The Bruce Meyer Collection on CarCast with Adam Carolla

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well the day has finally come we're here with Bruce Meyer Bruce has one of the greatest car collections on the planet and one of the greatest settings ever I will give you the exact location but we're somewhere and a nice side of it well there's a high school that a bunch of kids went to that they foxy the show about somewhere near there Bruce has been generous enough to open up his super garage for us and you work out of this building as well yes started my business here in 1968 and this I'm told was one of the first parking structures ever built yeah in Beverly Hills in Beverly whoops oh he's give it away I know it's got security the stuff that's here is unbelievable we'll try to get to some of it you'll at least you should definitely go to an Kroll that come and go to a scar cast that come to take a look at what is here and it's one of these things where there I've been a bigger car collections but for the 18 or 20 pieces you have here in the automotive world and they 12 or 15 motorcycles you have here nothing more significant in my mind yeah we walked in with like you know it's not the biggest collection but it's probably the coolest collection we've ever seen for and I think I'm sure for what yours house we could dig up a few more cars well but all right so we'll start at the start and we'll go through as much as we can get through and again Bruce thanks for opening to me or visualize our very visual show so let me check out the well an atom is a real enthusiast you know when you have Elvis stuff you like to share it with people that kind of understand it and I mean he I'm gonna learn today about what I have from Anna my gosh nobody's funny I don't sound God sincere the bottom line is it's fun to share it with with you I show love every guys yes yeah all right let's do it this is a 1962 Cobra serial number one CSX 2001 when Carroll Shelby put the Cobra program together it was the first one CSX 2000 was his prototype and at that point he wasn't even sure that it was gonna the whole program was going to fly so CSX 2000 Carroll Shelby it's bare metal a blue one that that's a lot of type of the unrestored interior that they just let me just leave precise okay yeah so that's the one he painted multi colors took around of the magazines exposed it just to see if if there was interest well there was interest hey me at multi colors was to make them think he had more than one car for those rights a different magazines can get a yellow version a blue version right right so then this car is this is production number one this is CSX - that was a prototype yeah the first one was his prototype this is his first production car this was built in 62 now and I mean I don't know how well you know Shelby or your group knows Shelby but I mean he was he you know he's been called everything but one thing's he wasn't very clever okay yes and when he sold the program he didn't have a garage he built the first car in Dean Moon's hotrod shop so along comes the production and he had nowhere to put him so Edie huges who was a old and dear friend of his Lomov veteran big-time guy back in Pittsburgh he took the first probably 50 cars so in other words when they first started coming over they went to Eddie Hugoton shop he did all the early when I first came over from England from England right they came over without engines right and without transmissions but everything else complete so they put the engine and transmission in and and send it off paint so when they go from Hugh gets this place to van yes well so the first few cars went to Eddie Hyuga obviously this is one of the first few this is the first one serial number two who came out here and that became the first race car CSX 2002 was the first race car and then I don't can't tell you you know like a whole numerology of where they all went but the first ones which a lot of people don't realize went to Eddie because he was the East Coast distributor he took it to the New York Auto Show and the different East Coast auto shows he took this one actually because this was the first one so it was purchased by a fella named Lloyd Kasner Lloyd lucky Kasner and he had a race team called karate and he was a very close friend of Shelby's because Lloyd castor really ran the Maserati race team and shall be raised for Maserati so he bought this car kind of as a favor to Shelby and then shipped it to race at LeMond he shipped it out of here in 63 Wow they did they did the LeMond trials in 64 Shelby came out with his FIA car which was a 289 right rack-and-pinion much much more improved version that's what I had a 260 in it then right and and warming sector steering right and then hips you know it was it looked completely different than this right no leaf spring front end yeah this is all this is all like that that didn't change till the big-block right but this car then was sent to Ford Racing of Europe well let me just take a step back so Lloyd Kastner got a Frenchman the Shawn would weave an assault to partner with them they were going to race the llama the car was not competitive because it wasn't updated with like all the new Shelby's so they updated this one