Mixer project started | 8320 is back but not staying

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well folks how is it rolling today we are just about done loading feed here to smarten it is Monday morning January 6 and we're going to get the liners put in that mixer over there that is the supreme 1200 mixer that I bought used here a couple months ago to take the place of the Mexico AG and it got caught up in the fire there so that is the last load of feed there that wound up mixing on that mixer wagon and then I'm gonna start on the liner kit that's going to take us a little bit of time to get that in there and we've got the go ahead as well and then I've got one more load to mix up this morning then I'll be done feeding for today and we'll get ourselves down into the shop so we're loading sand today's our day to put bedding sand San Trump there so he's getting a load yet and we are moving load of soybeans over from one of the straight trucks down there the belt trailer so we can make up one big load to go in to do lon so we're gonna get after the rest of the feet in here and we're gonna get down into the shop start working on that next right okay so this is the last load that we're going to put on the supreme mixer we're just gonna do a little fly around here quick it's got a half-hour load loaded on it and yeah so do a little fly around it but it's all work good so far however the augers are getting real thin in it and the walls are the walls are getting thin - so we've got to get that liner kit in there and then of course right on this one side here we'll get down to it here just below the oil reservoir here you can just kind of see a hole coming through the one side there just you can see it just in front of the front tire right down below that oil reservoir there there's a hole coming through about five six inches long and that's real thin there so the liners they end up going up about halfway so another thing we're doing here areas were moving beans over from the straight truck and onto the aaalac belt trailer the other day we had started felling this street truck before Tim got back with the all ik trailer and then now of course we got snow on the ground but I gotta be I'll do beans for a while so they're just shoveling the corners out on this truck and then that one's gonna be empty they'll tarp this trailer and Tim will and taking that into Dumont and that'll be it for the beans for a little while until the snow melts off so that we can get after them we've got about 40 45 acres left or so to do so this auger here is the auger that we use to go out of that big silo there and then we have used it to go over to bulk water to fill in high moisture corn under this bunk over here on this other side you can kind of see it ripping it tarp there we are feeding at how moisture corn but we're keeping it covered up till we get back there a lot of ways and then we can keep that cover open so well we better get off and we'll dump this last load of feed here on this mixer wagon and that'll be that [Applause] all right we're feeding the last bit of the feed off for the morning here we're in barn 8 now this is the barn and we can add it on to we are now just coming up to where the Edition starts and we have cows in on this first section and then there's heifers in on this halter pen here you kind of see where I put them peppers off in that last clip there Mondays we put sand and so the guy that's sand and he's got the sand truck in here fresh sand to do that once a week all right I got all the good feet cleaned out of the mixer and it up taking the tops of the screws off so you're looking down at the top of the screw and then what these screws are augers will have you there's a planetary that comes up through the center of the screw and there's like ten I think there's ten bolts if I remember right that bolt this auger down to the planetary Drive and everything is real thin here we've got a hole coming through the side right there you can see that from the drawing and then our baffles are tore up here a little bit but they're not tore as bad as they were on the other 1,200 mixer that we've got that we rebuilt a year ago now the auger flighting itself which is this part here is rather thin this is down to right about a quarter of an inch this back one is in slightly better condition than the front one then of course you've got your various knives that cut up the bale hay here and then this is the front screw and that's quite a bit thinner then ha the rear one so guys have reef lighted be some screws before they put these pieces on and rewrapped it but the trouble is is this Center tube here gets thin and on this one it's actually wore through it's more through right there like stick my finger right inside there let me get a little light in here so yeah so there's a whole wall right through this one so this one wouldn't have been so this one would not have worked too well as to reef light that's just a mongrel job anyways to refight the auger it's better to just put new ones in and we've got new ones to go back in so we're going to get these tubes cleaned out there's a lot of crap down in there and the front ones got a little bit more than the rear one here so we'll get the cap screws out and now we can just hook a chain on that Center lug right there that bar go across the center and lift the screws out cleaning them XR out the rest of the way and start putting the wall liners in all right we have all the crap removed out of the screws there was a couple five gallon pails worth of crap here and and then we've got the bolts are all removed from out of the center of the auger here and then that's what bolts the auger down to the planetary itself so now now what we're gonna do is we're gonna back this mixer outside and we're going to drop a chain down in and we're going to drop a chain down and we're gonna hook onto here and we're gonna lift them up on the mixer and then we'll have to sweep this crap all out of here and then we can start putting our sheets in and get ready to weld them in there so back outside and get these lift it out well I interrupted here from working on the door and truck 14 which is an old six international I'll quit on the side of the road so we got to figure out what's going on with that headed there right