8320 Is Gone,shop work and.....

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alright so the trucker is here to load the 8320 can exhaust manifold start on the 7200 I think it'll make my father happy and well I like it when he's happy so oh you could say I went out a little bit of a road trip here I've been pounding the pavement the last few days searching for a tractor to replace the 8320 with I ended up getting something but that's a story for another day here but I ended up going out in no oh hi oh Indiana Illinois I dropped down through Missouri come into Missouri a little bit too Machinery guy down there and then I come home through Kentucky and I ended up hitting the National farm machinery show in Louisville on Wednesday February 12th 2020 here so I had a chance to meet up with three other youtubers the first guy I met up with was Mike glass from the channel farmhand Mike after that I walked the show a little bit and I was able to catch up with Ryan from how farms work and Brian from Brian's farming videos I had a nice chat with the three of them guys that was a fun experience to to meet up with them the show in Louisville is absolutely huge it's probably three times the size of the show that we usually have in circus every year everything's endures just up well put together show another thing I had a chance to do I had a chance to meet up with some friends of mine from Illinois the night before the show we ended up having dinner at Texas Roadhouse I met up with Doug his father-in-law Paul and his son Jack so we had a nice dinner the night before the show and it was nice to get to meet up with them guys so we're on our way home now we're gonna check in with what the guys have been doing here and rolling there's some shop working whatever we probably won't have much of a chance to do anything today I've got a game to go to tonight it's my youngest daughter's last basketball game for the season so I've got 10 now I'm gonna be home here in about an hour Jared has been in control of things while I've been gone and they've been getting a lot of shop work done he's got the 46:20 running now ended up taking the transmission out of trunk 8 they've been working on the chisel plow and and various other tasks here while I've been gone so we're going to step into the shop there when I get back home here and see what everybody's been up to well we're just getting into the shop here to s'more and I've got the cows all fed I've been gone for a few days and what we're going to get into is where you've got a broken exhaust manifold stud to do on the 70-200 right in on the backside of the manifold so we're going to get into that a little bit here the boys have got this chisel plow all done this has all been rebuilt what they ended up doing was they ended up replacing the nylon bushings that go into the end of the spring Tower here and then down into the trip beam there's a plastic bushing that runs in on each side of that jared has been doing a little bit of video in here so before we get into working on this tractor we're going to take a little bit of a step back in time - well he videoed earlier on in the week he did get the 46:20 back together he tried washing it yesterday it was just a little too cold so it has been running it's been out of the shop and it's been back in so he did get the transmission out of truck ain't got a ream and ready to go back into it we'll take a walk over and we'll look at this 4620 quick before we go back into or go back to what he video while we were gone here but this tractors been pulled out of the shop and it's been pulled back in again he ended up getting all this parts on there well start this up after we get into the video that he the the videoing that he did but this is all ready to go here so he just wants to clean up some more crap off the block here with the hot water pressure washer to get all that crap cleaned off in there and it'll make things look a little better so let's step back a couple days from a couple days ago here now and we'll get into what he videoed while we were gone well it is Sunday my father he's away looking at a couple of tractors out of state and I'm here working on the 46 20 you guys will have to deal with me for a little while we got the head it's all installed gasket is of course in there and we got our torque down spec though you know we do everything by the book right you got to do it all by the book we got the intercooler on big green piece in front we got the exhaust manifold stuck in beat went behind the intercooler there and we got the turbo on of course but we're just waiting for a few things actually some gaskets up top here I neglected to order these there's a water manifold it's actually hanging up right over there that bolts on here and then it runs over and fits into that water pump also feeds into the top of the radiator the the thermostats are also in that water manifold we did order new thermostats because I'm guessing they have served their time but you also got some new coolant boots coming these this one particularly fits on to the inner cooler this inner cooler is air to water so but I mean these boots yeah you know they don't have any rips in them for now but I'll probably put new coin in it and then we will form a nice little leak right about there and this this tractor pumps a lot of manure it goes on tended so I would just love to do all this work and then have someone locked the motor up on me or something that would be just great we're getting ready to put injectors in we got a got them sitting on our table there they're all reman from D and W we got one sitting in right now for video purposes of course you can kind of tell where they're all gonna go this is a six cylinder 404 deer and we got the valve cover on there that