FFXIV: Reacting to Your TERRIBLE & GREAT UIs!

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hey everyone its Lynx yesterday I asked people in my discord to send in pictures of their user in their faces and I wanted to go through some of these you eyes and give my opinion on what makes a functional UI and how having a well-designed UI can improve your game play in ff14 so without any further ado let's just jump into it having a well-designed UI is very important because you need to focus on certain aspects while raiding in Final Fantasy 14 and if your UI is all over the place and scattered it's very difficult to have a consolidated you know information block or information square of what you need to know around your character what I value in the UI is keeping everything centralized around your character and all the valuable information right around where you're gonna be focusing most of your attention on and that is your character the reason that you need to focus on your character so intensely is because dodging a ohi's and like mechanics and everything will focus on your individual character in the game so when you can design your UI to keep your eyes near your character at all times then you're gonna have a much faster reaction time in raids if we quickly look at my UI here this is me in a tea pool not sure how long ago but this is a pretty up-to-date version of my UI you can see I have everything around my character that is very important to me we have my gauge down here we have the buff bar the reason why I keep the buff bar so close to my character is because I focus a lot on making sure my damage is inside of raid buffs and since I play a tank seeing the timers on my mitigation cooldowns is also very valuable you want to have your buff bar very close to where you're paying attention because optimizing rate buffs like I've been saying for my past few videos is very very important to doing effective damage and being able to see every red buff on your character can impact your rotation and so if it's like up in the corner and I had to keep looking over and over I'm actually losing focus of my character and instead of that I keep my buff bar near my character like very very close it's basically the thing that's right next to my character because it's what I paid the most attention to while reading on top of that right under it is the target bar and debuffs this is very important to me because I will make decisions on should I be hitting this target or that target based on how much HP is left or you know is my dot are my dots up on bard or seminary like it's very important that I I can number one see the Buffs so I can optimize my rotation on should I be snapshotting my dots should I be focusing on holding my cooldowns a bit and then my debuff says well so that if I'm playing a dot class or I can see my reprisal and it impacts the way I played the game my hotbar is pretty far down in my UI but that's just because I focus very intensely on making sure I know my rotation in and out without having to look at it when I'm rating very very little of my attention is actually on the hotbar I usually only look at it for like looking at specific cooldowns so how long is inner release away how far away is my next inner chaos you know how far away is my next thrill of thrill of battle so looking at my hotbar is not where I focus with the most intensely on it's actually around my character my buff bar my gauge the debuff sometimes look over my party list so I keep everything that's very important directly next to my character all right let's look into some other people's you eyes and I'll give my critiques and how they can improve their you eyes or if they're doing a good job then all I'll point out what I think is it's doing really well in their UI so first up we have my friend Alex flares here this is pretty much what I would consider the worst UI possible but obviously like it works for him and he's learned to use it but I mean look at this you have the target all the way up here buffs all the way at the very top so your focus has to go top of the monitor and then when you want to look at like your gauge and your cooldowns you have to go all the way down so his focus is constantly moving up and down and it's just it's gonna make him worse as a player if everything was consolidated around here let's say if he brought the target bar down if he brought the buff bar down you could focus 100% on this little block and that way you wouldn't have to move your eyes up and down so heavily to pay attention to what you're doing on top of that the parties on the left all the way on the left and then the target bars are all the way on the right this is less important if you're playing a DPS class but for me as a tank if we look at my UI we scroll back here you can see that I keep the target bar or the enemy list very very close because swapping between the enemy lists and seeing my threat on the enemies is also very important for tanking so again I think it would be very beneficial if he brought the target bar down and he brought the buff bar down that way you could focus 100% around you it's very important to make sure that your focus is near your character because that's the biggest part of rating dodging a ohi's make sure you're standing in the right spot making like looking out for other people that will all happen around your character model so when your focus is down at the bottom and up at the top and away from your character model you're losing that peripheral vision and focus is gonna be put elsewhere and it's not