mulsanne straight the D Jaguar and the difference was it was the first car designed in a wind tunnel and so Queen lion had some British aviation engineers designed that what's the most wind efficient design that we can have and wind tunnel the other thing that's unique about this car it's a monocoque doesn't have a frame it was the first race car it was a monocoque without a frank body on frame and will continue on down here with some additional Jaguars this is a 1961 Mark 2 Jaguar being from London you may know this but it was the bank robbers took the 60s the kids didn't have cars fast enough like they finally got a budget to be able to buy some and be able to join cash people here this is a 67 grab a bt 29 for me to car and it raced in Europe and then was shipped here to West Palm Beach and so here and raced in America and I bought it maybe 20 years ago and I wasted a good bit and it's it's won a lot of races is amazed that beautiful now this actually I have a soft spot for this because I've always loved the hot austin-healey shape I don't know what it is and yep this was unusual also healy this is a 100 s which is billed 1955 they only believe built 50 of them Wow and the S stood for Sebring and they bought three of them to the dealer here in West Palm Beach and took them over to the CB race and some others also kicked loose again not this model but this model the S is the first production car with four-wheel disc rights and the body is all aluminum so very lightweight so everything is aluminum on the body and Harry Westlake a brilliant designer and the UK designed redesigned the head for the austin-healey four-cylinder engine in 55 and so the head it makes a big difference has got very large Weber carburetors carburetors on the opposite side of what they're normally owned and aluminum head with very big valves and ports and this particular engine concept 196 401 and the stock also nearly four at that time put out 90% okay it's cuz it's dense a difference it's a race engine very powerful and they are they fun to drive to have like one of the uses all the drop is it feel overpowered it's no easier drama you can drive it looks like that but I think it's a stunning yes got to drive it the screen is my favorite Italian cars except for we have one Datsun 240z okay well we have a good Japanese go but we'll start down here these are all alphas this is an Alfa duet up the boattail alpha this is a GT 67 GTA we have an alpha T Z here and we'll see that in the back it's being worked on out okay but that's the front lid for it the TZ was built in 64 they made about a hundred and three of them this is an alpha sprint 1962 Veloce this is a car we were storing it's a 1959 Alfa Romeo zegata in a special car that's a God has bought it designed the body for and so that's next time you come it's yeah for sure please this is a 1957 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spyder Veloce which is a wonderful little car there not many of them left but it's it's a wonderful driving car these are some bucks for some bodies we built this is for the office I gotta have to build the body on it cuz I'm so destroyed this is a Ferrari buck for that California Spyder which I bought in Montana about ten years ago and had been left outside I've been a race car left outside deteriorated we had to basically build up 80% of the body over so the but you saw we source the both windows that's a minute yeah from Pininfarina okay and these are two Ferraris we're waiting to restore they're in the queue about 56 Monday I'll and a 58 206s and so next time you come yeah as I said this is my run so I'm super excited but intrigued by everything independence and this is 1963 California Spyder and you know I'm not sure which is the prettiest sports cover built either this or the a six GCS masrani over here I think are the two best-looking sports cars this show and I think maybe this is hella did more into the popular culture and things yes they got the recorder panel really right on this so hard to do yeah it just adds that extra sort of sophistication but you know style to it and yeah I'm believable to say so how did you come by this for example I found somebody who knew me knew I liked okay fetching cars talking about this one that was totally decrepit and on a ranch in Montana yeah yes maybe people know that you and this is 67 Ferrari Formula One and we actually built this car there none survived the season okay and a couple of drivers in survival but it's a lot of fun and so we got the same horsepower same liter 3 liter engine as the original engine and the bodywork and aluminum everything is original and I'll take it at the track and run it a good bit just for fun now I mean something like this how did you go about recreating so we've got a lot of photographs and blew them up we got models and put them in CAD cam and then blue 118th models 18 times to get dimensions and then built moulds and did a lot of a lot of research what an incredible thing to have around to be able to experience now this for me coming here being teased about what