looks pretty nice but I don't know this tractor trying to breathe a little new life into it you know kind of interested to see how it's gonna run it's always run real well and this tractors pumped a lot of manure in its day this is one of our main tractors sometimes in the summer when we don't have a lot of spare tractors around you know they're all doing a lot of a lot of other jobs this can be pretty much the main manure pumping tractor and if you know too much about pumping manure that is there's a tough job it can be rather strenuous on a tractor but we have the other 46 20 also sitting over here Davi he just got done washing it for me this this tractor is next on the agenda so hopefully we can tear into this one I dare say that one over there might have been a little little practice run before we get to this one so but yeah that is it for now it's what we're doing this Sunday hopefully I can get all my pieces here Monday get this thing to run get it outside baby can wash all this Dew and gunk off the block form you can'tyou DB yeah well it is now Monday morning and we have a complete fuel system installed on on this 46 20 we have all the injectors they're all in all six of them including the one behind the oil cooler we have the injector lines they are all installed including the clamps and we have the return line also installed we have the leak off line of course installed in this this is probably the most fickle thing of doing these injectors it can be a little bit of a pain sometimes it doesn't really just go right on there sometimes you have to rebound it and whatnot and you always want to make sure that you do not mess around with these these crush washers there's two crush washers one on top and one on bottom with this banjo bolt and anytime you mess with this you want to make sure you get new crush washers they are very important make sure you also get a few extra because you will you will lose them when you're installing installing that and usually when you lose them they go go down in behind this oil filter where you just you just can't get them sometimes you'll get lucky and they'll fall down on the sill or maybe they'll hit the floor over here somewhere but usually they like to hide back there so get a few extras and just don't try and reuse the old ones either I mean you can get away with it sometimes especially if you make sure you're putting on putting them back on in the exact way they came off but usually you won't get away with it you just just put new ones on they're cheap get some extras it'll be less of a headache you'll probably thank me it is now Tuesday and we are three days in to a five-day hiatus by my father so you guys are still stuck with me we have switched away from that 46:20 over there we haven't received any of our parts to make it run I'm a little upset about that just because it's so close we have switched to this truck right here this is a Kenworth t800 actually truck eight it's got a little yellow gold under the hood there a little seat well for anyone that cares this one's actually a 430 this truck actually boogies pretty good for what it is this trucks got an 800 that's given us some issues so we're just going to swap it out for a reman but we're pretty deep into it now we got the PTO aa driveline is out this particular truck you actually have to take the air tanks out to be able to get the transmission out and right over there on the floor and pilot grease you can see the crossmember that cross member sits right under the and maila get your jack in there you take it out [Music] got a little view from under the truck here we are we've got everything disconnected we're about ready to start loosening our bolts there's actually a a crossmember up top there that we'll have to take out this shifter as you can see the shifter is giving me a little bit of trouble that pin doesn't seem to want to come out of there so I will most likely just drop the down and when it's on the floor I'll be able to have my way with it a little little easier than trying to cram myself up in there so but we got the cooler unhooked and yeah we're gonna get the jack under here and see what we can't make happen it's now Tuesday night everyone else has gone home for the day I figured I'd stay back and shoot a little video before I left though because I think it'll make my father happy and well I like it when he's happy so you guys are actually staring at a bow housing this Bell housing and of course off of that a tile that was in truck eight we just got it out of bench cleaning up the backside getting it ready for a gasket we got the old a tile sitting on a pallet back here getting ready to go in for a core charge you're just taking all the stuff that we need to take off of it and for anyone that doesn't know that bow housing that was just on the bench actually bolts to the front of this transmission and then bolts to the backside of the motor so we already got the new transmission I actually ordered this before I even had the old one out so I took the flywheel and to get resurfaced and I picked up the new I like to set them both on the floor and make sure I get everything off of the old one before I turn it into a core you do not want to turn these in for a core until you get everything off because they will pretty much load it on a truck as soon as you drop it off send it out to wherever wherever they get them remand and yeah and then you'll realize you need something off of it and they'll have to send it back and it'll be a four day process cost you a bunch of money and shipping it's just not any fun so you want to make sure you get everything off of it they actually got a nuke watch as well we like to replace the old clutches whenever we do a transmission just because you got everything out you might