a good thing this is also another great UI for a DPS player when you're playing a DPS player your focus is mostly gonna be on your hotbar right like the the debuff the buffs and the target and everything are kind of less important when you're a DPS player because you're not gonna be making too many decisions based on the buff and debuff far as a tank or a healer might so everything is around the bottom here there are a few like you know hot bar spaces that aren't filled in but that's fine it's better to care about a functional UI than a like a good-looking one so I like that the the gauge is over here you can see it clearly in your peripheral vision there is a bit of a conflicting like on the left side is where the most of the rotation is in the gauges on the right side I think if we saw the gauge moved up maybe to this left corner or closer to the one to three and the main cooldowns here that could improve their UI but overall this is a pretty good design again I would move the the gauge a little bit over here so you'd have to move your eyes less between them left and right left and right but this is a really good design dy and for a DPS player it has all the information you need buff target debuff rotation gauge all consolidated their HP and MP is at the bottom you can take care about a little bit less as a DPS so that's fine having your HP MP at the bottom you're not really gonna be paying attention to it you're mostly waiting for your healers to heal you up right so this is a great UI I rate this a 10 another really good UI here by aria it has everything you need plus added on like the cooldowns over here on the right so a really common UI design is to have like your cooldowns and the main things you want to focus on on separate bars and then have your rotation down at the bottom I think this is really smart design if it helps you because you don't have to really pay attention to your combos when you're playing a melee job right fridge or goon specifically their combos are very very set in stone so if you know what combo step you're on paying attention to what combo you're actually about to hit is less important what is important is optimizing your cooldowns I'm not a big fan of it kind of being a little bit transparent but if that works for them then I'm that's fine it's it's always any personal preference I really like that the target bar is very close the buffs are at the very very like next to their character right so this their their attention will always be in this little circle they are kind of focusing a little bit to the right here but overall this is a really good design you you have everything you need the the the buffs the cooldowns the gauge everything you will need as a DPS player is very close once again their HP MP is at the bottom not great if you're a tank because you will have to make decisions based on your HP but for a DPS player this is perfect I mean this is like the ideal UI design alright let's move back to another not so great UI I'm not sure what in the world is happening here there are too many bars too many happy funtime buttons like this is going to ruin your attention while rating why do you have all of the classes all of the you know emotes that you want like this is bloat information on top of that the buffs are at the very top again the target is at the very top there like not important buffs are over here it's just their UI is so scattered the gauges over on the right the H like the the parties on the left like I have no idea what's going on in this yuan you essentially have like five separate areas of focus here you have the hotbar and all of its crazy additions that don't need to be there you have the buff in the the target bar at the top you have your gauge on the right side you have your eight like party on the left's like my eyes are moving all over the screen it's terrible on top of that none of the information on the screen here is anywhere around their character their hop are kind of but it's like really far down so when you're paying attention to your character here I mean what do you see in your peripheral vision nothing of importance there's literally zero information around the character and that means their focus is left stop right down at the bottom like never in the center that's that's really bad design here we go once again another UI that has just like different areas of paying attention you have the very center of the screen with your gauge you have the bottom right with your your and your cooldowns the top-left with the party I don't even know where the target bar is gonna be probably at the top considering the buffs are at the top I mean think about it you're looking at the bottom right to do your rotation then you look at the very top to look at your buff bar then you're looking at the very bottom to look at your gauge I mean your attention is nowhere near your character this is not a great setup if we go into the actual game here I mean look at what my UI this is like focus on what my character is close up you have gauge buff target debuff and then rotation at the bottom I never have to move my attention from the little circle of my character you understand this right here that I'm circling in with my mouse is all my eyes will ever look at sometimes I look down here to look at cooldowns but most of the time it's all around this little circle here with this UI when we draw the circle there's nothing there is literally zero information in the character circle if we move to a console you why this person plays on PlayStation 4 I think this is a pretty