you had was something that kind of blew me away because I loved the whole idea about they said yes talk to me through this one yeah this one originally Luigi Chinetti whose son is a friend of mine who was in this area was the importer of forests of the US and he's actually the one that convinced Ferrari to build streetcars because he had worked with Maserati in the 30s and Ray stood for Maserati and was actually in America for the Indianapolis 500 and a Zarate of 1940 when the war broke out and decided to stay at America moved to New York and after the war he went to Ferrari have told him that understand you're going to start building racecars and you'll be making a mistake if you do that because as the rowdy brothers have done that and they barely can beat the payroll and have to only build a customer car would they've only built 20 customer cars today when they needed to have money to be able to pay the bank their loan to be able to keep in business and he said what I would like for you to do is build for Everywhere's car no one street car shipping to me in New York and I'll sell them in New York and I think there's enough GIS coming back from Europe that appreciates sports cars that have the money that I can get them to bother for ours and it became very successful introducing foreign American and that's what four or I did so the odd number cars were street cars they even number cars or race cars and up until the early 60s when they got started building some e production street cars but this is an arch spider which is good caneta one to build an open top version of it 275 gtb and Enzo was against it it's 1967 he said with all the Ralph Nader and everything going on convertibles are not gonna be popular and because of safety and so I won't build and he said well I would like the North American Racing team to do it he said okay but he can't call him Ferrari and so he went to Finn and Farina and got the coupes and then took him to scaglietti to cut the tops off and turn them into spiders and a final assembly and bring him over and he was paying I think about eight thousand dollars a piece and selling them for fourteen thousand and the last one he built was for one of the last ones was for Eddie Smith and in Lexington North Carolina who had developed a mail-order connor catalog from women's clothing become a millionaire and he admit Luigi Chinetti at Sebring and he couldn't sell he couldn't sell the last one he had so he called him up and said I'll trade that coupe you bought for me last year for a thousand dollars and give you a spider okay and he did and that car sold it Monterey for 27 a half million dollars three years ago because it original owner only one owner the pedigree was um but this car is is what we did we found the 11th body when he stopped he was ordered 25 but after 10 he couldn't sell him so he said stop they'd already built the 11th body and so we got the 11th body and then we got all the over 10 years we got all the frame and engine and everything necessary to recreate to create well that's that is the effectively the 11th 275 now yep looks incredible I know it's wonderful the rock yeah I can only imagine it's not to be a 275 coupe but something about that pretty impressive and yeah you're already moving said fommy well I would say the next most impressive thing from my side yeah vn gone and this is a replica of the p3 p4 Ferrari from 67 and David Piper who I'm sure you know he was very involved in building some replicas and got permission from for to do that and you can see the translucent photograph that shows you the engine and what's under the body but you say replicates it kind of almost a bit of an under cell right because this is could you save the only official Ferrari replica anyway because they've got permission it's gonna Scott yeah it's he's endorsed it and you know it's very very true to the original and of course Ritchie I wouldn't he raced it and this in this configuration in South Africa at Kalama but they he sends me emails we email back and forth long he's got some great stores you see some photographs he sent me you there's anyone original left is that suspect okay this is a 54 a6 GCS maserati's and very light white aluminum body strictly for racing although it was used meeow meeow and things yeah why does it say thank you thank you for talking us around it's pretty special to see these cars in one place [Music] [Music] [Music] I've visited quite a few collections this year and the only negative I would say is how many owners celebrate delivery mileage cars while this guy has some of the rarest most desirable cars in the world and he's out here driving them all day every day it's glorious I get the feeling that not a lot of people new team are gonna care about this or even know even know what I'm driving but I'm so tempted to give up the supercars and to focus on this kind of stuff just so much fun and this is relatively yes is a relatively quick I would love to do the meal Emilia in something like this okay right so it's a very different seating position as well yeah that's