as well go the extra mile this one wasn't looking in great shape anyway my phone is ringing my phone is ringing all right so we will start this old girl up and give you an idea what it sounds like here equity has got the work done that again he's got to put the rest of the sheet now on him alone there anything else like that he's just got this muffler throw her this straight pipe thrown on there for just just to have something on there while he was washing he didn't want to get water down at that turbo but we'll just start it let it run quick and we can revisit this what it's actually done okay so we got a fresh ream and head on there rebuilt injectors he put new thermostats in it they cleaned up the valve cover on it trying to think what else got done to this they cleaned up the intercooler replaced some hoses all new studs of cars exhaust manifold gaskets you know all that kind of stuff you know like this hoses new intercooler hoses I guess that's about it other than the parts that he put into that when he did the head so now we're gonna get back to working on me 7200 here we'll come back at this like I said when it's actually completed it's it's got to have sheet metal and stuff put back on it and then we will revisit that tractor here that'll be a few days all right we're draining this coolant on this 7200 and while that's draining we might take a peek at this sob forklift here this is got an exhaust manifold issue as well that we might as well drop sooner than later and get in here and start this or not but this exhaust manifold that's been leaking for a little while and it's gotten a lot worse this one seems rather easy all we got to do is just get after some studs here but I'm not the first cylinder upfront we've got the studs are missing so I'm gonna unbolt this admit this exhaust manifold here see if we can't just lay it out of the way and I don't know if I've got a broken stud or just a stud that has fallen off there all these other ones are loose here so we better address this before it ends up breaking the other ones out of it and we've got will have nothing then so let's work on this while that's draining and yeah all right well we kind of lucked out with this fork but the needs exhaust manifold gaskets but the studs all they did is just fall out we're able to put some new pole back in there so we're just gonna run it the way it is right now however I'm gonna have to get new gaskets for what to actually pull that manifold off but I didn't have to take anything off there all I had to do it shove two new bolts and cylinder and however the gasket shot so it is picking a little bit and while I'm ahead if we're gonna get an email come loyalty you can get back on the second set all right we are clicking right along on the 70-200 we're getting ready to pull off the EGR cooler that we can start yanking that exhaust manifold off we've got the forklift dollars you can see in the trucker that is gonna truck the 8320 out of here that got into the accident there a while ago he just texted me he's gonna be here in a little while so we're gonna help him get that tractor loaded up and while we're loading that up we'll try to get a little bit of a video of that here so we've got to run down and get things situated so that we can get that trailer that tractor up on his trailer and then we'll come back and work on this again here you we got it pretty good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you all right so we are back in the shop we've got that tractor all loaded and we're going to get back to working on this 70-200 here so I've got to get the exhaust part of the EGR cooler off and then we could pull that cooler right off there and hopefully get rid into getting the exhaust manifold off in there so let's try to get these three bolts out of this elbow here all right so things aren't going too good here undoing the elbow that comes out of the exhaust manifold Wow I already broke two studs off but the third one that one's acting like it's coming out it's probably gonna get so far and then bang that's just gonna strip off so we've got three broken bolts in the exhaust manifold here where that elbow hooks I know the exhaust gets recirculated through this all ball goes through the cooler and then it gets dumped back into the engine and now we got to get this exhaust manifold over on the bench and I've got a broken Bowl in all three locations so this is turning into be a fun little project which sometimes they they get to be troublesome like this so we've got to get this cooler off in there and then what we can do is get down into the exhaust manifold bolts here there's the top one there and then the lower one is in behind this cooler so that's why we've got to get this cooler off in there now the exhaust ends up going through here and then nurse this is kind of the after treatment system diesel fuel gets burned and all that crap so it's it's just part of the pollution control crap so we'll work on continue to work on that is get this cooler off so it's I think I'm gonna break some more bolts here before I'm done well this video is getting pretty logs so we're going to stop the video right here we're just getting into working on this here pretty good and the video is getting kind of long and I've got a lot of work left to do to this getting this exhaust manifold and stuff off so with that being said folks that is going to bring us to the end of the video here I want to thank you for watching remember to leave a thumbs up drop a comment down below we will catch you at the next video thanks again for watching
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 89,875
Rating: 4.9638438 out of 5
Id: vSJapE4P59Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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