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4:59 and you wearing a bandana yeah oh yeah oh good morning you're ready to run [Music] Coffee is ready we have a special guest today Micah you're gonna be running the marathon yep are you ready no have you been training our training is done today is the day 26.2 miles when we told the folks at Ultra that our entire family was running a marathon they sent us seven pairs of shoes [Music] all right time to go let's go let's go all right we got everyone you got a parking spot for us this is your VIP spot all right thanks [Music] five more minutes how you feeling I really excited I'm really excited yeah I'm excited too really [Music] here we go [Music] buying into Kentucky [Music] we just passed mile one marker I'm really excited I'm the I'm 17 years old and I've ran four marathons I'm Eden I'm 16 years old and I've run for marathons my name is seven and I'm 14 years old and I have run seven marathons I'm Julia and I'm I ran two full marathons and two half marathons my name is kami and I have six kids I've done two marathons my name is Ben ray Crawford I may be 12 years old and I think I've done five marathons before my name is Ben and I'm the dad the beginning is hard because you're at Mile one and you're like what the hell have I gotten myself into just a smile to think I ate a little too much for breakfast [Music] at the beginning of the marathon is like you just are really excited you have a lot of energy and there's like a lot of people for at mile three now we're in Ohio [Music] for normally this would be about the time where we be coming up on bubble tea so I don't know how we're gonna make it we kind of lost Myka I think he thought we were ahead because I saw him sprinting but I didn't really want to stop him so I thought he'd figure it out sooner buddy yeah I still haven't found him sorry - Micah's parents hey where the heck are you [Music] I think when you hear like marathon like I didn't even know it a marathon was now I know like what it means I know what it's like to do when I know how many miles it is so when you just hear like marathon and sounds kind of intimidating I think the first time I did it I didn't really I mean I barely knew what it bears on was I knew it was gonna be hard but I didn't know if I was gonna be able to finish it I was seven at the time I mean it's only once a year so it's like every year like guys will do this I like running marathons because well there's like more people around you [Music] [Music] we just finished mile six feeling good but now we have the big hill ahead of us the biggest hill the whole course would you rather be trapped in a box of cockroaches or spiders for one hour that's the question huh I chose spiders all the way I choose conquer carry join us from our book club [Music] this lady was like a lot of team here [Music] when I tell them that my family is running a marathon I don't think it really registers for people when people find out that I do marathons it usually look at me pretty weird they're like really shocked there I've been like a couple times when someone's from like do you do any sports don't be like I run and no but have you ever thought about doing a marathon yeah I did three or four the most common response I get is just this look of unbelief and I didn't know kids could do that it's like really hard to explain to people that they actually want to run that's where we live over there [Music] a smile seven and I feel pretty good be kind of alright I'm I'm really excited and this is really fun feel like there's a lot better than last year because last year was really painful this is where the half marathoners split off from the full marathoners and this is where people realize that we're not doing the half marathon we're doing the full marathon right Leah over this way come on [Music] all right this is orchid look at this guy right here what's it like running in that thing it's a little sweaty but wonderful because you get lots of smile all right let's see what I got in here who wants a bite I do nevermind [Music] what is this gnosis yes please thank you things are starting to hurt now good then we got peppermint patties I think running is unique to like other like sports or any other physical exercise because really almost everyone can run well usually I don't really like running but I like running with my family only only I've been seeing the beauty of running mostly before I was just running just for training for something bigger why so my brother running trying with my dad and I was like if you can do it then I can do it with my kids I've seen a rise in their confidence both mentally and physically I've been able to do hard things [Music] my own I'm feeling pretty good a lot better than I did on the half marathon I'm excited hopefully I finish today I'm gonna keep going we inspire people and then there's people who inspire us like that guy right there [Applause] we got cookie there's mile 10 my knees feel a little bit worn down which wasn't really prepared for because when we were training waited 10 miles we just passed my eleven and my Cubs kind of hurt it has been so amazing for me to watch all of our kids but especially folia recently I'll just watch her run and just the freedom that she has and the way that she runs it's hard to explain I just have this picture of her in front of me and she's just running and she just knows that her body can do this 32 years run my first nurse so what do you think about kids run it I think the amazing as long as doesn't hurt them I've heard things about like hey you know girls plates know that stuff but cuz they don't myth or what people have said this is bad for your kids they're gonna grow