the reason I'm saying is because this doesn't look like Cobra number one but it is Cobra number one because they put a 289 in it changed it to rack and pinion steering you know bulged the fenders so this car is really an FIA car it's in Europe this car raced at Lamar and 64 it actually went through the trials they didn't actually race it because they were so outclassed in 64 so they did the modifications in 63 and for and then the car raced the only Cobra duration of the Tour de France which was at the time some people think as important is Lamont I think Lamar is the the main event but this was the only cobra race of LeMond and then it raced it multi races all throughout Europe in 64 65 and 66 very successfully and then this one here the two fifty sixty one right exactly this I love this is this is probably the most important car I have this is what they call it comp 61 which was basically a factory hot rod this was the car they built before the GTO so this has a lot of GTO technology yeah when you ran the GTO s at Laguna Seca two years ago one of these or two of these or handful of these were out on the track in the all right GTO race and I was like hey man what's that six million dollar car doing in with the expensive car come on I'm gonna figure out yeah the heck yeah litter you know but it this car won Lamont in 61 and when I say one of my one its classic we came in third overall behind two prototypes this car was a rockstar in the day this car this very car brought the championship of makes to Ferrari in 61 it won first overall in Mazdas set that Monza second overall spa third overall in first in class at Lamar I mean and on and on this car is is the most winning short wheelbase didn't have any backup cars in this collection and it's a left-hand drive right to Frenchman no blame guiche a drove the car and they were magic they went on to racing GTS they won their class with GTOs I mean these guys were spectacular v12 uh-huh yep this is a 250 and it's probably got this six downdraft Weber's and it's probably good for about 300 well this actually has three big four barrels oh really yeah very large carburetors cheese on the car so this is a you know this is a little the seat the four doubt that the six downdraft Weber's came on the on the 275 s in the GTS that's when they started but an early like this they didn't have six they had they had two and three car had one and three carburetor manifolds but in this one is but on the short wheelbase they were all three carburetor but on the on the comp 61 they call it a C fact which is a Italian name for hot rod because it's a very custom-built car and we've driven all these cars I've drove this car from Budapest to Prague the Cobra the Cobra and this year we just drove it on the Colorado grand a thousand miles through Colorado Wow this car we've done the Colorado grand in that car the Ferrari and the quarterback because some of them were listening over watching this video but explained the windshield on the Ferrari you ought to check out the a shark ascom there's you'll see the Ferrari there's this this glass windshield on the hood and we were looking at and earlier look thinking well it's not a roadster you're not with a with a mini windshield so yeah what's the it says it's really a bug and rock deflector so easy and it really works when she opened this is a nose perspex it's an endurance racing thing right I mean it's like you're gonna be driving for that kind of time you're gonna hit by rocks and bugs but and litter and oil right right and this really works cuz when we had this on the Colorado grand I hit a swarm of butterflies and and it just splatted that side of my windshield and and I was completely clear this thing really works the other the other thing people ask about is why is there only one shield on the exhaust I don't know if you saw that we didn't look in the back all right and people say why is that well the reason is because this is either the pit well this is the side they pit on in the side the fuel comes in right and you know things are done in a big hurry narration fuel your pours over here yeah right they have had fires where the fuel runs over the exhaust how many pick crew members are they set on fire before this I put a shield on yeah yes they just have the good news is many of them were smoking during the pizza so yes you know there's a good standard of it put the perfe listen is a weird um so when you're at speed by this is thing start to flap you said here's not that move at all you're not going that fast I mean this has a top speed of 160 but even longer and it seems like now that one oh no never the the next one then is a Corvette 1960 1960 they ran a lot of these at Lamar but people don't really think about back in the back in the day well this particular car in 1960 was in that fact have a look at that picture because that's the car over there it was the first Corvette to run at Lamar 1960 before that they never ran of course they didn't have much in the way of cars but this was brakes Cunningham's he campaigned three cars and they won their class and it's just a fun car I've raced this a good wood I'm taking it all over the country oh really good wood yeah I like it I always like the gen one style of Corvettes