good designed UI for a controller you have all the buffs that you could ever want to pay attention to or the cooldowns I mean so you don't really have to pay attention to the cross hotbar here you have everything you need on this little bar you have the target right next to you the HP is at the bottom which is not my favorite design because as a tank you will want to pay attention to your HP but it can work out the gauge is gonna be next to the right here so when they're paying attention to their character they can clearly see the gauge that's good design the focus target a little bit off to the side but it's not supposed to be in the very middle right the focus target is something that you'll pay attention to in your peripheral vision so for a console UI this is really good alright this will be the last ey we look at and it's like very in the middle you have everything on the right here again blow information things you'll never have to care about while playing the game a bunch of emo it's a bunch of class swapping and all your mounts like performance stuff these are things that honestly you don't need on your screen I do like this setup here though for a healer what you really need to pay attention to is the specific cooldowns that are gonna like impact your healing right your rotation is two buttons you put up your DAW and then you cast a malefic in this scenario so I like this little setup here you can see you're at your HP and MP MP is important for healing you have all the healing cooldowns that's important I think that target bar being at the top and it's pretty okay for a healer because I'm assuming they're mostly paying attention to the party list when you're healing you're not really paying attention to the target bar you're paying attention to the HP of the party I don't know where the party list is on the screen but if we assume it's on the left side here then I think this is a really really good healer UI everything that you need to know as a healer is here and then let's assume the party is here you have peripheral vision of that I don't really think it's a great idea to lose all that information away from remove the information away from your character I think if the party the party was over here that probably better but as far as like keeping everything in a little circle over here is not terrible this is great for a healer I like the little consolidated cooldowns and I think this is this is a pretty good UI it can be improved by removing all the bloat information and depending on where your party list is whether it's on the left or the right will impact your peripheral vision of your character as keeping your eyes on your character is always important but this is pretty good finishing it off with my UI do I think it's perfect absolutely not you eyes are very personal they are very subjective and your UI needs to be tailored around what you want to pay attention to what I want to pay attention to is my gauge my buffs the target and the the HP of my character and that is all very very close next to each other on top of that for tanking what I pay attention to is the target list okay I look at these little these little colors here yellow means I'm close on threat red means I have threat that's very important when I'm tanking a dungeon I will look at this this target list and if I'm losing threat on any mob then that's very very apparent and close to me because it's close to where I'm paying attention remember when designing a you want you want your focus on the center of the screen okay assuming that's where your character is as we saw with the guy or the camera pan down maybe you adjust your UI if your camera is panned a bit but try to design your UI around your character okay when you're losing sight of your character you'll lose sight of a ohi's you'll lose sight of where you're standing you won't have as precise movement it's a disaster I don't want to bully my friend Alex because he's a good friend but definitely this is the absolute worst setup you can have right it looks good at a glance but think about where your eyes are going the top the bottom the top the bottom that's nowhere near your character when we draw a circular on the character there's nothing right your eyes are constantly gonna be beating between the bottom of the top of the screen that's terrible you want to keep everything centralized well that about wraps it up I hope you guys enjoyed this tile of video if you did leave a like let me know if you didn't like this and you like my scripted content better leave a dislike subscribe hit the notification bell to stay up to date with my content follow me on Twitter live streams Twitter for tweets check out my patreon if you want to support me further join my discord if you want to take part in these you know fun event videos and you know engage with me directly I try to respond to everybody that messages me on discord and that's the best place to get in contact with me oh yeah that's all I've got for now guys peace
Channel: Lynx Kameli
Views: 124,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, FFXIV, FFXIV ARR, FFXIV SHADOWBRINGERS, FFXIV SB, FFXIV SHB, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, dark knight, drk, warrior, war, gunbreaker, gnb, paladin, pld, tanking, guide, ffxiv tanking guide, ffxiv tanking, tanking guide, 5.2, 5.25, 5.3, lynx kameli, lynx kameli ffxiv, lynx kameli tank, lynx kameli tanking guide, ui, hud, ffxiv ui, ui guide
Id: tpsdboltTYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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