up with arthritis and all this stuff and honestly I don't know for sure if that's true because it hasn't been actually studied I haven't seen a kid that's done what our kids have done and then now they're 30 and they have arthritis so to me it's all these predictions of what might happen I hope that doesn't happen but I've believed in something more than that I think whatever they're achieving now and with doing this with our whole family far outweighs whatever might happen to them physically in the future if people say kids shouldn't run this far then I would probably ask them like what age should you run I don't know I feel like good stupid to say that kids should run I told folia our eight-year-old you don't have to do this marathon if you don't want to do it and she was so pumped for it what if someone said to you that I don't think kids should run marathons don't do it yeah what thank you what do you think of an eight-year-old doing the marathon first this is our third [Music] [Applause] [Music] phileas feet are hurting a little bit we're trying to figure out if we should switch him out with her other shoes Salter ones basically this foot all the slips that hurts yes I think so not remember it hurts when I bend it around [Music] what do you think would make you stop my body really hurting that made like especially I feel like there's a lot of pills and that's just really tired she thought we were talking about her quitting and then she was like I'm not quitting my favorite part is the finish line [Music] are you serious those are thin mints oh my goodness mr. grand pants I like it when we meet our grammar grandpa usually they come out at least we didn't see them like once or twice during the marathon oh my goodness is amazing and I thought one time we put kids can run I can run but no no I don't think I cannot come stay with the kids [Music] all right ready for you please got some new shoes ready bye-bye we'll see you later okay we're gonna go for a run we're gonna run some more and then we'll see you in a little bit okay I love seeing meeting my grandma grandpa and Rainier because it's just a really big emotional boost for everyone and yeah I'm excited to see them again we just passed mile 13 we're halfway there I don't know if that's encouraging or discouraging to me we switched fully his shoes so far seems to be doing okay things are starting to hurt more there's so many people cheering for you and handing you snacks that it's hard not to keep going my favorite part of the marathon is I think whenever there's just a big group of people like cheering it just feels so so encouraging my favorite part of the marathon is how many people come out and cheer you on it's insane like it's crazy how just a bunch of people in the sidelines clapping can just make you feel you don't go half a mile without someone out there just like cheering you on and giving you something to eat that carries you through like half of the marathon sometimes people will be like standing outside their houses handing out food there's just one part I don't really care about this part but I think it's cool where they hand out like beer [Music] how are your feet feeling a little bit better so hurts a little bit I think I'm gonna twine on everything starts to hurt I'm at the playground [Music] Hey yeah this is targets here last year hello Mallya hand I put you last they have Snickers of the dog on the fire hydrant just incredible we need to get sticks what do you got there bacon so we're in an otter pop hey [Music] I'm pretty good does anything hurt [Music] you want to quit [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Hey look over here Hey [Applause] this is Micah's parents Kourtney and Ted he's made it so far what did you think about it when he said he was gonna do it I was like I was planning on picking him up five miles from downtown he's hanging in there good I'd like a full photo shoot going on right now all right thanks guys good seeing you bye all right let's go [Music] we're at Mile 16 are we close to half like we're past halfway we have we have 10 more miles hey Jocelyn [Music] phileas way up there we got a catcher it's mile 17 and I'm feeling pretty good my feet hurt but still want to keep them going okay we'll keep on [Music] we got a side egg here hey Jen okay where's it hurt we just passed mile 18 mile 18 is supposed to be like the death mile for us just like pavement really hurts and feeding around mile 18 is a beast because that's about the time where you're starting to feel like things are starting to really hurt but you still have quite a bit of miles left to go after a certain point your legs kind of just like it feels like they're like this and you're just like moving them back and forth like it's they stop like where your legs are like oh this this past any training point except for last year yeah it's the hardest part it's painful yeah it's always hard first time I ran in the marathon I didn't think I could do it but I did it but there's a lot of her time fun doesn't it like her to run the marathon well if it's like 22 miles and it hurts really bad before every single marathon that I've done always in the back of my mind I'm like well I like maybe I won't finish this one I think it's allowed my kids to see that they actually have a lot of potential inside of them and to be able to bring that forward my body feels like super tired and I feel really exhausted but I feel like really want to keep on going cause once you're that far you just want to keep doing I think that's gonna be really valuable for them later on in life when they are faced with something hard they're gonna say I've done this before I'm blown away I'm blown away because it's just it's