the key push pull that out for ignition yeah start inside a neutron put it put on the brake whereas I'm trying to figure out what the pedals okay there we go neutral foot on that fit is on the brake now yeah now push the button bit of gas okay will you going front again so I can follow you well from a hundred and ninety six horsepower to some three hundred odd trying to find first gear now this thing is slightly more intimidating I would say than the than the austin-healey definitely less comfortable much less comfortable I can hardly feel the pedals it's a really narrow pedal watts I'm worried my hats not gonna stay out [Applause] [Applause] well that's a very different experiments oh my god completely different now should I try and leave it in gear or was there phpbb2 sleeping gear identify am I gonna be able to any gear yeah what a complete that's a really lovely road car isn't it very this is a beast this is an all-out race roaring yeah all-out race car yeah I mean loud I got it I said like pretty quickly I'm not gonna have to torch that camera who's just kind of hold on and it reps pretty high huh yep now if it wasn't fairly obvious I definitely enjoyed the austin-healey and a lot more of a mat listed Jaguar the lister was just so intensely Austin a beautiful road car still of course quick for its day and still probably well it's enjoyable to drive the list of just terrifying I mean everything about it was just loud and intense and hey it's a race car but anyway you find me back inside the sort of collection and I come over of course to the Ferraris because whilst this place is amazing and there are cars in here that just blew my mind these three or maybe this row is just so special to me of course I'm a huge Ferrari fan and the importance of some of these cars is huge now it did kind of touch on it but that 275 is ugly the 11275 not spider army that is Ferrari that is what we know Froy today kind of came from that unbelievable scene just created in the most beautiful way every element of it just crafted fantastically but then this the p3 p4 or P 3/4 you may remember a month or so ago now that I drove a sort of LeMans recreation then 917 917 Porsche whilst I was in Kansas and that was unreal but that was very much a sort of replica this is a recreation this is for like an official Ferrari recreation because David Piper who was a racing driver when these cars all sort of burn and crashed he said look I built some more he asked Enzo fry can I build some mornings I went yeah sure and so they are nearly as exact as you can get and they want you to start looking at hmm and one of the most identifiable liveries as well as it is that whole thing my heart but of course you guys know Formula One that is my life that is my obsession to get close to a 60s Formula One car at any point is incredible that one right there you've got to think that none have survived from that era or from that year of racing they all crashed and caught fire but to take a model blow it up and then recreate a car based on a scale model how does the brain even compute that they've done such an insane job making that Ferrari three one two three twelve I just my heart bleeds right but yes of course we can't forget the 250 short we lost California Spyder but yes it's been an unbelievable day here I didn't expect to drive starts I got a thank you hugely for that but of course for just inviting me down and giving me the tour I hope you guys have enjoyed it as I say I didn't know how to do this place justice but fingers crossed I have by just showing you as much as I can of what is here now unfortunately this is a private collection and it's not open to the public but every now and again now it does throw open the doors to different members and clubs and student programs etc so you never know you might find one day yourself getting invited to come check this place out and if you do cancel everything and make sure you get here I hope you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up if you have and make sure I subscribe but any more videos to come well if there's if there's any car to start with surely is this life like this this always made you instafamous like it did I feel like it's one of the most well known virus in existence well well in like height because even open it in nine times like Instagram or social media at least wow that's true it was our first hypercar that
Channel: Seen Through Glass
Views: 369,221
Rating: 4.9249382 out of 5
Keywords: seenthroughglass, seen through glass, car collection, car collector, car collection tour, car collection garage, car collections of the rich and famous, car collection 2019, car collectors garage, rare cars, rare car finds, vintage car collection, vintage cars restoration, classic cars, classic car restoration, ferrari, ferrari 275 nart spider, 275 nart spider, ferrari p3/4, ferrari p4, ferrari f1, porsche, porsche 911, rare porsche 911, rare porsche, most expensive car
Id: _nvvh9LbAj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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