among my favorite but even on this this race car the hood pins are trick those things are kind of this or re you know this doesn't deal that's very Ferrari very right exactly very time this car is actually quite tricky even though it's a completely stock chassis come it has aircraft seat in it roll bar you know the hood you know cooling yeah fins but again a deflector the fuel door is taken off because it has a big Center fueling yeah it has Halla brand wheels the bumper of course is taken off light covers just to protect it from rocks and so forth in the daytime the racecar with chrome on the front you don't see ya anymore just no more Chrome on race or is any more unbelievable this one them on 79 this is an overall winner and this is maybe in the last 60 years the only real production car to win overall at LeMond yeah what people don't realize is you're racing you know people do the we want it LeMond and they pause and they go well we won our class yeah and then for some reason it's always third overall right we wouldn't end of know why but but it's dirt overall but but and because they have the modified stuff that the prototype stuff that is just cleaning up and now you'll see it and especially see the crazy diesel power cujo's or or the Audi's or whatever they look they don't look like cars but back then they had those as well so it's pretty rare and it's never going to happen again I don't think that I production car could win over all know at at LeMond and so this may be about it and I think it's real safe to say this is is it right and then Porsche files this is the 50th anniversary of the 911 so it's a you know it's a it's a big deal this car so this the story on this car was it was run by the Whittington's and they were notorious you know had trouble with the law let me just say that and I guess they imported drugs you know that works but anyway so they got rid of the car and 80 or 81 they donated it to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway just yet so this car has been 30 years in the basement of the speedway museum so we just pulled it out Bruce Canepa did a you know a cosmetic mechanical lets you know about 935 know what a hack he must have been on the internet researching stuff everything yeah he called acts guys what do you know about 9:30 all that this is fact thing he come off or is it is it hinged I don't know yeah yeah yeah I'm familiar with him in his 935 because I could see it coming up on me when I was driving my 280zx at Laguna Seca at about a hundred miles an hour faster than I yeah he only had too many times horsepower buzzing she has buzzing bys well if anybody knows the cars it's Bruce's yeah yes he's been through this car from tip to stern and we rebuilt the engine is ready to race the tires that are on our new old stock tires that a friend of mine Wow so we won't we'll take over a set of these but we will we will run it you Wow the proper set attire and and is I I was looking at the cage inside trying to figure out that's aluminum or chromoly or I you know that is I think it's an alloy aluminum it seems like a luminance team seemed a little light gauge to me for this everything cars light gauge yeah I mean it is one lightweight car 850 horsepower Wow 240 miles but I kind of feel like the Germans put it in there not for safety but just a pass tech there like the hell with the driver to replace that so this thing was the like hot rod for liter or something or am i putting words in your mouth no you're you're right in right there this was they call it Johnny Von Neumanns hot rod and he was built with it it was one of two only built with a two and a half liter gram free four-cylinder engine oh and then he had it for a year and they came out with a two and a half liter Testarossa excuse me the three liter the beach way if people forget that Ferrari had a bunch of four-cylinder race cars that were pretty effective back in the day yeah yeah very effective and so this so that for one year raised with the 4-cylinder mm-hmm and then Richie Ginther who's a well-known ground Prix driver worked for von Neumann and in 58 after it was one year old they bordered from the factory a brand new 250 TR motor can they put it in the car and so this is run oh it's it's entire almost an entire career with the with a three liter v12 and that's that's the way it is right here and that's the way it is in the picture you can tell because it has the big hoods huge scoop and this was the Pearson Brothers coupe this car went 150 at Bonneville and it's just a total hot rod icon the cover of hot rod sitting in 1950 did did this predate the SoCal water yes ripped off her no no no this definitely this was the first aggressive coupe right this was done in 1949 and race in 50 just like you see it well and the SoCal coupe came along in the early 50s Oh you know it's quite a bit after this but it's a great I mean that you know just you know she's got you've got the battery stripped down everything and Wow quick change rearranges yeah there must make a lot of noise I've written I have this car at Goodwood - yeah and I've had great fun this cars been all coast to coast everywhere Oh Goodwood Hill Climb yeah okay yeah the historic I'm not even good I guess I get the feeling that