just one of the the neatest thing cuz you know I'm here just to encourage people but seeing someone like that that encourages me that is just phenomenal so I'm that made my day I had I had heard about you back at about mile 13 and I said I'm gonna catch that family then a friend of mine said they're right up ahead mile 20 my body or legs are really starting to cramp up and the jokes we've been saying aren't funny anymore and everything is slower all right please kind of hurt in here but luckily we came upon a special place alright see you in a bit all right how was that good it's getting really hard here please slowing down quite a bit things are starting to hurt but are still going forward I'm not really worried about not being able to finish the marathon but I always like before every single marathon that I've done always in the back of my mind I'm like well I like maybe I won't finish this one my favorite part of the race is watching the kids kind of step up and encourage each other and just be there for each other and us sometimes good good job thank you [Music] we're sitting waiting for cami I don't have some table to get up Oh what hurts I think our kids are seen how far they can push themselves mentally and physically and they're not doing it alone they're doing it with all of us as a family together and I think that's going to be really valuable for them later on my back hurts pretty bad my cow sir but I smell like and then on the marathon when things are hurting and sore you look at your teammates who are still going and the other runners and it makes you believe that you can keep on going um it's easier to talk about what doesn't hurt which is actually my face but that kind of hurts you actually Micah hang it on but actually really I'm not even I'm in as much pain as I was in my late at the half 100 [Laughter] [Music] my legs feel like they're going to hell [Music] what is she done the inchworm has a name apparently and now that has a home yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] hey where'd dale go I I put them on the ground I think he'll be happier there as a family doing hard things together we have learned how to encourage one another how to help us each person who's struggling how to help them to keep on going grandparents are back all right we'll see you at the finish line okay bye we just passed mile 22 my legs really hurt there's only three miles left with they're getting long that was the longest mile we've done so far what got me to run that distance was watching my husband Ben and my son 7 start running they ran a marathon this was 5 or 6 years ago and I thought well if my eight-year-old can do this what are my excuses I mean I think it really just came down to I was afraid and I also believe I just couldn't do it man there was a guy there that for almost every year the marathon was just blast Chariots of Fire music and he died this year but they're still playing it that's a powerful I can't believe they were out there I was like dreading passing that section oh wow look at that you see what that sign says right over there that says mile 24 do you know what that means 1 mile it now two miles left all right right idea this babes we got this I can't believe it there's the city you guys having a challenge that seems difficult or impossible for our family that we need to face together brings out the best in everyone it also brings out the worst but if you can overcome the worst we see each other with a new level of respect and care and excitement that we wouldn't get if we were just at home watching TV one two three all right this is the point all right start to think we're gonna do this I feel like this time is not it's not as hard mentally for me because I know we can do this man my body hurts when I was first running it when I was 8 I definitely thought I couldn't do it how like mile 20 I was like no I'm done but after I did that one and then I was like well I'll just do one more and then that kept on happening and then when fully a memory started running I was like well if they can do I can do it and that just held off till now which now I'm like yeah I definitely know I can't run it now I think I'm gonna be able to run this marathon the whole entire way it's right over there right where that purple bridge is right there okay all right [Music] 26 my favorite part is like the finish line because there's ton of people cheering you on it's kind of is we make it kind of dramatic with like holding hands and like we all go through at the same time it's just like not really describable but the ending feels very relieving feels definitely amazing you just have a sense of relief and amazement at yourself and at all of us that we did this together it's just insane every single time no matter how many marathons we've run it feels so good I look at my kids and I'm amazed like every single time [Music] [Music] maybe you can't stop smiling and then you just want to hug everyone you see [Music] more anything about it the more you're like oh I just ran a marathon [Music] well like I like it when we just finished the marathon and maybe get like food there's food on the way so we're half full okay this [Music] look it's Harvey [Music] Micah you did it congratulations [Music]
Channel: Fight for Together
Views: 482,693
Rating: 4.819397 out of 5
Keywords: fight for together, family, family adventure, homeschool, home school, homeschool vlog, large families, parenting, unschooling, unschooler, marathon, long distance running, ultra running, running with kids, kids run marathon, family marathon, how far can kids run
Id: mQG7CwFbW4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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