now start to spit snow and everything else so we'll have to see how long that's gonna keep us from working on the mixer but it seems like every time I get a project calling I have something else that gets in the way but we'll join back with you in a little bit here and hopefully that truck is just a minor minor problem but at any rate we're gonna have to get him going so you can get to the field all right so jared has just called me it was on curse truck that has the problem and he had said that the wire is corroded and broke off of the altar so we're gonna have to take a new eyelet connector and get that connected to the wire the hot wire that comes off of the alternator so it seems like that's gonna be an easy fix and we're gonna be to him here in a little while and yeah all right we are just rolling up on her here so should be an easy fix all right so here is the culprit right there got ourselves a corroded wire and then that's gonna go on right here so hopefully that stud doesn't break the only thing I didn't bring with me as a spare alternator I do have one up to the shop I should have brought it so let's see if I can get this thing to stick right there you hold that block of wood right there maybe I could wrap that wire stand where I am or here that's wrong I'm too good either this one's a joke too here's the start she's flat now alright we did the best we could was that it worked using the sledgehammer to crimp them ends down go ahead and try that [Applause] [Applause] there title it down well back to shop we go there he goes [Music] [Music] all right we got the screws lift it up out of there we're going to run up we're gonna clean the rest of the crap out of the mixer and then we're gonna set the liners and here is the liner kit right here and we've had this kit for almost a year now that's all the side panels the triangular pieces are the baffles and then yeah so we're gonna cut them bands clean the mixer out and we're gonna start loading them pieces in so that we have everything in the inside of the mixer and then we've got the rest of the stuff here in the shop that's gonna go let the lighting adjust we got the rest of this stuff here in the shop there's two new screws there you can see the difference in the thickness of those screws there and then we've got some pieces that came off with a 900 mixer that are going to go on to that one the tail light housings in whatever they're gonna go on there and then we've got the top rubber extension here that's going to go up on top of the mixer and then we've got should have 20 knives there we've got enough knives to put on these screws here and the other mixer wagons so let's get up there and get the crap cleaned out of the mixer wagon then we can come back down start setting them liners in hand hopefully get weld in here before the days out so we'll come back at ya in a few minutes here alright we've got the 8320 back here at the farm we're gonna get this unloaded off the trailer the insurance company ended up total and so we're gonna get this off in here and we've gotten a hold of a couple salvage companies and we're going to see if maybe we can get something out of it for Salvage the first thing we're going to do is we're going to have a fire guy come and take the rear tires off of it those are pretty good we're going to put them on the other 8320 so we're just pairing off that tire the inside tire we back this off and they're quick and get this setting out a couple of block and wait for the fire guy to swap out the tires on the other set of wheels there as you can see the tires are in pretty good shape yes they are Michelin Agra rib so we could put these tires on the other 8320 insurance companies so long as it has tires on it that that's okay so yeah [Music] well interruptions interruptions interruptions so this globe oi trailer that we have his little pony motor on there that runs the hydraulics to lift up the hydraulic cylinder and that motor quit on us tonight ain't gonna put another one on there what we're gonna do now is we're gonna make up some hoses the power that gooseneck on that low boy led the road tractor so I should have done it years ago when we bought the lowboy what I thought it was just so much hand here to have the motor on there to lift the trailer up and down and we use multiple trucks on it you don't need a hydraulic system on the truck to raise and lower the gooseneck so that you can get attached and detached from the trailer so we're gonna build some poses now we're gonna run it right to the hydraulic system on the truck therefore we haven't got to deal with that boulder hydraulic unit that's up on top of the trailer there all right we ended up hooking into the tractor with the hoses that these hoses here my dog system on the truck and that's coming up into the valve here little raise this cylinder up and down so we have to raise this up and down in order to get the hitch time the oh boy to work so we got that plumbed in now he's going to run down and hook onto the lowboy we've got the power unit was humping there we've got that lifted off in there and this motor was a Harbor Freight special and that motor shot but the hydraulic system is still good so he's gonna run down and hook onto the lowboy well he's got her all hooked up here and working nicely [Music] they'll set nicely in there won't they good alright all right he's just gonna pull out from the trailer and that's gonna do her okay all right back up to the shop we go well we've got the liners all set into place we took the screws out earlier clean the whole mixer out when we set the the liners in and we are just out of time here for today I had a lot of jumping around to do just going back and forth between the different little problems of the day so we've got this far I thought I was going to get farther but that's just the way it goes so yeah we'll get after this tomorrow so that's going to do it for this video folks I want to thank you for watching remember to hit the thumbs up if you like these videos drop me a comment down below and we will catch it the next video thanks again folks
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 43,469
Rating: 4.9759216 out of 5
Id: rX9id87mvG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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