one this is okay this is also cow lined up is perfectly hard this is the belly tank and this I saw a whole documentary about you finding this thing and digging it out of somebody's lost right absolute he drove done we're just literally up in the loft yes guys shop you know like where you'd see that trusses the exposed you know trusses up there's we're using it as a port it was up there I think the ran three is it as a Ford well it's it's this is a very significant car this was a very important belly tank so it's a p38 belly tank they call it or dropped as a twin boom engines yeah exactly and so they were that's the one by the way if you saw the Aviator it's kind of kind of like the one that Leonardo DiCaprio crash like that without is like prototype but this was a p38 was high because it was like it had the twin booms in the rear and it had the cannons in the front and it was just like a tank killer or something it's really fast really cool anyway this was a belly tank a drop tank from that plane which extended the range so they could get further out and get to them Nazis right right so where were we so you just yep you got it right I got it right and and so you know after the war all these young GIS came back with all this newfound technology and all barriers developed during the war and they put this car together in 1948 it was on the cover of hot rod magazine in 1948 Alec SIG's idiots had this little SoCal speed shop in Burbank Alex great guy and this cars is the engine is not the original engine I ran with the original type but everything else in this car is original was it a flathead it was a flathead when it ran but then it was taken out here and three flat heads in it won three records in and this was in 52 but that everything is original the seats the the gauges the seatbelts every stick of the suspension is the whole issue but this is redone with a patina no this is absolutely original this looks like what is a mistakenly recreated with plus patina yeah no like it still it's a mean it's doing a part you know here and there but no this is this isn't has never I don't have to go to summit and get another one in this one once you're in this you can't get out nobody's gonna get you I know at Bonneville man like to race the squirrel race to Bonneville and now you've got to do this you know tens it's ten seconds together yeah a song on fire that's right exactly right yeah they say you're on fire what are you doing then they watch every move you know shut the fuel electric blah blah blah they get the heck out I don't know I mean this is before safety now you couldn't run it with the with the canopy you couldn't run it oh my god I mean I can't even imagine me and I've never scar you know a speed but I was being pulled or pushed what did what did this thing ultimately do 198 Wow that's quick that is I mean 200 miles an hour and when what year did it 52 is in his crazy talk and especially with zero roll cage and God knows nothing how much icing rolled over here would be oh you never stopped rolling yeah number one it was built to I mean it's built to never stop rolling because the wheels immediately just come off and then you just be like a jelly did Joey be able to break apart right we just shout oh yeah hey what is it way nothing it'll maintain they have to put sandbags in it to keep it on the floor it was generally hover underneath it very jet says oh yeah yeah like good rolls it just breaks apart your body yeah no aerodynamics other than aerodynamic yeah like nothing creating any down for Cirstea no no Finn already there's no stability just ideas just just cheat just cut through the wind as easily as humanly possible isn't that contrary to what people are trying to do at land speed because you know the land speed cars are heavy they're supposed to yeah well my roadsters five thousand pounds yeah and this thing weighs nothing so to go that speed like I don't even know how well it's just it well yeah you know I don't know but it did well it is it I like it we relook at this rear yeah in this just I'm guessing those are drums and the rear the only rear oh yeah only rare sure well I don't even know why hit why is it written brake so why not just have a parachute er you gotta go - out of this just looking straight from the rear jeez and this is just for the just about the whole don't push your car uh so it's just I mean just to just take a rear look at that thing alright later well uh this oh I you know I was I loves nice car I love I love the GOL wings as well the this the black with the red interior I don't know how you can do much better than that that combination wait what years is okay 55 55 and again if you're listening and watching it's a 55 SL 3-under 300sl Gullwing Mercedes beautiful beautiful car the only and it's got the pretty rare steel wheels which are called reg right and it's just so it's so unbelievable and so so far before its time and not not just you know it's not just a going part and the design it's like the fuel injected slant beautiful yeah six cylinder straight sick does it slanted or is it by the way yeah I'm saying I did The Tonight Show a few years ago I pulled in and you always see what car Jay drove that day he drives you cannot drive the same car two times