EXTREME Diving With Tom Daley

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what's up guys welcome to the lamina cracka cleaner we have finally got the man in self world champion well champion is regretfully - thank you very much mr. Tom Daley and thank you so much the time back on the channel so many people have been asking you because the guys so I hope you're ready because that 10 meter is the height of two double-decker buses and a car part on top of each other and you two are going to be going we only like it or not I'm a little nervous not going to do it or know if you guys can stop this video right now and write a comment below saying yes we're going to be able to do it or no we're not gonna be able to do it but we need to go and get some speedos on yeah and get this underway okay all right how do we look I mean you look at the top I don't think we're going to see all these verbs I think we're going to tell the one beer starts on the bottom like I'll lay all the way up there to ten missable oh there you go again with that can Network and meter malarkey today naught to 35 miles an hour 1.5 seconds so welcome to tom cam it's going to be fun we're going to be trying to get them off of the 10 meter board question is are they actually brave enough they're giving it all the large beans saying that they're going to be able to get off the 10-meter but it's a long way down we shall see take up so now that they have done the 1 meter already we're now going up onto the 3 metre platform how did you find one yeah right yes I'm really stupid and naive but a lot more technical than I thought but normally I'm like a proper run off the end cannonball kind of guy yeah you gotta have controls Gaza after the 10 meter so this is three meters in half so it's where yeah just less than a third of the way and this is what we're looking at hard to see how high it is on the camera both app that you find both ready to go to the next level which is the five meter but Leon did have a little bit of backward rotation so if he's not careful he's going to get a lot of water in places that he does not want to get so if you have some sort that after the next levels up ups private you ready for five meter yeah do it how's this one looking a lot high I thought that was a ten meter and I saw that one sitting out the top that is a long way so a half way now that long way that's a long way that's not bad she's site because you ran to it a little bit you had a beverage holder okay yeah whenever you're ready [Music] one movement of the head will make you this before that way or go that way just trying keep a bit more neutral so that is now the 5-meter complete their halfway to the 10-meter board now so we're going to move on up to the seven point five meter three-quarters of the way and see if they can manage to land the right way up so then progress to the top board which is attended [Music] we've now completed three horses of permission so the next one is the 10-meter up there behind me they might experience a little bit of an a Kanaka if they're not careful they have to make sure that they're in perfect control for that moment when they leave the board so they hit the water because if they lose control they lose balance going to her [Music] there's John setting up the camera all the way over drying it up absolutely tiny it's a lot higher than it looks from down there that's is your electricity because you can't get any perspective but when you've got John stood there you know he's sick that's all yeah I mean a guy he looks like a hobbit well so think that that over there is a 50 meter pool yeah that gives a little it looks like that yeah it does so they are ready to go now up here on the 10 meter and I am going to show you what it looks like from Tom town so are you ready yeah I'm absolutely myself I'm not even kidding I'm not I'm not doing that look on your face for a while over you want to go down to five [Music] he got there you're good to go yeah good one definitely a very proud teacher here proud coach they went off the 10-meter and they did so well they managed to do it without even thinking about it they were off the ends and they were into the water no injuries so far and now it's time to learn how to dive headfirst and now it's time to learn how to dive headfirst so now that you warmed up and you're in the water yeah we're going to make you the next G be synchronized I'm yeah everything my rhythm in the belly-flop Olympic high here you got no coordination none zero must work on that but we'll get you going up on the servicing phone do it [Music] the water and then get back open [Music] got some like style [Music] we're going up to the three meter board we regret plus level one halfway between the second and third line yeah that's one you're going to aim for you got it and just fall and stretch towards that stuff on your toes and just four stretch so they managed to get off of the five meter doing the pike fall it was a pretty good achievement it did look close did a couple of scorpions finals and hit the order because they're changing direction on the hit the water but they've done a good job all in a day's work so apparently we're now GB divers how do we do Tom you did great I'm actually genuinely pretty impressing is there such thing as like a triplet synchro diver like I don't know like a drink row you should make that like twink row that that needs to happen then we can go in the next Olympics the new GB Trinko there you go times beer first so make sure guys you head over to Tom's channel offer a link below check out your channel it's absolutely awesome Tom you've got honeymoon that we have time off yes I'm off on honeymoon now and break and I don't have to get back in there for like another three weeks so I'm happy fella amazing well thank you so much you have enough mate it's always fun having you Angleton I got a lot respect what you do and that was a lot of fun and I made how hard is it was it was super hard you'll never you can never really relate until you've tried it so if you've got somewhere like this new you give it a bash if not give Tom a little knock and I'm sure he's running out at me also even less than that don't forget to subscribe to the channel guys thank you so much if you loved it give it a massive thumbs up and we'll see you next week bye guys [Music] yeah oh great hahahaha
Channel: TheLeanMachines
Views: 3,701,205
Rating: 4.8427186 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Daley, Diving, Tom Daley Diving, Lean Machines, Extreme Diving, Olympic diving, Olympics, How to dive, Learning to dive, fitness, diving vs crossfit, World Champion, nile wilson, nile vs tom, nile wilson diving, tom daley gymnastics
Id: 4sC5XxhvE0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2017
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