8 Ways To Turn a Dirtbike Around

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when there are a bunch of ways you can do it much more easy okay okay this one's for real now sometimes when you're out trail riding you'll find yourself in a position where the bike's not exactly pointed the direction you want it to be you may have missed a turn off your buddy might have broken down behind you or you just want to hit a 180 and go repeat that really cool section you just rode being able to efficiently turn your bike around is super important while trail riding it's gonna save you a lot of energy it's gonna save you a lot of time and let's be honest it looks a lot cooler than going all hulk mode trying to wrestle your bike okay you gotta admit it's pretty cool to pick your whole bike up but don't do it just to get it pointed in the other direction in this video i'm going to show you eight different ways to efficiently turn your bike around from the most basic skills all the way up to some pretty expert technique number one the full lock turn the most basic yet sometimes humbling way to turn your bike around this technique is used on wide trailer roads it is an essential part of riding in general yet i don't feel it's emphasized enough to do this maneuver you simply need to stand on the pegs open up or spread out your knees turn the bars to the stop and tilt the bike in the direction you are turning make sure to keep your button hips as far to the outside of the turn as possible keep it low and plant it on the outside peg you need to use your weight as a counterbalance to prevent from falling over or losing traction it takes quite a bit of practice to master this as you are needing to precisely and smoothly control the throttle clutch balance and sometimes braking to successfully make the turn in a tight space it isn't the most practical way to turn your bike around due to its limitations on required trail width but it's nice to have ready when it's an option technique number two the kickstand pivot this is by far the easiest technique simply get off your bike put the kickstand down and pull it toward you until it balances once you've found the balance point you can easily pivot the bike in any direction the downfall to this technique is that of course it requires you to get off your bike it also puts a lot of stress on your kickstand so be careful not to break it off technique number three the foot down donut this one is fairly simple and it's quite a bit of fun start by putting a foot on the ground lean the bike over with the bars turn in that same direction support the weight with your inside arm and foot open up the throttle a little bit then dump the clutch to break the rear tire free this will cause the rear end to slide out and whip around while doing this you'll have to resist and kind of pull the handlebars toward you to maintain control and keep the maneuver tight this is best used for fast direction changes in medium to wide trails to do it even more flowy and fast try sliding the rear end to get about the first 90 degrees of rotation and then dump the clutch this technique can be done with both feet on the ground next to the bike as well people who aren't comfortable supporting all the weight of the bike on one leg or those who can't reach the ground may find it best to do it this way of course you lose that quickness by having to get off the bike technique number four the fish hook you tried your hardest to get up that loamy hill but now you're stuck somewhere short of the top turn off or stall the bike leaving it in gear hold your rear brake if possible so you don't roll backwards right away when ready turn your bars to one side put your foot down on that same side and lean the bike slightly slowly release the rear brake and or pull in the clutch to allow the bike to start rolling back apply rear brake and or release the clutch as needed to control rollback speed once the bike has rotated about 90 degrees or more you can point the front wheel downhill and continue to roll forward work on doing this in one smooth motion if possible utilize balance and control to conserve energy be careful about using the front brake you want to prevent the front wheel from locking up so that it can roll and change the direction of your bike if you lock the front wheel up the bike won't turn and you'll slide straight back losing control technique number five the roll up provided that you have an incline on one side of the trail turn the bike into the slope then let it roll back as you turn the bars the opposite way the front end will roll around and point you the other way listen to this next clip and notice how smooth and controlled my throttle and clutch are notice how i'm switching which foot is on the peg in order to maintain balance [Music] technique number six step pivots you've probably all heard of the pivot turn well this is its baby cousin although i'm comfortable doing pivot turns in almost any situation i use this one very often when traction is unpredictable and consequences are high plant one foot down on the side you want to turn to using small blips of throttle and clutch begin working the front wheel over in small bites this allows you to precisely plant the front wheel on rocks or maneuver it around and over other obstacles i recommend keeping your right foot on the peg whenever possible in order to maintain rear brake control however sometimes you'll have to put both feet on the ground in order to stay stable and of course we've arrived at the technique you've all been waiting for number seven the pivot turn this is by far the most versatile and effective technique to turn the bike around it can be used on roads quad trails single track flats off camber rocks you name it that versatility comes with the price however out of all the practical methods it's certainly the most challenging to learn and applying it requires absolute confidence and control it would require a whole video to explain this technique it's the combination of many individual bike control skills mixed into whoa whoa whoa hold up for just a sec now you see that right there all right hold on let me zoom in for you yeah that right there is the freight train kit for yz-125 and yz-250 it's got electron h-series carburetor a boysen rad valve an apex head and a funnel web air filter this combination of parts is proven to make your yz rip go to the link in the description and check it out on my website it's the combination of many individual bike control skills mixed into a barrel of practice time and dedication the key to doing a very good and controlled pivot turn is to completely balance the bike as you can see here i'm able to shut the bike off and pivot it on the rear wheel keeping it completely balanced getting it up to this balance point is the most challenging part but once you're there it requires very minimal effort to turn the bike ideally you'll keep your right foot on the peg so you can access the rear brake but depending on the situation you may have to put two feet down to stay in control [Music] [Applause] technique number eight the floater no we're not talking about bathroom breaks here just a bonus fun way to turn around i've yet to use this technique in a practical scenario yet because to be honest i'm still trying to figure it out sometimes i get it right most the time i get it wrong and for me it has to be a pretty perfect setup in order for me to nail it i'm obviously still learning how to do this one but the general idea is to throw your body weight toward the hill you're riding up and also use your front suspension to kind of rebound the front wheel and change the direction of the bike compressing then releasing the front end timed with a very quick and precise clutch and throttle blip is very crucial to getting this trick right watch and listen to it in full speed to see just how fluid and precise it needs to be [Applause] if you want more info on riding tips bike setup and other interesting topics be sure to check out my new blog before these ideas become videos that's where you'll see them first create an account to receive email updates when new posts are live i've got to give a big thanks to my friend nick for letting me tear up his driveway and yard to film this video as well as for helping me get some of the shots i'm really really sorry for ruining your very rare and expensive moss by your front door when i almost crashed into your deck my bad
Channel: BeRAD
Views: 517,753
Rating: 4.9360299 out of 5
Keywords: BeRAD, Beradmoto, products, michigan, dirtbike, Yamaha, yz250, yz250x, crash, epic, wheelie, fail, shenanigans, fast, enduro, single, track, Gnar, lectron, yz125x, hard, sherco, 300, se300, extreme
Id: 7rE2ap7RFzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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