like like like some people are weird like some eccentric star who won't wear underpants twice like I'll throw them out of them but he doesn't with cars and he weren't it he has a different car there and I've got this 90 of 20 times every single time and he had the only time because I always say these cars I've never seen a beater like I've never seen a driver you know I've seen them done to the nines and I couldn't imagine because this car has aluminum body as a frame it's almost bird cage Maserati you ask when you see these cars taken apart and then you realize like you know restoring one of those Ferraris is inexpensive and timely and endeavor this is a whole different ball of wax this is like an aircraft it is to do he had one with a meatball on it beater I had never seen it like a real beater Gullwing told me got it for something price it make everyone Bob just I know yeah I don't want to know I don't know what since duster Jay I know I told living card I told him I know they see Jay coming it's like oh the curator for my future they see a sack of money coming when they see Bruce coming down the street but see big fat credit card coming but today it's like Jay here take yes right and take my daughter as well like take it all I guess so this a he and and the Sony say say though I'm yeah straight six fuel injection 240 horsepower and he goes Matt 220 and I said I think that 240 is it a 220 I said I'm pretty sure it's 240 hey he's liked it right you go back in for a while and then when I see him two months later I guess I checked it out 240 he said they made one that was 220 though I I said I said it was doing somehow if there was one or maybe he just detuned his to get down to 220 if it's like he couldn't lose this argument but he went and pursued it and are you but this one looks like a complete nut bolt crazy this one 242 probably 250 but it's interesting because I bought my first old car in sixth I brought it 64 where's it going really paid 4,000 bucks for it that was my net worth that was in 64 Wow and I and I had good to see you spent everything you had on yeah well in truth it had a Chevrolet 327 inches and a fraternity brother of mine still has it today and I'll tell you what it is fantastic it's a lightweight engine goes like heck yeah so he still has that car I then went off and I bought a roadster that resembled the one behind us and then I bought another going and I had it for 35 years and that's the one that's at the Petersen museum a red one with tan because I went through a red tan period where every car had to be red with tan interior this I must say I'm not black red and the green leather interior much more interesting yeah even that red and tan the notion that the the coupes I mean the convertibles have have caught up to the gold wings and value is weird to me because I always thought and to put stop me from wrong 15 20 years ago these things were twice as much as those things right and you know the Cobras - the big block and small-block Cobras you know the big buck was usually almost twice a small-block yeah and and these were absolutely correct these were twice the value of a roadster and now they're the the going still a little more but not significant but it was a huge gap yeah not just what is production wise the only thing that makes sense to me is that they made fewer of these rotors of the roads I don't think a whole lot I mean you know I should know what the numbers I want to say they made like 1500 of each I mean it was a large weird because to me the goal wing is what car is this is a great car but if you put this and you put one of the 55,000 190s next to it meaning the cheaper little brother this car my wife would think my wife would announce they're both cute that's not you doing that let's go look at the car you want 200 miles an hour in that is five he's saying five thousand forty five hundred and something I mean it's it's close to 5,000 yep Wow but being a California hot rodder my whole life I just you know I always wanted to go 200 and in car I went 222 in that Camaro but it was closed you know but I wanted to go 200 in a roadster and have you been to Bonneville No Oh Adam it's required it is the letter Shelby doesn't show you've been such a poser all easier you know you should cut off here I take my 6:10 down to Bonneville yeah well I got to tell you that in 130 others like a place on earth that you have never seen before you can't even believe it exists I mean you know it's real salt and it's just far is that you can see I mean and you know some people say you can see the curvature of the earth I mean it is out there so and in Bonneville they recycle nobody really builds anything new for Bonneville you know somebody will run a car like this and then they'll get tired of it no sell to somebody else and they'll read up it so I would say I would guess that three-quarters of the cars that run at Bonneville had been running there for 30 40 years just getting upgrades along the way and that's the case with this car this car was built by thawne him Gary Brower and and Mike cook and they built the car you know 25 so years ago and so I bought the car from Gary's son Gary passed away I bought it from his son Mike and took it back to Mike cook and we completely you know we just started over again we used the chassis in the body and then we did everything else knew it had a wet sump engine we changed it to a dry sump inch and we you know put new fire systems on in the air is it a big-block Chevy it's a big-block Chevy injected we and we really built it to run with nitro so we're running alcohol only we took it out we went to o4 in it and then the engine let loose so I it has more left in it yeah um but I'm not sure at age 71 if I had more of my 200 you I did okay and then I went and then what the 200 mile-an-hour Club in the Camaro so because you know when you go 200 you're not in the club I don't know if you you know how that works no yeah well people just know yeah you got amazing but you like they walk of fame you don't get everyone and you're not in the 200 quad Oh No yeah because anybody I mean anybody can go 200 no there's the 200 mile an hour Club is a written maybe with the most difficult Club to get into and you have to go 200 and you have to break a land speed record over 200 so in other words this they play hard in these you know they don't leave a lot on the table so I broke a record in the Camaro I went to 22 in that Camaro but the record I broke was a record that it was long standing at 197 with a small engine because it runs by displacement there's a lot of classes but so we put an engine in that car that we thought could break the record and we did my first run I did 206 so that broke the record and if you go 197 and a half and the records 197 you're in the club you're you've broken the record but you got to go over 200 right and break a record right because you see those guys out there they're like we set the record in a motorcycle that was under 100 CC's and the guy went 61 miles an hour and you're like hey whoa you know it's like he owns a record except for the record was again something like a leaf blower sighs motor that's your intense beat tires on as I go a lot of rules you would like I broke the record on a Wednesday for all the ones around when no no it's not it's not it's not that not it bad but there is nice bedroom but you're right at them I mean you like you say in a motorcycle classes probably 20 classes you know a safe 25 cc 50 cc 75 and are you saying I was the Intercontinental California WBC cruiserweight champ you know it's like if they're building the category for you then that you're not you're not we went pound for pound we went the 200 pound club is the heavyweight yeah those are the guys and so it's it's 200 miles an hour and record it's not just 200 miles especially and then you get a red hat and and that's the big deal is you know to get the Hat because when you're in the 200 Club you get a red hat so when you're out of Bonneville and you see very few but you see the guys wearing the red hats yeah that's the real toy your hat my hats in the trophy case okay but I just ordered another one arrived yesterday so I've got I got now I've got a few hats but I will wear you'll see me in my red yeah this is Clark Gable's was it 41:30 it's a 1955 they made 48 of these world production and this has the going internet feeling mm-hmm and and it was set about sixteen seventeen thousand dollars and fifty five I going on nine or ten this was fifteen sixteen seventeen depending on how you had accessorized I have luggage for the rear I have luggage for the trunk when I say I this is a way Clark yeah we have we really have not restored this this this is just yeah absolutely originals back when they would make the luggage to the shape I like yeah like with the goal line right yes certain when he died this was in 61 this you know his wife was then kay-kay Gabe okay Spreckels and she put it away she put it in storage right upon his death because she was pregnant with John Clark Gable was oh she saved the car for 20 years after his death to see if he wanted it and and after 20 years he decided it was not his kind of car so I was able to buy in 1981 so I've had it 31 years this looks like one of the many cars I saw sliding sideways around yes it is it looks identical but it this is what they call a semi lightweight and this was built especially for Hughes Hughes settlement who was a Canadian working in Scotland so he wanted to order a lightweight this was a 63 mm and and they said we you know they made the lightweights in like 61 and they said we don't make it but what we can do is make what they call a semi lightweight which is basically all the light wood lightweight running gear wide-angle head light weight hood which is the well I bonnet whatever this is your aluminum and you can see all the littles but what's weird about this is this now the whole bonnet or the whole assembly comes up in these Jags sort of Miura esque and it's now but I don't remember this seam or this crease oh yeah I'm making that up or not I think they all have I guess they-- i guess they-- did i just didn't get up on it and it's just to make it four separate pieces to replace them well I don't know I mean comedy have one piece of metal to to Molech it up could be anything I'm hold to flip ya before but either way triple Weber's one of the prettiest engines ever even though it's a straight-6 the cams are so far apart yeah and the casting of the aluminum and the fins and beautiful crazy gold color that they would just use in there mixed with the triple side draft Weber's mixed with sometimes some really cool air boxes and in induction systems just made and and the end of long engine and only so it has and it 3.8 and 4.2 s and and like you know you don't think of the hot rodded straight configuration six that often but these especially the four point two is I'm innocent or hot rods I mean they put out tons of torque three for 250 horsepower and and in a really lightweight yeah and this this is lightweight trunk like this you know aluminum trunk lumen on top Lumina m-- hood doors I mean you can see that you know just see how light that is yeah yeah you really everybody owes it to themselves to make it out the good wood at least once and again the hill climb is fun if you just want to drink some beers and watch some guys like Hemi under glass doing a wheelie down the straightaway or some guide in f1 carpet the greatest thing about the hill climb is guys show off you know which is fine they put donuts and burnouts it up but as soon as one tire catches one square foot of sod they're off like you go from on to off immediately like when they hit that grass saying debris range like right around so they go from like hey ma look at me no hands two pounds in just a second and the only thing worse than doing that is doing it in front of 150,000 people that are watching you destroy this super cool carbon I literally saw him II under glass wheeling in front of the grandstands yeah literally wheeling and looking through the piece of glass or lexan or whatever he has worth transmission should be that's having Steve yeah yeah that's high and the people love it oh there they go nuts but if you're a hardcore enthusiast go to the go to the historic races and watch the guys drive these cars I like the revival like I don't think you will see them driven anywhere else in the world the English you know I get a kick out of anyways you know they're so polite and they're you know they come in no no you go first no you go for I mean everything's like so done so civil put the English on a race course or in a soccer match or anything competitive yeah you better be on your game and I'll tell you they drive these cars in anger and they'll take the lamal winning Aston Martin worth probably thirty million dollars and they will drive it like it's a Mazda you know spec racer anything what's got your any fun is it it'll be drizzling outside with their 70 series bias-ply tires on it and these guys are just sideways unbelievable they're such good drivers and so enthusiastic it's so compact told you before Ferrari 250 LM guy did a lot of damage to the front end of that aluminum bodied car put duct tape on it was out for the second race yeah and then totalement yeah finish it off well you never tonal it because as long as on the sandbag in an English wheel this is coming it's coming fast that's why they gave an English wheel because they typed up so much you know that's uh Bruce I feel like we could spend another hour here or we could just come back in six months and you could show us all the bikes this time baby you're always welcome back at him oh it's not green it's a demon you can hang out madam we'll be back um but it's a treat because you are such you know the enthusiast you know I you know I gotta tell you what I was doing two hours ago was I had Paul Newman's 88 300zx championship car up on jack stands and I was hitting that big big knock off nut that had come off and along with the gun Jo but it doesn't jump off the guys dogs got it up on its thing and it's it's going to look goodness sake uh for the track date coming up in I'll be there I'm not sure what if I'm gonna take a carcass there's a motorcycle auction right after it but I'll be up on the 10th or something on the 10th 11th yeah 11 yeah bring Clark Gable's car cause I want someone I can be don't bring any of the fast stuff yeah but all right so you be up there so yeah yeah you and Bruce and everyone day Bruce are gonna hang out and host the good life all right so until next time and Bruce Meyer do you have a charity or any web site or something like that you want to toss out I mean the Petersen Automotive Museum yeah I would sit down Petersen on one of these if you ever want to see any of these cars in person you do often put them here yeah and your honor these things about herself because these cars are amazing and my other favorite charity is the California Highway Patrol the 1199 Foundation CHP 1199 foundation we have our own website both up and do so if you're feeling generous and you want throw a few dollars they can use it in you know Adams way you're not going to send it to Adam send it to those two yeah I'll be on the track with the rich white guy so until next time this an apparel for Bruce Meyer mint DeAndre Matthew intricate met the motivator d'andrea saying keep the air in the spare and the bag in the wheel you
Channel: CarCast with Adam Carolla
Views: 211,198
Rating: 4.7915311 out of 5
Keywords: Adam Carolla, The Adam Carolla Show (radio), Bruce Meyer, Car Collectors
Id: e-jCOrFn0_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2012
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